
  • 2 days ago
00:00Oh, Mr. Erdem is calling. He's definitely going to call the hospital.
00:08Let him call, what's going to happen? This is your job.
00:10You're not going to do Emre Yüzdener's job.
00:12Get your head together.
00:14Pick up the phone.
00:16Yes, Mr. Erdem.
00:18Elif, how are you?
00:20I'm fine, thank you. How are you?
00:22I'm working. I'm drowning in files.
00:24What can I say?
00:27We weren't going to work today, but is it possible for you to come to the hospital now?
00:31Of course I'll come. If you need any help.
00:33I'm going to tell you something very important.
00:35If you hit something, we'll go out and talk like men.
00:37Okay, I'm coming, Mr. Erdem.
00:39Okay, I'm waiting.
00:43He's calling the hospital.
00:45He said he'd tell me something.
00:47What if I see Emre?
00:49You'll see, what's going to happen?
00:51You're going to stand upright, you're not going to crush yourself.
00:53Don't show it when you're upset.
00:56Okay, see you.
01:16Wait, let me see my son Emre.
01:18Let me see what he's doing with Banu.
01:20Let him give me an account.
01:22What a lucky woman.
01:25One of my sons-in-law is the owner of this hospital.
01:27The other one is the chief doctor.
01:29My daughters are officially camel herders.
01:35We lived, we lived.
01:45Emre, you're finally here.
01:47What happened Bora? Who got hurt?
01:49Now it's not the time to ask these.
01:51The girl lost a lot of blood. They took it urgently.
01:54Okay, I'll take care of it.
01:56Emre, this girl needs to live.
01:58Please do your best.
02:00I'll do my best.
02:02Then I'll wait for you in the mountains.
02:14Did the girl go out with Banu?
02:17They went out.
02:23Let me call Banu.
02:25I wonder what they're doing.
02:35Banu Sayar.
02:37It suits you.
02:39Banu Sayar.
02:43Let me go and sign this.
02:46I'll need it soon.
02:56Mom, can I call you later?
03:04What are you doing here?
03:07How many more hours will you look?
03:09Everything is in your hands.
03:11You won, Tarık.
03:13The company is yours.
03:15Give up on my brother.
03:23Do you know where your mistake is, Kerem?
03:25You can't win or lose everything in life.
03:27You can't win or lose everything in life.
03:29You can't win or lose everything in life.
03:31You can't win or lose everything in life.
03:33You can't win or lose everything in life.
03:35You can't win or lose everything in life.
03:39All of the company's money is yours.
03:43Put no defect on me.
03:45I have nothing more.
03:47All of the company's money is yours.
03:48Get it signed.
03:50I will not be with you.
03:54My dream was to be with you.
03:57Why is being a partner of the company so difficult?
03:59I don't understand.
04:01Where's your grasp?
04:03What are you trying to do, boy?
04:05You're saving me from jail when you have the chance.
04:08You're becoming a partner to the company.
04:10I say it's all yours, you say no. What's your purpose?
04:14Maybe I like to drive you crazy.
04:16Maybe I like to piss you off.
04:20You'll get used to being a partner, Kerem.
04:22You have no other choice.
04:25It's Sıla, isn't it?
04:30Sıla from Tekder.
04:33You came back here for Sıla.
04:37Say it like a man.
04:40You're doing all this for Sıla, aren't you?
05:00Welcome, dear.
05:03Sıla, what happened? Are you okay?
05:07Esma, I'm so bad.
05:10I'm so bad.
05:12What happened, dear? Did Tarık say anything? Did he do anything to you?
05:16Not Tarık.
05:18His mother.
05:20She saw us.
05:22Ms. Arzu?
05:24How did she see?
05:26I don't know.
05:29She caught me on the road. I guess she saw me at home.
05:33Esma told me such bad things.
05:35She told me.
05:36She knows me so badly.
05:37You wouldn't believe it if she saw how she looked at me.
05:42Oh, my dear. Oh, my dear.
05:45If only she knew what you've been through for her son.
05:49She said, don't you have any pride as a woman, Esma?
05:52Can you think?
05:55My ex-husband's mother.
05:57She took me to him.
05:59She insulted me.
06:24You're finally here.
06:27Thank you, Mr. Erdem.
06:29Shall we start working right away?
06:36Does the girl look good?
06:38I was supposed to be a doctor, but I couldn't read.
06:44Mom, take this off.
06:49If you want, we can have a drink and talk outside.
06:53When you said I was lost among the files,
06:55I thought we were going to work.
06:57I told you I was going to talk about something.
06:59It's important.
07:00What is the subject, Mr. Erdem?
07:02I was wondering.
07:03Can we talk here?
07:07Let's go to my room, then.
07:22Mr. Erdem, did something bad happen?
07:23What's going on?
07:25You and Emre.
07:28Were you really going to get married?
07:32But it wasn't real.
07:34It was going to be a formal marriage.
07:36Actually, it's a long story.
07:38We made such a plan with Emre so that my mother wouldn't marry me.
07:42But it won't happen anymore.
07:44It's over.
07:48How did you find out?
07:52How did you find out?
07:53How did you find out?
08:01Did something happen?
08:03Why are you crying?
08:04Are you okay?
08:11What were you talking about?
08:12What's the problem?
08:18We need to talk to you.
08:21About Tarık.
08:26If we're going to talk about the same thing again, there's no need.
08:29Özge, you're making a mistake.
08:32Did you make a deal about Tarık?
08:35You all say the same thing.
08:37I'm making a mistake.
08:38If it's a mistake, it's a mistake.
08:39I'm not going back to my mistake.
08:40I love him.
08:42But he doesn't love you.
08:43Why doesn't he love me?
08:45Am I stupid?
08:46Am I ugly?
08:47Why doesn't he love me?
08:48Özge, look.
08:51This has nothing to do with what you're saying.
08:53But he...
08:55He what?
08:58Meltem's ex-husband?
09:00Okay, I accept.
09:02My brother's ex-partner.
09:03Okay, so?
09:04What else do I not know?
09:06Özge, look, this is...
09:09Did he partner with the company?
09:10Is that the problem?
09:11Did he do something illegal?
09:13My brother needed money.
09:14He invested it.
09:15If it wasn't for him, someone else would have been a partner.
09:19I'm just thinking about you.
09:24Don't think about me.
09:27Besides, why are you so interested in my relationship?
09:31If I don't know, I'll think there's something else behind it.
09:34You and my brother, don't think about me.
09:38This is useless but to upset me.
09:49You approached my brother because of this, didn't you?
09:51He thinks you love him.
09:53Your only concern, Sıla, is to avenge your past, isn't it?
09:58I've already closed the past, Kerem.
10:02I want a new future for myself instead of being stuck in the darkness of the past.
10:07And I have a very good reason that makes me hopeful for that future.
10:12Let's talk about Özge.
10:13You're talking about Özge, aren't you?
10:15What do you want from my brother? Leave him alone.
10:17I love him.
10:18I love Özge.
10:20Don't you have any respect for love?
10:22What love, Sıla?
10:23What love?
10:24Don't I know what you want?
10:26You're going to use him.
10:27You're going to ruin him.
10:29If you don't leave Özge alone,
10:32be afraid of what I'm going to do.
10:33Do you hear me?
10:35You're the one who should be afraid.
10:37You're not human.
10:39You're not human.
10:40You're the one who should be afraid.
10:42People are afraid of what they don't know.
10:44I know what you're going to do and what you're not going to do.
10:48But you don't know what I want and what I'm going to do.
10:52I love you.
11:08You can do one more move.
11:10Okay, sir.
11:17How is he? Is he okay?
11:20He's fine, don't worry.
11:25But what?
11:27What's going on? Is there a problem?
11:28Tell me.
11:31You're going to tell me.
11:33The girl was stabbed.
11:35I know.
11:39Emre, don't be ridiculous.
11:40For God's sake.
11:41Am I the kind of person to do this to a woman?
11:43Besides, what kind of person would do that?
11:48Who did it?
11:49How do you know the girl?
11:51I don't know.
11:52I found her on the side of the road.
11:54The girl said, don't take me to the hospital.
11:56She forced me.
11:57I don't know her.
11:59If that's the case, there's nothing to be afraid of.
12:02I was afraid I'd get you in trouble.
12:04No, no, no.
12:09You can't tell anyone I'm staying with you.
12:11Now, if my uncle or my mother hears...
12:14Don't worry.
12:17Thank you very much.
12:31Who told you I was going to marry Emre?
12:34No one told me.
12:35I found out.
12:38What do you mean?
12:39Are you investigating me?
12:42Elif, you know what they say.
12:45There's a bad habit of revealing the truth.
12:48And it doesn't matter how I found out.
12:51The most important thing is to get you out of this situation.
12:54If you have such a trouble in your head.
12:56You're having a hard time getting married to someone you don't love.
12:59Since you have to get married formally.
13:03Then marry me.
13:06What are you talking about, Mr. Erdem?
13:09Do I look like someone who's going to marry everyone in front of me?
13:12Elif, you got me wrong.
13:14I didn't mean to say that.
13:15What did you mean?
13:17Aren't they the same thing in principle?
13:20No, they're not.
13:21They're not the same thing.
13:28Girl, it's so good to see you.
13:32I came to Elif's place.
13:34I thought I'd stop by and see Emre.
13:37So that he doesn't think I don't have you.
13:40I've seen you too.
13:42Let it go, mom.
13:43I have something to tell you.
13:45What happened to me?
13:48You should know what we did with Emre.
13:51I don't know if it's a dream or real.
13:53I'm literally flying.
13:55Oh, my God.
13:57Oh, my God.
13:59Or before the wedding.
14:01So, mom, is this what I'm talking about?
14:05We've been around, we've been around.
14:06That's what I'm telling you.
14:07We ate, we drank.
14:09Besides, he was very kind.
14:10He treated me very well.
14:12Oh, good.
14:14What I was afraid of didn't happen.
14:15It happened to me.
14:17What else did you do?
14:38I thought I'd stop by and see you.
14:40I thought I'd ask how you're doing.
14:42My son Emre.
14:43I looked, and Banu was here, too.
14:45It was a coincidence.
14:48You did well.
14:53Banu mentioned it, too.
14:55You had such a good time.
15:01Of course, honey.
15:02You're going to travel, you're going to have fun.
15:04You're going to have a good time together.
15:06It's necessary for the future.
15:08Actually, we went out with Banu because my father wanted it.
15:11I couldn't break it.
15:13No, no, no, no, no.
15:14You're not going to go.
15:15No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
15:17I'm not going.
15:18I'm not going.
15:20I'm not going, I'm not going.
15:21I'm going, I'm going.
15:22No, no, no.
15:23I'm not going.
15:24I'm not going, I'm not going.
15:25I'm not going, I'm not going.
15:26I'm not going, I'm not going.
15:27I'm not going, I'm not going.
15:28Of course, honey.
15:29Families are for today.
15:30Isn't that right, girl?
15:31Look at me.
15:32I completed Banu's dowry last month.
15:33He's always ready.
15:35Ay, I found nightclothes from the market.
15:36It's silk.
15:38It's so nice.
15:43How nice.
15:46Goodbye, Gilsin.
15:53Yes, Sedef.
15:56Okay, Sedef. I'll be right there.
15:59I need to talk to a patient.
16:03Banu, let me call a cab for you. Don't wait here.
16:06No, there's no need.
16:09We'll go with my mother.
16:11Let's not be a burden to you either.
16:13If so, say goodbye and let's go.
16:16Let's go.
16:33Idiot! What does it mean to be a burden?
16:36We were going to go home in a cab.
16:38Be a little more business-minded.
16:40Hug, kiss, do something.
16:42What happened to you? You stayed in front of the man.
16:44He didn't see me. What can I do?
16:47He's busy. He's a busy man.
16:49You're going to hug him again, you're going to kiss him again.
16:52You're going to show him a lot of interest.
16:54Am I going to teach you all this?
16:56Mom, you know everything, don't you?
16:58Don't interfere with my business.
17:00And you're talking about the dowry.
17:02Where did it come from?
17:04The girl should understand that marriage is approaching.
17:07I did well.
17:09Anyway, nothing can spoil my fun.
17:11Let me think about the good times I spent with Emre.
17:14Girl, let's go to Elif.
17:17Maybe he'll call us a cab.
17:20We'll go home comfortably.
17:22Come on.
17:42I won't raise my baby without a father, Meltem.
17:45I'll be quiet as you want.
17:48But everyone will learn slowly that Sıla's baby is from Tarık and my baby is from Kerem.
18:11You called Tarık now, didn't you?
18:14You don't understand a word.
18:17But I know what I'm going to do to you, little witch.
18:20Let's go to the chauffeur.
18:42I came to see Özge.
18:51Your baby.
18:57Come on, I was making coffee. We'll drink it together.
18:59No, I actually came to pick you up.
19:03Somewhere important.
19:05Somewhere important? Where are we going?
19:07Surprise. Come with me.
19:08Let me change my clothes.
19:10No need. You look beautiful like this.
19:12Come on, let's go.
19:14Okay, I'll take my bag.
19:22See you, Sıla.
19:49Mr. Sıla.
19:51Yes, you too.
19:53Should I give you the stuff that came out of the closet, or should we wait for it to wake up?
19:56Give it to me.
20:00Okay, thanks.
20:08Come on.
20:24The treasure is not afraid.
20:28So the woman is not afraid of the treasure, huh?
20:39The treasure is not afraid of the woman.
20:53The treasure is not afraid of the woman.
21:04So you grew up in an orphanage like me.
21:08The treasure is not afraid.
21:13The treasure is not afraid.
21:20I admit that I didn't hear what you said, Mr. Erdem.
21:26You heard what I said.
21:28I'm serious, I want to help you.
21:30Since your mother wants you to marry someone else, let's get married.
21:34Get rid of this trouble.
21:35Get rid of this trouble.
21:37What do you think of me? What marriage?
21:39How dare you?
21:41This is an insult to me.
21:47Sedef, is Mr. Erdem in his room?
21:50He was in his room, sir.
21:59Mr. Erdem's room is over there.
22:00Mr. Erdem's room.
22:04Elif, I'm not saying anything wrong.
22:07Since you're going to get married formally, do what you're going to do with Emre with me.
22:11It's the same thing.
22:12No, it's not.
22:15Because I...
22:22Because I really love Emre.
22:25That's why it's not the same thing.
22:30I love you.
23:01I love you.
23:09Sıla, what happened? What happened?
23:14I think I'm going crazy, Esma.
23:17I'm losing my mind.
23:22The more I see them together...
23:25I'm going crazy, Esma.
23:30I'm dying.
23:32Sıla, don't scare me. What happened?
23:39Tarık came.
23:41They went to Özge.
23:45He said, you're beautiful.
23:48He was going to surprise her.
23:51That's what he said.
23:56I'm losing my mind, Esma. I'm losing my mind.
24:00Sıla, look at me.
24:03They're together now. They said, we're in love.
24:05You have to accept that.
24:07No, I can't. No.
24:10No, I can't stand it. No.
24:30You hear me?
24:44Ms. Erzurum.
24:48Are you always going to raid?
24:51Now it's my turn.
24:53How can I help?
24:55You'll stay away from my son.
24:57You'll take care of your wife.
24:58Listen to me carefully, Kerem. This is your first and last warning.
25:02Keep your wife away from my son, or I'll make you regret it.
