• last year
00:00Releasing this fall, The Coming Golden Age,
00:03a new prophecy book by Dr. David Jeremiah.
00:06Inside, he reveals 31 fascinating biblical insights
00:09into the millennium, a future era of 1,000 years of peace
00:12on earth, which could be closer than you think.
00:14Pre-order The Coming Golden Age before its worldwide launch
00:17on October 1st when you give a gift of any amount
00:19to Turning Point.
00:20Plus, you'll receive early digital access to Dr. Jeremiah's
00:23entire The Coming Golden Age teaching series.
00:26Pre-order The Coming Golden Age today.
00:30There are more than 45,000 self-help books published
00:34each year, over 200,000 podcasts in the personal
00:38development category.
00:40But what if I told you all pale in comparison
00:43to the spiritual development one small book can have
00:46on your life and faith?
00:48Just six chapters, 2,000 words, and 20 minutes of your time,
00:52yet its impact lasts a lifetime.
00:56It succinctly and powerfully explains what it means
00:59to believe and how to discover God's calling for you,
01:03how to find purpose, overcome obstacles, connect with others,
01:07claim a life you love, endure difficulty, experience
01:12the fullness of life, love without limits,
01:15and ultimately be the follower of Christ
01:18you've always wanted to be.
01:20Join me in God's Word as we find the proven way
01:24to build a belief that thrives, impacts, and endures,
01:28a belief that behaves.
01:30It all starts with the book of Ephesians.
01:37Coming up on Turning Point.
01:39The Bible insists that the little ones we have
01:42in our homes are from God and our children are not accidents
01:46that come to derail our career plans.
01:49They are not inconveniences or intrusions into the lives
01:52of busy parents.
01:53They're gifts from God to be treasured.
01:56And when we treasure our children,
01:59they have the best shot at growing up
02:02in the most positive way.
02:06Discover a belief that restores, relates, rejoices, and behaves
02:10in Dr. David Jeremiah's new book,
02:12Belief That Behaves, the Book of Ephesians.
02:15In this rich study of Paul's beloved epistle,
02:17Dr. Jeremiah explores what it means to be a follower of Christ
02:20in practical terms and how we should act
02:23or behave as believers.
02:25Through 19 chapters,
02:26you'll discover God's how-to guide to the Christian life,
02:29including resolving conflict with others,
02:31successful marriage and parenting,
02:33finding purpose, overcoming spiritual attacks,
02:36and praying effectively.
02:37Ephesians has the power to change your life
02:40at home, at church, and at work.
02:42Request Belief That Behaves by Dr. Jeremiah
02:45when you give a gift of any amount
02:47in support of Turning Point.
02:48Or if you give a gift of $75 or more,
02:50Dr. Jeremiah will send you in appreciation
02:53the Belief That Behaves set,
02:55which contains his new book,
02:56his complete two-volume teaching series
02:58on your choice of CD or DVD,
03:00and two correlating study guides.
03:02From the first verse to the last,
03:04the truths contained in Ephesians
03:06will fill your heart with joy
03:07and strengthen your relationships with others.
03:10Request the Belief That Behaves book or study set,
03:13new from Dr. Jeremiah,
03:14when you contact Turning Point today.
03:19Thank you for watching Turning Point.
03:21And now, here is Dr. Jeremiah with his message,
03:25Parents and Children.
03:29Ephesians chapter 6, 1-4 is our lesson today.
03:33And we began, first of all, with obedience of children.
03:38Now, obedience is a fundamental building block
03:41in our culture.
03:42If obedience goes out the door, the culture is destroyed.
03:46Whether we're Christians or not,
03:48obedience is what makes a family work.
03:51In fact, there are two remarkable passages
03:54in the Word of God that prove this.
03:56You might find these rather hard to believe
03:59because on the surface, when you read these,
04:02they don't seem to fit.
04:04For instance, there's a passage of Scripture
04:07in the book of Romans
04:08where Paul is talking about what happens
04:11when a culture implodes.
04:13He describes the conditions of the world
04:16when that happens.
04:17He goes,
04:18"...being filled with all unrighteousness,
04:20sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness,
04:23malicious, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit,
04:26evil-mindedness, whispers, backbiters,
04:29haters of God, violent, proud, inventors of evil things,
04:34disobedient to parents."
04:36And you think, how did that get in there?
04:39It doesn't really seem like it fits, does it?
04:41It doesn't.
04:42That's a misdemeanor in a group of felons.
04:46But it is not.
04:48You study the cultures of history,
04:50and you discover that when the family unit breaks down,
04:52pretty soon the culture breaks down,
04:55and pretty soon the nation breaks down.
04:58And this isn't the only place where you'll find this.
05:00If you go over to 2 Timothy chapter 3,
05:03it's in that list as well.
05:05"...But know this, that in the last days
05:07perilous times will come,
05:08for men will be lovers of themselves,
05:11lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers."
05:14There's 19 descriptions here,
05:16and right in the middle of it is disobedient to parents.
05:21It reminds us all, if we're honest,
05:23that how we handle things at home
05:26is how things end up being in our world,
05:30because the world is just a group of homes.
05:33The culture is just a bunch of homes,
05:35and how we do things at home
05:37ultimately is a reflection of our understanding
05:40of who we are in Christ
05:42and who we are as citizens of our nation.
05:46According to Paul,
05:47when the wheels begin to fall off a culture,
05:50one of the indicators is that there is no glue in the home,
05:54and obedience is the glue.
05:57We are to obey our parents in the Lord
06:00by the power of the Holy Spirit.
06:02And Paul gives us four good reasons.
06:04First of all, Paul says,
06:06you need to do this, young people,
06:08because it's a principle of morality.
06:11Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.
06:16How plain and simple is this truth?
06:18We should obey our parents in the Lord
06:20because it's just right.
06:21I know we're living in a time when many are saying
06:24there's no such thing as right and wrong,
06:26but down deep in our hearts,
06:28whether we have been in church much or not,
06:30we know that some things are right
06:32and some things are wrong.
06:34And here's an order in nature that God ordained,
06:37and it argues for the rightness of certain actions.
06:40And since parents bring children into the world,
06:43and since they have more knowledge and wisdom
06:45than the child,
06:46it is right that the child should obey his parents.
06:49Even young animals understand this.
06:53In Paul's letter to the Colossians,
06:55there's a section that mirrors the passage in Ephesians.
06:58When he comes to this command of children
07:01to obey their parents, he adds another phrase.
07:03Here's what he says.
07:04Children, obey your parents in all things,
07:07for this is well-pleasing to the Lord.
07:11Young people, if you want to be pleasing to the Lord,
07:14the Bible says the way you please God
07:16is by being obedient to your parents.
07:19It's a principle of morality.
07:21Do you want to please the Lord?
07:23Do what is right.
07:24If you want to honor the Lord who formed you
07:26and gave you the life that you have
07:28and sent his only Son into this world for your salvation,
07:31if you want to honor him, if you want to please him,
07:34if you want to do right, be obedient.
07:37That's a pretty good reason.
07:38Here's the second one,
07:40because it is a precept of Scripture.
07:43In verse 2, it says,
07:45Honor your father and mother,
07:46which is the first commandment, with promise.
07:50I remember the first time I read that
07:52and dug into it and found out what it meant.
07:54It was quite surprising to me.
07:55Do you know there are four commandments
07:57in the Ten Commandments
07:58before you get to this commandment?
08:00And those four commandments
08:01have to do with our relationship with God,
08:03but there's no promises connected with any of them.
08:07And then you get to this commandment,
08:10and in Exodus chapter 20,
08:12where the commandments are recorded,
08:14you read these words.
08:15Honor your father and your mother
08:16that your days may be long upon the land
08:19which the Lord your God has given you.
08:22God had given Moses four commandments up to this point,
08:25and there was no promise attached to any of them,
08:27but when you get to the fifth commandment,
08:30something changes.
08:32Why the promise?
08:33If for no other reason, I think it's to get our attention.
08:37We are to obey our parents because this is God's design,
08:40and somewhere down the road,
08:41we will look back and be glad that we did,
08:45even though we might struggle with it at the moment.
08:48Struggling with obedience to parents,
08:49this is part of the unhooking process
08:51that we go through as we get older,
08:53and ultimately, we have to make our own decisions,
08:56but it's wrong for us to push the level forward
08:59and not let it take its place.
09:02We're to obey our parents
09:03because it's a principle of morality,
09:05because it's a precept of Scripture,
09:07and then thirdly, because it's a protection for children.
09:11Here's what it says, that it may be well with you.
09:15Now, that has immediate implications.
09:18I knew growing up that if I obeyed my parents,
09:22it would be well with me,
09:24and if I didn't, it would not be well with me.
09:28I'm sure that there are disobedient rebels out there
09:31who have violated this command
09:33and somehow made it through life unscathed,
09:36but truth be told, I've never met one.
09:39I just really never thought about that.
09:41I've never met a person like that.
09:43The simple fact is that everybody has to report to somebody.
09:47That doesn't stop when a person turns 20.
09:50If we don't learn it at home where it's supposed to be learned,
09:53we will struggle with it all of our lives,
09:55and someday there will be a notation in a file
09:58in a personnel office with our name on it,
10:01and there'll be a slip of paper in there
10:03that says, struggles with authority.
10:05I can assure you that I never even thought
10:07of smart-mouthing my dad.
10:09Intuitively, I knew what would happen to me if I ever did,
10:12and it just wasn't worth it.
10:14Did I ever think about doing it? Probably.
10:16Probably made up speeches in my mind like most of you do.
10:21And it was a good thing for me to grow up with the knowledge
10:24that there was somebody over me
10:26to whom I should show respect and authority, and I did.
10:30So, children, obey your parents because it's right,
10:33because it's in the Scripture,
10:35because it's a protection for you.
10:37And here's one, I always think about this.
10:39I just read this week how much money is being spent every year
10:42in the science of trying to live longer.
10:44But here's something you may not have thought about
10:46that should be in the How to Get Old Gracefully book.
10:49Here's what the Bible says,
10:51and you may live long on the earth.
10:53The Bible says if you're obedient to your parents,
10:56you have a better shot of having a long life.
10:59Now, this is not a promise.
11:01This is a proverb.
11:03Ladies and gentlemen, there's a difference
11:05between a promise and a proverb.
11:07Promises always come true if they're in the Bible.
11:11Proverbs are just statements
11:14about the way things normally work.
11:17A person who grows up rebellious, listen to me,
11:20against every fabric of control
11:23put over him by God and his parents,
11:26a person who grows up like that
11:28will grow up in a very bad space,
11:32full of discouragement and destruction.
11:34He will not have a good life,
11:36and these rebellious ways have a way of taking a toll
11:39on the years you spend on the earth.
11:42Have you ever looked at somebody you met for the first time
11:45and turned to your wife or your husband and say,
11:48she looks like she's had a hard life.
11:50He looks like he's had a hard life.
11:52Some people have a hard, hard life,
11:55not because of the things that happen to them,
11:57but because of the things they allow to happen to them
12:00through their own attitudes of disrespect and rebellion.
12:04You see it every day in almost every context.
12:08People who follow God's instructions
12:11have a much better chance of living a reasonably good life
12:15for a reasonably long period of time.
12:18So write that down.
12:20Take your chances with God.
12:22Don't do it the other way.
12:24You got everything working against you when you do,
12:26when you obey God and you honor him.
12:29He hasn't promised that you're gonna be 95 when you die,
12:32but he has promised that your life will be one of order
12:36and context and peace,
12:38and you will be with God in every situation,
12:41and it'll be so much better life.
12:43Let's get down to the convicting part of this message
12:46with the oversight of parents.
12:49Let's begin in the fourth verse,
12:51because all of this is in one verse.
12:53And you fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath.
12:58This is the principle of discouragement,
13:01and it's the only negative principle in these four verses.
13:05Paul begins by telling us what not to do as parents.
13:08He says, don't provoke your children to wrath.
13:11Don't irritate them.
13:13Don't discourage them by unreasonable demands.
13:16There are some fathers that you and I both know
13:19who are always on their kids' backs
13:22instead of on their team.
13:24No matter what their son or daughter does, it's wrong.
13:27Within the exercise of parental authority,
13:29there is this incredible need for understanding and love
13:34and for justice and fairness and self-control,
13:36and don't think your kids don't know that.
13:39They know when you're over the top.
13:41They know when your reaction to what they did
13:44is not the right action,
13:46and it's not equal to what they did.
13:49Sometimes a kid steps out of line,
13:51but the father steps even further out of line
13:54by overreacting.
13:56And small provocations should not set off major explosions.
14:01I know some guys who just blow up
14:03over every little thing that happens.
14:05When Paul was writing to the Colossian believers,
14:07he used the same instruction,
14:09but once again with this poignant added insight.
14:12Fathers, do not provoke your children
14:14lest they become discouraged.
14:16That's what happens.
14:18When kids know that their parents
14:20are overreacting to things in their life,
14:22they get discouraged.
14:24I mean, what else would they do?
14:26Let me tell you something I've learned.
14:28For every time that you say no,
14:30if you've worked hard to say yes
14:32eight or nine times before that,
14:34the no will have much greater effect.
14:36This week I was reminded of the story
14:38that I read once about a gal named Alice Trillin.
14:41She worked with kids who had cancer
14:43and other life-threatening diseases,
14:45and she liked to take them on the summer
14:48for a camping trip
14:50where they could just be kids, not patients,
14:52and have a whole week where they could
14:54just forget about their disease
14:56and be normal kids.
14:58One year she became very drawn to a sunny little girl
15:01who was, she wrote, a magical child.
15:04Despite the challenge of living with two genetic diseases
15:07that severely impacted her growth
15:09and her ability to eat,
15:11one particular day the campers were playing a game
15:14and the little girl was tapped on the shoulder,
15:17and as she struggled to get up to pursue the tagger,
15:20she handed some mail,
15:22which she had held tightly clenched in her hand.
15:25Alice, who was sitting next to her,
15:27took the mail,
15:29and since it took the little girl
15:31so long to run around the circle,
15:33Alice gave in to her curiosity about the note.
15:36Alice later wrote,
15:38I simply had to know what this child's parents
15:40could have done to make her so spectacular,
15:43to make her the most optimistic,
15:45most enthusiastic, most helpful human being
15:48I had ever seen.
15:50The line at the very end of the note
15:53grabbed Alice's attention.
15:55This is what it read.
15:57If God had given us all of the children in the world
15:59to choose from,
16:01we would only have chosen you.
16:04Alice showed the note to a co-worker
16:06with the observation,
16:08Read this.
16:10This is the secret to life.
16:13Those words of love and encouragement
16:15certainly revealed the secret
16:17of that little girl's remarkable attitude
16:19despite all of her challenges.
16:21The Bible insists that the little ones we have
16:23in our homes are from God,
16:25and our children are not accidents
16:27that come to derail our career plans.
16:30They are not inconveniences or intrusions
16:32into the lives of busy parents.
16:34They're gifts from God to be treasured.
16:37And when we treasure our children,
16:40they have the best shot at growing up
16:43in the most positive way.
16:45Notice, secondly, the principle of diligence.
16:48Here's a little phrase that demands some explanation,
16:52but bring them up.
16:55To bring up children is a scriptural phrase
16:57that implies a serious responsibility
17:00for their spiritual, moral, mental,
17:02and physical well-being.
17:04This is a very encompassing term.
17:06In fact, Ephesians 5.29,
17:08where Paul was speaking to the same group of people,
17:10he said,
17:12For no one ever hated his own flesh,
17:14but nourishes it and cherishes it.
17:16And verse 29 is the same word back in Ephesians 6.4.
17:21Parenting is a proactive assignment.
17:25Parent, God has put you in charge.
17:28If you have ever doubted or wavered in this knowledge,
17:30let me help you out here.
17:32I do now, as the pastor of this church,
17:35hereby grant you the authority of the Word of God
17:38to be in charge of your family.
17:41Be in charge in a righteous and godly way.
17:45The buck stops there.
17:46Don't pass it off to your wife.
17:48Don't pass it off to someone else.
17:50Don't pass it off to the grandparents.
17:54We did our tour.
17:58The principle of diligence means you take charge
18:01and you watch over and you care for children
18:05as they're growing up.
18:08And then there's the principle of discipline.
18:10Ephesians 6.4 says,
18:12In the training of the Lord.
18:14Bring them up in the training of the Lord.
18:17The old King James Word is the nurture.
18:20Nurture means correction.
18:22It's the same word that was used in Hebrews 12.6.
18:24For whom the Lord loves,
18:26he chastens and scourges every son he receives.
18:29The word chasten is the same word
18:31that is translated by the word nurture or training.
18:34We don't have time in this message to go over
18:36all the principles of discipline that are found in the Bible.
18:39If you want to know about discipline,
18:40read the book of Proverbs.
18:41You will learn a lot,
18:42because the book of Proverbs is like a manual on parenting.
18:46But let me just talk a little bit
18:47about some of the intricacies of discipline.
18:51First of all, discipline is for disobedience,
18:53not for mistakes.
18:56We all make mistakes.
18:58We all do things that we didn't mean to do
19:00and they weren't intended
19:02and they didn't have evil involved in them.
19:05Discipline is for disobedience, not for mistakes.
19:08Discipline is for individual acts
19:10and not an attack on the child's character.
19:13Hear me carefully.
19:15If a child tells a lie, don't call him a liar.
19:19We are more than the sum of our individual failures.
19:23And if you start branding your kids
19:25because they do something you don't like,
19:27you will be involved, if you're not careful,
19:29with the fulfillment of your prophecies in their life.
19:33Here's the next phrase.
19:34Bring them up in the admonition of the Lord.
19:39Training is correction.
19:42Admonition is instruction.
19:44We need to teach our kids we are responsible
19:46to help them learn the difference between right and wrong.
19:49We're to help them learn the Scripture,
19:52motivate them to follow what they learn.
19:55Paul wrote a bit of exhortation to Timothy
19:57that is the example for instructing our children.
20:00This is what he said,
20:01but you must continue in the things that you have learned
20:04and have been assured of,
20:05knowing from whom you have learned them
20:08and that from your childhood
20:09you have known the Holy Scriptures,
20:11which are able to make you wise for salvation
20:14through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
20:17Oh, what a task it is to be a parent.
20:20And before I finish this message,
20:23I'm going to take just a moment
20:25to say some things to you that are very important.
20:31First of all, have you had that conversation
20:35with your children about fentanyl
20:38and the other things that are floating around?
20:41I promise you, you better have that conversation,
20:43whatever it takes.
20:46Number two, have you inventoried your children's friends?
20:51You say, well, how am I supposed to do that?
20:53Well, you're a parent.
20:56You need to do it.
20:57Figure it out.
20:59Here's another thing we found out.
21:00If you're worried about what's going on
21:02with your kids at a party,
21:04have all the parties at your house.
21:06Much better to have a party at your house
21:08where you know what's going on
21:10and then make sure with all that you know how to do
21:13that you love your children
21:15and you encourage your children
21:18and you guard your children.
21:21Many years ago, when our family lived
21:23on the East Coast every summer,
21:26we used to spend two weeks in Ocean City, New Jersey.
21:29There was a family in our church
21:31who owned a duplex right on the ocean
21:33and every August they handed us the keys to their house
21:36and said, it's yours for two weeks.
21:38We didn't have any money, so it was a godsend.
21:41And I have photos showing us dragging down to the ocean
21:45all the paraphernalia required when you have little ones.
21:48And from the cottage door to the ocean,
21:51we lugged a bassinet and a crib and buckets full of toys.
21:54Seemed like it was 100 miles to the beach.
21:57And we never came back.
21:59After we went down there in the morning, we stayed all day.
22:02We might have needed to come back, but it was too far.
22:05We didn't want to do it more than twice a day, up and back.
22:08And every evening after dinner,
22:10we would go back and take a walk on the beach.
22:13One night we decided to stroll to the boardwalk,
22:16which was about 20 blocks away,
22:18and it was 7 o'clock when we started toward the city.
22:21Low tide was to be at 7.30,
22:23and the ocean was busy depositing its debris on the sand.
22:27The whole bunch of us walked in bare feet,
22:30and we had to carefully walk between broken shells
22:33and worst of all, jellyfish.
22:36We had been on the beach that day
22:38when some people got stung with jellyfish.
22:40That's not a happy thing.
22:42And they come, when the waves come in and deposit,
22:45the jellyfish are everywhere.
22:48And I gave the children a stern lecture
22:50about taking care where they walked.
22:52I didn't have to say it more than once.
22:54By the time we reached our destination
22:56and decided to turn back,
22:58the sea debris covered the shoreline.
23:00That day I must have been deep in thought,
23:03pondering the beauty of the evening
23:05and how much I loved this ocean.
23:07And I was walking rapidly,
23:09and in front of the rest of the family,
23:11suddenly I realized someone was walking immediately behind me.
23:14I could almost feel his breath.
23:16I heard the crunch of his feet, not my own,
23:18and I looked over my shoulder to see one small son
23:21stretching his little legs
23:23to put his foot in the last footprint
23:25I had left in the sand.
23:28He thought the only way he could be sure
23:30to avoid broken shells is to step where I stepped,
23:32and he could barely do it because I have a long stride.
23:36He went past the jellyfish and the crabs,
23:39and as difficult as it was,
23:42he made his feet fit inside the footprints
23:48that I made step by step.
23:52That long-ago experience left a lasting impression.
23:58Walking behind me are four children
24:01trying hard to find my footprints
24:03so they can put their feet exactly
24:06where their fathers had gone.
24:12And that's what being a Christian parent is all about.
24:17That's why it's such an awesome thing,
24:20and that's why we often find ourselves on our face
24:24saying, God, who is sufficient for this?
24:27Lord, help me not to be a phony.
24:29Help me to embrace your Word,
24:31but most of all, help me to live it.
24:34Help me to be the kind of parent who will infect my children
24:37with the desire to please you
24:39because that's what they see being lived out in my life.
24:44For kids, let me say to you,
24:47even when you don't feel like it,
24:49obey your parents and the Lord,
24:51and you're gonna be old and gray.
24:54For parents, hold the line where you need to,
24:58but don't exasperate your kids.
25:00Love them.
25:01Show them your love.
25:03Be sure you're a good example the best you can,
25:05and don't be afraid to say,
25:07I'm sorry, when it needs to be said.
25:10This is God's standard for a Christian home,
25:12and God knows we need Christian homes
25:15like we never have needed them before.
25:18We are the only hope for this nation.
25:22Let's make sure we take the responsibility
25:24for our little house.
25:26As for me and my house,
25:28we will serve the Lord.
25:39Thank you for watching Turning Point.
25:41When you give a gift of any amount
25:43in support of this program,
25:44Dr. Jeremiah will send you, in appreciation,
25:47his new book, Belief That Behaves,
25:49The Book of Ephesians.
25:51And if you give a gift of $75 or more,
25:53Dr. Jeremiah will send you
25:55The Belief That Behaves Set,
25:57which contains his new book,
25:58his complete two-volume teaching series on CD or DVD,
26:02and two correlating study guides.
26:04Thank you for your support.
26:06Request these resources when you contact
26:08Turning Point today.
26:13Thank you for joining us on Turning Point.
26:15As Dr. Jeremiah taught from the Book of Ephesians
26:18and shared the many blessings
26:19that believers have through Christ.
26:21But if you have never put your faith
26:23in Jesus Christ before,
26:24Dr. Jeremiah would like to help you
26:26take your first steps by sending you two resources.
26:29The first is a booklet called
26:31Your Greatest Turning Point,
26:33which will help you begin
26:34your relationship with Christ.
26:36And the second is our monthly devotional magazine,
26:38Turning Points, to give you encouragement
26:41and inspiration throughout the year.
26:43These resources are yours completely free
26:45when you contact Turning Point today.
26:51In addition, you can order Dr. Jeremiah's legacy work,
26:55The Jeremiah Study Bible.
26:57A beloved study Bible
26:58and the culmination of Dr. Jeremiah's decades of teaching,
27:01helping you to answer,
27:02What does the Bible say?
27:04What does it mean?
27:05And what does it mean for me?
27:07Available in multiple translations and formats,
27:10there is a Jeremiah Study Bible for everyone.
27:13Also available for children,
27:14Dr. Jeremiah's Airship Genesis Kid Study Bible.
27:18Order yours today.
27:23Next time on Turning Point.
27:25You work hard even though he mistreats you.
27:28You work hard even though he doesn't treat you kindly.
27:31You work hard though you cannot ever remember
27:33one day when he ever complimented
27:35anything you've ever done,
27:36and you keep working hard.
27:39Because you're not working for him.
27:40You're working for Jesus.
27:42And Jesus never misses anything you do.
27:46Thank you for being with us today.
27:48Join Dr. Jeremiah next time for his message,
27:51Honoring Christ from 9 to 5.
27:54Here on Turning Point.
28:00Dr. David Jeremiah is delivering
28:02the unchanging Word of God every month
28:04to more than half a million homes
28:06through Turning Point's magazine and devotional.
28:08Request your first issue now
28:10to read inspirational, in-depth articles
28:12and quick, clear, and creative devotionals
28:14from Dr. Jeremiah each month
28:16that will encourage, challenge,
28:17and strengthen your walk with the Lord.
28:19Request your first three issues of Turning Point
28:21completely free,
28:22or give a gift of any amount
28:24to receive an annual subscription.
28:26Contact Turning Point today.