Honto ni Atta! Noroi no Video vol 5 (sub english_spanish)

  • 2 days ago
5° volumen del universo de Honto ni Atta! Noroi no Video, disfruten, subtitulado al ingles y español.subscríbanse y denle like para más contenido. Ayudaría mucho. (Nota: La serie se divide en eras, y el nombre de cada era depende de la persona o las personas que las dirigieron, esta era es conocida como la era Nakamura-Suzuki.)

5th volume of the Honto ni Atta! Noroi no Video universe, enjoy, subtitled in English and Spanish.Subscribe and give a like for more content. It would help a lot. (Nota: The series is divided into eras, and the name of each era depends on the person or people who directed them, this era is known as the Nakamura-Suzuki era.)
00:00The following video is a derivative work of the Touhou Project.
00:05It may be disrespectful of character image.
00:10Please do not imitate.
00:15The following video is a derivative work of the Touhou Project.
00:18It may be disrespectful of character image.
00:26This video series introduces many mysterious images.
00:30This time, I would like you to see only what was shot as a school stage.
00:37This is a video of my appearance in kindergarten.
00:45My father was shooting the video.
00:48He saw what was going on.
00:54At that time, my father noticed.
00:58But it was terrible.
01:02He felt something bad.
01:05I didn't see it at all.
01:10But when I was in junior high school, I saw it when I was organizing the video.
01:20I may be overthinking it.
01:26But when I was in junior high school, I got a fever again.
01:33When I was in junior high school, I happened to see it with my brother.
01:38My brother also had a fever.
01:41At that time, my father was sleeping.
01:49This time, my mother and I also had a fever.
01:59I was a little scared.
02:14This is a video of the graduation ceremony of a high school student 15 years ago.
02:21This video is said to break your health every time you see it.
02:26What is reflected in this video?
02:39Everyone went to get their graduation certificates.
02:46I went to get it.
02:48The next person was a boy.
02:50When I went to get it, the cameraman took a picture of me one by one.
03:01When the next boy went to get it, I turned off the shutter.
03:08When the flash went out, I saw his face.
03:13After that, I saw his face again.
03:17It was a normal person's face.
03:20He didn't look surprised.
03:22He looked like he was in a good mood.
03:25It was a little different from what I saw when I was in junior high school.
03:31When I saw his face in junior high school, his face was very clear and big.
03:41But when I saw his face in junior high school, his face was very thin and small.
03:52My mother also said the same thing.
03:57She said it was different.
04:01What is reflected in this video?
04:09A mysterious person's face that appears in a flash.
04:14As time goes by, it becomes thinner and smaller.
04:20If there is a cause for the abnormality in the person's physical condition,
04:26it is said that the person's physical strength has weakened.
04:32Let's take a look.
04:35Please pay attention to the bottom left of the screen when the cameraman's flash is turned on.
04:50Please pay attention to the bottom left of the screen when the cameraman's flash is turned on.
05:01Did you understand?
05:03Certainly, in the flash, you can see something round like the outline of a person's face.
05:20What is reflected in this video?
05:24A mysterious person's face that appears in a flash.
05:29As time goes by, it becomes thinner and smaller.
05:33If there is a cause for the abnormality in the person's physical condition,
05:38it is said that the person's physical strength has weakened.
05:43Let's take a look.
05:51What is reflected in this video?
06:02Nice to meet you. My name is Yuji Okubo.
06:06In the music room below this school where I live,
06:11there is a portrait of Mozart.
06:16It is said that his eyes move.
06:19I will set up a camera.
06:23It is a portrait of Mozart.
06:27It is said that the student who had his eyes is sad.
06:33It is said that the student who had his eyes is sad.
06:36I will check it with my own eyes.
06:46This is a video sent to the staff by the students themselves
06:52to verify the rumors of the mysterious phenomenon in the school.
06:59I'm on the stairs now.
07:08The camera set up by the students in the music room
07:11continues to capture the portrait of Mozart.
07:17Will his eyes move?
07:24As a result of the camera,
07:27Mozart's eyes couldn't move.
07:31I don't think there is any replacement.
07:36I heard the sound of the piano in the music room.
07:41I heard the sound of the piano in the music room.
07:46When I went there, no one was there.
07:49When I went there, no one was there.
07:53The school was about to close.
07:57But I heard the sound.
08:01The sound of the piano echoed in the music room in the middle of the night.
08:06What does it mean?
08:10Is the soul of the great composers of the past living there?
08:16Is the soul of the great composers of the past living there?
08:21What does it mean?
08:27In our middle school,
08:30there is a rumor that ghosts appear in the incinerator.
08:35I'm going to prove it now.
08:39Let's go.
08:42Let's go.
08:44I'm scared.
08:47In our middle school,
08:50there is a rumor that ghosts appear in the incinerator.
08:55The rumor is that
08:58a young man was burned to death there.
09:02When you open the lid at night,
09:05you can see the face of the young man.
09:10However, the incinerator is no longer in use.
09:14Few people go near the incinerator behind the school.
09:19Is this where the light hits?
09:22I'm scared.
09:25I'm scared.
09:28Don't be scared.
09:31I'm scared.
09:33I'm scared.
09:37This is the oldest one.
09:39Is this the incinerator?
09:41This is the oldest one.
09:43I'm scared.
09:45I'm scared.
09:47There is a nose.
09:49There is a nose.
09:51Wait a minute.
09:53Wait a minute.
09:55Don't do this.
09:57Don't do this.
09:59Don't do this.
10:02Don't do this.
10:07I'm scared.
10:14What is this?
10:19There is nothing here.
10:22There is nothing here.
10:27What is this place?
10:29I'm scared because I'm alone.
10:34Something seems to come out.
10:38I'm scared.
10:41This is a new one.
10:44Turn around.
10:46Wait a minute.
10:51How many years has it been?
10:54What is that bag?
10:56It doesn't matter.
10:59It doesn't matter.
11:02Something seems to come out.
11:04Something seems to come out.
11:21The staff was guided to the incinerator by the three people who took the video.
11:27They were able to talk to them.
11:32They were able to talk to them.
11:35When did you take that video?
11:39When I was in junior high school.
11:42Did you really take that video?
11:46Is that it?
11:53Did you hear rumors that someone's face would be on the video?
11:57It was a rumor in the school.
11:59We were just kidding.
12:02Then, it was on the video.
12:04It was a rumor in the school.
12:06Everyone was talking about it.
12:09I thought it was true, so I took the video.
12:11Then, it was on the video.
12:13What is that?
12:16It's in the middle.
12:19A white man was on the video.
12:24It was big and slanted.
12:29Didn't you notice it at that time?
12:31I didn't notice it at all.
12:33Did you notice it after watching the video?
12:35I noticed it after watching the video.
12:37But if I turn on the light, it won't be on the video.
12:41This is the old one, and this is the new one.
12:49So, the old one was on the chimney.
12:52It was on the video.
12:55After the flashlight hit the chimney, the old one disappeared.
12:58It's like a face on the chimney.
13:02Is it true that a man was killed secretly here?
13:09Turn around.
13:11I'm waiting.
13:16How many years has it been?
13:19What is that bag?
13:21It doesn't matter, does it?
13:23It doesn't matter.
13:30This is the new one.
13:33Turn around.
13:35I'm waiting.
13:40How many years has it been?
13:43What is that bag?
13:45It doesn't matter, does it?
13:47Turn around.
13:49I'm waiting.
13:51How many years has it been?
13:53What is that bag?
13:55It doesn't matter, does it?
13:57It doesn't matter.
13:59The old one was on the video.
14:05The new one was on the video.
14:16This is a video taken in a lecture called
14:19The Ethnic Studies in Life held at a culture center.
14:24I asked the staff of the culture center.
14:29There was a communication system for people who had a day off or who were in the countryside.
14:35We used that system to send messages.
14:37We also used it as a recording device.
14:42The teacher was actually standing right here.
14:48As soon as the teacher moved,
14:52as you can see here, there was a window.
14:56As soon as the teacher moved,
15:00a white spot like a hand was visible.
15:07Then it disappeared again.
15:09There were a lot of students and a teacher.
15:14I think you can see it from anywhere.
15:18At that time, there was no one other than the teacher.
15:22After that, everyone was sitting on this side and listening.
15:26It's a little strange that you can only see that hand.
15:33An incomprehensible hand reflected in the window for a moment.
15:35However, it is unthinkable that there was someone outside the window.
15:41It looks like it's just above and below this window.
15:45There was no place for people to stand outside the window of the classroom where the video was taken.
15:50So where did this hand come from?
15:52What did it appear for?
15:54I'm a little worried about this.
15:57After that, the teacher took a break.
16:01There was a time when I couldn't get in touch with him.
16:05After that, the teacher also stopped working.
16:09After that, I tried to ask him again,
16:12but I couldn't get in touch with him.
16:16I wonder if it was because of that day that something happened.
16:24A few days after the video was taken, the university professor went missing.
16:28Is it because he was led by this hand?
16:32It's a very long story.
16:37A basket.
16:39There's a basket, right?
16:42It's a basket that separates the inside and the inside.
16:48What is this basket?
16:55It's a basket.
16:57When you say a basket, it becomes a basket.
17:03The basket becomes a basket.
17:12What is this basket?
17:19It's a basket.
17:21When you say a basket, it becomes a basket.
17:27The basket becomes a basket.
17:31What day is it today?
17:34September 18th.
17:36Today is the day of the Kaiware Daikon.
17:39It's the Japan Kaiware Association.
17:42Next, let me introduce a very mysterious sound that got in the way of a junior high school radio broadcast.
17:50I was able to listen to the story in detail in the broadcast room where the broadcast actually took place.
17:57It's a tape that I play at lunchtime every day.
18:02There's a voice of someone I don't know.
18:05I think it's a voice of a boy.
18:09I don't know if it's a boy.
18:12I don't know if it's a boy.
18:16I think it's a voice of a boy.
18:21I was eating lunch with everyone in the classroom.
18:27A student said,
18:29I couldn't hear anything.
18:33I thought it was strange.
18:36I listened to the tape again later.
18:41I'm sure there's something in there.
18:53Can you see it?
18:55Over there,
18:58another member said he saw something.
19:03Is it a rumor?
19:05Yes, everyone knows.
19:09I've never actually seen it, but when I'm broadcasting every day, I feel like I'm being watched.
19:16That's when I felt like I was being watched.
19:19When I'm broadcasting, I always look at the window light.
19:24When you go to the microphone in the broadcast room, you can see the shrine from the window.
19:31This mysterious experience of the shrine has been around for a long time.
19:36I'm a graduate of this school.
19:41It's been about eight years.
19:44There was a story like this at the time.
19:47I was sitting in this chair at the broadcasting department.
19:53I was also an announcer.
19:57At that time, I felt strange.
20:03There's been a story since then.
20:06I think there's been a story like this for a long time.
20:13A man in a military uniform is standing next to the shrine and looking at me.
20:25A man in a military uniform is standing next to the shrine and looking at me.
20:31There are many other graduates of this school who have seen this figure.
20:42This shrine has existed here before the war.
20:46It's not a shrine dedicated to the war victims.
20:50I can see the shrine.
20:54It's not a school site.
20:57It's just a temporary site.
21:00A man in a military uniform standing next to the shrine and an incomprehensible sound in this broadcast.
21:06What do these two have to do with each other?
21:10It used to be a middle school.
21:13Young people used to train here.
21:19It's a ground now, but they used to shout and train here.
21:27The creepy sound recorded on the tape is...
21:32If you listen to the principal's story and think about it now,
21:37It may be a shout when he was a soldier.
21:41A man in a military uniform standing next to the shrine and an incomprehensible sound in this broadcast.
21:50What day is it today?
21:53Today is September 18th, the day of the Daikon radish.
21:58This is the PR day of the Japanese Daikon Radish Association.
22:03September is the month when the association was opened.
22:07The reason why the number 18 is the number 8 and the number 1 is the number of Daikon radish.
22:18Look forward to tomorrow.
22:20Finally, there is a health examination today.
22:24Please gather in front of the infirmary at 1.30 p.m.
22:42September is the month when the association was opened.
22:46The reason why the number 18 is the number 8 and the number 1 is the number of Daikon radish.
23:04September is the month when the association was opened.
23:12This was taken behind the gymnasium where the ceremony was held right after the entrance ceremony of a junior high school.
23:19I heard the story from a high school student.
23:22After the entrance ceremony, I borrowed a video from my father.
23:27I borrowed the video and took it with my friend.
23:31I became a cameraman and took it.
23:33At first, I was very excited.
23:35I thought it was a commemorative video and brought it home.
23:40At that time, I didn't know anything.
23:42After a while after entering school, I heard that if I took a picture or video of this school, it would be reflected.
23:53I went home and watched it again.
23:57When I went home and watched the video again, it said that something mysterious was reflected there.
24:04At first, I didn't know anything.
24:06Something was reflected, but I didn't know at all.
24:10So I stopped for a moment and looked closely.
24:14I didn't know if it was a woman's face or a man's face, but a person was reflected.
24:18After that, the students heard a rumor about this gym from a graduate of this school.
24:2530 years ago, a woman fell off the balcony on the second floor of the gym by accident.
24:37She broke her neck and died on the floor of the gym.
24:43That's what I heard.
24:48Is there anything to do with the face of the girl who died in the gym in the past and the face of the person who was reflected in the video?
24:56I want you to pay attention to the shoulder of the woman when the camera is turned to the woman on the left.
25:03It's crazy, isn't it?
25:05I've been to about seven places.
25:08Isn't it okay?
25:10I'm taking a video.
25:12Only half of it is in the video.
25:14I'm sorry.
25:19It's embarrassing.
25:21Don't be embarrassed.
25:25I can hear the music.
25:30I think it's good.
25:34What is that?
25:37I'm scared.
25:40I'm taking a video.
25:44I can hear the music.
25:49I think it's good.
25:53What is that?
25:56I'm taking a video.
26:00I can hear the music.
26:05I think it's good.
26:11I think it's good.
26:27In the middle of the night, I saw something mysterious in the window where no one should be.
26:33The staff, who learned that there was a school where such rumors did not stop, decided to talk to the information provider, who was actually the witness, at the scene.
26:45I always use this parking lot.
26:47It's the door of the middle school you can see from here.
26:52Is that it?
26:54Yes, it's near there.
26:56I saw a faint light over there.
27:05I didn't see it from the back, but when I looked at it for a while, it disappeared.
27:13It was a little late at night, so I couldn't imagine that there were people around that time.
27:19I was always worried about that area, and it was unpleasant.
27:26How many times did you see it?
27:28I've seen it a few times.
27:35Isn't it a person?
27:38It looks like a person, and it looks like a neck that no one can see.
27:46It looks like a shadow of a person.
27:49Is it shining?
27:51It's shining.
27:53It's a little bluish light.
27:57I couldn't see the light.
28:01It wasn't in the back?
28:03No, it wasn't.
28:06It's like the light is getting weaker.
28:08It's like the light is getting weaker.
28:11A shadow of a blue-and-white light that I saw in the window.
28:15I asked the painter to draw it.
28:18Is this the window?
28:20This is the door over there.
28:24It looked like this.
28:29This is the shadow of a person.
28:35This is the shadow of a person.
28:39It's like a shadow of a blue-and-white light around here.
28:44It's like a shadow of a blue-and-white light around here.
28:48I don't think it looks like that in the front.
28:53Is it moving?
28:55I think it's moving vaguely.
29:00The shadow of a window is famous in this area.
29:04I was able to hear a similar sighting from a person living near the school.
29:09I think it was around 3 minutes after the sun set.
29:13When I was walking with my dog,
29:16I saw a shadow of a person in the third-floor window.
29:23It appeared and disappeared.
29:27My daughter said she saw it once or twice.
29:31Many of my friends say they saw it.
29:34They say they saw it today or tomorrow.
29:36They say they saw it today or tomorrow.
29:38That's how popular it is now.
29:42I was able to ask the students about the window of the school.
29:48It's a science room, isn't it?
29:50For example, isn't it the light of an emergency exit?
29:55I don't think so.
29:56I don't think so.
29:57Unless you turn on the light, it doesn't change.
30:01It's pitch black at night.
30:03Is the science room scary?
30:05The science room is scary.
30:07It's scary and creepy.
30:09At night?
30:11Can you go to the science room at night?
30:14Yes, I can.
30:16It's scary all the time.
30:18A person named Tomonori committed suicide.
30:21Rumor has it that the shadow appears at night.
30:30It's famous at school.
30:33That's what everyone says.
30:37There are many witnesses.
30:39What is the mysterious shadow in the window?
30:46To find out, the staff asked them to cooperate.
30:50They decided to shoot in the science room at night.
30:57Will the camera be able to capture Tomonori, who was said to have committed suicide at this school in the past?
31:15To find out, the staff asked them to cooperate.
31:25The staff also decided to shoot the window of the problem from the parking lot where Mr. Yamashita saw the shadow.
31:34At 9.44 a.m., the school was completely quiet.
32:04At 9.44 a.m., the school was completely quiet.
32:13Did you see the blue-white light peeking out of the window of the door on the right side of the screen?
32:20At the same time, the outside camera could not see any change.
32:31Let's see it again.
32:33Please pay attention to the blue-white light peeking out of the window of the door from left to right.
33:04Is this the face of Tomonori?
33:21This is a home video taken when I was playing with a child at an elementary school.
33:36Is this a home video?
33:40This is a home video taken when I was playing with a child at an elementary school.
33:49So I came here to play with a child.
33:55I often come here because it is close to my house.
33:58I thought it was beautiful because there were many flowers in the garden behind the iron bar.
34:08I turned the camera around there and went home.
34:19At that time, I was filming from a distance in the middle of the school.
34:30I heard a voice.
34:33No one was there.
34:36It was in the evening, so no one was there.
34:40There was a distance between me and my wife.
34:45It was not the voice of my wife or my child.
34:48I don't know what to say.
34:51I took a video and heard my own voice.
34:55It was the same voice as my own voice.
34:59Did you hear someone near you?
35:02I felt like someone was talking next to me when I was filming.
35:11It was a man's voice.
35:13It was a different voice from my husband's voice.
35:17It was a man's voice that sounded right next to the camera.
35:21However, when I was filming, I heard that there was no one in the school except for three family members.
35:27Then, where did this mysterious voice come from?
35:41Let's do it again.
36:04Are you okay?
36:11Are you okay?
36:21Are you okay?
36:25Are you okay?
36:29Are you okay?
36:40Are you okay?
36:48This video was recorded at a school gymnasium.
36:52It was a school play.
36:58I was able to talk to a student.
37:01This girl was in the third grade two years ago.
37:06I was taking a video of the school play.
37:11Then, it started normally.
37:16However, when I watched it again and again,
37:20there were strange white things and unusual images.
37:28I was a little surprised.
37:32It was a white object that was reflected during the filming of the play.
37:37Not only the audience, but also the children who were supposed to be right next to it.
37:42At that time, no one noticed.
37:46I got off the plane and went to dance.
37:50Then, I saw a white object on the video.
37:58I felt like I was being peeped at at the edge of the stage.
38:08It was completely white.
38:11There was a white shadow.
38:18The white shadow appeared for a moment and disappeared immediately.
38:23There were people around me who were filming.
38:27It was a strange image.
38:37The light was on, but it was different from that.
38:45I felt like I was being peeped at.
38:52A white shadow peeking at the stage from the sleeve.
38:56It looked like a child.
39:01The bright light shining on the stage and the lively atmosphere of the stage
39:06made me think that the soul of a child who loves to act had appeared.
39:27A white shadow peeking at the stage and the lively atmosphere of the stage
39:32made me think that the soul of a child who loves to act had appeared.
39:37A white shadow peeking at the stage and the lively atmosphere of the stage
39:41made me think that the soul of a child who loves to act had appeared.
39:46A white shadow peeking at the stage and the lively atmosphere of the stage
39:52A white shadow peeking at the stage and the lively atmosphere of the stage
39:57made me think that the soul of a child who loves to act had appeared.
40:02A white shadow peeking at the stage and the lively atmosphere of the stage
40:07made me think that the soul of a child who loves to act had appeared.
40:13『A young man standing on the left side of the stage. Please pay attention to the left side even further. 』
40:19『A young man standing on the left side of the stage. Please pay attention to the left side even further. 』
40:42The reason I became a basketball player is because I love basketball and I practice basketball every day, every day, on my days off and on my days off.
41:13This is a video tape from 1990.
41:18It was taken at an elementary school to put it in a time capsule.
41:23It was taken in March 2000.
41:26It was the first time in 10 years that a video tape was taken.
41:31I asked a classmate who was also a classmate at the time.
41:3610 years ago, each student was talking to the camera with the theme of me 10 years later.
41:52I put it in a time capsule.
41:55It was 10 years ago, so it was a day before the graduation ceremony in 1990.
42:06It was the day before the graduation ceremony.
42:09I was doing kanji, and everyone was gathering.
42:15At that time, I happened to open the time capsule.
42:20I saw it for the first time at the izakaya ceremony.
42:26There was something strange in the face of one person.
42:41It was a girl named Takako Ohashi.
42:48Her face was distorted for a moment.
42:56I don't know what to say.
43:00Only her face was distorted.
43:06Everyone was surprised to see it.
43:09It was only for a moment.
43:11I tried to rewind the video several times, but only one part was distorted.
43:19The girl who was distorted said,
43:22She said she did it with a classmate.
43:25There was a girl who didn't come.
43:28It was Takako Ohashi.
43:31I was doing kanji, so I called her.
43:35I couldn't get in touch with her until the end.
43:41I looked it up.
43:44After we graduated, we were separated in junior high school.
43:50When I was in junior high school, I was provoked by my family.
43:59I didn't know what to do.
44:02By chance, Takako Ohashi had a strange face.
44:07So I was worried.
44:11I don't know why.
44:14Takako Ohashi's face was distorted.
44:18Maybe she was worried about her family.
44:25I asked a class teacher at the time.
44:29I took a picture of myself 10 years later with a blackboard.
44:42What did you take a picture of?
44:45I had a camera with me.
44:51I didn't have many black-and-white friends.
45:05I didn't have any friends to hang out with.
45:10Sometimes I played the piano in the recording room.
45:15Of course, I did it alone.
45:18I didn't have any friends to hang out with.
45:24You were in the army for 5 or 6 years.
45:29I was in the army for 2 years.
45:35Are you a quiet and inconspicuous type?
45:39You don't say anything.
45:42You have to talk to people.
45:46Takako Ohashi's face in the video.
45:49How does she look in the video?
45:55It's hard to express.
45:58She's distorted, but she's staring at me.
46:05That's amazing.
46:07That's why I noticed.
46:10She's staring at me.
46:13Did you notice that, too?
46:16Yes, I did.
46:19It's a little scary.
46:23It's creepy.
46:25Didn't you make that face?
46:28No, I didn't.
46:30When I make that face, I do it again.
46:36I don't know how to express it.
46:39Takako Ohashi's face in the video.
46:43It's not normal.
46:46The distorted face in the video.
46:49She's staring at me.
46:52What does that face have to do with her missing?
47:00Let's take a look.
47:02You can't see any abnormalities in the video of anyone other than Ohashi.
47:32Takako Ohashi's face in the video.
47:48My future dream is to be a piano teacher.
47:53I want to be a teacher who is kind to everyone and loved by everyone.
47:59My mother is also a piano teacher, so I want to practice the piano with her.
48:19I want to practice singing and play the piano.
48:29I want to write and play my own songs and let everyone listen to them.
49:00Takako Ohashi's face in the video.
49:03Did you notice that her face looked strangely distorted for a moment?
49:10My future dream is to be a piano teacher.
49:15I want to be a teacher who is kind to everyone and loved by everyone.
49:22My mother is also a piano teacher, so I want to practice the piano with her.
49:41I want to practice singing and play the piano.
49:51I want to write and play my own songs and let everyone listen to them.
50:14Takako Ohashi's face in the video.
50:16Takako Ohashi's face in the video.
