• 2 months ago
दिल्ली: दिल्ली चुनाव में इंडी गठबंधन के साथ चुनाव न लड़ने पर केंद्रीय मंत्री मुख्तार अब्बास नकवी ने कहा कि इंडी गठबंधन सिर्फ भ्रष्टाचारियों का गठबंधन था इसलिए फूट तो पड़नी थी, कांग्रेस गठबंधन का अच्छे से नेतृत्व नहीं कर पा रही है। इसी वजह से आम आदमी पार्टी की तरफ सभी लोग जा रहे हैं। यह महत्वाकांक्षी गठबंधन था सिर्फ अपने आप को बचाने का गठबंधन था और महाराष्ट्र और हरियाणा में भी यह गठबंधन हुआ था लेकिन यह लोग जान चुके थे कि गठबंधन अब टिकने वाला नहीं है इस वक्त का कोई महत्व नहीं है दिल्ली में भी इस बार भाजपा की सरकार बनेगी कितनी भी गठबंधन कर लें या तोड़ लें भाजपा पर इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता है। उत्तर प्रदेश में योगी आदित्यनाथ के बयान और मस्जिदों के सर्वे को लेकर उन्होंने कहा कि प्रदेश के अंदर देश के अंदर बहुत सारी मस्जिद हैं उनको तो कोई नोटिस नहीं दे रहा, ना हीं नहीं कोई छेड़ रहा है। जहां विवाद है वहां पर कुछ असमानताए हैं लेकिन सभी को बैठकर इन पर चर्चा करनी चाहिए आपसी मतभेद नहीं होनी चाहिए।

#mukhtarabbasnaqvi #arvindkejriwal #aamaadmiparty #bjp #delhielection


00:00See, this Jhadoo ka Jhaad and Jhase ka Pahad is in a very bad state.
00:05Now, Jhadoo ka Jhaad and Jhase ka Pahad will be in a bad state.
00:09First, you showed the lie of Jhadoo, then you gave Jhase to Juggi.
00:15Now, you are having fun in the palace.
00:18Apart from this, you can take any support, you can take any people with you,
00:25but for two decades, you should pay the interest and interest of the people who have given you orders in Delhi.
00:35Instead of paying interest, you are asking for interest from others.
00:40That is why I said that Jhadoo ka Jhaad and Jhute ka Pahad is in a bad state.
00:48As far as their union is concerned, their union is a fight in a fight and a hug in a hug.
00:57There is friendship in Delhi and wrestling in different states.
01:02So, the union of friendship and wrestling is more important than the holes in this union.
01:10They are going around the hole and going around the union.
01:15As far as the Congress party is concerned, the Congress party that will lead the union,
01:22there is no one who has not been cheated by Congress.
01:25Congress's DNA is not a union.
01:29Congress is always thinking that either the family has no power or it is a problem tower for others.
01:35And that is why if Congress stands in any union, it will be a liability for the union.
01:42And people think that we are one voice, we will raise our hands and say that we are a union.
01:52We are one voice, we make a voice, but from behind, everyone pulls each other's legs.
01:57I believe that the attacks on the faith of foreign invaders and the attacks have been excessive.
02:06It should be resolved with the purification of that.
02:12And in today's history, we would like to say to the flowers of Fatima that you should not make the reality of history a problem of the present.
02:32In fact, with purity, with honesty, help to eradicate the criminal activities of all those foreign invaders.
02:43Because today there are more than 700,000 religious mosques in the country, no one is claiming it.
02:52There are some who are in the midst of controversy, there should be a solution to that.
02:56I believe that there should be a solution with honesty, there should be a solution with dialogue and there should be a solution with respect.
