If Buddha lost his memory, would he still be a Buddha? || Acharya Prashant, with DU (2022)

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Video Information: with DU, 20.03.2022, Greater Noida, India

~ Is there difference in between Buddha's teaching and Vedanta?
~ What are Anatma and Aham?
~ What is maya in Buddha's teaching?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Sir, I have been suffering from somatic, a kind of OCD which is called as somatic OCD
00:09for about two years.
00:12So my question is not related to OCD because I don't want any solution of that.
00:18But due to that I have come across some, some question has arisen in my mind that what,
00:25I was in constant fear for around two years, like not even a second, I was like in constant,
00:34constant fear.
00:35So I was on pills, on sleeping pills and anti-anxiety pills.
00:41But what I think helped me a lot is a book named called The Power of Subconscious Mind.
00:55So my question is, is there something beyond mind, like I have been listening to you for
01:06two years, since 2020, but so I was in, I was getting convinced for that both concepts.
01:17But when I, when I face this problem, so what happened is that book helped me to get recovered.
01:27If I talk about right now, so I'm 90% out of that OCD.
01:33So that book suggested that, I'm also convinced with that book.
01:39So I just want you to explain because I don't want to get convinced by that book.
01:45So what happened is, that book said that if you are thinking about something in a certain
01:51pattern, so that thinking will become your whole world.
01:55So if I was constantly thinking about my OCD problem, so I wasn't paying attention to my
02:00parents or my studies, even I failed in my exam to do that.
02:04So, so when I read that book, the method was suggested that you should, we all should think
02:11in a certain right way because every of us knows that what is right and wrong to some extent.
02:20So I started thinking in kind of, I can say in an opposite way.
02:26So I started, I made a pattern of a positive thinking and it took around seven to eight
02:35months, but my mind got convinced with that positive concept.
02:40So my question is that, when you talk about the beyond mind concept or the both concept,
02:47what is that?
02:48Because I have never experienced it.
02:50So is that the only a kind of a state of mind, like everybody has a state of mind and that
02:57both thing is also a state of mind, only just a higher state of mind.
03:01Is it so?
03:02Is it just, is it within the parameter of mind or beyond that?
03:08Because for example, simply, if we take example of Buddha, he took like 12 years for nirvana.
03:20So if we erase all the 12 years of his memory, like completely, so will he be the same Buddha?
03:28Because he has reached that level where he knows what is both his.
03:33So if I erase all the 12 year memories of Buddha, he is that prince in his mention.
03:41So will he that be same Buddha?
03:42If not, then both is also a part of mind only because both is also a part of memory.
03:48And if I erase the memory, Buddha will come back to the normal human being.
03:55So this is my question, is that both is beyond mind or it is just a part of mind?
04:02Just a state of mind which we can achieve by practice.
04:06Let me invert the question.
04:14What if you give the same memories to some random person, will he become a Buddha?
04:20I don't know sir.
04:24You think of it.
04:28There are so many people who are born in similar circumstances as prince Gautam, who live much
04:36the same life, get married, have a kingdom waiting for them, get a baby.
04:47So this is a very common kind of situation.
04:52Do you see these situations engendering, producing a Buddha?
05:00Sir, it was his luck or I don't know, but he find those things disturbing, so he worked
05:11on it and he found…
05:14Why don't all people do that?
05:15There are so many people in these situations.
05:18Why don't more people do that?
05:21Let's say, if not all, then at least 10%, why doesn't that happen?
05:25Because not everybody is brave enough to…
05:30So what is this bravery?
05:32What is this bravery?
05:33Is it memory?
05:34Is it memory?
05:35What is it?
05:36Just a state of mind.
05:37What do you mean by state of mind?
05:38What do you mean by mind?
05:39Mind is a concept.
05:40All states of the mind come from somewhere.
05:41The mind is just a concept.
05:42So what do you mean by mind?
05:43Where does the Buddha's uniqueness come from?
05:58I see it as a coincidence.
06:07So then you can even say that if you take away the Buddha's memory, then it's a matter
06:13of coincidence whether he will remain a Buddha or not.
06:17No, but I want to know that.
06:20But then you yourself have, you have brought in randomness into the picture, you are saying
06:25it's a coincidence.
06:26See, it's a subtle thing, understand.
06:34The Buddha is not his body, at the same time there is no Buddha without the body.
06:41Take this and meditate over it.
06:46The Buddha is not the body of the Buddha, equally there is no Buddha without the body.
06:58So one completes the other, right?
07:01Think of it.
07:02It's not that one completes, there are not two parts.
07:05There is something far deeper than the book you are reading.
07:09Sir, I never used to believe on such books, but that actually helped me.
07:21So that is the question I am asking.
07:24We are not saying that only deep things can help people.
07:30A lot of superficial things help a lot of people, so it's okay.
07:35To be helped, you do not always require a Buddha.
07:39Sometimes you may even require a porter or a plumber, an electrician, you don't always
07:49require a master surgeon.
07:51Sometimes even a pharmacist is okay to help you.
07:57So I am not denying that the stuff you might have read might have helped you, but the thing
08:04is help has various levels, right?
08:12We do not know the level of our disease, so often we do not even know the level at which
08:20we need help.
08:21But nevertheless, it's great if you find relief by plunging yourself into positive thought
08:30and newer patterns, may it last.
08:37No, sir, I don't want to be dependent on that, I am not like that, but that actually helped me, which bothered me.
08:48Then you are still being bothered by this thing?
08:50Where is the lack of botheration?
08:53But sir, that wrong thing helped me, so that's where I got bothered about it.
09:00If a wrong thing has a certain impact on you, it is not called help, it is called delusion.
09:11If a wrong thing, as you admittedly say, it's a wrong thing, but it helped me.
09:17The wrong thing, the impact that it has on you is called delusion, it is called misleading,
09:24it is not called help.
09:27It may appear like help, it may appear like help for a while, but sooner than later the
09:34bubble will burst.
09:39The real thing is the real thing, there is no substitute.
09:43You cannot have positive thinking as a substitute for Buddha's wisdom.
09:49Yes, sir, so I want to know the real thing, that is the question.
10:01But you say, how is it possible, you have already been helped.
10:06No, I don't want to get helped by that, because I know that won't last.
10:14There is going to be a problem, you see, the real thing requires abstinence, parhej.
10:21You understand abstinence, parhej?
10:24You have to stay clear of stuff that causes sickness in the first place.
10:33Wisdom and thought patterns are the very food of sickness, that's what the ego feeds
10:44First of all, one has to stop all that.
10:50The doctor, even as he prescribes you pills, also prescribes you stuff to stay away from,
10:58If you don't stay away, the pills won't work.
11:04Don't you see that the center your thought is coming from is itself,
11:14the problem the center itself is facing?
11:23How can you extend the problem to treat itself?
11:30How can you energize the problem and hope for a solution?
11:40How can you trick yourself into being wiser?
11:49That's what most of the self-help books do.
11:52They say you can fool yourself into getting wiser.
11:57The thing is, if you can be fooled, how are you getting any wiser?
12:04Sir, I had read that book many years before too.
12:16So at that time, I ignored that book, but my friend suggested me that again, so I read
12:24Why do you have such friends?
12:27Maybe that's part of the problem, no?
12:31Sir, at that time, I was like, very, very frantic, no, no, what's your name?
12:42Who suggested me to you?
12:43My brother.
12:44Your brother.
12:45Are you friends with your brother?
12:51You fight with your brother because he suggested me to you and that some random rascal is your
13:01friend who is suggesting you all kinds of stuff that you shouldn't be into.
13:13Most often, it's not people who recommend me to people.
13:16Most often, it's money that recommends me to people.
13:21That's the problem if you see.
13:29Nobody will come, nobody in your circle will come to recommend me to you.
13:38With nonsense, people are expert at recommending.
13:44Nonsense spreads like wildfire, becomes a national bestseller, international bestseller
13:47in no time.
13:51For you to come to me, I have to spend tons of money, just so that you can get a glimpse
13:59of what I want to say.
14:05Do you see where the problem is?
14:08The problem is in the environment.
14:11Unless you turn your back to the environment and move into yourself, there is no redemption.
14:20You'll have to be with people, with sources who encourage you to know yourself.
14:29If you continue to keep the company you do, you'll continue to keep the disease you do
14:40and your brother deserves better treatment.
14:44If he has recommended me to you, you have a very nice brother.
14:53I'm just patting myself on the back.
14:57Yes, they say backhanded compliment, by praising your brother I am indirectly buttering myself.
15:09One indulges sometimes.
15:12Even in spirituality you have cheat days, so you can feed the ego on those days.
15:22But sir, I am actually bothered about that, because I know that is a wrong thing.
15:34My question is, that is a wrong thing that helped me, so I wasn't bothered about it.
15:40It didn't help you.
15:42You see, just the day before there was Holi.
15:51And some people in the foundation, they took copious amounts of bhang.
15:57And then they were so happy.
16:00They were continuously happy.
16:02They were so happy, I became miserable.
16:08They didn't do anything for straight 24 hours.
16:12One of them occupied my bed and refused to budge and didn't do a thing.
16:19You can be happy for anything.
16:21Bhang, ganja, weed, LSD, PST, anything can make you very happy.
16:32So, happiness is not a criteria.
16:35Don't you see what makes the general person happy?
16:42How can you treat happiness with such reverence?
16:49Our friend Julius is so happy.
16:56He came from Finland to us just to enjoy bhang and he is still happy.
17:01It's been 3 days now.
17:04The happiness isn't subsiding.
17:07See, what, bhang, what are you raising your hand for?
17:18Sir, you might be taking me as a girl who is trying to defend that book, but that's not the case.
17:32No, I am not taking you as someone who is defending that book.
17:36Girl, yes, I am taking you as a girl, but the other part I am not considering.
17:41Sir, please let me express myself completely.
17:46See, I too have a right to be happy.
17:49So, allow me to be happy at your expense.
17:54Yes, please.
17:56Sir, so my question is, that bodh concept or whatever it is called.
18:03It is not a concept.
18:04Wait, wait.
18:05Where are you coming from?
18:07Who told you bodh is a concept?
18:09Bodh is to look at all your concepts.
18:13Bodh in itself is not a concept.
18:18Bodh concept, atma concept.
18:21Are you coming from one of those humanities schools that deal only with ideas
18:26and claim that there is nothing beyond the human mind and human ideas?
18:31I was disgusted when I read one of those books by a supposedly famous author
18:37and he talked of the atma concept, the brahm concept.
18:42This is so disgusting.
18:45Atma concept?
18:46Atma is a concept.
18:48If atma is a concept, what are you living for?
18:53Sir, please allow me to, I might be choosing the wrong words.
18:58I asked Rohit bhaiya to speak in Hindi because I express more myself clearly in Hindi.
19:04But, so, might be I am choosing the wrong word.
19:07You can very happily continue in Hindi.
19:10I will be very happy.
19:14Speak in Hindi.
19:15Sir, just a question.
19:19Sir, the question is,
19:21whatever is right, I don't have any experience of it.
19:27I don't know anything about it.
19:29So, I want to ask, is it a just a state of mind, a higher state of mind
19:35or is it something beyond the mind?
19:44Why do you want to go to a higher state?
19:49To get rid of our problems.
19:52To get rid of?
19:53Our problems.
19:55Means, where are the problems?
19:58Even we have them.
19:59They are at the bottom.
20:01That's why you go up and say,
20:04you are going from the bottom to the top and saying,
20:06I am getting rid of my problems.
20:08So, the problem will be at the bottom,
20:10that's why you are going up and saying,
20:12getting rid of my problems.
20:15So, there were problems here, so you went up.
20:18So, going up,
20:20now you have gone up relatively, so automatically.
20:23So, are the problems at the top also zero?
20:27No, not at all.
20:32So, the reason, the reason you went up a little from the bottom,
20:36what will you do from the same reason?
20:40From the top also?
20:43I will go a little higher.
20:44You will go a little higher, yes.
20:46That's it, this is called,
20:48towards the soul,
20:50constant insistence,
20:53continuously increasing,
20:56the soul is not a concept,
21:00the soul is not a destination,
21:02the soul is the movement,
21:06the soul is the movement,
21:08it is the energizer,
21:10it is the life,
21:12it is the foundation.
21:14If it is not there, why will anyone go up?
21:22That's why it is also called infinite,
21:24because no matter how much you go up,
21:26it is not there.
21:27You have come very close,
21:29but there is still a little bit left.
21:31There is still a little bit left, that's why it is fun in the game.
21:33If everything is over, then the game is also over.
21:47So, we are going up,
21:50that is also going through the mind,
21:52so the mind is also saying,
21:54absolutely, absolutely,
21:55it is the mind, it is the mind, it is the mind.
22:00So, that's what I was thinking,
22:02the mind is moving,
22:04absolutely, it is the mind,
22:06and going up is because
22:08it is not happy with itself.
22:10So, there is nothing else,
22:12apart from that,
22:14if there was nothing else, why would you go up?
22:18To reach the full capacity of the mind.
22:21The full capacity is not there.
22:24What is full capacity?
22:25Full capacity is a limit.
22:27Like your car has a full capacity,
22:29that it will fill this much in one tank
22:31and it will go so far in another tank,
22:33this is called full capacity.
22:34The mind wants to exceed all the capacities.
22:38Wherever you put a limit on it,
22:40then there is no happiness left.
22:42If I put a limit on you anywhere,
22:44there will be a problem in your happiness.
22:47Do you want to accept any limit?
22:49You don't want to.
22:52So, the mind has to keep increasing.
22:54Wherever it has to keep increasing,
22:56that is called the soul.
22:57And that is not a mental state.
22:59Because if the mental state is still there,
23:01then the path is still there,
23:03the distance is still there.
23:07As long as the mind is still there,
23:08the journey of the mind is still there.
23:12But it is absolutely right
23:13that the whole journey is between the mind and the mind.
23:17But if there is only the mind,
23:18then there is no need for the journey.
23:24So, do you know when this thing will go?
23:26How will it go?
23:27Which is the right path?
23:30You are sitting on a chair.
23:32A nail has come out of it.
23:33It is sticking from behind.
23:35How do you know that the pain has reduced?
23:38How do you know?
23:42When the pain reduces.
23:44When you get up.
23:46When you get up, the pain reduces.
23:47Similarly, when the mind gets up,
23:49the pain reduces.
23:50Will anyone come to tell you
23:51that the pain has reduced?
23:53It was a painful experience.
23:55That experience is the proof.
24:05But the new experience
24:06is also not good in itself.
24:08You have to go further than that.
24:09You have to go further than that.
24:11You can say that there was a lot of pain.
24:13The pain reduced a little.
24:14Then the pain reduced a little.
24:15You don't have to consider
24:16any of those experiences
24:18to be happiness.
24:20It is not happiness.
24:22It is just relatively
24:24the pain has reduced.
24:29And the pain has reduced.
24:31But remember,
24:33you have also changed.
24:35So, the less the pain,
24:36the more you will feel bad
24:37as much as you used to feel bad
24:41So, the pain has reduced.
24:42So, the less the pain,
24:43the more you will feel bad
24:44as much as you used to feel bad
24:47Do you understand?
24:49Think of it this way.
24:52You were in class 2.
24:55You were in class 2.
25:03It can be a simple math problem
25:04that you are not able to solve
25:05because you are a small kid.
25:12Now, you are in class 4.
25:14You are able to solve
25:15the simple questions
25:16that you were not able to solve
25:17in class 2.
25:21But now,
25:22there is another
25:23and a little difficult question
25:24that you are not able to solve.
25:30Will your happiness increase?
25:33Your ignorance has reduced.
25:36there was a very easy question.
25:38Will your happiness increase?
25:40there was a very easy question
25:41that you were not able to solve.
25:43Now, you are able to solve
25:44that question.
25:46But has your happiness
25:47really increased?
25:50Why has it not increased?
25:52Because you have also changed.
25:54The question has changed
25:55but you have also changed.
25:58In the same way,
26:00we can increase
26:01our happiness
26:02at the level of our mind.
26:03In the same way,
26:06we can increase
26:08our happiness
26:09at the level of our mind
26:10but it is of no use.
26:13Because the person
26:14who is experiencing happiness
26:17has also changed.
26:18His expectations have changed.
26:26People get happiness
26:27from money, right?
26:31extract happiness
26:32from money,
26:35You were 25 years old.
26:37In 25 years,
26:38you used to get 25,000 rupees.
26:41You were 25 years old
26:42and you used to get
26:4325,000 rupees.
26:47Did you have a level
26:48of happiness?
26:50What did you want
26:51for your salary?
26:54To increase,
26:56To increase,
26:59You are 35 years old
27:00and you are getting
27:0135,000 rupees.
27:02Did your happiness increase?
27:06Did it increase or not?
27:07It increased.
27:09Because you have also changed.
27:11Your salary has changed
27:12and you have also changed.
27:13So, your happiness has not increased.
27:15This is the story
27:16of a common man's life.
27:17We think
27:18that we are making progress.
27:19We don't see
27:20that we are changing
27:21our situation.
27:22We are also changing
27:23with the situation.
27:24That is why
27:25happiness is not increasing
27:26by giving a low.
27:30Are you getting me?
27:35No matter how much
27:36you change your external
27:38the inner one
27:39changes with
27:40the external situation.
27:41Now, tell me
27:42what will you do?
27:45It is like
27:48a fraction
27:49x upon y
27:52which has to remain constant.
27:54x upon y
27:57is equal to c.
27:59You keep increasing
28:00x and x
28:01and y
28:02is the function
28:03of x.
28:04No matter how much
28:05x increases,
28:06y increases accordingly.
28:07So, what comes
28:08after x increases to y?
28:14This is the word
28:15for a person
28:16in life.
28:21We keep thinking
28:22that we keep increasing
28:24x and x
28:25and our work
28:26will be done.
28:27We don't even know
28:28that y is also increasing.
28:29Did we get it?
28:40Are you getting me?
28:42That is why
28:43you cannot say
28:44that if you go to
28:45any level of the mind,
28:46you can stay there.
28:48In reality,
28:50any level of the mind
28:52is very different
28:53from any level of the body.
28:55Because if the mind has changed,
28:56then what is in the centre
28:57of the mind has also changed.
29:00That is why
29:01you have to keep increasing.
29:03And you have to keep increasing
29:04with the same intensity
29:05that you started with.
29:14Are you getting me?
29:21You are not getting me.
29:26This is the effect
29:27of the wrong company.
29:41I still have
29:42a doubt
29:43about this question.
29:46I told you
29:47that you will clear
29:48your doubt in 15 minutes.
29:55You take 3 years
29:57to complete
29:58a basic B.Sc.
29:59or B.Com.
30:00to complete
30:01a basic B.Sc.
30:02or B.Com.
30:03A Ph.D.
30:04in which you
30:05do not do much.
30:07A person
30:08takes 30 years
30:09to complete
30:10a Ph.D.
30:11in his life.
30:12You have completed
30:13a Ph.D.
30:14in 30 years.
30:16you say
30:17that you have
30:19a Ph.D.
30:20which is
30:212 years.
30:22I have been listening
30:23to you for 2 years.
30:27How much more
30:28will it take?
30:29You have given
30:3015 more minutes.
30:312 years and 15 minutes.
30:34Is it done?
30:35Is it more than this?
30:38you are asking
30:39too much.
30:43No, sir.
30:49No, sir.
30:50You go
30:51and read
31:01And do it
31:02for at least
31:032-4 years in a row.
31:10Will I get cancer?
31:13I don't know
31:14what you will get
31:15but happiness
31:18can be cured.
31:21there is no cure
31:22for happiness.
31:25There can be a cure
31:26for a problem
31:27related to happiness.
