[Eng Sub] Love’s Rebellion ep 33

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00:00《Snow Tower》
00:25走过你的白天 走过你的白天 Walking through your day
00:28我的黑夜 My night
00:29在醒来之前 Before I wake up
00:32跟随城市的云 穿越这幽灭 Following the moon of the city
00:35穿越这幽灭 Crossing through this memory
00:38一人站 In one place
00:40相思的剑 黄昏千叶 The sword of love, the night before the dusk
00:44落在你脊椎间 Falling on your shoulder
00:46等沉睡些心愿 等未生日若初见 Waiting for the birth of a new wish, waiting for the birth of a new day
01:00《Snow Tower》
01:19少藏 你做了什么 What have you done?
01:22给为师一个解释 Give me an explanation.
01:24我 I...
01:26师尊 这不是我干的 Master, I didn't do it.
01:29此中唯你一人 You're the only one here.
01:31他们皆死于我亲传招式之下 They all died by my own hands.
01:34不是你又是谁 Who else could it be?
01:36难道是我吗 Is it me?
02:00《Snow Tower》
02:05《Snow Tower》
02:28我一直以为 I always thought
02:31你只是练功时走火入魔 that you only went through fire and water when you practiced martial arts
02:34为护你一世清明 to protect you for your whole life.
02:37我甘愿认下血祭同门修炼魔功之罪 I'm willing to give up my blood clan to cultivate the magic arts
02:41甘愿背废帝君之位 and give up the title of Emperor
02:44打入魂河受天竺弑骨之苦 and suffer the pain of the Divine Beads.
02:48甚至苦心逃到北境 I even tried to escape to the north
02:51一心只想为你度磨 just for you.
02:57枉我视你如父 I treated you like my father.
03:00《Snow Tower》
03:03没想到这一切竟是我一厢情愿 I didn't expect that all of this was my wishful thinking.
03:12赵沧 你终究是知道了 Chao Cang, you finally know it.
03:17你可曾记得为师当年带你入山 Do you remember what I said
03:22第一句话是 when I took you into the mountain?
03:25天下之物 Everything in the world
03:29应时之其久 must come to an end sooner or later.
03:31时之其久 尚留其一 Time will come sooner or later.
03:35你天资不凡 You have extraordinary talent.
03:37这一便是为师于你身上所求 This one is what I want from you.
03:44所以 So,
03:48从一开始就只有利用 I could only use you from the beginning.
03:56那我爹娘呢 What about my parents?
03:58我爹娘也是被你所害 My parents were also killed by you.
04:05他们 They
04:07阻了我的道 blocked my way.
04:09是啊 Yes.
04:12事情全都被你算尽了 Everything has been calculated by you.
04:16何况是我 Besides me,
04:20南方竹当年被你掏丹之事 when Chief Nan was killed by you,
04:23又是何其开心 how happy you were.
04:24南瑶 Nanrou
04:27她不一样 She is different.
04:30所爱亦可杀 What you love can be killed.
04:32你图的到底是什么 What on earth do you want?
04:36你掏了南方竹的念白妖血 You stole Chief Nan's white demon blood.
04:39掏了我的六合道血 You stole my six-frame Taoist blood.
04:41又利用剑雄 You used the sword bearer
04:43炼化灵力精体 to refine your spirit energy.
04:45你到底要做什么 What on earth do you want?
04:51上苍 Changcang
04:52上苍 Changcang
04:54你今日杀不了为师 You can't kill me today.
04:57今后更杀不了我 You can't kill me in the future.
04:59你体裂三欲终会归我 You will return to me in three months.
05:02助我成就大业 Help me achieve my great cause.
05:04那南妍呢 What about Nanyan?
05:06你从南妍身上又能得到什么 What can you get from her?
05:09我是她的父亲 I am her father.
05:17我会补偿她的 I will make it up to her.
05:19你只会害了她 You will only hurt her.
05:22那就看 Then it depends on
05:25她会信你还是信我 whether she will believe you or me.
05:30她日 南妍入主正法殿 The day after tomorrow, when Nanyan becomes the master of Zhengfa Hall,
05:33我会让她亲手写下修戒功法令 I will ask her to write down the Cultivation and Refinement Order in person.
05:37再使森罗加害南方主 使为五洲四海之患 魔孽当诛 即令修戒功法 I will ask her to use Sen Luo again to harm the Chief of the South
05:41as a threat to the Five Regions and the Four Seas.
05:44I will ask her to write down the Cultivation and Refinement Order in person.
05:49措辞是罪 I made a mistake.
05:51少参得令 Please forgive me.
06:02娘 娘 Mother. Mother.
06:09娘 Mother.
06:17娘 Mother.
06:20娘 Mother.
06:22娘 Mother.
06:28娘 Mother.
06:30娘 Mother.
06:32娘 Mother.
06:37不好 Oh, no.
06:39尸体要破了 The body is about to break.
06:41看来是天命难悲啊 It seems to be a disaster.
06:50尸体要破了 The body is about to break.
07:20尸体要破了 The body is about to break.
07:21尸体要破了 The body is about to break.
07:49你是在惹我吗 Are you making fun of me?
07:52是你杀了他们 Did you kill them?
07:57是啊 Yes.
07:59为什么 Why?
08:04他们都是祭品 They are all sacrifices.
08:06而我的鹰众需要很多很多的祭品 And my Eagle Tribe needs a lot of sacrifices.
08:12他们的性命根本满足不了我 Their lives can't satisfy me at all.
08:17你要所有人都为你而死吗 Do you want everyone to die for you?
08:22这世间的魂魅 The soul of this world
08:26终将被我掌握 shall be under my control.
08:51我会赢 I will win.
09:22这里是道生天 This is Daosheng Tian.
09:25道生天 Daosheng Tian?
09:28我怎么会在这儿 Why am I here?
09:30姑娘在沦随镜里心神大乱 受星魔梦魇所击 You were distracted by the Star-Demon Meng Nian in the mirror.
09:34是璇仔带你回来的 It was Xuanzai who brought you back.
09:37你是说 You mean
09:39是映泽维救了我 Yingze Wei saved me?
09:43璇仔是你带我回来的 Xuanzai is the one who brought you back.
09:46是你带我回来的 He is the one who brought you back.
09:48是你带我回来的 He is the one who brought you back.
09:50璇仔丰富 Xuanzai is rich.
09:52等姑娘醒后进去植物和她一叙 After you wake up, go inside the bamboo house and talk to her.
09:58沦随镜里为何没有拦住她 Why didn't the mirror stop her?
10:02这次连你都栽在她手里了 She got you this time.
10:05何况是我 Besides me.
10:11你说什么 What did you say?
10:13你根本就没想过让我当帝君吧 You never wanted me to be the emperor.
10:16你捆我进去 You lured me in
10:17只不过是为了拿我的命去挡她的路罢了 just to block my way with my life.
10:21一个魔修还想任指帝君之位 真是痴心妄想 A demon brother still wants to be the emperor. What a delusion!
10:33你杀了我吧 Kill me.
10:34你杀了我吧 Kill me.
10:46杀你岂不是浪费了你的幻魂术啊 Killing you would be a waste of your soul-changing spell.
10:50我特意为你选了这具肉身 I chose this piece of meat for you.
10:53你得好好利用才是 You should make good use of it.
10:58与其像狗一样地活着 It's better to die
11:01还不如去死 than to live like a dog.
11:03别忘了 Don't forget
11:05你妹妹历年还活得好好的 that your sister is still alive.
11:12你又拿它来威胁我 Are you threatening me with it again?
11:16我早就告诉过你 I've told you
11:18要想修之巅峰 到头来都是要斩秦绝姓 if you want to reach the top, you have to be determined.
11:23如若不然 就会像你一样 If not, you'll be like yourself
11:26受人所知 痛苦万分 the suffering of others.
11:33帮我诛了森罗 When I kill Sen Luo,
11:35我自会还你兄妹一条生路 I'll give your sister a way out.
11:42是 Yes.
12:02走 Let's go.
12:26宋统督 Mr. Song
12:28姐 Sister
12:33玄仔愿亲自为家师主事发挥 Mr. Xuan, I'd like to give a speech for my master.
12:36剑宗上下不胜感激 Thank you very much.
12:41一时仓促 准备得匆忙 I was in a hurry.
12:44玄仔怕扰了剑雄的清静 Mr. Xuan was afraid to disturb the peace of the sword bearer.
12:46并未邀请其他同门观礼 He didn't invite other peers.
12:52家师常言 宋风远越世 清静而有为 My master always said that Song Feng is far beyond the world.
12:58人生来如此 Life is like this.
13:00去亦应如此 To go is like this.
13:03我们已将祭殿所需之物都备齐了 We have prepared all the things needed for the ceremony.
13:06不知封主可有准备 Are you ready?
13:29宋风远越世 清静而有为 My master is far beyond the world.
14:00宋风远越世 清静而有为 My master is far beyond the world.
14:14人都死了 搞这些假把式有什么用 They are all dead. What's the use of these tricks?
14:20快醒醒 别胡言乱语 Wake up. Don't talk nonsense.
14:24你和你娘长得真像 You look like your mother.
14:27前辈与我娘有故 Elder, do you know my mother?
14:32我与阿嬈曾经算是同窗 I used to be her classmate.
14:35与她的交集比别人会多一些 We had more contact than others.
14:42七月七日失约 赠嬈娘赔罪 On the seventh day of the seventh month, I broke my promise and gave my mother an apology.
14:49这是谁的字迹啊 Whose handwriting is this?
14:51我在龙都见过我娘的一些画 I saw my mother's paintings in Longdu.
14:54其中有一幅她就躺在月潭花中 She was lying in the moonlight in one of the paintings.
14:59画上还提着一行字 There was a line of words on the painting.
15:02七月七日失约 赠嬈娘赔罪 On the seventh day of the seventh month, I broke my promise and gave my mother an apology.
15:06那是我与阿嬈的定情之日 That was the day my mother and I fell in love.
15:09却因道尊殉戒来迟了些 害她生气 一个人醉酒 But I was late because of my father's death, which made her angry and drunk alone.
15:17定情 Love?
15:18定情 Love?
15:21阿爷 我是你的父亲 Master, I'm your father.
15:48定情 Love?
16:04我爹这人平时好王官 My father was a good official.
16:09怕得在下边受宠 He was afraid of being bullied.
16:15人都齐了吧 Is everyone here?
16:19玄斩上有些家事需要处理 还请诸位稍等片刻 There are some family matters to be dealt with. Please wait a moment.
16:24稍等片刻 这就是你们的道生天的礼书 Wait a moment? Is this your gift to me?
16:35你说你是我父亲 You said you were my father.
16:37我曾答应过阿饶要保护好你 可终究还是没有做到 I promised Rao that I would protect you, but I failed.
16:46但我从未听娘提起过你 But I never heard my mother mention you.
16:52我与阿饶确有婚约 却未行婚娶之礼 I was engaged to Rao, but I didn't get married.
16:57那时我也向姚公下聘 婚期则定好 南夷却出了事 That time, I was going to marry Mr. Yao, but the wedding date was set, and something happened in Nanyi.
17:05舅舅 Uncle?
17:08那时我陪着阿饶为他四处奔波求情 At that time, I was around with Rao urging him to stop his sighs.
17:12阿饶替他受凶后 奉命去会谷加固封邺 After Rao was executed for him, she was ordered to light graves in Huigu.
17:17我却因为身为帝君殷勤徇私 striving for his integrity and lack of loyalty,
17:21被道尊责罚 闭关自省 received punishments by Mr. Dao, and went into seclusion.
17:25那在一别后就再也没有了他的消息 After his departure, I lost all of my knowledge of him.
22:58It hurts when you're close to me,
23:00but it hurts when you're far away.
23:10this path of mine
23:12is only worthy of being accompanied by evil spirits.
23:18You've received the three jades,
23:20so now
23:22how many evil spirits are following me?
23:29Where there is evil,
23:33there is hell.
23:46They're all gone.
23:48My old bone
23:50is only a hundred years old.
23:53If the outside world is really just a void,
23:57the end of the long life path
23:59is just waiting for death in the mortal world.
24:01Why does a cultivator have to step on
24:04this slow-growing earth?
24:26I see. I see.
24:38Those who are kind will attain enlightenment.
24:40You can jump out of the abyss
24:43and ask the top of the world.
24:56TKA Subbers Translators
25:01Timer & Translator Additional Translators
25:06Translation by https://iswakfansubs.blogspot.com
25:24Although the Forbidden Land of the Mountains and Seas
25:26was destroyed by the Sun Luo,
25:28the mountains and seas have been recognized by themselves.
25:32Xuan Zai means
25:34the new emperor has been chosen.
25:40My daughter Nan Yan
25:42will be the new emperor.
25:51Xuan Zai, do you have any evidence?
25:54This is a serious matter.
25:56I'm afraid I can't just listen to one person.
26:02show me your palm.
26:20Nan Yan gathered the spirit of the mountains and seas
26:22and retreated from the mirror of Nianlun.
26:24The mirror of the mountains and seas
26:26has long been planted in her body.
26:30take a look at it.
26:42It seems that what Xuan Zai said is true.
26:44Since the mountains and seas
26:46have been recognized by themselves,
26:48I have no objection.
26:50He Wen Yan!
26:56You mean Nan Yan is your daughter?
27:00This is my family affair.
27:02In the future,
27:04I will clarify it to the world.
27:10Yan, you are the emperor.
27:12From now on,
27:14you must take on a great task
27:16to uphold the law of heaven
27:18and punish the evil.
27:20The first step is to lead the world
27:22to punish the devil together.
27:26Punish the devil?
27:34Nan Yan,
27:36I trusted my brother wrongly before
27:38and caused my family to be destroyed.
27:42I admit it.
27:44From now on,
27:46I will fight the devil with him.
27:52We must make him pay
27:54for killing his father.
27:58Jian Zong Yi Men,
28:00swear to kill the devil
28:02and uphold the law of heaven.
28:04This girl is the descendant of Xuan Zai
28:06and a member of the law of heaven.
28:08We should follow her.
28:14she has colluded with the devil many times
28:16and has committed treason long ago.
28:20If she becomes the emperor,
28:22everyone will be in danger.
28:26Xuan Zai,
28:28you can't lose the big picture
28:30because of a small matter.
28:34The devil of the law of heaven
28:36has a close relationship with her.
28:38I'm afraid it's inappropriate.
28:46Yan was deceived by the devil.
28:48If she has committed any mistakes in the past,
28:50I'm willing to be punished for her.
28:56This is your sword.
29:02No need.
29:10She has committed many crimes.
29:14She and I
29:20have nothing to do with each other.
29:26That's right.
29:28I was deceived by her before.
29:30If you want to punish her,
29:32I'm willing to do it.
29:40I swear in the name of the master of the world
29:42to protect her position as the emperor.
29:44From now on,
29:46all the punishments will be given to me.
29:48Do you have any objections?
29:50Xuan Zai will protect her.
29:52We have no objections.
29:54But I beg you
29:56to take the responsibility.
30:04This is the order of the devil.
30:10Please give the order
30:12to exterminate all the people.
30:14Please give the order
30:16to exterminate all the people.
30:18Please give the order
30:20to exterminate all the people.
30:22Please give the order
30:24to exterminate all the people.
30:26Please give the order
30:28to exterminate all the people.
30:30Please give the order
30:32to exterminate all the people.
30:48Please give the order
30:50to exterminate all the people.
31:04People outside are crazy.
31:06Everyone is looking for you.
31:08You are good at choosing a place.
31:18It's not right.
31:20How do you know Yang Yue Cong?
31:32You remember.
31:38Are you afraid?
31:42What am I afraid of?
31:44You have been bullying me
31:46for a long time.
31:48If you want to settle the score,
31:50I will talk to you.
32:16So you came back all the way
32:18to plant flowers for Nan Yan?
32:46I'm sorry.
32:48I'm sorry.
32:50I'm sorry.
32:52I'm sorry.
32:54I'm sorry.
32:56I'm sorry.
32:58I'm sorry.
33:00I'm sorry.
33:02I'm sorry.
33:04I'm sorry.
33:06I'm sorry.
33:08I'm sorry.
33:10I'm sorry.
33:12I'm sorry.
33:14I'm sorry.
33:26You just came to the Divine Heaven.
33:28How about
33:30I take you for a walk?
33:44I remember
33:46what happened
33:48three years ago.
33:54You mean
33:56in Yang Yue Cong?
34:00Ever since my senior
34:02was accused of treason,
34:04no one in the Divine Heaven
34:06can mention him again.
34:08The last time he was injured,
34:10he was able to escape
34:12but he risked his life
34:14to save me.
34:16So from that moment on,
34:18I don't believe it.
34:20Don't believe what?
34:22I don't believe he killed people.
34:24I don't believe he's a demon.
34:26I don't believe those evil things.
34:28I remember his face.
34:30He's definitely not a demon.
34:34What about you?
34:36Do you believe him?
34:42I believe him.
34:46I've always believed him.
34:50But this time,
34:54I don't know
34:56how to justify myself.
34:58Now that you're the Dijun,
35:00you must have a way to help him.
35:02What if there's a misunderstanding?
35:04Why don't we sit down
35:06and talk?
35:08Let's see if there's a solution.
35:10A solution?
35:14But he didn't leave any room for himself.
35:24This room
35:26used to be
35:28Shao Cang's residence.
35:30There are many of his old things in it.
35:34If you don't mind,
35:36you can take a look.
35:38If you don't mind,
35:40you can take a look.
36:08It's like the sand in front of me.
36:16It's like the tide in the deep sea.
36:20It's like the sweet memory of you.
36:24It's the breath of my life.
36:32How can I escape
36:34from the bottom of this fog?
36:38How can I save myself?
36:44I'm afraid of being alone.
36:46I want to breathe with you.
36:50In this dark sea,
36:54I choose to be alone.
36:58I'm afraid of being alone.
37:02I want to breathe with you.
37:08I want to escape from the past.
37:12I want to embrace the future.
37:16And you.
37:18Even if you are punished by your elders
37:20and cry here,
37:22you can still be honest and make up for it.
37:26Forget it.
37:28You met a bottleneck in your practice.
37:30I helped you.
37:32I helped you.
37:42Look at the sky carefully.
37:46Everything is in the nature.
37:48When you get it,
37:50everything will be natural.
37:52When you get it,
37:54everything will be natural.
38:02You are so absent-minded.
38:04How can you learn it?
38:06Tomorrow is the competition in Shanghai.
38:08If you can't learn it,
38:10I'll punish you.
38:20You have no intention to learn.
38:22Go back.
38:24In my heart,
38:26which you
38:28is the real you?
38:38I'm out of the door.
38:40Where are you going tomorrow?
38:42I'll go with you.
38:44Is there any room for discussion?
38:46Do you need me to help you in?
38:48Do you need me to help you in?
38:50Do you need me to help you in?
38:58What did you say your name was?
39:00Ji Yang.
39:02It's too complicated.
39:04Ji Yang.
39:06One chicken.
39:08One sheep.
39:12I'm here to save you.
39:14I'm here to save you.
39:16I'm the most precious
39:20in the Three Kingdoms.
39:22Except for my mother,
39:24I have you.
39:46Happy universe
39:52When I stand by your side
39:56Everything in the world becomes useless
40:02Just like your eyes
40:08Hardworking stars and you
40:10Every minute, every second
40:16Our story flows like water
40:18It's all in your eyes
40:22Can you hold my hands tightly
40:26No matter where it is
40:30From the beginning
40:34All the way to the end
40:38Let me go forward with you
40:42Let all the brilliant fireworks
40:45Stop for you
40:50When the wind blows
40:54When the wind blows
40:58From your eyebrows
41:00To my heart
41:02Like a calm breeze
41:06I used to dream
41:08Hardworking stars and you
41:10Every minute, every second
41:14Our story flows like water
41:20Can you hold my hands tightly
41:24No matter where it is
41:28From the beginning
41:32All the way to the end
41:36Let me go forward with you
41:40Let all the brilliant fireworks
41:43Stop for you
41:48When the wind blows
41:52When the wind blows
42:06When the wind blows