How Does Self Realization Occur So Fast in Akram Vignan?

  • last month
How is it possible to gain Self Realization so fast through the Gnan ceremony in Akram Vignan? Does getting Self Realization so fast hurt our Soul?
00:00She's comparing the situation with the motherhood.
00:03So when a woman is pregnant,
00:05she takes nine months until she delivers a baby.
00:09And that's a necessary time so she can be ready.
00:12So she's asking in a fast process, such as Gnan Vidhi,
00:17whether she can have this knowledge so fast.
00:21Would she be prepared?
00:23Can it hurt her soul because it's too fast?
00:31For countless lives, we have been searching and searching for the answers,
00:37but we have not received one thing.
00:39We have received everything except the one who has known the soul,
00:44Atma Gnani, the one who is in the experience of the soul.
00:49So everything has been received except the one who has known the soul
00:55in a live meeting with such a one.
00:58If you want to become a doctor,
01:01you have to give 25 years of your life to become a doctor.
01:06You have to study.
01:08Whereas to become who you really are,
01:12to become a doctor,
01:14you have to give 25 years of your life.
01:17So you have to study.
01:19You have to become a doctor.
01:21You have to become a doctor.
01:23Whereas to become who you really are,
01:27to become the soul, the self,
01:30you don't need to spend so much time studying
01:35because you are the soul.
01:38Only the vision which was externalized
01:41needs to be changed in the right direction towards who am I.
01:47What she understood is that she does not need time
01:53because here it is like we are just correcting a blindness.
01:58We already have that inside of us.
02:01So we don't need time for a seed to grow because we already are.
02:07Yes, and we have wrong belief.
02:10We got wrong belief from these worldly people.
02:13Here we will get right belief, who am I,
02:16by grace of self-realized person.
