From Depression to Inspiration Movie # 3a

  • last month
00:00Hey what's up fellas, I just had a great business meeting with a wonderful team, we're putting
00:15together a project my friends, I think I'm gonna like it, I heard a lot of, a lot of
00:25suggestions, I took a few advices, and um, that's how I wind down, after a hard days
00:37at work, hard day at work buddy, you gotta just uh, take it easy man, you gotta enjoy
00:45the moments, enjoy your success man, you might not have it forever, I want to think about
00:53that for a minute, I want to think about where I came from, how I got here, and what could
01:03be the future, I got a big trip I gotta take my friend, I gotta catch a helicopter, it's
01:13fun how they write now in this world, like my friends here, nothing really fancy, it's
01:21fun, the lounge is slamming though, yep, I gotta think about life, the challenges I
01:33went through, the things I had to endure to get here, it wasn't easy man, a lot of times
01:41I didn't think I was gonna make it, a lot of days, I was a little depressed,
01:51that was quick, any more music, no, let's put something else on, I like to listen to
02:07music to relax me a little bit, how about a little hip hop, make sure I can do it, I
02:23gotta get hyped up for the movie, I mean for the trip I gotta take, I gotta catch a airplane,
02:31yep, I haven't been on an airplane in a while, and unfortunately I watch a lot of airplane
02:37videos, on the airplane videos, they don't show a lot of safe passages, they show a lot
02:49of disasters buddy, I had enough disasters in my life, enough haters I had to fight back,
02:59wasn't easy for me buddy, sometimes I like to sit in a seat, just think about things
03:15with nobody here, and after hours my friends, I got a lot of great guys working for me,
03:25invisible guys, guys I don't see sometimes, when I go to sleep at night, they're coming
03:33up with a plan, what time is it, catch that plane by 5, 15, yeah man, I don't want to
03:53tell you what you get to, where I'm at right now, it's hard work, determination, stay focused
03:59and motivated, it's really about will power, overcoming the obstacles, there's many obstacles
04:09man, that's why when you look at somebody's face, they're successful, they got a stern
04:15face, their awareness is high, that they're good, I'm a light worker, I was destined for
04:27greatness, even though I don't know how I'm going to get there, some kind of way I'm going
04:33to find, everybody has a role to take, I decided to take my time, don't hold back, if you can
04:47sing, sing the best you can, if you can play music, play the greatest songs, act like you
05:01have a shot to show yourself, alright my fellas, this is what we're going to do, we're not going to
05:09waste too much of your time, like I said, we got a plane to catch, I'm going to meet you,
05:19on the airplane, stay tuned.
05:25Chapter 2, The Airplane
05:50Here we go my friends, I don't know why they sent me over here, they got a spot in this plane
05:59that if something does happen, at least people get hurt, look at this, it's beautiful, it's not
06:09first class, I didn't make the money yet, however, inside here, I'll be talking to Kimbrough, and I'll be
06:21watching him create, let's get it started, I'm going to take a seat right here,
06:50hey buddy, what you up to, Kim, what you up to buddy, what's up buddy, how you doing man,
06:59sorry to wake you up, how you doing man, pretty good thank you, I was just dreaming, oh yeah,
07:05about what, can we talk for a second buddy, yeah what's wrong man, you alright, what's up,
07:14yeah man, thanks, appreciate that, no problem, this what's going on man, alright let me hear it,
07:27I got a chance to, first of all, you notice that thing flashing around, I wonder what the heck that is man,
07:34it keeps flashing every once in a while, yeah I do see something, let's avoid that, let me just talk to you man,
07:39I had a chance to do a couple of interviews in alternate space my friend, and let me tell you,
07:48they're really doing it over there, people creating talk shows, like museums, people creating a whole city
08:04and a hotel, rooms you can go to in the hotel, people getting their albums out, and one of my friends,
08:16my buddy Ryan, good guy man, good guy, one of those guys you want to see succeed because he's not a bad guy man,
08:24he's blowing up buddy, that's great, he had a bowling alley that you can bowl in, alright,
08:30you can pick up the ball and shoot it down the lane, and then you hit the balls, but nothing really happened with the balls,
08:41but you got the sense that you were doing bowling, and I always had in the back of my mind, you know,
08:47it would be nice if the pens went down, but since I didn't think the pens could go down, I wasn't going to push it,
08:53but dude, just yesterday I went there, he got the pens down.
08:58He got the pens down, he got the movies going, he got a city going, he has an airplane on top,
09:05and on the rooftop, he has a club buddy.
09:09Oh yeah?
09:10But on below he has karaoke.
09:13And a bar, and other things below, but above, and then the movie theater itself is something big,
09:21and then on the rooftop he has a club man, that's turned out to be really spectacular,
09:30and also people can do auditions there, and he has other plans man.
09:34Oh yeah?
09:35I'm listening, go ahead, keep going.
09:39How did I feel?
09:40I definitely felt happy for him man, he's a nice guy, and he's a Christian too.
09:48And he gave me a good start too.
09:51Yeah, and he introduced me to his team and a couple of connections.
09:57So then I went around to other places buddy, and I saw other worlds, and I said,
10:03wow man, when I was just doing Facebook, I thought I was big, and I was big there,
10:12but then when I come into this alternate space thing man, this thing is really pretty deep there.
10:23I'm here, I'm listening.
10:24So my response to that, I had to take a little break, and I had to check up my resources.
10:35I had to see what I had, and then I remembered, and engaged, as far as I can see.
10:43I'm one of the masters here buddy.
10:47I can do engaged.
10:49I might not be able to swim in their pond, but I'm very familiar with my pond.
10:56Oh yeah?
10:57And sometimes what you got to do is, you got to realize that it's not a matter of what somebody else has,
11:04it's a matter of what you have.
11:06That's another challenge to success.
11:09Because when you're trying to succeed, right away, you're not going to always be the best.
11:16You got to learn, you got to learn and be taught.
11:20And since I'm a motivator, I had to listen to some of my own tapes about how to succeed,
11:26how to take on challenges, how to believe in yourself, and how to create what you come up with.
11:34So now my friends, I'm going to have to do something to stand out.
11:43Oh yeah?
11:44It's time to interview people, to grab information, to make them know,
11:51and then it's the time for you to do what you got to do in your life to make yourself known.
12:00So what I plan on doing my friends is creating a third movie.
12:04Which you're in right now.
12:06This is movie number three.
12:09Hope people enjoy it.
12:13Now, what I'm going to do, since it's just you and me in here,
12:18I'm just going to walk around a little bit.
12:21And you can talk to the people.
12:24Well, I'm glad for you man.
12:28I'm glad you got your confidence back.
12:32I watch your videos all the time on YouTube.
12:35YouTube Kenneth Brown Engage.
12:37YouTube Kenneth Brown Alt Space VR Critic.
12:42YouTube The Walking Dead.
12:48You're going to create in here too also, right?
12:51This is going to be like a paradox.
12:55You're creating.
12:56I'm watching.
12:59And what else can I say?
13:03Oh, you know what I can't wait for man?
13:06I can't wait for us to leave this airplane and...
13:11Look at this night time out there man.
13:13Leave this airplane and go to the boat.
13:15I like that boat.
13:17Oh, what's this man?
13:18You're making people in there?
13:26That's a dude.
13:28That's a chick.
13:31How do you do that man?
13:35Pretty good.
13:37That's another chick over there.
13:44Nice little crew here.
13:50You know what man?
13:51If you get a chance.
13:52I know I'm supposed to...
13:54Hope you're enjoying the flight.
13:57How are you doing?
14:00Hope you're enjoying the flight.
14:02Head is a little high there.
14:04Hope you're not hurting it.
14:06Let me just speak to the captain real quick.
14:07Anybody got any peanuts?
14:09Did you get any peanuts?
14:10Everybody knows that when you take this trip you get peanuts.
14:13I love peanuts buddy.
14:14Give me two bags.
14:16Two bags and a Coke.
14:17I want a Coke too.
14:18Let me speak to the captain real quick.
14:20Holy Toledo.
14:22What's up bud?
14:26You gotta check this out man.
14:28You gotta check this out my friend.
14:29Let me see.
14:30Let me just check something out real quick.
14:36Excuse me sir.
14:37Let me just slide over here real quick.
14:40See what he's talking about.
14:43What the hell is this man?
14:46My goodness.
14:47What is this?
14:48This is weird.
14:49Let me tell you buddy.
14:50This is not the average flight.
14:51Oh my gosh.
14:52I went to that one.
14:53Let me just check this out down here.
14:55Sorry about that sir.
14:56Let me see what's going on over here.
14:59What's up brother?
15:03This one is worse than the other one.
15:05This is what I'm about to do man.
15:06Holy Toledo.
15:07I hate to leave you partner.
15:09I'm going to meet you at the boat.
15:11When you get a chance you take a look out there and you tell me what you think.
15:15I'm going to tell you right now.
15:16I'm headed to the boat man.
15:22Take me with you.
15:23It's night time.
15:24I can see them out the window man.
15:25I can see them out the window.
15:33I just want to let you know something my friend.
15:35What's up buddy?
15:36Let me just take one more look.
15:37One more look.
15:38Even though I said what I said.
15:40Holy Toledo dude.
15:41About the guys doing an alternate space.
15:45I'm happy for them.
15:47They're doing a good job man.
15:48They're doing their dreams.
15:50And what did I tell you before?
15:51If they can do their dreams you can do your dreams.
15:57You got to believe in yourself man.
15:59You got to believe.
16:00What are you doing?
16:01That you can accomplish.
16:02You're not even sitting in the seat.
16:04That you can set the standards man.
16:07You can do it.
16:08If you believe in yourself.
16:12I'm getting ready to meet you.
16:14Go ahead.
16:15Let's see.
16:16Another thing you have to do is.
16:17You got to check out the resources that everybody else has.
16:19And you got to see what you have.
16:21That they don't have.
16:22You guys saying this?
16:23What you can move around.
16:24That they can't move around.
16:25Are you checking this out man?
16:26The bottom line is.
16:27If you know what they do.
16:28You might be able to outshine them buddy.
16:31Oh yeah.
16:32But since you don't know that.
16:33And you know this.
16:34This is what you're going to use.
16:37I'm going to shoot out of this airplane.
16:41And I'm going to meet you on the boat.
16:44When I meet you on the boat.
16:45My friend will talk a little bit more.
16:47Right now.
16:48This is called the ejection seat.
16:50The ejection seat.
16:51Here we go.
16:56What the heck?
16:59Let me take another look out here.
17:01Oh my god.
17:03It's itchy.
17:05Get me.
17:06Get that.
17:07What he said we're going to meet.
17:08At the boat.
17:10But dude.
17:11Let me go to the boat.
17:12I can't waste any more time over here.
17:17See you guys.
17:29Thank god I made it over here.
17:31Did you see what I saw buddy?
17:32That was no joke.
17:33You know what I missed man?
17:34Ken you over here?
17:35You over here buddy?
17:58You up here?
18:01Let me out buddy.
18:07You know what I got man.
18:08I got this big.
18:13It's like a statue.
18:17Let me just take a look around here.
18:21I don't want to take this trip alone.
18:27Let's go back.
18:31Let's go back.
18:35Let's go back.
18:38I don't want to do that.
18:44Over here.
18:45Over here.
18:48Can I go back here?
18:57Let me see what we can do with you, my friend, my good man, let me grab you, whoa, let me
19:23make you big, so I have somewhere to look at, there you go, my friend, wow, all right,
19:33let me check out this ship real quick, let's see what we got here, not bad, not bad, not
19:45bad, not bad, much better than the airplane trip, excellent, excellent, sit over here,
19:59look at this table there, nice and shiny, much better than what I have in my place,
20:09this comes from working hard, my friend, you ever see Wall Street, he had his own ship,
20:15he's a little corrupted though, let me see what we got over here, buddy, let's check
20:23it out, whoa, this is my business place, sit one of these chairs and discuss business outside
20:31the office, only my special team will be here, like the layout, I think it's kind of
20:41beautiful, all right, let's see something real quick, let's walk around here, dude,
20:51he's moving, look, what's up, buddy, yo, I told you I had to do something original, something
20:57nobody else has ever done before, yeah, just follow me, my friend, so when you go through
21:05life, my friend, you're going to have challenges, you're going to expect challenges, wow, challenges
21:13keep your adrenaline flowing, challenges give you a reason to try to strive a little bit
21:21higher, challenges is a good thing, if you're a challenger, because you always want to be
21:29better than you was before, you can't be better than you were before, unless you've been challenged,
21:37you'll always raise your standards a little bit higher, but you can raise it much higher
21:43when you see the competition, you've got to be able to see the competition, accept the
21:49competition, accept the challenge of the competition, everybody out there creating worlds
21:57are competing against one another, when you stay out of the race, you can't possibly win, you
22:05and you alone, my friend, have to determine where you want to take your projects and your
22:13challenges, you my friend, and you alone, have to determine if you will stand up to the challenge
22:21and create something bigger than the challenge, I can't see it from here, buddy, like my buddy Ryan,
22:27I've got to keep saying Ryan, because other people have created something, but Ryan has created
22:33Ryan's apocalyptic cinema wall, he's created a world in itself, my friend, wonderful, beautiful,
22:45and spectacular, bowling alley, a movie theater, a place to walk around, karaoke, singing, a disco club
22:55on the rooftop, and also an airplane place, and he's my friend, and I shouldn't be afraid to ask him for help
23:05if I need help, but you know what I realize, my friend, I have skills of my own, I can use, sometimes when you spend
23:11so much time watching other people, you don't get a chance to watch yourself, and realize that you're somebody too,
23:21everybody has a skill, it might be a little tiny skill, but you can bring it up to a 2, a 3, a 4, and that's a lot better
23:31than people who only keep it up to a 1, so whatever your skill is, you got to work on it, you can't sit around and hope
23:38things happen, you got to make things happen, buddy, and I've seen people making things happen, I want their energy
23:43to bounce off me so I can create things also, just like you can, stay positive, buddy, I'm going to meet you, where?
23:53Where's our next spot? I'm going to meet you in the Asian place, my friend, the Asian temple, we'll meet there,
24:08thanks for listening, you're welcome, stay positive, got you man, however, before we even go there, my friend,
24:15I might just hang out with you on the boat for a little bit, oh yeah, all the way over there, sorry about that, it's the sea water,
24:23I think I'm going to hang out with you on the boat a little bit, and we're going to kick it over there, before I make my other move,
24:30ready? Yup, okay, buddy, just want you to remember, believe in yourself, when nobody else does, you have to do it yourself,
24:42stay strong, my friend, I'm coming on the boat, okay, I'm coming back to the boat, by the way,
24:53look at this view, buddy, I can drop right down, let me see what else we got here,
25:24wow, look at this view, I'm not over there anymore, no? Check out, I'm running this ship, are you? I'm steering this little vessel here, buddy,
25:37dude, I think I see you, I'm going to bring us to the shore, I'm going to drop down, yes, my friend, oh yeah, I'm doing my best to bring us to the shore,
25:48okay, not just me, both of us, what do I mean by the shore? I'm doing my best to bring us out of danger, out of harm's way, out of non-creation,
26:03out of a world that's limited, to a world that is limitless, we're headed over there to the shore, my friend, I hope you will enjoy the ride,
26:18I'm enjoying it, it's not so much the destination getting there, it's the ride you have to take to get there, the ride that you take to get to success, my friend, makes you stronger,
26:33it gives you the foundation, if somebody gave you luck and then they snatch luck from you, you wouldn't have anything, but when you have the experience and the journey towards success,
26:51that's when you can write books, that's when you can motivate other people, that's when you can tell people how they can make it, now I want you to take a look at my ship, my friend, I looked around, this is an environment just like some of the other people's environments,
27:13it's already been created for you, it's not about just creation, my friend, even though people like to hang around and see you and talk to you and say, wow, it's a wonderful creation, after a while of coming back to the same place, it's gonna die, why?
27:33Well, it depends, man, it depends, if people have music or something like that, I'll bring this helicopter over here, my friend, a little bit closer, because I want to get in it, take a look at this ship, can you do that?
27:46Right about here, I got things I can do too, so like I was saying, it's not so much about watching other people accomplish this stuff, and sitting in the background, like watching a baseball game, and being in the audience, you can be in a baseball game too,
28:16it's not about watching people hit a home run and congratulate them, I wonder if maybe I can catch the home run ball, it's about you hitting a home run ball also, how do you do it?
28:31I'll tell you how you do it, my friend, you gotta believe in yourself, there's no other way to make it in this world without believing in yourself, you gotta believe that you have the same qualities they have, the only difference is they're using it and you're not using it, you gotta use what you have, man,
28:54you can't sit in the sidelines talking about, wow, I know this wonderful person, wow, I know this wonderful person, wow, I know this wonderful person, well, it takes a wonderful person to realize somebody's wonderful, my friend, you gotta be wonderful too, are you wonderful, buddy?
29:13I'm working on it, are you doing the things that you plan on doing? I'm trying, a little bit every day, I'm watching you, you're spending your time watching other people, they're not other people, while you're not accomplishing anything, you have to accomplish something yourself, my friend, this is your world too, we're all sharing it, taking their time and energy to create something,
29:39are you taking your time and energy to create something also? I'm working on it, a little bit, these are questions you need to ask yourself and you need to respond to, okay, gotcha, now, let me just show you the rest of this shit, you've been on it already, okay, thanks, man, appreciate it, we're on the second floor right here, my friend, oh, yeah, wonderful, wonderful, I'm gonna go down to the first floor right here, my friend,
30:09alright, let me see if I can see you over here, and while I show you what I'm gonna show you, I'd like to hear a little bit of music, if it's okay with you, no problem at all, what you got, maybe some sailing music if they have any,
30:31hmm, what if I put the screen up over here, oh, I guess,
31:01how about this?
31:32just like I said, Ken, now, believe me, sir, you like my shirt, yeah, man, I got the water slamming around, yeah, I got beautiful things too, if I was to invite somebody on this shit, you know what they'd say, what, wow, man, this is very beautiful, now that I think about it,
31:53see my screen, I can do what they can do, Ken, I like to sit around the back and watch, you know, I can participate, my friend, it's my boat, oh, yeah, they got their world, I got my world,
32:19wanna check it out?
32:24see my helicopter up there? I can get in the helicopter, can't you? I haven't seen a helicopter any place else I can actually move, I forgot who I was, my friend, did you? don't forget who you are, Ken, come on, you're somebody, baby, you have to sit in the sidelines, in the background,
32:45hear the music, baby, examine,
32:48let me get in the helicopter real quick, before you take it away, can I get in it?
33:09I'm gonna put something else on, it's gonna last a little bit longer, a little more epic, oh, yeah, yeah, buddy, oh, I can see over there, sorry about that, let me check this out,
33:26the big screen look like that, too? now, this is what I'm gonna do, my friend, what's that? see that sky we're looking at? I'm gonna change that sky, to what? why? because I can't, I don't know how you do it other places, I know how you do it here, oh, that's beautiful, man, never give up, my friend,
33:56believe in yourself, bang, it's my world, squirrel, it's pirate crew, my friend, we're on a ship, let's do a little pirate crew, okay,
34:23let's take a walk around, my friend, we walked around my ship, my area, you're just about as good as anybody on this area, oh, yeah, you made for me, you know,
34:41let's check out the helicopter, my friend, how many people have a ship with a helicopter? check it, come to me, helicopter, come to, yeah, dad, can I sit in the helicopter? can you?
35:06it's my helicopter, why shouldn't I? what you gonna do, buddy? let's take a little trip, oh, hold up, man, dude, I'm not going too far, my friend, I just wanna let you see, what?
35:23wow, man, I can do things too, oh, let's try to step together, I'm gonna drop off, bang, I'm gonna jump down, my friend, and you know what I'm gonna do? what?
35:47I'm gonna try to aim it, just right, so I can jump right in front of my sonar, it's the Voyager, right here, my friend, alright, bang, ready? yeah, I'm looking at water, all over the place, I'm gonna jump into the water,
36:12bang, oh, look at that, how about that?
36:17I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on
36:47the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on the water, I'm gonna jump on
37:03Let the gallant drop, let the games begin my friend, let the gallant drop, let the games
37:31begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
37:53begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
37:54begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
37:55begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
37:56begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
37:57begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
37:58begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
37:59begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:00begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:01begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:02begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:03begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:04begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:05begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:06begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:07begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:08begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:10begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:11begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:12begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:13begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:14begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:15begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:16begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:17begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:18begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:20begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:21begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:22begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:23begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:24begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:25begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:26begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:27begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:28begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:29begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:40begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
38:54begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:03begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:09begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:10begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:11begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:12begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:13begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:14begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:15begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:16begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:17begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:18begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:19begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:20begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:21begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:22begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:23begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:24begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:25begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:36begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:37begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:38begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:39begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:40begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:41begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:42begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:43begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:45begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:46begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:47begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:48begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:49begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:50begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:51begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:52begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:53begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:55begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:56begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:57begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:58begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
39:59begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:00begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:01begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:02begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:03begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:04begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:15begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:16begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:17begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:18begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:19begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:20begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:21begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:22begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:23begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:52begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:53begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:54begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:55begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:56begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:57begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:58begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
40:59begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
41:00begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
41:01begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
41:16begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
41:17begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
41:42begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:09begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:10begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:11begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:12begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:13begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:14begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:15begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:16begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:17begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:18begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:28begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:29begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:30begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:31begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:32begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:33begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:34begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:35begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:36begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:57begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
42:58begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:00begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:01begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:02begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:03begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:04begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:05begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:06begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:07begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:08begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:09begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:30begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:32begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:33begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:34begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:35begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:36begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:37begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:38begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:39begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:40begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:42begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:43begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:44begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:45begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:46begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:47begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:48begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:49begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games
43:50begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games begin my friend, let the games