• last year
Famous psychologist Rollo May said if you look at Olympic divers, just before they take the plunge, they PAUSE. This is the 3 second rule we can all follow to start to change our lives around. Here is the science behind it.

THE 3 SECOND RULE for success is how we learn to Make Better Decisions in realtime by practising a powerful pause just before we respond, loaded neurobiologically with emotion, neurology and purpose. But that’s just the start of it.


00:00Taking three seconds before you answer or commit to something with a yes or a no
00:05can be the change that changes everything.
00:08Before I answer temporarily or impulsively,
00:12I give myself the opportunity to choose.
00:15Viktor Frankl said, in between stimulus and response,
00:20there's a gap, there's a space,
00:22and in that space is something magic.
00:25The power to choose our response
00:28really deeply with a contemplative mind.
00:30So that three-second rule just allows us to step back for a second and ask the question,
00:37does this nourish my soul?
00:39DTNMS before every decision you make can really change everything.
00:46When we make small changes every day,
00:48the big, the whole starts to change
00:52and we go beyond our personality,
00:54which really is the program of our mind
00:57that has created a personal reality, personality,
01:01that might not be working for us the way we want it to.
01:04So the three-second rule is a great way to step into your life
01:09and take your power back.
01:11When we're running on the subconscious mind,
01:13we're running really powerlessly
01:16and wondering why we get frustrated
01:18when our results are the same time and time again.
01:22So the three-second rule is about power
01:24and power means action.
01:27If we can get into that contemplative gap,
01:29if we can take that time and then train the mind
01:32that we're going to show up before each decision,
01:36we can understand that small decisions every day
01:39are going to create something wonderful and new for us.
