• last year
Watch the unexpected "Surprise Reaction" scene from the critically acclaimed CBS cop drama series Blue Bloods. Created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, this series takes viewers deep into the lives of the Reagan family, a dedicated clan committed to law enforcement in New York City. In this intriguing scene, Vanessa Ray stars as Officer Eddie Janko, alongside Will Estes as Officer Jamie Reagan. The pair finds themselves in a situation that triggers a surprising response, adding an emotional layer to their dynamic partnership. This moment captures the unpredictability and human complexity that makes Blue Bloods so engaging. Don’t miss this scene that highlights the personal challenges these officers face, where every reaction can reveal new depths to their characters and relationships.

Blue Bloods Cast:

Tom Selleck, Donnie Wahlberg, Bridget Moynahan, Vanessa Ray, Will Estes, Steve Schirripa, Abigail Hawk and Len Cariou

Stream Blue Bloods now on Paramount+!


00:00I can't go! Please! My son's at home!
00:05You have to stay still.
00:06Hey, I'm Officer Jenko. This is Officer Badillo. We're going to help you.
00:09Where's your son?
00:10At home with a neighbor.
00:12We got her address.
00:13Okay, we're going to make sure he's okay.
00:15Who did this to you?
00:16Did you get a good look at him or her?
00:18Him. Gray hoodie, black jeans, black and red sneakers.
00:25Young? Old?
00:26Twenties, I think.
00:28All right. 2-9 David to Central. Be advised, we are on the lookout for one suspect.
00:32Male. Last seen headed south in the East River.
00:34Wearing black jeans, a gray hoodie, and black and red sneakers.
00:39I think this could be him.
00:41Match the description.
00:42Pull us over.
00:43Hey, police! Hold up!
00:58Help me cuff him up.
01:00Man, I ain't even doing nothing.
01:01Yeah? Why'd you run?
01:02Is it a crime to run?
01:03What happened to your hands, huh?
01:05Man, that's nothing.
01:06Looks like what? You're under arrest for assault.
01:09Looks like you don't need no lawyer.
01:11I don't need no lawyer. You just call Aaron Reagan.
01:14Aaron Reagan? Why's that?
01:15Because he'll take care of me.
01:18Come on.
