• last year
Our Son's First Day at a NEW SCHOOL

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Welcome To THE ROYALTY FAMILY! We're a multicultural family based in LA, here to spread positivity. We're all about challenges, fun games, adventure, and sharing our family journey. Join us every week in sharing the good times of Andrea, Ali, Ferran & Milan (and of course, our 2 dogs Gucci & Princessa)! Best of all, we believe everyone can be ROYALTY so don’t forget to Follow!!


00:00Today's our son Ferran's first day of school and he has only one hour to be ready and leave
00:07the house but if he doesn't make it by 8 a.m sharp this school bus is gonna leave without
00:12him and i'm not waiting on anyone so the kids better hurry up go babe we gotta go hurry up
00:17hurry up you got one hour are you ready i'm so ready but i think that this morning is gonna be
00:23very rough on Ferran he's been having such an amazing vacation having fun with his friends
00:27he's staying up super late so waking up in the morning today is gonna be very hard for him well
00:32he's gotta do it let's go let's go and we're gonna wake up the rest of the kids too go go go go
00:36Ferran's room Gucci you want to help us out we're gonna wake up Ferran royalty fab this is gonna be
00:40a crazy morning wish us luck all right be ready this is gonna be very difficult do you think he's
00:46awake already no no i think he's awake no i think he's awake i think he's awake okay loser makes
00:53three two one good morning oh good morning it's your first day of school good morning wake up
01:04it's your first day of school can i have five more minutes please five more minutes okay come
01:08outside come outside come outside all right close the door close the door all right all right y'all
01:12so Ferran is very tired he asked for five more minutes but i have a special technique to wake
01:16him up right now are you thinking what i'm thinking no for sure i'm not thinking where
01:20come with us guys come with us watch this watch this watch this oh it's right there it's right
01:24there wait what are we gonna wake him up with confetti hey it's gonna work are you sure yeah
01:30it's gonna be loud it's the first day of school he's gotta wake up okay let's do it all right
01:34babe are you ready yes i'm ready but i'm gonna do it in the most gentle way possible okay all
01:38right let's go let's wake him up you go first you go first first day of school good morning
01:47hold on hold on hold on pull up the shades put the shades what a beautiful day for the first day
01:52of school good morning my neighbors wakey wakey wakey first day of school oh good morning good
02:05morning wake up wake up wake up it's your first day of school we love you Ferran but you got to
02:14make it on time today right it's too early for this can you open both eyes no one at a time let's
02:19go one at a time hey there's one let's get the other other other other let's go kids i can't
02:27wait here forever all right you ready for the first day of school i'm ready for school no you're
02:33not you have 55 minutes to complete this morning checklist you're only gonna be ready when you
02:39finish them all what i have to finish that in 55 minutes is that enough with shower i'll tell you
02:45what if you make it by 8 a.m i will take you through mcdonald's drive-thru in the school bus
02:49and i'll buy you whatever you want all right all right bet i gotta start off with the shower uh we
02:54know how you take it long in the shower you can't stay too long all right you know what i have an
02:58idea wait what he's got an idea what kind of idea i have an amazing idea come with me wait what are
03:04you doing where are you going where are you going
03:12honestly i'd probably take at least an hour in the shower and we don't got time for that
03:17are you serious right now this is gonna be my shower that's gonna be your shower going down
03:21the slide to the pool correct so i'm literally just gonna take the slide down to the pool get
03:26wet and hopefully i'm clean oh my god this is crazy all right i'm ready three two one
03:35and there he goes
03:40oh yeah this is nice quick and easy shower hey guys i need a towel babe he needs a towel we
03:47gotta hurry up we gotta give him a towel give him a towel give him a towel all right here's
03:51your towel dry it off and the next thing in the checklist is get dressed all right bet that sounds
03:57easy all right y'all now it's time to wake up our four-year-old son milan and get him ready for
04:04school too oh no this is a very crazy morning we got this we got this by the way you guys if you
04:09guys think we're gonna make it on time drop a big thumbs up right now right now i know 50 minutes
04:14left five zero are you ready to do this all right let's wake him up all right let's wake up our
04:19four-year-old good morning good morning what he's not here he woke up early today oh must be one
04:29of those mornings you know exactly where he goes when he wakes up early right i know i know where
04:33he is let's go well whenever milan wakes up early he likes to go to his favorite room i bet you guys
04:38he's there all right go go inside he's in the movie theater for sure good morning milan
04:45hi milan how are you are you building a secret room yeah okay so today is your first day of
04:51school and you gotta go get ready okay yes milan are you ready to go to school no oh another one
04:59okay milan if you get ready in time daddy has a present for you okay
05:04okay okay so okay so we need you to go upstairs and pack your backpack okay
05:09can you do that for us all right i have a secret pretty please milan no you guys have 45 minutes
05:18hurry up all right milan so we're gonna give you this present if you help us out to pack your
05:22backpack okay you gotta pack your backpack milan all right what do you want to put in there yeah
05:26what do you want to put in your bag he wants to put diapers let's see what else he wants to put
05:30all right what else do you want to put oh he's going for his squishy toys skateboard okay all
05:38right he's putting more toys okay those are really important that's enough that's enough stuff yeah
05:44all you need for school is diapers and squishy toys right yeah are you ready to transition
05:49ready three two one hey look at you you look sharp milan are you ready for your present yes
05:59you guys wait till you see his reaction when he sees what's inside it's literally a bobblehead
06:03of him all right milan i hope you like it what is it milan what is it what is it what is it
06:07wow wow who is that me that's you isn't that cool you have your own bobblehead
06:21i don't think that he liked it too much do you like it milan yeah
06:24all right what he found does this look like him over here now look over here smile smile smile
06:30okay stop kissing yourself 40 minutes left all right you gotta get dressed for school
06:37you gotta go quick all right time is ticking i know exactly what i'm gonna wear
06:43so i got some red and black pajama pants i got kermit the frog crocs and a brazil jersey vintage
06:50i don't think that you can wear that remember that you have a school uniform yeah this year
06:54you got school uniforms and you gotta wear it and you're gonna look so handsome in this
06:59yeah look at oh so cute you got khaki pants and a white dress shirt that's way cool
07:05you dropped your stuff you're trolling i had my fits ready for the whole year
07:10yo what is this bro
07:16you look so handsome bro i'm not wearing this i guess you're wearing this bro it's it's uniform
07:21i'm not wearing it's called a uniform okay this is not it like this is not drip bro it's drip
07:26can you comment down below that he looks drippy right now honestly show him some love oh by the
07:30way i got you a special present real quick hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on first day of
07:35school vibes i got you a little something open it let's see what it is all right okay open it
07:41i hope you like it yo that's nice all right beth let me put it on i put it down yo that is a sick
07:52necklace all right so there's one more thing i gotta do before i do my next task and that is
07:58do my hair are you serious bro you take forever to do your hair oh my gosh i'm telling you right
08:03now teenage boys take forever to do their hair watch bro time is ticking time is ticking bro
08:10you look good that's good bro you look amazing like that that's enough 35 minutes all right
08:16you know what let me help you out do your hair because your hair is kind of uh-huh yeah help
08:21oh that's so cute there you go at a boy he's about to become an absolute beast
08:28you look good relia say thanks brother thank you brother is it me or every teenager has
08:32the same exact haircut yeah all of them look the same all right i think we're ready i think
08:37it's perfect you sure you look like a llama bro so far we had two out of the five tasks checked
08:46off but we were running out of time all right time is ticking and we need to hurry up okay so
08:52next on the checklist is make your own breakfast the driver is getting really upset he's honking
08:57the horn he wants us to hurry up so we gotta go go all right let's go i'm gonna make some breakfast
09:01for myself and i'm gonna make some for my little brother you ready let's go go go let go do you
09:06think they're gonna make it on time time is ticking i don't know at this point i'm a little
09:10bit concerned oh we gotta hurry up hurry up 30 minutes left i promise if they don't make it in
09:16time this school bus is gonna leave without them all right what are you making i'm gonna make some
09:20eggs with rice and a sandwich oh you got this i want a sandwich ketchup i need what else do i
09:27need i need some mayonnaise right here perfect okay now go ahead and cook the eggs fill it all
09:33inside yeah that's one crack it hey hold on hold on before you crack it do not dirty your new shirt
09:38okay do not dirty your new shirt crack it right go go oh oh bro look at that we're good we're good
09:46we're good all right crack the last one okay nice you cracked it i'm gonna go ahead and add a little
09:51bit of rice to the eggs uh perfect i'm just gonna mix that up a little bit there you go that looks
09:56amazing how much time do i got all right we got about 20 minutes to leave the house you guys
10:00you guys have 20 minutes 20 minutes 20 minutes okay 20 minutes 20 minutes toast the bread
10:08what are you doing well what do you mean what am i doing i'm making your breakfast well he wants
10:12you to go faster okay i got it ketchup mayonnaise i want money
10:24yo why are you rushing me let's go let's go if the kids want to go to mcdonald's and get to school
10:29on time we need to hurry up i know we gotta hurry up let's go guys let's go
10:38the bus driver wants to leave we gotta hurry up i got this i got this
10:43no we're good we're good we're good oh wait i forgot the most important ingredient
10:51is it what i think it is i think i know what's that i think i know what it is
10:54talkies no no no no talkies in an egg sandwich are you serious i don't want to talk he's in
11:02an egg sandwich oh my goodness amazing and now it's time to enjoy my food not to rush you guys
11:08or anything but the bus driver is getting anxious and we got to hurry up right hurry up guys come
11:12on come on come on are you excited for your first day of school yeah you're gonna make some new
11:16friends no you want to just hang out by yourself at school yeah it's way better that way right
11:22teacher no teacher okay just you yeah next task you guys come on we gotta keep up no no no no no
11:30i'm a little bit hungry still are you serious we gotta go we gotta go you guys are you getting
11:36dessert some fruity pebbles fruity pebbles are you serious this is about a slap you still eat
11:42fruity pebbles we don't have time what's taking them so long i've got other kids to pick up
11:52okay he wants to see what you did okay see what happened at this point at this point
12:07babe it's the bus okay the bus is leaving at this point we're late
12:11hey we don't have any more milk mom who cares about the milk right now
12:15okay eat it
12:20i got all the time in the world 15 minutes you better move you know we only have 15 minutes
12:26left before we gotta leave right 15 minutes and with 15 minutes remaining for ron still
12:32had two tasks to complete before he went to school look at good morning blue good morning
12:39give her a kiss give her a kiss
12:52what all right we gotta hurry up time is ticking what is the next task okay so next is
12:57walk gucci but you need to make sure that he peed oh he has to pee at least once yeah where's gucci
13:04guys where's gucci where's gucci gucci where's gucci yo i know where he normally is at okay
13:10where is he he's under this okay he's not under that oh he's in your room he's probably in your
13:15room oh yeah he's probably in my room in the room he's probably in ferran's room yeah yeah
13:20guys we gotta find gucci it's really important help us find gucci hurry up hurry up you guys
13:26gucci gucci gucci yo where is he yo where is gucci why do you keep holding that bro i love him
13:34balcony's open hold up hold up gucci gucci where are you good to know here we literally can't find
13:40our dog gucci this is crazy daddy he's in the playroom playroom all right go go me like go go
13:45go go me like go go go go go go go go where's he at okay so here where is he how is he not here
13:53are you seriously doing your hair right now it looked uh it looked a little bit off no your
13:58hair looks amazing let's go guys we gotta go guys bus driver's waiting bus driver's waiting
14:03the bus driver is waiting and we gotta go he's honking the horn guys let's go let's go find gucci
14:10where's gucci wait oh wait wait wait remember what we built for him the dog house you guys we
14:16literally just built him a new dog house and i bet you he's there we'll be right there i promise
14:21we'll be right there 10 minutes left let's go let's go yo where's he at he's right there gucci
14:29we gotta take you on a little walk come on guys hurry up get gucci how difficult could that be
14:35hey help him out help him out grab gucci grab gucci three two one oh he's heavy
14:45all right put on his leash put on his leash we got teamwork we got teamwork there you go
14:50nice okay you can help me out come on you gotta go pee come on buddy let's go he's
14:55gonna go pee we can't waste any time yo mr bus driver open oh we got i got it there it is uh do
15:01you think we can have like an extra 10 minutes no i've got 40 other kids to pick up hurry up
15:06oh we gotta go do not leave without us okay we'll be back soon all right i'm gonna leave on time
15:11be here yo he's so mean babe he was mean to me because you're wasting your time talking nonsense
15:17let's go come on gucci please pee i gotta go bro come on gucci can you listen to your brother and
15:23pee he knows what's going on he knows it's the first day of school let me talk to him okay gucci
15:29we gotta be nice okay we need to catch the bus the bus is gonna leave without us we need you
15:34to pee pee okay pee pee pee pee you think that's gonna make a difference uh yes let's go gucci come
15:41on come on good dog good dog we need gucci to hurry up and pee pee before the bus driver
15:46leaves without us he needs to go over there he said he needs to go over there come on
15:52he better hurry up come on hurry up though come on gucci go pee buddy go pee i think he's peeing
15:57i think he's peeing oh let's go let's go let's go let's go back inside let's go back inside
16:04good boy bubba good boy i love you
16:10no that's it
16:14five minutes and i'm out of here all right that bus is about to leave very soon but we got one
16:19more item on the checklist so for the last task ferran has to pack his own lunch but there is a
16:25twist i'm not gonna allow him to pack any junk food he's not gonna put junk food are you serious
16:30no let's see what he does oh my gosh andrea thinks that she's gonna be able to convince
16:35ferran to put healthy food in his lunchbox that's gonna be a difficult task all right
16:39i'm ready to pack all of my snacks so but that's not the right lunchbox that's not a lunchbox
16:44this is your lunchbox no i'm not taking that i'm taking this why not this is gonna be the
16:48healthiest one yet all right make sure you pack some good snacks okay i'm just gonna put a little
16:53bit of candy just a tiny bit not too much no no no no no you're not eating that i'm eating this
17:00and then we gotta get a little bit of nerds i love nerds no and then if we come on over here
17:06we can go ahead and open these oreos yeah i'm just gonna put some in there it doesn't fit
17:10share with my friends okay so i have a question so where are the vegetables the fruits juice
17:17where is it where is it show me yeah it's not in there it's at the bottom you just can't see it
17:23and then one of my favorite snacks some tacos no we're not we're not we're not doing that we're
17:27not doing that this is gonna stay at home no no no come on you gotta eat healthier than that
17:32your mom's gonna help you out yeah thank you that's perfect it's the first day of school let's
17:39go all right guys so i'm packing ferran's lunch but we only got three minutes so i had to hurry
17:43okay so banana orange salad and as a dessert he can have two oreos
17:58all right we got two more minutes before the bus leaves do you have everything that you need in the
18:02backpack oh yeah make sure you have all the essentials so first i have my favorite cologne
18:08cologne for school yeah exactly gotta stay fresh for the honeys then we got
18:15well you're not you're not supposed to have that no it's secret don't tell my mom what else do you
18:19have i have azar's most wanted cologne versace's arrows flame cologne and then i have ysl uh la
18:26home bro how many colognes do you need that's four bro where's your notebook where's your paper
18:31where's your here right here right here i have my notebook i have some sharpies and i have
18:35whatever that is what you've got 60 seconds let's go i just want you to know i'm so proud of you i
18:43love you so much most important thing is you give it your all in school right you never give up and
18:46you give it your all and you stay respectful right okay ten nine eight we gotta go outside
18:53we gotta go outside come on come on come on come on come on come on five four let's go let's go
18:58let's go let's go let's go three two go go go go go let's go it's about time yes sir hey we made
19:06it so you ready for your first day of school oh we're going through a mcdonald's drive-thru first
19:11if that's okay mcdonald's drive-thru we're trying to get mcdonald's for my kids are you cool with
19:16that all right let's go all right come on in me like come on in all right this is my seat right
19:26here yo bus driver we're going to the mcdonald's drive-thru right can i get mcdonald's free all
19:31right for you we'll do it we're going to a mcdonald's drive-thru let's go i don't know if
19:37you know that this bus is not gonna fit in the drive-thru oh we're gonna make it fit in the
19:41drive-thru we got this just trust me just trust me it's gonna fit right yeah it's gonna fit in
19:46a drive-thru right yeah all right we're taking off we're going you guys high five we're going
19:54baby let's go we're going to mcdonald's baby first day of school vibes royalty style
20:01hey it's actually milan's first time in a school bus i know he's so excited
20:05milan is it your first time in a school bus yeah are you happy yeah
20:12all right let's see if the bus fits in the mcdonald's drive-thru we just got to mcdonald's
20:16drive-thru i really don't think we're gonna fit i don't think that we're gonna fit oh we're gonna
20:20we're gonna make it fit this bus is huge yo actually i don't know if we're gonna fit
20:28our bus driver you got this guys we're gonna get mcdonald's drive-thru somehow okay
20:34oh no no there's a clearance clearance nine feet hold on we're stuck oh yo someone's hawking yo
20:40someone's hawking you guys let's keep going let's keep going no we gotta get mcdonald's
20:44drive-thru hey guys it's the first day of school we're trying to get mcdonald's for my kids that's
20:50not gonna work yeah just go around just go around oh my god yo can you give us one second
20:57thank you we're trying to fit but we can't get through well i guess andrea was right the bus
21:02doesn't fit but don't worry i have a great plan all right driver go around go around i have an
21:07idea i have an idea time b i'm gonna walk out go to the drive-thru window grab the food and come
21:11back in here okay he always comes up with the best ideas ever are you serious no oh wish me
21:17luck i'm gonna go outside i'm gonna get you guys food all right okay i want ice cream i want ice
21:22cream and a sprite all right i want apple pie all right chicken nuggets and french fries all right
21:29i'm gonna walk up to the drive-thru and hopefully they take my order what that's a terrible idea
21:34all right wish me luck wish me luck hey how you doing can i make an order real quick can i get an
21:41ice cream i'll take a happy meal with a hamburger apple pie apple juice one big mac and i'll be off
21:49first day of school all right let's go pick it up you guys let's go pick it up
21:55how you doing
21:58they're probably looking at me right now it's like why is this guy in the drive-thru with no car
22:02i appreciate you thank you so much have a good day
22:14i got mcdonald's you guys i got it
22:21i got you a happy meal i got you a happy meal i got you this i got you a juice i got you a
22:28drink my boy thank you all right ferran are you now ready to go to the first day of school i'm ready