Bath Time Songs with Jack Kid Songs and Nursery Rhymes by Little Angel

  • le mois dernier


00:00Little Jack was getting ready to have his bath, but he told his mom,
00:11Mommy, baths are so boring!
00:15So Jack imagined that he was on a pirate ship.
00:19My name's Captain Jack, discovering treasure checks,
00:26Finding new islands in the big blue sea, and my crew sails along with me.
00:34Jack got a stick and a pillowcase, and made a flag for his boat.
00:42I've got my flag, flying in the air.
00:49Yarrr, ooh, arrr, where shall we go? Ahoy, over there!
00:58Now I have my flag, I can use the shower curtain as my sail,
01:02So I can chase the waves and ride the sea.
01:06I've got my sail, up there catching a breeze.
01:14Turning this way and swaying there, sailing on the seas.
01:21Ahoy, ahoy, it's Captain Jack of the seas!
01:27All I need now is my captain's hat, so my crew knows I'm the captain of the seas.
01:37Now I look like a captain, and we can sail across the ocean and find treasures and discover new islands.
01:45My name's Captain Jack, discovering treasure checks,
01:53Finding new islands in the big blue sea, and my crew sails along with me.
02:01Jack, my dear, it's time to get dry and get ready for bed. Bath time is over.
02:06Mommy, I was discovering new islands in the ocean!
02:10That's so much fun, honey! Maybe tomorrow you can be an astronaut going to Mars!
02:16From that day on, Jack always looked forward to bath time,
02:20And he learned that if he used his imagination, who knows what he can be!
02:27Little Jack was all tucked up in bed, ready for a good night's sleep.
02:33But he thought he heard a noise coming from under his bed.
02:38What was that noise?
02:42It came from under the bed.
02:46It's so scary, I'm so scared, I'm nervous.
02:52It's so scary, I'm so scared, I'm not sure it's in my head.
02:59Jack laid still, not making a sound, but then came another rumble from under his bed.
03:07There it was again.
03:11I think I saw it wave.
03:15It's so scary, I'm so scared, I'll look and I will be brave.
03:23Please don't be scared. I'm here to play.
03:27Ah, but you're a monster!
03:30Doesn't mean we can't play. Do you want to play catch? I think there's a ball over there.
03:37Hey, let's throw the ball.
03:41You catch and I can throw.
03:45This is fun and I'm not scared. Playing catch is fun, you know.
03:52Wow, this is fun! Can we play again tomorrow night?
03:57Of course. Now it's time for both of us to go to bed.
04:03Hello, Mr. Monster. Can we play catch again?
04:06Hi! What about a different game tonight? What about hide and seek?
04:10Yes, please!
04:11You can go hide now. I'll count and then I'll seek.
04:18You're not over here or over there. Oh look, there you are.
04:26What Jack didn't notice as he started to climb out from his hiding place
04:32was that the monster was disappearing because Jack wasn't afraid anymore.
04:38He had overcome his fear and could now sleep easy in his bed,
04:43knowing that he had been very brave.
04:49Mommy, I want to be a superhero.
04:53Hmm, what do superheroes do?
04:57Superheroes do super things. They help, they protect, they are amazing.
05:03I want to be a superhero followed and loved by everyone everywhere that I go.
05:19Kind and thoughtful is what you need to be a superhero just like you and me.
05:24Helping everyone everywhere you go, that's what makes you a superhero.
05:29I want to be a superhero followed and loved by everyone everywhere that I go.
05:44Brave and gentle is what you need to be a superhero just like you and me.
05:49Helping everyone everywhere you go, that's what makes you a superhero.
05:56Do you really think, Mommy, that I'm a superhero?
06:00Anyone can be a superhero. It's inside of everyone that you know.
06:05Thoughts and actions, words and deeds, a superhero's just like you and me.
06:12I want to be big. I want to be big. I want to be big so I can see the treetop.
06:20I don't like being small. I can't see anything the adults see.
06:24Being small means you can play with things on the ground and see bugs and little animals that we don't.
06:29I want to be tall. I want to be tall. I want to be tall so I can reach the cookies.
06:38I'm too short. I wish I was as tall as you so I could reach everything.
06:43But being small is fun too. You can climb through tunnels and make little dens to play in.
06:48I want to be strong. I want to be strong. I want to be strong so I can lift a big toy.
06:57Oh, why can't I just be grown up?
07:00You will be in time. You get to enjoy being carried around by Daddy and riding on my shoulders.
07:07I want to be big. I want to be big. I want to be big so I can stay up later.
07:16My mom and dad stay up so much later than me. I wish I could stay up late.
07:20But you will be able to when you're older. Now your body needs to sleep to grow bigger every day.
07:25I want to go to work. I want to go to work. I want to go to work so I can be a grown up.
07:33I want to have a job and drive a car.
07:36There's plenty of time for you to learn all those things. Enjoy being young and playing with your friends.
07:42I want to be strong. I want to be strong. I want to be strong so I can open tough jars.
07:50One day you will be old enough for all of these things. You don't need to grow up too fast. Enjoy playing with your friends and being small.
08:00We are just the best. We purr so loud and proud. We have soft tails and fluffy fur and love to strut around.
08:08Well, dogs can bark, which is way better than purring. Watch!
08:15We are just the best. We bark so strong and loud. We have soft ears and fluffy fur and love to strut around.
08:24We are just the best. We bark so strong and loud. We have soft ears and wiggly tails and love to jump around.
08:31Hey friends, do you think that dogs are better than cats? We can do lots more than them.
08:38No way! Cats are obviously better than dogs. We can do all kinds of stuff that you can't do.
08:45We are just the best. We climb trees all day. We climb up high to the very top to pass the time away.
08:54We're a lot more fun. We can do tons of stuff that cats can't do. Watch!
09:00We are just the best. We wag our tails all day. We play with sticks and dig big holes to pass the time away.
09:07Don't you think that cats are the best? We can do all sorts of stuff like pouncing.
09:14Well, we are just the best at catching mice and fish. We catch things so well in our paws we pounce and flick and swish.
09:21Well, it seems like cats do fun stuff too. I guess we're both great at different things.
09:26Yeah! We like doing different things, but that doesn't mean we can't play together.
09:35We are all the best at playing our own way, but we can play together too and pass the time away.
09:44Apples or bananas, which one is the best?
09:52We are apples. We are the best. Better than the rest. Better than the rest.
09:58Red, crunchy, and juicy. Oh, we are the best.
10:03He's so blessed. Bananas are the best. Bananas are the best. Bananas are the best.
10:09Sweet, yellow, and so soft. Oh, we are the best.
10:14I like both of you. I can decide. What do you think, friends?
10:19What do you like better?
10:24We are apples. We are the best. Better than the rest. Better than the rest.
10:29Salads, juices, and in pies. Yes, we are the best.
10:34He's so blessed. Bananas are the best. Bananas are the best. Bananas are the best.
10:40Milkshakes, ice creams, and even bread. Yes, we are the best.
10:45I love apple pies. And I love banana cake. Oh, both are so yummy. I still can't decide. Can you help me?
10:55We are apples. We are the best. Better than the rest. Better than the rest.
11:00An apple a day keeps the doctor away. You know we are the best.
11:05He's so blessed. Bananas are the best. Bananas are the best. Bananas are the best.
11:11Bananas are the best. Bananas are the best. A banana a day keeps you strong and big. You know we are the best.
11:19I know I can't decide because both apples and bananas are the best in their own way.
11:25What do you think, friends? Don't you agree?
11:29Eating fruit is good for you. Apples and bananas too. Mash them, slice them, chop them up. They're good for me and you.
11:41I'm a banana and I live in a tree. When I awoke today, I couldn't see. My yellow peel, where could it be? Let's ask Apple. She'll help me.
12:03Hello Banana, you'll never guess what. I slept in late and I need to get up. I looked in the mirror and I had a scare. I can't find my apple skin anywhere.
12:18Where is my peel? I need my peel. Where is my skin? I need my skin. We need to look. We need to find the skin for me and that peel of mine.
12:30Do you remember where we went yesterday? We went to the park. Let's look there.
12:39Where is my peel? I need my peel. Where is my skin? I need my skin. We need to look. We need to find the skin for me and that peel of mine.
12:50I can't see anything left here. What did we do next? Well, we went home and we went straight to bed. Ok, let's go back home.
12:59Where is my peel? I need my peel. Where is my skin? I need my skin. We need to look. We need to find the skin for me and that peel of mine.
13:10Oh, I remember. I got really hot in the night and took my peel off to cool down. There it is under my bed.
13:19Oh look, my skin is hanging on the door. It must have got hot when I got up in the night.
13:25What silly fruits we are. We'll have to look closer next time.
13:30Hi there. I hope you liked this video and will stick around for the next one.
13:34Don't forget, if you haven't subscribed to Little Angel, do it now by clicking the red button below.
14:00I don't want carrots. They are yucky. Yucky, yucky carrots. Ew, ew, ew.
14:11If Bunny likes carrots, so do I. Yummy, yummy carrots. Mmm, mmm, mmm.
14:30I don't want broccoli. It is so yucky. Yucky, yucky broccoli. Ew, ew, ew.
14:45If Panda likes broccoli, so do I. Yummy, yummy broccoli. Mmm, mmm, mmm.
15:00It's time for Baby to eat some spinach. Yum, yum spinach is so good.
15:06I don't want spinach. It's so yucky. Yucky, yucky spinach. Ew, ew, ew.
15:13But Popeye likes spinach so, so much. He thinks it tastes so, so yummy.
15:20Well, if Popeye likes spinach, so do I. Yummy, yummy spinach. Mmm, mmm, mmm.
15:27Vegetables are yummy, yummy in your tummy, tummy. Vegetables make you grow up strong.
15:35It's time for Baby to eat some tomatoes. Yum, yum tomatoes are so good.
15:42I don't want tomatoes. They are so yucky. Yucky, yucky tomatoes. Ew, ew, ew.
15:50But Bear likes tomatoes so, so much. He thinks they taste so yum, yummy.
15:56Well, if Bear likes tomatoes, so do I. Yummy, yummy tomatoes. Mmm, mmm, mmm.
16:03Vegetables are yummy, yummy in your tummy, tummy. Vegetables make you grow up strong.
16:20Daddy grabbed a snake. Ha, ha. Daddy grabbed a snake. Ha, ha.
16:25Daddy grabbed a snake. Ha, ha. He thought it was a tree vine.
16:30We all laugh and play. Ha, ha. We all laugh and play. Ha, ha.
16:35We all laugh and play. Ha, ha. We all laugh together.
16:40Mommy swung on a branch. Hee, hee. Mommy swung on a branch. Hee, hee.
16:45Mommy swung on a branch. Hee, hee. She's such a funny mommy.
16:50We all laugh and play. Hee, hee. We all laugh and play. Hee, hee.
16:55We all laugh and play. Hee, hee. We all laugh together.
17:00Brother swung on his tail. Hoo, hoo. Brother swung on his tail. Hoo, hoo.
17:05Brother swung on his tail. Hoo, hoo. He always makes us giggle.
17:10We all laugh and play. Hoo, hoo. We all laugh and play. Hoo, hoo.
17:14We all laugh together.
17:17Sister rolled on the floor. Hee, hee. Sister rolled on the floor. Hee, hee.
17:23Sister rolled on the floor. Hee, hee. She's making funny shapes. Hee, hee.
17:28We all laugh and play. Hee, hee. We all laugh and play. Hee, hee.
17:33We all laugh and play. Hee, hee. We all laugh together.
17:38Baby made a silly noise. Ha, ha. Baby made a silly noise. Ha, ha.
17:43Playing and making faces. Hee, hee. We all laugh and play. Hee, hee.
17:48We all laugh and play. Hee, hee. We all laugh and play. Hee, hee.
17:53We all laugh together.
18:13Mixing of the ice cream. Shake on the sprinkle. Shake on the sprinkle.
18:18Let's make some more. Let's make some more.
18:21We can do it while jumping. Oh, a milkshake. Oh, a milkshake.
18:26Mixing of the ice cream. Mixing of the ice cream.
18:30Shake on the sprinkle. Shake on the sprinkle.
18:33Let's make some more. Let's make some more.
18:36We can do it on one leg. Oh, a milkshake. Oh, a milkshake.
18:41Mixing of the ice cream. Mixing of the ice cream.
18:44Shake on the sprinkle. Shake on the sprinkle.
18:48Let's make some more. Let's make some more.
18:51We can do it on the other leg. Oh, a milkshake. Oh, a milkshake.
18:56Mixing of the ice cream. Mixing of the ice cream.
19:00Shake on the sprinkle. Shake on the sprinkle.
19:03Let's make some more. Let's make some more.
19:06We can do it while whispering. Oh, a milkshake.
19:10Oh, a milkshake. Mixing of the ice cream. Mixing of the ice cream.
19:15Shake on the sprinkle. Shake on the sprinkle.
19:18Let's make some more. Let's make some more.
19:22We can do it louder. Oh, a milkshake. Oh, a milkshake.
19:27Mixing of the ice cream. Mixing of the ice cream.
19:30Shake on the sprinkle. Shake on the sprinkle.
19:34Let's make some more. Let's make some more.
19:37Let's have a rest.
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