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Wood diys 2024
00:00And welcome to my channel. I'm Kristen and today we're using some wood to create some really fun
00:05DIYs for fall and Halloween. All right so I have some scrap wood in my garage and this has been
00:13in there for probably a good year. So I thought that I would cut some of this down. It's already
00:17cut down. We just use a miter saw to cut everything and then now I'm going to go ahead and sand these
00:23down really nice so I can start painting. Obviously if you have some rough edges you're
00:28going to want to sand whether you have a hand sander or an electric one like the one I'm using.
00:32All right so for this first DIY I'm going to use three of these pieces right here. I'm trying to
00:37figure out exactly why I cut them and how I cut them and why I cut them the way I did. And then
00:42I'm also using this longer piece as well and I'm going to go ahead and paint all four of those
00:48wood pieces orange. We're going to create a really fun jack-o'-lantern stand and I say we but I feel
00:55like that if you're watching you're kind of crafting along right? So anyways we're going to
01:01just go ahead and like I said paint this. I did the front and the back side because you may or may
01:05not be able to see both sides. These were two extra pieces that I had left over and I figured
01:11we might as well use those as well. And those are just going to be to hold this sign up. These are
01:18some really thick pieces. They are some two by fours. We use them from when we redid our goat
01:23fence last fall. I want to say it was last fall or last summer. Anyways so like I said they've
01:30been around for a while. I'm using this a Chalk Couture Silk Screen Transfer. This is from this
01:35year and I just got this recently and I was like I want to do some Halloween stuff. I want to
01:40Halloween craft this year. I normally do not do that so if Halloween is not your thing you can
01:46keep scrolling or keep watching because I do end up making some items that are not Halloween. So
01:51it's fall and Halloween but if you're good at drawing on things you would you wouldn't need
01:57these transfers but I cannot make or draw or make two eyes the same so I figured you know what this
02:04is going to work perfect. Once that is on I wanted this little Jack Lantern's shining bright sign. I
02:10thought this one was really cute and then we're going to putting them all together. I am just
02:15going to use the color velvet chalk paste. This is by Chalk Couture as well and right now Chalk
02:21Couture is having some amazing sales on some of their Halloween transfers so if you are looking
02:26to get into it and yes it can be super pricey but if you keep looking at their sales they sometimes
02:31have transfers as low as four dollars sometimes even cheaper. It just really depends on if they're
02:36trying to get rid of them. Right now they are because they are going to start bringing in
02:39some Christmas transfers in September so time to get some fall specifically Halloween. Right now
02:45I've just seen a ton of really good ones for super inexpensive. These wood stems are from Dollar Tree
02:51and I'm just going to go ahead and attach three of these. I kind of thought about grabbing some
02:55larger ones and cutting them down from outside but kind of just stuck with these. I think that
02:59they work and then now I'm just trying to line everything up so I can glue these together. So
03:05yes I am just using a glue stick but I think the Gorilla glue sticks work absolutely amazing or the
03:12hot glue sticks. They are awesome and I don't know what it is about those versus anything else but
03:17they will hold wood together like no other so and I didn't use E6000 nothing like that because I
03:22honestly think it holds up really really well and then those black pieces I just glued to the
03:26back side just to hold this up since it is super heavy. This raffia is from Hobby Lobby. I could
03:32not find this anywhere else. It was $4.99 a bag but a little bit goes a long way so I actually have
03:40more than half a bag almost like a full entire bag even after I did all the crafts in this video.
03:46Also just gluing on some stems also making some twine bows. I didn't want them all the same so I
03:52did just make each of them just a tiny bit different in this but I think this turned out
03:57so cute and it was so inexpensive to make so always save your scrap wood. I wanted to get rid
04:03of this because I had no ideas what to do with it and I'm glad I didn't. I'm glad I kept it because
04:08this this is just absolutely adorable and I'm not a Halloween person but after doing some Halloween
04:14crafts I kind of am now. This next DIY I am using the color Hazelnut and this is by Waverly Chalk
04:21Paint. I'm using three different size wood pieces and this is all the 2x4 scrap wood that I had.
04:27Nothing is different it's all the same and then I just kind of eyeballed it and cut it down to
04:31the sizes that I wanted. I want to say these are no more than like 8 to 10 inches tall long and
04:41then I went ahead and used my Cricut to make some scarecrow faces. Now I have seen these on Pinterest
04:48and Facebook for years and I just never wanted to make them. Scarecrows are super cute don't get me
04:55wrong I just don't really make a whole lot but like I said I'm not good with faces. If you don't
04:59have a Cricut you can always draw these on. I see so many people use some really great
05:05acrylic markers. My daughter uses the Posca markers which are amazing but I guess if you're
05:11just going to draw some scarecrow faces then it's probably not worth the money. She draws and uses
05:17them all the time and they're really awesome. I'd say that they are probably the best ones but I
05:22guess you're just gonna like I said draw scarecrow faces you might as well just get some cheap and
05:26expensive ones or I don't know just paint them on. It works it all works so use what you have it
05:33doesn't matter what anyone else uses. I feel like I try to say this more in my videos recently just
05:38because things are so expensive and high priced and you don't need to buy a Cricut. You don't
05:43need to buy all the fancy things everybody makes you just use what you have and if it works it
05:47works and if you save your money and you want to get an awesome Cricut I mean I highly recommend
05:52to get one if you can afford one. If not you know what just use what you have maybe some stickers if
05:57you have stickers that maybe scarecrow faces sometimes Amazon has cool stuff like that.
06:01I'll see if I can find any and I'll link them below if I can. If I don't link them below it's
06:05because I couldn't find any and then I'm just using some burlap. This roll was from a yard
06:12sale for 50 cents which I thought was awesome so I just cut it down to the size or the width of my
06:17scarecrow or my wood piece and then I'm just going to go ahead and just tie the top with some twine
06:24and I just kind of eyeballed this as well so I was just trying to figure out which way looked
06:29better or which hat looked the cutest and if it looked weird I just cut the twine and redid it.
06:33It wasn't really a big deal and it was kind of super easy to do. I've seen these hats done and
06:38I think the hats is what was so intimidating when I seen these on Pinterest because I'm like I can't
06:43make those hats. Of course I can make these hats they're so easy to do and then I used some raffia
06:49just to do a bunch of different hairstyles. I feel like my scarecrows actually turned out to be
06:54like little surfers with the blonde like bleach blonde hair. That's just kind of what they remind
06:59me of because the hair or the raffia was always like kind of flipped outwards but I think they
07:03were so cute. This one is a little girl has like eyelashes and I just decided to add a sunflower
07:08for this one and then some longer hair. It's fun because you can just create these however you'd
07:14like. You can even make like bangs for these scarecrows. They're just the possibilities are
07:19endless and if you don't have scrap wood you can always grab a couple pieces of wood from a dollar
07:24tree kind of similar to this. I think it's a little bit thinner and glue them together and
07:28you'd be able to create your own scarecrows. I did make three of these. I didn't want to keep
07:32showing the same thing over and over again because I figured you got the gist of it after I made the
07:36second one but I think these turned out adorable.
08:07Three pieces of wood for this as well and I am just using some black chalk paint. Now this is
08:13from Dollar General. I just went and bought another bottle because I used the one I had.
08:18I will tell you what mine has ivory and white now and maybe one other color. They're three dollars
08:24which I think is an awesome deal because at Walmart the Waverly chalk paint I want to say
08:29is like eight dollars for the same size. So run to Dollar General check it out. You will not be
08:34disappointed in their chalk paint. It works amazing. Now I am using this crackle I want to
08:40say it's paint but it must be some sort of like paste. It was so thick. I have used this one time
08:45before. This is from a Dixie Bell but I know you can get it off of Chalk-A-Tour right now actually
08:51and Amazon all different kinds of places. But so the way you have to do this is you have to
08:57use it in like one stroke motion. So you obviously want everything to be the same stroke with the
09:02crackle paint because if you don't it looks really weird. The first time I used it I didn't look at
09:08the directions I just assumed I knew what I was doing and it just looked just very messed up and
09:13very not put together. So always do like the same stroke like don't go like one way and then don't
09:18go horizontal and then vertical. Just you know same way and then I am going ahead and once that
09:24crackle paint or that crackle gel was dry I went ahead with my Waverly chalk paint. I want to say
09:32this is the color pumpkin if it's not pumpkin it's orange. It's the only one that Waverly sells and
09:37then I'm just going over the three of these and I did end up blow drying. I always have a hair dryer
09:43on hand because it just makes crafting and the paint dry obviously so much faster. But I went
09:48around all the edges. I did do the fronts and backs of these too. Normally I am that person
09:52that does not do fronts and backs of anything but short story long when you are using crackle paint
09:58so you're going to see that the black is starting to show through the orange and obviously your
10:02first coat of whatever color paint you choose is going to show through that top paint once you do
10:07the crackle. It's literally like a three layer process but I promise you it is so easy and this
10:13just took me a day to do. So sometimes when I use the hair dryer I use like the hottest setting and
10:17it starts to kind of bubble my paint up but you can fix it by sanding it. I'm using the same wood
10:23stems. These are from Dollar Tree and this is that super moss raffia 499 from Hobby Lobby and then I
10:30just cut it down and then just tied the raffia around the stems and then you can add bows,
10:35greenery, whatever you choose. I just decided to go kind of plain on some of these. I did end up
10:40adding a sunflower and some raffia and of course some greenery and I just think these are the
10:46cutest. They remind me of like a good rustic farmhouse craft which I love.
11:34and for the last two pieces of scrap wood I'm going to go ahead and paint them both
11:39white with of course Waverly chalk paint. I'm pretty sure acrylic paint would work just as
11:43good. I just really don't buy acrylic paint. It is chalk paint all the way. I have a few but
11:48I just prefer this so it's what I buy and I think it just goes on a lot better and I don't need to
11:53do like three or four coats so one coat was good enough for these. This one is the simplest
11:58project so I figured that I would save it for last. I got on my Cricut, typed in ghost faces
12:04and a few or actually a ton of different ones popped up but these are the two that I just kind
12:09of liked. I feel like the one on the left is kind of like scary and then the other one is just kind
12:14of cute. I don't know what I don't know what it is about them but I think ghosts are probably my
12:18favorite thing when it comes to Halloween. Some of them are just so adorable you just can't help it
12:24but I use my Cricut and then I just measure the wood piece and then size it size the faces and
12:30then I figured if they were too small it'd be okay if it was too big it obviously wouldn't fit so
12:35uh they end up working out perfect and I just thought this was so simple to do and now I have
12:41some really cute Halloween and fall decor. You guys that is it for the video if you liked it
12:47I would love if you give it a thumbs up and if you are new to my channel I would love if you
12:51consider sticking around and subscribing and I will see you guys in the next one. Bye!
