• el año pasado
Los programas originales fueron buenos, pero sus spinoffs fueron lo peor. Bienvenido a WatchMojo Español, hoy veremos los programas peor recibidos o pensados que no estuvieron a la altura de los originales.


00:00Now I know what you're thinking, Mitch is a lifeguard, what does he know about being a P.I.?
00:06Welcome to Watch Mojo Español, I'm Jackie and today we will see the worst received or thought programs that were not up to the original.
00:16If we don't find a way to lose these guys, we're both dead.
00:20Okay, I'm in trouble. I gotta finish strong with a bold choice they'll remember. What are my options?
00:25On this occasion, we will not focus on spin-offs of reality shows or animated series.
00:33Number 20, CSI Cyber.
00:35CSI Crime Scene Investigation spin-off.
00:39Guys, Avery just sent me a text message.
00:42Two hours ago the US government was hacked.
00:45CSI Cyber tried to take the franchise out of the morgue and take it to the world of digital crimes.
00:52However, they collided with a firewall of critics.
00:55The series was full of computer jargon that they constantly had to explain.
01:00Viewers also thought that seeing the characters looking curiously at their computers while saying strange words
01:08was much less fascinating than examining corpses in the morgues.
01:13Although Cyber tried to revitalize the series in the second season with the incorporation of the always reliable Ted Danson,
01:21his talent was not enough to attract people every week.
01:25Between the bad reception with the critics, its short audience and its short duration,
01:30it is by far the CSI spin-off that has had the least success.
01:35But I'm gonna need you to accept my resignation, Avery.
01:42Number 19, Aftermash.
01:44MASH spin-off.
01:46The U.S. Army, which usually makes mistakes only on days that have a Y in them,
01:50pulled a boner and let me out one day early.
01:53In Aftermash, three characters from the original series left behind the scenario of the Korean War
01:59and began to work in a veteran hospital.
02:02Although the new show tried to capture the mix of drama and comedy that made the original work, it failed.
02:10The characters who returned did not have enough chemistry of the classic cast.
02:15In addition, the decision to recover the soundtrack caused uncomfortable and impossible moments to watch.
02:30Although Aftermash had redeeming moments, the fans preferred other series with a relatively fresher concept.
02:38The drop in the second season's audience made the series canceled in the middle of its broadcast.
02:54Number 18, The Walking Dead World Beyond.
02:57The Walking Dead spin-off.
03:00We don't even know if the siren works or if we can get it to work.
03:04We weren't gonna risk anyone on this.
03:07Set in the same world full of zombies as the original post-apocalyptic success,
03:12The World Beyond followed the adventures of four teenagers who had to make a long journey.
03:19It also promised to expand the world of The Walking Dead and solve mysteries of the franchise.
03:24Unfortunately, it focused more on the teenage drama than on the exciting possibilities of its premise.
03:30Although the main actors offered solid interpretations, their characters were not as convincing as franchise icons like Rick Rimes and Daryl Dixon.
03:42And the drop that overshadowed the glass was that the main story advanced more slowly than a zombie in decomposition.
03:49In short, it didn't have enough life for the fans to adore it.
03:58Number 17, Checking In.
04:00The Jeffersons spin-off.
04:02After Florence Lamukama became a prominent secondary character in The Jeffersons,
04:09executives decided to give her the opportunity to star in her own series.
04:14In Checking In, she became the personal spokesman of a luxury hotel.
04:19Florence was as funny and funny as always.
04:30Unfortunately, the characters that surrounded her were not up to her.
04:34And despite having a whole hotel at her disposal, they were trapped in monotonous offices for long periods of time.
04:42The network canceled the series after only four episodes.
04:46Fortunately, Florence was able to recover her old job,
04:50after the executives made it clear that the hotel and its program had burned down.
05:03Number 16, Galactica 1980.
05:06Battlestar Galactica spin-off.
05:08When the original series of Battlestar Galactica was canceled shortly after it began,
05:14fans pushed for ABC to give it a second chance, but soon they wished they hadn't.
05:21To make the spin-off cheaper, the network eliminated or replaced the favorite characters of the fans.
05:28Although the original was centered on a civilization that fled from an enemy in space,
05:33the new series placed events on Earth.
05:39Maybe not. What is it?
05:42The premise of the fish out of the water failed to capture the dramatic weight of the previous adventures of the franchise,
05:49and viewers were not happy that they had completely discarded or forgotten their favorite characters.
05:56After entering a field of asteroids full of negative comments, Galactica 1980 was canceled after its tenth episode.
06:07What have I done?
06:09I lied to me.
06:12Number 15, Mrs. Columbo.
06:14Columbo spin-off.
06:16Since Columbo was so successful among fans,
06:19the executives made the logical decision to give a green light to a series about his wife while he was off screen.
06:27Coincidentally, he has a talent for solving mysteries that rivals his husband's.
06:32Neither the fans nor the actor of Columbo, Peter Falk, were happy with this premise.
06:49Those who could see beyond his problematic recording found a program of mediocre mystery
06:55that lacked the personality that had attracted people at first.
06:59In general, it was so far from the concept of his predecessor that they could well have changed the name.
07:05Later, the franchise put salt in the wounds of the failed spin-off by clarifying that it was not canonical.
07:16Number 14, Living Dolls.
07:18Spin-off of Who's the Boss.
07:20Hey, Miss Della, you made it!
07:22Of course, but I missed a chance for us to have some fun.
07:24Fun? Here? It's against Trisha's rules.
07:28How do you take advantage of the talent of famous actresses like Halle Berry and Leah Remini,
07:33putting them in a low-quality spin-off?
07:36In Living Dolls, the actresses played young women who lived in a house with other aspiring models
07:43and a severe but affectionate maternal figure.
07:47The jokes about the industry were unsuccessful.
07:50Sometimes, the series even made fun of the social pressures that the models faced.
08:04The aspect that really drives people crazy is that it has little to do with the original.
08:10It turns out that a couple of characters know people from Who's the Boss.
08:14This fragile connection between programs was not enough to convince the public to watch the spin-off.
08:25Number 13, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland.
08:28Spin-off of Once Upon a Time.
08:30Alice, you need to listen to me.
08:32No, I'm not going anywhere.
08:34Why must you always be so bloody stubborn?
08:37A few years after a very well-received fantasy series reimagined numerous fairy tale characters,
08:45a new program was launched that limited its reach to focus on Alicia.
08:49Its series of Wonderland intended to be a little darker and focus on the story of the heroine.
08:56However, it was not strong enough to survive on its own.
09:01Although the characters of Disney continued to appear,
09:04its protagonism was minimized and guest appearances were less frequent.
09:09The plot was also hindered by a romantic story that took centuries to start.
09:16It did not help that CGI was not as sharp as its contemporary programs.
09:22As Once Upon a Time was being broadcast at the same time,
09:25viewers did not have enough incentive to continue visiting Wonderland.
09:38Number 12, The Blacklist Redemption.
09:41Spin-off of The Blacklist.
09:43Do you want the prisoners rounded up? Call the US Marshals.
09:46If you want the mess you created handled covertly, we do this my way.
09:50We understand why NBC wanted to expand the universe of this popular thriller after the success of the original.
09:57However, it is a little more difficult to understand why they made them so similar.
10:03Both programs focus on the dynamics between a special agent and a paternal figure.
10:08In addition, the characters of the spin-off also chase high-ranking criminals while they discover a bigger trap.
10:15To make matters worse, the protagonists were not as convincing as the cast of the main series.
10:21Their biggest sin was that they did not differentiate enough from a better version of themselves that was still in the air.
10:28There were simply not enough reasons for the audience to see two equal programs.
10:38Trevor had a cancellation.
10:40Number 11, Booker. Spin-off of 21 Jump Street.
10:44Am I supposed to get some profound meaning from that look?
10:48I'll call you to the meeting when I'm ready. Be prepared to answer some hard questions, Booker.
10:53During his time on 21 Jump Street, Dennis Booker was incognito with his companions to catch the criminals.
11:01After the character left the body and they gave him his own series, he changed the police badge for a job in an important insurance company.
11:10The writers intended to use this resource so that Booker could investigate a wide variety of cases.
11:16However, the premise was not solid enough to justify his adventures.
11:21Critics considered that the cases were boring or derived from other important works.
11:28After a difficult season, Booker was forced to retire.
11:37Number 10, Joey. Spin-off of Friends.
11:46The NBC desperately wanted to keep the magic of Friends with a spin-off centered on the clown but adorable actor Joey.
11:54Played by Matt LeBlanc, he was still charming and funny.
11:58But the cast and the scripts were not so good.
12:02Characters like his sister Gina and his best friend Zack seemed pale imitations of icons like Monica and Ross.
12:09Also, while Joey's interpretive activities gave rise to great side plots in Friends, they were not as exciting as the main theme.
12:19Although curious fans followed the series for a while, the ratings ended up falling in the second season until it was canceled.
12:28Joey went from being a compromising series to becoming an example of the ease with which spin-offs can fail.
12:42Number 9, Highlander the Raven. Spin-off of Highlander the series.
12:49If you didn't know that the Highlander cult film had an original television series, then surely you've never heard of the failed spin-off starring women.
13:08In the pilot of Highlander the Raven, the protagonist Amanda uses her immortality for her own benefit, but feels inspired to give a spin to her life after an officer dies to save her.
13:22Despite having a strong hook, viewers thought that the context of the characters was extremely weak.
13:29Amanda and her partner Nick did not appear to be fully formed or complex people. Although the heroine lives forever, the legacy of the series is already dead.
13:43Number 8, Sanford Arms. Spin-off of Sanford and Son.
13:48I bought this place from Fred and it's now a hotel. It's called Sanford Arms. This is my lobby and the rooms are right next door.
13:54When the protagonists of Sanford and Son left the network, NBC tried to continue without them with a spin-off.
14:02In the new series, an original character named Phil tries to run a business while he lives in the house that the previous protagonists had.
14:10We're here to see Fred. Oh, Fred!
14:13Fred doesn't live here anymore. He's gone.
14:16He's gone? Oh, goodness. Fred finally had the big one.
14:23The premise served as a metaphor for what the fans thought was wrong in the series.
14:28Instead of trying to get out of the shadow of the original show, Sanford Arms took a risk.
14:33The presence of the secondary characters of the original show only reminded that the protagonists were missing and the humor was not enough to make the fans fall in love.
14:42After 8 episodes of the show, Sanford Arms was canceled.
14:48I mean, if you don't say it, we'll ruin the whole show.
14:56Cut the snow job, Eric. You know I don't allow any of my models to have managers.
15:02Okay, this is good. This is good. We're opening up the lines of communication.
15:17This particular formula is flawed. This drama intended to combine the daily problems of the characters with murder mystery.
15:26Despite starting in a relatively realistic way, it became more absurd as it progressed.
15:32There were plots of everything, from hired killers to mysterious doppelgangers of dead characters.
15:39Apart from their absurd stories, they didn't treat the serious themes as they deserved.
15:44In combination with the mediocre performances of the cast, there was no reason for the viewers to tune in to Melrose Plague's spin-off.
16:09Every year, in dangerous strikes, the FBI's international response team is called into action.
16:16The premise of this show was enough to distance legions of viewers from the spin-off.
16:22While Criminal Minds focused on the criminals in a series from the United States, Beyond Borders tried to see if the concept could work abroad.
16:32Since the protagonists solved cases in which the victims were Americans, the villains were mostly foreigners.
16:40And this made the show largely xenophobic.
16:51When people immersed themselves in the show, they discovered that the episodes were plagued with cheap cultural stereotypes and generalizations.
17:00Although the premise wasn't problematic, the characters didn't attract the viewers either.
17:05This show ended quickly after receiving negative reactions for almost all aspects of its existence.
17:14I love you, sexy girl.
17:18I love you, sexy girl.
17:23Number 5. Johnny Loves Chachi. Happy Days' spin-off.
17:27Although the success of Happy Days originated seven spin-offs of variable quality, Johnny Loves Chachi was the most infamous of all.
17:36This comedy revolved around a couple trying to reach the musical star in a new city.
17:42Although it was supposed that their bandmates and friends were eccentric, most of them were just annoying.
17:57And although Johnny and Chachi were very good in the cast of Happy Days, they weren't as dynamic as co-protagonists.
18:05The scripts also fell apart after the first episodes.
18:09Shortly after the ratings dropped, the Turtles duo was sent back to Milwaukee to help close Happy Days.
18:27Number 4. Baywatch Nights. Baywatch's spin-off.
18:36It was already pretty hard to believe that Mitch, from the Baywatch show, was going to star in a show where he was a private investigator.
18:45When the audience couldn't accept the concept, the spin-off completely changed its tone and became a creepy mystery show.
18:54Baywatch Nights brought paranormal elements to the beaches of Los Angeles and beyond.
19:00Although it desperately wanted to be X-Files, the mysteries weren't very intriguing.
19:06But the most important thing is that the tone had changed so much that Mitch felt like a fish out of water in his own show.
19:13The audience agreed that the lifeguard had to dedicate himself to saving people during the day, instead of trying to solve mysteries at night.
19:24Did you see it? Look, I saw something, alright? I don't know what it was, okay?
19:28Number 3. The Brady Brides. The Brady Brunch's spin-off.
19:33Shortly after Marsha and Jan Brady got married to their respective husbands, they decided to save money by moving in together.
19:41It's to share the cost by moving in together. That's the way that they became the Brady Brides.
19:48As they were nice and more or less agreed, their scenes were quite predictable and flat.
19:54To create comedy, the show tried to oppose Jan's stretched husband with the free spirit of Marsha.
20:01I can get him to talk. How?
20:04Please, Phillip! Please, talk to us!
20:09However, the screenwriters didn't do enough with this formula to make it fresh.
20:14The laughs they managed to get to the live audience didn't reflect the enthusiasm of the viewers at home.
20:21Unfortunately for the Brady Brides, their attempt to become their own series was stalled after 10 episodes.
20:29As for me, this is where I get off.
20:34Number 2. Mr. T and Tina. The spin-off of Welcome Back, Qatar.
20:40Good luck in Chicago, shorty!
20:43This infamous show was so forgotten that we could barely find images.
20:49The show talks about Pat Morita as an inventor named Taro Takahashi, who leaves Japan to live in Chicago.
20:57Although the screenwriters made 8 versions of the pilot, the first test audiences didn't like it.
21:04The critics considered that they included it in plots that promoted negative stereotypes about the Japanese.
21:10The character of his co-protagonist, Susan Blanchard, liked so little that her role was cut between one pilot and another.
21:18In the end, ABC only managed to broadcast 5 episodes before removing it from the air.
21:24Who was going to say that a combination of bad writing and a character that the audience saw in a single episode of Welcome Back, Qatar, wouldn't be successful?
21:33I can see I'm not appreciated here. I'll go to another class.
21:38We haven't reached the end yet, but we're almost there.
21:41Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our latest videos.
21:47You will surely like them.
21:49Now, let's go to the end.
21:52Number 1. The Tortellis. Spin-off of Cheers.
22:06At the beginning of this pilot, Nick Tortelli dreams that he is condemned to hell for having deceived his wife Loretta in real life.
22:15Surprisingly, things don't get better from there.
22:18Nick has so few redeeming qualities that we don't want to see him succeed in love or business.
22:25His partner Loretta is also written as a hollow head that looks more like an animated drawing than a well-formed character.
22:34I've changed completely.
22:36I don't know about that. The shirt is different, but the pants look the same.
22:42He also had a confusing plot in which Nick, his wife and son end up living at his sister-in-law's house in Las Vegas.
22:50A perfect ingredient for a disastrous spin-off.
22:54The fans felt that the Tortellis were hateful and were not lucky with the audience outside the bar.
23:01I need help. I want to be good. I'm trying to be good.
23:05Give me one sign. Please. Anything.
23:09Do you agree with our choices?
23:11Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other videos of Spanish Watchmojo.
