• last year
| Action, Adventure, Drama, Romance | 1960 |

Centuries ago in the Orient, the fiscal exactions on the people lead to a revolt against the usurper of the throne, and the empowerment of a new leader.


• Directed by: Tanio Boccia
• Written by: Tanio Boccia
• Starring: Gianna Maria Canale, Rik Battaglia, Irène Tunc, Edda Ferronao
• Produced by: Giuliano Simonetti
• Music by: Giovanni Fassino
• Cinematography: Vincenzo Seratrice
• Edited by: Mario Sansoni


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00:02:46My son you must be hungry aren't you I'll give you something to eat
00:02:55You're always fussing over me as if I was still a child
00:03:00The same old soup, but by luck I caught some good fish today
00:03:16Brave Omar teach us to use weapons as you once did is it true that when you lived in the city of the Golden
00:03:22Domes there was no one there who could overcome you with any weapon
00:03:25Yes, but then certain situations arose there which forced me to make a decision between liberty or my own dishonor
00:03:34I chose to be free
00:03:36that is the reason I fled from that city and
00:03:40Escaped the reach of a fire you suffer there
00:04:02Like deliver us all from the usurper of your anger if you valued your life thieves and bandits
00:04:20Stand apart all of you keep your distance
00:04:22Welcome my lord and master
00:04:24What is the matter with my valiant officers here?
00:04:27I myself have to rush across my own territory to suppress a miserable band of slaves
00:04:32Magnificent a car who better than you would be able to ensure a victory for your own warriors
00:04:37Remember Dakar the future of your kingdom depends entirely on you and
00:04:43There is no one as exceptional as yourself Dakar when it comes to being an expert swordsman
00:04:49Take the word of a faithful slave who is motivated solely by profound devotion. I know Rato. I know
00:04:56You're one of the few trustworthy persons in this court filled with secret traitors
00:05:30This palace is empty without you I
00:05:33Had hoped that your first thought would have been only for me
00:05:36Not for those others
00:05:39Could I have remissed in any way to have deserved so much neglect put it out of your mind in as I
00:05:48Think only of you
00:05:50You don't know what torment it was for me to be without you while I was gone so long
00:05:55Well now there is no more torment for you. Are you dispersed to receive the administrators of your provinces now?
00:07:04My lord
00:07:04Deign to accept with favor these fruits grown to bring joy to your dinner table and these gems a
00:07:11Contribution loyally offered from the foremost of your provinces
00:07:19My weavers have created for you these magnificent brocades any gold
00:07:24Maybe you've forgotten the gold the gold is here. My lord. I always say for the last moment the best thing
00:07:35First skillfully prepared and here is what was collected from the cell of our animals this year
00:07:42Come back to you defrauding embezzler
00:07:47You believe this tribute be satisfactory
00:07:51By the last time you paid in threefold what this is perhaps you think I am blind
00:07:55No, my lord
00:07:56The province I administer is the poorest of all this year the harvest had been very meager and many animals perished because of the drought
00:08:02Don't try to fool me with excuses
00:08:05If you value your head be sure that in the future your harvests are gathered in abundance and the animals are alive and healthy
00:08:11Or else I should have to kill you
00:08:14Now get out
00:08:20Don't let your anger spoil your return
00:08:25I have kept aside until the last the tribute worth most of all
00:08:29More than gold much more than gold the devoted administrator of one of your outlying provinces
00:08:35While suppressing a tribe in rebellion has gathered for you a flower worthy of a royal pleasure garden
00:09:30Forgive your worries by having spared such dazzling beauty reserving a solely for your pleasure
00:09:45Never before this moment has it been so easy for me to pardon anyone
00:09:53Your great beauty eclipses the rays of sunlight
00:09:59But can you give a name to such splendor as this? Yes, surely my lord. Her name is Fatima
00:10:05Shining in the sky as the Morning Star
00:10:09Here is a woman worthy to stand at my side
00:10:13You have nothing what you can offer to me
00:10:16You who have robbed me of everything and I have nothing to ask of a bandit who killed my father my mother and my brother
00:10:24Since when they I ask as the great Dakar let one who insulted him go unpunished for it
00:10:29I didn't expect you to greet me with something birds today
00:10:34But I am patient. I am going to tame you
00:10:53Look at me you are plotting your own misfortune and I can foretell it in your eyes
00:10:59Take care. You'll find to your sorrow that you are cherishing a serpent
00:11:11You're too good for me
00:11:14Let's see now dear if you're as hard to beat with bow and arrow
00:11:16All right on condition the target be set at no less than 50 pace. I'll even give you 60
00:11:23No, no, neither 50 nor 60 paces will do how many times do I have to repeat to you that an arrow doesn't strike into
00:11:31A target with force at more than 40 paces
00:11:35Then make it 40 agreed
00:11:45Both are magnificent that dear you're almost as good as I was when I was your age
00:11:51One of these days I bet I can beat him
00:11:54I'm sure of it. Don't you believe it? No one can beat that there
00:11:59You must get some rest now my son
00:12:02Let us go home
00:12:04Well, what is it Nadia my son don't tell me you are exhausted after those exercises you took a while ago
00:12:13You are capable of enduring more difficult trials than that
00:12:17It is not difficult
00:12:20It is not difficult
00:12:23It is not difficult
00:12:26It is not difficult
00:12:29It is not difficult
00:12:31Difficult trials and that
00:12:34It is not my body that is tired. I see it is your mind whose thoughts fly far away
00:12:41And this is what disturbs me
00:12:45I've raised you as if you were my son
00:12:47Tell me what's wrong in my mind
00:12:49I often wander far beyond the horizons of this wretched village
00:12:52Attracted as by a vision to that far city of golden domes the one you've told me so much about since I was a little
00:13:00This city is rich with palaces and gardens but you would be unable to enjoy there all the liberty that you are used to here
00:13:07As I have often told you before the man who rules there owes his power to a band of mercenaries who are utterly unscrupulous
00:13:14And he dominates by filling the prisons with those who are innocent or merely guilty of having rebelled against his immoderate thirst for riches
00:13:23The populace puts up with this for so long isn't there any man who is able to relieve his subjects from such oppression?
00:13:30No man exists
00:13:33But it is still much too early for him to undertake such an overwhelming burden
00:13:37Dearest Fatima, allow your faithful Katisha to stay here beside you always and give you consolation
00:14:05However, the joy of being here with you may be overcome by the sorrow of seeing you tormented and in despair
00:14:13In all this misfortune your faithful attendance has been a great comfort to me
00:14:19The moment I heard that you had been brought here to live at the palace I insisted on taking care of you as your personal handmaiden
00:14:26A long time ago I was happy and carefree living in your father's kingdom
00:14:31What brought you to this place?
00:14:34They overran us in thousands, they were like furies unleashed on us
00:14:39Not a single one of our men survived the Caliphate
00:14:43They also slaughtered many of the women
00:14:46But they kept for themselves only those who were the most beautiful
00:14:52We share a sad lot in common, faithful Katisha, but rather than live at the side of a murderer I'd prefer to die for it
00:14:58Do not despair my princess, the Ka has many enemies even within these very walls
00:15:04You shall not stay for long inside here
00:15:09What do you mean? Is it possible to get away?
00:15:13I think it is, I know how it is done
00:15:27Come on, let's go
00:15:50Come on, let's go
00:15:54Don't make a move
00:15:57Don't make a move
00:16:05Let him go, the one we're looking for is not here
00:16:23Omar, speak to me Omar, what have they done to you?
00:16:36Nothing, nothing my son
00:16:40Nothing at all
00:16:43As you can see I'm still alive
00:16:48If they have done you any harm I would never forgive myself
00:16:52But why attach any importance to the life of an old man like myself?
00:16:58It was for you that I was afraid
00:17:01Here I am good people, I have all kinds of wares for your inspection
00:17:05Clothes for trouble, drinks, fishing at the beach
00:17:09I have everything you need
00:17:12I have everything you need
00:17:15I have everything you need
00:17:18I have everything you need
00:17:21I have everything you need
00:17:25I have everything you need
00:17:28Clothes for trouble, drinks, fishing at the beach
00:17:33We are burdened with misfortune, this is the third village of miserable ragpickers that we've run up against in this journey
00:17:39Now these ladies may bring us some business
00:17:41Look at the beautiful materials I've brought to make dresses for you
00:17:44Bring out something for these ladies to see
00:17:46I have the best quality merchandise for women's wear here
00:17:49You're wasting your time with us peddler, we have more urgent need of other things here
00:17:54Just look around you
00:17:55You mean the mercenaries came even here?
00:17:58And by any chance were some of you hiding the princess?
00:18:00Who is this princess?
00:18:02Omar was right when he said he knew them
00:18:04Those plunderers were mercenaries sent by Dakar
00:18:06Yes, they were searching for the royal princess Fatima
00:18:10Who fled from the evil clutches of that tyrant
00:18:12They're looking into every single nook and cranny of all the village
00:18:15It would be best then if you didn't wander too far away
00:18:17Don't worry, I am able to defend myself from every possible danger
00:18:25Let's go
00:19:25Let's go
00:19:55Let's go
00:20:12Here, put this over her
00:20:17Who is she? Did she tell you her name?
00:20:19There wasn't any way I could speak to her
00:20:21She was lying in a boat being swept by the current toward the rapids
00:20:23She would certainly have been drowned if I hadn't got to her in time
00:20:30Who are you?
00:20:32His name is Nadir, there is no lad braver than he in all the land
00:20:35Now while you lie there and look at him, I'll go and prepare something for you to eat
00:20:39Come with me
00:20:41I'm coming
00:20:44Tell us what we can do to make you comfortable my daughter
00:20:48Our house is a humble one and all our resources are limited
00:20:51Yet everything we have is always at the disposal of our visitors
00:20:55In a modest house one is often received royally, as here
00:21:00Your courteous generosity would put a prince to shame
00:21:04Your manner of speaking is that which a princess uses
00:21:08Are you by chance Fatima?
00:21:11Fatima, why, yes that is my name
00:21:15How did you know who I was?
00:21:17I didn't know who you were but I put two and two together and I came to the right conclusion
00:21:23What are you two talking about? And hurry
00:21:26Those soldiers of Dakkar are sifting the countryside in their search for the lovely Fatima
00:21:31And the river casts up into our arms a young maiden of royal beauty
00:21:35You may draw your own conclusion
00:21:37Age has endowed you with wisdom
00:21:40Ah, not only age has done it
00:21:42Not only age has done it
00:21:44But also a lifetime lived to the full in joy and in sorrow
00:21:49Your very presence here however
00:21:52Exposes the village to new raids and further devastation
00:21:55It is necessary therefore for you to go somewhere so far away that Dakkar will be unable to reach
00:22:00Reckon that be
00:22:02As yet I do not know
00:22:05I've had enough
00:22:07Not even the two of you put together would be a match for me
00:22:10Any news?
00:22:13What was that?
00:22:17And you dare to use that word with me?
00:22:19Search the remotest districts, the farthest villages and cities
00:22:22Dismantle the provinces stone by stone, do whatever you like
00:22:24But you find me the princess Fatima and you bring her back here to me
00:22:28As surely as I was given the name Dakkar
00:22:31Not a single one of you will be left with its head on its shoulders
00:22:34If you return once again empty handed
00:22:37Now get out of my sight you
00:22:39Be off with you, you pack of mongrels
00:22:41What do you want?
00:22:43When your spirits are once more free from anger
00:22:46Deign them to consider the opinion of the most devoted of all your counselors
00:22:50Don't bother with these preambles and excuses Rato
00:22:53But tell me what's on your mind
00:22:55The captain of your bodyguard is a man of the best of intentions
00:22:58But not really fortunate
00:23:00Now I'm certain that I can solve better than he in a much less time
00:23:03The difficult problem that you have sent him to do
00:23:06What makes you think so?
00:23:08Because I'm a man who is trustworthy
00:23:10And what is the price of this trustworthiness of yours?
00:23:13In an outlying province of your broad dominions
00:23:16There lives a certain citizen
00:23:18Whose personal fortune exceeds every ordinary limit
00:23:21He owns vast properties with buildings and innumerable slaves
00:23:24But by now he's well on in years
00:23:26And it's bad for him to enjoy alone such a fortune as his
00:23:30What is it you're asking for with your fawning phrases?
00:23:33I want his possessions my lord
00:23:35But to obtain them you will have to let me take his life also
00:23:41His life is already yours
00:23:43And so are all his riches
00:23:46But take care
00:23:48I will not think of pardoning you if you're unsuccessful
00:24:11What do you think?
00:24:13How easy it is to bring beauty even to a simple hut
00:24:16Why it's almost fit for a queen
00:24:18And you are fit for a king
00:24:25You must excuse me
00:24:30The next time I'll have to ask you
00:24:32If you don't mind
00:24:34If you don't mind
00:24:36If you don't mind
00:24:39The next time I'll make sure you hear me a long way off
00:24:42Before I come in
00:25:07Why are you so sad my dear?
00:25:09I'm afraid that all this will end
00:25:11Oh if it is our love that you mean
00:25:13I'm sure you are mistaken
00:25:16I'm nothing more than a poor fisherman
00:25:19I wish I possessed a kingdom to give you
00:25:21But all I have is myself
00:25:23I don't ask for more
00:25:25I don't have marble palaces that you were born to live in
00:25:28Nor richly woven dresses for you to wear
00:25:32What use are we two of such riches?
00:25:34Do you believe any man
00:25:36Could ever build a lovely place like this?
00:25:38A ceiling of heavenly color
00:25:40As blue and shiny
00:25:42Where is the magnificent city
00:25:44Able to offer us
00:25:46Such a peaceful life
00:25:48All of this is our kingdom
00:25:50Which will last forever
00:25:52And you are the loveliest of queens
00:26:34I love you
00:27:04Take a look at that
00:27:06Perhaps she's nearby
00:27:08Keep your eyes and ears open
00:27:10Inform me of anything unusual
00:27:12Which attracts your attention
00:27:14Let's push on
00:27:17I'm afraid I can't
00:27:19I'm afraid I can't
00:27:21I'm afraid I can't
00:27:23I'm afraid I can't
00:27:25I'm afraid I can't
00:27:27I'm afraid I can't
00:27:29I'm afraid I can't
00:27:31I'm afraid I can't
00:27:32I'm afraid I can't
00:27:48Whenever there is a fire burning
00:27:50There must also be someone who kindled it
00:27:52They must be fishermen
00:28:03It's Hakim
00:28:05Now at last it's my turn
00:28:07To land the big catch
00:28:09Move fast
00:28:48Help me!
00:28:52Let her go, you thief!
00:28:59Leave me!
00:29:00Leave me!
00:29:27Omar, tell me what happened
00:29:28And Fatima, what has become of her?
00:29:34She's been taken away by the guards of that car
00:29:38They crept upon us and took us by surprise
00:29:41I could do nothing to help her
00:29:44I'm old and weak
00:29:47And of no more use to anyone
00:29:58Put your weight on me
00:29:59Let me see if you're badly hurt
00:30:01Poor Omar
00:30:03Our presence have made their last move
00:30:05I'll not rest from now on
00:30:06Until I have exacted full vengeance
00:30:12The car has another enemy
00:30:14No, no, don't be reckless, Nadir
00:30:16Between you and that car
00:30:18There is an entire army
00:30:19Which you cannot defeat alone
00:30:21What does that matter?
00:30:22I'm going to double care
00:30:23I have to save Fatima
00:30:25Have a care of your life, my dear son
00:30:28You're only thinking of your own good
00:30:46Yusuf, here I am, Nadir
00:30:48I need your horse
00:30:50Adwan, there's not a moment to lose
00:30:52You run and help Omar
00:30:53Right away
00:30:58Go, go, go
00:31:28Go, go, go
00:31:58Go, go, go
00:32:28Go, go, go
00:32:42Do not despair
00:32:44Your devoted Katisha
00:32:45Will be here by your side
00:32:48Allah has willed it
00:32:49That my plan should be a failure
00:32:52But surely does not mean
00:32:53That you must bow down
00:32:54To the evil will of Dakar
00:32:56There is still hope for you
00:32:57My beloved princess
00:32:59This misfortune cannot be overcome
00:33:00By all your weeping
00:33:15Away with you
00:33:16Leave us alone here
00:33:21You have given me more reason
00:33:22To worry on your account recently
00:33:23Than all my cares of state
00:33:28Have you finally been able
00:33:29To comprehend
00:33:30That I always obtain
00:33:31Whatever I set my heart on
00:33:35I desire you to sit
00:33:36On the throne at my side
00:33:38And to reign over all my people
00:33:40You shall be the most envied queen
00:33:41On earth
00:33:42I should prefer to be
00:33:43The most pitiful slave
00:33:44Rather than belong to you
00:33:45Don't speak to me this way
00:33:47I will not allow you
00:33:48To use language like this
00:33:51I have put up with your stubborn pride
00:33:52For as long as I can
00:33:54And my indulgence to you
00:33:55Has a limit at last
00:33:58I can also destroy
00:33:59Even the things I love most
00:34:01If it is necessary
00:34:04I have no doubt whatever
00:34:06I have seen with my own eyes
00:34:07The cruelties you're capable of
00:34:09It's not proper for women
00:34:10To judge certain measures of government
00:34:12Remove these gloomy thoughts
00:34:13From your mind
00:34:14If they are a burden to you
00:34:17Let me enjoy your loveliness
00:34:20Calmly and serenely
00:34:22But how is it possible
00:34:23For a man to enjoy
00:34:24A woman whom he despises
00:34:26This haughtiness of yours
00:34:28Makes you even more desirable
00:34:29To me Fatima
00:34:32But beware now
00:34:33Lest you provoke my anger as well
00:34:36All you can do to me
00:34:37Is kill me Dakar
00:34:39And that is a power of no concern
00:34:41To a woman who would prefer
00:34:42To be put to death
00:34:44You are still not yourself
00:34:45After everything that's happened to you
00:34:48If I want to
00:34:49I can be patient
00:34:50I shall return to you later on
00:34:54And you will do well
00:34:55To receive and greet me
00:34:56As a woman should receive
00:34:57Her only lord
00:35:21I shall return to you later on
00:35:22I shall return to you later on
00:35:51What are you doing up there?
00:35:53After him!
00:36:21Let's go
00:36:41What's wrong with you?
00:36:42Oh, I'm so frightened
00:36:43We just saw just a minute ago
00:36:44A young man who climbed over the wall
00:36:46Imprisoned after a terrific sword fight
00:36:48One of the soldiers of Dakar
00:36:49killed in front of us. I
00:37:10see. Go now. Get a move on! Enough! Now you can lock him up in one of the cells. We must
00:37:25wait for orders from the car. If you weren't born the dogs that you are, you would still
00:37:31be dogs for being into car service. Stop it now. Tie him and take him away. Get up! Tie
00:37:38him up so he can't move. I don't want him to move as much as a finger. Fasten his wrist.
00:37:47That's the way. Tighter! Let him try to battle with us now. Let's get out of here. Mercenary
00:37:54cowards, you've sold yourselves body and soul to a usurper. You'll all die a miserable death
00:37:59if you follow the orders of that madman and murderer.
00:38:02So then, this is the madman who goes around insulting our powerful sovereign. And he's
00:38:32who even dared to break into the palace. Who are you? Answer me, you good-for-nothing. Renew
00:38:40those insults of yours in my presence if you have the nerve to. If you want me to name
00:38:46you a sacrilegious assassin and the most ferocious of tyrants, the most disreputable of men,
00:38:51I will name you Dakar. Such impedance will cost you your life. You must have lost your
00:38:58If you want to avoid a painful execution and a lengthy one. There was never a case before
00:39:04where it was so useless to grant a man his life. It's the head of your master which will
00:39:08not remain for long on his shoulders. I'll hear no more of this raving. Seal up the door
00:39:12of the cell and let him stay here until thirst and famine have finally killed him.
00:39:27Were you able to hear any news? Yes. I'm quite certain that it is the same young man you
00:39:31were speaking to me about. I had a description of him from a person we can rely on. A guard
00:39:36from the palace will have one of us. Oh, Catice, let us hope and pray it is not he. It's better
00:39:42they've not captured Nadir. Oh, take heart. When I think of him in the hands of Dakar,
00:39:47it's more horrible than having him far away. I'm sure they're going to kill him. Don't
00:39:51be so downhearted, princess.
00:40:06I come on behalf of one who is dear to you. Soon you will be safe and fatherless again.
00:40:19Be still for the sake of Allah. If they hear us, we're all lost. Take the sword. Come,
00:40:30we must move quickly.
00:41:00I can tell from your face that you've brought me good news. It all went out just as I planned.
00:41:28You can depend on me, and your Nadir is in safety, just as I promised you.
00:42:27I cannot move any further. I'm hurt. Run, save yourself. Don't worry about me.
00:42:57Don't worry about me.
00:43:12He's wounded.
00:43:39Take care of him.
00:44:03Have no fear, and may Allah protect you.
00:44:34Nadir. Oh, Nadir. What joy to see you here again. I have trembled with fear for you.
00:44:42Sit down, my son. As you see, I am almost as good as new. The kind people of our village
00:44:50came here constantly while I was recovering my health.
00:44:53Many things have changed since then, Omar. I have been to Dabakir where Dakar made me
00:44:57a prisoner. But the most important thing is that I must save Fatima. I shall have no peace
00:45:04until I have set her free again. I shall round up some men, arm them, and I shall attack
00:45:10the city and put an end to Dakar. My life shall have no other purpose except this.
00:45:18Come, Nadir, let us go inside. What you are saying to me is very serious. It is time for
00:45:23me to tell you some things that are unknown to you.
00:45:39Sit down there and listen well.
00:45:46This decision which you have made puts you in great danger of losing your life. And your
00:45:52life is something far more important than you could possibly imagine.
00:45:55What do you mean? I don't understand you.
00:45:58Nadir, you are not who you think you are.
00:46:07Your real father reigned over this country before Dakar overthrew him.
00:46:15The night of the tragedy, I myself snatched you from certain death and brought you here
00:46:18into the mountains, where I have reared you as if you were my own son.
00:46:26Don't you believe me?
00:46:29Then come along with me, and before long you shall have evidence of the truth I have told you.
00:47:29Help me move these stones aside.
00:47:52Help me move these stones aside.
00:48:21With treasure as great as this, we'll be able to arm a great many men.
00:48:50I, Yusuf Osman, Kasun Omar, foremost dignitary of the kingdom, supreme commander of the armies
00:49:01of the king, with the authority conferred on me by the rank which I enjoy, deliver to
00:49:10you, Prince Nadir, the insignia of the power of which you are the only and legitimate imperator.
00:49:25This is the banner which symbolized in more than a thousand battles the glorious deeds
00:49:30of your father.
00:49:33That collar you wear is evidence of your royal descent.
00:49:45This ring of gold with its seal shall make your will absolute law.
00:50:02And now, get down on your knees.
00:50:19The possession of this weapon makes you king.
00:50:25Generosity and judiciousness will guide you in all your actions.
00:50:37Omar, my good and faithful friend, now more than ever your Nadir has much need of you.
00:50:44Continue as my oldest and most reliable counselor for my own well-being.
00:51:09As for you, Rato, you shall answer to me personally for all these strange things that are going
00:51:14on around here.
00:51:15I can no longer put my faith in anyone who could possibly have arranged the escape of
00:51:20that man and the escape before of Fatima.
00:51:23It certainly appears that someone is an accomplice in all these events of late.
00:51:27The whole thing is unheard of.
00:51:28My mighty lord and master gives somewhat excessive importance to all that has occurred.
00:51:34The flight of a ragpicker does not merit such attention as the wrath of the great Dakar.
00:51:39Reserve your fearful indignation for causes that more deserve it.
00:51:43All I want is to be able to put my trust in my own men.
00:51:46The guards have all been severely punished for being negligent of their duty.
00:51:49I can assure you that in the future nothing of this kind will occur again.
00:51:53Very well then.
00:51:56Perhaps it is better that my mind now should dwell on happier and more welcome subjects
00:52:00such as my wedding with Fatima almost upon us.
00:52:04And so I'm counting on you to protect me from disturbances which should be spared me.
00:52:30I need all you young men capable and willing to join me and take up arms.
00:52:45I am making this appeal throughout all the friendly villages until I have enrolled an
00:52:49invincible army which I can lead against Dakar.
00:52:52The appeal which you have just heard has been spoken by a prince to whom you all respect
00:52:57in devotion.
00:52:59The young man whom you have all known heretofore by the name of Nadir is the legitimate heir
00:53:05to this great kingdom which the usurping tyrant Dakar holds by force after possessing it by
00:53:13If you will follow us at the risk of your lives, Nadir will restore you your liberty
00:53:18which was wrested from you.
00:53:21Brothers, we were convinced we would be able to count on all of you.
00:53:25The men who are with us will prepare for army service.
00:53:28The women will supply them with clothing and provisions.
00:53:31And with every scrap of cloth they will sew together banners to be raised high over every
00:53:36one of our villages.
00:53:38Have your messengers bear this news to all of the tribes in the neighborhood.
00:53:58We believe what you say, Omar.
00:54:21But young men whose enthusiasms are so easily aroused are equally prone to hesitation in
00:54:26time of crisis.
00:54:27We must remind you, Omar, who must be tested according to the traditions of our people
00:54:31of which you are well aware.
00:54:32I know these traditions, eh?
00:54:35Well then, Nadir, prove to one and all that you are a real prince.
00:54:39You already know the test you must undergo.
00:54:42Are you ready?
00:54:43I am ready, Omar.
00:54:44If I'm victorious, I shall owe it to your teaching.
00:55:13Thank you, Omar.
00:55:42Congratulations, my prince.
00:55:46There is no doubt that you won a clear victory.
00:55:48You did it perfectly, Nadir.
00:55:49There is no single man who could beat you.
00:55:51That is true.
00:55:52Come, come.
00:55:53Let him recover his breath.
00:55:54The test is not yet finished.
00:55:56And now another trial of his strength.
00:56:02He's a remarkable young man.
00:56:04He certainly is.
00:56:26What little we possess and all our sons, our very lives shall ever be at your disposal,
00:56:42most valiant of princes.
00:56:43You have but to order so, prince, and you will be obeyed.
00:57:05Follow me.
00:57:06Put first your horses and let no enemy stand in our way to victory.
00:57:35Let's go.
00:57:57Let's go.
00:58:25We are in position now to launch a final assault against the tyrant.
00:58:45We have men and weapons to ensure us a victory.
00:58:47We need only make a plan of attack.
00:58:50Very heavily garrisoned.
00:58:51We shall have to break down the gates with a battering ram.
00:58:54The use of a battering ram should be restricted to breaking down the gates on the north of the city.
00:59:00To open the main gates on this side, we shall employ volunteers to carry out a system which I have used for success in the past, and when the right moment comes, I will do it again.
00:59:11We shall suffer enormous losses.
00:59:13The lives of brave men is the price of winning every battle.
00:59:17We must succeed in entering Diablokia within the briefest time possible.
00:59:20The more time we spend besieging the battlements, the more men we shall lose.
00:59:23We will count upon a complete surprise.
00:59:25We must arrange for someone to gain entrance to the palace of Dakar to protect the beautiful princess.
00:59:31Let me be the one for this.
00:59:33I know of some secret passages that for a long time no one has used there, but in our case they may prove to be invaluable.
00:59:39I shall come with you, faithful friend.
00:59:41I wish to perform this task personally.
00:59:43You will assume the command of all our forces.
00:59:45When you see a torch in the sky which I myself will throw from the battlements, you will attack.
00:59:50Here is what I plan.
00:59:52At the signal we've agreed on, you will batter down the gates on the north,
00:59:55while the van of the army covers the towers and battlements with a continual and rapid hail of arrows.
01:00:00As soon as the gates have yielded, the whole army will pour into the city.
01:00:03That's just what I would have advised you, Nadir.
01:00:06But it gives me pleasure to see you no longer need any suggestion of mine.
01:00:10Then we are all agreed.
01:00:12Everyone to his post now.
01:00:13Ahead of us lie many difficulties.
01:00:16May Allah protect us.
01:00:22May Allah protect us.
01:00:52May Allah protect us.
01:00:54May Allah protect us.
01:00:56May Allah protect us.
01:00:58May Allah protect us.
01:01:00May Allah protect us.
01:01:02May Allah protect us.
01:01:04May Allah protect us.
01:01:06May Allah protect us.
01:01:08May Allah protect us.
01:01:10May Allah protect us.
01:01:12May Allah protect us.
01:01:14May Allah protect us.
01:01:16May Allah protect us.
01:01:18May Allah protect us.
01:01:20May Allah protect us.
01:01:22May Allah protect us.
01:01:24May Allah protect us.
01:01:26May Allah protect us.
01:01:28Am I then to have no peace even on the day before the celebration of my own wedding?
01:01:33Of what use to me are my hundred counsellors,
01:01:36my thousands of guards, an entire standing army,
01:01:39if every time some wretched village rebels you come running to me and bother me with your responsibilities?
01:01:43Get out of here!
01:01:45A bandit at the head of a handful of ragamuffins does not deserve the honour of my presence in the battle.
01:01:51Out of here!
01:02:01Ready? Now!
01:02:17From now on no one is to say a word.
01:03:05That way! Follow me!
01:03:11The window is up there. You can climb up.
01:03:16Please try not to be so sad, dear Princess Fatima.
01:03:41Strange things are occurring all around us.
01:03:42The populace seems to be waiting for some momentous event to happen.
01:03:45A hero at the head of a mighty army is supposed to be liberating the kingdom.
01:03:48And they say this hero is a divine-looking young man, too.
01:03:51Come on along now.
01:03:58Fatima, my princess.
01:04:00Nadir, oh, my only beloved.
01:04:03I never expected to see you again.
01:04:13You must not stay here any longer.
01:04:14If they discover that you're here, they will surely kill you.
01:04:16Don't be afraid.
01:04:17I shall leave you at once, but for a short while.
01:04:19What are you going to do, Nadir?
01:04:21The palace is filled with guardsmen.
01:04:22My apartments are under surveillance.
01:04:24I must go now.
01:04:26I must go now, but before long.
01:04:27This time, forever.
01:04:52I must speak to you.
01:04:59I no longer have much time to tell you what I want to say.
01:05:02Can't you see that I'm resting now?
01:05:05You can speak to me some other time, Dinazate.
01:05:08Don't make a hasty decision that you may well have reason to repent.
01:05:12Fatima will always be an enemy of yours.
01:05:15Instead, I am one you can trust.
01:05:17Have I ever failed you?
01:05:21No, Dinazate.
01:05:23But if one can become accustomed to a beautiful creature,
01:05:26then one can also grow tired of her.
01:05:29Fatima is to me like a jewel case,
01:05:32whose guarded contents elude my desire to see and know them.
01:05:36And it excites my unbounded curiosity.
01:05:40What you say has wounded me more deeply than any weapon could.
01:05:44Now leave.
01:05:46The favorite of a king should know
01:05:48when the moment has come for her to withdraw and live apart.
01:05:52She should not wait until she hears it told to her.
01:05:55In fact, you have no need to tell me that.
01:05:57I had already decided to leave you alone in your folly.
01:06:00If I have sought to win you once again,
01:06:03the only reason is that sometimes even a king
01:06:06is unable to see the abyss into which he is bound to fall.
01:06:11Come here.
01:06:19What do you see?
01:06:40There goes the signal!
01:07:10To the attack!
01:07:40To the attack!
01:07:58It's incredible, my lord.
01:08:00The rebels are already inside the royal palace.
01:08:02There is no further hope for us.
01:08:04We still might be able to escape unobserved if we don't waste any more time.
01:08:07This demoralizing state of fear is unworthy of a real man.
01:08:10Darkar will never escape.
01:08:12If necessary, we'll defend ourselves to the last man.
01:08:14Get out of here!
01:08:37Hurry! This way!
01:08:50Oh, divinity!
01:08:51Why should you want to run from me?
01:08:53There is marvelous beauty hidden in this tyrant's palace.
01:08:56Muradin, hurry!
01:08:58Don't run away. It's almost over now.
01:09:00Darkar is no longer able to do you any harm.
01:09:02Go back in. Go join the other women and wait for me.
01:09:20You shall not survive my defeat.
01:09:24It is too late for you to decide her fate or anyone else's, Darkar.
01:09:27In a moment, you shall be no more.
01:09:29Who are you?
01:09:31How can a slave dare to attack me?
01:09:33It is the prince challenging you.
01:09:35He will pay for the murder of my father, from whom you usurped this kingdom.
01:09:38And it is true.
01:09:40The old king really did have an infant son who managed to escape the edge of my sword blade.
01:09:44I prefer it this way.
01:09:46It is a battle between equals.
01:09:48The one who emerges victorious will well deserve the title of king.
01:09:51Defend yourself as best you know how.
01:09:54I shall kill you anyway.
01:09:58Oh, let the king be victorious.
01:11:56Oh, don't kill me, please. Don't kill me!
01:12:02I'll see that you're covered with my gold if you spare me.
01:12:05An offer worthy of you.
01:12:07But this time, your gold cannot save you.
01:12:40The reign of tyranny is over at last.
01:12:43From today, we have our lawful king.
01:12:46Lord Manderly!
01:12:57If I had known before that you were here,
01:12:59I would have braved death long ago to release you from this slavery.
01:13:02Oh, but I'm not a slave, really.
01:13:05My true name is Sinasatis.
01:13:08And yours?
01:13:10And from now on, you're a faithful slave.
01:13:27Every instant away from you will seem a century to me.
01:13:32And my heart will wait for you anxiously.
01:13:41All my love for you will comfort me while you're away.
01:14:11The young king, at the head of his army,
01:14:14sets forth to ride through his vast empire,
01:14:17determined to reestablish peace and freedom forever.
