• last year
MrBeast's latest video is a thrilling challenge where he pushes the limits of endurance and generosity. In this high-energy episode, contestants compete in intense, mind-boggling challenges for a chance to win life-changing prizes, ranging from massive cash rewards to luxury items. Known for his over-the-top stunts and heartwarming acts of kindness, MrBeast once again raises the bar with a mix of humor, suspense, and jaw-dropping moments that leave viewers on the edge of their seats. The video showcases his signature blend of philanthropy and entertainment, making it a must-watch for fans.
#mrbeast #challenge #giveaway #extreme #competition #last #24 #insane #money #cash #prize #funny #viral #crazy #experiment #voz de mrbeast #mrbeast, #fede y mr beast, #streaming, #fede vigevani, #mr beast me encerro en un bunker, #fede,payasos de la deep web, #ishowspeed livestream, #mrbist, #movies, #sobrevive 100 dias en un bunker, #fede bunker, #fede vecinos, #fede y sus vecinos, #ishowspeed, #ishowspeed live, #speed live, #speedy live, #live speedy, #ishowspeed rage, #ishowspeed funny, #juego por dinero, #gaming, #entertainment, #hollywood, #netflix, #hbo #Comedy #FunnyChallenge #Expensive #Luxury #HighPrice #HugeProject #MassiveBuild #BiggestEver #Kindness #RandomActOfKindness #GoodDeeds #ExtremeChallenge #CrazyDares #InsaneChallenges #Pizza


00:00This is the largest slice of pizza in the entire world look how long it is this pizza is literally six feet and taller
00:07Than Carl my ego shattered. It just doesn't stop. It's still going. It's still going
00:13It's so big and this is Joey chestnut the fastest competitive eater in the entire world
00:19I'm hungry and not only does he hold the world record for hot dogs eaten, but he has so many more
00:23Here's a quick montage of it
00:33He literally holds the world record for holding the most world records
00:37This guy is insane and before we eat 18 pounds of pizza
00:41Let's see how much Chris Chandler and I weigh combined me and the boys weigh 537 pounds
00:46We should be easily able to out eat Joey. We're big boys. He only weighs 229 pounds. Well, that's a big mama. Mr
00:53Joey here is your world record slice of pizza really hungry right now. This looks good
00:58This is nine pounds. It's like you're eating Chris's baby. Yeah
01:05We're doing what now and this is our slice of pizza boys it is massive if I eat the crust I'm gonna swell up
01:11He's gonna demolish that whole thing
01:12We have two identical slices of pizza and me Chris and Chandler are gonna try to eat our slice before Joey eats his
01:19Oh, we're gonna win. Well, like I showed you before Joey is a monster
01:23He could probably out eat ten people if he wanted to even if we are constantly stuffing food in our mouth
01:28I don't think we'll be able to go as fast as him. No, it doesn't make sense. I agree guys
01:33You might be thinking there is no way this one man right here can out eat us three grown men
01:39This isn't any ordinary man. Joey chestnut is a freak of nature
01:42He is literally the best eater in the entire world
01:46It is now time to begin Joey give us a countdown from five and let's start five
01:51Boys get ready. All right, you cannot let him out eat us. Go. All right. What do we do? Okay
01:57All right, so he's starting off by cutting
02:01This is as fast as I can eat he's literally beating us. All right, you're straight up. I've almost got a slice now
02:06Wait, so he's doing a foldy thing
02:09There's no way I can do this man, I'm alright, that's disgusting
02:15It feels like I'm eating a rug
02:21He's eating way faster than I thought he would go give him a violation, I don't know just go stop him
02:26You're not cutting it thoroughly. There's not enough cutting going on. I'm gonna need you to nope. He's not listening to me
02:31I don't think he knows. I'm here. He's in the zone. He's like a great white shark. I'm not gonna lie
02:36I don't want to swallow the food that's in my mouth
02:38It is much easier to take a bite and take a sip and eat it. Yeah, but it tastes so bad
02:52There's no way you're doing this. I'm about to barf my stomach feels so full. How are you still eating I?
03:02Honestly, I didn't consider that I know I'm a ref but I'm here to bribe
03:05How about 10 grand and he stopped for five minutes?
03:08But I need you to acknowledge that you can even hear me right now because I can't tell I'm not gonna lie
03:12Oh, that's enough. That's the most ferocious
03:15No, I've ever witnessed in my life
03:16He came into this wanting to kick our butts and he's gonna kick our butt
03:19I'm gonna take this away before he swallows it. I just want to remind you. This is literally nine pounds of pizza
03:25It's like eating ten pizzas by yourself. Words cannot express how full I was feeling
03:31You still got five ways to go Joey. Are you gonna be able to finish this? I'm gonna finish it
03:35Really? You guys aren't gonna finish? No way. You can't give up. No, we're doing it
03:38I don't see how you're gonna do this. You would think being a competitive eater is fun
03:42But this sucks. Yo, you guys got to stop talking and eat. Look at this man. He's almost done
03:46Yo, I got the pizza sweats bad. I don't even really like pizza that much. I'm not gonna lie
03:51I've never eaten pizza after this. This is making me angry. I can't eat pizza like this. It's incorrect. Oh my goodness
03:58He has like two feet left. So his pizza is this long. We still have twice as much pizza left as him
04:04We're not even close. We're tagging you in we have four people now. Okay, eat away, bro. You're gonna get sick guys
04:10Let's try to get a second burst. So let's try to catch up. Oh
04:13I'm taking three bites. I don't even
04:17I'm gonna eat over the trash can. Who would have thought the world's best eater is really good at eating
04:22I had no choice but to bring in another helper. There's just no way Joey can out eat five people. Tyler, come on in
04:28Thank you. I'm actually really hungry. Tyler, do what Joey's doing. Oh no way. Hey Tyler, if you don't mind
04:33Can you not slobber over our pizza we have to eat? We're trying our best, I promise. I really feel like I've eaten more than everyone else
04:39There's more pizza on your hand than everybody else has eaten. Joey, more like slowly
04:45Oh my god, dude, Tariq, point this camera at the side of his stomach. He was skinny before
04:51He has 10 pounds just chilling in his stomach right now. He's literally about to finish
04:55I've probably eaten 10% of what he's eaten and my eyes are watering. I'm crying in pain
04:59I can honestly say this challenge was harder than counting to 100,000. I just want to go home. I'm gonna go poop
05:05He's not gonna come back. Chris, what's going through your stomach right now? Pizza
05:10It's going down a bit slower than I thought it would, but I'm not looking as bad as them. Dude, we're trying. I'm in pain
05:17This is Tyler's friend Jackson. I'm tapping you in, go. Jackson is bringing the velocity we needed. That was literally completely in Tyler's mouth
05:25He was doing so well, Carl. His stomach has to be full soon. Let's all kick it into hyperdrive
05:30Now I know this looks bad. All of us getting out eaten by Joey Chestnut and honestly, I don't know how to explain this
05:36I guess there's a reason this guy literally holds 50 world records for eating food. He's really good at it
05:42Boys, I brought even more help. Head on in, Dustin. There's now seven of us going up against Joey
05:48He's only got that little much left. Whoa, if we manage to beat him, I'll give you guys a hundred thousand dollars
05:54Alright, bet. Let's get it on the ground. Wooo!
05:57I should have done that sooner. We might have won. Wait, Jimmy, how are you feeling? I don't feel good. For our safety, slow down. We're gonna die over here
06:05Come on guys, move it. Go Joey, go Joey
06:09Tyler's the only person to ever cheer for the opposite team. Hey, he's the winning team
06:13Think about this, he had a six foot giant slice of pizza and all that is left is this few inches right here
06:19Guys, I hate to admit it, but I think we just lost one final bite
06:23Oh my god. It was rough, but I found a rhythm. I kept using the water to get it down, clearly
06:28Oh, we gotta weigh him. Oh my gosh, yes. Before we started, we weighed him and he weighed 229
06:34Let's go see what he weighs now. That was one of the hardest challenges of my life
06:37Step on the scale, let's see how much weight you gained. No way, he weighs 250 pounds now
06:43Let me go grab something from the back. Joey, step on the scale. 250 pounds
06:49Joey, you literally gained 21 pounds. It was a hard challenge, but it felt good knowing I was gonna finish it
06:55Towards like when I got to that second half, I was like, oh, it's going down
06:58And when you guys kept adding more people, it was encouragement. I was like, oh yeah, that felt good
07:02You literally have 21 pounds of pizza in you, like just, how? How does that feel?
07:07I feel kind of bloated, feel tired, exhausted. It's gonna take some recovery time
07:11Before, we weighed 537 pounds as you see here
07:15And now we weigh 547. We put on 10 pounds, but we still lost
07:20And to celebrate Joey winning, I made him this pizza trophy. Here you go
07:24Oh baby
07:25It might not be as cool as all those belts and trophies you currently have, but I hope it means a lot
07:30One of the hardest trophies I've ever had to get. I've never had to work this hard, but it was fun
07:34Thanks for coming out. Thanks for having me guys
07:35Now if you want to be in a video like this in the future, hit the subscribe button
07:38Because we're gonna start flying in tons of subscribers to be in more videos
07:42I'm not even joking, if you want to be in a future video, hit subscribe
07:45Joey is insane. See you later
