Neighbours 9100 26th August 2024

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Neighbours 9100 26th August 2024
00:00previously on neighbors I want the money I'm going to need the proof that Toadie
00:06Melanie and Holly are safe park a safe distance away and wait for the police
00:13call Andrew
00:34everybody needs good neighbors
00:38with a little understanding
00:42you can find the perfect plan
00:51should be there for one another
00:56that's when good neighbors
00:59become good friends
01:08somebody help!
01:20the police are just a few minutes away
01:22she's breathing
01:24stop the bleeding
01:31it's ok
01:32just stay with me
01:34just stay here
01:37come on
01:46Mackenzie was shot
01:48she's fine, she's ok
01:50I don't have all the details right now but the paramedics they're flying in
01:54was anyone else injured?
01:56Heath Royce is dead
01:59Tess sustained some minor injuries but
02:02Holly, Melanie and Haz seem to be unharmed
02:06what about Toadie? You haven't said Toadie
02:09we haven't been able to locate him yet
02:12oh god
02:14Melanie was the last to see him
02:16when they escaped the cattle station he went to look for help
02:18but that must have been hours ago
02:20we have several officers out there searching the area
02:22ok what if he's been shot?
02:24I mean he's already been hurt
02:26there's no reason to think he's been shot Therese
02:29he's probably somewhere out there in the middle of nowhere
02:32anything could happen to him
02:43your dad
02:46where's dad?
03:10they were taken against their will
03:14we really don't have all the details
03:17why didn't you tell us sooner?
03:20oh Nell we didn't want to worry you until we knew exactly what was going on
03:25they found him
03:27Toadie's going to be alright
03:29oh my god
03:31is he hurt?
03:32he's severely dehydrated but they think he's going to be fine
03:36is there an update on Mackenzie?
03:38apparently she is stable
03:40but they will be monitoring her on the flight back to Victoria
03:42oh my gosh they're coming home
03:44they're coming home
03:45come on let's go get some ice cream
03:54listen um
03:56Holly is physically ok
03:59but I think you should both know that she's been through quite the ordeal
04:39Tess is still being interviewed
04:42I don't think they're going to put her on the next flight
04:48you ready to go home?
04:53let's go
05:13sometimes it turns you
05:18sometimes it lies
05:22and if it burns you
05:26it won't break apart
05:30I'm beginning to find out all the things you keep locked up
05:36sounds like Heath went completely psycho
05:39is Holly going to get into trouble for this?
05:42Queensland police will see this as self defence you can be sure of that
05:46this is going to have a huge effect on her
05:49on all of them
05:51we've got Tess in custody so we'll have some answers soon
05:55mark my words we're going to be recouping every single cent she tried to steal
05:59wait so was she in on the ransom demand?
06:01seems that was something that Heath improvised
06:04but there's still a bit to untangle
06:07were you really prepared to pull together 5 million dollars?
06:10yeah well you know fortunately it never came to that
06:13still it's incredibly generous of you to offer
06:21hey how are the kids?
06:23they're ok
06:25they're insisting on coming to the hospital later but I've told them it's a bit late
06:29I think it was the right call to not tell them anything sooner
06:34how are you?
06:37well we all know things weren't great with Toadie before he was taken
06:45but honestly I'm just I'm really relieved
06:49I love him so much
06:51and whatever's been going on I'm going to fix it
06:57plane should be landing in a couple of hours
06:59oh good thanks
07:02you know I never got a chance to ask how are things with Therese?
07:07oh she was incredibly distressed
07:10yeah but I mean how are things between you guys?
07:13you were by her side all night
07:15yeah yeah we cleared the air
07:20well she must have been grateful you offered to pay all that ransom
07:27there's that face again why don't you tell her
07:32you know Leo Therese was actually asleep when I received the ransom demand from Heath
07:43and you know for a moment just a brief moment I wondered what it'd be like if I didn't act
07:52what you mean not even tell the police?
07:55and yeah Toadie and Therese's wedding photo caught my eye
08:07it was kind of a horrible thought
08:11I mean I know that I do but anyway Andrew came in and I spoke up
08:17yeah well you did the right thing
08:22yeah except a little while earlier I was batting on to Therese about how much perspective I gained in New York
08:29and how respectful I was going to be of her and Toadie
08:32and yet the moment an opportunity arises I see a chance to get back with her
08:43I don't want to ever be afraid of this pull towards her
08:52oh I can't see
08:55oh Therese she's really out of it
08:57uh room 21
09:02Toad hey
09:06hey guys hi hi
09:08your head
09:09yeah it's not as bad as what it looks
09:10room 26
09:11can we come too?
09:13why don't you just give us a minute and then you can all catch up okay
09:22oh sweetheart
09:27oh my god
09:28oh Will
09:30you're okay
09:33I really think you should get checked out at the hospital
09:35it's fine it's fine
09:37they took this out on the plane
09:39yeah sure yes
09:40but I do want to go see Mac as soon as we've given our statements
09:43of course of course you can see Toadie then too
09:45this one was amazing
09:49out there
09:51no I wasn't
09:52you were
09:53she rescued Toadie and I from the station
09:56and if she hadn't stopped Heath at the river
09:59who knows what he would have done next
10:02you saved my life too
10:05I guess we saved each other
10:07we're going to make sure you get all the support you need
10:10yeah and you're going to stay with us tonight
10:12you're not going home alone
10:13yes yes
10:20so Holly and Melanie
10:23we'll need to get some statements from both of you
10:25and then you can be on your way
10:26why do we need to do that when we've already spoken to the Queensland police
10:30well it's a joint investigation between us and them
10:33you've got nothing to worry about
10:35it was a through and through
10:37the bullet exited cleanly nothing else was hit
10:40so that's good right
10:42well no surgery but the blood loss wasn't insubstantial
10:45we've given her a transfusion and I've upped your pain meds
10:48so you can rest
10:50sounds delicious
10:51which are probably kicking in right about now
10:55thank you
10:58if there's anything you need I'm right here
11:09do you remember what we spoke about on the plane
11:13honestly no
11:15gotta love a painkiller
11:18I'm going to say it again
11:21Mike I am so so sorry that I didn't listen to you about Heath
11:27just know that I'm not going to be that person anymore
11:30I'm going to get my act together
11:34yeah Mike I think you should get some rest yeah
11:37you've been through a lot
11:38I'm just going to close my eyes just for a little bit
11:43blood pressure and heart rate are back where we want them
11:48can I go home
11:50I'm going to keep you an overnight for observation just in case
11:54come on in
12:00is he going to be ok
12:02he will
12:03what about his head
12:05superficial cut no stitches required and he's all clear of concussion
12:10lucky you got such a hard head hey
12:13I'm glad you're alright
12:15it makes two of us
12:17I'll be back to check on you soon
12:24I was worried that I wasn't going to see you again
12:28me too
12:30I can't imagine what you've been through
12:33I mean we just got bits and pieces
12:37so it's going to take a little while for me to get my head around everything
12:43I'm sure it's going to be the same for the others too
12:46no absolutely
12:50hey I know you've probably got a lot of questions as to why me and Melanie were together
12:54that can wait
12:57just know that I'm
12:59I love you
13:01and I trust you
13:07love you too
13:14listen Toadie I
13:16I know there was a lot going on before you were taken
13:20and the idea of you not being in my life is just
13:27but whatever problems
13:29that we've got we're going to work through them
13:33come here
13:40hey everything's going to be okay
13:5618 years
14:0118 years I dedicated my life to your father
14:07whenever he called no matter the time day or night
14:11I dropped everything
14:14I was there
14:17I know
14:19when he died I didn't realize everything was going to change
14:23I thought Reese would
14:26see my value
14:28instead she decided I was in the way
14:32no one was supposed to get hurt
14:35it was just a crazy scheme that spiraled horribly out of control
14:41so why didn't you leave the country when you had the chance
14:45because I loved him
14:49and I thought he was in love with me
14:54but he was only in it for what he could get
15:01you must think I'm an idiot
15:11this is the most human that I've ever seen you
15:15I'm so so sorry
15:21treated you very badly
15:24if you really mean that
15:27then you will take full responsibility for what you've done
15:32I love you
15:40we've spent far too long in this hospital
15:43let's just promise to never do it again to each other
15:46yeah deal
15:48great deal
15:50good one
15:52hey how you feeling
15:55I am good
15:58honestly I'm struggling a bit
16:02me too
16:04is Therese coming to get you
16:06soon yeah
16:09just want to thank you both for everything that you did
16:13no we're just sorry that you and Melanie got caught up in it
16:17but we're home now
16:19and the west is behind us
16:25oh what's all this
16:28it's my way of saying sorry
16:30for everything that I've put you through
16:32oh darling
16:33no no no we're supposed to look after you not the other way round
16:36no it's fine
16:37could you guys go outside and set the table and I'll bring the food out
16:40yeah sure sounds lovely
16:44come on Holly
16:46where are you
16:48Come on, Holly!
16:55Where are you?
17:03Where are you?
17:18I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm sorry. Sorry.
17:21Sorry, I don't want them to see me like this.
17:24They care about you.
17:26We all do.
17:29Where were you just now?
17:34Back in that silo.
17:38Trying not to breathe.
17:41Trying not to move.
17:45It was terrifying for you.
17:47Heath chasing us through the bush and hearing those gunshots.
17:52I thought that we were all going to die.
17:55Me too.
18:00I had to push him in the river. I had to.
18:05But seeing him in the water and hearing his cries.
18:12No, I'm fine. I'm fine.
18:15You know what? You're not.
18:18And neither am I.
18:21And that's okay.
18:24But you didn't cause this situation.
18:28I knew that Heath was trouble and I still went for him.
18:32You are not responsible for this.
18:35I didn't listen to anyone.
18:38And that led to him threatening Mac and you and Toadie going to Tessa's house.
18:43Please, slow down.
18:44Everything that happened is all because of me.
18:47You are not to blame.
18:50You are a victim in all of this.
18:54And you need support just like the rest of us.
19:06I think I'm ready to talk.
19:20I think I'm ready to talk.
19:24How is it so?
19:28For day come, day go.
19:32And I can see the rise of a falling fire.
19:37And here I'm gone.
19:40Singing hey ya hey yo.
19:44I had to get away from him and so I ran into this shed and then...
19:51And then another one started.
19:55The red flag waving in the light of day.
19:58They won't take it down.
20:02Nothing's gonna change till we all can say.
20:05I believe that I was wrong.
20:08I was wrong all along.
20:11I believe that I was wrong.
20:14I was wrong all along.
20:16I believe we're moving on.
20:20If we can say I believe.
20:23Oh, um, don't touch that one.
20:25You go put it on the table.
20:27Do you want a cup of orange juice?
20:29Yeah, thank you.
20:33Born from the earth.
20:36A one beat bumper.
20:40But call your brother blind.
20:42Say that you're the one with vision.
20:47And in here.
20:51So don't give me fear.
20:54Cause years won't make you wise if you don't try to listen.
21:01Chaos is the law.
21:04We'll keep on falling down in the same way.
21:08So don't give me fear.
21:12Nothing's gonna change till we all can say.
21:15I believe we're moving on.
21:18We're moving on.
21:19If we can say I believe that I was wrong.
21:29Do you want to tell me what happened out there?
21:34I mean, if you don't, that's OK, too.
21:38But you have been through a horrible experience.
21:41So you should feel whatever you need to feel.
21:48But we could just, you know, have a nice day.
21:51We can forget about it for now and just watch a movie or whatever.
21:55I mean, I'm up for anything.
21:59We can talk about us later.
22:03I can't do this.
22:09What do you mean?
22:12I've been trying to convince myself that everything's going to be OK, but it's not.
22:21Therese, I can't be with you anymore.
22:36Coming up on Neighbours.
22:37What went so wrong with Kiri?
22:42Nick, just tell me.
22:44I had a vision and it just suddenly all made sense.
22:50Toadie's left Therese.