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How to Clean Our Dirty Hearts - Dr. Haifaa Younis


00:00I call the heart the crystal vase, the crystal vase, shining, beauty, Allah created,
00:09what happens as we live, it becomes foggy, a little bit dirty, more dirty, more dirty,
00:18and sometimes becomes black. What is this dirt? Anger, jealousy, lying, loving this life,
00:27attachment, competition, I wanna be the best, I'm gonna crush them, the business, all these.
00:34Backbiting. And sins, exactly, all the sins, sins comes in. What does purification? Does,
00:44it's a process. Basically, simple, that crystal that became with time,
00:51dirty, if you wanna use this word, foggy, you're cleaning it.
00:57Polishing it.
00:58Polishing it. And then it comes back to the original crystal, that the focus is, I am here
01:07as a khalifa of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. I am here as stewards on this earth. We all are talking
01:12about it these days. How? And here also medicine comes in, subhanallah. When you have a wound,
01:20and the wound is infected, any kind of a wound, what is the first thing you do? You clean the
01:26wound. And then you remove anything in your surroundings that will make the wound infected
01:34again. And then you bring things that will help heal the wound. That's tazkiyah, that's
01:42purification. You bring back, the heart is wounded, jealousy, backbiting, hate, no belief in
01:50Allah, all these things, right? And then I'm gonna gradually remove it. Remove it.
01:57Remove the harm.
01:58Remove the harm.
01:59The sin.
01:59Clean it. And basically, literally, I tell the sisters all the time, it's like you're bringing,
02:04you're cleaning a dish, you're washing a dish, the dish is your heart, and you're washing it.
02:09And if the dish is dirty, you're gonna keep washing. Right? So here you go. And by the way,
02:16purification of the heart, tazkiyah, is one of the three messages that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
02:23sent the Prophet, alayhi salatu wa salam, Muhammad, for us. The first thing in Surah Al-Baqarah,
02:29رَبَّنَا وَبَعَثْ فِيهِمْ رَسُولًا مِنْهُمْ يَطْلُوَ عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتِكَ وَيُعَلِّمْهُمْ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَ وَيُزَكِّيهِمْ
02:37Now, this was the du'a of Ibrahim, alayhi salam.
02:40Sayyidina Ibrahim, exactly in Surah Al-Baqarah.
02:42That Allah sent to them, the people in Makkah, his progeny, a Rasul from amongst them.
02:50A messenger from amongst them, exactly.
02:52Who will teach them, who will recite the verses of your verses to them.
02:57يَطْلُوَ عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتِكَ وَيُعَلِّمُهُ الْكِتَابَ وَيُزَكِّيهِمْ
03:11And purify him.
03:12This is in the first du'a of Sayyidina Ibrahim.
03:15If you flip this, this ayah is four times in the Quran.
03:18If you look at the second part, second time in Surah Al-Baqarah, the sequence changed.
03:24رَبَّنَا وَبْعَثِهِمْ رَسُولًا مِّنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ يَطْلُوَ عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتِكَ
03:29And then, وَيُزَكِّيهِمْ وَيُعَلِّمْهُمْ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَ
03:34Once you are a Muslim, once you know, then tazkiyah becomes,
03:39and some scholars tell you it's for du'ain, it's an individual obligation on every person.
03:45So, in a nutshell, how do I do it?
03:47Number one, it's like memorizing the Quran.
03:49It's a process.
03:51It's not going to happen in a day.
03:52Allah, I always tell this to myself, Allah is capable of everything, but it's a process.
03:59I wanted, I'll take the measures, remove the viruses, right?
04:05And keep the cleaning.
04:07Number one, in the process, you need to know, what is my problem?
04:12My problem is anger.
04:13And when I get angry, I disobey Allah, I say things, I hurt people.
04:18What is my problem?
04:20Why does she have it?
04:21I don't have it.
04:22She doesn't deserve it.
04:25My problem is I speak, and when I speak, I hurt people, backbiting, lying, putting people down,
04:32bullying, all these.
04:34Number one, identify.
04:37By identifying yourself, then take one by one.
04:46As you said.
04:48If the sohba around me, if my friends, I know when I go out with them, it's going to end up
04:53in backbiting.
04:54I need to remove.
04:55That's a virus.
04:57If I know, if I am going to be doing certain things, and if it doesn't work perfectly,
05:04I'm going to get upset.
05:06I need to move away from these things.
05:09I know if I, for example, if I'll be with this, if I go to her house, I'm going to feel
05:19ill inside me.
05:20She has a bigger house than mine.
05:22She has four bedrooms.
05:23I have three that I need to cut down from this social interaction.
05:29So number one is identify what is your problem and what's causing it.
05:34So ilm, knowledge, learn, learn.
05:38And the more I learn about Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, the more I learn about my shortcomings.
05:43Then number two is mujahidat, we call it.
05:48And this is the biggest struggle.
05:50Say, say.
05:52And the process is very easy.
05:54Four things less and one thing is more.
05:57Very easy.
05:58And this is Imam Ibn al-Qayyim put it beautifully.
06:01The four less.
06:02Which we absolutely don't do.
06:05What do you think?
06:07Less talk.
06:09Less sleep.
06:12Less food.
06:14And less interaction with people.
06:16And more?
06:22More dhikr of Allah.
06:24The cornerstone is this one.
06:27And there is a saying attributed to Rasul Aleyhissalatu Wasalam.
06:34Remembrance of Allah is the cleaning agent of the heart.
06:37Remember the crystal?
06:38Like we put soap.
06:39You spray something.
06:41Just spray.
06:42It's dhikr.
06:43And dhikr, any form of remembering Allah.
06:46Reading Quran, memorizing, asking Allah for forgiveness.
06:50Doing morning and evening adhkar.
06:52Saying SubhanAllah.
06:54Reflecting on the nature.
06:56And you say, Ya Allah, what beauty is this?
06:59Who are you?
07:00You know, that's a dhikr.
07:02And this process continues.
07:04It's not one day or two.
07:06And you will see yourself gradually changing.
07:09Much more calmer.
07:11Much more appreciative of what Allah gave you.
07:14Less complaining.
07:15Which is the problem of these days.
07:18Less, less, less complaining.
07:20Less attached to the material things.
07:23If you have it, Alhamdulillah.
07:24If you don't have it, Alhamdulillah.
07:26And then the more you get there,
07:28then you start getting so close to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
07:32The Quran makes you cry.
07:34Standing in Salah.
07:35The night.
07:36All these.
07:36So it's a process.
07:37Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen.
07:39What is really beautiful is anytime and every time I teach this wherever.
07:44And I teach it all over.
07:45I'm not only in the States.
07:47And people really, these days, that's what they are missing.
07:53It's like, wow.
07:55This is what I need to do.
07:57I need to figure out that me continuously living in these viruses around me.
08:03And feeding the viruses.
08:05It is making me sicker and sicker spiritually.
