My Daughter Walks for the First Time!

  • 2 days ago
My Daughter Walks for the First Time!

Welcome To THE ROYALTY FAMILY! We're a multicultural family based in LA, here to spread positivity. We're all about challenges, fun games, adventure, and sharing our family journey. Join us every week in sharing the good times of Andrea, Ali, Ferran & Milan (and of course, our 2 dogs Gucci & Princessa)! Best of all, we believe everyone can be ROYALTY so don’t forget to Follow!!


00:00Today I'm gonna be attempting to get my 10 month old daughter to walk. Most babies don't start
00:05walking until 12 months but I found a solution to speed up the process. Let's see what my family
00:10thinks. Milad do you think your baby sister is gonna walk today? Yes! Are you sure? Yes! Are you
00:15sure? Yes! You guys Andrea's being negative about today. I'm not negative but I know my daughter
00:20she's making a lot of progress. She's just 10 months old but she needs more time to start
00:25walking. My daughter is gonna walk today and I have a plan. Okay you want to make a bet? If my
00:30daughter is not walking by the end of the day you're gonna clean the whole entire house for a
00:34week. Are you serious? I'm serious. All right I'll make a deal with you. If Blue walks by the end of
00:39today you have to eat the one Pocky chip all by yourself. Get ready. Get ready. You know my name
00:46is. But you know what? Let's make the bet. You want to make the bet? Yeah. All right I'll show you. The challenge is now official and here's the game plan.
00:53I came up with five genius workouts that's gonna allow baby Blue to walk by the end of the video.
01:01Do you think your baby sister is gonna walk today? Honestly I have some doubts but I think she's gonna
01:05do it. First challenge is balance. If you want to walk you gotta have balance. For one go get Blue's
01:11customized shopping cart. All right I got you. I got you. Just give me one second. Shopping cart? Yo check it out.
01:26That's so cute. For the first challenge baby Blue is going to the supermarket. She's gonna have her
01:31own shopping cart and she has to be able to pick out her own items and go to the checkout. All right
01:36all you gotta do is balance yourself get an item and check out. All right go for it. Go for it.
01:43Don't forget to get an item. Blue. All right try again Blue. Which item do you want? Grab an item.
01:48Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. You said. You said. Oh we have an accident. Clean up on aisle three. I got you. All right try again Blue.
01:59Grab something with your hand. Right here. Right here. Turn around. Turn around and put it inside
02:04the shopping cart. Drop. This is balance right here. This is balance.
02:15There you go.
02:20So far things are going really well and I know the next challenge is going to help baby Blue
02:23walk even more. All right y'all for this round baby Blue is going to practice strength. All right.
02:28Every baby needs strength to be able to walk. What is that? Bro stop it. Stop it. I'm just. I'm just like.
02:35What are those bro? You've done like two push-ups your whole life.
02:39All right there's gonna be three levels to this challenge. She has to get up on her own feet
02:44and she has to touch the buzzer. All right. It's gonna get harder and harder. This is level one.
02:49All right Blue. Come on in Blue. Now all you gotta do is just push up as hard as you can
02:55and touch the buzzer. Yeah mommy this is fun. Trust me it's gonna be. It's not. No trust me it's fun.
03:00Just do it. Yeah there you go. She's coming up you guys. She's trying to get up right now. Get up. Get up.
03:04Stand up. Stand up Blue. Come on you got it. Up. Up. Hit that. Hit that right there. Go up. Go up.
03:13All right that was pretty easy but what about level two? Let's go level two. Now for level two
03:17the buzzer is gonna be a little bit higher but I think she can do it. Get up. Go. All right go Blue.
03:22Go Blue. Wait Gucci you're in the way. Blue hit the buzzer right there. You gotta get up on your feet.
03:29Use your feet Blue. Use your feet. Almost. Almost. All right she was struggling a little bit but I
03:35knew exactly what would motivate her. All right mommy I put an Oreo on top of the buzzer okay.
03:40All right Blue. There's the Oreos. All right she's coming you guys. She's coming. You got these blues.
03:46Yeah there you go. There you go. Now push up. Push up with all your strength.
03:53There you go. Level three baby fishing. All right baby Blue is gonna go inside the pool. She's gonna
04:00stand up and grab one of your items. Are you guys ready? I think that that one is gonna be very
04:04difficult but good luck. I have faith in her. Blue you gotta get up and grab it. Get up Blue.
04:12Grab it. Grab it right here. Blue you gotta get up and grab it. Blue come on use your strength.
04:16Get up mommy. You can do it. Use your legs. You got it. You got it. Come on just grab the toy.
04:22There you go. She's gonna get up. You gotta get up Blue. You gotta get up. Up. Up. Mommy up.
04:27You gotta get up. There you go. Now grab one. Grab one Blue. Grab one. Grab one.
04:34There you go. Yay.
04:38I knew you had the strength. I believe in you. Okay. I believe in you. I love you so much Blue
04:43okay. Oh what are you doing? I believe in you okay. All right for round three we're doing agility
04:49test all right. Agility what that means? Agility. The ability to move quickly and easily right? Oh.
04:56It's time for the obstacle course. All right for this obstacle course. Hey bro what are you doing
05:02bro? It's not for you. It's for Blue. All right guys before baby Blue comes out and do the obstacle
05:08course we're gonna let Ferran and Milan try first. Three two one. Hey hey bro you cheated.
05:17That's not how you do it. Yeah my family's pretty crazy.
05:23Sorry. Baby Blue has 60 seconds to finish the obstacle course. All right Blue.
05:28You got it Blue. You got it. Come on. So she needs to hold on this. Keep going. Keep going.
05:36Come on mommy. You can do it. Okay.
05:38Go. Go. Go. Start crawling. Crawl. Crawl. Crawl. Crawl. Crawl. Crawl. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. There you go. Keep going. Keep going. No Milan. No. Milan watch out Mila. Watch out!
05:53Oh my god what's going on? This is a disaster guys.
05:56He's doing it. There you go. Keep going. Keep going. All the way to the head. You're almost there. You're almost there.
06:01Keep going. Keep going. Keep going.
06:07My daughter is doing super well. She's gonna walk today, and now it's time. What do you disagree? It's time for round number four, right?
06:15I disagree because I honestly think that she's been doing okay, but she failed a couple of times
06:20She was like getting stuck
06:21And I think that she's not gonna be able to walk at the end of the video
06:24All right anyway and left with the negativity this round is speed as you know speed is very important
06:30And once she learns this I'm telling you not only is she gonna walk. She's gonna be running
06:34I love how you're gonna be running. I'm telling y'all
06:37This run my baby sister has to go from this end of the basketball court all the way to that end of the basketball court
06:43And if she does it in 30 seconds or less she's definitely fast enough to walk, okay
06:48Let's see all right blue. You got this okay, mommy. You gotta make it all the way to the end high-five high-five for Daddy
06:55Are you ready blue in three two one go blue go blue 30 seconds blue this way you got this blue
07:02Almost halfway blue good job mommy mommy mommy look this way look this way come on come on come on come to daddy
07:09You're almost there 15 seconds left 15 seconds left you guys keep going keep going
07:27Okay, okay, she's got me the camera
07:30This is the last round it's the most important rock is my daughter is gonna learn confidence as you guys know
07:38How are you gonna teach a 10 month old baby confident you see you guys negativity? It doesn't get you places in life
07:45How you gonna do that? Oh y'all about to find out right now, okay, blue
07:49So confidence is all about overcoming fears right we all know that in order for you to overcome your fear
07:54You're gonna watch mommy overcome her fear
07:58No, I bring in the pickle
08:05Okay, so blue you're gonna watch your mommy eat a pickle you're gonna overcome your fear, and she's gonna gain confidence
08:20Babe we need blue to walk today. She has to gain her confidence by watching you overcome your fear right oh
08:26She feels bad for you here. We go. It's pickle time. Come on, babe. You got this three two one
08:39No way
08:44No way, she just ate the pickle that was such a massive bite to
08:48Mommy I ate the pickle for you, and there was one last thing that baby blue had to overcome before she started to walk
09:04Watch me do it first so then you can get more confidence so then you can do it
09:08Look at her
09:13Okay, blue you got this mama, okay, you got this day is gonna wait for you at the very end, okay?
09:32Now it was time to put all the hard work to the final test you got this sweetheart all right y'all
09:37This is the moment. We've all been waiting for I don't even know anymore. She's gonna walk her now
09:41It's been a long day. I think that we are all confused at this point after everything that I see today
09:46I feel like she's been making a lot of progress
09:48But still I don't know what's gonna all that we know is if she walks you got to eat the one chip challenge if she
09:54Doesn't want I gotta clean the house all right the rules are simple
09:57Baby blue has to walk from one side the movie theater all the way to the other side and if she does it without falling
10:02It's official she walks all right. Yeah, I love you. Good luck
10:07Listen blue. I know you can do this. This is light work for you, okay, brother believes in you
10:11Oh, all you gotta do is come to daddy without falling. Okay, daddy believes in you come to daddy come to daddy
10:19It's okay
10:24Try again you got this
10:30No giving up all right, let's run it back come on my daughter was clearly struggling
10:35But I refused to give up on her. I knew she had what it took okay?
10:42Come on
11:06You know what that means it is time for the one chip challenge, babe. You got to eat this you lost the bet
11:18Guys I'm opening it up here. It is you guys all right time for Andrea to eat the one chip challenge
11:25You wanna smell it it's strong, bro
11:30This is no joke you guys you lost the bet
11:35I just want to propose something what if I'm your mom you love me so much, but if you eat it for me
11:40Oh, yeah, I love you, but not that much
11:46Brody fat, I think this is fair since blue walk today
11:49That was a special moment for all of us, and I think you were so supportive you were so supportive
11:54And I think we all won today therefore
11:57No one eats it we all celebrate
