• last month
00:30昨时又闻江边花落红透了襟膊 谁家门前有烟雀相和
00:46岁月无风闹世无声假装作一座 无人似我只爱的轮廓
00:58若来月又将风照面过 结婚我不做那轻重客
01:11梦看破 往事一切也无误 共相逐 暗默数 红窗深处 幽默成俗
01:41北州学正柳渝年嫡女柳眠堂 念其淑甚性诚勤勉柔顺 朕深感柳氏旧年福祝之情 特封县主赐封号怀丧十亿五百户 主者施行
02:06柳眠堂接旨 谢陛下恩典
02:12怀丧县主快快请起 诸位请起
02:22本官还有要务在身 告辞
02:33爹 我就说 眠堂从容有功吧
02:38如此一来 眠堂和王爷也算得上是门当户对啊
02:46这怀丧带着丧 怎么听着那么不解
02:50这 这怀丧是何意呀
02:55人常道 故地丧子 本王是怀阳王 眠堂是我的子童 只是叫怀子 又通怀子 未免太着急了些
03:11怀丧二字刚刚好 感谢陛下的一番苦心 成人之美
03:26陛下怎么突然给我赐封了 对啊 为什么突然给你赐封了你好好地解释解释
03:35我 那我便猜 有人在北州立了军功 向陛下讨赏了 我一小弟藩王 何德何能讨要来县主之位 今上凄凉就这么大点 我就跟他说了求个谕 那就着急了
03:58那这么说来 请赏 断腿 签婚书 赐封 都在你的算计之中了 我觉得夫人之前心思铁 我岂能算到今日这一步 非要说算计吗 冥冥之中 天作之合
05:09什么 忘了 那就多住一夜 我再好好地检查检查 别别别 我都让人查了三遍了 都准备好了
05:25真的不带我的那根镇夫鞭吗 我可编了好几日呢 抽起来可疼了
05:33他若真的欺负我 您到时候亲自拿鞭子 去珍州抽他也不迟
06:01棉堂拜别外祖父 惟愿外祖父身子康健 岁如松柏 乔氏一族平安顺遂
06:21舅舅 你们一定要照顾好外祖父 若有什么困难及时跟我说
06:27放心吧 棉堂 你以后唯一要做的就是 过得顺遂
06:50夫人 走吧
07:50他们签了婚书 是
08:13到头来 他还是选择了怀阳王
08:20按宗旨 藩王的婚姻需要由孤亲愿
09:09王爷 您就让属下带着尹卫门护着您的夫人吧
09:14天下第一镖师陪着本王 怎么了 半道我还能让坏人给劫去了
09:22放心吧 有我镖着你们王爷呢 听听 快回去快回去 把我和怀桑县主的喜讯赶紧传到珍州去
09:35是 走
09:52什么情况 人呢 何真 何真 何真
11:05都挨不住苦 就遣散了
11:10这两日不是刚烧了一批吗 又被碎了 太可惜了吧
11:22未能精益求精 做不得超凡脱俗之境地 留着又有何用
11:31没关系 碎了就碎了嘛 大不了我们从头再来呗
11:52何真 词没烧成 但只要人还在 假以时日我们总能成功的 你可千万不要钻了那点尖啊
12:10你怎么还能笑呢你 你别不是傻了
12:18傻的 是你吧 你成功了 你成功了 你吓唬我
12:46掌柜的 恭喜你啊
13:13乖乖 上次如此下车的还是崔家娘子 这回是姓崔的官夫
13:34原来是有了新娘子啊 怪不得前几日又是洒枣又是置心的 对啊 这才过了多久啊 是啊 男子果然没有一个好东西 活该他腿瘸了
13:50听听 听听 骂你家夫君呢 那夫君自己觉得呢
14:06崔 崔家娘子啊 姐妹娘子还是那么爱说笑啊 都是误会 你回来了
14:30夫人 李妈妈 夫人回来了
14:42夫人 老奴就知道和夫人的主仆情分未了
14:49以前的事 老奴 李妈妈 以前的事就别放在心上了
15:02出门这么些时日 宅子里倒还是这么井井有条的 回夫人 里里外外的一切都是李妈妈嘱咐我们重新布置的 这几日可忙煞她了
15:12有您这么利落干练的妈妈 我又怎舍得不回来
15:20夫人 您是不是饿了 老奴就去给您做饭去 来 备草 来来来 赶紧去准备准备 快来 快点
15:30这 这没人 没人关心关心我啊
15:33还学会踢墙根了 那隔壁小猫已经刚回来你就心眼了是吧 你给我下来
15:39小月 还是一切如故 如故 自是新年盛就年
15:52本来想以此作为表嫂的见面礼 也算缺了我与表哥的一场情谊
16:00你这傻孩子 叫姨母怎么忍心呢
16:12我看着你们一对母女俩好好的 走几日之后便要分离两家人了
16:20这叫什么话呀 秉兰是我看着长大的 便是与行中没了缘分 我也照样疼她
16:32想当初秉兰缠绵于病榻 是行中趁机解除了婚约 我知道姐姐心里觉得愧疚的
16:42我真担心姐姐为了弥补 也给秉兰求个什么县主 这多不合适啊
16:50母亲也是关心则乱 怕那位县主富贵娇人 知道秉兰与表哥有过姻缘 从此在郑州便容不下我
17:06你放心 如今行中身边再不是昔日灵泉镇上的那些狐妹子 怀桑县主 我虽没有听过这好人物
17:19但多半是一门从龙的新贵嫡女 知书达理的正经人家 她定不会为难你的
17:35姐姐 你何不自己做主 把秉兰迎进府呢
17:41这秉兰好好的一个大家闺秀 哪有放着正头夫人不做 去自降身价做妾的呀
17:47不不不 我不是这个意思 我的意思是 若是那个县主懂事的话 你就抬秉兰为嫔妻 她也不好拒绝是吗
17:59这 姨母 郑州谁不知道我与表哥 除了他 我还能嫁谁呀
18:11太妃 王爷的书信 行州来信了 看看这不主动来了吗 母亲 我们还是避嫌吧 无妨 都是一家人 高管事念吧 是
18:27母亲恩好 高管事 我知你在为母亲读信 你与其他贤杂暂避 由母亲一人亲喻
18:46你还愣着干什么 快下去吧 是
18:50你们都出去吧 姐姐 我们可是一家人哪 母亲
18:55你们都出去吧 姐姐 我们可是一家人哪 母亲
19:14我与县主一力谦表 此信一位告之平安 二位解母亲心中惶惑 悉说县主其人幸福不必处
19:21The princess is from the Ming dynasty.
19:24Her family is from Bei Zhou.
19:27You are still so free.
19:30What's wrong?
19:32You married the princess and forgot all your family?
19:35Madam Lin.
19:38Madam Lin.
19:43Actually, I read the letter a few times.
19:47What did the prince say?
19:49He said he will stay in Linquan Town for a while and announce the good news to the people of Zhenzhou.
19:54Then he will come back.
20:00And what?
20:02Yuan Tang wrote a letter for the war in Xizhou.
20:05His Majesty is grateful for his contribution.
20:07So he gave it to the princess.
20:09I love her and respect her.
20:13I will marry no one but her.
20:15It's enough for me to have her for the rest of my life.
20:23Thank you, Madam Lin.
20:30If the concubine is the princess, it's not easy to marry her.
20:36Let alone a concubine's wife.
20:42Only the concubine?
20:44You three claim to be the neighbors of Beijie.
20:47But in front of those nobles,
20:49you only admit that you are the concubine's wife.
20:51A year ago, you were adopted by the prince in Linquan Town.
21:05Are you really going to sleep there?
21:08It's impolite to sleep in the same bed.
21:14I don't understand Prince Huayang.
21:16He is a man who obeys the etiquette.
21:20But I don't know who was the one who slept in the same bed with me.
21:26That's right. Who is he?
21:28How dare you think so highly of him?
21:49Aren't you going to sleep there?
21:51I changed my mind.
21:54Who is a rascal?
21:57First, you mocked me.
21:59Then, you showed off. You are the most rascal.
22:03I didn't do anything impolite. Please forgive me, Your Highness.
22:07Okay. Sleep.
22:21I'll give you back a kiss.
22:28I want to hold another wedding banquet.
22:32I want to give you a kiss.
22:35You like kissing, don't you?
22:37You want to kiss me?
22:39Kiss me.
22:41Are you sure?
22:43Kiss me.
22:44I will kiss you.
22:46Kiss me.
22:48I feel like we've been through so much
22:51and we've come back to this point.
22:54I want to wipe away the regrets of the past
22:56and let you be a decent citizen
22:58and start over.
23:03I think I've said something like that before.
23:06this time,
23:07I'm serious.
23:11I believe you.
23:18♪ ♪
23:45Welcome! Welcome!
23:46Okay, let's all calm down and listen to what I have to say.
23:52I've been bothering everyone in Lingquan Town for a while now.
23:56I've caused you all a lot of trouble.
23:58Today, let's all eat well, drink well. I'll drink first.
24:05Okay! But! But!
24:07Folks, is one cup enough?
24:10At the very least, you have to drink ten cups, right?
24:12Drink ten cups!
24:18Come, come, come.
24:21Madam, look at that girl.
24:24She's never been like this, and you don't care at all.
24:27She's always been cautious. I'm glad to see her so carefree.
24:32Mr. Shen, no wonder you were able to make a name for yourself in the army.
24:35You're really good-natured.
24:38That's all thanks to our previous performance, you know?
24:41Ms. Liu is a top-notch lady.
24:44How can she really marry a playboy?
24:45Yes, that's right.
24:47Let's all drink to that.
24:49I'd like to propose another toast to everyone.
24:52To tell you the truth,
24:55actually, I...
25:02Actually, you're just a womanizer.
25:08You're just a playboy.
25:18He's always been suppressed by his wife.
25:22He's always been holding back his anger.
25:25That's why he went to the military.
25:31I live next door to his house.
25:34What did they quarrel about?
25:37I won by a narrow margin.
25:40Don't say it anymore.
25:42Don't say it anymore.
25:44Don't say it anymore.
25:46Come on, come on.
25:48Listen up!
25:50Even if you escape to the ends of the earth,
25:53you'll still be caught by your mother's tiger.
26:00Old Zheng!
26:02That's not right.
26:05My wife is gentle and virtuous.
26:09If she's wrong, then it's my fault.
26:22I, Wen Shisan, from Zhenzhou Army Headquarters,
26:24pay my respects to Your Highness!
26:30Come, come, come.
26:32Hurry, hurry. Everyone, get up.
26:38What nonsense are you talking about?
26:40Drinking wine has ruined my brain.
26:45Where did this prince come from?
26:48Where did this prince come from?
26:49I am Deputy General Huang. I'm from Wuyi County.
26:53I was fortunate enough to see Your Highness on the battlefield.
26:56This is Prince Huaiyang.
27:00Prince Huaiyang?
27:03Prince Huaiyang was born into a noble family. He was born and died with his soldiers.
27:07We will never admit our mistakes.
27:09Prince Huaiyang? You're in trouble!
27:11Hurry and kneel down!
27:14Your Highness, please forgive us!
27:17Kneel down. It's fine.
27:19I am indeed Prince Huaiyang.
27:27Your Highness, please forgive us!
27:28Everyone, please rise.
27:30No need to stand on ceremony.
27:33I pretended to be a merchant and lived in Lingquan Town.
27:36I did have official duties.
27:40I had no choice but to do it.
27:41Now, I must take this opportunity
27:44to tell everyone the truth.
27:48I was the one who disturbed the villagers.
27:55I just want to apologize to the villagers.
28:07You are the prince.
28:09Then, isn't Lady Cui...
28:13She is the future Princess Huaiyang.
28:16Princess Huaiyang!
28:19Everyone, please rise.
28:21I and the princess have been taken care of by everyone for a long time.
28:24I am very grateful.
28:28We should toast to you.
28:30Thank you, Your Highness.
28:34Everyone, please drink up
28:36the wine cups in your hands.
28:43Today, I and the princess
28:47will drink this cup together
28:49to celebrate our marriage.
28:53I am willing to drink this cup with you two.
28:56I wish the prince
28:58and the princess
29:00a happy life
29:02and a happy marriage.
29:07I wish the prince and the princess
29:09a happy life and a happy marriage.
29:11Everyone, drink up!
29:13Drink up!
29:17I didn't know that
29:19the Ninth Prince was a drinker.
29:21He can drink a lot.
29:24The Wen residence is like a new residence.
29:27This is not a royal residence.
29:29Where does it come from?
29:33The heart has its own place.
29:35Ninth Brother,
29:37you have changed.
29:39You are more affectionate now.
29:44It seems that you have read the letter.
29:47You are wise.
29:49I am not wise.
29:51I didn't come here to drink with you.
29:53You are my mother's only disciple.
29:55But she still chose you.
29:59bring Princess Huaisang to my residence.
30:11There won't be
30:13such a day in the future, right?
30:17In the future, everyone will avoid me.
30:19But I will be quiet.
30:49Why didn't I realize
30:51that you were so childish before?
30:53Let me tell you a secret.
30:55What secret?
30:57I am afraid of the dark.
30:59You are afraid of the dark?
31:03When I was young,
31:05I walked at night.
31:07Every time, my uncle followed me.
31:09One time,
31:11my uncle scared me and left quietly.
31:13When I turned around, no one was there.
31:15I cried all night.
31:17Later on,
31:19the night on the mountain
31:21was darker than any place I have ever seen.
31:25But every time, I had to walk at the end
31:27because I became
31:29a reliable person behind others.
31:47I am afraid of the dark.
31:49Isn't he the wall of the backyard of my family?
31:51He is the wall of the backyard.
31:53Look at the neighbors.
31:55They are all men.
31:57He is a prince.
31:59Unlike you,
32:01you are always at home.
32:03Of course he can do anything.
32:05He is a prince.
32:07Yes, he is a prince.
32:09You scared me.
32:11It's so late.
32:13Don't you let me rest?
32:15Why are you hiding behind the wall?
32:17Aren't you afraid of being lost?
32:23Who is it?
32:41Who is it?
32:43Where is your handkerchief?
32:45This is not mine.
32:47Where is your handkerchief?
32:49How dare you deny it?
32:51Did you go out to meet that lady?
32:55Don't you remember?
32:57Go inside.
32:59Suddenly, I have a feeling.
33:01What feeling?
33:03Cui Yiqiu
33:05seems to be back again.
33:07Let's go home.
33:11Let's go home.
33:31Your Majesty.
33:33Your Majesty.
33:35King Lu
33:37just sent a wooden box.
33:39There is the head of Zhang Dingshen
33:41in it.
33:45I have known it.
33:49I buried Minister Zhang
33:51and his family.
33:57King Lu
33:59has arrived in Lin County.
34:01Your Majesty.
34:03He is a good general.
34:07Do you have a good general?
34:13Minister Shi.
34:15Minister Shi
34:17has a good reputation in the army.
34:19King Lu's strategy
34:21recorded the general troops of Erzhou
34:23and made him the best general.
34:25We can focus on his second army
34:27based on Hebei Battalion.
34:31the day of the battle
34:33is a little late.
34:47Huaiyang King
34:49has summoned
34:51King Erzhu of Youbei.
34:53He just returned to Zhenzhou and was injured.
34:55I heard that
34:57Zhang Deng of Huaiyang
34:59will come soon.
35:01Your Majesty, if we send him to fight,
35:03I am afraid that Zhenzhou...
35:05King Lu's attack
35:07can't reach Zhenzhou.
35:09King Huaiyang needs no defense.
35:11Order Ji, Lu
35:13to encircle Lu Nian.
35:17The princess was conferred by His Majesty.
35:19It proves that
35:21the royal family of Huaiyang
35:23has a good reputation.
35:25The prince and the princess
35:27have a good relationship.
35:29Why is the princess not satisfied?
35:31That's right.
35:33She really thinks
35:35she is a phoenix
35:37by putting a feather on the chicken's tail.
35:51After passing this door,
35:53there is no place for ghosts.
35:55Who is afraid?
35:57Princess, please.
36:01The prince has arrived.
36:15Greetings, Mother.
36:17Greetings to all relatives.
36:19I, Liu Miantang,
36:21greet all the elders.
36:35how are you?
36:41I am fine.
36:43Xingzhou is so beautiful now.
36:45Even my aunt
36:47feels honored.
36:49Thanks to my nephew,
36:51the government can rise up.
36:53The tea is getting cold
36:55in order to wait
36:57for the nobles of the capital.
36:59The mother-in-law is waiting
37:01before passing the door.
37:03Why don't you make a cup of tea
37:05to apologize to the princess?
37:07If it is difficult,
37:09forget it.
37:11I am a junior.
37:13It is not difficult for me
37:15to make a cup of tea to elders.
37:37Your Highness, please have some tea.
37:43Thank you, My Lady.
37:49Mother, are you all right?
37:53My Lady,
37:55you were too careless.
37:57Your mother's hand was burned.
37:59I am afraid she can't even lift the chopsticks.
38:01It is not that serious.
38:03I was careless.
38:05Please have a rest.
38:07I will make some dishes for you.
38:15Your Highness, please have some tea.
38:17Please have a seat.
38:19I will stand here.
38:21What do you mean?
38:23If it is spread out,
38:25people will think I am bullying you.
38:27How did you bully her?
38:29You didn't beat her or scold her.
38:31How did you bully her?
38:33Zhu Qing, you won't say
38:35my mother bullied her son-in-law, right?
38:37I didn't mean that.
38:41I know it.
38:43She was filial
38:45and worried about your hand.
38:49you don't know
38:51how much my mother was wronged by the Empress Dowager.
38:53When she was pregnant with me,
38:55she would get married every day.
38:57She didn't dare to disobey me at all.
38:59I have always heard Your Highness
39:01talking about your hardship.
39:03As the old saying goes,
39:05when a daughter-in-law becomes a mother-in-law,
39:07she can enjoy happiness.
39:09My mother
39:11also became a mother-in-law.
39:13As a proof,
39:15I swear
39:17I won't bend my elbow
39:19outwardly in the future.
39:21I won't let my mother be bullied for no reason.
39:23If I break my promise,
39:25I will be sentenced to three days' imprisonment.
39:27I, Miantang,
39:29will follow your order
39:31and get married.
39:35let's see
39:37if I find you a good daughter-in-law.
39:39Let's wait and see.
39:49Why are you all standing?
39:53I was negligent.
39:57is the princess.
39:59She didn't even sit down.
40:01How can you do that?
40:03Come on. Sit down.
40:05Sit down.
40:09My Lady.
40:13You were conferred by His Majesty.
40:15You must have
40:17a son-in-law who has made contributions to the family.
40:19Who is your father?
40:21My parents passed away when I was young.
40:23My grandfather is working in Beizhou.
40:25No one in the family is my father.
40:29Even if you don't have a father or brother to protect you,
40:31you have a husband to help you.
40:33It's the same.
40:35Zheng Beizhou was bestowed by His Majesty.
40:37Now you have been conferred by His Majesty.
40:39My sister,
40:41you are so lucky.
40:47His Majesty has made contributions to the family.
40:49According to you,
40:51all the rewards
40:53are from me.
40:55I just think
40:57you look familiar.
40:59I don't know where we met before.
41:01All right.
41:03I haven't seen Xingzhou for a long time.
41:05Oh, I remember.
41:07Did you do business
41:09in Linquan Town before?
41:11I heard
41:13you had a...
41:19People outside the door want to see you.
41:21Didn't you see
41:23we were having dinner?
41:25I won't see you.
41:27I'd better see you.
41:29You came to Zhenzhou
41:31and you have connections.
41:33If there is something
41:37I can help you.
41:57Greetings, Your Highness.
41:59Greetings, Your Grace.
42:01You came to Zhenzhou
42:03for the first time.
42:05And now you want to see me.
42:07Do you recognize her?
42:09Yes, I do.
42:11You are Lady Liu.
42:13How dare you!
42:15Why did you
42:17come to my mansion?
42:19Tell me clearly.
42:21I came to your mansion
42:23to thank you for saving my life.
42:25My husband
42:27was in the army of His Highness.
42:29When Lady Liu was doing business
42:31and supporting Jinjia Pass,
42:33she not only helped us,
42:35but also gave my husband medicine.
42:37She also helped us manage the military village.
42:39Without you,
42:41my husband would have died.
42:45Get rid of her!
42:47How do you know she is talking nonsense?
42:49The one who made her speak clearly
42:51is my aunt.
42:53The one who made her leave is also my aunt.
42:55Those who don't know her
42:57are from the Mansion of Prince Yuan.
42:59Her surname is Lian.
43:01I heard that you came to Zhenzhou.
43:03We came here
43:05to thank you.
43:07Your Highness and Lady Liu
43:09fought together
43:11and stayed together.
43:13We have been looking forward
43:15to having a princess like you.
43:17Come on.
43:19Get up.
43:21Thank you, Your Highness.
43:25You are so kind.
43:27Right, Miantang?
43:29It turns out that Lady Huaisang
43:31and Ninth Brother
43:33have this fate.
43:35Lady Huaisang is so popular.
43:37She is a perfect match for Ninth Brother.
43:41Fifth Brother said
43:43we are a perfect match.
43:45I will take this opportunity
43:47to fix the marriage.
43:49We will get married next month.
43:55Congratulations, Your Highness and Lady Huaisang.
44:25I still can't forget
44:27when we were young.
44:31Who passed by
44:33and turned around
44:35to watch the sea?
44:37Love is
44:39a regret
44:41for the wrong person.
44:47Who doesn't want
44:49to travel thousands of miles
44:51to see the snow?
44:53It's hard
44:55to say goodbye.
44:57I can't see
44:59the end of spring.
45:01A pair of moon
45:03and a regret.
45:05The heart and the heart
45:09The old grassland
45:11is covered
45:13by the bright moon.
45:15Under the dusk,
45:17the flowers
45:19bloom last night.
45:21Don't blame
45:23the past
45:25because you
45:27have seen it all.
45:31Love is
45:33a regret
45:35for the wrong person.
45:37A pair of moon
45:39and a regret.
45:41The heart and the heart
45:47Who doesn't want
45:49to travel thousands of miles
45:51to see the snow?
45:53It's hard
45:55to say goodbye.
45:57I can't see
45:59the end of spring.
46:01A pair of moon
46:03and a regret.
46:05The heart and the heart
46:09The old grassland
46:11is covered
46:13by the bright moon.
46:15Under the dusk,
46:17the flowers bloom last night.
46:19Don't blame
46:21the past
46:23because you
46:25have seen it all.