Tantangan Pensiun Dini PLTU

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Anggota Dewan Energi Nasional Periode 2020-2024 Satya Widya Yudha, menyatakan terdapat tantangan dalam mengganti pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTU) berbasis batu bara yang akan dipensiunkan. Pemerintah diminta harus mencari energi baru terbarukan (EBT) yang bersifat stabil diantaranya adalah Geothermal dan nuklir. Menurut Satya, pengembangan energi baru tebarukan (EBT) bergantung pada teknologi yang dimiliki Indonesia.


00:00We go to the National Energy Council of 2020-2024, Satya Wideyu has stated that there is a challenge in replacing the coal-based coal-fired coal-fired power plant that will be retired.
00:17The government is asked to look for renewable new energy that is stable, including geothermal and nuclear.
00:23According to Satya, the development of renewable new energy depends on the technology that Indonesia has.
00:29At least the availability of infrastructure, technology, and the need for relatively larger investment funds than fossil fuels often becomes a hindrance in accelerating the development of renewable energy, especially in developing countries such as Indonesia.
00:44And as we know, the Pension Dini program, PLTU, aims to accelerate the transition of energy from fossil fuels, especially coal, to cleaner and more environmentally friendly energy sources.
00:56By implementing Pension Dini on PLTU, the government hopes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
01:09The way to replace PLTU is not just like that.
01:16Because we have to look for a stable energy source for the base load.
01:22Because if we immediately replace it with PLTS, for example, it means that we are still dependent on intermittency.
01:31So, the uncertainty of intermittency is due to the fact that the sun depends on the sun.
01:37If there is no intermittency, it means that the battery technology must be in it.
01:41Then, secondly, we look at what kind of energy can be replaced.
01:45Geothermal, for example. We pump geothermal in this way.
01:49Because it is relatively stable, geothermal can be used as a base load.
01:53Then, what we often forget is nuclear.
01:58Nuclear can also be a base load.
02:00So, why in the strategy that will be included in the revision of the National Energy Policy, which I was once involved in,
02:09we will see that in 2060, the fossil fuel will still be 13%.
02:20The fossil fuel will still be 13%.
02:23The rest will be divided into several.
02:30Transcription by ESO. Translation by —
