CID Jungle के बीच हो पायेगी CID की CASE SOLVE | CID | FULL EPISODE

  • last month
Inspector Daya is narrating about a mysterious murder case, which is executed inside a hotel room located on Mumbai-Pune expressway. The victim, Mr. Prem check-in this hotel after arriving from South Africa. However; Team CID are trying their best to solve this mysterious case but the mastermind of this heinous crime have executed the murder with immense perfection. Will Team CID solve this mysterious case? Want to know more? Then stay tuned in and find out here.


00:19Calm down, calm down. Let me get to the office first.
00:22Then I'll talk to you.
00:36Talk to you later. I'm driving.
00:39I'm driving. I'll call you when I get to the office.
00:47I'll hang up now or there'll be an accident.
01:17A man's finger?
01:18Hello, CID?
01:20Yes, I found a man's finger here.
01:41Look at this, sir. This is the man's finger.
01:50He fell from the sky?
01:53I heard he fell from the sky and got stuck in a date tree.
01:55This isn't a cut finger.
01:58Someone pulled out this finger.
02:02Pulled out the finger?
02:04Oh no.
02:05He must have been in so much pain.
02:07Poor guy?
02:09A girl could have had a cut finger.
02:11Yes, that's true.
02:13Sir, there's no blood on the finger.
02:17Sir, there's no blood.
02:19He pulled out the finger.
02:22He pulled out the finger, but there's no blood.
02:26Because when he pulled out the finger,
02:28this man must have died.
02:31Sir, this finger fell from the sky.
02:33But where's the body?
02:36A crow must have taken this finger.
02:38It slipped from its claw and fell on your car.
02:42Sir, if that's the case,
02:44the body should be somewhere nearby.
02:46Yes, Freddy.
02:48There's a jungle all around.
02:51Let's see if we can find the body.
03:22Let's go.
03:23Let's go.
03:24Let's go.
03:51Yes, sir.
03:52This is the ticket for last night's show.
03:55Can you tell me who bought this ticket?
03:59It's difficult to say, but we'll try.
04:01Please come with me.
04:09This way, sir.
04:14Look at this ticket.
04:16Can you tell me who bought this ticket?
04:18It's difficult to say,
04:20but I'll try.
04:22Maybe I'll remember.
04:39Yes, sir.
04:40Two tickets were booked for 18th and 19th.
04:43Two tickets?
04:44Yes, sir.
04:45I remember, sir.
04:47When the man came to buy the ticket,
04:49he was asking for a corner seat.
04:51Did you see his face?
04:52I didn't see his face, sir.
04:54But he looked rich.
04:58What happened?
04:59Why are you laughing?
05:01I find it funny.
05:03You didn't see his face,
05:05yet you say he looked rich.
05:08How do you know if he was rich or poor?
05:10Sir, rich and poor can't be seen by their faces.
05:13You can see it by their clothes and clothes.
05:16When I saw his hands,
05:18he was wearing a gold watch.
05:22A gold watch?
05:23Yes, sir.
05:24There were diamonds on the dial of the watch.
05:27It even had the number PH.
05:31Pierre Harding?
05:33Pierre Harding's watches are expensive.
05:37why would someone who wears such an expensive watch
05:39come to a theatre to watch a movie?
05:41He should have gone to a multiplex.
05:45Did you see anything else in his hands?
05:47Sir, I found one thing very strange.
05:49His nails were very dirty.
05:52His nails were dirty?
05:53Yes, sir.
05:54Was the gold watch he was wearing
05:57I mean, was it okay?
05:59The watch was very loose, sir.
06:01That means whoever he was,
06:03he was a thief.
06:04Pierre Harding's watch
06:06must have been stolen from somewhere.
06:08Okay, thank you.
06:09Mr. Manish.
06:11The ticket checker, Ashar,
06:13we want to ask him something.
06:14Yes, please.
06:15Come with me.
06:18Please come.
06:33Good afternoon, sir.
06:35The CID wants to ask you something.
06:37Come with me.
06:41In the last show last night,
06:43who was sitting on seat number 18-19
06:45to watch the movie?
06:47Sir, he did come.
06:48But I thought he was crazy.
06:51Sir, he didn't understand anything.
06:53Where was he sitting?
06:54And his luggage was somewhere else.
06:56What luggage did he have?
06:57Sir, he had a bag.
06:58But he left it here.
07:00We thought someone would come to take it.
07:02But no one came, sir.
07:03Did you open the bag and see what was in it?
07:05Sir, I didn't open it.
07:07But the hand detectors checked it.
07:09We didn't find anything dangerous.
07:10Okay, show me the bag.
07:11Where is it?
07:12Yes, sir.
07:14Hey, give me the bag you found under the seat that day.
07:18Okay, sir.
07:25Sir, this is the bag.
07:27Sir, when the cleaner told us
07:29that there was a bag under seat number 19,
07:31that's when we found out.
07:32Did you inform the police?
07:33We thought someone would come and take it.
07:35That's why we left it here.
07:37Don't make the same mistake again.
07:39If anyone leaves with the wrong luggage,
07:41you'll be in trouble.
07:42Got it?
07:43Sorry, sir.
07:44We'll be careful.
07:49He's really crazy, sir.
07:51He's carrying a newspaper with him.
07:54Did he watch the entire film?
07:56No, sir.
07:57He left before the interval.
08:00Do one thing.
08:02Go to all the police stations around here
08:04and find out if an expensive watch was stolen.
08:07Only then will we know
08:09if the watch was stolen
08:10or if this man is really a rich man.
08:12Why was this man carrying so many old newspapers
08:14in his bag?
08:16He's a crazy man, sir.
08:26Look at this.
08:27On all these newspapers,
08:29bungalow number 17 is written.
08:32All these papers were picked up from the same place.
08:36Sir, if we find out
08:38which area bungalow number 17 belongs to,
08:41then we can find out everything about this man.
08:50Two tickets were bought, sir.
08:52One man bought two tickets.
08:54One didn't even go to watch the film.
08:56He took the film tickets to the jungle
08:58and became a corpse there.
09:01He bought the film tickets and became a corpse.
09:04If he wanted to become a corpse,
09:05why did he buy the film tickets?
09:08And the other man went to watch the film with this bag.
09:11The bag was filled with trash.
09:13Why would anyone go to watch a film with trash, sir?
09:20This trash has set my mind on fire.
09:23This trash...
09:24Sir, is it possible that
09:26that man was going to sell trash somewhere
09:28but he didn't get a chance to sell it
09:31and he went to watch the film?
09:33Should I throw this and kill him?
09:36Freddy, don't force me to commit suicide.
09:39Sir, that's what...
09:41Freddy, how much would this trash cost?
09:44Rs. 10.
09:45And this bag must be worth Rs. 1,000-1,500, right?
09:51And film tickets are worth Rs. 100.
09:54So, Freddy,
09:55the man who can buy a ticket worth Rs. 100
09:57to watch a film,
09:59the man who can buy a bag worth Rs. 1,000,
10:02will he take a bag worth Rs. 10 along the way
10:05to sell it?
10:07That means
10:08there is a secret in this trash, Abhijeet.
10:11In this very trash.
10:13Did you check all the papers?
10:15Yes, sir.
10:16All the papers from 3rd September to 28th September.
10:19One after the other.
10:20Did you check all the papers?
10:22Not a single one is missing.
10:23No, sir. Not a single one.
10:24That means
10:25from 3rd September to 28th September
10:29something fishy has happened.
10:32Sir, there is no such news in these newspapers
10:34that can be read out loud.
10:35It's just small thefts, sir.
10:38If nothing has happened, Daya,
10:40then why was he roaming around with the trash?
10:43What's more,
10:44he didn't even watch the entire film.
10:46It's good that he didn't bring a bomb in this bag.
10:52maybe he has come to check the security of the theatre
10:55and bring the real bomb next time.
10:57There is one thing, Mootis.
10:58And that is
10:59one man came here to watch the film
11:01and his partner's throat was slit in the jungle.
11:05Do you understand?
11:06Here is the film,
11:08the trash,
11:09and there is blood.
11:12One man bought two tickets for the film.
11:15How many?
11:16Two tickets.
11:17But one of them brought the trash
11:21and the other became the trash in the jungle.
11:25Then why did this man buy two tickets for the film?
11:30And for what?
11:35Sir, we have got a theft report from Prem Nagar Colony Police Station.
11:38Look at this.
11:42A man named Lokesh has written this report.
11:45Yes, sir.
11:46Someone has stolen Lokesh's watch worth Rs. 5 lakhs.
11:49A watch worth Rs. 5 lakhs?
11:51Then he must have definitely seen the thief.
11:54Suchin, do one thing.
11:56There are photographs of thieves and pocket thieves from our headquarters.
12:00Get all the photographs of thieves from there
12:03and show them to Lokesh.
12:05Maybe he will recognize the thief.
12:10Earlier also, 5-6 goons from this market
12:11have snatched women's chains and nuptial chains.
12:14And this time it's the limit.
12:15People came and snatched my watch from my hand.
12:17And I couldn't do anything.
12:19Didn't you guys shout for help?
12:20Or didn't you go after him?
12:21Sir, we shouted a lot.
12:24But no one came to help us.
12:27You must have seen the thief's face, right?
12:29I saw a glimpse.
12:30I don't know where he came from
12:32and snatched the watch from my hand and ran away.
12:34The glimpse he saw
12:36must have reminded him of how he looked.
12:43These are the photographs of those who steal chain purses.
12:47Try to identify him.
12:51Yes, sir.
13:12This one?
13:14This one?
13:15Yes, sir.
13:16This one?
13:22It's good.
13:23Now we know who this man is.
13:25You made our job easier.
13:33Will we get our watch back?
13:36If we find the thief, we will get the watch back.
13:44You guys are lying.
13:46You know everything.
13:47You are just like him.
13:49A thief.
13:51I won't spare anyone.
13:52Got it?
13:53All of you are thieves.
13:54Thieves like him.
14:05Are you guys looking for him?
14:08You guys must have stolen something and ran away, right?
14:10Yes. Where did he go?
14:12Sir, I've been looking for him for two days.
14:15But whenever I come here, I find him locked up.
14:18Did anyone tell you anything?
14:19When did you see him?
14:20Who will tell you?
14:22This neighbor is locked up in front of everyone.
14:25No one is ready to say anything.
14:27We will have to search this house.
14:29Move back.
14:30Let's go.
14:31Let's go.
14:46You've decorated the house with stolen items.
14:49Do you have an expensive watch at home?
14:56Come here.
14:58Do you know Chotu?
15:00His brother Raju is my friend.
15:05You guys?
15:06We are from CID.
15:08Where is Raja?
15:10I don't know, sir.
15:12He stays here with Chotu.
15:14Sir, because of Raju, my job is in danger.
15:19Sir, I am a driver.
15:20I drive a car.
15:21Day before yesterday, Raju took my car and left.
15:23He hasn't returned yet.
15:24Sir, the owner is after me.
15:26Why did you give him the car?
15:27For friendship, sir.
15:29He said he will be back in an hour.
15:51Chotu is alive.
15:54Chotu is alive.
15:56I thought he was dead.
15:59Come here.
16:01Go and talk to him.
16:02See what he says.
16:06Aren't you ashamed?
16:08You lock the door from outside
16:09and enter through the window.
16:10Mangal, what are you doing?
16:11Shut up.
16:12Shut up.
16:13Don't shout.
16:14Shut up.
16:15Do you think I am mad?
16:17Tell me, where is Raju?
16:18Where is Raju?
16:19Tell me.
16:20Mangal, be careful.
16:21Be careful.
16:22Hey, you.
16:23Come here.
16:24Stand here.
16:26Where is Raju?
16:27Where did you take his car?
16:29I don't know, sir.
16:30He didn't tell me anything, sir.
16:39Day before yesterday, Champak Cinema.
16:41For whom did you go to buy the ticket?
16:43For Raju.
16:44For Raju?
16:45Yes, sir.
16:46He told me that a lot of money is going to come.
16:48And if I play the last card, I will become a millionaire.
16:51He disappeared before becoming a millionaire.
16:54What was Raju wearing?
16:55He was wearing a sky colored shirt and black pants, sir.
16:58And his shoes were black?
16:59Yes, sir.
17:01What happened to my brother?
17:03The same thing that happens with criminals.
17:06Someone killed him.
17:10Did you find my car, sir?
17:13What is the number of your car?
17:20Who else went with Raju to watch the movie?
17:24You bought two tickets, didn't you?
17:25I don't know anything, sir.
17:27He didn't tell me anything.
17:28He just asked me to get the ticket.
17:31Arrest him.
17:33Let's go.
17:34Sir, take my car, sir.
17:42This bag is empty.
17:45But why is there so much weight in this bag?
17:48Open it.
17:49See what's inside.
18:06My God!
18:11So much money!
18:12How much money, sir?
18:17Sir, there are 100 bundles worth Rs.1000.
18:20That's Rs.1 crore.
18:22But I don't understand one thing.
18:25Why did this man leave so much money in the cinema hall?
18:31What could be the reason?
18:33Sir, look at this.
18:36There is a bank seal on these notes, sir.
18:38Then do one thing, Sochin.
18:40Find out from the bank who took this Rs.1 crore.
18:45Sir, if Rs.1 crore is taken out of any bank,
18:50then there is a commotion in the bank, right?
18:52What commotion?
18:53There is a commotion sometimes.
18:54And it is also possible that there was no money in the bank at that time.
18:58What happened to you that day?
19:00Did you have money to give in the bank or not?
19:03Yes, I had.
19:05So, didn't you ask that man why he was taking out Rs.1 crore suddenly?
19:09Yes, I did.
19:10I asked him.
19:11He said that it was his money.
19:12Should I keep it or take it out?
19:13Why do you care?
19:14Maybe he was tensed.
19:16That's why he gave such an answer.
19:18And he seemed to be a little worried.
19:22If someone has crores of rupees in his account,
19:25he must be a very important customer of yours, right?
19:29What is the name of that customer?
19:40Mr. Mohit, are you at home?
19:41Yes, sir.
19:42Call him.
19:43Who is it?
19:47Yes, sir.
19:48Sorry, I didn't recognize you.
19:51We are from CID.
19:54Yes, from CID.
19:55We wanted to ask you something important.
19:57About Raju.
19:58About Raju's murder.
19:59What is the matter, Mohit?
20:01Raju's murder.
20:03Raju's murder.
20:04Raju's murder.
20:05Raju's murder.
20:06Raju's murder.
20:07Raju's murder.
20:10Are they from CID?
20:12They want to inquire about Raju's murder.
20:15Who is Raju?
20:17Your son knows him well.
20:19He had taken Raju with him to watch a movie.
20:21Chapak Cinema.
20:25Chapak Cinema?
20:28Your son had kept a bag worth crores of rupees..
20:32under the chair.
20:34Am I right, Mohit?
20:38You guys come inside.
20:46So tell me, was this money yours?
20:49Yes, we had kept that money there out of helplessness.
20:53What helplessness?
20:54Someone had kidnapped our son.
20:57And the kidnappers had asked for this money from there.
21:00If the kidnappers had asked for this money, then why didn't they take it from there?
21:03Why did they leave it there?
21:04I don't know, sir.
21:05The kidnappers had asked to keep the money under the seat.
21:08And we kept it there.
21:10Okay, who gave you the ticket?
21:12Sir, the kidnapper had called.
21:14And he said that in the parking lot,
21:17there must be a ticket lying on the corner on the right.
21:20We did the same.
21:22And the ticket was kept there.
21:24Okay, tell me, did the kidnappers leave your sister?
21:27Yes, sir.
21:28My sister has come home safely.
21:32Where did you find your sister?
21:34There, sir.
21:35In the parking lot of Champak cinema.
21:37Sir, I think Priyanka must have seen those kidnappers.
21:42Okay, where is Priyanka?
21:44I want to meet her.
22:02God forbid, this happens to anyone.
22:05With my beautiful daughter.
22:08She is not able to say anything.
22:10She is in deep shock.
22:12Son, these people have come from CID.
22:15Tell me, who had kidnapped you?
22:32Priyanka, you must have seen the kidnappers.
22:36You must know them.
22:47Priyanka, tell me, when the kidnappers kidnapped you,
22:51did they take you unconscious or blindfolded?
22:54How did they take you?
22:56How did they take you?
23:01Calm down, my child.
23:03Son, don't worry.
23:05They will get her punished.
23:07Don't cry.
23:09Do you remember where they had kept you?
23:14You must remember something.
23:18Son, if you don't tell me, how will I know?
23:26Priyanka, look at this photo carefully.
23:30Do you recognize this man?
23:41Do you recognize him?
23:45He is the same man who had kidnapped you.
23:52He had taken you to the cinema hall.
23:57Do you know what happened to him later?
24:03What happened to the kidnapper?
24:06That man has been murdered.
24:11Someone killed him.
24:13It's good that he died.
24:15He troubled my daughter so much.
24:17God punished him.
24:19Is it possible that you all killed the kidnapper Raju?
24:24What are you saying?
24:25Yes, I am right.
24:27As soon as Raju left Priyanka in the parking lot,
24:30one of your men went there.
24:32He made Raju unconscious and killed him.
24:38What are you all accusing me of?
24:47We will have to check the parking lot of the cinema hall.
24:51We will have to check the parking lot of the cinema hall.
24:56A red car came in the parking lot around 9 o'clock last night.
25:01Sir, red cars keep coming and going.
25:04But if you tell me its number, I will let you know.
25:08The car's number is XTX 93739.
25:11XTX 93739.
25:18Look at this, sir.
25:19The car came and then left.
25:22The car stopped for 20 minutes.
25:24Look at this, sir.
25:25This is the time the car came and this is the time the car left.
25:29The car came and left?
25:30Sir, this means the killer was already in the parking lot.
25:37When Raju came to drop Priyanka here,
25:39the killer attacked Raju and put him in the red car and took him away.
25:43Do one thing.
25:44Find the place where the killer must have attacked Raju.
25:48Maybe we will find a clue there.
26:09Find the place where the killer must have attacked Raju.
26:14Find the place where the killer must have attacked Raju.
26:37Yes, sir.
26:44Yes, sir.
27:05Yes, Pradeep.
27:06I found the torn pocket.
27:09Torn pocket?
27:10This must be the killer's shirt.
27:15It must have got torn in the accident.
27:17But Raju's pocket was intact.
27:27Did you see the man driving the car?
27:30Yes, sir.
27:31I saw him when he was leaving.
27:33He was wearing thick glasses.
27:35And he had a beard.
27:36He must have had a beard and thick glasses.
28:06Yes, sir.
28:28Sir, anyone can find sweat stains on their shirt.
28:33Yes, Tariqa.
28:34It should be there.
28:35That's what I am checking.
28:36Then, sir.
28:37We can trace the DNA from the sweat
28:39and reach the criminal easily.
28:42Maybe there is an old criminal in our record.
29:04Yes, sir.
29:31There is no sweat on this shirt.
29:33The killer must have tried to save himself
29:35during the attack.
29:39Tariqa, do one thing.
29:40Give me the formaldehyde solution.
30:04Oh, my God!
30:11There is a poisonous chemical
30:14on this shirt.
30:17Poisonous chemical?
30:19A beard and thick glasses.
30:22What is that?
30:23I don't know.
30:24I don't know.
30:25I don't know.
30:26I don't know.
30:27I don't know.
30:28I don't know.
30:29I don't know.
30:30I don't know.
30:31I don't know.
30:33Whenever a man tries to hide himself
30:35he takes the support of these two things.
30:38A fake beard and thick glasses.
30:41Any other identity?
30:44Sir, when the car was leaving the theatre
30:46the security guard saw this.
30:48Sir, that man knew very well
30:50what Raju was going to do.
30:51He knew that Raju would come to the parking lot
30:54to drop Priyanka.
30:56Sir, he knows everything.
30:58Then he must know about the 1 crore.
31:02He must know.
31:04He must know.
31:05But sir, why did he leave the 1 crore?
31:08He didn't take it.
31:09Because he didn't want the money.
31:11He just wanted to kill Raju.
31:14If we find out
31:16what his enmity was with Raju
31:19then we can think about
31:21why he loved Raju's life more than money.
31:28Why don't you ask the killer?
31:34How did you catch him?
31:35We didn't know him.
31:36This man works in a pest control company
31:38or a pesticide chemical factory
31:41where insecticide is made.
31:44He must have found something.
31:46What do you mean?
31:47What are you saying?
31:48How did you find this?
31:51You had brought a piece of your pocket.
31:54I found pesticides on it.
31:59You noticed something.
32:01What is this PC?
32:03It must be the company's name.
32:06Most people write their company's name on their dresses.
32:09The letter before the word PC
32:13seems to be half erased.
32:15What could it be?
32:18Check your computer.
32:20Which company's logo is this?
32:22Yes, sir.
32:24Sir, there is no chemical factory by this name.
32:28There is no chemical company?
32:31Check the pest control company.
32:33Yes, sir.
32:39This is the company's logo.
32:41This is the company's logo.
32:44This is the company's logo.
32:47This is the company's logo.
32:50This is the company's logo.
32:53This is the company's logo.
33:05Sir, there is a company.
33:08Test Pest Control.
33:10We will have to find out from this company
33:13if a man with a big beard and big glasses works here.
33:19I thought you were a generous man.
33:21But you turned out to be a miser.
33:26There is a limit to being a miser.
33:29You are eating my food and making me eat yours.
33:32We don't want to eat all this.
33:34We want a big party.
33:36You want a party?
33:38Today is a happy day.
33:40You are winning that lost case.
33:42Otherwise, you would have lost everything.
33:46You are right.
33:48Thank God that I won the case.
33:51Thank God.
33:52Thank God later.
33:54First, make your friends happy.
33:57We will bless you.
34:00Give us a party.
34:01You want a party?
34:04Not today.
34:05I can't give you a party today.
34:07I have to go home early today.
34:09I have to tell this good news to my family.
34:12Okay, go.
34:13But before you go, give me the money for the sandwich.
34:17You won't leave me.
34:19Okay, I will give you the money.
34:21Okay, bye.
34:23Okay, bye.
34:24Give me your money.
34:27Give me.
34:30Take this.
34:33You are here?
34:35What are you doing here?
34:36How are you?
34:37I am fine.
34:38How are you?
34:39We have met after a long time.
34:42Is everything fine?
34:44Yes, everything is fine.
34:46Let's have a party today.
34:48No, no.
34:49Not today.
34:50I have to go home early today.
34:52I am already getting late.
34:53Please, not today.
34:55Are you going home?
34:56Yes, I am going home.
34:57I will drop you.
34:59I was thinking to meet someone and go home with him.
35:02Let's go.
35:03It's okay.
35:17Sir, I don't see that old man and the man with the fat glasses.
35:20Yes, I don't see him anywhere.
35:22Maybe he has gone to do some press control work.
35:30Good morning, sir.
35:33Sir, I am the manager here.
35:36Do you only have this many people working here?
35:40No, sir.
35:41There are ten more people but they are not working.
35:43Do you have a man who has a long beard and wears fat glasses?
35:49Yes, sir.
35:50We have one such man.
35:52What is his name?
35:53Sir, his name is Dev.
35:55Please call this Dev.
35:57Sir, he hasn't come to office yet.
35:59Actually, he has a habit of coming late.
36:01I think he must be at home right now.
36:04Where does this Dev stay?
36:05Yamini Apartment, Tilak Nagar.
36:07And I think his flat's name is Ramesh.
36:11Tilak Nagar.
36:12And I think his flat's number is 302.
36:14Tilak Nagar, Yamini Apartment.
36:16Flat number 302.
36:37Excuse me.
36:41Please come inside.
36:45Sir, please come inside.
36:47Please come inside.
36:48Close the door.
36:57Oh no!
36:58The one who killed Raju.
37:00By cutting his throat.
37:02But he doesn't have a face.
37:04How will we know if he is Dev or someone else?
37:07Sachin, this house was locked from inside.
37:09That means the murderer is still here.
37:12Now we will know if he is Dev or someone else.
37:14Do one thing.
37:15Check if there is anything hidden around.
37:18Check if there is any other wound on his body.
37:39Let's go.
39:39Don't follow me.
39:40Or else I will jump.
39:42There is no way to escape from here.
39:44Don't follow me.
39:45Come quietly.
39:47Don't follow me.
39:53Don't follow me.
39:54Or else I will jump.
39:55You will die.
40:08Come here.
40:38Come here.
40:49Did you find out anything about the headless body?
40:51Whose is it?
40:52No, sir.
40:53We checked every corner of that house.
40:55But we didn't find the headless body of that man.
41:00The front door of the house was locked from inside.
41:02There was no way to go from behind.
41:04Then how did he disappear?
41:07The killer himself died.
41:08But he raised a question mark in front of us.
41:12Till now we don't know where he has hidden the severed head.
41:20Till now all the heads must have become his soul.
41:26I mean.
41:27Let's close this case.
41:30When did I say that, sir?
41:31No. If you say, let's close it.
41:33Because the severed head has disappeared.
41:35Because the souls must have become his.
41:37How can the head disappear, sir?
41:39The souls are made of something else.
41:44What is it made of?
41:47Tell me also.
41:49The souls are inside the body, sir.
41:53Sometimes they don't come out of the body and go up.
41:59They keep circling around themselves.
42:01Oh my God!
42:02Look around you.
42:03Look up and down.
42:04Look everywhere.
42:05Look if there is a soul.
42:06Look. Hurry up.
42:10Above him.
42:12Above you.
42:13There is a soul.
42:14Oh my God!
42:17Above me?
42:18Yes, Freddy. Don't move.
42:19It's above you.
