• last year
भारत की पहली रैपिड रेल नमो भारत ट्रेन सिर्फ 30 मिनट में साहिबाबाद से मेरठ पहुंच जाती है। नमो भारत ट्रेन के मेरठ पहुंचने पर वहां के रहवासियों की खुशी का ठिकाना ना रहा, क्योंकि इतने कम समय में ट्रेन का पहुंचना भारतीय रेलवे के लिए एक बड़ी उपलब्धि है। IANS से बातचीत करते हुए नमो भारत में सफर करने वाले युवाओं, महिलाओं और लोगों ने बताया कि नमो भारत काफी अच्छी ट्रेन है। अभी मेरठ साउथ तक ही जा रही है आगे काम चल रहा है। उम्मीद है कि ट्रेन आगे भी चलेंगी। इसकी वजह से हर रोज दिल्ली से मेरठ और मेरठ से ग़ाज़ियाबाद दिल्ली जाने वाले लोगों को जो बच्चे कोचिंग जाते है उन्हें भी काफी फायदा है और सुरक्षा भी है। इसके अलावा जो मेरठ के लोग थे उनका कहना है इस ट्रेन की वजह से हमारे क्षेत्र का भी विकास हुआ है। वहीं महिलाओं का कहना है सबसे सुरक्षित ट्रेन है। सिक्योरिटी भी है साफ सफाई भी है। हर तरह की सुविधा इस ट्रेन में दी गई है। कुल मिलाकर केंद्र की मोदी सरकार अच्छे काम कर रही है। उम्मीद है आगे भी ऐसे ही काम होंगे।

#NamoTrain #Delhi #Meerut #RapidRail #Modi #IndianRailway #Ghaziabad #NamoBharatTrain


00:00The doors are closing. Please stand away from the doors.
00:18The doors are closing.
00:28The biggest thing is saving time.
00:31Earlier we used to go by bus. It used to take a lot of time.
00:35It used to take us 10-15 minutes to reach from Sahibabad to here.
00:39And this is our village, Bhudwaral.
00:41And my name is Nisant.
00:42Yes, yes. A lot of people have benefited from this.
00:45In our village, there are a lot of office workers who used to go.
00:50And they used to face problems. This is a very good thing for saving time.
00:54Yes, there is a lot of security. There is an SSF team in this.
00:57And there is a lot of cleanliness in the metro.
01:00It saves a lot of time. If you go by bus, it takes time.
01:03If you go by bike, it takes time.
01:05It saves a lot of time.
01:07We liked it.
01:09It's very good. The government has done a good job.
01:10And it saves time.
01:13And it's very good.
01:15The rail is very good. The Modi and Yogi governments have done a very good job.
01:18Traffic, pollution, time, all three things are saved.
01:21At a very low price, you get a very good experience of AC.
01:25And in a very short time, we follow a very good experience.
01:30We have used the bus. And there were a lot of problems.
01:32There was a lot of crowd in the bus.
01:34There was a lot of time waste in the bus.
01:36There was a lot of crowd. There was an AC issue.
01:38The bus stopped 10 times on the way.
01:40It has come in half an hour.
01:42In security, there are CISF soldiers in every station.
01:44And they are very good soldiers.
01:46They are very cooperative. They are very helpful.
01:48And the security is very good.
01:50The security of the country and women is possible.
01:52I liked it. I have come for the first time.
01:54I have used Namobharat for the first time.
01:56But I liked it.
