CS 30th August 2024

  • 2 days ago
Coronation Street 30th August 2024
00:26What are you doing?
00:28Oh, nothing.
00:30I just needed some air.
00:32Are you going to talk to Kirk?
00:34It's the least you could do after ignoring all of his text messages.
00:39There's no point.
00:42It'll only make today harder.
00:44He deserves better than this.
00:46We all do, Mum.
00:58Is that Rowan?
01:00No, it's just somebody cancelling lunch.
01:02It's OK, I'll get through to him.
01:04Oh, there's a surprise.
01:06I thought he'd be halfway to Ray on his private jet by now.
01:08Hello, Gran. You're in early.
01:10I just thought I'd better give you a heads-up.
01:12Trace is outside.
01:14Outside doing what?
01:16Well, I think it'd be a good idea
01:18if you went and saw what he was up to.
01:20Oh, I'm afraid I can't.
01:22I've got to go.
01:24Trace is outside.
01:26Outside doing what?
01:28Well, I think it'd be a good idea
01:30if you went and saw for yourselves.
01:32Listen, your mother's been on,
01:34asking if you've sorted your sixth form yet.
01:36No, not yet.
01:38Right, well, you'd better get moving on it.
01:40You're supposed to start in a couple of days.
01:42Yeah, well, I might just sack it all off at this point, so...
01:44Sack it? What do you mean, sack it?
01:46Hang on a minute, this wouldn't be anything
01:48to do with a certain someone taking an interest, would it?
01:50I don't know what you're talking about, Dad.
01:52I don't know her, anyway. Even Mason chucked her.
01:54Well, she chucked him.
01:56Right, well,
01:58believe me, I know her type.
02:00Her type?
02:02Bad news. Steer well clear.
02:04Look, this is why I wanted to get out of this place.
02:06So people like you can stay out of my business.
02:12What the hell?
02:14It's not personal. Not for you, anyway.
02:16You need to get rid of that now.
02:18Gladly. As soon as Rowan hands Amy back
02:20Oh, he didn't steal the money.
02:22He's a con man.
02:24And if you can't see that, you're either thick
02:26or you're in it with him.
02:28All right, all right, I'll just try and get a hold of him,
02:30but like I said, he'll sort this out.
02:32Good. And in the meantime, Steve and Amy
02:34are going to have a little chat with the Gazette.
02:36Oh, so we need it.
02:38Is that all you're bothered about?
02:42I don't know how you live with yourself, Leanne.
02:44I don't really.
02:52Sorry I'm late. I stopped off at the hospital
02:54to see Lauren.
02:56What can I do you for?
02:58Bad news, I'm afraid.
03:00We need to wind down
03:02the Joel Deering investigation.
03:08Why do you think?
03:10The case has collapsed.
03:12CPS will never go for it.
03:14Plus the wrongful arrests of Roy Cropper
03:16and Nathan Curtis haven't exactly covered us in glory.
03:19Wait, so
03:21we're washing our hands of Lauren
03:23because it's bad PR?
03:25You know as well as me
03:27we've got finite resources.
03:29Lauren isn't the only vulnerable girl
03:31out there.
03:33Look, we've made mistakes. I hold my hands up,
03:35but we can get Joel on this.
03:37We have got cases coming out of our ears,
03:41Ones we might actually stand a chance of winning.
03:45it's his word against hers
03:47and frankly, hers isn't reliable.
03:49Oh, he did this
03:53If we let him go now, he'll be straight after her
03:55or some other vulnerable teenager.
03:57He puts one foot out of line
03:59and we're on him like a ton of bricks.
04:01Look, please, at least speak to Lauren first.
04:03Hear her side of it.
04:05I'm sorry. Decision's been made.
04:07We swore an oath
04:09to protect people like Lauren.
04:13Does that mean nothing?
04:17The case is closed.
04:35Is Roy about? Yeah.
04:37He is.
04:39Can I see him?
04:41Not you want to see him.
04:43You weren't so bothered when the police took me in jail, were you?
04:49I shouldn't have said that. No, it's fine.
04:51It's like it's not true.
04:55I know you were scared and what Joel did was just
05:01We've got mates here.
05:03People who care about you. We could have protected you.
05:07I'll go and get Roy.
05:09No, you know what?
05:11Leave it. Just tell him I stopped by to say hiya.
05:17All right?
05:19How are you doing?
05:21How do you think?
05:23Your mum won't even answer my calls.
05:25Look, maybe
05:27she'll just get to Norfolk and realise it was all a terrible mistake
05:29then come straight back.
05:31For you.
05:33I never ordered that.
05:35Yeah, no, it's just to cheer you up on the house.
05:37Great. Now I'm a charity case.
05:39No, no, I didn't mean it like that.
05:41I'm not really hungry.
05:43I'm not really hungry.
05:45I'm not really hungry.
05:47Cheers, love.
05:49On second thoughts, no point wasting it.
05:55Look, are you gonna come
05:57and wave her off later?
05:59What's the point? It's not like she wants me there.
06:07Two hours I've been waiting around here.
06:11What can I say?
06:13I've washed off my feet.
06:17So, are we charging me or not?
06:21We've reviewed our investigation into your criminal activities.
06:23Alleged activities.
06:25And it's been decided not to pursue our enquiries
06:27for the time being.
06:31you've got nothing?
06:41that can't look good for you,
06:43that. Arresting the wrong one three times.
06:49some might say you're incompetent.
06:51We didn't arrest the wrong man.
06:53Not in your case.
06:55And yet you've got no evidence.
06:57Oh, we'll find it.
06:59Cocky types like you always slip up
07:01in the end.
07:05In the meantime,
07:07even look at Dee Dee or Lauren again
07:09and it won't be prison you'll need to worry about.
07:11And yeah,
07:13that is a threat.
07:19How is
07:21Betsy, by the way?
07:25Is she still trying to blackmail people?
07:29Well, it's to be expected, really, isn't it?
07:31You for a mum. She's been neglected. I see her all the time.
07:35You're lecturing me about being a bad parent
07:37for what you did to your baby?
07:49What are you up to?
07:51No, I'm probably just staying.
07:53You can't stay here all day.
07:55Oh, come on, Jack. I know you're worried about your hearing next week,
07:57but once the judge knows why you did it,
07:59chances are they'll go easy on you.
08:01Right, would they?
08:07Oh, hi, Adam.
08:09Yeah, I'm with him now.
08:11Yeah. Yeah, we can.
08:13All right.
08:15See you later. Cheers, pal.
08:17What did he say?
08:19He was rushing into court,
08:21but he wants to meet up with us later,
08:23update us on your case.
08:25Well, this could be good, right?
08:29We'll just have this smoothie
08:31and say goodbye to Aunty Beth.
08:33That's all gone through.
08:35I'll bring it over. Thanks.
08:37Oi, is it true what Bethany's heard?
08:39That Joel got hold of some drug
08:41and tried to make Lauren lose the baby?
08:45Who told her that?
08:47Well, I'm hardly going to tell you that, am I?
08:49Well, I'm hardly going to answer it.
08:51Excuse me.
08:57what time do you need to be back at the factory?
09:00Ages, yeah. So, go on.
09:02Go on what?
09:04Well, you've obviously brought me here to have a go
09:06about some of it.
09:08What, I can't just have lunch with my own daughter?
09:10Oh, remember who I am, have you?
09:12Feeling better?
09:16Yeah. It was just Karl who said you was off with some bug.
09:20I'll, er... I'll bring your sardies over.
09:24Please don't tell me you've been bunking off.
09:26Yeah, I pulled a sickie, all right?
09:28Some of us have a life outside of work.
09:30Right, well, you'd better head
09:32straight back after this.
09:34If I hear of you messing Karl around again...
09:36I won't.
09:38And I suppose this hectic social life
09:40is why you didn't come to me about Joel.
09:42I did.
09:44After I wasted vital weeks.
09:46Do you know what, for a second there,
09:48I thought you were actually worried about me, but no.
09:50As always, it's always about you and your precious career.
09:52No, I'm just saying, if I'd have known,
09:54I could have got Joel off the street sooner.
09:56Protected Lauren's baby.
09:58Do you know what, is there anything else you want to blame me for?
10:00Oh, no, Betsy, I didn't mean it like that.
10:10I guess this is it, then.
10:18Bye, sweetheart.
10:20Promise you'll come and visit me all the time.
10:22Of course we will.
10:24I know I don't say this enough,
10:26but Sinead would be really proud of you.
10:32I can't believe Kirky's not here.
10:36Oh, thank goodness.
10:38Thought we might miss you.
10:40Now, we've had a bit of a whip round
10:42and, well, we got you this.
10:44Listen, it's what we could get you
10:46in the time that we had.
10:48Here we go.
10:52I printed the pictures and, well, Izzie sewed them on.
10:56Oh, all right, it's not that bad.
10:58Oh, come here.
11:04I'm going to miss you.
11:06Lord knows why.
11:08Oh, I bet you lot everyone's not going to be the same
11:10without you.
11:16There you go.
11:20Mum, are you sure this is what you want?
11:24Yeah, it is.
11:26What? Why?
11:28Nobody makes any sense.
11:30Please, love, I know you're mad at me,
11:32but one day you'll understand.
11:34I love you so much.
11:38I love you, too.
11:54Call me when you get there, yeah?
11:56Bye, Mum.
11:58Bye, we'll miss you.
12:00Steph, don't go!
12:02Stop the car!
12:04I couldn't let you go
12:06without saying a proper goodbye to her.
12:10You've been good for Daddy, yeah?
12:12And Mummy loves you.
12:14Please don't go.
12:16Whatever I did wrong, I can change.
12:20Listen to me.
12:22None of this is your fault.
12:24You'll always be perfect to me.
12:26Then let me come.
12:28I can work in the factory and make new friends.
12:32Why not?
12:34Because you deserve better than me.
12:36I'm sorry.
12:38I'm sorry.
12:42Just go! Go!
12:46I don't get it.
12:48Is you sick of the sight of me, fair enough?
12:50Or to walk out on Bertie and Peanut?
12:52There's something else going on here.
12:54I know it.
13:12All right?
13:15All right.
13:17What are you doing?
13:19Avoiding my mum.
13:21She's doing my head in.
13:23I'm not thinking about that now.
13:25Sit down.
13:29Have I got a disease?
13:33What you sat over there for?
13:41I'm glad you're not moving away.
13:43I'd have missed you.
13:47You can't believe me.
13:49I wasn't sure.
13:53I'll make myself a bit clearer then.
13:59Do you know what?
14:01For a second I bet it actually looked like you meant that.
14:03If someone's jealous, I bin them off.
14:07No, I'm having a party because I was actually beginning to think
14:09I'd never shake you off.
14:11Thank you, mate.
14:13Seriously, you've done me one there.
14:15Because no one else round here is going to go and touch her.
14:25I still can't get my head round her going like that.
14:27Me neither.
14:29Do you reckon it's to do with that fake gear they were making?
14:31How do you mean?
14:33Maybe the people she was selling it to got heavy and scared her off.
14:35Here you go, boys.
14:37On the house.
14:41Everyone's treating me like I'm a pathetic charity case.
14:43Actually, they were from me.
14:45I just wanted to say I'm sorry I'm about Beth leaving.
14:47Oh, right.
14:49Well, cheers.
14:51I'll leave you to it.
14:53Yeah, me too.
14:55Actually, mate, there was something I wanted to ask you.
14:59You know the guy that my mum was selling these knock-off t-shirts to?
15:03You don't think he could have put the frighteners on her?
15:07What makes you say that?
15:09Well, it would explain why she left so fast.
15:11Do you know where I can find him?
15:13Why are you asking me?
15:15You were the one who dealt with him.
15:17Not officially.
15:19I warned him off as a fever for your mum.
15:21Anyway, he's a bottom feeder.
15:23There's no way your mum would have been scared of him.
15:25You're barking up the wrong tree, mate.
15:33Oh, hey.
15:35I mean, Betsy said she was feeling loads better,
15:37so I just wanted to check that she'd made it in OK.
15:39Well, funny you should say that,
15:41because we're still waiting for her to grace us with her presence.
15:43You kidding?
15:45No, sorry, that's probably my fault.
15:47I said something I shouldn't have
15:49and she went off in a huff.
15:51What's she blaming you for this time?
15:53I had a bit of a morning of it at work
15:55and I took it out on her.
15:57Did you?
16:01Have you got a minute?
16:09We had to let Joel go this morning.
16:11Oh, you're kidding me. Why?
16:13Insufficient evidence.
16:15Doesn't mean I'm giving up, though.
16:17Not by a longchalk, but...
16:19It's just something that he said
16:21that really got under my skin.
16:23Basically, I'd neglected Betsy.
16:25He said that to you?
16:27I hope you smacked him one.
16:29He's right, though.
16:31If I'd have been around more,
16:33then she never would have got mixed up with him.
16:35Oh, come on, Lisa, you're a single mum
16:37with a high-pressure career.
16:39I can hardly run this knickerfactory.
16:41No, it's not just that, though.
16:43After Becky died, I should have taken more time off.
16:45You know, helped Betsy through it properly,
16:47but instead I took the coward's way out
16:49and threw myself into my job
16:51and now I feel like I'm losing her as well.
16:53Oh, come on,
16:55that's not going to happen, is it?
16:57I'm not one
17:00I'm not one that should be giving advice,
17:02but have you tried telling her all this?
17:04I won't tell her what a mess I've made.
17:06I think she's probably worked that out for herself.
17:08Well, maybe she'd like to hear it from you.
17:10You know?
17:12So that she feels like she's not the only one
17:14who messes up sometimes.
17:18Can you give us a minute, please?
17:20Yes, of course.
17:22Come on, mate, we're meant to be celebrating.
17:24Adam played a blinder getting that CPS lawyer
17:26to agree to her plea bargain.
17:28He's never going to get done for, right?
17:30Yeah, but you heard what he said.
17:32If you plead guilty to arson reckless
17:34to endanger life instead of intent to,
17:36it's not as serious
17:38as you'll get a third off your sentence.
17:43What are you doing?
17:45Getting me and Dylan a takeaway.
17:47Right, sure you are.
17:49Betsy, what is it going to take
17:51to get through to your little brain?
17:53I'm not interested in you.
17:55Mason, wait, you're right,
17:57I was only trying to make you jealous.
17:59I couldn't give her monkeys, to be quite honest.
18:01Now, do you want to know before you...
18:03Hey, what's going on?
18:05Nothing, she was just about to leave.
18:09Can I pay?
18:11I've been waiting some time.
18:13Oh, sorry, yeah, yeah,
18:15OK, just follow me.
18:27I'm sorry I didn't get back to you.
18:29I was going to call you this morning,
18:31but things have been pretty mad.
18:33Yeah, well, you should try it from the morning I've just had.
18:35Tracy graffitied thieves right across the front of the bistro.
18:39Yeah, and she said she's going to go to the press
18:41if she doesn't get her money back.
18:43Good job I spent the morning with our lawyers, then.
18:45Oh, so you are trying to arrange to get the money back?
18:47What? No,
18:49making sure we're covered if she tries taking us to court.
18:51That's why I wanted to talk to you,
18:53bring you up to speed on our strategy.
18:57From now on, your only priority
18:59is making sure the Institute is protected.
19:01Hang on a minute,
19:03Amy's practically family,
19:05I can't just cheat her out of her inheritance.
19:09No-one forced her to invest that money.
19:11Unless you did.
19:15well, no,
19:17well, not intentionally.
19:19Look, there must be some kind of cooling-off period.
19:21Her gran left her all that money in her will
19:23and it's everything she's got.
19:25And she'll be handsomely rewarded.
19:29We can count on you,
19:31with your loyalty, can't we?
19:33Willow invested a lot of time
19:35and energy in helping you turn your life around.
19:39I hope that wasn't for nothing.
19:43My boss reckons there wasn't
19:45a realistic prospect of a conviction.
19:49it's damage limitation.
19:51I hope that Joel gets to walk free
19:53to protect their reputation.
19:55This is my fault.
19:59Absolutely not.
20:01If I'd have come back sooner, then Raya wouldn't have been arrested
20:03and then I wasted so much time on Nathan.
20:05The only person to blame here is Joel.
20:07And me.
20:09For not seeing it sooner.
20:11I let you down.
20:13But I meant everything I said.
20:15If Joel Daring even tries
20:17to come near you...
20:19What? You'll protect us?
20:25Please, don't give us stuff
20:27about people like me.
20:29I mean, to them, I'm just some trash off the estate.
20:31No, that's not true.
20:33This isn't over,
20:35OK? One way or another,
20:37Joel Daring's gonna pay for what he has done.
20:39I give you my word.
20:53It was here when I came in.
20:55Look, I know you're upset
20:57and you have every right to be,
20:59but we've searched everywhere for it.
21:01We will, of course, refund you
21:03for your meal. In fact, you can
21:05come back any time for another
21:07on the house. You'd think I'd come back here?
21:09Rest assured, I'll be leaving you
21:11a terrible review. Straight after
21:13I've reported you to the police.
21:15I believe in her.
21:17Obviously, she reckons
21:19one of us has nabbed her.
21:21Did you?
21:23Be honest.
21:25No. Thank you for trusting me, though.
21:27I'm sorry.
21:29I shouldn't have accused you.
21:31I'm sorry.
21:33Look, why don't you go for a break
21:35and we can start combing the place again
21:37when you come back, OK?
21:39I can help you.
22:09I think we need a little chat.
22:33Get out of my way.
22:35Where are you going?
22:38Where are you going? See our son?
22:40My son.
22:42Well, if I can't see him, neither can you.
22:44They're still turning me away.
22:46Not to do with me.
22:48Ah, another lie. Just like the ones you've been
22:50feeding the police.
22:52I told the truth.
22:54You wouldn't know the truth
22:56if it smacked you in the...
23:02Yeah, because you're an expert on that subject,
23:04aren't you?
23:08Not according to the CPS.
23:10No case to answer, they say.
23:12They'll get you in the end.
23:14No, they won't.
23:18You shouldn't have gone up against me, Lauren.
23:20I know the law.
23:22Just leave me alone.
23:24I would.
23:26But now you're stopping me from seeing my son.
23:28And that I can't help.
23:30Don't give me that.
23:32Pretending you care about your family now.
23:34Don't try to understand what goes on in the lives
23:36of people. You know nothing.
23:38You're a child.
23:40A chavvy little child.
23:44And what do you want from me, Joel?
23:46To ruin your life.
23:48The way you're ruining mine.
23:58Shouldn't you be heading back?
24:00Can't face it.
24:02Yeah, I don't blame you.
24:06This is the worst part of my job.
24:08What, knowing the guilty?
24:10Not being able to prove it?
24:12No, knowing the free to do it again.
24:16Yeah, it's bad enough when it's just some stranger.
24:22This one hit pretty close to home for all of us.
24:26Poor Lauren.
24:28You know, for all the cases we handle,
24:30you'd think we'd be more prepared for crime
24:32when it lands on our doorstep.
24:34It's the exact opposite.
24:38We need to go. Now.
24:46It's my own fault, really.
24:48I felt sorry for you.
24:50You were nothing. You had no prospects.
24:52You had no class.
24:54So I tried to help you,
24:56but now you're getting ideas above your station.
24:58You're a proper psycho, you.
25:00And you're a whore.
25:02Well, actually, no.
25:04Cos they have some professional pride.
25:06They take the money and they shut up.
25:08Whereas you, you've got a mouth like an open sewer.
25:10Shut up.
25:12You know, you should take your own advice.
25:14Cos the police, they might be listening to you now,
25:16but the more you talk, the more they realise
25:18the illiterate gutter trash that you are.
25:20Says the guy who tried to kill his own son.
25:26Yeah, I've been thinking about that.
25:30I actually reckon Frankie might have been better off
25:32not being born.
25:34Better that than being saddled
25:36with some prostitute deadbeat mum.
25:38What did you just say?
25:40No, I'm saying that I think Frankie
25:42will be better off dead.
25:44Oh, you cripple!
25:46How dare you talk to me like that?
25:48How dare you say that to me?
25:50I will kill you!
25:54I wasn't sure about telling you this
25:56because I didn't want you to get your hopes up,
25:58but there had been talk of refunding her money.
26:02But how can we now?
26:04She's publicly accused us
26:06on that radio show of hers.
26:08She's accused us of stealing.
26:10She's calling me, you, criminals.
26:12If we were to return the money now,
26:14it would look like an admission of guilt.
26:16You can see that, surely?
26:20Maybe you could speak to her?
26:22She won't listen to me.
26:24She's furious.
26:26But you can make her understand.
26:28Show her that what she's doing
26:30is hurting people.
26:32Hurting you.
26:34Make her see that she has to stop
26:36this attack on us.
26:38And then we'll get our money back to her?
26:40One step at a time.
26:42First she has to back off.
26:44You have to back off.
26:46You have to back off.
26:48First she has to back off.
26:50You said yourself she's Oliver's sister.
26:52She'll listen to you.
26:56I don't know. Architecture, maybe?
26:58What about you?
27:00Fashion for me? Anything but the family business.
27:02There's worse jobs than being in the police.
27:04God, you sound like her.
27:06Don't talk to me like my mother. Talk to me like you're my boyfriend.
27:08Oh, I'm your boyfriend, am I?
27:12Let's just say you're on the short list.
27:17Hey, you little cow!
27:19Just stay away from her, will you?
27:21You set me up!
27:23Can you smell that, Tilly?
27:25Smells like something crawled out the bin after being dumped.
27:27She's playing you.
27:29You can't trust her. She's playing you.
27:31She's the ex-con.
27:33What you on about?
27:35This? Eh?
27:37She planted this on me.
27:39Are you trying to get me sacked?
27:41Eh? Did you?
27:43Doesn't sound like something I would do.
27:45Just watch yourself around her, cos she's toxic.
27:57Where is he?
27:59I got your text.
28:03He's gone.
28:05What did he do to you?
28:07No, not this time, but you said you'd keep him away from me.
28:09Yeah, I'm sorry.
28:11Look, what did he want?
28:13He wanted to...
28:15He came to see his friend, Kate, but I know that wasn't it.
28:17He just wanted to get a rise out of me.
28:19What do you mean, a rise?
28:23Dear Swain.
28:25Lauren Bolton?
28:27Oh, here we go.
28:29Yeah, I've been dealing with it.
28:31No, no, it's fine. Leave it with me.
28:37Looks like I'm going to have to arrest you for assault.
28:43I'm not doing outweighing there. Have you got a warrant?
28:45What did you say to my mum?
28:47Eh? Don't act daft.
28:49Beth Sutherland. She's left town and I want to know why.
28:51Ask her, then.
28:53I'm asking you. No lies.
28:55Did you threaten my mum?
28:57What? No.
28:59I'm a businessman. Why would I do that?
29:01You tell me.
29:03Last I saw Beth was to tell her I wasn't interested in doing business with her any more.
29:05When was this?
29:07Two weeks ago.
29:09I swear, I don't know why she's gone.
29:11Right, OK.
29:13What's in the back of the van?
29:17Get it gone. I don't want to see you on this precinct ever again.
29:19You're the boss.
29:29He knows something's up.
29:31My son.
29:33I'll deal with it.
29:51That's great news.
29:53Well, he's still gonna get his youth rehabilitation order,
29:55which is shorter.
29:57No-one can say he set out to hurt anyone.
29:59After what he did, we can't really ask for more.
30:01And I spoke to the school.
30:03They're fine with him having a day off for his plea hearing.
30:05Why would you do that?
30:07Because it's your first day of term.
30:09I had to tell them you wouldn't be there.
30:15Oh, guys, sorry I'm late.
30:17I went for a walk.
30:19I just lost track of time.
30:21Been off to the shops?
30:25Spending your new-found riches,
30:27using the credit card before it gets cancelled?
30:29Stu, give him a chance to explain.
30:31What are you on about?
30:33The purse.
30:35Stu saw you with it.
30:37I was going out there like an idiot to apologise.
30:39And then I saw you waving it about in front of your mates.
30:41No, no, no.
30:43They are not my mates, OK?
30:45They planted this on me.
30:49Look, I don't believe you.
30:51I don't believe you cos all you ever do is spout lies.
30:53I'm not lying to you, shit.
30:55I swear.
30:57All right, I found the purse in my pocket,
30:59but I didn't put it there.
31:01I didn't put it there.
31:03Look, I just can't keep going into bat for you
31:05if you just keep throwing it back in my face.
31:07You know what, Stu?
31:09You're just like everyone else, aren't you?
31:11You are, though.
31:13No-one ever believes me.
31:17Maybe you ought to ask yourself this.
31:19If the whole world has an issue with you,
31:21is it that everyone else is wrong?
31:23Or is it you that's got the problem?
31:27Officer, over here.
31:31They've, er...
31:33They've just finished up with Lauren.
31:35So she's being released?
31:41Right, and who was her duty solicitor?
31:43Phil Sissons.
31:45OK, he's good, yeah.
31:47Yeah, he's one of the better ones.
31:49Surely there's no case to answer.
31:51I mean, assault drills twice the size.
31:53Look, listen,
31:55I didn't conduct her interview,
31:57but I spoke to the officer who did.
32:00Lauren described the whole thing.
32:02She was very honest, admitted to attacking him, so...
32:06Only thing is,
32:08she didn't say anything about texting anyone.
32:12Well, you said she texted you
32:14to say that Joel was at the hospital.
32:16But Lauren never mentioned it.
32:20And from the situation she described,
32:22it didn't sound very much like
32:24she'd have an opportunity to whip her phone out until after.
32:26So why don't you take a leaf out of Lauren's book
32:30and tell the truth?
32:45So, come on.
32:47How did you know Joel would be at the hospital?
32:52I came here as a courtesy.
32:54Please don't make me take you in.
33:01I'll tell you what I think.
33:03I think there's a tracking app on Joel's phone.
33:05There's nothing wrong with
33:07couples sharing each other's locations.
33:09Me and Becky used to do it.
33:13He was travelling for work
33:15a few months back,
33:17and we set it up then.
33:19And when that journey was over,
33:21did he turn up?
33:23Did he turn off the location sharing?
33:25Cos if it had been turned on this whole time,
33:27that's the kind of information
33:29I'd have expected you to share with me.
33:31He might have turned it off then.
33:33But if someone were to have turned it back on
33:35without his consent,
33:37well, that's when we start getting into criminal behaviour
33:39as well you know.
33:43it would be pretty hard to prove
33:45he hadn't turned it back on himself accidentally.
33:47Yeah, maybe.
33:49But that doesn't mean to say I shouldn't arrest you and give it a go.
33:51Like you say,
33:53it's normal for couples to share each other's locations.
33:55The court would believe that.
33:57Look, just don't, OK?
33:59I really need to trust you,
34:01but you've just lied to me.
34:03And I'm in a bad enough position already
34:05without you making it worse.
34:21They've just dropped Lauren
34:23back off at the hospital.
34:25Why don't you go and check on her?
34:31we're good, yeah?
34:33You're just lucky I want to catch this guy.
34:37But I'm warning you, watch your step.
34:41I will.
34:43I am sorry.
34:45If he gets off on a technicality
34:47because you've done something daft,
34:49I will.
34:55So, married in 2015,
34:57charged in 2060.
35:01Cheers, mate.
35:03I owe you one.
35:05There you go.
35:09Sorry, miles away.
35:11You thirsty?
35:13Are you expecting company?
35:15Attending the scene of a car crash.
35:17Kirk's marriage?
35:19I don't know. Maybe it's the copper in me days.
35:21I just, I can't stand by and do nothing
35:23when a man drowns.
35:31Might never join you.
35:32I'll always bring you down.
35:38that's marriage for you.
35:40Most of them end in divorce these days.
35:42It's not just celebrities.
35:44I've heard about 50%.
35:46It's hip-hop.
35:50I'm just saying you shouldn't put yourself down.
35:52Nowadays, a lot of people are getting married more than once.
35:54Not me.
35:56Beth was my one and only.
35:58Who else would want me?
36:00Don't say that.
36:02I still think there's more to a leaving.
36:04How long were you two married?
36:06Depends what you mean by married.
36:08What do you mean?
36:10We had a wedding in 2015.
36:12I was adamant.
36:14It seemed, but it wasn't a real wedding.
36:16Why not?
36:18Beth was already married to Craig's dad.
36:22So she's a bigamist?
36:26That explains a lot.
36:28How do you mean?
36:30Well, I'm sorry, it's just not for me to say.
36:32No? What is it?
36:34I've met a few bigamists in my time
36:36and there's always a pattern.
36:38What kind of pattern?
36:40Well, they're the sort of people who get bored easily
36:43and when they get bored they start doing unpredictable things.
36:45Legal things.
36:47Like fake designer clothes?
36:49Exactly. And when the heat gets turned up
36:51they move on.
36:53Rinse and repeat.
36:55I'm surprised she weren't messing around with other blokes too.
36:57She was.
36:59Some bloke called Michael.
37:01Oh yeah, sorry, yeah. Craig mentioned something about that.
37:05It's a wonder she didn't skip Tarantino.
37:07So you don't think there's more to it?
37:09I think it was always gonna happen.
37:11I'm sorry, mate.
37:17Where's my dad?
37:19Well, he's run off to join the circus.
37:21I couldn't handle it anymore.
37:25why've you sat placement at table?
37:27Nah, no one gets past you, does it?
37:29Nah, he's just nipped out to get us a few bits for tea.
37:33Is he annoyed at me?
37:35No, of course he's not.
37:37He's just a bit confused.
37:39We both are.
37:41What's up?
37:45I just don't want everyone at school
37:47to know what I did.
37:49Well, Hope already knows.
37:51She's different.
37:55She's my mate. If everyone else finds out, I'm never at the end of it.
37:57You're exaggerating.
37:59Rich car girl got a pain in her side at sports day
38:01in year four.
38:03Everyone still calls him Stitch.
38:05Well, that's because it rhymes.
38:07It's not funny.
38:09No, I know.
38:11OK, look,
38:13school won't tell anybody what you did.
38:15All right?
38:17But that doesn't mean to say it won't get out.
38:19And if it does,
38:21and you get teased,
38:23well, you know what?
38:25That's just life.
38:27You did something bad.
38:29You can't change that.
38:31And if you get a bit of ribbing,
38:33you might just have to take that on the chin.
38:35There are things, and we all have to live with them,
38:37but you don't have to let
38:39one mistake define you.
38:41It's called growing up.
38:43And, well,
38:45God knows it takes some of us
38:47longer than others,
38:49but no matter what,
38:51me and your dad will be here to help.
38:57It's not what I wanted.
38:59Yeah, I know.
39:01I was only trying to get him sacked.
39:03Do you think he'll go back to young offenders?
39:07All right,
39:09what are you two looking so guilty about?
39:11What have you been up to, actually?
39:13Don't answer that, spare me the gory details.
39:15We were just talking.
39:17I'm sure you were, young lady.
39:19That's the trouble, though, isn't it?
39:21When you open your mouth, trouble follows.
39:23Right, well, I'll leave you to it.
39:31Look, we've got to tell the police what you did.
39:35Then it'll be me they arrest.
39:37They'll go easy on you for coming clean.
39:39You don't know that.
39:41We can't just do nothing, can we?
39:43Look, Mason's dangerous.
39:45It's only a matter of time before he hurts someone again.
39:47Prison's the best place for him.
39:49And he'll just tell the police it was you, though, won't he?
39:51He's got no proof. Who are they gonna believe?
39:53You're a detective's daughter.
39:55We're done now.
39:57If we want to stay safe, then we need to stay quiet.
40:03Beat you again.
40:05I know it might sound harsh,
40:07but in a way, you should be relieved.
40:11Well, your marriage was as fake as those T-shirts.
40:13So you don't have a divorce to worry about.
40:15No kids, either.
40:17I've got a peanut.
40:21Our dog. I've got custody.
40:24These women leave a bloke with nothing.
40:26You're right.
40:28I should count me blessings.
40:30Jack's head down.
40:32Oh, yeah. Good work.
40:34What did he have to say for himself?
40:36He said he had naught to do with her going.
40:38Do you believe him?
40:40Yeah, but something is not right.
40:42What do your instincts tell you?
40:44That my mum wouldn't just up and leave for no reason.
40:46There was a reason.
40:50She was bored. His textbook. Hey, Kit.
40:52It's family stuff. I'll get us a pint.
40:54What do you mean?
40:56Marco. The T-shirts.
40:58She's been after something exciting in her life.
41:00Let's face it, I'm not that.
41:02It's time we both accepted it.
41:04Your mum likes drama.
41:06She'll spend her life trying to find it.
41:08Maybe you're right.
41:10He's a nice guy.
41:12Kind. Yeah. He's a good lad.
41:14We'll be all right.
41:18Have you got any hot pots?
41:20Yeah, I mean, I did have a booking
41:22at the bistro, but then
41:24I don't really want to support a business
41:26that steals a 20-year-old's inheritance.
41:28I think he can hear you.
41:30Mmm, I can. You were supposed to.
41:32So, do you want the hot pot?
41:34I mean, what kind of heartless person
41:36takes tens of thousands of pounds off somebody?
41:38I have no idea. Any ideas, Daisy?
41:40And this one
41:42tells me stealing isn't stealing anymore.
41:44Sorry, a beer in my hand means I'm off duty.
41:46You haven't got a pint.
41:48Nice savour. Mm, me aim's a please.
41:50Keep the change. So,
41:52where are we on the hot pot?
41:54Oh, here she is.
41:56Hopefully about to hand me
41:58£40,000. I'm sorry, Tracy,
42:00I've not got the money. Are you gonna get it?
42:02Well, I'm trying, but Rowan's on a
42:04retreat and there's nothing I can do till he gets back.
42:06Right, well, then we've got nothing to say to each other.
42:08Well, maybe I could
42:10speak to Amy. Is she at home? Oh, yeah.
42:12Knock on all you like. Admission fee,
42:1440k. Until then,
42:16stay away from my daughter.
42:18Hot pot. I think
42:20I've lost my appetite.
42:24You OK?
42:26No, not really.
42:28What more is there to
42:30say to Amy? Well,
42:32I'm just waiting to apologise again.
42:34Maybe you should leave a beer.
42:42He's unhinged.
42:44He was practically laughing when I went at him.
42:46That's his true
42:48colours starting to show.
42:50Means he's feeling the pressure. What pressure?
42:52The police don't care.
42:54Well, they're more worried about me hitting him.
42:56Look, DS Swain is still on our side.
42:58Just about.
43:00At least she can see what he is.
43:02Well, then arrest him, then! Look, we just
43:04need to stay the course.
43:06OK, we have both made mistakes today,
43:08but if we're gonna get through this, we have
43:10to pull together, Lauren.
43:12No more slip-ups, yeah?
43:16Right, so we delete
43:18the tracker off our phones?
43:20No-one said anything about that.
43:44How the hell
43:46are you?
43:50But listen,
43:52are you still specialising in family law?
43:56Well, I've got a case for you.
43:58And it's one I intend to win.