• last year
PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk (ADMR) menghabiskan anggaran belanja modal atau capital expenditure (capex) USD143 juta atau Rp2,2 triliun di enam bulan pertama tahun 2024. Capex itu digunakan untuk proyek infrastruktur PT Maruwai Coal (MC) dan smelter aluminium PT Kalimantan Aluminium Industry (KAI).


00:00Thank you so much for staying with us.
00:07PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk Miten Berkode Saham ADMR spent capital expenditure of US$143 million or Rp 2.2 trillion in the first six months of 2024.
00:23CAPEX is used for PT Maruwai Coal and Smelter Aluminium, PT Kalimantan Aluminium Industry.
00:36PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk Miten Berkode Saham ADMR spent capital expenditure of US$143 million or Rp 2.2 trillion in the first six months of 2024.
00:49CAPEX is used for PT Maruwai Coal and Smelter Aluminium, PT Kalimantan Aluminium Industry.
00:58President-Director of ADMR, Kristian Ariyano Rahmat said, after Rampung, the project of increasing the infrastructure will support the achievement of the target of the volume of the average volume of 6 million tons per year.
01:11In addition, the conveyor of the second cylinder will also increase the capacity of the conveyor and the ability of the company to fulfill the delivery commitment.
01:20Ariyano Rahmat said, these improvements will put the company in a strong position to meet the expectations of the metallurgy coal product growth.
01:29In the first semester of 2024, ADMR spent US$248.76 million or Rp 3.84 trillion, growing 52.13% from the same period as the previous year, which is as large as US$163.51 million.
01:46The amount comes from the income of the company also increased by 30.93% to US$607.03 million or Rp 9.37 trillion from the previous US$436.60 million.
02:01In short, coal sales are recorded as large as US$606.44 million or Rp 9.36 trillion and other service income is recorded as large as US$1.55 million or Rp 24.02 billion.
02:16The increase in ADMR revenue is supported by an increase in sales volume of 43% to 2.59 million tons, which is equated to an 8% decrease in the average selling price.
02:29In addition, ADMR also continues to develop a high-quality metallurgy coal market and has attracted interest from customers in many countries including Indonesia, Japan and China.
02:46Thank you for watching!
