الشيخ حجاج الهنداوي اسطورة الزمان عشاء الجمالية ........................................بدون تعليق

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02:00Tuba li man aasha bayna al-nasi yahuwaka
02:06inni la a'ajabu min man ra'a tarafa min faydu juudika
02:13Rabbi kayfa yansaka
02:17Qul li t-tabibi ta khattafatuhu yadu rada
02:22Ya shafi al-amradi man ardaaka
02:28Qul li al-mareedi naja wa awfiya ba'dama a'ajazat fununu t-tibi man a'afaaka
02:37Qul li al-saheehi yamutu la min a'illatihi
02:42Man ya saheehu bil-mana yadahaaka
02:48Qul li al-baseeri wakana yahzaru kufratan fahawa biha
02:54Man al-lazi ahwaka
02:58Bal saeeri al-a'ma
03:02Khata bayna al-dhihami bil-astidhami
03:07Man al-lazi yakoodu khutaka
03:11Wa iza ra'ayta al-sahdana yamfusu summahu
03:16Fas'aluhu wa qullahu man bil-sumumi hashaaka
03:22Wa kayfa ta'eesh aw tahya
03:26Wa haza al-summu yamla ufaaka
03:30Was'al butoon al-nahli kayfa taqatarat shahdan
03:36Wa qul li al-shahdi man halaka
03:40Bal saeeri al-laban musaffa
03:44Kana bayna farasin wa damin man al-lazi safaka
03:50Wa iza ra'ayta al-nakhla mashqooqa al-nawa
03:54Fakullahu ya nakhlu man al-lazi shaqa nawaka
03:59Wa iza ra'ayta al-damma yajri fil-arooq
04:04Fakullahu man al-lazi ajraaka
04:07Huwa allahu al-basilu fi sada'atih
04:11In labtakun tara'u fa innahu yaraaka
04:19Salamun min Allahi alaykum wa rahmatu ta'ala wa barakatuh
04:24I am happy to have you behind the microphone
04:27Muhammad Hameed Daghiri from Al-Muzi'in family
04:30And I would like to share with you the remaining part of this night
04:35Which is a tribute to the late
04:39Whose soul has returned to its creator
04:42And the body has returned to its origin, which is the dust
04:46Brothers and sisters, let's live with the Holy Quran
04:52And let's prepare our hearts to beat
04:56And let's prepare our eyes to cry
05:01And let's prepare our ears to hear these voices
05:07And this recitation that pierces the hearts without a barrier
05:11With the best of words
05:14In which he said, I have been opening the book
05:18Since childhood and youth
05:21I am the son of Yaseen, the beloved, to whom he wanted to be
05:26I am in the elders, I walk, I do not go
05:30I am the son of Mary, and the crow, I sing with him in the middle of the speech
05:35Brothers and sisters, the recitation of the Holy Quran
05:40Recited by us and on behalf of your presence
05:43The President of the Republic of Arab Egypt
05:46And the President of the Radio and Television Union of Egypt and the Arab
05:49And who was honored by the Egyptian radio
05:53Reciter and announcer
05:55And who was called by the title of the heart
05:58The esteemed reciter of the Sheikh
06:01Hajjaj Ramadan Al-Hindawi
06:04The reciter and resident of the city of Cairo
06:07May God Almighty grant him success
06:10And for me and for your presence, listen well
06:37I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
07:04I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
07:15In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
07:46Indeed, this Qur'an relates to the Children of Israel
08:05And most of what they are in differ
08:15And indeed, it is guidance and mercy for the believers
08:36Indeed, your Lord will judge between them by His judgment, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Knowing
09:06So put your trust in Allah
09:21Indeed, you are on the clear truth
09:43Indeed, you do not make the dead hear, and you do not make the deaf hear the supplication when they have turned away, wondering
10:11And you guide not the blind out of their error
10:37Indeed, you do not make the deaf hear, and you do not make the deaf hear the supplication when they have turned away, wondering
11:07Indeed, this Qur'an relates to the Children of Israel
11:37And most of what they are in differ
11:52And indeed, it is guidance and mercy for the believers
12:23Indeed, your Lord will judge between them by His judgment, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Knowing
12:43So put your trust in Allah
13:13Indeed, you are on the clear truth
13:43Indeed, you do not make the dead hear, and you do not make the deaf hear the supplication when they have turned away, wondering
14:14And you guide not the blind out of their error
14:31Indeed, you do not make the deaf hear, except those who believe in Our signs, for they are Muslims
15:01And when the Word comes to pass against them, We will bring forth for them a grave
15:28A grave from the earth, where they will be spoken
15:58A grave from the earth, where they will be spoken
16:28A grave from the earth, where they will be spoken
16:58A grave from the earth, where they will be spoken
17:28A grave from the earth, where they will be spoken
17:58He will say, He has denied you My signs, and you encompassed them not in knowledge, or what you used to do
18:28And when the Word comes to pass against them because of their wrongdoing, they will not speak
18:58Do they not see that We have made the night, that they may rest therein, and the day as a visor
19:28Indeed in that are signs for a people who believe
19:58And on the Day when they will be blown into the Horn, and those in the heavens and those on the earth will be terrified
20:27Except those whom Allah wills
20:57And all will come to Him, weeping
21:27Do they not see that We have made the night, that they may rest therein, and the day as a visor
21:55Do they not see that We have made the night, that they may rest therein, and the day as a visor
22:25Indeed in that are signs for a people who believe
22:55And on the Day when they will be blown into the Horn
23:11And on the Day when they will be blown into the Horn, and those in the heavens and those on the earth will be terrified
23:36Except those whom Allah wills
24:06And all will be brought back to life
24:24And you will see the mountains, you will call them solid, and they will crumble
24:39And you will see the mountains, you will call them solid, and they will crumble
24:54And you will see the mountains, you will call them solid, and they will crumble
25:24And you will see the mountains, you will call them solid, and they will crumble
25:44And you will see the mountains, you will call them solid, and they will crumble
25:59And you will see the mountains, you will call them solid, and they will crumble
26:19And you will see the mountains, you will call them solid, and they will crumble
26:49Allah's way
27:08Allah's way
27:20Allah's way
27:50Allah's way
28:20Allah's way
28:50Allah's way
29:21And all will be brought back to life
29:32And you will see the mountains, you will call them solid, and they will crumble
29:58And you will see the mountains, you will call them solid, and they will crumble
30:28And you will see the mountains, you will call them solid, and they will crumble
30:58Allah's way
31:14And all will be brought back to life
31:23And you will see the mountains, you will call them solid, and they will crumble
31:38And you will see the mountains, you will call them solid, and they will crumble
32:08Allah's way
32:38Allah's way
33:07Allah's way
33:37Allah's way
34:07Allah's way
34:37Allah's way
35:07Allah's way
35:37Allah's way
36:02Allah's way
36:22Allah's way
36:52And to Him belongs all things. And I have been commanded, I will be of those who submit
37:19And to Him belongs all things. And I have been commanded, I will be of those who submit
37:44And I have been commanded, I will be of those who submit
38:14And I recite the Qur'an
38:37And I recite the Qur'an
38:49And whoever is guided, he is guided only for his own self
39:01And whoever has gone astray, say, I am not of those who are astray
39:31And I have been commanded, I am the Lord of this land which He has honored
39:59And to Him belongs all things. And I have been commanded, I will be of those who submit
40:27And I have been commanded, I will be of those who submit
40:34And I recite the Qur'an
40:57And I have been commanded, I am the Lord of this land which He has honored
41:26And to Him belongs all things. And I have been commanded, I will be of those who submit
41:55And I have been commanded, I will be of those who submit
42:25And to Him belongs all things. And I have been commanded, I will be of those who submit
42:55And I have been commanded, I will be of those who submit
43:13And I have been commanded, I will be of those who submit
43:40And I recite the Qur'an
44:10And whoever is guided, he is guided only for his own self. And whoever has gone astray, say, I am not of those who are astray
44:40When I was commanded to worship the Lord of this land
45:09When I was commanded to worship the Lord of this land
45:39When I was commanded to worship the Lord of this land
46:09When I was commanded to worship the Lord of this land
46:39And whoever is guided, he is guided only for his own self. And whoever has gone astray, say, I am not of those who are astray
47:09And say, all praise is due to Allah
47:34And say, all praise is due to Allah
48:04And say, all praise is due to Allah
48:34And say, all praise is due to Allah
48:49And say, all praise is due to Allah
48:59And He will show you His signs, and you will recognize Allah and your Lord is not unaware of what you do
49:29And say, all praise is due to Allah
49:50And say, all praise is due to Allah
49:57And He will show you His signs, and you will recognize Allah and your Lord is not unaware of what you do
50:27And say, all praise is due to Allah
50:40And say, all praise is due to Allah
50:45And He will show you His signs, and you will recognize Allah and your Lord is not unaware of what you do
51:09And your Lord is not unaware of what you do
51:27God Almighty has spoken the truth
51:38If they say about me, I am not of those who are wise, then who are the wise ones?
51:49O reader, Allah has loved you with a voice that ascends from the earth to the sky
51:56O reader of the Quran, read the Quran and follow us
52:01May Allah gather us together in Paradise in the company of the Prophets, the truthful, and the martyrs
52:09After we listened to this recitation of the Holy Quran
52:16Which was recited by the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt
52:21And the President of the Egyptian and Arab Radio and Television Unions
52:25And which was recited by the poet of the hearts, the great poet, Sheikh Hajjaz Ramadan Al-Hindawi
52:31The poet and resident of Cairo
52:34The poet and resident of Cairo
52:37The poet and resident of Cairo
52:40The poet and resident of Cairo
52:43The poet and resident of Cairo
52:46The poet and resident of Cairo
52:49The poet and resident of Cairo
52:52The poet and resident of Cairo
52:55The poet and resident of Cairo
52:58The poet and resident of Cairo
53:01The poet and resident of Cairo
53:04The poet and resident of Cairo
53:07The poet and resident of Cairo
53:10The poet and resident of Cairo
53:13The poet and resident of Cairo
53:16The poet and resident of Cairo
53:19The poet and resident of Cairo
53:22The poet and resident of Cairo
53:25The poet and resident of Cairo
