Billionaire's Borrowed Bride Movie (Complete)

  • mese scorso
Billionaire's Borrowed Bride Movie (Complete)


00:00:00You have to be prepared. I don't have long. I'm not going to let you die, Mo. You're going
00:00:17to beat this cancer. Danny, what are you doing? What does it look like I'm doing? You're
00:00:30rent's late. It's two days late and you said it wouldn't be an issue. I changed my mind.
00:00:43So, unless you want to pay up with that tight little heart of yours, you're out by tomorrow
00:00:49morning. Please, you know my mom's cancer treatments are expensive and I've never been
00:01:03late before. Oh, not my problem. You should have thought of that before dumping me. I'll
00:01:13get you the money. I have a job interview today and the signing bonus would be more
00:01:18than enough to cover it. Just give me 24 hours. Then you better get that job. Tick-tock, cupcake.
00:01:42Billionaire financer Robert Montgomery has announced his retirement from Montgomery Enterprises
00:01:47this morning, the company he built five decades ago. His successor is presumed to be Aston
00:01:53Montgomery, his eldest son and heir, who is known not only for his playboy ways, but his
00:01:59corporate new business. Stella Evans? Come with me. So, you don't have any corporate
00:02:18experience and you didn't even graduate from college? Well, something came up at home and
00:02:24I couldn't. I'm not running a charity, Ms. Evans. I'm sorry, but I can't hire you. Please,
00:02:32I really need the money. So do 400 other applicants. What makes you so special? I may not be experienced,
00:02:47but I'm a quick learner and I really need the money. And I need someone who already
00:02:51knows what they're doing. This interview is over. Hey, you can't just walk away from
00:03:00me, you entitled prick. What did you say to me? You heard me just because you think you're
00:03:06better than everyone else. Shut up. What is that doing in my office?
00:03:36That, Mr. Montgomery, is your love child.
00:04:04I'm a father. What do I do? You said you needed a job. Help me. God, stop crying.
00:04:31I can't believe that worked. See? You didn't need my help after all. So the rumors are
00:04:43true. I'm a grandfather. No, father, this is- The board will never let an irresponsible
00:04:49playboy lead the company. You said there'd be no more scandals. I have no choice but
00:04:56to turn the company over to your brother, Clive. No, father, there are no scandals.
00:05:03Father, this is Stella, my fiance and the mother of my child. What the fuck? Excuse
00:05:18me? You expect me to believe this low class woman is your fiance? Do not speak about her
00:05:24that way. I love her. And I'm tired of hiding it. Right, honey? Please go with it.
00:05:36Right. Even in secret, Aston is a wonderful fiance. On the outside, he's a hardened businessman,
00:05:54but on the inside, he's a total sweetheart. Well, only for you. You saw through it the
00:06:01moment we met. Don't mistake me for a fool, son. If I find out you're lying, I will strip
00:06:09you of the company and your inheritance, and you'll have nothing left. Okay, we need to
00:06:23figure this out. We? Oh, there is no we. I am so out of here. No, you can't go. I need
00:06:29you. You're a billionaire. You can have any woman. Why me? You said you needed money,
00:06:39right? I happen to have a lot of it. Be my fiance and the mother of my child until my
00:06:47father signs the company over to me. Then I will pay you five million dollars. We can
00:06:53go our separate ways, and we will never see each other again. Five million dollars could
00:06:57change everything. It could help me save my mom. Do we have a deal, Ms. Evans? Fine,
00:07:07but only because my rent's overdue and I need you to pay it. Done. I'll have my assistant
00:07:15wire the money today. And you're mine. Starting right now.
00:07:31Mr. Montgomery! Mr. Montgomery! Stop! Stop! Stop! Excuse me! Excuse me! Is this your
00:07:35child? Is this your child? Why are you trying to keep this under wraps, sir? Step aside!
00:07:38Mr. Montgomery! How do you hide your fiance and child for so long? Ms. Evans, did you
00:07:43get this baby out of her just to trap him? Don't! Ignore me, bitch. Be a good girl. Get
00:07:52off of her! Come on, sweetheart. You're just a little gold digger, aren't you?
00:08:01Do you want a quote? Fine. Our engagement announcement was ruined by some grabby asshole
00:08:08with a camera. And one more thing. Touch my fiance again, I'll break more than just
00:08:15your camera. Sir! Sir! Mr. Montgomery, can we answer our questions, please? Mr. Montgomery,
00:08:20you cannot ignore us, Mr. Montgomery. Come on now, Mr. Montgomery. Sir, what do you have
00:08:24to say?
00:08:38This place is beautiful. So what do we do now?
00:08:45Simple. We do what fiances do.
00:09:02Look at me.
00:09:09What the hell was that?
00:09:19This is part of the deal. We have to sell it. I have someone looking into where Emma came
00:09:24from. It should all be sorted out soon. What will be sorted, brother? Clive?
00:09:31Welcome home. This fiance and baby certainly came out of nowhere, didn't they?
00:09:36What are you doing here, Clive?
00:09:39I came to meet my niece and soon-to-be sister-in-law, you know, since it all happened so fast.
00:09:47Stella Evans, is it? And what trash barrel did you crawl out of?
00:09:57The trash barrel I crawled out of is none of your business.
00:10:01Oh, contraire, mon chéri. It's most definitely my business. The Montgomerys don't associate
00:10:08with peasants. Bad for business.
00:10:11Leave her alone!
00:10:14Care to find out?
00:10:19Care to find out?
00:10:22So, my playboy brother does have feelings. And for a low-class gold digger, no less.
00:10:30Be careful. It's only a matter of time before he dumps you and that baby back into the gutter
00:10:36where you came from.
00:10:42She's cute.
00:10:47Looks just like you, brother.
00:10:53Get away from our baby and get out of our house!
00:10:56Fine. But there's something weird going on here and I'll find out what it is.
00:11:01The CEO position will be mine. And the first thing I'll do is fire you, brother.
00:11:19Is everyone in your family like that?
00:11:22My half-brother is just the tip of the iceberg.
00:11:26So keep your guard up.
00:11:31I have a few things I have to do. Your room is upstairs.
00:11:39What have I gotten myself into? At least I'll be able to take care of my mom when this is all over.
00:11:45If there's anything you need while I'm gone, just call. But the nurse will take care of you.
00:11:49How did you get the money for a nurse? It's so expensive.
00:11:53I... I got a job. Don't worry about me.
00:12:01I gotta go. I'll see you soon.
00:12:15Holy hot.
00:12:23See something you like?
00:12:31Miss Evans? Everything okay?
00:12:37Emma needs us.
00:12:40Right behind you.
00:12:48What's wrong with her?
00:12:50Hey, baby. Hey. There you go. Good job, baby girl.
00:12:59How did you do that?
00:13:01She just wanted to be held. You should hold her.
00:13:04Oh, I don't know about that.
00:13:06She's your daughter. She probably wants you more than anyone else.
00:13:12Trust me. I wish my dad was around.
00:13:15I've never held a baby before and she's so little I don't want to hurt her.
00:13:20Here we go.
00:13:41Okay. Baby steps. Say goodnight to your daughter.
00:13:55Goodnight, Emma.
00:14:08It's the private investigator. The sooner I find out who Emma's mom is, the better.
00:14:20The End
00:14:31Did the private chef make all this?
00:14:34No. I did.
00:14:38A playboy billionaire who cooks. Maybe I misjudged you.
00:14:44Not such a prick after all, huh?
00:14:47Maybe life with Aston won't be so bad after all.
00:14:53But back to business.
00:14:57My family is coming over for dinner tonight.
00:15:01They want to meet you.
00:15:03Your family? Aston, I can't.
00:15:06Oh, you can. And you will.
00:15:16This is part of the deal.
00:15:18If you want the money, everyone has to believe that you're my fiancé and the mother of my child, starting with my family.
00:15:33Can you hear me?
00:15:35My mom's in trouble.
00:15:42Danny! What are you doing? I paid you!
00:15:46Well, I changed my mind when I heard you were checking out with some billionaire.
00:15:56Knock it off! You know my mom needs that medicine.
00:15:59Well, now that you've come in to some money, you can pay me more. Two years' rent should do it.
00:16:06She'll pay you what she owes you and not a cent more.
00:16:09This is your billionaire boyfriend?
00:16:12Actually, he's my fiancé.
00:16:16And he's rich and powerful.
00:16:20He has a bigger dick than you.
00:16:27You really think you're good enough for him?
00:16:30I only fucked you because I felt sorry for you and I didn't want to hurt you.
00:16:34You really think you're good enough for him?
00:16:36I only fucked you because I felt sorry for you and you're done.
00:16:46Stella is more than good enough for me. If you touch her again, I will kill you.
00:16:58Those are for my fiancé. And this one's for me.
00:17:14Stella, he took my medicine.
00:17:18I have it right here, Mrs. Evans.
00:17:22That man will never bother you again. I will make sure of it.
00:17:29And I'm sending someone for your things. They're coming to live with us.
00:17:41Thank you for helping me with my mom.
00:17:45That wasn't part of the deal.
00:17:52Not everything I do has to be about our deal, Stella.
00:18:05Still, thank you.
00:18:09And I'm sorry for calling you a prick earlier.
00:18:12Why? I can be a prick.
00:18:15When I really want to be.
00:18:19Speaking of our deal, be ready by 7pm for the family dinner.
00:18:25But I have nothing to wear.
00:18:29I'll take care of that.
00:19:05I hoped you'd pick the red.
00:19:08You look beautiful.
00:19:12I'm still debating what shoes to wear, though.
00:19:15Allow me.
00:19:35I love you.
00:19:49There's one thing missing.
00:19:56There's one thing missing.
00:19:59A ring.
00:20:02May I?
00:20:07Aston, it's beautiful, but it's too much.
00:20:12It's only for appearances, nothing more.
00:20:15Please wear it.
00:20:29Shall we?
00:20:50You ready to sell this?
00:20:59Aston, a word.
00:21:04It'll take a moment.
00:21:11I'll be fine.
00:21:13Stella, how nice of you to join us.
00:21:17This is the woman who trapped our Aston with a bastard child.
00:21:23Funny, it's hard to believe that you had a baby less than a year ago.
00:21:28Mother, I'm not a mother.
00:21:31I'm not a mother.
00:21:33I'm not a mother.
00:21:35I'm not a mother.
00:21:37I'm not a mother.
00:21:39I'm not a mother.
00:21:40Less than a year ago.
00:21:42Mother, be nice.
00:21:44I'm sure Stella's trying her best.
00:21:50Oh, I didn't know Aston had a sister.
00:21:57No, I'm Clarissa.
00:22:00Aston's ex-fiancee.
00:22:10Oh God, is she pregnant with Aston's baby?
00:22:17No wonder Aston didn't introduce you earlier.
00:22:20You're nothing like me.
00:22:22And thank God for that.
00:22:24Stella would never cheat on me and get knocked up by my brother.
00:22:27At least we didn't hide our child from the entire family.
00:22:30That's right.
00:22:32Where even is my step-grandbaby?
00:22:35You see, Robert, he's as negligent a father as he would be a CEO.
00:22:40She's with the nanny.
00:22:42To keep her from the judgment of people like you.
00:22:44All that matters is our judgment.
00:22:47And bringing in this peasant certainly doesn't help your case.
00:22:52Excuse me?
00:22:54Who are you calling peasant?
00:22:56Being rich doesn't mean you can walk all over me.
00:23:00How dare you talk back to me like that?
00:23:06You can't even control your worthless fiancee.
00:23:10You'll never be good enough to be CEO.
00:23:22Aston is the only person who should run Montgomery Enterprises.
00:23:26Anyone else's CEO would be a mistake.
00:23:29Especially your son.
00:23:36You have upset my fiancee and I won't stand for that.
00:23:39Dinner is cancelled.
00:23:42Get out of my house.
00:24:06I'm sorry if I was out of line.
00:24:08No. Thank you for defending me.
00:24:12You didn't have to do that.
00:24:15Of course I did.
00:24:19I'm your fiancee.
00:24:25I never should have brought you into this.
00:24:28It's not fair to you.
00:24:32I'll pay you what I owe you. Just...
00:24:36Take the money and go, Stella.
00:24:38What's going to happen to you and Emma?
00:24:40Don't worry about us.
00:24:42I do worry about you.
00:24:45I care about you both.
00:24:47I'm sorry, Stella, but...
00:24:49This contract between us is over.
00:24:55What contract?
00:25:02What contract?
00:25:06I told you what would happen if I caught you lying.
00:25:09We're not lying.
00:25:11Prove it.
00:25:18We were just talking about the contract for our wedding venue.
00:25:22So excited to get planning.
00:25:28I see.
00:25:36You've saved me twice in the last 20 minutes.
00:25:43You are not what I expected.
00:25:46What did you expect?
00:25:49I don't know.
00:25:52Not you.
00:25:57Why are you looking at me like you want to kiss me?
00:26:00I don't know.
00:26:02Why are you looking at me like you want to kiss me?
00:26:05Because I do want to kiss you.
00:26:13Because I do want to kiss you.
00:26:16That's all I've thought about since you put on that red dress.
00:26:26We probably shouldn't complicate this whole fake relationship thing and...
00:26:31Especially since we're not actually getting married.
00:26:36You're right.
00:26:38We'll break off this engagement as soon as possible and we'll both get everything we want.
00:27:02I have some good news.
00:27:04You're getting married.
00:27:16By this time tomorrow, you'll officially be husband and wife.
00:27:23Unless there's some sort of problem with getting married tomorrow.
00:27:26It's just...
00:27:28We're not in a rush.
00:27:29But the board is.
00:27:31A child out of wedlock is a scandal.
00:27:35And one that must be remedied immediately.
00:27:40I hope that won't be a problem.
00:27:52That wasn't part of the deal.
00:27:54I know.
00:27:55I know.
00:27:58But would it be so bad being married to me?
00:28:09Do you know how many women I would have to beat off with a stick?
00:28:11It would be exhausting!
00:28:13Seriously, Aston.
00:28:15I don't know.
00:28:23Take some time to think about it.
00:28:26But I need an answer tonight.
00:28:41How did you know when you were ready to get married?
00:28:44I don't think anybody ever is ready, truly.
00:28:50I mean, your father and I certainly weren't.
00:28:53You weren't?
00:28:56We were young.
00:28:58Too young, even.
00:29:01But your father made me feel a way I'd never felt before.
00:29:06He made me feel loved.
00:29:27It didn't even work out.
00:29:29It ended before I was born.
00:29:33Just because something doesn't last
00:29:36doesn't mean you can't enjoy it while you have it.
00:29:44Plus, your father gave me you,
00:29:49which is more than enough.
00:29:52I can't deny it.
00:29:54I'm gonna marry Aston.
00:29:56Even if it's temporary.
00:29:58He and Emma are my family.
00:30:00It would break my heart when it's all over.
00:30:13She just went down.
00:30:17Look, I know this isn't what you wanted.
00:30:20And you deserve to marry someone who truly cares about you.
00:30:28If you want to walk away now, I...
00:30:30I won't blame you.
00:30:36Do you have an answer for me?
00:30:43Do you have an answer for me?
00:30:45I do.
00:30:49Aston, look at me.
00:30:55I never thought I would get married as part of a contract, but...
00:30:59I said I'd help you.
00:31:01And I'll keep my word.
00:31:06It means a lot to me.
00:31:12I have to say I'm surprised Aston is going through with this.
00:31:16I definitely thought that he would have dumped you by now.
00:31:19He probably will once he sees her in that rag.
00:31:22It was my mother's wedding dress.
00:31:24Of course it was.
00:31:26Only a poor person would wear something like that.
00:31:28I'm surprised your Prince Charming didn't buy you something better.
00:31:31He clearly doesn't care about you.
00:31:40Aston cares about me.
00:31:42And I don't need a dress to prove it.
00:31:44Are you sure?
00:31:46If he really loved you,
00:31:48he would have given you his mother's ring.
00:31:51Is that what he gave you, Clarissa?
00:31:55But that's only because I wanted something bigger.
00:32:21From Mr. Montgomery.
00:32:23For his fiancée.
00:32:25Oh my God.
00:32:27It's gorgeous.
00:32:29That's the late Mrs. Montgomery's necklace.
00:32:33That's supposed to be mine.
00:32:35I am under strict orders
00:32:37to allow nobody but Ms. Evans near this necklace.
00:32:42Especially you.
00:32:52You look like the future Mrs. Montgomery.
00:32:57I do.
00:33:00If only this were real.
00:33:22I know that you and Aston are lying about your relationship.
00:33:27So if you know what's best,
00:33:29you won't go through with this wedding.
00:33:32Aston isn't who you think he is.
00:33:39So if you know what's best,
00:33:41you won't go through with this wedding.
00:33:46Aston isn't the man you think he is.
00:33:48Aston isn't the man you think he is.
00:33:51Whatever money you think you might be getting,
00:33:54whatever feelings you think he may have,
00:33:57it's all just one big lie.
00:34:00Your vision of the future is not the reality.
00:34:11Thank you for the advice.
00:34:13But I don't need it.
00:34:15I can handle myself.
00:34:16And nothing you say can scare me.
00:34:22Say no to Aston in front of everyone,
00:34:25or I'll make sure you regret it.
00:34:28Your choice, Stella Evans.
00:34:30Don't make the wrong one.
00:34:47You look beautiful.
00:34:51Is everything okay?
00:34:53Is it true?
00:34:55Is Aston just using me to get what he wants?
00:34:58Is he just using Emma?
00:35:00Dearly beloved,
00:35:02we are gathered here today
00:35:04to join this man and woman in holy war.
00:35:07To join this man and woman in holy war.
00:35:10To join this man and woman in holy war.
00:35:13To join this man and woman in holy war.
00:35:16To join this man and woman in holy war.
00:35:19Do you take Aston to be your lawfully wedded husband?
00:35:31I'm sorry, I can't marry you.
00:35:40I'm sorry, I can't marry you.
00:35:46I'm sorry, I can't marry you.
00:35:57What the hell was that about?
00:36:00Is this all fake, Aston?
00:36:02Every word you're telling me,
00:36:04every look you're giving me,
00:36:06is it all just some charade?
00:36:08Jesus, is this necklace even real?
00:36:39I have meant every word I've said to you.
00:36:43None of this is a lie.
00:36:46And this necklace,
00:36:50my mother left it to me before she died.
00:36:52She said,
00:36:54that I should only give it to someone I care about.
00:36:58Someone I saw a future with.
00:37:17I'm falling for you Stella Evans.
00:37:20I have been since the moment we met.
00:37:37I don't know how I feel right now.
00:37:40Today's just been a lot,
00:37:42and my mind is all over the place.
00:37:44You're right.
00:37:46This wedding's way too much, too soon.
00:37:49Stay here,
00:37:51and I'll tell everybody the wedding is off.
00:38:04A runaway bride is an even bigger scandal than a love child.
00:38:15This must be a record, brother.
00:38:18Two fiancées down.
00:38:20At least this one made it to the altar.
00:38:23Hi everyone.
00:38:25Sorry to keep you waiting, but,
00:38:27there won't be-
00:38:28Any more interruptions.
00:38:31Who's ready for a wedding?
00:38:45Okay, let's try this again.
00:38:49Dearly beloved,
00:38:51we are gathered here today
00:38:53to join this man and this woman
00:38:55in holy matrimony.
00:38:57Marriage is powerful in ways you'd never expect.
00:39:00It's something that makes you feel lucky to be alive,
00:39:03exactly when you need it most.
00:39:06And it's something that makes you feel
00:39:08lucky to be alive,
00:39:10exactly when you need it most.
00:39:12It's choosing your partner
00:39:14at every moment of every day,
00:39:17and of learning how to love
00:39:19even the darkest parts of another person.
00:39:22A true partner stays with you
00:39:24through thick and thin,
00:39:26in sickness and in health,
00:39:28for better or worse,
00:39:30for richer or poorer,
00:39:32and death do you part.
00:39:36do you take Stella to be your lawfully wedded wife?
00:39:39I do.
00:39:40I do.
00:39:42And Stella,
00:39:44do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?
00:39:56do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?
00:40:07I do.
00:40:11You may kiss the bride now.
00:40:24I'd like to congratulate my eldest son on his marriage today,
00:40:29and to announce
00:40:31that he's going to be taking over Montgomery Enterprises
00:40:34as my successor and CEO tomorrow.
00:40:37Oh, this is bullshit!
00:40:39CEO should be mine.
00:40:44This is your fault, you little bitch.
00:40:46Clyde, what the fuck?
00:40:48I hope that hurt.
00:40:50Not as much as this girl.
00:40:52No, my baby!
00:40:55Not as much as this girl.
00:40:57No, my baby!
00:41:01What the hell?
00:41:02You ruined my suit!
00:41:03You touch my wife again, I will end you.
00:41:05Now get the hell out of my wedding.
00:41:15You're just gonna stand there and let him do that?
00:41:18You're right.
00:41:19I should have stopped him before the slap.
00:41:21Let's get out of here before someone else tries to ruin our wedding day.
00:41:34Are you okay?
00:41:41I'm fine.
00:41:43He barely got me.
00:41:52what should we do next?
00:41:54I have wanted you
00:41:56since the moment we met,
00:41:59Mrs. Montgomery.
00:42:23Where are you going?
00:42:28If I don't leave now,
00:42:31I won't be able to stop myself
00:42:33from tearing you out of that dress.
00:42:38Is that what I wanted you to stop?
00:42:48Since the moment I met you,
00:42:50you have consumed my every thought.
00:42:53I can't eat.
00:42:55I can't sleep.
00:42:56I can't work
00:42:57without thinking about you.
00:43:00Without imagining us.
00:43:05Do you love me?
00:43:08More than anything.
00:43:24I love you.
00:43:42Stella, help!
00:43:49The baby's not breathing.
00:43:56I don't know what happened.
00:43:57One minute she was breathing,
00:43:58and the next thing she...
00:44:02Thank God.
00:44:07It's okay.
00:44:08She's okay now, see?
00:44:19That's the most terrified I've ever been in my life.
00:44:21That's because she's your baby girl,
00:44:22and you love her.
00:44:26What if I can't do this on my own?
00:44:29What if I can't raise
00:44:30an entire human being?
00:44:37You can do this.
00:44:39Actually, you already are doing it.
00:44:42All you have to do is love her.
00:44:45That's more than my dad did for me.
00:44:47It's the private investigator.
00:44:49He might have information on who Emma's mom is.
00:45:19I wanted to let you know
00:45:20that I went through with the wedding.
00:45:22And I brought you a picture.
00:45:27And I even wore your dress.
00:45:32Oh, you're so beautiful.
00:45:36I'm so glad you found someone
00:45:38to take care of you after...
00:45:39Oh, God.
00:45:44What are you talking about?
00:45:52What's this?
00:45:54A clinical trial?
00:45:56But it cost $10 million?
00:45:58Something like that could save my mom.
00:46:00But how am I ever going to get that much money?
00:46:10There you are.
00:46:13Everything okay?
00:46:17What are you doing?
00:46:22I have to take a paternity test.
00:46:32I have to take a paternity test.
00:46:38I guess we'll know soon if I'm Emma's father.
00:46:43Well, they got the footage from the office
00:46:44the day Emma was dropped off.
00:46:47But the woman who was there...
00:46:50I don't recognize her.
00:46:54So you just forgot someone you slept with?
00:46:58That wasn't a good time in my life.
00:47:01And I made a lot of bad decisions.
00:47:05But I've changed.
00:47:07You've changed me.
00:47:12is why I need you to come with me to the board meeting today.
00:47:15You keep me grounded.
00:47:21Of course I'll go with you.
00:47:28Today is about more than my retirement.
00:47:31It's about the future of Montgomery Enterprises.
00:47:34A future that will be ripped to shreds
00:47:37if you allow your lying son to become CEO.
00:47:41What are you talking about?
00:47:47You're not the mother of his child.
00:47:53You're not the mother of his child.
00:47:56You're lying.
00:47:58They're both lying to all of you.
00:48:03Stella Evans.
00:48:06Ten o'clock interview with Aston Montgomery
00:48:08for the executive assistant position.
00:48:12Looks like he offered a different job to her altogether.
00:48:16This man would go so far
00:48:18as to marry a complete stranger
00:48:21in order to become your CEO.
00:48:23I don't know how much he's paying you, but it must be a lot.
00:48:27If this is true, son,
00:48:29you're an embarrassment to this family and this company.
00:48:34The board can't proceed with a vote.
00:48:39It's true.
00:48:41Stella was there at the interview that day.
00:48:45To see if I was up for the challenge
00:48:47to raising our daughter.
00:48:49But this isn't about my personal life.
00:48:51This is about what's best
00:48:53for Montgomery Enterprises going into the future.
00:48:55And since I've become COO,
00:48:57I have more than doubled our profits.
00:48:59And if that's not enough for you,
00:49:01then I don't know what is.
00:49:04It doesn't matter what you say.
00:49:05Mom already promised me
00:49:07the position of CEO would be mine.
00:49:12We will vote now.
00:49:15Is there a vote for Clive?
00:49:21And for Aston?
00:49:30It's a tie.
00:49:32It's a tie.
00:49:33It's a tie.
00:49:35So it all comes down to my father.
00:49:39And I have decided.
00:49:44The new CEO of Montgomery Enterprises
00:49:53The new CEO of Montgomery Enterprises
00:50:00Aston Montgomery.
00:50:05What about me?
00:50:07I've looked at the financials.
00:50:09You've spent more time at the country club
00:50:11than in the boardroom.
00:50:13It's not my fault their cob salads are excellent.
00:50:17And the boardroom is boring.
00:50:23Come on.
00:50:25Congratulations, Aston.
00:50:27The new CEO of Montgomery Enterprises
00:50:31But make me doubt anything else
00:50:33and I'll rip everything away from you too
00:50:35without hesitation.
00:50:51So what's your first act as CEO?
00:50:55I violate every page of the HR handbook.
00:50:57It's a good thing you never gave me that check.
00:50:59I can't.
00:51:06I need you.
00:51:11We can't.
00:51:12Somebody could walk in.
00:51:14So, remember what your dad said?
00:51:16We can't afford another scandal.
00:51:25The board would like to see you
00:51:27to go over some financials.
00:51:28Of course.
00:51:42Knock, knock.
00:51:46Clarissa, if you're here to bully me
00:51:47I am not in the mood.
00:51:49That's not why I'm here.
00:51:51I'm here as a courtesy.
00:51:53You deserve the truth
00:51:54and clearly Aston isn't going to give it to you.
00:51:59This baby isn't Clive's.
00:52:02It's Aston's.
00:52:12What the hell are you talking about?
00:52:14That baby cannot be Aston's.
00:52:16Well, we clearly couldn't tell you
00:52:17until the roost was over
00:52:18until he became CEO.
00:52:20But now that it's all over
00:52:22and Aston got what he wanted
00:52:24we don't need you anymore.
00:52:28He doesn't need you anymore.
00:52:43I don't believe you.
00:52:45Believe Aston then.
00:52:47Go ahead.
00:52:48Open that desk drawer.
00:52:59Oh my God.
00:53:01He signed the divorce papers.
00:53:03Clarissa's telling the truth.
00:53:14You can go now.
00:53:26Sweet Emily.
00:53:31I'm going to miss you so much.
00:53:34What's going on?
00:53:36I'm saying goodbye to Emma
00:53:37and then I'm out of here.
00:53:39Just like you want me to be.
00:53:46Stella, why are you packing?
00:53:48I signed them.
00:53:49You don't have to worry about me anymore.
00:53:51What are you talking about?
00:53:52Come on, Aston.
00:53:53You used me
00:53:54to get everything you wanted.
00:53:56I was a fool to think
00:53:57that we could ever be together.
00:53:58That we could ever
00:53:59have a family together.
00:54:00Oh, and by the way
00:54:02congratulations on the baby.
00:54:04I hope you and Clarissa
00:54:05are really happy together.
00:54:20Let me explain.
00:54:27What could you possibly
00:54:28have to say to me?
00:54:32There is nothing
00:54:33and will never be anything
00:54:34between me and Clarissa
00:54:35ever again.
00:54:36I'm not even the father
00:54:37of her child.
00:54:38And these
00:54:39I had these drawn up
00:54:40the day I met you before.
00:54:41I knew this could be anything
00:54:42more than a contract.
00:54:44And this, just, just
00:54:45just take it.
00:54:48Please, just take everything out.
00:54:49All I want
00:54:50is you and Emma.
00:54:51I could take or leave
00:54:52anything else.
00:54:54You don't mean that.
00:54:55Of course I mean it.
00:54:57I have meant
00:54:58every word
00:54:59I have said to you.
00:55:01I'm in Stella.
00:55:02I'm all in.
00:55:04Are you?
00:55:10I'm in Stella.
00:55:11I'm all in.
00:55:13Are you?
00:55:21I'm all in.
00:55:36The paternity results are in.
00:55:40I'm not Emma's father.
00:55:51The paternity results are in.
00:55:55I'm not Emma's father.
00:55:58I'm not Emma's father.
00:56:05I can't believe
00:56:06I'm not her father.
00:56:10If she doesn't belong to me
00:56:13why would that woman
00:56:14have shown up at my office
00:56:15and made me believe
00:56:16she was mine?
00:56:28I can't tell you
00:56:29why this is happening, Aston.
00:56:31But Emma's lucky
00:56:32to have you as a dad.
00:56:35Biological or not.
00:56:38We need to find the truth.
00:56:45Dahlia's behind it all.
00:56:47I don't know.
00:56:48I don't know.
00:56:50I don't know.
00:56:52I don't know.
00:56:54I don't know.
00:56:55I don't know.
00:56:57I don't know.
00:57:03I'm not telling you anything.
00:57:04This isn't a game, Dahlia.
00:57:06She's a child.
00:57:07Where did Emma come from?
00:57:09Step down to CEO
00:57:10and I'll tell you.
00:57:16Step down to CEO
00:57:17and I'll tell you.
00:57:18Are you kidding me?
00:57:20This is way bigger
00:57:21than a CEO position.
00:57:23This is a child's life
00:57:24you're messing with.
00:57:25Shut up.
00:57:26You little trill.
00:57:28If you hadn't come along
00:57:29pretending to be her mother
00:57:31the scandal would have
00:57:32proceeded as planned.
00:57:34And that little child
00:57:35would be back at the orphanage
00:57:37right where she belonged.
00:57:41That's right.
00:57:42The baby's trash.
00:57:44Just like you.
00:57:57My hair!
00:58:04I'm asking you a favor.
00:58:05You better get control
00:58:06of your little wife
00:58:07or I'll just...
00:58:08Or nothing!
00:58:10You will not speak about
00:58:11my wife or my family that way.
00:58:13Get out.
00:58:27Call every orphanage
00:58:28in this city
00:58:29until you find one
00:58:30that's missing a baby.
00:58:41It's okay.
00:58:42It's okay.
00:58:43We're gonna figure this out.
00:58:48Oh my God.
00:58:49Did she just call me Mama?
00:58:50She's yours
00:58:51if you want her to be.
00:58:57I don't want to be but
00:59:00until we figure out
00:59:01what's going on
00:59:02I can't get attached.
00:59:10Mr. Montgomery!
00:59:11Mr. Montgomery!
00:59:12Mr. Montgomery!
00:59:13What can you say
00:59:14about the recent allegations
00:59:15that Miss Evans is not
00:59:16the mother of your son's child?
00:59:19Mr. Montgomery!
00:59:20You can't ignore us!
00:59:21Mr. Montgomery!
00:59:27What's going on?
00:59:29The press is having
00:59:30a field day out there.
00:59:32I told you to.
00:59:33No more scandals!
00:59:34What are you talking about?
00:59:37I went out on a limb
00:59:38for you, son.
00:59:39I trusted you.
00:59:40And this has been
00:59:41a lie the whole time?
00:59:44You say she's
00:59:45the mother of your child?
00:59:46Prove it.
00:59:47Or I'll expect you
00:59:48to step down as CEO
00:59:49tomorrow morning.
00:59:53How do we prove it?
00:59:59Take a maternity test.
01:00:06How do we prove it?
01:00:11Take a maternity test.
01:00:20Mr. Montgomery!
01:00:21Mr. Montgomery!
01:00:22Mr. Montgomery!
01:00:23Come on now!
01:00:26Whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:00:32If I take a maternity test,
01:00:33they're gonna know
01:00:34that Emma's not mine
01:00:35and then we may lose her.
01:00:45We should have never
01:00:46lied in the first place.
01:00:59My mom is dying!
01:01:06My head is so warm.
01:01:09It's okay.
01:01:18My heart was racing.
01:01:20I was so scared.
01:01:21It's okay.
01:01:25It's okay.
01:01:27It's all gonna be okay.
01:01:43My mom's getting worse.
01:01:47She needs this experimental treatment,
01:01:49but we can't afford it, so...
01:01:53Why didn't you tell me?
01:01:57I didn't want to be a burden to you.
01:01:59You can never be a burden.
01:02:02How much does the treatment cost?
01:02:09Ten million dollars.
01:02:11I'll pay it.
01:02:12Every penny.
01:02:19I'll pay it.
01:02:20Every penny.
01:02:23Aston, I...
01:02:24Like I said,
01:02:26money doesn't matter.
01:02:27I would do anything for you,
01:02:28anything for our family.
01:02:37You have no idea
01:02:38what this means to me.
01:02:50How do you always know
01:02:51just what to say
01:02:52to make me feel better?
01:02:54Because I know you.
01:02:56I know what you want.
01:02:57I know what you need.
01:02:59That's what happens
01:03:00to someone when you...
01:03:04When you...
01:03:06When you what?
01:03:10When you love someone.
01:03:12And I love you,
01:03:14Stella Evans.
01:03:19You love me?
01:03:23I do.
01:03:26I can't believe
01:03:27it's taken me so long
01:03:28to say it.
01:03:34Please tell me
01:03:35you feel the same.
01:03:37I love you.
01:03:39I love you.
01:03:41I love you.
01:03:43I love you.
01:03:45I love you.
01:03:47I love you.
01:03:49I love you.
01:03:57I don't know
01:03:58what I'm feeling.
01:03:59It's all just...
01:04:00It's too much.
01:04:05I understand.
01:04:14Hi, I'd like to pay a bill
01:04:15for Mary Evans.
01:04:17It has?
01:04:20By who?
01:04:24I see.
01:04:46A year ago,
01:04:48I gave up my baby girl.
01:04:52I had no choice
01:04:53and it broke my heart.
01:04:55The chances are almost impossible,
01:04:57but I have to know.
01:04:59Could Emma be my daughter?
01:05:14I'd like to schedule
01:05:15a fertility test.
01:05:27Hey, Stella, do you...
01:05:30Everything okay?
01:05:38You seem...
01:05:46I'm just stressed.
01:05:50I just can't stop thinking
01:05:51about Emma's mother
01:05:52and how
01:05:53our lives could come
01:05:54crashing down
01:05:55over some maternity test.
01:05:57Then don't take it.
01:06:01No, I can't ask you to do that.
01:06:02That's not fair to you.
01:06:06Don't worry about what's fair to...
01:06:07It's all I'm worried about.
01:06:10It's all I'm worried about.
01:06:11Don't worry about what's fair to...
01:06:12It's all I'm worried about.
01:06:15You mean more to me
01:06:16than this CEO position.
01:06:19He's trying to help,
01:06:20but if Emma's somehow mine,
01:06:22I can save Aston's job
01:06:24and his reputation.
01:06:28don't do anything rash, okay?
01:06:31We still have until tomorrow
01:06:32to figure it out.
01:06:37I need to ask.
01:06:39Does the name
01:06:40Andrew Beaumont
01:06:41mean anything to you?
01:06:46Should it?
01:06:49he paid for your mother's treatment.
01:06:53ten million of it.
01:07:09Who's Andrew Beaumont?
01:07:15How do you know about him?
01:07:18He paid for your treatment.
01:07:20Who is he?
01:07:30Someone call a doctor!
01:07:50I spoke with the doctors.
01:07:54She's been put in a medically induced coma
01:07:56until the swelling in her brain subsides.
01:08:01It's all my fault
01:08:02if I wouldn't have pushed her.
01:08:03No, Estella.
01:08:04It is not your fault.
01:08:14I know.
01:08:15I know.
01:08:16And I know she's sick.
01:08:17I just wish there was something I could do.
01:08:19She's with the doctors now.
01:08:21She's getting the treatment she needs.
01:08:24It'll all be fine.
01:08:27No matter how much you keep blaming yourself.
01:08:30I'll say it again.
01:08:33It's not your fault.
01:08:39It's not your fault.
01:09:04Okay, Emma.
01:09:06Time to learn the truth.
01:09:15In breaking news,
01:09:16CEO Aston Montgomery
01:09:17has called a last-minute press conference
01:09:19to address the future of Montgomery Enterprises.
01:09:22Reporters have it on good authority
01:09:24that he is prepared to step down as CEO,
01:09:26handing the company over to his half-brother,
01:09:29Clive Montgomery,
01:09:30in the wake of a paternity scandal.
01:09:39Oh, my God.
01:09:42I can save him.
01:09:46Do you have anything to say about this?
01:09:48Ma'am, how do you answer the allegation?
01:09:49What do you say about the accusation?
01:09:50Sir, can you please tell her?
01:09:52Mr. Montgomery,
01:09:53you do understand
01:09:54that not forcing your wife to get a divorce
01:09:56is not the right thing to do,
01:09:57is it?
01:10:07And not forcing your wife to take a maternity test
01:10:09is an admission of guilt, right?
01:10:11Which means you've been lying.
01:10:13To everyone.
01:10:16We're not lying.
01:10:18I took the test.
01:10:20I have the results right here.
01:10:25I have the results right here.
01:10:27Over here.
01:10:28Ma'am, ma'am.
01:10:29Don't be a tyrant.
01:10:32You know how much I'm willing to pay for those?
01:10:34Not enough.
01:10:35Trust me.
01:10:36Over here.
01:10:37Ma'am, ma'am.
01:10:38Come on.
01:10:39Don't be a tyrant.
01:10:40Come on, ma'am.
01:10:41What do you have to give us a quote?
01:10:42How long has this happened?
01:10:44You took the maternity test?
01:10:46Aston, there's something I need to tell you.
01:10:48Show us the results, sweetheart.
01:10:49Prove your husband's not lying.
01:10:57I don't owe anyone proof.
01:10:58Believe me or don't.
01:10:59But I am Emma's mother.
01:11:02I believe you.
01:11:03Don't even think about it, Dahlia.
01:11:06Don't even think about it, Dahlia.
01:11:14This is so sweet.
01:11:18If only it mattered.
01:11:21You're too late, Stella.
01:11:23Aston already stepped down.
01:11:33You already stepped down?
01:11:36To protect you.
01:11:37To protect Emma.
01:11:38Aston, we were fine.
01:11:39All you've ever wanted to do is be safe.
01:11:41To be a great husband to you and a great father to Emma.
01:11:45That's all that matters to me.
01:11:47We can figure out the rest.
01:11:49It looks like you're working for me now, brother.
01:11:53I own the company now.
01:11:55Which means I owe you.
01:12:00Not quite.
01:12:02I just received an offer from Montgomery Enterprises.
01:12:06One that I couldn't refuse.
01:12:09Meet our buyer.
01:12:12Andrew Beaumont.
01:12:19Stella's father.
01:12:28You look just like your mother.
01:12:32This is ridiculous.
01:12:35You're trying to tell me that Stella's related to a billionaire?
01:12:40She's nothing but a piece of trash.
01:12:43Don't speak about my daughter that way.
01:12:46Your daughter?
01:12:47How dare you call me that?
01:12:49You left Mom and I.
01:12:53Stella, I never left you.
01:12:55Your mother, she kicked me out.
01:13:00Because I wasn't the husband or the father that I needed to be.
01:13:04But I'm here now.
01:13:07To make it up to you.
01:13:09This company belongs to me.
01:13:11Not this low class peasant bitch.
01:13:14Ow, my baby.
01:13:17Damn, that felt good.
01:13:20Get out of my office or I'll have you arrested for assault.
01:13:24Actually, the office belongs to my daughter now.
01:13:29As does the company.
01:13:37I'm the CEO of Montgomery Enterprises?
01:13:46I'm the CEO of Montgomery Enterprises?
01:13:54Oh yes.
01:13:55Which means you get to decide how we get rid of Clive.
01:13:59You're fired.
01:14:22You're fired.
01:14:23Effective immediately.
01:14:25You, you can't do that.
01:14:28Montgomery Enterprises belongs to her.
01:14:30She can do whatever she wants.
01:14:39This can't be happening.
01:14:43I planned everything perfectly.
01:14:47That little orphan would have made the perfect scandal if not for Stella interfering.
01:14:53And you, you were supposed to convince that little bitch that you were pregnant with Aston's baby.
01:14:59But no, you failed and fucked us all.
01:15:04I didn't.
01:15:08Clive, Clarissa, get the hell out of my office.
01:15:11You too, Dahlia. Get out.
01:15:13You can't kick me out.
01:15:15I'm Robert's wife.
01:15:18Not anymore.
01:15:19Not anymore.
01:15:21I want a divorce.
01:15:39I always thought she looked just like you when she was sleeping.
01:15:46I never thought I'd see her again.
01:15:50I never wanted to give her up, but when mom got sick and the medical bills, I just, I knew we couldn't afford it.
01:16:03That's all in the past.
01:16:07But I want to talk about our future.
01:16:13How would you feel about one more?
01:16:20This house is pretty big. Why stop at one?
01:16:25I like the way you think.
01:16:50So, what's your first order of business as CEO?
01:16:56Well, since I've already violated the employee handbook.
01:17:05I was thinking we could talk business.
01:17:09No one knows more about Montgomery Enterprises than you.
01:17:13I was hoping you might show me the ropes.
01:17:17I'd be happy to.
01:17:23Let's violate the handbook one more time.
01:17:45And when it's finally time, it's just more of the same.
01:17:49Gotta wrestle the day, no.
01:17:53I said it a thousand times.
01:18:25I'm pregnant.
01:18:39Your mother and I were just catching up.
01:18:43I still can't believe this.
01:18:47Forgive me for not telling you about your father sooner.
01:18:51When I got sick, I decided to write him.
01:18:55Forgiving him.
01:18:58I never thought you would.
01:19:02And, um, I hope you can forgive me too.
01:19:13You saved me and my family.
01:19:15Of course I'll forgive you.
01:19:21You know, speaking of family,
01:19:24I'd really like to meet my grandbaby.
01:19:31Which one?
01:19:41Oh, Stella.
01:19:47Alston, your assistant called and said it was an emergency.
01:19:52Stella Evans?
01:19:59Come with me.
01:20:08The last time I heard those words, I got roped into a fake marriage.
01:20:14Well, this time, I'm hoping you'll say yes to a real one.
01:20:31Alston, is that your mother's ring?
01:20:33It is.
01:20:34And you're the only person who's ever been worthy of it.
01:20:39Stella Evans, ever since you stepped into my office,
01:20:41you have changed the course of my life.
01:20:44You have given me a beautiful child.
01:20:50I'm pregnant.
01:20:56I want forever with you.
01:20:58No deals, no money.
01:21:00I want forever with you.
01:21:02No deals, no schemes.
01:21:05Just us.
01:21:08Will you marry me?
01:21:19I can't.
01:21:27It's just, we've done this whole thing backwards.
01:21:30I don't want us to take our time.
01:21:35I can be patient.
01:21:38But when you're ready for forever, let me know.
01:21:42Because I'm all in, Stella Evans.
01:22:00I'm all in.
