Alone in Mountains | Peace

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Alone in Mountains Peace
00:00Summer. A feeling. A flush of memory and possibilities that makes you feel like anything is possible.
00:23Not many words can hit you with the surge of emotions like summer. Building sand castles
00:31on the beach as a child. The smell of fresh cut grass. The pain of an ending summer fling.
00:41The gentle sounds of morning doves hooing on a shady afternoon in a hammock.
00:59Life is what you make it. We are constantly burdened by the weight of monotony and apathy.
01:06It's easier to just say no and roll back into bed. We all get caught up in the routines
01:13that can become suffocating. There comes that moment where you just need to stop. A reset.
01:24Some room to breathe. Letting go of the weight of the world is hard, but that feeling, that
01:33little pause when you decide to take a break, is more than worth it.
01:50We're going to have a rock skipping contest, so we have to pick our winning rock. These
01:56are our options. Picked these from our garden. So we have some good options. I'll give you
02:04first pick, and we'll see who wins. You have to pick the good one. I'm going to pick this
02:17one. I feel like it has enough weight to it, not too much, and it's flat. This is promising.
02:26Here's how I think we should do it. You have five rocks, and then we'll just count the
02:32total number of skips. Whoever has the highest number of skips wins. I have to pick five
02:38rocks, and you too. We'll pick as we go.
02:56So you're at two skips. I'm at two.
03:05Oh my god!
03:07So you're at five.
03:29What are you at?
03:31I'm saying you're at ten, and I'm at seven.
03:49Turns out we both suck.
03:51What was your final score?
03:53I think mine was...
03:55It wasn't six.
03:57I think it was like eight.
03:59Okay, what's yours?
04:01So I got like about two skips for rocks, I'm not an idiot. One was three.
04:09We suck, but we had a good time.
04:21Sitting in front of my computer, the window to my left shows life is all around. But the pull of deadlines to meet, and the weight of work
04:30piling up, seems to always draw me back. The feeling tickles the back of your mind that you're not living up to your potential. This one life
04:44you're given isn't being lived.
04:53We spend too much time living to work instead of just working enough to live. It's this feeling growing inside of you. You can't quite put your finger on it, but something is wrong.
05:12You blink your eyes at seventeen and suddenly you're five years down the road. People always say, you're only in your twenties. There's so much time ahead, but that's just an excuse to procrastinate.
05:26To put off until tomorrow. Before you know it, tomorrow turns to next year, and then never. Your twenties are the foundation of your future, but it feels like you're building on shifting sand.
05:43Is the person I am becoming who I want it to be? Is this the life I want to live? I'm feeling as if I'm at the crossroads between what's expected of me and what I desire. As if my expectations don't matter. It's all about others.
06:07Just a little break. The hike is longer than I expected, but it's beautiful.
06:18My head is going.
06:21Growing is not always about trying to become something else, but letting go of what you are not. The clock is ticking, so don't waste any more of it.
06:36The draw of the outdoors is too strong. We all seek that feeling of belonging somewhere. The smell of wet earth. The roar of breaking waves. The silence of the mossy forest.
06:54I need to experience and explore everything the earth has to offer while I can. And while it's still here. Before it's too late.
07:05When the blood in your veins returns to the sea, and the earth in your bones returns to the ground, perhaps then you'll remember that this land does not belong to you. It is you who belongs to this land.
07:26It's too easy to spend so much time looking at yourself as the main character of your life, but everything around you is worthy of a moment to be appreciated for exactly what it is.
07:40Every sunrise and sunset. The calls of birds. The calm, cool waters of a quiet lake. The warmth and peace of a hot spring.
07:56This is the hard truth. You are just another creature on this earth. In nature's eye, you're not all that special, just one among many. But still, you are an integral part of it, and we all have a role to play.
08:19But your time is borrowed. The earth is forever your home. Every breath, every footstep left in the mud is a connection to your roots. To home.
08:34We spend so much effort trying to shape the world around us, when everything you need is right around you. Living with the land, instead of against it.
08:49So take a minute each day, just a minute, to appreciate the earth, and the cold, vastness of space. It's the only home we have.
09:03After taking a float plane over the stunningly rugged coast around Tofino, and a hike that took so much longer than I envisioned, I finally ended up at a stunning set of hot springs right on the ocean.
09:25The first thing I did, after getting into the water, was trip and absolutely wreck myself, leaving a huge bruise for the rest of my trip.
09:46The feeling of warmth is hard to describe, but we all know how it feels. There's something about a natural hot spring that cannot be explained, only experienced. A special kind of warmth that pulsates from the very heart of the earth.
10:07The light smell of sulfur, the feeling of warm sandy rocks between your toes, it's an experience that asks for nothing in return and only gives comfort. Floating in tranquility with the power of the ocean waves crashing against the rocky shore.
10:25It's an experience. A real life metaphor. Finding tranquility in the chaos.
10:56Adventures always have the ability to leave a lasting impression. Memories and reflections on our experiences are what make us who we are. But adventures are better off shared.
11:12Humans are a social species. Having those to share in laughter, and to make and reflect on memories with, to explore with, our collective experience is more vast than it could ever be alone.
11:31But for me, this is always something I've struggled with. Making friendships is hard. It's one of those things that seems to come so easily and naturally to others.
11:46Making genuine connections isn't easy. People drift in and out of your life with different dreams and plans. Sometimes people you work with are just that, colleagues.
12:02So I'm having the best picnic of my life on the ocean. And I found this store that has charcuterie picnic platters. So I called ahead of time and they made me the cutest platter. I'm so excited.
12:18I was going to make one myself, but it's always nicer when someone else makes it for you. So I'm excited. I feel like I don't take enough time for myself to just sit and take in everything around me.
12:35So that's what I'm doing. I am bringing myself on a date. So hi, welcome to my date with me. We're on a date together. I don't even know where to start. This is so cool.
12:48Let's do a pickle. There's like dried fruit and cheese, cucumbers, two different spreads. So good. I asked them not to put blue cheese because it's just not my vibe. This one might not be my vibe either, but it's okay.
13:10I decided to also add a few fruits. So I brought watermelon and some, some pineapple and let's have so good. I went to a bakery that I found recently. So good. They have the best blueberry scones.
13:30And I got myself flowers for my date. For me, get yourself flowers, get yourself a treat. It feels so good. I think this is just like my fourth time going to the ocean and it just feels so refreshing.
13:53I grew up in the East coast around like lakes and stuff, but there's just something very different about the openness of the ocean. It's so nice.
14:07I've been scrolling on TikTok and like Instagram a little bit too much. I've been, I've been stuck to my phone quite a bit and I stumbled upon this group of guys who are all friends and they all travel together and they do everything together.
14:27They, they go camping, they go hiking, they climbed Mount Everest. I can't do that, but it's fine. But I, I envy that so much. And I've always had struggles making those types of friendships.
14:47And, you know, I always made friends along the way, whether it was like school or in my work and stuff, but I've never been able to like fully connect with someone and make, make that kind of friendship.
15:04So that's a bit of like my, I guess, resolution or, or goal or something that I have in mind. I need to, you know, get out there and, and make those like friendships and meet people.
15:22And I was thinking of maybe like putting an ad on Facebook and seeing who wants to come on a hike with me. I don't know. I went on a hike a few days ago and this whole group just like came together and had lunch and then all went on a hike.
15:39And I envy that quite a bit. It's, it's been my very big struggle the past year and I'll try and figure it out. My dream is to eventually have my van and travel in it and have some friends who also like to travel and then we can go on trips together and adventures.
16:07So maybe if I do those kinds of things and kind of come across people more and be more open, I can, I can make those kinds of friendships and connections. That's my dream. That's my, my goal of, I'd say the year, but I don't know if it's probably a long-term thing.
16:29So that's what I'm, I'm working on recently. I have so much opportunity and I, I want to be able to share it with people. So yeah, I'm going to cut the camera before I start crying on my picnic date. Bye.
16:51Not every encounter with everyone is meant to lead to something more. Even just a few people to share your experiences with can be enough. Sometimes it is about sifting through the connections to end up at a point where you're closest to those who actually value your worth and for who you are as a person.
17:21Life is what you make it. Saying yes and just going for it is always the hardest choice, but the most rewarding. So get out your front door and take the time to smell those roses and don't be afraid to drag a friend along with you.