Witch Hunt (1994) Fantasy Crime

  • 2 days ago
In a fictional universe where magic, witchcraft and monsters exist in the world, Private detective H. Phillip Lovecraft ( Dennis Hopper) investigates a murder connecting an actress and a senator.
00:00:00Parade, 1953. Magic comes to Tinseltown.
00:00:05Not since this year's sensation, a frozen four-course meal on a tray,
00:00:09have people and the press been caught up in such a frenzy.
00:00:12Everybody wants more magic in their lives.
00:00:16Licensed practitioners of magic are popping up like rabbits in a hat trick.
00:00:22Don't like the look of your house? This licensed practitioner will transform every room.
00:00:30How's this for instant interior decorating?
00:00:33There's even do-it-yourself magic. Mr. and Mrs. America are getting into the act.
00:00:39Say, looks like this youngster's really moving up.
00:00:43Licensed magic practitioners and their products may be on the up and up,
00:00:47but there are others whose use of magic is down and dirty,
00:00:51unlicensed and underground. They represent magic's dark side.
00:00:55That raised the suspicions of dynamic Senator Larson Crockett.
00:00:59He's leading an anti-magic crusade. His target, Tinseltown.
00:01:04Senator Crockett's convinced that magic, licensed or unlicensed, is un-American,
00:01:09infiltrating our lives and undermining the American family.
00:01:13Why work? Why worship? If there's magic to make things easy.
00:01:17For some of Hollywood's biggest stars and studio moguls, it's time to name names.
00:01:22Politicians and prestidigitators at war.
00:01:24Senator Crockett's political muscle versus magic in Hollywood.
00:01:29From Magic, California, this is News on Parade.
00:01:33Magic. Magic.
00:01:58Magic. The word conjures images of sloth, degeneracy, and corruption.
00:02:06I brought my committee to Los Angeles where this plague began, and I will not rest.
00:02:13What's he getting so worked up about?
00:02:15Oh, some people have a problem with magic.
00:02:17What's to worry? I mean, it just makes things easier, right?
00:02:20Never touched this stuff myself.
00:02:26That's some lifeline you got there.
00:02:28I got a good life.
00:02:30Oh, yeah? What'd you do?
00:02:32I'm looking for somebody.
00:02:34Someone in particular or just someone with an interesting outlook on things?
00:02:37No, somebody in particular.
00:02:39He owes his ex-wife 7,000 bucks.
00:02:42He moved and forgot to drop the lady a card.
00:02:46So what, the little woman hires you to find someone?
00:02:48What do I do, a detective or something?
00:02:50Or something.
00:02:51Well, when you find the guy, you gonna break his legs?
00:02:56Thanks for the conversation.
00:02:58Thank you.
00:02:59It's good.
00:03:00Don't mind if I do.
00:03:02Me, I'm old-fashioned.
00:03:04Man makes a promise, I figure he should keep.
00:03:06You talking to me?
00:03:08This lady would like to have a few words with you, Sidney.
00:03:11She got the last penny she's ever gonna get from me.
00:03:15I don't think so.
00:03:17Alimus separatum torus!
00:03:43That's 7,000 bucks back at my money to you.
00:03:49Oh, Sidney, your wifey poops to see you.
00:03:55It started off small.
00:03:57It wasn't a conspiracy or anything.
00:03:58It was like, uh, it was just like a fad.
00:04:02Somebody bent a spoon or levitated their dog.
00:04:05Next thing you knew, it was starting to spread.
00:04:08Pretty soon, the whole neighborhood was doing it.
00:04:10And in a little while, it was all over the place.
00:04:13Like a Tupperware party.
00:04:15That's him, that's the louse.
00:04:17You're walking pretty straight for a man with no backbone.
00:04:19I'm gonna let you two lovebirds have some time alone.
00:04:23Get in, now!
00:04:24Good luck, Sidney.
00:04:26Why didn't you just shoot me?
00:04:36Still, I never thought it was evil.
00:04:38It's just natural.
00:04:39It's human curiosity.
00:04:41At worst, I thought it was a crutch.
00:04:43Magic can make people lazy.
00:04:45And if you're not careful, it can creep up on you.
00:04:49Instead of taking out the trash, the trash takes out itself.
00:04:53Instead of washing the dishes, you just encourage them.
00:04:56Nobody sees it happen to them.
00:04:58It just happens.
00:05:00So it makes my job a little tougher.
00:05:02But it's nothing to get hysterical about.
00:05:05Last year, it was hula hoops,
00:05:07and Senator Crockett never held congressional hearings about that.
00:05:11Sure, I get tempted to use it.
00:05:13Who doesn't?
00:05:14But in my business, it's better just to work clean.
00:05:18I knew a private eye who hired a witch to put a tail on a guy.
00:05:23The poor bastard had to have it surgically removed.
00:05:28Some things just aren't worth it.
00:05:31Mr. Lovecraft?
00:05:37I'm Kim Hudson.
00:05:40You're in the movies.
00:05:42Which one of my efforts have you seen?
00:05:47I don't remember the title.
00:05:49You were in a bathtub full of bubbles,
00:05:51and you had your big toes stuck in a faucet?
00:05:57Let's Do It.
00:05:59The name of the picture.
00:06:02Let's Do It.
00:06:04It was a very sophisticated comedy.
00:06:07You know the part I like best?
00:06:10When the fat plumber came in.
00:06:15So what can I do you for, Miss Hudson?
00:06:19Actually, it's Mrs. Gottlieb.
00:06:22I'm married to N.J. Gottlieb.
00:06:25The producer?
00:06:27There's only one.
00:06:29And I have reason to believe he's being unfaithful to me.
00:06:34What sort of reason?
00:06:37Nicky's producing my new picture at Palisade.
00:06:40He hired a girl for a walk-on.
00:06:43But her part keeps getting bigger and bigger.
00:06:48Now, you'd have to be as dumb as I look
00:06:50not to figure it out.
00:06:53Forty-five dollars a day plus gas and expenses?
00:06:59Just get me something solid I can take to my lawyers.
00:07:03I'm sure whatever he's up to,
00:07:07it'll be cheap, tawdry, and decidedly third-rate.
00:07:21Thank you.
00:07:38We gather together and close this circle
00:07:42to refute the whispers in the darkness.
00:07:45Cord stronger than a thread,
00:07:48rope stronger than a cord,
00:07:51a pledge, a bond, a sacrifice.
00:08:13Hi, Phil.
00:08:15Come to join the coven?
00:08:17Not today, Angel.
00:08:19Anytime you want, Phil.
00:08:20Anytime at all.
00:08:22You be careful what you wish for.
00:08:27Who's that producer you're working for at Palisade?
00:08:30N.J. Gottlieb.
00:08:31That's right.
00:08:31I'm on my way there right now.
00:08:33You want a lift?
00:08:36Thank you.
00:08:47What's his story on Gottlieb?
00:08:58He's short.
00:08:59You have to be careful with short men.
00:09:02Their auras are compressed.
00:09:06He the sort of man who would cheat on his wife?
00:09:09Only if it occurred to him.
00:09:12What is that stuff?
00:09:13You really don't want to know.
00:09:43You're all set?
00:09:58I'm ready.
00:09:59All right, hit it.
00:10:02Mr. Gottlieb, have you got any gold fillings in your teeth?
00:10:10What's it to you?
00:10:11It's just that they tend to melt if you stand too close.
00:10:42Mind your teeth.
00:11:03Fair's foul and foul is fair.
00:11:07Hover through the fog and the filthy air.
00:11:34What place is this?
00:11:37Oh, it's a real pleasure, Bill.
00:11:42Welcome to Hollywood.
00:11:45I got a couple of people I'd like you to say hello to.
00:11:48I am N.J. Gottlieb.
00:11:51This is Miss Tracy Pinkham.
00:11:53Really something special.
00:11:55Absolutely love your stuff.
00:11:56When Nicky said you're gonna be doing my additional dialogue...
00:11:58Okay, okay.
00:12:00This is Malcolm Purdy, head of production.
00:12:02Mr. Shakespeare, what a...
00:12:04I'm in vacuole business affairs.
00:12:06How do you do?
00:12:08Jim and Ted.
00:12:11Yeah, whatever.
00:12:12Great writers.
00:12:13They'll help you over the bump.
00:12:15Trevor Bunt, best director in town.
00:12:19And Mr. Frank Krushnick of the William Morris Agency.
00:12:26Who are you?
00:12:29Oh, I'm with the witch.
00:12:32Excuse me a second, will you, Bill?
00:12:35Uh, somebody get Bill here a parking space.
00:12:38Paint over, what's his name?
00:12:39That Nobel Prize guy.
00:13:04Finn Markser.
00:13:06Moses on a pony, if it isn't Phil Lovecraft.
00:13:08Well, how's the world treating you, dickface?
00:13:12I thought you were in Chicago.
00:13:13Well, you miss the friendly people and the orange juice.
00:13:16What are you doing for Gottlieb?
00:13:19Privileged information.
00:13:20But from one large member to another,
00:13:22he called me in as a security consultant and expediter.
00:13:26I tie up loose ends.
00:13:28It seems to me they're still looking for a couple of people you expedited.
00:13:31Are you still chasing naughty husbands, dickface,
00:13:34and drying the tears of those poor lonely wifey-poos?
00:13:38Tell me something, honestly.
00:13:42Do I look like I have a dick on my face?
00:13:45That's how I like you, Phil.
00:13:50I like to take things apart, see how they work.
00:13:54Watches, phonographs, people.
00:13:58I like to see how they work.
00:14:01I like to see inside.
00:14:14Well, I'll see you around, Phil.
00:14:20I don't think so.
00:14:22Oh, there's no doubt about it.
00:14:24You and me, we've still got business to settle.
00:14:32Who was that?
00:14:44Ah, it's somebody I know.
00:14:46He has a sore eye.
00:14:48The devil can put all manner of mischief in an eye like that.
00:14:52If it were mine, I'd pluck it out.
00:14:55Let's get out of here.
00:15:01I followed Gottlieb up to Las Feliz.
00:15:17I wish I had a rum punch for every time somebody in my business
00:15:20followed a car up to Las Feliz.
00:15:22Look at the motion picture, mystery friends.
00:15:24Why do you think everyone is beautiful?
00:15:27Why don't they ever get old?
00:15:29Why are their jokes always funny?
00:15:41It was creepy up there.
00:15:44I cut my lights and stayed back.
00:15:48The last thing I needed was to get turned to stone
00:15:51or end up with the body of a goat.
00:17:54standing there in my dressing room with my wardrobe lady
00:17:58being fitted into my costume.
00:18:02I'm a movie star.
00:18:04She's a waitress.
00:18:06How do you think that makes me feel?
00:18:08I gotta do what I think is best for the picture.
00:18:11My picture.
00:18:12My picture.
00:18:15You're replacing me with that skinny-ass car hopper.
00:18:20We're married, you crumb.
00:18:22What will people think?
00:18:24I'll make a big deal out of it, Kim.
00:18:26There are lots of other studios you'll land on your feet.
00:18:30You can't do this to me.
00:18:32What about our marriage?
00:18:33That wasn't a marriage.
00:18:35That was a license to shop.
00:18:39What about my three-year contract?
00:18:41Have your people talk to my people.
00:18:44The public won't stand for this.
00:18:48The public?
00:18:50What you fail to grasp is just how replaceable you are.
00:18:54You're nothing but nice tits and a pleasant smile.
00:18:57You'll be forgotten before you reach the gate.
00:19:04This isn't the first time I've been fucked in a producer's office.
00:19:24Just you, not Dickens.
00:19:31N.J. Gottlieb.
00:19:33It's Harry Schroedecker.
00:19:35Five minutes.
00:19:41So? He won an Oscar.
00:19:43He hasn't had a hit for five years.
00:19:46But I'm willing to give the rummy another chance because I'm sentimental.
00:19:51Tell him he's got till five o'clock.
00:19:53Take it or leave it.
00:20:54What do you want?
00:20:57I want to make my report.
00:20:58Save it. You're fired.
00:21:00I am?
00:21:02You're fired. I'm fired.
00:21:04Everybody's fired.
00:21:06You want to know where he went last night?
00:21:09I couldn't care less.
00:21:11He went to a big house in the hills above Los Feliz.
00:21:16You said he went where?
00:21:18The house on Glendower Avenue.
00:21:21Now, what cow would that be?
00:21:23Get that, will you?
00:21:24Oh, you fired me, remember?
00:21:34Yeah, it's me.
00:21:49Am I in your way?
00:21:55Get them out of here.
00:22:08What the hell are you doing here?
00:22:10It's good to see you too, Bradbury.
00:22:11What happened?
00:22:12Come on, give.
00:22:13I'm a friend of the widow's.
00:22:14What happened?
00:22:15Somebody put the big whammy on Gottlieb
00:22:17and cut him down to size.
00:22:22Ever see two dogs play tug-of-war with a bone?
00:22:26Forget the gurney.
00:22:27You can get them out of here in a lunch pail.
00:22:33Oh, are you thinking of something?
00:22:35I'm thinking that according to this lady,
00:22:37the last person to see Gottlieb before he got small
00:22:39was your friend, the widow.
00:22:40Okay, okay, break it up.
00:22:42This is a police investigation.
00:22:44Come on.
00:22:45Lieutenant Bradbury, heard good things about you.
00:22:48Barson Crockett.
00:22:50What's being done about this ghastly business?
00:22:53We're working on it.
00:22:56This is just another example of how magic
00:22:58has shot its sinister tentacles
00:23:00into the motion picture industry.
00:23:02I give my personal pledge that soon a new day
00:23:05will dawn on a witch-free America.
00:23:08As we proceed with our Los Angeles hearings
00:23:10and prepare our patriotism rally...
00:23:12I thought that magic was trouble, but no.
00:23:14Now they're trying to outlaw the stuff.
00:23:16How come I'm not so happy?
00:23:18If God doesn't destroy Hollywood,
00:23:21he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.
00:23:26As my dear friend Norma Desmond is so fond of saying,
00:23:29maybe the picture's got small.
00:23:31The Nicki Minaj picture's got small.
00:23:33I don't know.
00:23:34I don't know.
00:23:35I don't know.
00:23:36I don't know.
00:23:37But Nicki Gottlieb never got small.
00:23:39Well, he did, actually.
00:23:41But not until the very end when he got really small.
00:23:45On Earth, you may be the head of a studio.
00:23:48You may be a big star.
00:23:50In heaven, we are all just bit players.
00:23:53Under contract to the one who discovered us.
00:23:57Cecil B. DeMille.
00:23:58Fatty Arbuckle.
00:24:00Nicki Gottlieb.
00:24:02All just walk-ons in the part we were born to play.
00:24:07God's little extra.
00:24:08In Nicki's case, God's very little extra.
00:24:12God's littlest extra.
00:24:14But no less dear to God as he was dear to us.
00:24:19So farewell, N.J. Gottlieb.
00:24:22We have reached the final fade-out.
00:24:25But dear friends, think of it not so much as a fade-out,
00:24:29but as a dissolve to a better world.
00:24:32We have to talk.
00:24:35Awful nice of you showing up for his funeral.
00:24:37I am the widow.
00:24:39Besides, it'd look funny if I didn't come.
00:24:41People might get the wrong idea.
00:24:42What idea would that be?
00:24:44I want to hire you.
00:24:46You hire me, you fire me.
00:24:47Now you want to hire me again.
00:24:48I think the police think I killed Nicki.
00:24:51I think you're right.
00:24:52I didn't.
00:24:53You believe me, don't you?
00:24:55Doesn't matter what I believe.
00:24:56Matters what I can prove.
00:24:58Well, prove it.
00:24:59Oh, well, you're tough, aren't you?
00:25:01That's me.
00:25:02Are you tough enough to put your husband in that parakeet coffin, huh?
00:25:07Don't strain yourself trying to figure me out, Lovecraft.
00:25:09Just find out who killed Nicki and get me off the hook.
00:25:12And can you get the keys to his car?
00:25:13His car?
00:25:14The Lincoln he was driving the other night.
00:25:16Well, I can get them for you.
00:25:19I'll start with that and the house on Glendower.
00:25:21Forget about the house on Glendower.
00:25:23There's nothing there you have to know about.
00:25:24Well, decide that for myself.
00:25:26Stay clear of that place.
00:25:27You know, the cops are only going to work as hard as they have to.
00:25:30If the frame fits, you're going to wear it.
00:25:35The keys to the Lincoln will be at the house.
00:26:18Somebody slipped me a Mickey the other night.
00:26:21What kind of a Mickey?
00:26:24Raven landed on the hood of my car.
00:26:26And the next thing I know, it's morning.
00:26:30Nice touch.
00:26:31I mean, you don't see that kind of workmanship around these days.
00:26:34It's usually just frogs.
00:26:36Not even toads, just frogs.
00:26:38Oh, I'm a juice.
00:26:41Anyway, what was the purpose of this, Mickey?
00:26:44I was following somebody.
00:26:47And when you woke up, he was gone.
00:26:49And now he's dead.
00:26:51N.J. Godley.
00:26:52The same.
00:26:53I'm going out to look at his car.
00:26:54And I was hoping that maybe you might go with me.
00:27:01Are you asking me for help?
00:27:03Well, I'm asking you to watch my back for Ravens, OK?
00:27:09I have to make a phone call.
00:27:15So what are we looking for?
00:27:18I don't know.
00:27:19The sand on the driver's side and not in the passenger's.
00:27:24He went to the beach alone.
00:27:26Or he went with someone who didn't come back with him.
00:27:30Is this what you do when you detect?
00:27:32Yeah, basically.
00:27:33Well, it doesn't seem very precise to me.
00:27:36What's buzzing, cousins?
00:27:40What is this, a field trip?
00:27:43I had to have somebody watching my back while I was watching yours.
00:27:46Besides, Trudy might be able to help.
00:27:49God knows I'm willing.
00:27:51What kind of help?
00:27:53Events cling to objects.
00:27:55And Trudy is very good at hearing their memories.
00:27:59Very, very good.
00:28:03You want to know what happened to Godley?
00:28:05Where he and his friend went?
00:28:09I don't use magic.
00:28:11Who said boo about magic?
00:28:14You drive the car.
00:28:15I read the map.
00:28:16That's all.
00:28:19And what are you?
00:28:20The chaperone?
00:28:24What about my car?
00:28:26We have to take this car.
00:28:28This holds the memories.
00:28:31It'll be our little secret.
00:28:36I get the front seat.
00:29:17here's where I lost her.
00:29:23It was raining when they got back in the car.
00:29:28Gottlieb and another man.
00:29:34What am I, the chauffeur?
00:29:36Never mind.
00:29:37Keep driving.
00:29:38You're gonna have the time of your life.
00:29:41They drove down the hill.
00:29:43Where do I go?
00:29:45West on Sunset, all the way to the beach.
00:29:53This is where they came.
00:30:14Now, you can wait here.
00:30:15You forget we can help.
00:30:17I found the house, didn't I?
00:30:19You want me to tell you who owns it?
00:30:23Yes, I can almost feel it.
00:30:31It's definitely coming.
00:30:33Well, when it hits you, would you let me know?
00:30:45Want me to do that for you?
00:30:47Do you mind?
00:30:54All right.
00:31:18I don't understand.
00:31:21There's nothing.
00:31:24Nothing unusual?
00:31:26Nothing at all.
00:31:31This place has been wiped clean, erased.
00:31:36I've never...
00:31:38It's so empty.
00:31:39What happened here?
00:31:41There was a girl.
00:31:42How do you know that?
00:31:44It doesn't take magic.
00:31:45There's always a girl.
00:31:46Trudy, let's take a look at the bedroom.
00:31:51Can I ask you something?
00:31:53What exactly is your problem with magic?
00:31:56I don't have a problem.
00:31:58I just don't use it.
00:32:00I've got personal reasons.
00:32:02It's a pity.
00:32:04Kropotkin says you have the qualities of a magus.
00:32:07To know, to dare, to will.
00:32:12Somebody wiped the prints off the bottle
00:32:14like they wiped the house in memories.
00:32:16So you wouldn't know anyone was here?
00:32:18The easy thing would have been to take the bottle and ditch it.
00:32:25Unless you wanted to make a show of wiping the prints
00:32:29because you want someone to know what you're doing.
00:32:34Why would they do that?
00:32:36You're the one who writes screenplays.
00:32:39You tell me.
00:32:42Beverly Wilshire Hotel, good morning.
00:32:44Room 1209.
00:32:46I'm sorry, those calls are being held.
00:32:48Would you like to leave a message for Senator Kropotkin?
00:32:50I know, that's okay, thanks.
00:32:53What was that?
00:32:56Nobody slept here.
00:32:58Look at that bed.
00:33:00There's not a ruffle on it.
00:33:02It's perfectly smooth.
00:33:04More show.
00:33:09Trudy, it's all right.
00:33:12It's not, it's not all right.
00:33:13There's nothing here, nothing.
00:33:16Somebody sucked the life out of this place.
00:33:18It's so empty, it makes my head hurt.
00:33:20It's all right, kid, you did your best.
00:33:22You don't understand.
00:33:24This place is dead, as dead as the moon.
00:33:26That's not right at all.
00:33:33It's okay.
00:33:38Two rules you learn in this business.
00:33:41Get paid up front and don't work with partners.
00:33:51The bathroom wasn't empty after all.
00:33:54Someone had left the stem of a martini glass from the bar.
00:33:59More show.
00:34:02It took us three hours to get home from Malibu.
00:34:05Then Trudy made us stop to listen to a building.
00:34:34You see that?
00:34:35You see what he done?
00:34:36Freeze camera.
00:34:52You're interested in that house, aren't you?
00:35:15He's polite.
00:35:16Shut up.
00:35:19Watch him.
00:35:21By which I mean, watch him.
00:35:23Watch him.
00:35:30Still using zombies.
00:35:31I thought that went out.
00:35:34I just work here.
00:35:38Don't they start to smell?
00:35:40Not for three months, depending on the weather.
00:35:43He could have put out my eye with that cigarette gag.
00:35:49You think burning somebody's face is a joke, huh, sailor?
00:35:52No, that's not a joke.
00:35:53Two cannibals are eating a clown.
00:35:56One says, does that taste funny to you?
00:36:00And now that's a joke.
00:36:07Stand up, sailor.
00:36:09Let's see how funny it is with your face.
00:36:11What's your name, kid?
00:36:15You're not the sharpest pencil in the box, are you?
00:36:57ain't on the page.
00:36:59Ain't on stage.
00:37:03What do I care about television?
00:37:06If he's so hot for the rights, let him have them.
00:37:12Hey, sister.
00:37:13Can you get out of first?
00:38:46good evening, sir.
00:38:49Perhaps a bit more sophistication.
00:38:52Of course.
00:39:17and a little more up top.
00:39:36now you two run along.
00:40:00My name is Vivian Dart.
00:40:01Welcome to my home.
00:40:03Are you looking for anything particular tonight?
00:40:06Oh, I'm way past being particular.
00:40:08Then I've got exactly what you want.
00:40:10Right this way.
00:40:30I don't believe I caught the name.
00:40:36Better nails today.
00:40:38You're a manicurist.
00:41:12small world, isn't it?
00:41:18You're getting too old for this, Phil.
00:41:20Where's my wallet?
00:41:21You're leaving so soon.
00:41:23You and me have got such a lot of catching up to do.
00:41:30He shouldn't be up here at all.
00:41:32Vivian, will you treat the man with a little more respect?
00:41:35Phil and me are members of the same noble profession.
00:41:40What are you doing here, Moxa?
00:41:42Look, I told you.
00:41:43I'm a private security consultant.
00:41:45I help Miss Dart make sure the place runs nice and smooth.
00:41:50You're a bouncer in a whorehouse?
00:41:52Cut the reunion and get him out of here.
00:41:58I think you're upset with that whorehouse crack.
00:42:04Were you working for Dart
00:42:06or Gottlieb when he brought the senator up here?
00:42:10I'm not sure I know what you're talking about, Phil.
00:42:13How come I don't trust you, Moxa?
00:42:16Don't trust yourself?
00:42:17How do you trust anybody else?
00:42:19If you ever get tired of crawling around in the bushes, Philip, let me know.
00:42:23Always room for a man like you in my organization.
00:42:26Here's your wallet.
00:42:27Who's got my gun?
00:42:29I'll keep it. You'll come round, just you see.
00:42:31Well, you seem pretty sure.
00:42:34Ever wondered why it's the guy, not the girl, that's nervous on prom night?
00:42:38That's because the girl knows how it's going to come out.
00:42:41And that's the way it is between you and me, Philip.
00:42:43I'm the girl.
00:42:44I know how it's going to come out.
00:42:46Call ahead next time.
00:42:47Vivian will let you in the front door.
00:42:50What happened out at the beach house, Moxa?
00:42:54Which beach house would that be, Philip?
00:42:57You know the one.
00:42:59The one without any fingerprints.
00:43:12Kim left the house in her bedroom.
00:43:14She left the house in her pink car, with a pink dress, and a purse to match.
00:43:21The lady knew how to accessorize.
00:43:23I guess it was something they taught you at the studio.
00:43:28I followed her out the new freeway, past Rosemead, to El Monte.
00:43:32It was a long drive to see a movie.
00:43:36Don't leave me, baby.
00:43:38He's dead. Murdered.
00:43:39Thought you ever tried to kill him.
00:43:41He's got a lot of time in him.
00:43:42Tell us who did it.
00:43:43You shouldn't have done it.
00:43:46I didn't do it, really.
00:43:51All right.
00:43:52I'll tell you.
00:43:54But not for you.
00:43:58We played square with him.
00:43:59You shouldn't have done it, Fanny.
00:44:00You haven't got much time, Mingo.
00:44:02Who did it?
00:44:02Who killed the girl in my room?
00:44:04Who paid you to do it?
00:44:08It's for Rob.
00:44:11Mr. Brown.
00:44:16Well, you have an interesting way of morning, Mrs. Gottlieb.
00:44:19I like to watch my pictures.
00:44:21Now, you could run them in the screening room.
00:44:24I like to watch them big.
00:44:29No problem if I just sit here and watch the show with you.
00:44:33Well, what can I do about it?
00:44:34Call an usher?
00:44:38Which picture you in?
00:44:41This one.
00:44:43You know that big house on Glendower your husband
00:44:49went to the night before he died?
00:44:51It's a high-priced cat house.
00:44:53I told you to forget about that house.
00:44:54I went there with a certain gentleman.
00:44:56They picked up a girl, drove to a house down at the beach,
00:45:00made sure I couldn't follow.
00:45:02After he left, something, somebody,
00:45:06made a big show of covering up.
00:45:10Now, what do you suppose that might be?
00:45:13I told you once I don't know anything.
00:45:15You don't know it all.
00:45:17You know something.
00:45:18You're part of this.
00:45:20I'm coming up in this part right here.
00:45:23I've kept that stupid pilot on my payroll for years,
00:45:25just for a spot like this.
00:45:27Why doesn't he come?
00:45:33I'll try that again.
00:45:38I want to be seen.
00:45:40I want to be seen.
00:45:43I'd better be able to pick it up.
00:45:45You're very good in this.
00:45:59Jesus, Kim, I was going crazy.
00:46:01I couldn't find your car in.
00:46:05It's okay.
00:46:05Get in the car.
00:46:09This is nice and cozy, huh?
00:46:12Who is this guy?
00:46:13I work for her.
00:46:14Who are you?
00:46:16She's a friend, and that's all you have to know.
00:46:18Well, what's your name, friend?
00:46:21What a nice name.
00:46:24So, uh, tell me something, Marie.
00:46:28Get out to the beach much?
00:46:43You can't get away.
00:46:46Drop the gun.
00:46:47Come and get it.
00:46:51Stay down.
00:46:51He's shooting at us.
00:46:52Get the car.
00:46:53Slowly, slowly.
00:46:54Stay down.
00:46:57Okay, get ready.
00:46:58Go, Kim.
00:46:58Let's go.
00:47:10That's six.
00:47:10He's out of bullets.
00:47:12That was close.
00:47:15She's taking your car.
00:47:37Have a seat.
00:47:42Who are you calling?
00:47:44I'm reporting a stolen car.
00:47:46The police.
00:47:48You're calling the police.
00:47:49You can't do that.
00:47:50Why not?
00:47:51The car's not stolen.
00:47:54Not really.
00:47:55She just borrowed the car.
00:47:57And just who is she?
00:48:00A friend.
00:48:02Well, an acquaintance more than a friend.
00:48:07And what does your acquaintance do for a living?
00:48:10I don't know.
00:48:13I mean, what difference does it make where she works?
00:48:19You want to know what I figure?
00:48:21I figure she works for Vivian Dart.
00:48:23She's one of those girls from that big house on Glendower.
00:48:27I figure she's the girl that your husband dropped at the beach house with Crockett.
00:48:32Now, if that's so, why is she so worried?
00:48:35And how come she came running to you of all people?
00:48:42You know somebody by the name of Finn Moxa?
00:48:52Who's Finn Moxa?
00:48:54He was doing some consulting work for your husband
00:48:56at the same time he was working for Vivian Dart.
00:49:02I don't know him.
00:49:04Well, you don't know much of anything, do you, Mrs. Gottlieb?
00:49:07Oh, I'm not the worst person you ever met.
00:49:10Well, I didn't say that.
00:49:13Fact is, I kind of like you.
00:49:18Most of the men I meet, well, you can pretty much see right through them.
00:49:26You're different.
00:49:32In a mature sort of way.
00:49:36There's too many unanswered questions for you and me
00:49:39to start having that particular conversation.
00:49:43Who says?
00:49:46I say.
00:49:58Oh, yeah.
00:50:00Oh, I'm interested.
00:50:06Stay here.
00:50:08Where are you going?
00:50:10Oh, I don't answer your questions until you start answering mine.
00:50:30A few hours earlier, she'd been watching a movie.
00:50:33Now she was a stiff.
00:50:36No matter how many times I saw it, it always got to me.
00:50:40You know the story.
00:50:41Girl falls in with wrong crowd.
00:50:44One minute she's a fresh-faced gal,
00:50:47and the next she's stuck in the window of sacks.
00:51:06A couple of kids saw a drive off the pier.
00:51:08Managed to get the license number before it sank.
00:51:10Thought you might be interested.
00:51:12Take a look inside.
00:51:13Foot still on the accelerator.
00:51:15Look at her face.
00:51:17Suicides don't look like that.
00:51:18She didn't know she was driving off a pier.
00:51:20Somebody put the whammy on her.
00:51:23She probably thought she was at the Rose Parade.
00:51:26Who is she, Phil?
00:51:27It's your client's car, but that ain't your client.
00:51:29Who is she?
00:51:30She lent the car to a friend.
00:51:31I don't know her name.
00:51:38Come here.
00:51:50You wouldn't happen to know where your client was this evening, would you?
00:51:53I got a pretty good idea.
00:51:55She hadn't been home since she took this wagon out.
00:51:58Suppose I wanted to talk to her.
00:52:00You wouldn't get all coy all of a sudden, would you?
00:52:03It's a free country, Bradbury.
00:52:05I mean, you can talk to anybody that you want to.
00:52:07Miss Kim Hudson's a pretty good-looking woman, if you go in for that movie star sort of a thing.
00:52:13She's gotten herself involved in two homicides in three days.
00:52:16Are you getting near the point?
00:52:19Just this.
00:52:21Don't get complicated, Phil.
00:52:23If a man gets too complicated, he starts to make mistakes.
00:52:27I'll keep that in mind.
00:52:37She's gone.
00:52:54Your actress friend.
00:52:58The lady has secrets.
00:53:00Everybody has secrets.
00:53:04Drink your coffee.
00:53:07Everywhere I go in this case is water.
00:53:12The ocean.
00:53:13Swimming pools.
00:53:15Water is very potent.
00:53:18Water makes me nervous.
00:53:28What kind of donuts are these?
00:53:30Two jellies and a bear claw.
00:53:33I'll take the bear claw.
00:53:34I want the bear claw.
00:53:37Then where did you get the jelly donuts?
00:53:40Half the bear claw, all right?
00:53:45The raven is still with you.
00:53:47At your shoulder.
00:53:49I can't see it, but I know it's there.
00:53:54The question is, whose raven is it?
00:53:57Oh, it's yours.
00:53:58The raven belongs to you.
00:54:00As does the snake it carries in its beak.
00:54:04I didn't tell you about the snake.
00:54:06No, you did not.
00:54:13We're looking for Hippolyta Kropotkin.
00:54:16You found Hippolyta Kropotkin.
00:54:18Hippolyta Kropotkin, I'm here to serve you with this summons to appear at the special
00:54:22senate subcommittee on unnatural activities as chaired by senator Larson Crockett.
00:54:27Duly served.
00:54:30What's the big idea?
00:54:32Are you Lovecraft?
00:54:34Yeah, I'm Lovecraft.
00:54:36Senator would like to meet you.
00:54:49I made my way up to the pilgrimage theater where Crockett was preparing his rally.
00:54:54It's where they hold the Boy Scout Jamboree every year.
00:54:58Crockett must have felt right at home.
00:55:00He didn't drink, he didn't smoke, he didn't lust.
00:55:03I couldn't figure out what he wanted from me.
00:55:06This is good.
00:55:13Larson Crockett, pleased to meet you.
00:55:16Phil Lovecraft.
00:55:17Heard a lot about you, Phil.
00:55:18Heard a considerable lot about you.
00:55:20Hope you don't mind meeting out here.
00:55:21Got a lot to do in precious little time.
00:55:23Our support grows bigger every day.
00:55:26That's a little premature, isn't it?
00:55:29The stake, you might say it's symbolic.
00:55:32Nice centerpiece for the rally.
00:55:35Of course, now that Congress has passed the capital punishment bill,
00:55:38well, then it could be something else, couldn't it?
00:55:40Why did you subpoena Cropotkin?
00:55:45I take it you know she's a card-carrying witch.
00:55:47Having an office across from her, you probably see things, hear things, smell things.
00:55:53I'm smelling something right now.
00:55:57I thought you were the man who didn't believe in magic.
00:56:00Oh, I believe in it.
00:56:02I just don't use it.
00:56:05Oh, it's a gift from a friend.
00:56:11Friends are a valuable commodity, Phil, but you got to be careful.
00:56:14Don't let people get too close.
00:56:15Things rub off.
00:56:16Man has to be very careful of the company he keeps.
00:56:20You must get very lonely.
00:56:24Would you give a loaded gun to a child, Lovecraft?
00:56:27Would you let a baby play with a blowtorch?
00:56:29Of course you wouldn't.
00:56:31I love the people of this country.
00:56:33I love them enough to protect them from sinister forces out to exploit their appetites.
00:56:38I want you to join my personal staff.
00:56:40Come on board as a full-time paid investigator.
00:56:43Together we can bring about an end to this plague.
00:56:46Well, I appreciate your offer, but I got clients.
00:56:49The Gottlieb killing?
00:56:50There are better uses for your talents.
00:56:54How many times did you and Gottlieb meet?
00:56:59Just once.
00:57:04He came by my hotel.
00:57:05He wanted to talk in private, so we drove around for a few hours.
00:57:09He told me many disturbing things about the influence of magic in the motion picture business.
00:57:13I tried to get him to testify for my committee, but he was too afraid.
00:57:18Not unjustifiably, as it turned out.
00:57:21Well, that's too bad.
00:57:22Yes, Gottlieb would have made a very powerful witness.
00:57:24But under the circumstances, his wife will be just as effective.
00:57:27As Gottlieb's widow, she felt it was her duty to uncover the forces of magic corrupting the movies.
00:57:33She's testifying tomorrow morning just before your friend for Potkin.
00:57:37Hudson's your client, isn't she?
00:57:41State your name for the record.
00:57:43My name is Mrs. N.J. Gottlieb.
00:57:48Be seated.
00:57:52You are the widow of motion picture producer N.J. Gottlieb, is that correct?
00:57:56Yes, sir.
00:57:57Did your husband ever express to you his concern about the pernicious
00:58:01influence of magic in the motion picture business?
00:58:03Oh, yes.
00:58:04My husband, my late husband, often confided in me his growing sense of apprehension.
00:58:12He felt the practitioners of magic had an agenda that was outside
00:58:17the needs and desires of ordinary America.
00:58:21You are testifying in your husband's place this morning?
00:58:24That is correct, Senator.
00:58:27Why is that?
00:58:29Nicky, my husband,
00:58:35can no longer speak for himself.
00:58:39He was killed, murdered by magic.
00:58:55The woman is good.
00:58:58Ah, she's got to be good.
00:58:59She doesn't have a contract anymore.
00:59:01Mrs. Gottlieb,
00:59:05do you recognize the item in this envelope?
00:59:08Excuse me?
00:59:10The item in this envelope, do you recognize it?
00:59:15That's Nicky's watch chain.
00:59:17How did you get this?
00:59:18To your knowledge, was this chain in your husband's possession at the time of his death?
00:59:25I guess so.
00:59:28It's an interesting piece of metal at the fob.
00:59:30Did you give him that charm?
00:59:35But you know who did give it to him, don't you, Mrs. Gottlieb?
00:59:40I think it was someone at the studio.
00:59:44What was that person's name?
00:59:51We're waiting, Mrs. Gottlieb.
00:59:53What was the name of that person?
00:59:56Senator, um, I think this is sort of outside what
01:00:04I expected we would be talking about.
01:00:08The name, Mrs. Gottlieb, give us the name.
01:00:18I believe her name is
01:00:25Polita Kropotkin.
01:00:26This Kropotkin woman, is she a practitioner?
01:00:33I believe so, yes.
01:00:35But Senator, I'm sure that it was...
01:00:36Witness may step down.
01:00:37Thank you very much for your time and attention.
01:00:40Call the next witness.
01:00:43Here, Polita Kropotkin, come forward and be heard.
01:01:06State your name for the record.
01:01:10Hippolyta Laveau Kropotkin.
01:01:12Hippolyta Laveau Kropotkin.
01:01:14Are you now or have you ever been a witch?
01:01:18Ice, cloud, river.
01:01:21Water is always water.
01:01:23Is that a yes or a no?
01:01:26That is a yes.
01:01:35Is that you in the photograph?
01:01:38Yes, it is.
01:01:39Who are the other people with you?
01:01:42Those are my friends.
01:01:43Just go, go, go, go.
01:01:44Are they not, in fact, members of your coven?
01:01:47There is nothing shameful in a coven.
01:01:50What are the circumstances of your participation in this coven?
01:01:53When, where, who else was there?
01:01:56What are their names?
01:01:58The names of people whose souls are laced with magic.
01:02:02That is what you want?
01:02:04That is what we want.
01:02:08Then give me the phone book and I'll start with the A's.
01:02:11Magic is in every one of us.
01:02:12It's as common as salt.
01:02:14What you want to do is to prevent people from finding it and nurture it.
01:02:21Don't think you're the first practitioner who's tried to excuse their behavior with this
01:02:25cloudy reference to natural magic.
01:02:28Now I'll give you one more chance to identify the other members of your coven.
01:02:34I decline to do so respectfully.
01:02:40Mrs. Kropotkin, do you recognize the item in this envelope?
01:02:44It is familiar to me.
01:02:47Did you give this item to N.J. Gottlieb?
01:02:52Let the record show that the unfortunate Mr. Gottlieb had this item in his possession
01:02:57when he was diminished by supernatural means.
01:03:00Did you do anything to this stone before you gave it to him?
01:03:04There is an incantation for peace and wisdom and resolve in purpose.
01:03:12You cast a spell on the stone.
01:03:14Is that what you're saying?
01:03:15A benevolent one.
01:03:16A benevolent one.
01:03:18I have here the laboratory report from the FBI on this particular stone.
01:03:23It concludes that there are measurable levels of the most pernicious and toxic magic
01:03:27they have ever encountered.
01:03:29More than enough to do what was done to the unwitting Mr. Gottlieb.
01:03:34What are you suggesting, Senator?
01:03:36I am suggesting, my good woman, that you are a witch and a practitioner.
01:03:42That you gave this tainted item to an innocent man
01:03:45about to reveal your sinister cabal and that man is now dead.
01:03:50The pawns of Kropotkin.
01:03:52We have evidence of how you've used your shameless and unwholesome powers.
01:03:56I give you this opportunity to recant your belief in magic,
01:03:59renounce all supernatural agents and activities,
01:04:02and purge yourself of all affiliations with other witches, conjurers, and similar practitioners.
01:04:09I renounce no one and I need no purging.
01:04:12You leave me no alternative.
01:04:15Hippolyta Laveau Kropotkin,
01:04:18the Congress of the United States of America hereby brands you a murderer and consort of the devil.
01:04:23In keeping with the emergency powers of the Unnatural Activities Act,
01:04:27I order you to be taken to a public place
01:04:29where you will be burned as punishment for your crimes
01:04:32and for the enlightenment of the general population.
01:04:35Sergeant at Arms, take her into custody.
01:04:37That's not right.
01:04:39Motion to adjourn.
01:04:56Hard ball, Mr. Lovecraft.
01:05:07I'm sorry.
01:05:37You want to tell me why you got in the pool?
01:05:43Crockett set me up.
01:05:46He said I'd be cleared and everything would just go away
01:05:48if I made a little speech about the evils of magic.
01:05:53I didn't know he was going to ask me about the watch fob or Kropotkin.
01:05:59I honestly didn't know.
01:06:02Now, I'm going to ask you.
01:06:03I honestly didn't know.
01:06:07Now, they're going to burn her.
01:06:11I thought it was a way to fix it.
01:06:13No, it's fixed all right.
01:06:15Did they tell you that your friend Marie is dead?
01:06:20They fished her out of the bay in your car.
01:06:25I didn't know.
01:06:29Who was she?
01:06:30She worked for Vivian Dart.
01:06:34Marie's the girl Nicky brought to the beach house for Crockett.
01:06:38What's your connection with Dart?
01:06:44She did some work for me once.
01:06:46What kind of work?
01:07:01I worked in the steno pool of that studio for six years,
01:07:05saving every penny.
01:07:08I went from typing scripts to being a star overnight.
01:07:13Vivian Dart did the enchanting?
01:07:19She gave me whatever it is that movie stars have,
01:07:22that thing we all want.
01:07:25I was a little girl.
01:07:27Nobody at the studio recognized you?
01:07:31No one at the studio even looked at me before the spell.
01:07:35Godly didn't know?
01:07:36Nobody knew, except Dart and that Irishman that works for her.
01:07:45I had to pay him off regular.
01:07:48I bet.
01:07:50I bet.
01:07:51I bet.
01:07:53I bet.
01:07:55I bet.
01:07:57I bet.
01:07:59You met Marie at Dart's?
01:08:04She worked with Moxa and Dart on special dates.
01:08:09In such as to what?
01:08:11Well, when they wanted to set someone up,
01:08:14they let the sex get a little rough.
01:08:17Then Marie hits her head or slips in the bathtub and drowns.
01:08:23Moxa shows up, says everything can be taken care of for a price.
01:08:28Patsy pays, leaves.
01:08:31Marie's free to play another day.
01:08:36So that's what happened at the beach house.
01:08:39They're shaking down a senator.
01:08:41Something goes wrong.
01:08:53Presto chango.
01:08:56What's wrong with having what you want?
01:09:01I just wanted to be happy.
01:09:04I ain't got pills for that now.
01:09:09Water everywhere.
01:09:12You don't know everything.
01:09:15You don't have the magic in your blood.
01:09:17You don't have it on your skin every day of your life.
01:09:23But I used it once a long time ago.
01:09:25Just once.
01:09:28There were two men.
01:09:30They're going out on a boat and I needed to hear what they said.
01:09:34So I hid an empty bottle on board.
01:09:37And when they came back, I took the bottle.
01:09:43And I poured the conversation out.
01:09:46And I had what I needed.
01:09:48But they weren't alone on the boat.
01:09:50There was a girl.
01:09:51So when the cops came after them, they figured the girl had ratted.
01:09:56Cops got them both.
01:09:57But before they did, one of them had time to take her back out on that boat.
01:10:05Strangle her.
01:10:08And throw her body into the bay.
01:10:10And now, the man in the bottle has come back.
01:10:34Busy, busy, busy.
01:10:36Rush, rush, rush.
01:10:38How'd you get up here?
01:10:41You forget somebody showed me the back way.
01:10:45Where's Moxa?
01:10:49Was it your idea or Moxa's to set up Crockett in the badger game?
01:10:53I know it wasn't godly, but all he wanted to do was show him a good time.
01:10:56I don't know what you're talking about.
01:10:58I'm not interested in you.
01:11:00Finn Moxa.
01:11:02Oh, he's something else again, isn't he?
01:11:04I'm done with Moxa.
01:11:06I'm done with Moxa.
01:11:07That partnership is dissolved.
01:11:08I'm taking a long, long vacation.
01:11:12Where is he?
01:11:19He's leaving.
01:11:21I'm a lucky man.
01:11:22I don't suppose you need any help with your luggage, do you, Vivian?
01:11:26Guess not.
01:11:36Watch the noise, fellas.
01:11:42You know what they say about zombies?
01:11:45Strong as hell, but very bad lateral movement.
01:12:41Let's try it one more time.
01:12:42Where's Moxa?
01:13:06Good evening, Lovecraft.
01:13:16Glad you could make it.
01:13:18How much is in there?
01:13:19Oh, not so much in the grand scheme of things.
01:13:23Expediting pays pretty good.
01:13:25So does discretion.
01:13:27You had Gottlieb killed.
01:13:28You thought he was the one working the badger game.
01:13:31I'm afraid I went off a little half-cocked.
01:13:33And the girl.
01:13:34Loose ends, Finn.
01:13:35You know how I am about loose ends.
01:13:39And whose idea was it to set up Kropotkin?
01:13:44The senator wanted to use Kim,
01:13:45but I convinced him that the frame would be a better fit using the witch.
01:13:50So this guy's gonna blackmail you,
01:13:56and now you're acting like long-lost brothers.
01:13:59Politics makes strange bedfellows, I guess.
01:14:02But he's a practitioner.
01:14:08It was all a show.
01:14:14The hearings, the press coverage.
01:14:17Attacking magic.
01:14:18You could care less about protecting the people.
01:14:23Spend some time in Congress, Phil.
01:14:25You get up to here with the people.
01:14:28Listening to their petty complaints,
01:14:30their demands, their constant inane whining
01:14:33about one thing after the next thing after the next thing after the next thing.
01:14:37Just because they vote for you, they think you owe them something.
01:14:40But why go after magic?
01:14:43Who am I supposed to go after?
01:14:46Big business?
01:14:47You need something a little different, a little outside.
01:14:51Let me tell you something about the people, Phil.
01:14:54You lock any 10 of them in a room,
01:14:57they may not elect a leader,
01:14:59but I guarantee they'll pick someone to hate.
01:15:02Back off!
01:15:24I'm not going to let you burn her.
01:15:26The witch will burn, and there's nothing you can do about it.
01:15:29You'd be surprised what I can do.
01:15:36Did you hear everything?
01:15:38Yes, sir.
01:15:40What was the gist of our conversation?
01:15:42They brought money in that satchel.
01:15:44They thought they could pay you off.
01:15:48Well, then, you'd better arrest them.
01:15:51What are you trying to pull, Crockett?
01:15:54I'd better take that for evidence.
01:15:56No one double-crosses Finney.
01:16:00I'm the one that sees inside.
01:16:02You don't believe me?
01:16:03Ask Lovecraft.
01:16:05I see what's inside, and I bring it out.
01:16:09What you are is an insignificant little mech.
01:16:13The crack of Solomon on your heart.
01:16:24Bring them both.
01:16:25I don't want them to miss the show.
01:16:26What did you just do?
01:17:52Someone just remarked...
01:17:53This could make a great movie.
01:17:55Will, work on something, will you?
01:17:57Well, I think we have something just as special.
01:18:01Ladies and gentlemen,
01:18:02the next president of the United States,
01:18:05Morrison Crockett!
01:18:17America is going to be all right!
01:18:25And it's going to be all right because of people like you.
01:18:31God, God, I love this country.
01:18:43The fire we light tonight will burn across America.
01:18:48It will set fires in every city and every town.
01:18:55Can I count on you?
01:19:02Can I depend on you?
01:19:06Of course I can.
01:19:25We know the difference between right and wrong.
01:19:40No one double-crosses Finn Marx.
01:19:43And we know how to do it.
01:19:55The cameras! The cameras! The cameras!
01:19:57Off, now!
01:20:25Mmm, that feels good!
01:20:40Nothing like a little fresh air.
01:20:44Mmm, looks like we're having a little party.
01:20:47Well, guess who just showed up?
01:20:50Hey, what the fuck you looking at?
01:20:55Come on, time to burn the witch.
01:20:58Come on, we're going to burn her,
01:21:00then we're going to burn another one,
01:21:01and another one, and another one after that.
01:21:03We're going to stack them up like firewood.
01:21:06Come on, what's wrong with you people?
01:21:08You're pretty loud when you want something.
01:21:12Oh, Senator Crockett, I deserve better.
01:21:16Oh, Senator Crockett, I deserve a better life.
01:21:20Oh, Senator Crockett, I deserve TV dinners
01:21:23and T-Birds and lawns to cut and peace of mind.
01:21:26Well, I got news for all of you.
01:21:28You're not going to get it.
01:21:29I'll tell you what you're going to get.
01:21:30You'll get porno video and double-digit inflation
01:21:34and a designated hitter
01:21:35and wars in countries you never even heard of.
01:21:39Now, that's what I call a world without magic.
01:21:42Hey, where are you all going?
01:21:45The party just started.
01:21:47I thought you wanted me to help you out.
01:21:50I thought you liked me.
01:21:53Ah, fuck it, I'll do it myself.
01:22:01Go on, arrest him.
01:22:02Arrest both of them.
01:22:04I want both your names.
01:22:07Let go, you.
01:22:10We're friends in high places.
01:22:21Where's Moxa?
01:22:23I don't know.
01:22:23He took off when Crockett came out of his shell.
01:22:25I got to find him.
01:22:26We got some unfinished business.
01:22:37It seems he feels the same way, too.
01:22:53You stay here.
01:23:16You shouldn't do this alone.
01:23:18Yes, I should.
01:23:20Some people use magic for gain or revenge.
01:23:23But Moxa, Moxa uses it out of malice.
01:23:26It's not just his eye that's sore, it's his soul.
01:23:30Then I guess you better keep the motor running.
01:23:54Lovely of you to come, Philip, and at such short notice.
01:24:19So how'd things work out with Senator Crockett?
01:24:23They're trying to put him together.
01:24:25No one double-crosses Fen and Moxa.
01:24:29Too bad you left before the end.
01:24:32But that wasn't the end, Philip.
01:24:35This is it, right here.
01:24:38Where is she?
01:24:40Where's Kemp?
01:24:45I hadn't forgotten that business with the bottle.
01:24:48I figure once a man uses magic, he may use it again.
01:24:53And I want that man on my team.
01:24:57I don't use magic.
01:24:59We'll see.
01:25:01I asked you a question.
01:25:02Well, where do you think she might be?
01:25:06I'm a fan of old movies.
01:25:08I like to watch them over and over.
01:25:12And there's one I'd like to show you.
01:25:16Except it's not that old, just a couple of days.
01:25:22Come along, Philip.
01:25:24Here's my screening room.
01:25:32This is my movie.
01:25:36Call me Mr. President again.
01:25:38Mr. President.
01:25:46Take a seat.
01:25:47And the wonderful thing about old movies is you get to recast them.
01:25:51Like this one, for instance.
01:25:52It wasn't cast right.
01:26:02That's much better.
01:26:07I've also done a little rewrite.
01:26:09In the original, the girl didn't die.
01:26:11But Kemp is dead.
01:26:12And I'm going to rewrite it.
01:26:14In the original, the girl didn't die.
01:26:16But considering the new cast, she will.
01:26:21Well, aren't you going to do anything?
01:26:24Think of the little lady.
01:26:33Let her go.
01:26:34Well, you could make me.
01:26:36You could whip up some of that Mojo Hoodoo.
01:26:38Conjure up a lightning bolt and strike me down.
01:26:41You want some incentive?
01:26:47You have the power.
01:26:49You know the words.
01:26:50You know the spells.
01:26:51You let one girl die because you use magic.
01:26:54Are you going to let another one die because you won't?
01:26:57Work for me, Phil.
01:27:05Darling, you're about to die of principles.
01:27:11I don't use magic.
01:27:12Well, the pity is, I do.
01:27:55Water, water everywhere.
01:28:22I'm sorry, Phil.
01:28:24I couldn't let you do it.
01:28:26I flipped the bird.
01:28:35Here you go.
01:28:36Thank you.
01:28:38You sure this is what you want to do?
01:28:41Pretty sure.
01:28:43Well, the public's going to wonder what happened to Kim Hudson.
01:28:45Well, if they want to wonder, let them.
01:28:53Well, thanks.
01:28:55Good luck.
01:29:01Wait a second.
01:29:05There's something we forgot.
01:29:12Wow, a girl could last a winter on a kiss like that.
01:29:43Don't forget to write.
01:29:45Oh, I won't.
01:29:59Kim Hudson disappeared.
01:30:01But since she never really existed,
01:30:04I figured the score was even.
01:30:07It didn't matter anyway.
01:30:08Pretty soon, another girl would be stepping off the Highland bus.
01:30:13Wishing herself into a D cup and her big break.
01:30:17Crockett, too.
01:30:18He's the kind of guy who says he hates magic
01:30:21and then goes home and levitates chicks in the basement.
01:30:26Last I heard, he was sharing a cell with himself in San Quentin.
01:30:31And so it goes.
01:30:33There was usually a one-to-one ratio between dreams and disappointments,
01:30:37and no amount of magic could change that.
01:30:39It's always going to be there if someone wants to believe in it.
01:30:42Let's face it.