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12-year-old mpox patient recovering, says DoH

Assistant Secretary Ariel Valencia, DoH Calabarzon Center for Health Development regional director, says a 12-year-old mpox patient from Balayan, Batangas is recovering from the illness. Valencia was interviewed on the sidelines of the 'Run for Healthy Lungs' at the FPJ Arena in San Jose, Batangas on Aug. 30, 2024.


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00:00I don't have the data, but we can share it with you, our statistics, and you can help us with this so that we can give the right information to our fellow countrymen.
00:14Are these diseases pertussis cases in Calabasas? How many vials of vaccine from the 500,000 that were obtained from the D.O.H. were obtained in Calabasas?
00:26As of now, our pertussis cases are not the same as they were in April. Before, it used to be 300,000 a day, but now, according to the report, it's already low.
00:38The vaccine is good, it's already there, we're just adjusting the allocation because we're looking at where else in the Philippines we need to give more.
00:48But are these the highest cases of pertussis here in Calabasas? Where did the outbreak of pertussis happen?
00:55Actually, it's spreading. Our first report is in Rizal. We're also looking at it. Our surveillance officers are not stopping, that's why our cases were captured early.
01:10We're thankful because our local health workers are giving us information.
01:17In Calabasas, there's a case of multiplexing, 12 years old. How is the situation of the patient now? What measures are we doing to prevent the spread of multiplexing in Calabasas?
01:30First of all, we are thankful to our local health workers, municipal health officers, to our mayor, who is the first to know that the case of RITM is positive,
01:43the family immediately went to him. As of now, according to our mayor last night, the situation is good and we can't wait for the recovery.
01:53So we're still monitoring, we're still looking, we're still doing contact tracing to make sure that this doesn't spread.
02:01Doc, you said that it's like a house transmission, that it started in the household. And because there's no history of the child, what's your reaction on that?
02:10Well, first of all, we're still investigating. We're still looking into it, the details. We also want to make sure that there's no escape because it will have an effect on the way we will proceed to prevent the spread of this.
02:28As of now, we are being monitored by the family to make sure that our case is only there and it won't spread.
02:37Another thing, can you confirm, according to Doc Solante, there's no vaccine, at least in Asia, because it's being prioritized, at least in the African continent, because there are more cases. Can you confirm that?
02:52Well, first of all, we are always monitoring the World Health Organization. Even the logistics available, it's right that they prioritize the areas where the cases are very high, the outbreak.
03:09And for us, it's good that we are now close monitoring and surveillance.
03:17For the record, how many close contacts did the child have and did the family members say, including those outside, that there's an impact positive in the house?
03:29Actually, they went there. They were given the right guidance and they know everything. As I said, the investigation is ongoing.
03:38There were seven in the house.
03:41Seven, including the child?
03:43Yes, seven in the house. We are monitoring all of them because of course, she's a child. She went to school. So we are monitoring all of her close friends.
03:54As I said, even though her condition is getting better, we are monitoring those who have close contacts with her.
04:05Your actions are not enough. Every sector of our society, private sector, our private practitioners, you yourself are in the media to give the right information to our countrymen.
04:20Aside from physical activity, what are the ways to prevent lung diseases?
04:27First, we need to have a consultation. Let's not doubt. If we are feeling something, let's have a look.
04:35And if we can see that there's something that needs to be treated, let's not stop in the middle of the treatment so that we can be sure that her recovery is complete and she won't get infected or her true health can return.
04:54What are the common symptoms of people with lung diseases so that they know when to get a check-up?
05:00Usually, people with lung diseases have difficulty breathing, can't walk for a long time, shortness of breath. We can see that.
05:12But usually here, if there's a fever, you might think that it's just a fever. But we can see that.
05:23So if it's been a long time, you need to get a check-up.
05:28All of these are available in our health centers.
05:32The important thing is to get a check-up at the nearest health center so that they can be given an appointment there.
05:39Doc, do you have data? Like in the Calabarzon region or in the Philippines, if you have that, how many cases of tuberculosis are there?
05:46As of now, it's still high. Like you mentioned earlier, 7% of the global population, we can see that the cases are still TB.
05:59How many figures are there?
06:02I can't hold on to the whole data.
06:05That's why we have a continuous program that I am launching in the month of August to remind our countrymen that TB is still a problem.
06:17We are fighting it, but it's still going on. We should not stop.
06:23It's been a long time. That's why I keep saying that by giving the right information, the stigma will be removed.
06:33Because this is a medicine.
06:35What's important here is to follow the patients on the medicine and make sure to finish it.
06:41Because it's hard not to finish the medicine.
06:44It's even harder for us to control or prevent TB.
06:50And finally, Doc, any message in regards to the celebration of the National Month?
06:55First of all, I would like to thank all of you for your service to our countrymen,
07:03all of you, from our health workers, to our countrymen, to our fellow societies where they are together in advocacy and movement.
07:15And I hope that the efforts that we are doing regarding the health of our countrymen will continue.
07:28Not just this August, but throughout the year.
07:32Because the disease is continuous and we cannot say that it will only be sick for a month.
07:39It's a way of life that we have to keep ourselves healthy.
07:44As the Secretary said, always remember to stay healthy, eat right, exercise, and be disciplined.
07:54Have a good day, everyone.
