Goosebumps- The Blob That Ate Everyone S02 E23

  • 2 months ago
A famous horror writer. That's what Zackie Beauchamp wants to be. He's writing a story about a giant blob monster. A pink slimy creature who eats up an entire town! Then Zackie finds the typewriter. In a burned down antique store. He takes it home and starts typing. But there's something really odd about that typewriter. Something really dangerous. Because now every scary word Zackie writes is starting to come true...


00:00You will beware, you're in for a scare.
00:30Of all the stupid chores my mom makes me do, cleaning out the basement has got to be the creepiest.
00:43Zach, check this out.
00:45I wonder what's inside.
00:46Don't open it.
00:47Why not?
00:48Can't you read?
00:50Top secret science project. Beware.
00:53Okay, now I've got to open it.
01:06They're just worms.
01:08What's a box of worms doing down in the basement?
01:11Check this out.
01:17Zach, look at this.
01:24Run, Alex!
01:32Get it off!
01:37Help me!
01:43Help me!
01:49Well, what do you guys think?
01:51That was the scariest story that you've ever written.
01:54Yeah, I call it Adventure of the Blob Monster.
01:56It's awesome.
01:57If you ask me, it was lame.
02:02I'm out of here.
02:07Come on, Alex, we better go.
02:11I hate it when Adam puts me down.
02:13Don't worry, he's just trying to get to you.
02:16Hey, what happened?
02:18Lightning. You know, during the big storm yesterday.
02:21Let's check it out.
02:29I wonder what it's like inside.
02:37I wonder what it's like inside.
02:54Zach, let's get out of here.
02:58Zach, that sense of danger,
03:00I mean, this whole place could crash down on us.
03:05What are you doing?
03:06Look at this old typewriter.
03:07My dad used to have one just like it.
03:18Zach, are you okay?
03:23What happened?
03:24He's got a shock.
03:25There must be a wire down or something.
03:31What are you doing?
03:33Are you crazy?
03:35It's perfect for writing scary stories.
03:37You have a computer.
03:40Way heavier than I thought.
03:42Zach, you can't just take it.
03:44It doesn't belong to you.
03:45The store's totally wrecked.
03:47Who's gonna care?
03:49What are you doing in here?
03:50Uh, just leaving.
03:52You didn't touch anything, did you?
03:53It's very dangerous.
03:54I told him.
03:56Just this typewriter.
03:58It's perfect.
03:59He likes writing scary stories.
04:01I'd certainly write a scary story about my store.
04:04I spent ten years and all my life savings, now this.
04:09You really want it?
04:10Do I?
04:11How much?
04:12You might as well just take it.
04:13If you promise to write a really scary story.
04:16Excuse me?
04:17Go on, you can have it.
04:19At least somebody will get some good out of this.
04:21You mean it?
04:29Reader, beware.
04:30You're in for a scare.
04:33Oh, it's just you.
04:35How's it going?
04:37I'm almost ready to write the blob story.
04:38I'll be right back.
04:58I need a first line.
05:09Clouds masked in the sky overhead and unleash their fury…
05:20Where's that come from?
05:23Zack, you're not scared are you?
05:27How far are you?
05:28A little, but...
05:29What was that?
05:33Who's there?
05:39This is so weird.
05:42You all right?
05:43Yeah, thanks for the candles.
05:45I've never seen a storm blow in this quickly.
05:48Yeah, pretty weird.
05:51But if you're sure you're okay, I'll go downstairs and call your mom.
05:54Tell her to stay at the Parker's till this blows over.
06:00I bet this was Lord of His Light to write stories in the old days.
06:04Clouds massed in the sky overhead and unleashed their fury.
06:10The wind began to howl.
06:17What is that?
06:18We have the wind out.
06:28It's just the storm, you know that.
06:32Wait, you're shaking.
06:34No way, I'm okay.
06:39Pretend there's no storm.
06:41Just type.
06:45Alex and Zach were alone.
06:50Alex and Zach were alone in the dark house.
07:01These old writers must have all gone blind.
07:04I need more candles.
07:06No problem, my dad's got lots downstairs.
07:20Mr. Beecham.
07:27Hey, Dad, we need more candles.
07:50Let's look down here.
07:55Dad, are you down there?
08:01Zach, where is he?
08:02No one would go out in the storm.
08:08Wait, what was the last sentence you typed?
08:10I don't know.
08:11Yes, you do.
08:13It was something about Alex and Zach.
08:15Alex and Zach were alone in the dark house, so what?
08:18So this.
08:19You wrote about the storm, and the storm started.
08:22And then you wrote about the wind, and the wind began to howl.
08:25And now you wrote that we're alone.
08:27You're nuts, it's just coincidence.
08:29Oh, really?
08:30It makes more sense than believing I'm making all this happen.
08:33No, not you, the typewriter.
08:35Oh, the typewriter, of course.
08:37Okay, let's do a test.
08:40Go on, type something, we'll see if it comes true.
08:43Or, are you chicken?
08:45Chicken? I'll prove how dumb you are any time.
08:50They heard...
08:53a knock...
08:56at the door.
09:06That didn't happen, I didn't hear anything.
09:08What exactly didn't you hear?
09:16Zach, just don't open it, please.
09:18Why not? Who do you think it is?
09:20I don't know and I don't care, just don't open the door.
09:33Is anybody out there?
09:36That's weird.
09:38I can't see anyone out there.
09:45Zach, leave!
09:53Zach, please, just don't open the door!
10:02No, don't!
10:06No, don't!
10:15This is really creepy. Who was knocking?
10:19It had to have been a tree branch or something blowing in the wind.
10:22Well, tree branches scrape or scratch, but...
10:25So what do you think it was?
10:26You didn't type that there was anybody at the door.
10:29I can't believe it.
10:30You actually think the typewriter's controlling everything?
10:33Well, duh, that's why she gave it to you.
10:35She knew it was some kind of power and she couldn't wait to get rid of it.
10:38I can't wait to get rid of you.
10:42Everything you typed came true.
10:45And if you're wrong, you'll shut up about this?
10:47I'm not wrong.
10:48Just type that someone's standing on the other side of the door.
10:51Okay, okay, but this is crazy.
10:54Drenched with rain, Adam stood on the front porch.
11:04There, satisfied?
11:05You didn't type that, he knocked.
11:07Oh, all right.
11:10He knocked on the front door.
11:23What are you doing here?
11:26Did we disturb you?
11:27No, I was just putting this back in my sister's room.
11:31Yeah, all right.
11:33Come on.
11:34No, it's the truth.
11:35And then I had to come here for... for something.
11:40Did you stand on the front porch before you knocked?
11:42I guess.
11:43I was trying to remember why I came over.
11:45Zack made you come here.
11:47Excuse me?
11:50Everything he types out, it comes true.
11:53That's weird.
11:54No way I'm falling for a dumb old story like that.
11:57I don't know why we have to prove something to a kid in cowboy pajamas.
12:03But we will.
12:04I can hardly wait.
12:05It's not a joke.
12:10Let me show you.
12:13The storm stopped suddenly.
12:17All was quiet.
12:19Too quiet.
12:28Check it out.
12:30Believe us now, Adam.
12:33Have you guys both lost it?
12:36You think that you stopped the rain?
12:39All right, I'll prove it again.
12:41Prove it again.
12:44Don't bother.
12:45I mean, if you type that Adam has two heads,
12:48neither of them would believe you.
12:50Adam, no!
12:53Gotta go.
12:54See ya.
12:59The blob monster hid in Zack's basement,
13:02waiting for fresh meats.
13:04What a jerk.
13:05Now I have to retype the whole story.
13:07I think you've got bigger problems than your story.
13:10Blob monster waiting for fresh meats?
13:13What was that?
13:15It's coming from downstairs.
13:17Like the basement?
13:20We'll run for it.
13:29How are you guys doing?
13:30Still okay?
13:32You look scared.
13:34We're okay.
13:35We just heard noises.
13:36From the basement.
13:37Oh, that must have been me.
13:38I was down there checking the circuit breakers.
13:40Did you see anything strange down there?
13:45Nothing unusual.
13:47So there was nothing else in the basement with you?
13:50Are you okay?
13:52I'm fine, really.
13:53I just wondered.
13:54All right.
13:55I'll go call the power company.
13:57See how long they figure before the lights come back on.
14:09What was that?
14:12Let's go check it out.
14:14Excuse me?
14:15Don't you want to find out for sure if the old typewriters powers or not?
14:19That's okay.
14:20You were the one who thought it was all coincidence.
14:39Are you scared yet?
14:52There are no blob monsters down here.
14:54Well, it could be hiding behind those boxes.
14:57Stop it.
14:58Don't you want to find out the truth?
15:00The truth is you're wrong.
15:01Come on.
15:02You wish.
15:13It's one of my dad's garden gloves.
15:17Fresh meat.
15:18Fresh meat.
15:21Beware the blob monster.
15:23Beware Zack's power.
15:25Yeah, real funny, Adam.
15:26You should be on stage.
15:27You really think so?
15:28Yeah, the one that leaves at noon.
15:30Can you believe we actually thought we had a haunted typewriter?
15:53Alex, you've got to hear this.
15:55I'm writing my best story ever.
15:58Yeah, it's great.
15:59The blob monster attacks the video store and the mall.
16:02Everyone's screaming, trying to run away.
16:04But they can't, and the blob eats everyone.
16:08Is that Alex?
16:10Hang on a sec.
16:11Ask her to come for dinner.
16:13And why don't you run out and rent a video for tonight?
16:19Why don't you come over for dinner?
16:21I'll show you the story then.
16:33Fresh meat.
16:35Fresh meat.
16:36Fresh meat.
16:38You have me in your power, jerk.
16:41Hey, you think you're ready for revenge of the gator people?
16:46Katie's section's over there.
16:48I must be in the jerk section.
16:50Come on.
17:15Hey, what's up?
17:20Oh, man.
17:21What could it have been?
17:22What are they talking about?
17:24What's back here?
17:52Hey, I created you.
17:57I wrote this story.
18:00Let go!
18:10Hey, Zach.
18:11Great gig.
18:12It's not a joke, Adam.
18:14Come on.
18:15What is it?
18:16Some kind of balloon?
18:17It's a real monster.
18:18Radio controlled.
18:21That's wicked.
18:22Adam, no.
18:23It's for real.
18:24Come on.
18:25Get out of here.
18:34It's true.
18:35I've got to get to the typewriter.
18:51What are you doing here?
18:52What's up with you?
18:53You know I was coming over.
18:54My story.
18:55It's coming true.
18:56The blob's eating everyone in town, just like I wrote on the typewriter.
18:59Well, what happens?
19:00How does it end?
19:01I don't know.
19:02I never got to the ending.
19:13Now's a good time to think of one.
19:15It's out there.
19:19So, the blob disappears.
19:21That's good.
19:24It's coming.
19:32No, it never existed.
19:33That's even better.
19:34And Adam's okay.
19:36Just type it.
19:42Type, Zach.
19:44I can't.
19:45The keys are jammed.
19:55I can't.
19:58We're toast.
20:00Wait a minute.
20:01When Adam typed on it, nothing happened.
20:03What are you talking about?
20:04He typed that the blob was in the basement.
20:05When we went down there, it wasn't there.
20:07Well, it's here now.
20:11Don't you get it?
20:12It's not the typewriter.
20:13It's me.
20:14I have the power.
20:15I'm going to escape and the blob will be gone.
20:17Do me a favor.
20:18Think fast.
20:34I do.
20:35I have the power.
20:36What power?
20:37Forget it.
20:38You wouldn't understand.
20:45I have the power.
21:15I have the power.
21:16I have the power.
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