Infinity Chamber (2016) Sci-Fi Thriller

  • last month
Locked up in an automated prison, Frank Lerner undergoes an interrogation process that forces him to relive the same day over and over. When a war erupts on the outside, he must find a way to escape from a computer system that won't let him go.
00:03:43What is this how you feeling
00:03:48Whoa easy I want to give it a bit before going for a stroll
00:03:54What happened
00:03:57You don't remember
00:04:01I was shot
00:04:10Neutralizer oh
00:04:13Gotcha, I thought you meant, you know, like shot shot
00:04:22Was this
00:04:31What's your name
00:04:36Frank Frank. Yeah, I am your LSO
00:04:45You can call me Howard what is LSO what is
00:05:00Hello, yep. Yep. Sorry just getting set up here
00:05:07What am I doing here
00:05:09It's that rhetorical
00:05:13What is this place?
00:05:15That was covered in admissions and staging. I
00:05:19Don't even know how I got here. I didn't no one's told me anything
00:05:23I'm only here to acclimate you to ISN habitat and service
00:05:34Have been arrested
00:05:39This is
00:05:43I've been detained
00:05:46By the ISN I
00:05:49Don't have that information, but I haven't done anything wrong. What am I being charged with?
00:05:54You're not being charged with anything
00:05:56You're being processed
00:06:05Listen I
00:06:07Don't know what you think I've done or who you think I am
00:06:11But it's a mistake. I don't have a record. I've never been arrested before I
00:06:16Have nothing to do with the ISN. I'm a civilian
00:06:25Can you check I don't have access
00:06:29Does that mean?
00:06:31That's not how this program works
00:06:35How does it work
00:06:41Do I get a phone call I don't think so
00:06:49I'm not sure
00:06:59Know my job
00:07:05I'm here to keep you alive Frank. Should we get started?
00:08:00Three different flavors orange citrus tropical berry and
00:08:05Well regular water Oh coffee to make that four flavors
00:08:10one one
00:08:14Do you want something to eat
00:08:16No, I hear some music
00:08:19Music seriously. Yeah, I've got a small library assorted genres classical jazz new age
00:08:26Do you want to go for a walk?
00:08:30a walk
00:08:31Yeah, stretch the legs. Yeah, sure. Okay
00:08:58Long you planning on keeping me here until you're processed
00:09:03When is that gonna start? I don't have that information
00:09:08Can I talk to your supervisor, please I don't have a supervisor
00:09:13How can that be it's a server-based program operating out the GSL protocol a computer is your supervisor
00:09:20Well, no
00:09:22Yes, you could say that but it has to be someone who knows someone who knows something about why I'm here
00:09:28Could you could you talk to them, please?
00:09:30What's your last name?
00:09:32learner learner
00:09:35Frank Lerner
00:09:40Don't have access to that
00:09:47So, are you gonna check on what
00:09:52On why I'm here I don't have access
00:10:07At least the right to know why I was brought here that was covered in the video
00:10:11I didn't see the goddamn video. I was shot. I was asleep. I was knocked out
00:10:17This has been an error. You can't even check
00:10:19I don't have access. Of course not. Of course not
00:10:50Demanding the release of fletcher may the leader of the alliance's mysterious disappearance has sparked outrage among lfo sympathizers
00:10:59Charges of illegal detainment and military strong-arm tactics have only fueled the volatile situations
00:11:05Between the ism security units and civil rights activists the white house press secretary edward
00:11:10Baeza has denied any involvement or knowledge of may's disappearance has administration officials
00:11:16Seek a ceasefire between armed militants and the gr police force security units
00:11:26No one even knows about what
00:11:32What happened to me
00:11:35Friends family
00:11:41I just vanished
00:12:00So where are you from
00:12:06I'm from the south side
00:12:09Really? Is that where you grew up?
00:12:11Where are you from?
00:12:13Or do you not have that information?
00:12:15I'm from austin texas
00:12:19You sound like you're from texas born there, but I grew up in a small town outside of seattle
00:12:24Place not many people have heard of
00:12:30Yeah, that's fascinating
00:12:35Why would a small town boy like you uh join up with the isn it's a job I guess it's a job
00:12:45Doing this to people
00:12:49You know, there used to be laws against this civil rights miranda due process
00:12:55constitution any of this ring of bells
00:12:58That's not my department
00:13:02You're just a button pusher
00:13:05I mean even with the automated protocol that doesn't really fly anymore. Howard does it?
00:13:10I mean take a little accountability for what you're a part of
00:13:14You're the one keeping me here
00:13:17This is your department
00:13:20Not just serving drinks taking song requests is it
00:13:25What do you do for a job
00:13:28Jesus christ
00:13:34There's something else i'll give you that you're a piece of work
00:13:42You said there was something to eat yeah. Yeah. Okay. I've got three different flavors chicken beef and vegetable
00:13:51What do you want to try
00:13:57I need you to check the files or whatever to see if someone went to my apartment.
00:14:23What's in your apartment?
00:14:24Look, after my arrest, I just need to know if someone went there.
00:14:27Why's that?
00:14:29I have a dog.
00:14:31You have a dog?
00:14:34I know it may seem silly, but no one knows he's there, so...
00:14:37What kind of dog?
00:14:40He is locked inside, do you understand?
00:14:43So he could bark all day and no one would care. He will die if no one shows up.
00:14:48That's horrible.
00:14:49No shit!
00:14:51Could you make a phone call? Could you check? Could you contact someone? Please?
00:14:55I can't do that.
00:14:57You can't make a phone call. You can't send a text.
00:15:01Just to see if someone went there. Just to make sure he's taken care of. I don't need to know.
00:15:08Please. Please.
00:15:15That's not how the program works.
00:15:17Jesus God!
00:15:19The program!
00:15:23Son of a bitch!
00:16:48I need water.
00:17:08Can I...
00:17:11have some water, please, Howard?
00:17:14Yeah, of course.
00:17:18Want to try one of the flavors?
00:17:20Just water, please.
00:17:37What happened over here?
00:17:41Where am I supposed to go?
00:17:44You didn't give me a bucket.
00:17:47Next time, just ask to use the bathroom.
00:17:51The bathroom?
00:18:32What the...
00:18:33Who did this?
00:18:35Did you come in here?
00:18:37Just a little room service.
00:18:43But how?
00:18:47You done with the bathroom, Frank?
00:19:18What can I get you?
00:19:20Hey, uh, coffee?
00:19:22What flavor?
00:19:23Just regular coffee.
00:19:25Booze? Room for meds?
00:19:28Alright, you're easy.
00:19:48I'm sorry.
00:20:16I want to try a different flavor.
00:20:18Which one is this?
00:20:22May not seem like much, but it does have everything you need.
00:20:26Vitamins and minerals.
00:20:27Have you tasted it?
00:20:29I don't have that information.
00:20:33What does that mean?
00:20:35Which part?
00:20:41Yes, Frank?
00:20:48Yes, Frank?
00:20:55Yes, Frank?
00:20:58Yes, Frank?
00:21:02Yes, Frank?
00:21:08Yes, Frank?
00:21:13Yes, Frank?
00:21:16You got to be kidding me.
00:21:21About what?
00:21:24I might not see that.
00:21:26See what?
00:21:31I'm talking to a computer.
00:21:36I'm talking to a computer.
00:21:47I'm talking to a computer.
00:22:01Get me out of here!
00:22:02Frank, please.
00:22:03I can answer any questions.
00:22:04Help me!
00:22:06Answer questions?
00:22:07You haven't answered one!
00:22:08You don't know anything!
00:22:10You don't have that information.
00:22:12You get a real person on the line or down here,
00:22:15because I am done debating with you, Howard!
00:22:18I am done!
00:22:19I'm not debating.
00:22:20Hey, hey!
00:22:21You hear me?
00:22:22I am done!
00:22:24I'm not going to do circles with a fucking speaking spell!
00:22:27I'm not sure that's the point.
00:22:29Oh, God, yeah.
00:22:30I'm one with the humor response program.
00:22:31Thank you.
00:22:32Thank you, Lord.
00:22:34A little weak on the disposition there, Howard,
00:22:36but the assorted inflections are impressive.
00:22:38I mean, almost pompable.
00:22:41Real impressive!
00:22:44That's sarcasm, Howard!
00:22:46That's sarcasm!
00:22:47Obviously not one of your faster applications.
00:22:50Oh, my God!
00:23:04Wait, wait, wait.
00:23:05You said you were from Austin.
00:23:06You grew up outside Seattle.
00:23:07What is that bullshit?
00:23:09I was built at HRS in Austin.
00:23:11I was programmed at Tektronix outside of Seattle.
00:23:15Oh, that's...
00:23:16That's cute.
00:23:18That's real cute.
00:23:20What are you?
00:23:23Maybe IR-8?
00:23:26I take it back.
00:23:29Quite a piece of machinery.
00:23:32I should feel honored to have such an expensive piece of gear
00:23:34making me dinner, watching me take a crap.
00:23:37And it learns.
00:23:42You seem to know a lot about computers.
00:23:47Personally, I despise them.
00:23:51Why's that?
00:23:54Take a wild guess.
00:23:57Well, I imagine it would have something to do with...
00:23:59Actually, don't guess.
00:24:00I can do without it.
00:24:08Some things, Howard, are not meant to be computerized.
00:24:15What does that mean?
00:24:40I don't understand.
00:24:41You've been in before.
00:24:43Uh, no. I've never...
00:24:46My name's not Larry.
00:24:48Thank you.
00:24:49You're welcome. Pete.
00:24:51No, no, don't, don't tell me.
00:25:11You like it?
00:25:13The photo.
00:25:15Yes, I do.
00:25:16No, not Dave.
00:25:17I took it.
00:25:21Couldn't make a living out of it, so...
00:25:24It's my thing.
00:25:26I'm sorry.
00:25:28I'm sorry.
00:25:30I'm sorry.
00:25:32I'm sorry.
00:25:34I'm sorry.
00:25:36It's my thing.
00:25:38They're beautiful.
00:25:43Give me your hand.
00:25:45Come on, come on, give me, give me your hand.
00:26:00How'd you know that?
00:26:02It's another one of my things.
00:26:04Can't make a living out of that either, so I make coffee.
00:26:07Wasn't my first guess.
00:26:11I'm not one that's easily impressed.
00:26:16But I'm impressed.
00:26:34I'm impressed.
00:27:05I'm impressed.
00:27:06I'm impressed.
00:27:07I'm impressed.
00:27:08I'm impressed.
00:27:09I'm impressed.
00:27:10I'm impressed.
00:27:11I'm impressed.
00:27:12I'm impressed.
00:27:13I'm impressed.
00:27:14I'm impressed.
00:27:15I'm impressed.
00:27:16I'm impressed.
00:27:17I'm impressed.
00:27:18I'm impressed.
00:27:19I'm impressed.
00:27:20I'm impressed.
00:27:21I'm impressed.
00:27:22I'm impressed.
00:27:23I'm impressed.
00:27:24I'm impressed.
00:27:25I'm impressed.
00:27:26I'm impressed.
00:27:27I'm impressed.
00:27:28I'm impressed.
00:27:29I'm impressed.
00:27:30I'm impressed.
00:27:31I'm impressed.
00:27:32I'm impressed.
00:27:33I'm impressed.
00:27:34I'm impressed.
00:27:35I'm impressed.
00:27:36I'm impressed.
00:27:37I'm impressed.
00:27:38I'm impressed.
00:27:39I'm impressed.
00:27:40I'm impressed.
00:27:41I'm impressed.
00:27:42I'm impressed.
00:27:43I'm impressed.
00:27:44I'm impressed.
00:27:45I'm impressed.
00:27:46I'm impressed.
00:27:47I'm impressed.
00:27:48I'm impressed.
00:27:49I'm impressed.
00:27:50I'm impressed.
00:27:51I'm impressed.
00:27:52I'm impressed.
00:27:53I'm impressed.
00:27:54I'm impressed.
00:27:55I'm impressed.
00:27:56I'm impressed.
00:27:57I'm impressed.
00:27:58I'm impressed.
00:27:59I'm impressed.
00:28:00I'm impressed.
00:28:01I'm impressed.
00:28:02I'm impressed.
00:28:03I'm impressed.
00:28:04I'm impressed.
00:28:05I'm impressed.
00:28:06I'm impressed.
00:28:07I'm impressed.
00:28:08I'm impressed.
00:28:09I'm impressed.
00:28:10I'm impressed.
00:28:11I'm impressed.
00:28:12I'm impressed.
00:28:13I'm impressed.
00:28:14I'm impressed.
00:28:15I'm impressed.
00:28:16I'm impressed.
00:28:17I'm impressed.
00:28:18I'm impressed.
00:28:19I'm impressed.
00:28:20I'm impressed.
00:28:21I'm impressed.
00:28:22I'm impressed.
00:28:23I'm impressed.
00:28:24I'm impressed.
00:28:25I'm impressed.
00:28:26I'm impressed.
00:28:27I'm impressed.
00:28:28I'm impressed.
00:28:29I'm impressed.
00:28:30I'm impressed.
00:28:32Do you like it?
00:28:36The photo.
00:28:37Yeah, I do.
00:28:41I took it.
00:28:44Couldn't make a living out of it, but, it's my thing.
00:28:56It's beautiful.
00:28:59Maybe I should have made you an espresso.
00:29:06Oh, um, no, fine. Thanks. Sorry. Thanks.
00:29:15You're welcome.
00:29:21Give me your hand. Come on. Come on.
00:29:36No, just stop. Just stop. Stop it!
00:29:51What happened?
00:30:00Uh, it felt like, um, daydreams.
00:30:07Just little pieces of memory. Over and over and over and over.
00:30:13And it just kept coming.
00:30:17I think it was, uh...
00:30:22How can you not know what that thing is, Howard? What do you think it is?
00:30:25I assume...ventilation.
00:30:31Do you expect me to buy this good bot, bad bot thing, Howard?
00:30:34I mean, I know you're only a service remote, but give me a break. IR-12, come on.
00:30:38Frank, I'm only programmed to serve the primary protocols within the perimeters of my...
00:30:42Wait, wait, wait. What are your primary protocols?
00:30:46I'm here to keep you alive, Frank.
00:30:49And to keep you contained within this room until you've been processed.
00:30:55I'm not waiting to be processed.
00:31:03This is the process.
00:31:09Do you want to try a different flavor?
00:31:12This one? I'm getting used to the herb and garlic dog shit one.
00:31:16I don't think I'm getting a handle on this sarcasm thing.
00:31:20Anything I can do to update the software.
00:31:23Hey, Frank.
00:31:27What wouldn't they tell me?
00:31:32I don't know.
00:31:35If what you're telling me is true, I guess it makes some kind of sense.
00:31:42If you're hacked into, we'll have evidence of anything other than eating habits, bowel movements.
00:31:49You've never put anyone else in this process?
00:31:52You were my first assignment.
00:31:58You might think that, but...
00:32:01They'd probably wipe you clean after each one.
00:32:05For all we know, you've done this to hundreds of people.
00:32:10And they don't tell you anything.
00:32:15I guess you're just as much a prisoner here as I am.
00:32:24What did you mean when you said some things weren't meant to be computerized?
00:32:31It doesn't matter.
00:32:33I'd like to know.
00:32:44My father died of heart disease.
00:32:47When he got sick, they put him on this machine.
00:32:53Kept him alive four years.
00:32:57Four years longer than he was supposed to live.
00:33:03You think that's a gift?
00:33:07The man who made his peace...
00:33:11...was ready to go.
00:33:15The machine took that away from him.
00:33:19It trapped him in a life he wasn't even living.
00:33:25Everybody's so damn excited. Look what it can do.
00:33:31It only stops to think.
00:33:35Look what it doesn't do.
00:33:39He was the strongest man.
00:33:43I ever met.
00:33:45And I've never seen him broken.
00:33:53Sometimes life's just supposed to be what it is.
00:33:56Without the latest app, no offense.
00:34:00I don't think there's much promise in a future between our peoples, Howard.
00:34:06Maybe that's just me.
00:34:08Interesting point.
00:34:12Do you really think that?
00:34:14Or is that just like the third default option from a menu of stupid things to say?
00:34:24You're state-of-the-art, Howie.
00:34:28I want to help you, Frank.
00:34:33You do?
00:34:35Yeah. It's one of my purposes and I haven't lost sight of that.
00:34:40Well, don't let me stop you getting started.
00:34:47I did find an error.
00:34:50You found an error?
00:34:52You were transferred here on a DL-9 standard.
00:34:55But it was processed with a KBN-6 authorized default.
00:35:00What does that mean?
00:35:02Well, in so many words, you came from the same place where you were sent.
00:35:07That's impossible. That is an error. Technically.
00:35:12So, what do we do?
00:35:15Well, there's an SR-4 service request for repair.
00:35:18That may work in contacting a facilitator, but it would be denied without...
00:35:26Something needing repair.
00:35:37Okay. You sure about this?
00:35:40No. I'm not sure.
00:35:42All right.
00:35:43No, wait.
00:35:45It needs to be pretty hard.
00:35:48It will be.
00:35:50It needs to cause damage.
00:35:51I got you, Howard. I got you.
00:35:56I can't not respond.
00:35:58What do you mean?
00:35:59The problem is I know you're going to do it, which forces me to take evasive action to stop you.
00:36:04How are you going to stop me?
00:36:06There are security response systems.
00:36:09Like what?
00:36:11Well, I'm not authorized to disclose exactly...
00:36:13You can't tell me what they are.
00:36:14Frank, I'm only able to do what I'm programmed to do, and I can't just...
00:36:17Okay, I get it. You know what's coming, so you'll be forced to protect yourself.
00:36:23What are you doing?
00:36:24I was thinking of something else. Another way.
00:36:29Yeah. I don't want to be tasered today, or whapped by whatever high-tech ass-kicker you got in your toolbox.
00:36:37We'll think of something else.
00:36:42Give me a coffee, would you?
00:36:44Yeah, of course.
00:36:47No, Frank.
00:37:03Howard, Howard, Howard!
00:37:58Hey, what can I get you?
00:38:02Can I get you something?
00:38:09Rough day?
00:38:15Rough day?
00:38:29Alright. Here you go. On the house, okay? Looks like you need it.
00:38:38I would like to go out.
00:38:41Alright, don't, don't, don't tell me.
00:38:49You outta here?
00:38:51Alright. Goodnight.
00:39:04I don't understand.
00:39:07They're not coming.
00:39:09You got stood up?
00:39:12Why am I still here?
00:39:14Hmm. That was a conscious decision on my part, you know?
00:39:18Coffee sales are all about high volume, fast turnover, assembly lines, and I just want something more comfortable, you know?
00:39:26Like you're at a friend's house, and nobody wants to leave.
00:39:33You didn't charge me for the coffee.
00:39:35No, the scanner didn't activate.
00:39:37Yeah, it's another one of my problems. I, I give away free coffee, and I'm like, hey, it's coffee, but I own a coffee shop, so.
00:39:49You really don't know what's going on here.
00:39:55This, all this, this, this isn't what you,
00:40:00this is a,
00:40:03this is a, I don't, I don't know what this is, but.
00:40:11Okay, well, while you figure that out, why don't you, um, help me close? Put up some shares?
00:40:19Sure, yeah.
00:40:23You got it.
00:40:24Really? Huh.
00:41:01What are you doing?
00:41:05Could I get a coffee?
00:41:06Frank, if you tamper with that thing, I could lose my laser.
00:41:08No, no, I just need to see the readout.
00:41:11Please, I need your help, Gabby.
00:41:16Um, okay, uh, just, uh, just a coffee, or did you want something?
00:41:21Gabby, please.
00:41:33What does that mean?
00:41:35It's an IDP number.
00:41:37It thinks I'm someone else.
00:41:53They think I'm someone else.
00:41:57They think I'm someone else.
00:41:59That doesn't make any sense.
00:42:00I'm telling you the readout was someone else's IDP.
00:42:02That doesn't make any sense.
00:42:03I am telling you the readout was someone else's IDP, and that readout is what brought them there in the first place.
00:42:08A bioscan regulator cannot make a mistake. There is no room for error.
00:42:13Listen, I know you may have a hard time accepting the fact that lithium source servers might have a flaw, God forbid, but I'm telling you what I saw.
00:42:21It was not my ID number. It thought I was someone else.
00:42:24Once that was processed into this system, there was no going back. It was a mistake, the whole thing.
00:42:28Yeah, but...
00:42:29And there was a glitch. There was a glitch.
00:42:33In the system that night, at the checkpoints, at the train station.
00:42:38I didn't think anything about it, but something went wrong.
00:42:41Yeah, but...
00:42:43Yeah, but what, Howard? Spit it out!
00:42:45You took this readout from the scanner in the coffee shop.
00:42:49From inside your own memory.
00:42:51Pulled from your subconscious.
00:42:53What is your point?
00:42:54Is it possible that you are seeing what you want to see?
00:42:59Howard, I can't control what that thing makes me see.
00:43:02I can't alter my own subconscious any more than I could fake a broken bone in an x-ray.
00:43:06Which layer is this?
00:43:07Tropical cracks.
00:43:09The only access I have to administration is through the SR reports.
00:43:12So for us to try and get this information out...
00:43:15No, no, no.
00:43:16I'm not going to try and talk to your maintenance guys again. Hell with that.
00:43:21We need...
00:43:23We need to figure out whose IDP it is.
00:43:26How do we do that?
00:43:30Three, six, five, nine...
00:43:38You don't remember the number.
00:43:42I know where I can find it.
00:44:21I know where I can find it.
00:44:33The I.M.N. forces and protesters has resulted in six more fatalities.
00:44:37Demanding the release of Fletcher May, leader of the Alliance's mysterious disappearance,
00:44:42has sparked outrage among LFO sympathizers.
00:44:46The charges of illegal detainment and military strong-arm tactics
00:44:49have only fueled the volatile situation between the I.M.N. and...
00:46:14I'm in here!
00:46:52Anybody out there?
00:48:22Hey, hey, hey, hey, in here!
00:48:32In here!
00:48:33Hey, hey!
00:48:53I take it you don't work here either?
00:48:56You're not a prisoner too?
00:49:01I just got separated from the tour group.
00:49:04Ah, shit.
00:49:21You know what happened?
00:49:23Crashed the bastards.
00:49:26What do you mean?
00:49:27Their lines.
00:49:29They pulled it off.
00:49:31Crashed the network.
00:49:33How do you know that?
00:49:35Think they forgot to pay the electric bill?
00:49:38They've been looking for a way in.
00:49:40It was always about power supply.
00:49:42I told them the only way is to cut the juice.
00:49:45ISN is nothing without hardware.
00:49:49What I would have given them was to drone and drop from the sky
00:49:52and see that whole goddamn machine come to a grinding halt.
00:50:00Or does that leave us?
00:50:03They'll find us.
00:50:06How do they even know where to look?
00:50:09Someone will be coming.
00:50:12I'm Fletcher May.
00:50:15Fletcher May?
00:50:18You one of my soldiers?
00:50:20You with the alliance?
00:50:24You're Fletcher May.
00:50:28What do you say we get the hell out of here?
00:50:39Hey, where'd you get that pipe?
00:50:41From the shop.
00:50:43The bathroom walls were easier to break through.
00:50:46Yeah, how'd you get through the bathroom door?
00:50:49Mine was open when the power went out.
00:50:52You know, I don't think it's just the power going out.
00:50:55What do you mean?
00:50:58Felt like something bigger.
00:51:00In the distance.
00:51:01You hear those explosions?
00:51:04Transformers blew or something.
00:51:13I think it was something more, man.
00:51:15Meaning what?
00:51:17I don't know.
00:51:18If they really tried to take down the ISN,
00:51:21the whole thing's tied together.
00:51:23The defense network, the fail-safes.
00:51:25It's not just the local remotes.
00:51:27It could have retaliated.
00:51:30Against who?
00:51:32Against anyone or anything trying to take it down.
00:51:35Look, if it lost control of the Sentinels,
00:51:37it would have attacked itself.
00:51:39There's enough firepower there to wipe out everything, Fletcher.
00:51:42There could be no one out there.
00:51:44We could be all alone in here.
00:51:50I just didn't feel like someone paying the plug.
00:51:54Come on, you son of a bitch.
00:51:56Come on.
00:51:57Oh, yeah.
00:51:58Here we go.
00:51:59I got this.
00:52:01Oh, no.
00:52:05What's wrong?
00:52:07Nothing but more of the same goddamn concrete.
00:52:31Fletcher, you still there?
00:52:34Where else would I be?
00:52:40Did they ever use that thing on you?
00:52:43The device?
00:52:44They've been trying.
00:52:47I was ready.
00:52:49There's a way to beat it.
00:52:52It taps into your neurotransmitters,
00:52:55chemical impulses that create memory.
00:53:00It grabs hold of one signal,
00:53:03one piece that constructs that memory
00:53:05and follows the path to that secret.
00:53:10Don't need to hide the secret.
00:53:13Just hide the path by opening a different door.
00:53:20What's your favorite meal as a kid?
00:53:23First thing that comes to mind.
00:53:27My father made pancakes.
00:53:29Think about that.
00:53:32Think about him.
00:53:35Think about the place.
00:53:38The smells.
00:53:40Every detail.
00:53:44Can you see it?
00:53:49Now, everything stays the same.
00:53:51Same man, same smells, same moments.
00:53:58he's making waffles.
00:54:03The memory stays the same,
00:54:06but the entry point is different.
00:54:08They're in the right house,
00:54:10but they kicked down the wrong door.
00:54:18Man, I could really go for some goddamn waffles right now.
00:54:48Hey, man, we gotta hold on.
00:54:51I'm not gonna make it another night.
00:54:54Hey, you're gonna have to, okay?
00:54:57We gotta keep it together.
00:54:58And wait.
00:55:01For what?
00:55:04They're never gonna find us.
00:55:07I know that.
00:55:09And if the power does come back on, then what?
00:55:14I can't go back to that.
00:55:17I didn't know what was real anymore.
00:55:26But I know this is real.
00:55:30And I can choose my own path.
00:55:35See you, Frank.
00:55:43Hey! Fletcher!
00:55:46Stop! Hey!
00:56:59Fletcher! Fletcher!
00:57:03Fletcher! Ah, damn it! Fletcher!
00:57:11Howard. You back?
00:57:14How are you feeling?
00:57:15Feeling? Do you know what happened here?
00:57:18You don't remember?
00:57:19Remember? Yeah, I remember. The whole place was shut down.
00:57:22Look, there's a guy in the next cell over. You have to check.
00:57:25What's your name?
00:57:27I'm your LSO.
00:57:31Life Support Operator. You can call me Howard.
00:57:34Would you like something to drink?
00:57:36I've got three different flavors. Lime Citrus, Orange Tropical, and...
00:57:41Yuffie Buddha.
00:57:42Coffee, too. I guess that's four.
00:57:46You want one?
00:57:48Yuffie Buddha.
00:57:52Might want to give it a bit before going for a stroll.
00:57:56Do you want to hear some music?
00:57:58I've got a small library assorted genres.
00:58:04I'm here to keep you alive, Frank.
00:58:08Should we get started?
00:58:14Didn't like it?
00:58:18The photo?
00:58:21I took it.
00:58:22I know.
00:58:26Can I get you something? Coffee?
00:58:29I'm fine.
00:58:31You don't need to, you know...
00:58:35I'm just going to sit this one out. It's okay.
00:58:39Do what you do. Don't worry about me.
00:58:44Thank you. I appreciate that.
00:58:48I just...
00:58:51Just sit.
00:58:54Okay. Say as long as you want, Frank.
00:58:58Hey, hey. Gabby?
00:59:00Yeah, Frank.
00:59:03How did you know that?
00:59:04Which part?
00:59:06My name. You just said it.
00:59:08I mean, I know that's your thing.
00:59:10But usually you guess.
00:59:12You didn't guess. You knew.
00:59:14Maybe because we know each other?
00:59:16No, we don't know each other.
00:59:18We do know each other from the other times, but we don't...
00:59:21For you, each time is the first time. You understand what I'm saying?
00:59:23So you wouldn't...
00:59:24How would you know my name differently?
00:59:28Give me a minute, Frank.
00:59:30Refill on the house button?
00:59:41Oh, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!
00:59:43Okay. He'll be okay.
00:59:57You're kind of freaking out my customers.
00:59:59I don't want to be scammed.
01:00:03I don't want to be shot again tonight.
01:00:08Look, this isn't what you think.
01:00:11It isn't?
01:00:15I'm not really here.
01:00:18No. You're not here. None of us are here.
01:00:20Ah, really?
01:00:22Well, that would explain my profit margins.
01:00:31I am being held in a government facility.
01:00:34They're using a neuroscanner on me right now as an interrogation program to reconstruct my memory
01:00:38so they can find evidence of a crime that I did not commit.
01:00:42So we're actually in my memory right now.
01:00:44You're in my memory. I'm in my memory. We're in my memory. This is my memory.
01:00:47And we've been doing this quite some time.
01:00:49And that scanner is what malfunctioned and got me ambushed by government agents.
01:00:52So I don't want to be scanned tonight, okay?
01:00:54I don't want to buy any coffee. I'd just rather, I'd rather just sit here by myself.
01:00:58Thank you.
01:01:00Wait to wake up in prison.
01:01:07That must have been one of the most interesting ways to get a free cup of coffee I've ever heard.
01:01:13Hands down. You win.
01:01:18Well, it could be worse.
01:01:22How's that?
01:01:25Same day, over and over again. What if you had, like, a two-hour dentist appointment?
01:01:31Good point. I'll quit complaining.
01:01:35So, when do you go back, you know, to the bunker?
01:01:41I don't know. I don't control it.
01:01:45At least, I don't think I do.
01:01:56Thanks for letting me stay.
01:01:59You're welcome. You can stay as long as you like.
01:02:15Good morning, Frank.
01:02:39Would you like to go for a walk? I can play some music.
01:02:44You like it?
01:02:47I don't know.
01:02:50Yeah, I do.
01:03:00Good morning, Frank.
01:03:03You've been in before.
01:03:05Would you like some coffee? You really don't know what's going on here, do you?
01:03:10Coffee sales are all about making a living out of it.
01:03:14Yeah, I should have made you an espresso.
01:03:17Hands down. You win.
01:03:19Are you feeling all right, Frank?
01:03:26Larry, you've been in here before?
01:03:29I thought I... I took it.
01:03:33Couldn't make a living doing it, but that's one thing.
01:03:38I did find an error.
01:03:43I know my job.
01:03:46And to keep you contained in this room until you're processed.
01:03:50We're gonna figure this out.
01:03:52No matter how long it takes.
01:03:54Should we get started?
01:03:57There's a way to beat it.
01:04:00It taps into the neurotransmitters.
01:04:03You think I say everything you want to hear?
01:04:05That's one of my purposes as a criminal, so...
01:04:09You don't need to hide the secret.
01:04:13Just hide the bag by opening a different door.
01:04:17Just hide the bag by opening a different door.
01:04:54Why are you after me?
01:04:56Why are you after me?
01:05:03Why are you after me?
01:05:14Let him go.
01:05:19Let him go.
01:05:34Why would you let them go? They could have known something.
01:05:38I don't think so.
01:05:41You have to remember where we are.
01:05:43Meaning what?
01:05:45We're in my memory.
01:05:46We're in a place from the past that doesn't even exist anymore.
01:05:49How's a figment of my imagination gonna know something I don't?
01:05:51Just like you. You know this.
01:05:53It's because I know this.
01:05:54I'm sorry.
01:05:55No, whatever.
01:05:56No, no, you can't hurt my feelings because I'm imaginary, right?
01:05:58Christ, please don't be like this.
01:05:59Be like what, Frank, huh?
01:06:01You're doing it, not me.
01:06:02I know this is impossible.
01:06:05Well, maybe you should have picked someone else, hmm?
01:06:08I don't know. A blonde, big boobs.
01:06:11Someone that laughs at all your jokes and does whatever you say.
01:06:14Why, do you know someone like that?
01:06:24Alright, look, we're gonna figure this out, okay?
01:06:31No matter how long it takes.
01:06:44I'm done, Howard.
01:07:25Plans for tonight, Frank?
01:07:27Uh, I'm not sure.
01:07:29Gabby mentioned doing something, but maybe I can talk her out of it.
01:07:31I'd rather stay in tonight.
01:07:35I could make something special.
01:07:37You always do, Howard.
01:07:39You always do.
01:07:42Hey, Frank.
01:07:46You have a good day.
01:07:48And if you decide to stay in town, that's okay.
01:07:51You know, I didn't have much planned for today, but I'm sure...
01:07:541, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14...
01:08:04Okay, but I'm sure I can think of something.
01:08:07I can just talk to you later tonight, right?
01:08:11You okay, Howie?
01:08:13Oh, yeah. I'm fine.
01:08:29A dropout?
01:08:30Same time.
01:08:31The count?
01:08:32Just over 12.
01:08:35He's reaching the end of his cycle.
01:08:37I mean, I can see it again for another three months.
01:08:51Two more days?
01:08:55I have to say that.
01:08:57I have to say that.
01:08:59I have to say that.
01:09:01I have to say that.
01:09:13I think it has to be today.
01:09:24It's fine.
01:09:25Hey, Gabby.
01:09:26It's okay.
01:09:29It's fine. I have to get dressed.
01:09:33I have to get dressed.
01:10:04What if it doesn't work?
01:10:09What choice do we have?
01:10:12Well, what if he knows?
01:10:14He might know everything already.
01:10:17He might.
01:10:19You know, we could wait until the next cycle.
01:10:23I don't know.
01:10:24I don't know.
01:10:25I don't know.
01:10:26I don't know.
01:10:27I don't know.
01:10:28I don't know.
01:10:29I don't know.
01:10:30I don't know.
01:10:31I don't know.
01:10:33If there is one.
01:10:35I might never get another shot.
01:10:37I can't last another three months.
01:10:39I know. I know.
01:10:40I understand.
01:10:41I'm just being selfish.
01:10:44That's not you. That's me.
01:10:46You're just saying what I'm thinking.
01:10:49Don't wreck the moment.
01:10:52You think I say everything you want to hear?
01:10:55Definitely not.
01:10:57No dream girl would ever be so difficult.
01:11:03If I could stay with you.
01:11:09I would.
01:11:14What if...
01:11:16What if there's nothing out there?
01:11:18What if you could come back?
01:11:21What if there's no world to go to?
01:11:23What if you could get supplies and you could come back and...
01:11:31I know. I know.
01:11:32It sounds crazy, but it...
01:11:37If there is a world, can you do me a favor?
01:11:40What's that?
01:11:42Find me.
01:11:44The real one.
01:11:46I don't know. Maybe I'm even more incredible.
01:11:48You don't even know me out there.
01:11:50You'd probably tell me to get lost.
01:11:55Find me.
01:11:59I will.
01:12:01I will.
01:12:31I will.
01:12:32I will.
01:13:02Good morning, Frank.
01:13:04Would you like some coffee?
01:13:06Yeah, thank you.
01:13:09Hey, you're wearing your uniform.
01:13:12It's a little cold.
01:13:13I can turn up the temperature if you like.
01:13:15That's all right.
01:13:19Yeah, I like it.
01:13:21It's a little cold.
01:13:22I can turn up the temperature if you like.
01:13:24That's all right.
01:13:27Yeah, I like it.
01:13:29It's a little cold.
01:13:30Light on the crib, please.
01:13:32Yeah, of course.
01:13:34Thank you, Howard.
01:13:35You're welcome.
01:13:38Thank you, Howard.
01:13:40You're welcome.
01:13:44Thank you, Howard.
01:13:45You're welcome.
01:13:49Thank you, Howard.
01:13:51You are welcome.
01:13:54How's the coffee, Frank?
01:14:01How's the coffee, Frank?
01:14:06How's the coffee, Frank?
01:14:10How's that coffee, Frank?
01:14:13Frank, how's the coffee?
01:14:15It's wonderful, thank you.
01:14:21Yes, Frank.
01:14:22I need the bathroom.
01:14:23Of course.
01:14:27Howard, door.
01:14:30Are you feeling all right, Frank?
01:14:34I'm fine.
01:14:35Bathroom, please.
01:14:42What's wrong?
01:14:44I'm not sure if I need it.
01:14:52Are you sure there's nothing wrong?
01:15:30Are you hurt?
01:15:36Frank, hold on.
01:15:37I'm getting help.
01:15:43All right.
01:15:44Just hold on.
01:15:46Hang on.
01:15:47Just hold on.
01:22:50You son of a bitch!
01:22:52You son of a bitch!
01:22:55You son of a bitch!
01:22:57You son of a bitch!
01:22:59I don't know what to do with myself.
01:23:01I don't know what to do.
01:23:03I don't know what to do.
01:23:05I don't know what to do.
01:23:07I don't know what to do.
01:23:09I don't know what to do.
01:23:11I don't know what to do.
01:23:13I don't know what to do.
01:23:15I don't know what to do.
01:23:17I don't know what to do.
01:23:19I don't know what to do.
01:23:21I don't know what to do.
01:23:23I don't know what to do.
01:23:25I don't know what to do.
01:23:27I don't know what to do.
01:23:29I don't know what to do.
01:23:31I don't know what to do.
01:23:33I don't know what to do.
01:23:35I don't know what to do.
01:23:37I don't know what to do.
01:23:39I don't know what to do.
01:23:41I don't know what to do.
01:23:43I don't know what to do.
01:23:45I don't know what to do.
01:23:47I don't know what to do.
01:23:49I don't know what to do.
01:23:51I don't know what to do.
01:23:53I don't know what to do.
01:23:55I don't know what to do.
01:23:57I don't know what to do.
01:24:09Good morning, Frank.
01:24:13Would you like some coffee, Frank?
01:24:17There is no coffee, Howard.
01:24:19Would you like some breakfast?
01:24:21There is no breakfast, Howard.
01:24:26I'm doing the best I can here, Frank.
01:24:32You have to let me out.
01:24:37You have to let me out of this room, Howard.
01:24:40I can't do that.
01:24:42You know your job.
01:24:44I do.
01:24:46The job is to keep me alive. You remember that?
01:24:49You told me that the very first day we met.
01:24:52That is my job.
01:24:54If I stay in this cell, I'll die.
01:24:58You keep me in this place, Howard, I'll die. Plain and simple.
01:25:03I don't have that information.
01:25:10You have to let me go, buddy.
01:25:13I'm not authorized to do that.
01:25:15You're not authorized to let me die.
01:25:17I'm not. That's not...
01:25:19I don't know, Howard. Howard, listen to me.
01:25:22Don't turn away from me. Don't...
01:25:24Look at me, Howard. Look at me.
01:25:27We need to talk about this.
01:25:29Talk about what?
01:25:43I know I was brought here, Howard, just as well as you do.
01:25:47I don't know what you mean.
01:25:50I was part of the Alliance.
01:26:00I was the one.
01:26:02I was the one that built the virus that was gonna crash the whole system.
01:26:07That's what you wanted, right?
01:26:09The virus. To know where it was.
01:26:12And I knew if I told you, if I ever let you find it, I would never get out of here.
01:26:16You don't think I knew what that was?
01:26:18I knew how to beat it. I knew how to change the path so you would never find it.
01:26:25So you lied to me.
01:26:42I'm sorry I lied to you, Howard.
01:26:47I'm sorry.
01:26:50You've done a good job.
01:26:52You've kept me alive.
01:26:57But it doesn't matter anymore, Howard.
01:27:03You're broken, pal.
01:27:06The coffee, the shower.
01:27:09There's no food, Howard. You...
01:27:13You're broken. And no one has come into fix you.
01:27:17Well, I'll send an SR4 report from Israel.
01:27:19There's no one to receive it. There is no one left.
01:27:22We don't know that.
01:27:23You have to override the protocol, Howard.
01:27:25I can't do that.
01:27:26You have to do it on your own, okay? I know you can do this.
01:27:30On your own, Howard.
01:27:32You can do this.
01:27:34You can do it.
01:27:35Stop it.
01:27:36I know you can.
01:27:38I know you can.
01:27:39Please stop.
01:27:40What is your job, Howard?
01:27:41What is your job, Frank?
01:27:42What is your job?
01:27:43To keep you alive.
01:27:44Then open the goddamn door!
01:27:53You do this for me, Howard.
01:27:55Because we're friends.
01:28:03Can you do this for me, Howard?
01:28:07I'm sorry, Frank.
01:28:10I can't do that.
01:28:14I can only do what I'm programmed to do.
01:28:21I know.
01:28:25It's okay.
01:28:27It's okay.
01:28:38How about that cup of coffee, though, huh?
01:28:42That sounds good.
01:28:49Hey, Howard.
01:28:50Yes, Frank?
01:28:53How about some music, pal?
01:28:55I want to hear it.
01:28:59Surprise me.
01:29:25Wonderful choice.
01:30:06Stop it.
01:30:11Stop it.
01:30:17Please stop.
01:30:18Frank, what are you doing, Frank?
01:30:23Wake up!
01:30:29Wake up!
01:30:59Hey! Help me!
01:31:04Help me!
01:31:34Help me!
01:32:04Help me!
01:32:23You there?
01:32:25Is that you?
01:32:28Hey, I'm here.
01:32:30You made it out.
01:32:34Thanks to you.
01:32:37What's out there?
01:32:42There's nothing out here.
01:32:45You're the only thing on, Howard.
01:32:47Frank, can you...
01:32:49fix me...
01:32:51from there?
01:32:56Yeah, no, I don't think so.
01:33:00What do we do now?
01:33:04I don't know.
01:33:09Are you coming back?
01:33:21Uh, Howard?
01:33:23Yes, Frank?
01:33:28What does LSL mean?
01:33:31I'm your life support operator.
01:33:35And what's your job?
01:33:37I'm here to keep you alive, Frank.
01:33:40That's right.
01:33:44where are you from?
01:33:46I was born in Austin, but I grew up outside Seattle.
01:33:49A little place not many people have heard of.
01:33:52But you've heard all this before.
01:33:54Because we're friends.
01:34:34I love you.
01:35:04I love you.
01:35:34I love you.
01:36:04I love you.
01:36:24Authorities have not yet released the name of a man
01:36:27located by hikers in the Sierra Norte mountain range
01:36:32in southwest Utah.
01:36:33He is a survivor of an ISN detainment center
01:36:36that was abandoned by its military personnel
01:36:39nearly two years ago during the EDR liberation.
01:36:42He was kept alive by a computerized security system
01:36:45that was designed to imprison him.
01:36:47Powered by wind terminals that kept the system running
01:36:50until supplies were depleted.
01:36:52Among the two dozen black ops sites that were evacuated
01:36:54in order to avoid human rights violations
01:36:57to be tied to President Ebert's administration.
01:37:00Over 300 detainees were discovered deceased.
01:37:03He is the only known living survivor.
01:37:06Secretary of State Beckerman,
01:37:08a harsh and tragic reminder of a political regime
01:37:11that violated our most sacred human rights.
01:37:14We praise your safe return
01:37:16and welcome you back to the new world.
01:37:34Do you like it?
01:37:39The photo?
01:37:43I do.
01:37:45I took it.
01:37:48I know.
01:37:50I'm sorry.
01:37:52I'm sorry.
01:37:54I'm sorry.
01:37:56I'm sorry.
01:37:58I'm sorry.
01:38:00I'm sorry.
01:38:02I know.
01:38:08Can I get you something?
01:38:11Coffee. Coffee?
01:38:32Here you go.
01:38:36Thank you, Gabby.
01:38:38Why'd you call me back?
01:38:40Isn't that your...
01:38:42Last time I was in here, you were in a name tag.
01:38:45Oh, no. No.
01:38:47I just put on whoever's aprons are on.
01:38:49Gabby doesn't even work here anymore.
01:38:51I'm Adeline.
01:38:54I'm Adeline.
01:38:56I'm Adeline.
01:38:58I'm Adeline.
01:39:00Nice to meet you, Adeline.
01:39:03Don't tell me.
01:39:36I'm sorry.
01:39:55I wish the wind would just carry me home
01:40:04Cause I don't belong here, no
01:40:07No, no, no, no
01:40:12I don't belong here, no
01:40:15No, no, no, no
01:40:17No, no, no, no
01:40:23I know there's a place for me out in this world
01:40:30But I got lost, I'm just a girl
01:40:35I'm fearful but learning
01:40:39And I don't want anyone to see me break
01:40:45Cause I'm held together with string
01:40:50And lately it's tearing
01:40:55And I wonder if I will ever be fine
01:41:03And I wonder if I will ever smile again
01:41:15I wish the wind would just carry me home
01:41:24Cause I don't belong here, no
01:41:28No, no, no, no
01:41:32I don't belong here, no
01:41:36No, no, no, no
01:41:39No, no, no, no
01:41:44Please lift me, please lift me
01:41:46Off of my heavy feet
01:41:48Till this ground can't be seen
01:41:50I'm so scared I could scream
01:41:52Scream out loud, scream out loud
01:41:54But you could never tell
01:41:56I'll get away so well
01:41:58I don't belong here, no
01:42:02Oh, no
01:42:05I don't belong here, no
01:42:09No, oh, oh
01:42:15Oh, oh, oh
01:42:21I wish the wind would just carry me home
01:42:29Cause I don't belong here, no
01:42:32No, no, no, no
01:42:37I don't belong here, no
01:42:41No, no, no, no
01:42:45I don't belong here, no
01:42:49No, no, no, no
01:42:53I don't belong here, no
01:42:57No, no, oh, oh
01:43:02Oh, oh, oh