Saving Nora Episodes 361-370

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Saving Nora Episodes 361-370 Don't forget supporting me by buying for me a coffee ☕️ Click Here For Watch All Episodes :
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00:00:27in description below. Enjoy watching. When Maurice heard this, a fierce look flashed
00:00:34across his dark eyes. He took a look at the situation in the interrogation room.
00:00:40After placing Nora on the bench inside, Justin stood guard there. Although he did not speak,
00:00:46it was obvious that no one could disturb him. He could only take two steps to the side and
00:00:51walk around the interrogation room before asking, who is it? After the person reported,
00:00:58Maurice lowered his eyes. Finally, he nodded. Okay, I understand. With that, he walked toward
00:01:06the interrogation room. As he walked over, he saw a bodyguard in a black suit walking in with a
00:01:12blanket. Maurice. While he was in a daze, he saw another bodyguard walk in with a single mattress.
00:01:20Then someone walked in with a pillow. Maurice. The corners of his lips twitched. He stood at
00:01:26the door and realized that the hard bench in the interrogation room had already been set up as a
00:01:31soft bed. Nora mumbled something and turned around to continue sleeping. Just enwrapped her in a
00:01:38blanket. Maurice was speechless. He took a deep breath and walked in. After building up his
00:01:44thoughts, he lowered his voice and said, I've already found out that this has nothing to do
00:01:49with Miss Nora. She can go home and sleep. She. Justin gestured for him to keep quiet and said,
00:01:57we'll leave after she wakes up. Maurice. That's enough. What kind of place did he think this was?
00:02:04They would leave after she wakes up. It was too humiliating as Morris thought about this.
00:02:10He turned around and walked out with a dark expression. When he reached the door,
00:02:15he paused for a moment and closed it. The soundproofing in the interrogation room was
00:02:20very good. After the door was closed, it isolated all sound from the outside world.
00:02:28It was quieter inside and it was more suitable for sleeping. Justin was very satisfied at the
00:02:34Smiths. Old Maddy's life was no longer in danger for the time being. He had been transferred to
00:02:40the intensive care unit to be guarded and the people who stayed in the hospital left one after
00:02:46another. After all, old Maddy was only a servant at home. After returning home, Yvonne entered his
00:02:53room in a daze. Just as she was about to close the door, someone pushed the door open and Florence
00:02:59walked in. She frowned and said with a slightly angry expression, Miss Yvonne, that illegitimate
00:03:06daughter is actually a very famous divine doctor. It's unbelievable. But so what? She's just a doctor.
00:03:17Someone who serves others can't be shown off. Which wealthy family cares about a doctor?
00:03:23As she spoke, she mumbled indignantly, I really don't know how Yvette gave birth to this child.
00:03:30She actually inherited her mother's medical talent. She became the most famous surgeon at
00:03:35such a young age. I think she was also carved out from the same mold as her mother. She's an
00:03:42asterisk deep down. Otherwise, why would she get pregnant before marriage? I don't know what kind
00:03:49of drugs she used on Mr. Hunt to make him fall in love with this kind of woman with a burden.
00:03:55How can a man raise someone else's child just like the old sir? Why did he soften his heart
00:04:01and acknowledge Nora back into the Smiths? Her existence is a humiliation to him.
00:04:08Hearing this, Yvonne lowered her eyes and said indifferently, it's because Mr. Hunt and Nora
00:04:15like each other. The Smiths and Hunts need a marriage alliance. So even if dad is forced to
00:04:22lower his head, he'll still acknowledge her. These words made Florence's eyes turn red again.
00:04:28Old sir has really sacrificed too much for the Smiths. As she spoke, she almost cried back then.
00:04:35Yvette ran away and left the old sir alone. He was unmarried throughout his life and his family
00:04:41forced him to adopt a child. The old sir disagreed and asked Joel to come over, but he had never
00:04:48changed his name on the genealogy. The old sir even said that after he died, his ashes would
00:04:55be scattered into the sea so that he could look for Yvette. But the old sir was so devoted. How
00:05:02could Yvette betray him? Florence wiped her tears. I'm just angry at Yvette. Why did she betray the
00:05:10old sir? The old sir's body that she messed with back then has now collapsed. Now that her daughter
00:05:17is back, she has caused chaos in the Smiths. Old sir. Personally ordered old Maddy to stay behind.
00:05:26Who? And our family doesn't take care of old Maddy. But she actually attacked old Maddy.
00:05:32This is too much. So is that Captain Ford. He said that old Maddy was poisoned by someone.
00:05:39Old Maddy eats and wears the same as us. How could he be the only one who was poisoned?
00:05:44As Florence spoke, she sneered. I think she might have been the one who poisoned him.
00:05:51She planned to save old Maddy at the critical moment and increase her reputation. As soon as
00:05:57she finished speaking, there was a sudden movement downstairs. Yvonne and Florence looked at each
00:06:03other and left the room. When they went downstairs, they saw the police chief standing there with a
00:06:08few police officers. The butler's expression was dark. Isn't Miss Nora at the police station?
00:06:16Why are you guys here again? The captain took out a search warrant. We have detected pesticides in
00:06:22old Maddy's blood by monitoring his diet during this period. We determined that old Maddy had
00:06:29taken this drug. With that, he took out a pill. This pill looks like traditional medicine, but
00:06:36it's actually a pesticide. So we need to investigate who gave this pill to old Maddy.
00:06:42The butler was stunned and looked at the pill. Immediately, he turned around and looked at
00:06:47Florence. Why might? Florence secretly went to old Maddy's room and fed him this pill.
00:06:55The butler had seen it with his own eyes. Florence widened her eyes in shock. She even
00:07:01subconsciously shouted, isn't? Isn't this the carefree pill? The police instantly turned towards
00:07:09her. Did you feed old Maddy this medicine? Florence nodded in a daze. She then explained
00:07:16in a shaking voice, police officers, you're mistaken. This is a carefree pill. It's for
00:07:23treating old Maddy. This pill was invented by the Harmonia Pharmacy. It's more than $3,000.
00:07:30It's very expensive. As she spoke, she took a step forward. How is this some pesticide? It's
00:07:37really a carefree pill. It was invented by the Andersons. Nora knows about it. At that time,
00:07:44she was treating old Maddy's illness. I saw that old Maddy's illness. I saw that old Maddy was
00:07:50unconscious every day and was worried that something would happen to him. So I fed him
00:07:55this pill. The more she spoke, the paler her face became. Florence was not stupid. As an internal
00:08:03butler, she had handled many things. At this moment, she seemed to have understood something
00:08:09and looked at Yvonne in disbelief. The policeman frowned. Where did you get this pill? Florence
00:08:16stretched out her trembling hand and pointed at Yvonne. I, I, I took it from Miss Yvonne's room.
00:08:23As soon as she said that, all the servants in the room looked at Yvonne. Yvonne's eyes widened and
00:08:29she tensed up nervously. Then she took a deep breath and said steadily, isn't that my mosquito
00:08:35repellent? Madam Florence, why did you take it? Mosquito repellent? Florence was stunned.
00:08:43In a split second, she understood everything. She looked at the pill in shock and then at Yvonne
00:08:49again. She felt as if her mind had become totally blank. In this instant was the woman standing in
00:08:56front of her, really? The Miss Yvonne? She had always thought of as gentle, generous, and
00:09:02understanding. How could she lie? How could she lie? She had clearly told her that it was a carefree
00:09:10pill and told her to give it to old Maddie, causing him to almost die. Yvonne, however,
00:09:16took a step back. Madam Florence, why are you looking at me like that? Why? She was looking
00:09:24at her like that. Florence took a deep breath and she suddenly made a decision. By the time Nora woke
00:09:31up, it was already bright outside. She opened her eyes slowly, feeling as if there were needles
00:09:38stabbing her in the head. Her brows drew together and she reached out her fingers and pressed them
00:09:43against her head. She was about to say something when a pair of strong, warm hands pressed against
00:09:49her head and gently massaged her temples. The pain slowly eased and her tightly knitted brows
00:09:56finally relaxed. She looked at the man, giving her a massage. Justin was still wearing the same clothes
00:10:03he wore the day before. From the looks of it, he hadn't left the whole night, despite not having
00:10:10slept a wink all night. The man didn't look dispirited at all. Only the corners of his eyes
00:10:16revealed some fatigue. Under the dim light of the interrogation room, his beauty mark lost some of
00:10:23its usual fierceness and became a little more alluring. She unwittingly thought of how the man
00:10:30had held Morris hostage and told her to leave the day before. She stretched, stood up and asked
00:10:37casually, were you afraid that I would flee? A smiling Justin looked at her and replied,
00:10:44you wouldn't. Nora paused in her stretching and asked, why? Because of the children? Of course not.
00:10:54Justin took out a handkerchief and handed it to her. It's because you said that you're in love
00:10:59with me. Nora, the corners of her lips spasms. She took the handkerchief from him and wiped her face
00:11:06casually. Then she heard him say, just kidding. It's because I know you're not someone like that.
00:11:17She froze again. To be honest, the two of them hadn't really spent that much time together ever
00:11:22since her return to the States. In fact, the man wasn't even aware of many of her mysterious
00:11:28identities. In spite of that, he had trusted her even in a situation like this. She put down the
00:11:35handkerchief that she was wiping her face with for some reason. As she gazed at the man's handsome
00:11:41face, her heart suddenly skipped a beat. She hastily turned away and asked, is there anything to eat?
00:11:48She had slept all the way till now after she came back the night before and had been asleep for a
00:11:53full fourteen hours. Although she was still sleepy, she had to get up and replenish some energy,
00:12:00otherwise her body wouldn't be able to take it. Yes, there is, the man replied calmly.
00:12:08After taking out his cell phone and sending a message, someone opened the door and came in with
00:12:14a cart of food. Morris, who had hurried over upon hearing that Nora had awakened, seemed troubled
00:12:20as his lip corners spasmed at the sight. Those two, they were totally treating the interrogation
00:12:26room like it was a hotel, weren't they? Not only had the man prepared bedding, but he had brought a
00:12:33washbasin and toiletries over when Nora was still asleep. In fact, he had even brought carts of
00:12:40piping hot food into the room early in the morning. Every half an hour, as the food turned cold,
00:12:47he would distribute them to the people and the police station. Justin was doing this so that
00:12:52Nora would have fresh food to eat whenever she woke up. Maurice had never seen anyone who spoiled
00:12:57their wife more than Justin did. He entered the room. He was about to speak when Justin suddenly
00:13:04held his hand up and stopped him. He said, Captain Ford, wait till she's done eating, if you have
00:13:11something to say, lest she gets indigestion. Morris. He pulled a chair over and sat on it.
00:13:18The interrogation room was clearly his home ground, yet the two of them were so relaxed
00:13:24that it was as if they were in a hotel instead. After finishing her breakfast leisurely,
00:13:30Nora finally looked at Morris and asked, Captain Ford, is there any progress in the case?
00:13:36Yes, there is, Morris said. The person who poisoned old Maddy is Florence Stone.
00:13:43We have brought her back with us. She's in the interrogation room next door. As soon as he said
00:13:49that, Justin said that poison isn't something an ordinary servant can easily obtain. Is it?
00:13:56Morris nodded. You're right. She took the medicine from Yvonne Smith's room.
00:14:02Nora frowned and then Morris said, it's relatively difficult to convict Yvonne Smith of the crime,
00:14:08as there is no real evidence to prove that it was Yvonne Smith who made Florence Stone poison.
00:14:14Old Maddy. What she did was, at best, tricking someone into committing a crime.
00:14:21Also, Stone has admitted to doing it on her own. She had admitted to it. Nora suddenly said,
00:14:28I'll go and talk to Florence, okay? In the interrogation room, Nora saw Florence, who had
00:14:34been detained. She looked tired and haggard, as if she hadn't slept a wink all night because of
00:14:40fright. However, when she saw Nora, the look in her eyes suddenly became fierce and savage.
00:14:47Nora went straight to the point. She merely asked why. Why was she taking the rap for Yvonne?
00:14:54Florence definitely wasn't the one who had poisoned Old Maddy. The woman displayed all
00:14:59her emotions in the open, and was also a direct and straightforward person who had ridiculed and
00:15:04mocked Nora at home. She was very protective of Yvonne in everything she said, so there was
00:15:10absolutely no way she would do anything to bring shame to the Smiths. Florence understood what she
00:15:16meant. She sneered because she's the old sir's daughter. Even if she's just an adopted daughter,
00:15:23she still has daughter, whereas you bring shame to him. Florence lowered her head. I am indebted
00:15:29to the old sir. There's nothing I can do to repay him except for this. Nora frowned. But she's not
00:15:37a good person. So what if she's a good person? And so what, even if she's a bad person? Florence
00:15:44became agitated. Her eyes reddened as she stared at Nora. Back then, your mother was also a good
00:15:52person. She saved so many people. I had also thought she was a good person. So why did she
00:16:00betray the old sir? Do you have any idea how he lived all these years? The Smiths didn't know
00:16:07anything about the conversation between Florence and Nora in the police station. Joel was sitting
00:16:12in the study with his gaze lowered. The door opened and Yvonne walked in uneasily. Were you asking for
00:16:19me? Joel looked up. There's no way Madam Florence would poison old Maddy. Both you and I know that
00:16:27very well. Yvonne bit her lip and simply refused to admit to it. She said, What do you mean by that,
00:16:34Joel? I don't understand what you're saying. Even Madam Florence herself has already admitted to it.
00:16:41I... But before she could finish, Joel had already got her off. He said Uncle Ian hates people who
00:16:48violate the law and break rules the most. Even if you're his daughter, you're not allowed to do that.
00:16:56Madam Florence may not expose you, but the Smiths will never tolerate and condone such vileness.
00:17:03Yvonne bit her lip when she heard him. She looked at Joel. The man sat leisurely behind the desk
00:17:10with his hands on it. However, his eyes, which were always smiling, were deep and bottomless.
00:17:16He stared at Yvonne, making her feel as if all her clothes had been stripped off.
00:17:21Those eyes seemed to be able to see right through one, yet others couldn't tell what he was thinking.
00:17:28Yvonne lowered her head. I admit that I made a mistake, Joel. I shouldn't have bought a pill
00:17:34like that and left it in the room, thereby giving Madam Florence a chance to steal it.
00:17:39But I really didn't break the law. Surely you can't say that I broke the law just because
00:17:44someone stole the pill. I bought and poisoned another person with it. Right?
00:17:52Joel narrowed his fox-like eyes. He sneered. Yvonne, do you think I ask you here to force you
00:17:59to admit to your mistakes? You're wrong. Yvonne was taken aback. Then she heard the man's rich
00:18:06and mellow voice. He said slowly, I'm not a police officer who needs evidence in order to convict
00:18:14someone of a crime. Neither do I need you to admit to anything. Both you and I know that very
00:18:21well. His voice was gentle, yet it also seemed like a voice straight out of hell, causing Yvonne's
00:18:27heart to sink little by little. Joel stood up. Since there isn't any evidence, I won't hand you
00:18:34over to the police. Besides your uncle, Ian's daughter, how you should be dealt with will have
00:18:41to wait until Uncle Ian wakes up. However, you don't have to manage the family matters anymore
00:18:47during this time. His words made Yvonne suddenly look up at him, as Ian's one and only lawful
00:18:54daughter. Yvonne had always enjoyed a very high status in the family. In fact, legally, she had a
00:19:01closer relationship with Ian than what Joel, Ian's nephew, had with him. Therefore, while Joel managed
00:19:09the company's affairs, Yvonne was in charge of the family's affairs. Even Florence, the housekeeper
00:19:15in charge of the family's internal affairs, was just her helper. Why did Louis keep suffering in
00:19:22her hands despite loathing her so much? It was thanks to the fact that she was the one in control
00:19:28of the finances. Yet Joel was going to deprive her of her authority. Yvonne couldn't stop herself
00:19:35from retorting, who do you intend to put in charge of managing the family's affairs, if not me?
00:19:41Nora, you can't do that. I'm Dad's only daughter, while she's nothing more than a shameful product
00:19:48of that woman's betrayal of Dad. Aren't you embarrassing Dad if you do that? Seeing that
00:19:56she was still arguing even now, Joel slowly cast his eyes down and said, you can go now. Yvonne
00:20:03wanted to argue some more, but she knew that Joel never changed his mind. Once he made a decision,
00:20:09she clenched her fists, took a deep breath, and walked out of the study. After she left,
00:20:16Quentin popped out of somewhere, went to Joel and asked, are you really going to let her off,
00:20:23just like that? Joel? Joel rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on. He sighed and said,
00:20:32Uncle, Ian is still in a coma as his only daughter. It's best that nothing happens to
00:20:37her for now. If Uncle Ian pulls through, he will deal with her himself. Joel, who had been brought
00:20:44up by Ian himself, knew Ian's character all too well. He hated schemes and conspiracies like these
00:20:52the most. Besides, he felt that Uncle Ian didn't really seem to dislike Nora that much.
00:20:58Quentin couldn't help asking, what if Uncle Ian doesn't make it? The look in Joel's eyes suddenly
00:21:05turned cold. Then it'll be the time that she gets married once she finishes two years of mourning
00:21:12for Uncle Ian. As for who she'll marry and how much money to give her, once she does, Joel had
00:21:19the final say. Quentin nodded. He and Joel were of the same opinion with regard to Nora. Neither of
00:21:27them liked her very much. After all, he was someone constantly in the shadows. Nora's thoughts
00:21:34were just like his, unfit to be brought into the light. While he was thinking about it, Joel asked,
00:21:41has Nora woken up? The sensitive Quentin discovered that Joel's term of address for
00:21:47Nora had changed from the distant and alienated Miss Smith. It had now become Nora. Ahem,
00:21:54Quentin straightened his back and replied, I don't know. She was still asleep when I left.
00:22:00She had looked so lazy, didn't even work, and only knew to sleep every day in the past.
00:22:06But unexpectedly, she's actually the famous auntie. Thinking about it again, it's no wonder
00:22:12she's so rich. Rich? Quentin nodded. Yeah, don't you know? Louis has already become her fan just
00:22:21because she's rich. Joel couldn't help remarking dryly, what a promising future that fellow has.
00:22:28I know, right? Quentin curled his lips disdainfully. I, for one, won't bend over just
00:22:35because she's rich. If she wants my recognition, only if she's the Quinn School of Martial Arts.
00:22:42Big sister. Joel. Quentin looked at him again. What does our little cousin have to do in order
00:22:49to gain your recognition, Joel? Joel glanced at him, picked up company documents from the table,
00:22:55and said, what a meaningless question. Quentin curled his lips disdainfully.
00:23:02Joel's phone vibrated at this point. He glanced at it and found that it was a text message from Tanya.
00:23:09Please let me know when Nora returns. Joel sent her a question mark. Tanya immediately replied,
00:23:15as if she was eager to distance herself from him. She wrote, Nora isn't picking up my calls,
00:23:22so I reckon she's still being detained. Cherry misses her mom. Tell her to pick up her daughter.
00:23:28Once she returns at the sight of the message, Joel immediately got up, picked up the car key,
00:23:35and walked out. Quentin was taken aback. Where are you going, Joel? Aren't you going to wait
00:23:42for our little cousin to come home? Joel didn't stop. He replied, I'm picking up the child and
00:23:48bringing her home. Quentin Child wasn't at the weekend. It didn't seem like Mia had gone to
00:23:54school, though. Nora only came out of the room after she was done talking to Florence. She didn't
00:24:00really blame Florence. In fact, her loyalty to Ian made her sigh in admiration. What kind of age
00:24:08were they already in? Yet there were still people who could go to that extent for their masters.
00:24:15No wonder Joel hadn't driven her away after he took over the family. Maurice Morris asked,
00:24:22how was it? Miss Smith. Nora gave him her serious feedback. The interrogation room soundproofing
00:24:29is indeed pretty good. You can try using it if you ever have insomnia in the future.
00:24:35Morris. He was asking if Florence had said anything. He wasn't asking about the interrogation
00:24:41room, but as he watched the unaffected woman in front of him, he fell silent for a moment
00:24:46before he finally said, I apologize for my actions previously. Miss Smith. I'm sorry.
00:24:54Nora raised her eyebrows when she heard him. Her lips curled into a smile, and she suddenly said,
00:25:01apology accepted, Captain Ford, but I'd still like to ask you to do me a favor.
00:25:06What is it? Nora cast her eyes down and asked, can you tell me just what kind of case am I involved
00:25:13in? Her head had cleared up after she woke up. Morris kept quiet for a while. He looked up and
00:25:21stared at her for very long, seemingly considering whether he could tell her about it. At last,
00:25:27he stepped aside and said, let's talk over there. Miss Smith. There were indeed some things he
00:25:35didn't need to hide from her anymore. Nora nodded. She gave Justin a comforting look and followed
00:25:41Morris into the confidential room next door. Justin stood there and watched helplessly as
00:25:46Maurice took her into the secret room. He frowned. The confidentiality room was a room used for
00:25:53important cases in the country. No conversations inside would be recorded. Therefore, be it
00:26:00discussing the case or presenting the case, it would be inside. Back when Morris took Nora away
00:26:07forcefully and did not allow her to be bailed out, he knew that Nora might have been involved in a
00:26:12case. Now the mystery was finally going to be solved. Right. He lowered his eyes. His eyes were
00:26:21dark and the mole at the corner of his eyes seemed to be flickering. From his appearance, it seemed
00:26:26like he already knew what that secret was. Nora originally thought that the soundproofing in the
00:26:32interrogation room was good enough. But when she entered the room and Morris closed the door,
00:26:37her heart skipped a beat. All the sounds outside were blocked by a door, making her feel as if she
00:26:43was isolated from the entire world. All the sounds outside were blocked by a door, making her feel
00:26:50as if she was isolated from the entire world. When she looked at Morris again, he was still
00:26:55as cold as ever. He pointed at the chair and motioned for her to sit down before sitting
00:27:01opposite her. The two chairs were the same. He did not look like he was interrogating a criminal,
00:27:07and it was like they were talking fairly. While Morris was still struggling with his choice of
00:27:13words, Nora asked, is it about illegal drugs and human trials? Morris paused. I didn't expect
00:27:21Miss Nora to be so perceptive. Nora rolled her eyes. How could she still not understand at this
00:27:28point? After old Maddy's incident, Morris had kept asking her if she had given old Maddy any drugs.
00:27:36Then he had detected some unknown components in old Maddy's blood. He immediately became nervous
00:27:43and his attitude became worse. At that time, Morris was certain that she had fed old Maddy
00:27:49something later on, when he realized that old Maddy's blood contained drugs, commane drugs,
00:27:54commonly used to poison rats and mosquitoes. Morris relaxed. He did not even participate
00:28:01in the arrest of Florence. If she still could not detect anything, she was too slow. Nora thought
00:28:08about this and asked Captain Ford, should we talk about this properly now? Morris nodded and
00:28:13crossed his arms on the table. His posture seemed more like he was testing and wary.
00:28:19Miss Nora, do you know that there is a mysterious organization in this world
00:28:24that outsiders don't know about? A mysterious organization? Nora's first reaction was Imperial
00:28:31League. She lowered her eyes and looked calm, but her heart felt as if it had been scalded.
00:28:37Imperial League was indeed a dangerous existence to be able to control the global economy,
00:28:43but according to what she knew, it didn't do human experiments or illegal drugs, so it wasn't
00:28:49Imperial League. She looked up at Morris and did not answer his question. Please elaborate. Morris
00:28:57observed the girl in front of him. She had just woken up. Perhaps it was because she had slept
00:29:03for too long, but her almond-shaped eyes were a little swollen. Although she had eaten, her voice
00:29:09was still a little hoarse. No one could guess what she was thinking. Actually, Morris had been
00:29:17observing her for a long time, but he felt like this girl was covered in a veil. Every time he
00:29:23felt that she was just an ordinary person, she would do something that surprised him. For example,
00:29:30her identity is anti the thought of this. Morris lowered his eyes. We still don't know what that
00:29:37mysterious organization is called. We only know that they're doing human experiments and illegal
00:29:43pharmaceuticals. Moreover, the drugs they create are very dangerous and will cause a destructive
00:29:50blow to the entire human race. When Nora heard this, she slowly sat up straight. Her eyes became
00:29:57more serious, a destructive blow. Yes, Morris said slowly. We've always guessed that they're
00:30:04creating a virus and they've already started human trials more than twenty years ago. Twenty years
00:30:09ago. Nora frowned. Is my mother related to this organization? Morris was silent for a long time
00:30:17before he said slowly. We suspect that your mother was from this organization, so we secretly
00:30:23arrested her back then. At this point, he lowered his eyes. At that time, my mother was the leader
00:30:31of the operation team after her arrest. Your mother said that she had a patient waiting for
00:30:36her to treat. Otherwise, the patient would die. She even said that only she could treat that illness.
00:30:43Nora suddenly understood. Your mother let my mother go and my mother ran away. That's why
00:30:50you refused to let me go. This time, you didn't believe what I said. Morris was speechless.
00:30:57What did she mean by refusing to let her go? He grimaced, ignoring her choice of words and nodded.
00:31:04Yes, Nora suddenly understood his neurotic way of doing things. If it involves such a high-level
00:31:10case, forcing her to stay was understandable. After saying everything, Morris stood up and
00:31:16extended his hand to her. So please understand my actions again. Sure, Nora did not shake his hand
00:31:23and just waved to casually as they walked out. Morris took the opportunity to say Florence's
00:31:28poison was stolen from Yvonne's room. But if Florence doesn't say anything, we won't be able
00:31:36to hold Yvonne responsible. If Miss Nora wants to bring the real criminal to justice, you'd better
00:31:42think of a way to convince Florence. Nora stretched lazily when she thought of Florence's
00:31:47complaints about her. She lowered her eyes and said, unless I'm I-N's biological daughter, it's
00:31:54impossible to convince her. Morris was speechless. Nora dragged her feet and lazily walked out the
00:32:01door. After meeting up with Justin, the two of them left the police station. As soon as she went out,
00:32:08Lily appeared in front of her. She wanted to say something, but she glanced at Justin and pulled
00:32:13Nora to the side. She asked nervously, Auntie, are you okay? Nora nodded. I'm fine, Lily said
00:32:22indignantly. What's wrong with the Smiths? Is this how they treat you? It's too much.
00:32:30Moreover, your DNA mutated a little in the later stages. No one can say for sure if you're really
00:32:37Ryan's daughter. I think your father is I-N. Nora patted her shoulder. If you don't have evidence,
00:32:45don't talk nonsense. Whether she was Ryan's daughter or I-N's, there was no accurate news
00:32:51for now. Unless they got real evidence, Nora would not say anything to the Smiths. Otherwise,
00:32:59wouldn't it be awkward if she was really Ryan's daughter? Lily was so angry that she blew
00:33:05raspberries. Evidence. How can we get evidence now? Unless we go back more than 20 years ago
00:33:12and save some DNA samples from your birth. Where else can we find evidence? 20 years ago,
00:33:18Donna samples. Nora suddenly thought of the manager who was protecting, ideally in pharmaceuticals,
00:33:25for her mother. Her eyes lit up. Although Nora had been in New York for two to three months,
00:33:32ideally in pharmaceuticals would send the dividends to her account on time in the past
00:33:37few months. She just had a lot of money and never cared about it. However, now that she
00:33:44thought about it, Wayne was the manager her mother had personally chosen. He also managed
00:33:50ideally in pharmaceuticals and did not let Henry interfere to snatch it away. He definitely had
00:33:56his own means. She nodded at Lily, picked up her phone and walked to the side to call Wayne.
00:34:03As soon as the call connected, Wayne's excited voice was heard.
00:34:07Miss Nora, you finally thought it through. Are you coming back to inherit the company?
00:34:13Nora, why did this fellow seem so enthusiastic? Helen willing was he to manage the company,
00:34:19she grimaced and asked. No. I just want to ask you a question. The other party's voice
00:34:26immediately lowered as he said listlessly. Okay, ask away. Nora asked, did my mother leave anything
00:34:34for me at your place? Yes. Before the other party could speak, Nora interrupted him. Other than
00:34:41companionship and love. Is there anything else? About that, Wayne dragged out his words inside.
00:34:49What specifically do you want? Nora asked tentatively. For example, fetal hair or a blood
00:34:56sample. Wayne, of course not. Miss Nora, why would your mom leave your fetal hair for me?
00:35:03I'm not a pervert. I don't have a fetish for collecting hair. Nora Wayne asked Miss Nora,
00:35:09are you busy, Nora? No. What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the company? Not really.
00:35:17After all, our small company relied on the formula your mother left behind. It's not a
00:35:24problem for us to prescribe some medicine. It can also ensure that you have no financial
00:35:29worries in your life. Wayne began to nag. I just want to say, when are you coming back to manage
00:35:37the company? I'm really too busy alone. You don't even know that. There are many miscellaneous
00:35:43matters in the company. As the chairman of Ideally and Pharmaceuticals, you have to be
00:35:50responsible. You can't leave everything to me alone. I'm already old. Blah, blah. Nora listened
00:35:58for a full minute when she saw that he was still not stopping. She said, by the way, what did you
00:36:04ask me just now? Wayne, if you are busy? Nora immediately said, I'm very busy. I'm hanging up.
00:36:13Beep, beep, beep. Wayne was speechless, hearing the busy tone on the phone. Nora pouted. She really
00:36:21couldn't listen to a naggy person. She looked at Lily. I might be busy for a while. Stay in the
00:36:27country for now. Okay. As her first assistant, Lily was very competent. Where do I stay? Nora
00:36:36thought for a moment. Stay with me in the Smiths. After her identity was exposed, there would
00:36:41definitely be many people looking for her. It was very troublesome. This would require Lily to
00:36:47handle it. If there were problems that other doctors could resolve, Lily would help recommend
00:36:53them. If Nora had to do it, Lily would arrange a schedule for her. At the thought of this, Nora
00:37:00felt a headache coming on. She rubbed her temples and walked with Lily to Justin's car. Justin stood
00:37:07at the side when he saw the two of them walk over. He opened the back door and Nora got into
00:37:12the car. Lily wanted to follow them, but she realized that Justin was blocking the door.
00:37:18Lily was stunned. She looked up and saw Justin glance at the front passenger seat. Lily immediately
00:37:25understood and stuck out her tongue. I'll be in the front passenger seat. I'm not an insensitive
00:37:31person. Auntie's boyfriend. Auntie's boyfriend. Justin was a little stunned when he heard this
00:37:38title. Usually when he was outside, people would call him Mr. Hunt or Justin. This was the first
00:37:45time he was called Nora's boyfriend. He suddenly liked this nickname. He lowered his head slightly
00:37:51and got into the car. He entered the back seat and sat with Nora. The journey was silent.
00:37:59After Justin took the two of them to the Smiths, he did not stay any longer. After all, he had not
00:38:06slept the entire night. He wanted to go back and recuperate. Besides, Cherry was still waiting for
00:38:13him at the hunts. Nora brought Lily into the house just as they entered. The butler welcomed them.
00:38:20Miss Nora, you're back. His attitude became much more respectful. Nora was taken aback for a moment.
00:38:28The butler bowed deeply to her. Miss Nora, I was wrong to have misunderstood that you were trying
00:38:34to harm old Maddie. I didn't expect you to be the famous auntie. I was blind. Miss Nora,
00:38:42we misunderstood you. When the other servants heard that she was back, they immediately walked
00:38:48out and bowed to her. Those who could work in wealthy families were not fools. Initially,
00:38:55they thought that Nora was going to use old Maddie to make a name for herself.
00:39:00They did not expect that she was really going to treat him. On the other hand, Florence had
00:39:06stolen poison from Miss Yvonne's study and almost killed old Maddie. It was obvious at a glance
00:39:11which young lady did not care about their lives. Initially, when Nora had come to live with the
00:39:17Smiths, everyone still felt some disdain for her. They felt that she was just a wild chicken who
00:39:24had become a phoenix thanks to her background. However, at this moment, everyone admired her
00:39:30from the bottom of their hearts. On the way back to her room, all the servants who saw her stood
00:39:36at a distance and bowed to her to express their apologies. The servants in the entire manor had a
00:39:42180-degree change in attitude toward her. Nora entered the living room. The housekeeper, Lucy,
00:39:50who had just been promoted by Joel, hurried over Miss Nora.
00:39:54You're finally back. Do you have any orders for me?
00:39:58Nora glanced at him. Lucy was in her thirties. She looked very young and energetic. Her attitude
00:40:05toward her was very respectful. Nora pointed at Lily. This is my assistant. She will be staying
00:40:13here for a period of time. Please arrange a guest room for her. No problem. Lucy immediately said,
00:40:21Miss Lily, you can wait in the living room and tell me the style of the room you like.
00:40:26I'll choose a guest room that you like. Nora was going upstairs to take a shower,
00:40:32so she went up first. Lily sat in the living room. After choosing a guest room,
00:40:38Lucy arranged for someone to tidy it up and accompany her. At this moment, Yvonne suddenly
00:40:44walked down and casually instructed Lucy, Come over. I have something to tell you.
00:40:50Lucy was stunned and looked at Lily. Miss Yvonne, there's a guest here. Yvonne's gaze
00:40:58instantly turned sharp as she stared at Lucy. Lucy, since you're in this family, you should
00:41:05understand who the real daughter of this family is. The entire Smiths belong to my father. Lucy was
00:41:11Joel's caretaker. It could be said that she was the nanny who had taken care of Joel since he was
00:41:17young because she was meticulous and smart. She had always worked for the Smiths. As Joel grew up,
00:41:24Lucy had also slowly been promoted and given a raise from taking care of him before Florence
00:41:30was taken away by the police. Her words at home already carried a lot of weight. Even Florence
00:41:36and Yvonne were polite to her because of Joel. After all, Florence was already old and Joel was
00:41:43the new head of the Smiths. Her future status could be imagined. Lucy had watched Yvonne grow up.
00:41:51She was loyal to Joel, so she naturally disliked Yvonne. After all, Joel was the one Ayn had chosen.
00:41:59Yvonne was Ayn's adopted daughter, but she had a high status at home and always suppressed others
00:42:05in the past. When she saw Maureen giving in to Yvonne, she couldn't help but wonder if Joel
00:42:11would give in to her at home when he got married. In the future, however, Joel's wife would be the
00:42:18madam of the Smiths. She would also be the future matriarch of the Smiths. Therefore, Lucy and Yvonne
00:42:26were born to be enemies. Coupled with the fact that old Maddie had been poisoned, everyone knew
00:42:32that Florence was either under Yvonne's orders or had been deceived. Therefore, they felt even
00:42:37more disdain for Yvonne. Yvonne had lost control of the family, and Lucy was now in charge of the
00:42:43family's matters. Lucy did not feel threatened by her words. She only smiled and said,
00:42:50Miss Yvonne, from what you're saying, you're older than Miss Nora. Of course, you're the
00:42:55eldest daughter of the Smiths. It's just that I still have a guest here. Furthermore, Mr. Joel
00:43:02has just handed the house to me. I have all kinds of miscellaneous matters to deal with here.
00:43:08I'm a quiet person, and I'm cautious in my actions. I don't dare to make any mistakes or embarrass
00:43:15myself in front of a guest. If news of this gets out, no one will scold me. They will only say that
00:43:23the Smiths' upbringing is bad. Don't you? Think so, Yvonne. She had long known that Lucy was not
00:43:30a pushover, but she did not expect her to rebut her like this. Yvonne's face turned red and white.
00:43:37The surrounding servants were clearly working, but Yvonne knew that they must have strained their
00:43:43ears to eavesdrop on their conversation. After Joel fired the housekeeper, Yvonne knew that Lucy
00:43:49would definitely hit her while she was down when she made things difficult for Lucy earlier.
00:43:54She wanted everyone to see that even if she had done something wrong, she was still the owner of
00:44:00the Smiths. However, she did not expect to meet a wall with Lucy. She took a deep breath. She knew
00:44:08that at this moment, she had to turn the situation around, otherwise she would really be looked down
00:44:15upon. She lowered her eyes. Lucy, I only called you over to tell you how to entertain the guest.
00:44:22Why are you making it sound so grand? Or do you think that I, as the eldest daughter, have no
00:44:29right to give you instructions? With that, she sneered. Dad is indeed in the hospital.
00:44:37Joel is in charge of the family now, but Dad is still around.
00:44:41Do you think he'll be happy to know that you're talking to me like this after he wakes up? Lucy
00:44:47choked. Ian was equivalent to the Emperor Emeritus in the family. Everyone knew that he had the
00:44:53ability to take back control of the family. It was just that Joel was very filial, and Ian was
00:45:00very satisfied with him. Lucy did not dare to say such words. She immediately stood up.
00:45:07Miss Yvonne, what do you want to say? Yvonne glanced at Lily and said,
00:45:12Since there's a guest at home, let's add a few dishes tonight. This lady must have returned
00:45:18from overseas. She must be very interested in the delicacies in New York. We can prepare a
00:45:24sweet and sour fish. The list of dishes prepared in the kitchen had long been prepared.
00:45:30If Yvonne suddenly added more dishes, the chef would definitely have to rush out to buy ingredients.
00:45:37This would make things difficult for the kitchen. However, Lucy still agreed with a smile.
00:45:43Miss Yvonne is right. I'll get someone to prepare it right away. Yvonne nodded when she turned
00:45:50around and walked upstairs. She sensitively saw Lucy purse her lips and make a disdainful
00:45:56expression. Yvonne forcefully suppressed the anger in her heart. She was just a servant, yet
00:46:03she dared to be rude to her. Furthermore, the rest of the family's attitude toward her had
00:46:09clearly changed. There was coldness in their distance, just like how they treated Nora in the
00:46:16past. But so what? Nora was the daughter of the second branch. She was basically from the side
00:46:24family. Now, the Smiths' direct line of descent was her. As long as she was still Ian's legal
00:46:31daughter, then she would have a share of his family fortune, even if she was an adopted daughter.
00:46:38She was still better than Nora, the legitimate cousin of the Smiths. After all, how could a
00:46:45niece get an uncle's inheritance in the Smiths? Her identity is... Yvonne would forever suppress
00:46:51Nora at this moment, outside the door. Lisa stood there and was answering a call.
00:46:57It was Nora, said Irene. I wonder how Nora is now. Go and take a look. Why is she suspected of
00:47:04medical malpractice? This child didn't say anything either. If I hadn't seen the news,
00:47:11I wouldn't have known. Sigh.
00:47:14Sigh. Lisa stood at the door, feeling a little conflicted. Mom, Nora isn't Henry's biological
00:47:23daughter. Isn't it bad for me to go looking for her like this? Ever since she found out
00:47:29that Nora was not Henry's biological daughter, Lisa did not dare to visit her again. Now that
00:47:35she knew Nora was her mentor auntie, she became even more fearful. However, after watching the
00:47:42live broadcast and the news, she was the same as her mother. She was very worried about Nora's
00:47:49comfort in the Smiths. Did the Smiths not treat her well enough? Lisa looked at the imposing
00:47:54door in front of her and became even more hesitant. She did not expect Nora to be this family's
00:48:00daughter, as she was feeling ashamed of herself. Irene's voice was heard. What's wrong with that?
00:48:07I believe Nora isn't that kind of person. She'll acknowledge us.
00:48:13Lisa nodded and took a deep breath. All right. At this moment, Lisa's father, Bobby, said,
00:48:20Honey, do you remember Lisa's umbilical cord blood? Irene was stunned. What's wrong? Bobby said
00:48:29back then, when you gave birth to Lisa, we spent about $3,000 to keep her umbilical cord blood
00:48:35for more than 20 years. The hospital called me just now and asked if we wanted to keep
00:48:40it for a while longer. Irene immediately said, is it expired? Then you can renew the fees with that.
00:48:48She sighed. Speaking of which, I learned how to store umbilical cord blood from Nora's mother
00:48:54when she gave birth to Nora. She had kept her umbilical cord blood for her.
00:48:59Now it should still be in the hospital's freezer. By the way, Lisa, when you see Nora,
00:49:06remember to tell her she definitely doesn't know about this yet, if it's useful in the future.
00:49:14What nonsense are you talking about? Bobby interrupted Irene. When would you need the
00:49:20umbilical cord blood? I hope she won't need to use it for the rest of her life.
00:49:25Cord blood was mainly used to treat blood diseases such as leukemia.
00:49:30Under normal circumstances, it would definitely not be needed. Irene immediately snorted. Yes,
00:49:38Nora definitely won't need it, but we still have to tell her the disappointing brother at home
00:49:43had already disappeared for a long time. The blacks in California were living more comfortably
00:49:48than before, especially since Bobby had recently been in a few big business deals with the company.
00:49:55Although Bobby did not know who had helped him, he had a feeling that it might be related to Nora.
00:50:00He was a good kid who knew how to repay kindness. Back then, he had misunderstood that Nora did not
00:50:08care about his wife's life. However, when he saw the live broadcast, he finally understood why Nora
00:50:15was so indifferent back then. It turned out that the doctor she had found for the blacks was
00:50:20herself. Bobby was feeling guilty about chasing her out of the hospital back then, so he snatched
00:50:26the phone away and said to Lisa, when you see Nora, remember to help me bring her home. Ask her to
00:50:33bring the child over to play when she's free. I'll make her favorite brown sugar rice cake.
00:50:39Okay. Lisa hung up the phone and looked at the luxurious door in front of her again.
00:50:45She thought for a long time before knocking on the door. The door opened quickly. The guard asked,
00:50:52who are you looking for? Lisa. I'm looking for Nora. The guard looked her up and down.
00:50:59Wait a minute. Okay. The guard called and entered the hall. The housekeeper, Lucy, had just tidied
00:51:07up the guest room for Lily. After receiving the call, she was about to call Nora to ask if she
00:51:13should come in when she was stopped by Lily. Let Miss Lisa in first, and Miss Nora should be
00:51:18sleeping right now. Don't disturb her. Lily knew Nora's body very well. She had spent the entire
00:51:27day at the police station yesterday and went to treat old Maddy at night. Even though she had
00:51:32slept for a while, her energy had not recovered yet. She must be sleeping right now. Lucy listened
00:51:39to Lily and let the guard bring Lisa in upstairs. Yvonne listened to their conversation and bit her
00:51:45lip in anger. She was just a servant, and she would chatter away after saying a few words.
00:51:51However, when Nora's assistant spoke, she was as obedient as anything. She simply did not take her
00:51:58seriously. How infuriating. When Lisa was led into the Smiths' residence, she was first stunned by
00:52:05the lavish courtyard. This was New York and places where every inch of land was worth money.
00:52:11They actually had such a large manor. Furthermore, she was perceptive to the fact that some places
00:52:18had flowers planted and some places had vegetables. This was the first time. Lisa experienced the
00:52:25difference between her and a truly wealthy family. She was already so terrified. No wonder Nora was
00:52:32being bullied here. Yes, she was certain that Nora had suffered in the Smiths. It was just
00:52:38medical malpractice. Even in California, if Henry did not appear, her parents could still bail her
00:52:45out. But in New York, the Smiths actually allowed Nora to be detained for 24 hours.
00:52:52Wasn't it just because they were rich? As Lisa thought about this, she became even more furious.
00:52:58At this moment, a playful voice was heard. Hey, who is this? Lisa turned around and saw a man
00:53:05around her age with blonde hair. To be precise, it was a young man walking over. She frowned when she
00:53:12heard the housekeeper say, Mr. Lewis, this is Miss Nora's cousin from California. Lewis immediately
00:53:19sized up Lisa when he heard this. Was this his cousin's trash family in California? Ever since
00:53:26Nora became his idol, he had asked around about her. When he asked around, he was instantly
00:53:32furious. He did not expect his cousin to live like that in California, especially that shameless,
00:53:39cheap father of hers. He had taken her mother's money and still treated her so badly.
00:53:45Therefore, Lewis did not have a good impression of the family in California. When he saw Lisa,
00:53:51he immediately sneered. Tsk! Are you here to take advantage of Nora now that she has become a
00:53:57phoenix? Taking advantage of Nora. Lisa felt Lewis's disdain and was instantly infuriated.
00:54:05She was still a guest, yet he was already being so rude. Wouldn't the Smiths be even more rude to
00:54:11Nora? The soft person had also lost her temper. She was so angry that her face was red and her
00:54:19voice was trembling. What's so great about you? Do you have to look down on me? Lewis raised his
00:54:27head and placed his hands on his hips. The Smiths are very impressive, Country Bumpkin. You must
00:54:34have never seen such a big courtyard, right? Country Bumpkin. Did they scold Nora like that, too?
00:54:41Lisa kicked the flowerbed beside her in anger. Who are you calling a Country Bumpkin?
00:54:48Lewis made a face. Whoever cares about it is the Country Bumpkin. What do you think your family is?
00:54:54Esk. Little girl, I advise you to be careful. Do you know how much this jar of flowers costs?
00:55:02Any one of them is worth thousands of dollars. If you broke it, can you afford to pay?
00:55:09Lisa. Her eyes were red as she glared at the jar of flowers. She walked to the other side and planned
00:55:15to kick the grass. But Lewis said proudly, the grass over there is no ordinary grass.
00:55:22It's orchid. One stalk is worth tens of thousands. Are you sure you want to kick it?
00:55:29Lisa paused again and looked to the side. Lewis clicked his tongue and showed a disdainful
00:55:35expression. Little girl, the piece of land you're standing on is worth hundreds of thousands per
00:55:41square meter. Our family is rich. What can you say? What can you say? She was furious. Even if
00:55:51you have a lot of money, you can't buy kinship. Why are you looking down on us? Lewis didn't
00:55:58notice this us and thought that she was talking about the family in California. Therefore, he
00:56:03stuck out his tongue. I'm just looking down on you. Hit me if you dare. As soon as he said this,
00:56:11Lisa had already raised her little fist and punched him in the face. I'm so angry. I'll let you know
00:56:19today that money is not everything. There are some people you can't afford to offend.
00:56:25Lewis took a nimble step back and Lisa chased after him. The two of them immediately started
00:56:31fighting. This was what Lily saw when she went out. Both of them had their hands on their hips.
00:56:37Lewis said annoyingly, Your family bullied my cousin. Now it's my turn to bully you.
00:56:45Lisa's face was also red as she roared angrily. The Smiths are bullying my cousin. Let me tell
00:56:51you, my cousin and the blacks are not people who can be bullied easily. At this moment,
00:56:57Lisa was pinching Lewis's face while Lewis was pushing Lisa's neck to prevent her from getting
00:57:03too close to him. Lewis did not dare to make a move. After all, the other party was a girl and
00:57:09he was still merciful. The two of them were stunned when they heard each other. Lisa's grip loosened.
00:57:16What did you say? What did you say? Lewis was stunned too. What did you say? The blacks aren't
00:57:25you the Smiths from California? Lisa Lewis thought for a moment and coughed. I think we misunderstood.
00:57:31Let go and talk things out. Lisa was furious. No, let go of me first. Lewis, why don't I call out
00:57:38one, two, three, and we'll let go together. Okay. One, two, three. Even after he finished counting,
00:57:48they were still intertwined. Lewis said, let go. Lisa, let go of me first. Lily was speechless.
00:57:56The two of them were already 20 years old. Together, they were already 40. Yet they were
00:58:02still so childish. The corners of her lips twitched. She took a step forward and said,
00:58:08Lewis, Lisa, you've misunderstood. You're both Nora's best relatives. Let go of each other quickly.
00:58:16Lewis asked hesitantly, what are you talking about? Didn't you say that the Smiths in California
00:58:23treated her badly? It's the Smiths' fault. Lisa is the daughter of Nora's aunt. If it weren't for
00:58:31Nora's aunt, she might have starved to death when she was young. Lewis let go of her immediately
00:58:38when he heard that. It's a misunderstanding. Why aren't you letting go? It hurts. Lisa looked at
00:58:45Lily. Who are you? Are you treating Nora badly like the Smiths? Lily, I'm Lily, Auntie's assistant.
00:58:53Lisa, please let go. The Smiths have never treated Nora badly. As medical students, Auntie was a
00:59:01god to them. And Auntie's assistant, Lily was also a legend. After all, those who could be
00:59:08Auntie's assistants definitely had good medical skills. Even Lily was an outstanding surgeon.
00:59:15Lisa felt a sense of respect for her and hurriedly let go of Lewis. Her face was red
00:59:20with embarrassment. Miss Lily, um, I'm sorry. I didn't know. She lowered her head and stammered
00:59:28sheepishly. Lewis pointed at her angrily. Why are you acting weak here? I think you did it
00:59:35on purpose. Lisa immediately lost her earlier cautiousness and raised her chin like a fighting
00:59:41chicken. You are the one who started talking bad about me the moment you entered. You even
00:59:47beat me up. I'll tell Nora later how savage this little cousin of hers is. What a yellow-haired
00:59:54brat. Lisa. She was furious. You? You're the real yellow-haired brat, Lewis. He touched his blonde
01:00:03hair and was furious. He hated it when people pointed out his yellow hair. He looked at Lisa
01:00:09and roared. Say that again if you dare. Lisa, you're already a yellow-haired brat.
01:00:16Why can't you let others say it? Lewis took a step forward and was about to scare her
01:00:22when he tripped and suddenly pounced at Lisa. Lisa was not as agile and was immediately pinned
01:00:28under him. Fortunately, there was a big lawn beneath them. It did not hurt much, but coincidentally,
01:00:37Lewis's lips were on Lisa's. Everyone. After tens of silence, Lewis stood up with his hands
01:00:45on the grass in a daze. Lisa's eyes widened as she wiped her mouth with all her might.
01:00:51Are you pervert? Seeing her look of disdain, Lewis pouted. I don't have an infectious disease.
01:00:58Aren't you overreacting? He touched his lips, and for some reason, he suddenly recalled that
01:01:05soft feeling from earlier. His face turned a little red. At this moment, he saw Lisa turn to
01:01:12look at the ground. Her eyes immediately turned red and large tears rolled down her face.
01:01:19Lewis was shocked. Hey, what are you doing? Isn't it just a kiss? Is it worth crying and
01:01:26making a scene? Lisa cried. Of course you don't feel anything, but I can't afford to pay for
01:01:33these lawns. Lewis, it turned out that this was the reason. He scratched his head and coughed.
01:01:41Don't cry. These lawns are not expensive. Another tear fell from Lisa's. I didn't you just say that
01:01:48a single orchid cost hundreds of thousands. Lewis, I lied to you. Lisa wiped her tears and was so
01:01:56angry that her heart hurt. What kind of family did Nora live in? The people here were all too
01:02:03perverted. She followed Lily into the living room angrily. Lewis followed her in and sat on the sofa.
01:02:10He had his hands behind his head and glanced at Lisa from time to time. At this moment,
01:02:16Yvonne walked down from upstairs and smiled. There's another guest at home. Her behavior was
01:02:22still magnanimous and appropriate. She looked like someone from a noble family, and Lisa
01:02:27immediately sat up straight and felt restrained. Lucy replied, Miss Yvonne. She's Miss Nora's
01:02:34cousin. Yvonne smiled. Nora really has a lot of friends and relatives. Her words were filled with
01:02:41mockery. Lisa bit her lip. She had always been a sensitive and suspicious girl. It was obvious that
01:02:48she could sense Yvonne's hostility, especially when Yvonne looked at her from head to toe.
01:02:53Her eyes filled with disdain. Lisa didn't even know where to put her hands and feet.
01:02:59At this moment, Lewis said, Tisk, why are you acting as the mistress here? I heard that Joel
01:03:05has taken away all your rights. I should really buy some firecrackers to celebrate. Yvonne clenched
01:03:12her fists and smiled. Lewis, there's a guest here. Speak properly. She looked like a good sister.
01:03:20Lewis pouted. She's not a guest. She's Nora's cousin, which means she's also my cousin. Yvonne
01:03:28smiled. But isn't Nora unrelated to the Smiths in California? I heard that she broke off ties
01:03:34with them during the last live broadcast. These words made Lisa even more embarrassed.
01:03:41It was as if she was pestering them right now. She stood up suddenly and was about to say goodbye
01:03:46when she heard Lewis laugh. Yvonne asked, what are you laughing about? Lewis touched his hair.
01:03:53I'm laughing at you. Anyone else can talk about blood relations, but can you? You're not related
01:04:00to our family by blood. According to your logic, you're not a member of the Smiths. You, he dissed
01:04:07Yvonne to the point that she was rendered speechless. She turned and went upstairs in a
01:04:12huff. Lewis curled his lips disdainfully behind her and said to Lisa, don't bother with her.
01:04:19She's just spoiled. Spoiled. Spit her lip. She looks pretty graceful to me, though.
01:04:27Lewis snatched his teeth in fury and said, it's all an act. I know that woman the best.
01:04:33We grew up together. She does one thing in front of other people and another all together behind
01:04:39their backs and is the most hypocritical person ever. She has no blood relation to the Smiths.
01:04:46She'd be nothing at all if Uncle Ian hadn't adopted her. Oh, said Lisa. After saying that,
01:04:54Lewis realized that it wasn't appropriate for him to badmouth his family to an outsider.
01:05:00So he said, just keep waiting here. I'll go up for now. He had a bedroom in the Smiths Manor.
01:05:06When Lewis heard that Yvonne was no longer taking charge at home, he had come back excitedly,
01:05:12hoping to see her down and out. He had made up his mind. He was going to move back to the Smiths
01:05:19from this day on in the suburbs of New York. Tanya was playing games with Pete in the villa.
01:05:25She had specially bought a jigsaw puzzle meant for twelve-year-olds and above,
01:05:31which had a higher level of difficulty so that she could keep Pete company. But unexpectedly,
01:05:37a brief two minutes later, Tanya looked at the completed jigsaw puzzle on the floor
01:05:43and then at Pete, who sighed and said, it's too easy. Tanya, she asked tentatively.
01:05:51Shall I buy you a jigsaw puzzle meant for grown-ups next time? God, Mom, do you like
01:05:57jigsaw puzzles a lot, Tanya? Pete sighed and said, I've already played with you for so long.
01:06:04Can I go and do my Olympiad assignments now? Tanya. So to Pete, doing jigsaw puzzles with
01:06:11her was actually a waste of time and energy. The corners of Tanya's lips spasms. Go ahead.
01:06:18Only then did a satisfied Pete walk over to the desk next to them and take out his mathematical
01:06:24Olympiad workbook from his school bag. Before he started working on the problems, he suddenly
01:06:29looked at Tanya and asked, is Mommy really OK? Tanya was taken aback. She had brought Pete back
01:06:37with her after school the day before. Pete had followed her home without saying anything at that
01:06:42time. She thought that he wouldn't ask about it. But unexpectedly, he was actually such a
01:06:49perceptive boy. Tanya said she'll be fine. Pete kept quiet for a while before he asked.
01:06:57Mommy will come and pick me up, right, Tanya? The way he was asking those questions so seriously
01:07:04and with such a tense look on his face broke Tanya's heart. It was only then that Tanya
01:07:09realized that even though Nora had found Pete and that even though he was sleeping on the same bed
01:07:15as his mother every day these days, Pete was actually still very insecure at heart. She walked
01:07:21over, hugged Pete and kissed him on the cheek. Don't worry, she'll definitely come. Your mom
01:07:29loves you very, very much. When we were looking for our children abroad back then, she was really
01:07:35crazy about it. Her words piqued Pete's interest. All of a sudden he asked, how? So, Tanya? Pete put
01:07:45down the workbook in his hand and looked at her seriously, his eyes full of interest. He really
01:07:52wanted to know all the details. The corners of Tanya's lips spasms. She had gotten him so many
01:07:58toys, yet none of them had aroused Pete's interest at all. Instead, a simple one-liner from her had
01:08:06unexpectedly made the boy so fixated on something she could only say, your mom was in poor health
01:08:13when she first went overseas. Even so, she insisted on coming to our meetings every week and listen to
01:08:19us share our experiences and looking for our children. After that, she would try again and
01:08:26again to return to the States. At that time, she was falling comatose for a while almost every day,
01:08:34so your grandaunt never allowed her to come back. Thus, she got people to look for you in the country
01:08:40instead. I remember that there was once a liar who called your mom and told her that he had found
01:08:46clues about your whereabouts. We all knew he was a liar, but your mom believed him. I tried to talk
01:08:54her out of it when she was giving him money, but she instead said, I know he's a liar, but what if
01:09:00he really has news about my son? I won't allow myself to miss out on any possibility. There was
01:09:07also another time someone told her that they might have news about you. She had a fever at that time,
01:09:13but she still made herself go over. In the end, it also turned out to be fake news, but she passed
01:09:19out in the wilderness and was almost eaten by wild dogs. Tanya's eyes reddened as she spoke.
01:09:26It hadn't been easy for her and Nora during all those years. Back then, Nora's suffering had
01:09:33already come to an end, but what about her? There was still no news about her child, even now.
01:09:41Tanya lowered her head. She didn't notice. Pizza's flickering. Even though Pete now had a mother,
01:09:48he had still felt insecure all this time. After all, his family was incomplete and mommy was
01:09:55always finding daddy too troublesome. He had actually had nightmares quite a few times.
01:10:01He dreamed that mommy had gone abroad with Cherry and didn't want him anymore. He kept chasing after
01:10:07them, but he simply couldn't catch up to them at all. His feet were so heavy in the dream,
01:10:13he was afraid that mommy would suddenly separate from daddy one day and leave him listening to
01:10:18Tanya talk about how mommy had looked for him so painstakingly back then, made him distressed,
01:10:25but also relieved at the same time. What Cherry said was true. Mommy had never given up on him
01:10:31before. After Tanya talked about the past for a while, the doorbell suddenly rang. Pete got up
01:10:38at once. It must be mommy. Tanya stared at him, caught between laughter and tears. It was only
01:10:45at times like this that Pete looked like what a boy his age should look like. She smiled and went
01:10:51to open the door. You're finally here. Your little brat is already sick of me by now. She opened the
01:10:58door as she spoke intimately, only to see Joel standing outside instead. Tanya was stunned.
01:11:05Why are you here? Joel's fox-like eyes, which easily made one feel as though he was deeply in
01:11:11love with them, were fixed on her, but Tanya knew exactly how heartless the man was. Seeing her
01:11:18expression go from joy to weariness, Joel lowered his gaze, a cop filling his heart. He said softly,
01:11:26Nora is fine now. I came to take the child home. Tanya was a little taken aback when she heard his
01:11:32term of address for Nora. Then she looked away and uttered, oh. She then glanced at Pete and asked,
01:11:40has she gone home yet? No, but she'll be home soon. Tanya was very wary. She said,
01:11:47you can't take the child if she isn't home. Let's wait until she's home, okay? Joel was
01:11:53unexpectedly agreeable. He asked, are you planning to have me wait outside, Miss Turner? Tanya.
01:12:01Seeing that Joel was about to enter, Tanya stopped him at the door and said,
01:12:06it's not quite appropriate for a man and a woman to be alone together this late at night.
01:12:12Is it, Mr. Smith? Joel kept quiet for a moment before he said, isn't the child also at home?
01:12:19The way he spoke sounded as if the child was theirs. Tanya sneered and said, the child is
01:12:25still young, so it's still inappropriate. You'd better go back to the car and wait there instead,
01:12:31Mr. Smith. I'll let you take the child once Nora gets home and retrieves her cell phone,
01:12:37and I confirm things with her. Bam. Tanya closed the door right after saying that Joel.
01:12:43Joel could faintly hear Pete ask, was it not mommy at the door? God, mom? Who was it then?
01:12:51Oh, just an annoying fly, replied Tanya. Joel. Half an hour later, the perturbed and distracted
01:12:58Tanya glanced at the window. The moment she did, she found herself stunned. Joel was standing at
01:13:06the door, his tall and straight figure casting a long, drawn-out shadow on the ground, the days
01:13:13Tanya felt as if she had gone back a few years in time back then. She would always see a figure
01:13:18like that standing outside every time she walked out of the classroom after class. At that time,
01:13:25the sight of the man had made her excited and happy, but the figure instead seemed somewhat
01:13:31solitary and lonely now, making her sad. Tanya withdrew her gaze, lowered her head, and looked
01:13:38at the floor. Complicated emotions churned in the depths of her heart. Sometime later, when Tanya
01:13:45looked up once more, she found that the figure at the door was gone. An empty feeling welled up in
01:13:51her. She couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was. She forced a smile, looked at Pete and said,
01:13:58Your mommy should be home soon. Pete nodded. However, he then said, Uncle Joel looks unwell
01:14:04to me, though. Unwell? Tanya followed his gaze and looked over to see that Joel had changed
01:14:10positions at some point. He was now standing in a corner, visible from the living room window.
01:14:16His head was down, and he had one hand pressed against his abdomen and the other against the
01:14:21wall for support. She couldn't tell whether it was the lighting or because he really was unwell,
01:14:28but he looked as pale as a sheet. His lips were so pale that they were practically transparent,
01:14:34and there was cold sweat on his forehead. Uncle Joel must be in pain, right? Why not let him in?
01:14:41God, mom.
01:14:44Pete's words interrupted Tanya's thoughts. She said coldly, It has nothing to do with me,
01:14:50even if he's dead. Yet, despite saying that she kept looking outside, she couldn't help but sneer
01:14:57deep down. It was the same old trick. He always acted weak and frail. Back when they were still
01:15:04in school, every time he made her angry, he would always stand outside their dormitory.
01:15:11Even when it rained, he simply refused to leave. He never apologized, but always stood there so
01:15:17stubbornly so that she would relent. She had been so naive at that time. When the sun was bright and
01:15:24glaring, she would worry that he would be sunburnt when it rained. She would worry that he would get
01:15:29drenched. He really had her wrapped around his little finger. Her heart was as hard as iron now,
01:15:36though, so how would she possibly still be deceived by his little tricks?
01:15:41Besides, it was impossible for him to leave the house without bodyguards or his personal assistant.
01:15:47After all, as the head of the Smiths, his status was awfully noble and prestigious.
01:15:54The thought had only just formed when she saw Joel's legs give in, and he fell onto one knee
01:16:00on the ground. Tanya subconsciously took a few steps toward him, then she opened the door and
01:16:06rushed out. She went over to Joel, the man who likely heard her footsteps turn to look at her.
01:16:12He was very pale, so he probably wasn't putting up an act. His voice was also very soft, and he
01:16:19sounded a little aggrieved as he said, I knew you wouldn't ignore me, Tanya, for a moment.
01:16:25Tanya, for a moment. Tears almost fell from Tanya's eyes. However, she held them back and
01:16:32looked around. Where are your assistants and your bodyguards? Joel seemed like he wanted to say
01:16:38something, but in the end he merely said, I don't want to go to the hospital. Then his eyes closed
01:16:45and he fainted. Tanya was dumbfounded. There was a reason why Joel said that he didn't want to go
01:16:51to the hospital. He had always refused to go, even when they were still in school. He had always
01:16:57toughed it out whenever he was sick, so he never went for checkups, even when he had stomach
01:17:02problems. What was he up to now, though? Was he staging an accident? Tanya was so mad that she
01:17:10stretched out her foot, intending to give him a hard kick. The bodyguard, hiding in the distance,
01:17:16wanted to rush forward, but was stopped by Joel's assistant. The assistant said the gesture that Mr.
01:17:22Joel made before he fainted was telling us not to go over. The bodyguard retorted, even so,
01:17:29we can't just watch as someone hits him. She won't. What? The bodyguards looked over to see
01:17:35that Tanya's foot had stopped less than an inch from him. Tanya looked around hesitantly. She
01:17:42frowned and wondered out loud, did he really not bring his assistant with him? What incompetent
01:17:48bodyguards. What if he was sick elsewhere instead? What are you going to do if that happens?
01:17:55Even though she was complaining, she nevertheless bent over and held the man up. Just like that,
01:18:01the bodyguards in the distance watched as their master was dragged into the house
01:18:06while the woman stumbled and bumped him about. The rough girl also kept on swearing as she moved.
01:18:12Nora slept right until the next day. After making up for all her lost sleep, she got out of bed,
01:18:20all refreshed and stretched. Then she looked at her cell phone and noticed that Tanya had
01:18:26sent her several messages. They seemed very urgent. However, Tanya probably knew that she
01:18:32needed to make up for lost sleep, so she hadn't called and disturbed her rest. No matter how
01:18:38anxious she was, she picked up the phone and took a look. Their chat was still at the point when she
01:18:44got home the day before. At that time, when she saw the messages that Tanya had sent, she had
01:18:50replied, I'm home now. You can send Pete back with Joel now. She had fallen into a deep sleep
01:18:58after that. But why wasn't Pete by her side when she woke up? She looked at the chat again.
01:19:04Tanya had been sending her the same thing. Are you awake? Are you awake? Are you awake?
01:19:12She had practically asked the same thing once every hour, which made that seven or eight times
01:19:17in total. It was enough to show how bad of a mental breakdown she was having. Nora was rather
01:19:23hesitant. Pete was a very well-behaved boy. Surely he wasn't that hard to take care of, was he? While
01:19:31wondering about it, she replied, I'm up. Tanya called. The very next moment, she picked it up.
01:19:41She'd only just said hello when Tanya's loud voice reached her through the phone.
01:19:46My goodness, you slept for 12 hours again? Didn't you wake up a little too late? Nora rubbed her
01:19:53ears. Yeah, what's up? Hurry up and come over to pick up your son. Nora uttered an okay. Then she
01:20:01asked, is that it? Tanya paused and then quietly added, and your elder brother, too. She seemed to
01:20:10be gnashing her teeth in fury with every word she said, which went to show just how angry and
01:20:15resentful she was. Did she say elder brother, though? Nora didn't realize what she was saying
01:20:22for a while there. She asked which brother. How many elder brothers do you have? Tanya practically
01:20:29roared the question. Nora answered seriously, if you try counting, there are six boys in the Smiths,
01:20:37so I have five older brothers and one younger brother. You're talking about Joel?
01:20:44Yes. Nora was puzzled. Didn't he go over to pick up Pete for me? How did he end up staying there
01:20:51instead? The woman on the other end suppressed her anger and said, you have half an hour. If you don't
01:20:58come over in time, then this friendship is over. Beep, beep, beep. Then she slowly brushed her teeth and
01:21:06washed up. After she was done, she finally went out. As soon as she went downstairs, Lucy saw her
01:21:14and said excitedly, you're finally awake, Miss Nora. What's the matter? asked Nora. Lucy replied,
01:21:22your cousin is here. Thank you for watching. If you have enjoyed this series,
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