Best Of CID _ The Mystery Behind Ladies In A Black Dress _ Full Episode _ 7 Mar 2022

  • 2 days ago
CID comes across a strange case where ladies in black dresses are being abducted. CID Officer Purvi goes undercover and dresses like the victim to trap the culprit. She is kidnapped and taken by the criminal who is mentally affected by his girlfriend's deception. Will the CID team be able to protect its officer on time? Stay tuned to find out!
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01:52What is this?
01:58Listen ya
02:01It's not funny anymore
02:03Where are you?
02:04Now please stop this joke and come out
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03:05Look at this laptop, how handsome he is
03:09People will be amazed to see you and him together
03:12And that neighbor Ranju's mom
03:14She will be jealous to see my daughter and son-in-law together
03:19Mom, I don't have time for all this
03:22Our shoot can start anytime
03:23And I have to give a final touch to these model's dresses
03:27First give a final touch to your life
03:30Some earning, eating, fair skinned boy
03:34Get married after watching Well Settled in Canada
03:36Leave this
03:37Well Settled in Canada
03:39Leave Canada
03:41Well Settled in Mumbai
03:43Meher, you are still here?
03:45What? What happened?
03:47Hurry up, they are here
03:49Oh my god, they are here?
03:51Kalenda girl is ready for the photo shoot
03:53Where is she going?
03:55And you, what is this Meher Meher?
03:57Don't you want my daughter to settle down?
04:00You go and attend those Kalenda girls first
04:02Go, Meher will be here soon
04:05And you, come here and look at the boys
04:20Lights off
04:21So girls
04:23It's quite late now
04:25So let's take a break for an hour
04:27All of you will change your costumes
04:29Make up?
04:31Make up will come, come here
04:33Are you running to pack up?
04:35By the way, the shoot was quite good
04:37Thank you
04:41Give me tea please
04:45Me too please
04:47Pratap, where is Meher?
04:48Ma'am, she was sitting with her mom in the lobby of the hotel
04:52I haven't seen her since then
04:54What? Where is she stuck?
04:56And her mom is quite strange
04:58She is always roaming around with the boys' photos
05:00True, her mom is so cute
05:02But our next costumes are ready by Meher
05:05Wait, let me call her
05:10Not reachable
05:12Looks like her mom will get her married today
05:16It's weird
05:18Meher never does this
05:20Pratap, check
05:22She is still with her mom
05:24She is not sitting in the lobby of the hotel
05:26Yes, I am sure. Let me check
05:34Look, Meher's mom
05:37Hi aunty
05:39Aunty, where is Meher?
05:41Didn't she come here?
05:45But she said she will come straight from the restaurant for the photoshoot
05:46She didn't come
05:48And her phone is also not reachable
05:50That's why I had to come here
05:52What restaurant?
05:54Where is Meher?
05:56She has gone to meet the boy who took the photos
05:58Meher called that boy and asked him to meet her
06:02Little India restaurant
06:04On RK Road
06:06Hello ma'am, the food is good right?
06:12Sushant sir, you are here at this time?
06:14Why? It's my restaurant
06:16What can I do for you?
06:18Nothing sir, sorry
06:24Hi, welcome
06:26Table for six?
06:28No, we are looking for someone
06:32My daughter, Meher. She left for your restaurant
06:34She was wearing a black dress and diamond earrings
06:36Where is she?
06:38This is that girl, Meher
06:40She was supposed to meet someone here at 1pm
06:42She came to meet a boy named Sharman
06:45I didn't see her here today
06:47But I will ask the staff
06:50Excuse me, please come here
06:54Did anyone see that girl here today?
06:58Yes sir, I saw her
07:06But what?
07:07Tell me the truth
07:09The girl hasn't reached home yet
07:11And her phone is switched off
07:13But she didn't come inside the restaurant
07:15She was standing outside
07:17Then a black car came and she sat inside
07:19Then where did my daughter go?
07:21Did you forget to bring the spices?
07:23Sushant sir will create a ruckus
07:25Don't be angry, everything will be here in 2 hours
07:27All the stuff will be here in 2 hours
07:29Ok, ok
07:31Keep the rice and the dough bags in their places
07:36I don't know why the train has stopped
07:38Till then I will talk to the oil and ghee seller
07:40Ok, ok
07:42Take this
07:44Let's keep it in the right place
07:49Enough, enough
07:54What is that?
07:59What is that?
08:05This is blood
08:07Where did this blood come from?
08:09I don't know
08:11See what is inside the gun
08:15Wait, I will see
08:16What is this?
08:34This is the dead body
08:38Sir, we have found the dead body
08:40What nonsense are you talking?
08:42Are you both in your senses?
08:44Sir, we are telling the truth
08:46The dead body is in the warehouse
08:48Is she my daughter?
08:50Aunty, please
08:52Control yourself
08:54Let's go and see
08:57This is the dead body
08:59See this
09:05The clothes look like my sister's
09:07Where are you both?
09:09How did the dead body come here?
09:11Sir, we don't know anything
09:16Let's go
09:26This is not Meher
09:36Where did my Meher go?
09:38Control yourself aunty
09:40We will find Meher
09:42But who is this girl?
09:43And how mercilessly he beat this poor girl
09:46I think we should call the CID
09:48No, no. No CID police will come here
09:50This is my hotel
09:52What? This is a murder case
09:54CID will have to come
10:14Which way is the dead body?
10:16This way
10:32Shreya, check the body
10:58Who are you?
11:00We are looking for Meher, her daughter
11:02She is our stylist
11:04And we found this girl in the warehouse
11:06But the strange thing is
11:08This girl is wearing the same accessories and dress
11:10Like Meher
11:11So you don't know this girl?
11:15And have you seen this girl here today?
11:17Or did she come here before?
11:19Sir, we don't know anything about her
11:21Really sir, we don't know anything about her
11:23No sir, we haven't seen her before
11:25And you?
11:27Sir, I am the manager of this restaurant
11:29And sir, I am the owner of this restaurant
11:31Now please allow us
11:33We are looking for Meher
11:35Where did my daughter go?
11:37Why did I send her to meet Sharman?
11:41Who is Sharman?
11:43She went to meet Sharman
11:45They were going to meet to like each other
11:48Give us all the details of Meher
11:50And tell us everything you know about Sharman
11:53Yes sir, we will send all the details to CID Bureau
11:56Thank you
11:58Sir, this was our duty
12:00Yes, but people have started forgetting their duty
12:03One of your team members is missing
12:05And still you gave so much time in the other case
12:07No one does this these days
12:09Thank you so much
12:22Sir, look at this
12:24Along with this wound
12:26There are marks on her neck and body
12:28Like spots of a peck
12:30It looks like someone pinched her
12:32Or something pointed at her
12:34But I don't see any marks around
12:38No sir, there are no other wounds on her body
12:41And she is wearing an engagement ring
12:46Sir, one more strange thing
12:50The type of clothes she is wearing
12:52Looks like she was going to a party or an event
12:55But she is not wearing any shoes
12:57She is not wearing any shoes
13:00Maybe her shoes or sandals came off
13:03When she was trying to escape from the murderer
13:06Maybe, but there is no dirt
13:09Between her legs, waist and fingers
13:15Look at this
13:19And this is between her fingers
13:22Yes sir
13:24This looks like something else
13:27The body is rotting
13:29There are no ligaments
13:31It looks like she died
13:33Atleast 24 hours ago
13:36And the same type of clothes
13:38Mehar was wearing
13:40This can't be a coincidence
13:42It looks like something else
13:44The body is lying here in the warehouse
13:46And no one saw this body coming here
13:48And no one told us anything
13:50This body must not have flown here
13:53Someone here
13:55Must know something
13:57Sir, her name was Karan
13:59The one she went to meet
14:01And where did Leena go to meet Karan?
14:04I wish I had asked her
14:08Look Mr. Prakash
14:10Control yourself
14:12Is this Karan's hand in Leena's murder?
14:16Sir, and my daughter Mehar
14:18We don't know anything about her
14:20I am very scared
14:22What if my daughter
14:24The girl Mehar went to meet
14:26What did you tell her name?
14:30Mehar called Sharman in front of me
14:32And Sharman told Mehar
14:34To wear a black dress and diamond earrings
14:37Leena also wore a black dress and diamond earrings
14:41Karan and Sharman are two different people
14:44And both of them called the girls
14:46In the same get up
14:48Which matrimonial website is this?
14:53Leena also met Karan on this website
14:58Is it?
15:09And what is their full name?
15:11Karan Kumar
15:13Sharman S
15:19They both look like from a decent family
15:23Ready Nikhil
15:25The number is given in the profile below
15:27Talk to Karan on this
15:37Sir, Karan's phone is switched off
15:40Sir, Sharman's phone is switched off
15:43Sir, when Mehar was getting late that day
15:46I called Mehar's number first
15:49But her phone was switched off
15:50Then I called Sharman's number
15:53But his phone was also switched off
15:57We have to find out about Karan and Sharman
16:00It is not possible that two different people
16:03Called these two girls in the same get up
16:06One of them is murdered
16:09And the other one is missing
16:12In this profile
16:14There are the names and numbers of these companies
16:16Where they work
16:18Call them and check
16:23Delhi's solution
16:25GP call center
16:27I am calling from CID
16:29We need to know about your employee Sharman S
16:32I need to know about your employee Karan
16:35He is in the office today
16:37Then get me to talk to him
16:39It is urgent
16:43Sir, due to an illness
16:46Karan died in July 2013
16:50Karan died in 2013?
16:52How is it possible?
16:54Sir, Sharman died 10 months ago
16:58Oh God!
17:00Then who was the one who talked to Mehar?
17:03Sir, if Karan and Sharman are dead
17:05Then who must have called Leena and Mehar to meet?
17:08That means this murderer
17:10Used the wrong identity of the dead people
17:13And trapped those two girls
17:15Then do one thing
17:16Call all the administrative officials of the matrimonial sites
17:20And all the male profiles
17:23And their contact numbers
17:25Call all of them and cross check
17:27It is possible that this murderer
17:29Is still misusing someone else's profile
17:46Who are you?
17:48Who are you?
17:50Who are you?
17:52Who are you?
17:54Who are you?
17:56Who are you?
17:58Who are you?
18:00Who are you?
18:02Who are you?
18:04Who are you?
18:06Who are you?
18:08Who are you?
18:10Who are you?
18:12Who are you?
18:14Who are you?
18:17Who are you?
18:19Who are you?
18:21Who are you?
18:23Who are you?
18:25Who are you?
18:27Who are you?
18:29Who are you?
18:31Who are you?
18:33Who are you?
18:35Who are you?
18:37Who are you?
18:39Who are you?
18:41Who are you?
18:43Who are you?
18:44Who are you?
18:46Who are you?
18:48Who are you?
18:50Who are you?
18:52Who are you?
18:54Who are you?
18:56Who are you?
18:58Who are you?
19:00Who are you?
19:02Who are you?
19:04Who are you?
19:06Who are you?
19:08Who are you?
19:10Who are you?
19:12Who are you?
19:14Who are you?
19:16Who are you?
19:18Who are you?
19:20Who are you?
19:22Who are you?
19:24Who are you?
19:26Who are you?
19:28Who are you?
19:30Who are you?
19:32Who are you?
19:34Who are you?
19:36Who are you?
19:38Who are you?
19:40Who are you?
19:42Who are you?
19:45What is this, Tarika?
19:49Daya, the wound on Leena's body...
19:53...contains the saliva of the genus Burmiculopus.
19:57Genus Burmiculopus?
19:59What is this, Tarika?
20:01Nikhil, this is the DNA of the hens.
20:04DNA of the hens?
20:06That means the hens have killed her.
20:09It seems so.
20:12And the food that was in her bowels...
20:15...which you thought to be dung...
20:17Daya, it is not dung.
20:19It is food.
20:23Doctor, is it the food of the hens?
20:26Absolutely, Daya.
20:28There are some pieces of oyster shells in it.
20:31Some pieces of the shell of an apple.
20:34Which is very nutritious for the hens.
20:37A nutritious food.
20:39That means Leena was kept in a poultry farm...
20:44...before being brought to the warehouse of Little India Restaurant.
20:58Yes, sir.
21:00Shreya has gone to the airport.
21:02She will come here with Karan and Sharman's family in a while.
21:05Okay, sir.
21:06Okay, sir. Okay.
21:08How many people have you found...
21:10...whose IDs this killer is using?
21:12We are trying to find them.
21:14Sir, these people are the heads of the leading matrimonial websites.
21:19This is Mr. Vyas and this is Mrs. Reena.
21:23Sir, I was surprised to hear...
21:25...that a man is misusing the matrimonial site to commit murder.
21:28That is why we called you here.
21:30So that we can identify the killer.
21:32Yes, sir. There are many small matrimonial websites... the city.
21:38We are trying our best to find the killer.
21:42We need the profile which was closed on a website a while ago.
21:45And with the same name, photo and number... has been opened on some other website.
21:50Yes, sir. We are trying to shortlist the profile.
21:57This is Karan's wife, Meeta.
22:00And this is Sharman's brother, Vikram.
22:02Hello, sir.
22:03It's been two years since my husband died.
22:06Is someone still using his identity?
22:11And my brother Sharman was never on any matrimonial website.
22:15But even if he had a profile, why would anyone use it?
22:19And that too after his death.
22:21Look, the killer is using Sharman's identity for his own purpose.
22:26There is a common place...
22:29...from where the killer got information about Sharman and Karan.
22:33But sir, what can be common?
22:36No one named Sharman...
22:38...was even in my husband's friend circle.
22:41And sir, they never used to work together.
22:44But it's possible that...
22:46...Sharman and Karan used to come to common places.
22:50Like a coffee shop, gym, club.
22:55Yes, sir. I remember.
22:57Red Ocean Club.
22:59My husband was a member of that club.
23:01Sir, even my brother was a member of the same club.
23:07That means Sharman and Karan's information...
23:10...was given to the criminal from this club.
23:12It's also possible that the killer is connected to this club.
23:16Where is this Red Ocean Club?
23:19This is the third polytory form.
23:21We still have to find two more.
23:23Sir, what are you looking for? What crime has been committed?
23:26A girl has been murdered.
23:27And her body is connected to a polytory form.
23:30And we found her body from Little India Restaurant.
23:34This is her photo.
23:37Do you recognize her?
23:40Sir, I can't see her.
23:43I can't see anyone killed.
23:48This is the girl.
23:50Look at her. Her name is Mehr.
23:52Do you recognize her?
23:53No, sir.
23:55No, sir. I have never seen this girl before.
23:58To be honest, I don't look at anyone other than my wife.
24:04Keep your eyes down.
24:06Let us investigate.
24:18She is here.
24:19Sir, look at this.
24:29A woman's hair.
24:39My God!
24:54Sir, how did she come here?
24:57She is Mehr's corpse.
25:01Sir, she was killed in the same way as Leena was killed.
25:04She was killed in one blow.
25:08You are not the murderer. You killed her.
25:11Sir, I faint when I see blood.
25:13How can I kill anyone?
25:15How did she come here? Who killed her?
25:16Sir, I swear I don't know how she came here.
25:19I swear I didn't kill her, sir.
25:21Everyone says the same thing in the beginning.
25:23When one person dies, everyone starts talking.
25:28There are marks on her neck and her body.
25:31Spots like pecks.
25:35Wait a minute.
25:38Leena had chicken feces on her feet.
25:42And there were chicken feces marks on her body.
25:46But there were no chicken feathers or dry grass
25:50on this Mehr's body.
25:53Are you thinking that someone had put
25:56whatever was on her feet on purpose?
25:59I think so.
26:03Who else comes here other than you?
26:06Sir, a maid who works at Little India Restaurant.
26:11He is trying to open a case between a murderous poultry farm
26:14and Little India Restaurant.
26:16Little India.
26:18Little India.
26:20I had to cancel the schedule of two kitty parties,
26:23three beauty parlour appointments
26:25and one charity function to meet you.
26:29It happens sometimes.
26:31Now that you are here, answer some of our questions.
26:35Go ahead. What do you want to know?
26:37We want to know about some members of your club.
26:40This club has been closed for six months.
26:42What do you want to know about it?
26:46Look at this.
26:48These are the two members of your club
26:50who died a few years ago.
26:53We want to know about them.
26:55Yes. But what do I have to do with their death?
26:58Nothing to do with their death.
27:00But two girls were murdered recently.
27:02Before the murderer killed them,
27:04he used their identities to talk to them over the phone.
27:07What can I do in this?
27:10We need a list of all the members of your club.
27:13We have to check their background.
27:14We suspect that one of the members of your club
27:17is the murderer.
27:19Okay. Fine.
27:21I will give you their list.
27:28We have to find him as soon as possible.
27:30I don't know who his next target is.
27:35We have got five profiles so far.
27:40Sir, Karan and Sharman's profiles
27:41got deactivated from
27:44and got activated on within 24 hours.
27:49So that he can trap other girls as well.
27:52Sir, these two profiles are different.
27:54Many matrimonial sites have been activated and deactivated.
28:06Purvi, find out about these two numbers.
28:11Call him.
28:41Hello. Mr. Ketan.
28:44Who are you?
28:46I am Akashi Kumar.
28:48I saw your profile on
28:51It's very interesting.
28:53Akashi, I believe in talking to each other.
28:57Would you like to meet me?
28:59Yes. When and where?
29:01Let's meet at Bluecake Coffee House.
29:04What time?
29:065 o'clock.
29:07You won't mind if I say something, right?
29:10Go ahead.
29:12Do one thing.
29:14Wear a black dress and diamond earrings.
29:17Black dress, diamond earrings?
29:26Black dress, diamond earrings.
29:28Black dress, diamond earrings.
29:31Black dress, diamond earrings.
29:34Sir, you will get the details of all the members in this.
29:44So this is the case.
29:47What happened? Did you find the murderer?
29:50No, not the murderer.
29:52But I found a clue.
29:54What clue?
29:56Look at this photo.
29:58All the members are wearing this black dress and diamond earrings.
30:03Sir, these are the photographs of the club's closing night party.
30:07And that too six months ago.
30:09Sir, that means the reason behind the murderer's murder
30:13is connected to an incident that took place in that party.
30:16Kamini, can you tell us
30:19if anything happened in that party six months ago?
30:23I don't remember.
30:25I wasn't even in that party.
30:28The staff organized this party.
30:31I was not in Mumbai.
30:34Okay, no problem.
30:36Call all the members of the club to the bureau.
30:39Maybe they know something about that night.
30:43The girl's body that we found here
30:46is related to JKL poultry farm.
30:49And we found another girl's body there.
30:52Her name is Meher.
30:54And the weapon used in her murder is also missing.
30:58And the biggest thing is
31:00we found the fingerprints of the murderer in that weapon.
31:05So, sir, you should be looking for the murderer at that poultry farm.
31:09Yes, the owner of that farmhouse told us.
31:12Mr. Dheeraj told us that
31:14all the members of this restaurant come and go there a lot.
31:17But what does this prove?
31:19That one of us committed the murder.
31:21We'll find out soon.
31:23You guys have some sweets.
31:25Have some cake.
31:28What kind of cake?
31:30We have added truth serum to it.
31:32A chemical that makes you speak the truth.
31:57Listen, nothing will happen with this cake bag.
32:00When the girl didn't die in the poultry farm
32:02how did the murderer come here?
32:04And the bloodstain on it?
32:06Don't be scared.
32:08Oh, wow!
32:10You told the truth without eating the cake.
32:12What do you mean, sir?
32:14How do you know that the murder didn't take place there?
32:17Well, I...
32:19Did you kill her?
32:21No, sir.
32:23I didn't kill her, sir.
32:24I was scared of her knife.
32:27So, I did a small job.
32:29What kind of job?
32:31Sir, it was quite late.
32:33I was leaving the poultry farm after giving my order.
32:35Suddenly, a man put a knife on my neck and said
32:38hide this girl's body in your restaurant's warehouse.
32:42Otherwise, I'll kill you and your entire family.
32:45You kept the body there.
32:47What could I do, sir?
32:49It was a question of my wife and children.
32:51How did the man look?
32:52I couldn't see him.
32:54It was quite dark.
32:56His face was covered with beard and cap, sir.
32:59He was hiding his face on purpose.
33:01He is making us roam around
33:03between the poultry farm and the restaurant.
33:06And the murderer is playing with someone else.
33:09Sir, please forgive me.
33:11Should I forgive you?
33:13Come with us.
33:15Sir, please forgive me.
33:23It's 5 o'clock, Purvi.
33:26He must be on his way.
33:28Don't let him go.
33:30We'll catch him later.
33:32Okay, sir.
33:41Where is the way to Khandala?
33:43Khandala is on the right.
33:46Okay. And where is the way to Pune?
33:49Pune is just ahead of Khandala.
33:52If you reach Khandala, you'll reach Pune.
33:54Go straight.
33:56Okay, thank you.
34:12Purvi disappeared all of a sudden.
34:14That motorcycle guy.
34:16He was distracting us.
34:18Let's catch him. He must not have gone far.
34:22Alert all the signals and the toll booths.
34:25Purvi's photo has been sent to the office.
34:27Yes. He is wearing a black dress.
34:30And maybe he has a kidnapper.
34:32There is a man.
34:36Sir, there is a signal but it's very weak.
34:42I think Bakht is away from Purvi.
34:44Or Purvi is in such a condition
34:46that she is not able to respond.
34:48I don't know how she is.
35:01These are the club members
35:03who were in the night of club closing six months ago.
35:06Why did you call us here, sir?
35:08I was not in Mumbai for a month.
35:11I came yesterday and today I am in this mess.
35:13What is all this?
35:15Sir, we have nothing to do with any murder.
35:18Look, calm down.
35:19The thing is that the man who is murdering the girls
35:22knows everything about the club and its members.
35:26He calls the girls to meet him in the same clothes
35:29as in this photo.
35:31You are wearing a black dress
35:33and diamond earrings in your ears.
35:35He calls you to meet him in the same clothes.
35:37So do you remember anything?
35:39Anything special?
35:42There was a girl, sir.
35:45Yes, Sheeba.
35:47What do you know about Sheeba?
35:50Sir, that night in the party
35:52after arguing with my fiance
35:54I never saw her in the party.
35:56What party?
35:58I never saw her anywhere.
36:00I don't know where Sheeba disappeared.
36:02Is her fiance in this photo?
36:05No, sir.
36:07Actually, it was not the club's memory.
36:09Sir, I came to meet her that night.
36:11Do you know her fiance?
36:14No, sir. I don't know her fiance.
36:16No, sir.
36:22We have to find Sheeba's fiance.
36:47Sheeba, are you upset
36:50that I brought her here?
36:52Urvi, can't you hear me?
37:01You don't listen to me.
37:04You don't talk to me.
37:06That's why I brought her here.
37:11Don't you like her?
37:17Listen to me.
37:20I am sorry.
37:22I am sorry. I am so sorry.
37:30Are you hurt?
37:32I am so sorry.
37:34You take rest.
37:36I will talk to her.
37:38Take rest.
37:46Take rest.
38:03My love has a strong hold on you.
38:06Whoever you love,
38:08you kill them.
38:25I was not in deep sleep
38:27as you thought.
38:29You are my fiance.
38:31You are my fiance.
38:33You are my fiance.
38:35You are my fiance.
38:37How can you fight with me?
38:39I can kill you if needed.
40:06Enough of your murderous game.
40:14Are you alright?
40:15Yes, sir.
40:16Sir, this man is mentally ill.
40:18Look at this, sir.
40:19Look at his condition.
40:28My God.
40:32What is all this?
40:33What is all this?
40:34My girlfriend cheated on me.
40:38At the night club party.
40:41She refused to marry me.
40:44She called off the engagement.
40:46She fell in love with someone else.
40:49That's why that night
40:51I killed her in anger.
40:53But I could never forget her.
40:56That's why
40:57I went to the wedding site
40:58and made my fake profile.
41:01I started killing girls.
41:03I started hating that girl.
41:07That's why I made her fall in love with me.
41:11And then I killed her.
41:13You killed your fiancee.
41:18you made other girls
41:19dress up like your fiancee
41:21and killed them one by one.
41:24Now wherever you go,
41:25you will go alone.
41:27And you don't deserve to live in this society.
41:29You will have to live in the four walls.
