• 2 months ago
Gladys Quesada, teleSUR correspondent in Venezuela, reports on a group of women in Caracas who reunited to pay homage to two of their comrades, victims of the so-called “comanditos”. teleSUR


00:00In Caracas, a group of women gathered to pay homage to two of their commanders,
00:05victims of the violence of the so-called Comanditos Terreristas, also from the far right wing.
00:10Our colleague and correspondent Gladys Casada with the details.
00:14This group of social leaders, activists, militias, women of faith and academics
00:20gathered in the Ezequiel Zamora Park, one of the natural viewpoints of the city of Caracas.
00:27They came to pay tribute to two women of revolution, like them, two wives, mothers, grandmothers,
00:34daughters, sisters, who now are gone.
00:39Raising our voice for Cirila, raising our voice for Mayuri,
00:43because although they were physically taken away from us,
00:46the spirit of love, strength and dedication of the Venezuelan women are multiplied.
00:52Unfortunately today they are not physically present in our revolutionary sisters,
00:57but here we are an army of women to guarantee their historical legacy within their communities
01:02and within each community of our country.
01:07This tribute was to Cirila Isabel Gil and Mayuri Silva Vielma,
01:12two social leaders assassinated by the so-called Comanditos, fascist cells
01:19that on July 29th and 30th tried to break the peace of Venezuela.
01:25Both of them were brutally killed.
01:28Cirila was stabbed in her own home in El Callao
01:32and Mayuri was shot while returning from a rally in support of President Nicolas Maduro Moros.
01:38Those who continue their struggle today understand the root of what happened.
01:44They are fascists because they are full of hate
01:47and that is what the ultra-right wing has inoculated the opposition of this North American empire.
01:52They unfortunately, because they want to get to power at any cost what else is going to matter to me,
01:57you can go on to murder and take anyone to achieve their objectives.
02:02I can't say that it was all the opposition
02:05because part of the opposition regrets what these people did,
02:08but they are sick with hate and they made it seem
02:10and they made themselves felt they cost us the lives of fighting sisters who are now martyrs
02:14and those of us who are alive and continue defending the homeland will obtain justice for them.
02:21In Venezuela, the majority are women who lead the streets,
02:25structures that guarantee the operability of the benefits and social equity of the Bolivarian revolution.
02:31To attack them is to attack against the revolutionary popular base.
02:36Despite the terror against them, they do not want a future of revenge.
02:41That this situation of pain in Venezuela never be repeated,
02:45that we work for national dialogue, that we fight for justice,
02:50that this situation of pain in Venezuela never be repeated,
02:53that we work for national dialogue as the Venezuelan state has done
02:57throughout these 25 years calling for dialogue, that we meet as brothers and sisters.
03:04Today we cannot allow our youth, our children, our children and our family
03:07to be in the hands of those networks or those digital platforms
03:10because they are not only social networks,
03:12they are digital platforms of those games that show violence today.
03:17Article 116 of the Venezuelan Penal Code typifies and condemns political violence
03:24as well as another part of the legal body does engender violence
03:28to scourges that cut short the lives of Cirilla and Mayaris.
03:33Those who remember them want death to be followed by more life.
03:38That violence is always overcome by peace.
03:41Gladys Quezada, Tel Azur, Caracas, Venezuela.
