• el año pasado
Estos vergonzosos logos fallidos te harán temblar. Bienvenido a WatchMojo, y hoy estamos contando nuestras selecciones para aquellos logotipos cuyos diseños tienen algunas interpretaciones vergonzosamente no deseadas.


00:00And the fact that it prompted epileptic fits, there was no more joking.
00:04Welcome to Watch Mojo Español, I am Jackie and today we will show you our top 20 of those logos whose designs have some shameful interpretations not desired.
00:17And yet another said the typeface Helvetica is synonymous with American Airlines.
00:23Number 20, the Wisconsin Tourism Federation.
00:27Nowadays it is known as the Tourism Federation of Wisconsin, but before 2009 they were Wisconsin Tourism Federation.
00:36In Spanish it does not tell us much, but then, why the change of name?
00:41Well, because of the Internet?
00:43Or more specifically, the way in which the Internet and the culture of text messages created the popularity of the acronyms.
00:54Well, for decades W.T.F. did not mean anything to anyone, but with the Internet and messages, W.T.F. now in English is easily recognized as ... well, as a not very kind question.
01:12And then the Wisconsin Tourism Federation reorganized its original acronym a bit.
01:18Number 19, Patrimonio de Japón.
01:20In 2015, the Japanese Cultural Affairs Agency launched a program called Patrimonio de Japón.
01:27According to a Japanese travel news site, one of the main objectives of the program was to help the local brand or promote local identity.
01:37This may seem a bit ironic given the logo with which the program was launched at that time.
01:42Although we appreciate the simple white background and the red circle that represents Japan, the font selection for the letters seems a bit ... let's say ... it's not good.
01:59Although the word Japan is quite identifiable, the word heritage or heritage in English was read as another ...
02:08Yes, you know, you know.
02:11Number 18, Airbnb.
02:13Launched as Airbed & Breakfast in 2008, the company became Airbnb in 2009 with a simple bubble-shaped logo.
02:23After growing exponentially, the company felt that it needed an update and in 2014 a redesigned website and a completely new logo arrived.
02:34Although the new logo was intended to represent people, location, love and the letter A, for many it simply looked like any number of private, male or female parts, depending on how you look at it.
02:48You know, and I'll tell you, there was a little thing in the Washington Post where they said, you know, people who predictably say, this is terrible because it looks like genitalia, he said, maybe that's part of the whole point.
02:58Hey, you know what? It's marketing, it gets it talked about.
03:01And the redesigns with the incorporated logo were not missing in various anatomical drawings.
03:08Honestly, I think I liked our brand to be so iconic that when somebody sees somebody naked in the future, maybe say, wow, you look like the Airbnb logo.
03:16Number 17, Mama's Baking.
03:18Mama's Baking is a Greek bakery and for the design of its logo, they wanted something that combined the idea of mom and baking.
03:27See, Sherry, I like to make sure that my food is properly lubricated. It goes down easier that way.
03:35We come up with many good ways to visually combine those two options, but a lady with a fire in her abdomen is not one of them.
03:49Maybe it's supposed that the lower half of the design is an oven?
03:53Either way, the two round breasts and the hot center don't really sell the idea of mom baking, but rather the idea that mom needs to take antibiotics.
04:05Number 16, Gap.
04:07What's wrong with Gap's logo?
04:09The name of the company in a navy blue painting is iconic.
04:19But if we're talking about that logo, we're talking about the redesign of the short-term logo that the company presented on October 6, 2010.
04:34The one that Gap presents in black with a small blue square in the upper right corner of the P.
04:40If you want to talk about the reaction of consumers, just read the thousands of posts on social media that hate the new logo.
04:49Can you blame them? It's a boring logo.
04:53Online critics said the new logo looked cheap and unsophisticated, and as if it was designed in Microsoft Word.
05:01Hey, wow.
05:02Ouch. Or someone was experimenting with Photoshop for the first time.
05:06And if you thought that the Coca-Cola company had quickly returned to the original logo from when it tried to present a new one,
05:13that's nothing compared to the literally six days it took Gap to return to the old logo.
05:20Number 15, Donald Trump's campaign logo, Mike Pence.
05:24Most of us are familiar with the simple logo of the 2016 campaign that presents a large letter Trump in blue with a red Pence a little smaller below.
05:37What may be less familiar to you is the first logo that the Trump and Pence team presented with the T and P between the wings and the red and white stripes next to it.
05:50The T of Donald Trump is like impaling Mike Pence like right through the P.
05:55And while we understand that the stripes are an obvious ode to the American flag,
06:00we are with former Democrat representative John Dingell regarding the T and P.
06:06After the launch of the Dingell Twitter logo, what is the T doing to that P?
06:12And Donald Trump made Mike Pence again for the second time on January 6, 2021.
06:18It turns out that the first time was with the original logo of Trump and Pence.
06:22Number 14, the first logo of the Tokyo Olympics.
06:26There is nothing suggestive in the first logo launched by the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Committee,
06:32there is nothing rude or offensive about it either,
06:35the only problem was that it looked almost exactly like a logo already existing from the Liège theater in Belgium.
06:44We may never know if the Japanese graphic designer Kenji Rosano did it on purpose or not,
06:50although he did say that he had never seen the Liège logo before.
06:54But what we do know is that after the designer of the theater's logo, Olivier Devy, threatened to sue,
07:02the committee discarded the design and started working on a new one.
07:06Number 13, dental clinic.
07:08When you go to the dentist, you obviously expect a certain type of service.
07:15You know what, I second that Mr. Tourette, I think we're going to have to pull the tooth, hmm?
07:19However, if you have to believe in this logo of the San Marcelino Dental Clinic,
07:24maintaining your oral health is not the only service they provide to their clients.
07:29Although since most people hate going to the dentist,
07:33they may only be trying to make it clear that going to their clinic is a metaphorically much more pleasant experience than with most other dentists.
07:43Metaphorical or not, this Fold logo requires more than a couple of rinses to get rid of the bad taste in your mouth.
07:51Number 12, the Metropolitan Art Museum.
07:55Colloquially known for years as The Met,
07:58the Metropolitan Art Museum of New York City took the nickname seriously in 2016
08:04when they completely redesigned its logo.
08:07Behind it was the iconic M in a network of squares and circles in honor of Leonardo da Vinci,
08:14replaced by a big red on top of a big red Met.
08:18When it comes to big red things, people love Clifford,
08:23but there was not the same type of love for the new logo of the museum in 2016.
08:32The architecture critic Justin Davidson was one of those enemies,
08:37he described the new logo as a two-story red bus that stopped in the middle of nowhere,
08:43pushing passengers against each other.
08:46Let's assume that was not what The Met was looking for.
08:50Number 11, Sat-An.
08:52Katherine is a German digital antenna and satellite solutions company
08:57that offers many services and products to its clients.
09:01One of these products are the television parabolic antennas,
09:05you know, the kind that you see on the roofs of houses and apartment buildings,
09:10maybe you don't even notice things like that in general,
09:13but if your eyes land on certain Katherine artifacts,
09:16it is possible that they stand out a bit due to the Sat-An logo they have.
09:21Let's assume that Sat and An are abbreviations of satellites and antennas,
09:26however the company's decision not to put a space between the two words
09:31means that instead of Sat-An, these dishes are adorned with Satan or Satanaz,
09:37that is a big mistake.
09:46Number 10, Kudawara Pharmacy.
09:49Let's say you are a graphic designer for a Japanese pharmacy
09:53and they ask you for a new dynamic logo,
09:56you might think that combining the philosophy centered on the client of your organization
10:01and the first letter of his name would be a great idea.
10:04The good news is that the two-figure logo
10:07received recognition from companies such as
10:11Huffington Post, BuzzFeed and Business Insider, to name a few.
10:17The bad news is that its logo looks like two people getting up and down,
10:23if you know what we mean.
10:25Let's say that some refer to him as the counter-admirer.
10:36Maybe Kudawara should have made lemons with lemonade
10:40and focus on selling medicine for erectile dysfunction.
10:44Number 9, Pure Maple Syrup from Vermont.
10:48Only the highest quality product gets the label Pure Maple Syrup from Vermont.
10:55I love it on pizza.
10:56I like to take maple syrup and put a little bit in my hair when I've had a rough week.
10:59What do you think holds it up, slick?
11:25Number 8, UK Government Trade Office.
11:55¿Un muñeco de nieve autosatisfaciéndose?
12:00El público en general y los medios de comunicación lo notaron.
12:04Un portavoz de OGC respondió diciendo que el logotipo provocó algunas risas
12:10entre algunos miembros del personal.
12:12Sin embargo, decidieron que cualquier combinación de las letras OGC
12:17parecería medio indecente y que tal logotipo no era inapropiado
12:22para una organización que busca tener un control firme
12:25sobre el gasto gubernamental.
12:27Tres años más tarde, la OGC fue absorbida por otra agencia.
12:32There's always a bigger fish.
12:34Tenemos que suponer que tal vez su desaparición se debió en parte al apasionante logo.
12:40Número 7, Locum AB.
12:42Pobre Locum.
12:43Esta empresa de administración de propiedades sueca
12:46simplemente intentaba agradecer a sus clientes y desearles unas felices fiestas,
12:52mientras a su vez salvaba algunos árboles a través de una tarjeta de navidad electrónica.
12:58Para mostrar su amor, reemplazaron la O en su logo en minúsculas por un corazón,
13:04y parece, al menos para los angloparlantes,
13:07que están expresando su pasión por cierto fluido corporal.
13:11Seamos realistas, Locum está jugando con fuego simplemente por tener
13:16CAM como las últimas tres letras de su nombre,
13:19y le echaron gasolina enviando por correo electrónico,
13:22lo que rápidamente se convertiría en una sensación viral.
13:27Número 6, Mont Saab.
13:29Es un poco injusto perseguir a una pequeña empresa familiar de instalación de antenas
13:34y satélites en la provincia polaca de Baja Silesia.
13:38Pero si vas a humanizar una antena parabólica,
13:40podrías tener un problema muy largo y Mont Saab no lo tuvo en cuenta.
13:47En este diseño antropomorfizado, la parte satélite conocida como brazo de soporte,
13:52se coloca justo encima de las piernas.
13:55El resultado parece muy feliz de vernos.
13:58Pero hay algo más al respecto, por lo general alguien con este problema en particular
14:04haría cualquier cosa para asegurarse de que no se vea,
14:07sin embargo tiene las manos en alto y la lengua afuera,
14:11lo que lo hace parecer muy orgulloso de sí mismo.
14:14Esperemos que sus instaladores domésticos mantengan las cosas con más decoro.
14:20Número 5, Kids Exchange.
14:22Interletraje es el término utilizado en tipografía para definir el espacio entre letras.
14:28Si le das demasiado o muy poco espacio a una palabra,
14:32la legibilidad se puede ver afectada.
14:35Pero quizás la mayor advertencia sobre el interletraje
14:38sea el supuesto logotipo único de Kids Exchange,
14:42que seguramente has visto antes en listas como esta.
14:46En primer lugar, se debe tener cuidado cuando las letras S, E y X
14:51están agrupadas en el nombre de tu organización,
14:55especialmente cuando tu negocio se centra en artículos para niños.
14:59Además, a una persona que no esté versada en las leyes y regulaciones de reasignación sexual,
15:06puede resultarle extraño que los niños puedan cambiar de sexo en el centro comercial local.
15:11Y a quien quiera que esté encargado del diseño del logotipo de Kids Exchange,
15:16¿podrías presionar la barra espaciadora por nosotros?
15:20Número 4, Juegos Olímpicos de Verano de Londres 2012.
15:24Un logotipo olímpico puede ser una representación dinámica del país y la ciudad que albergan los juegos.
15:31Si lo haces mal, bueno, el logotipo de Londres de 2012 costó 400.000 libras esterlinas,
15:38y, lamentablemente, ese gasto no les ayudó a evitar grandes dolores de cabeza.
15:43Los problemas comenzaron en 2007, cuando la organización británica Epilepsy Action
15:49tomó quejas de convulsiones a partir de imágenes animadas que mostraban el logotipo.
16:03Pero eso fue solo el comienzo.
16:05Irán presentó una queja formal diciendo que las letras deletreaban Sion y amenazó con un boicot.
16:12Y, como siempre, está la connotación sexual, y algunos dicen que parecía como si Lisa Simpson
16:18le hubiera dado a Bart, em... ¿tenemos que decirlo?
16:26A pesar de las críticas, los organizadores de Londres mantuvieron la calma y continuaron con el logo y todo.
16:33Número 3, A Style.
16:35¿Es realmente un fracaso si pretendían hacerlo?
16:38Cuando el fundador de A Style, Marca Bronze, creó su logotipo,
16:42no había ninguna idea de negocio ni producto ni tiendas, solo un logotipo.
16:48Se podría decir que Bronze construyó su éxito por la puerta trasera,
16:53pegando pegatinas de sus muñecos de estilo perrito donde quiera que iba,
16:57desde Milán hasta Moscú y Miami.
17:00También lo pintó en la pista del Tour de Francia de 2004.
17:03La gente se dio cuenta y la marca creció.
17:06Ahora han pasado años y A Style vende ropa y accesorios que muestran su logotipo,
17:12usando por figuras como la megaestrella del fútbol Lionel Messi
17:17y que aparece en cascos de motocicleta en eventos de MotoGP.
17:21Se podría decir que A Style vive según el mantra, ninguna publicidad es mala publicidad.
17:28Número 2. Sunrise Sushi. Instituto de Estudios Orientales, Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina.
17:36Un amanecer sobre una pagoda puede ser algo hermoso, también puede ser muy penetrante.
17:42Nuestro logo número 2 está envuelto en un misterio. ¿Quién lo diseñó? ¿Quién lo usó?
17:48Varias fuentes lo atribuyen a Sunrise Sushi,
17:51un restaurante que puede o no haber quedado arruinado por su sugerente logo.
17:56El London Telegraph informó que la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina en Brasil
18:01lo utilizó para representar su departamento de estudios orientales,
18:06pero lo retiró cuando el logo se volvió viral.
18:08Lo que sí sabemos con certeza es que la pagoda es un pilar en las listas de logotipos fallidos,
18:14y el Independent del Reino Unido alguna vez se ubicó entre los peores logotipos jamás diseñados.
18:22También sabemos por qué se convirtió en una sensación viral, y tú también.
18:27Aún no hemos llegado al final pero ya casi, solo asegúrate de suscribirte a nuestro canal
18:32y activar la campana para recibir notificaciones de nuestros últimos videos.
18:37Muy bien, veamos nuestro puesto número 1.
18:39Número 1. Comisión Arquidiocesana de Jóvenes de la Iglesia Católica.
18:44Era 1973 y la Comisión Juvenil Arquidiocesana, una organización dentro de la iglesia católica,
18:52aparentemente comenzó a utilizar este nuevo logotipo.
18:56Debemos mencionar que, en ese momento, las únicas personas que estaban al tanto de los detalles
19:02sobre los escándalos de abuso católico eran aquellos dentro del círculo interno de la iglesia,
19:07y desafortunadamente, aquellos que fueron explotados.
19:11No fue hasta una oleada de desconfianza y un periodismo de investigación tenaz en la década de 2000
19:18que se descubrieron muchas verdades impactantes.
19:28Y según un rumor perpetuado en línea, la Comisión Juvenil Arquidiocesana
19:34fue una desafortunada víctima del incidente y de la memificación de las imágenes encontradas.
19:40The Atlantic preguntó a los lectores si este era el peor logo de todos los tiempos.
19:46Incluso si este logotipo es falso, la ironía de lo inadecuado significa que nuestra respuesta
19:52es un rotundo sí. ¿Cuál de estos logos fallidos es tu favorito? ¡Cuéntanos en los comentarios!
20:10¡Suscríbete y activa la campana para que recibas una notificación cada vez que subamos nuevo contenido!
