Massive participation in 2nd popular consultation

  • last month
From Caracas, our correspondent Gladys Quesada, updates us on the progress of the 2nd Popular Consultation in Venezuela. teleSUR

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00:00And now we go live with our correspondent in Caracas, Gladys Quezada, for more information on this voting date.
00:07Hello, Gladys. Welcome to From the South. What do you have to tell us about?
00:13Hi, Ana. Yes, precisely. I'm still in downtown Caracas.
00:18I'm at the Negro Luis Villafania Voting Center,
00:23which is also one of the centers for the Great Missions of the Homeland here in Venezuela
00:28and attends a community and some communal centers.
00:32Also, this belongs to a communal circuit that attends other communal councils and communes.
00:38On this occasion, I can say, because we have been turning and going around all Caracas,
00:45that this voting has been held in calm, with peace, with participation and turnout
00:52from the neighbors and the members of the communes.
00:55And also, this has been a day of the electoral joyful parties and journeys that Venezuela is always holding.
01:02And also, I want to tell you something.
01:04I have been in almost three centers now in Caracas,
01:10and all of them have the same structure, the same way of presenting the protocol for the voting.
01:17They have the projects listed outside of the voting centers,
01:22so every neighbor can come here and check, first of all, foremost, the projects that they are going to vote for.
01:30Afterwards, they come in here and they go through all the steps in the protocol for the voting.
01:35And this has been done without any issues, without delays, without any difficulties,
01:43because Venezuelan people know how to vote, know how to come and exercise this right,
01:50because in 25 years of Bolivarian revolution, there have been over 30 voting,
01:56over 30 elections and polls here in Venezuela,
02:00so this is not only a civic duty, it's also a right and normalized activity here in the country.
02:06I have to say that many of the projects go on the improvement of the infrastructure,
02:13and as you were saying, the improvement of the water services and the sewage services,
02:18but here in this college where I am, in this voting center,
02:22the projects are going around other minorities inside the community, inside the commune, as the elderly.
02:30They have a project to build a club and a care house for the elderly here in the commune.
02:37That's to say, a place where the older and, you know, the people over 65 years old can come and receive care,
02:45receive food, entertainment, also instructive activities,
02:50and to have a dignified, you know, golden years, that's to say in a way.
02:58And that says a lot about the people that live in here,
03:02because they are not just prioritizing what the youngsters or what the adults want,
03:07and not only prioritizing the financing for infrastructure,
03:11but also for the others that already had spent a big part of their life working for the community.
03:19Also, I want to say, all the communes and the commune circuits are not equals,
03:27even though they have the same access to the financing.
03:29For example, in other centers we were visiting, they wanted to improve the quality of the water,
03:36they wanted to continue the repair of houses, of the facades of the buildings,
03:41but here also they want to build a wall to contain the fires,
03:48because they live nearby the mountains, and precisely El Ávila,
03:54the mountain that divides Caracas from La Guaira, which is the Guaira Repano,
03:58the biggest mountain here in the city,
04:01and they want to be protected on the season of fires, forest fires here in Caracas,
04:10and also they want to have this sewage cleaned, because of the rainy season also,
04:16that can, you know, provoke floodings and provoke other damages to their houses,
04:23and damages to the public way.
04:26So, this is one day of family, the afternoon is just going on, it's passing the day of voting.
04:33I think the morning was more active, but people are still coming,
04:37and it is expected that centers close at 6 p.m., as we were saying,
04:42but as long as there are some voters lining up to get in here,
04:46there will be, well, the circuits and the voting centers will be open and will be active, Ana.
04:53That's the information, so now we give you back the signal.
04:57Thank you very much, Gladys, for all your information you provide to us and the viewers.
