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00:00Hi guys. So today I'm going to be doing a new unusual surprise toys opening video.
00:19I have again scoured the internet to find some really fun, different surprise toys to open.
00:34And I hope it helps you relax. I'm excited about so many of these.
00:43I think I might start with... maybe we'll start with this mushroom cat.
00:55This was of Teemu. Apparently it's a cat that wears a mushroom hat.
01:05But let's see what's inside. I don't know if you get five of them or... I don't know.
01:12Let's have a little look. Yeah, it looks almost like the same packaging as the square cats.
01:17Which is exciting. So we will get five.
01:21Let's see.
01:29Oh my god.
01:32Wait, so...
01:36How does this work? Wait.
01:40Does it wear it like this?
01:44I'm not going to lie you guys, this is already a winner for me.
01:48So it's this tiny cat with a little...
01:53Oh yeah, you can see the imprint of the ears and the tail in the hat.
01:58This is actually like an iridescent blue.
02:01So then you pop this in.
02:06And it just slots like that.
02:10And it's a cat in a mushroom hat.
02:12This colour scheme is beautiful. It's like a shiny, shimmery pink and blue.
02:21Okay, next one you guys.
02:29This is a different bag.
02:35Oh, look at his little face.
02:38Oh, it's an actual toadstool.
02:42I'm guessing as well you can obviously mix and match the cats in the hats.
02:56Oh, I already adore these.
02:59I just love these like miniature figurines.
03:09Pink with blue.
03:12Kaliya Spalkali.
03:15That is so cute.
03:18This will be like see-through so you can see the cat.
03:21Inside the hat.
03:25Oh, I don't know if this one's my favourite so far.
03:31This one would look cute with this one.
03:33This cat inside this hat.
03:38These are like cool like fidgets.
03:40They're almost like marbles.
03:52Oh, we've got a blue cat with a pink and blue like ombre hat.
04:05So cute.
04:11I think the clear one's my favourite so far.
04:13It's the fact that you can see the ears inside.
04:18Oh, you guys, I kind of want more of these.
04:21I might order another pack to open on TikTok.
04:25Because these are just precious.
04:28Final one.
04:30Oh, look, it's a very different facial expression.
04:35Oh, and it's like a matte blue toadstool.
04:47Well, these are absolutely adorable.
04:52And I love them.
04:54So much.
04:59Right, we better get on to the next thing.
05:02Let's go on to
05:05Num Noms.
05:08Num Noms are a bit of a throwback.
05:10Like, I remember opening Num Noms before.
05:14But I had never seen these before.
05:16These dippers.
05:18And so you can like...
05:20I don't really know, to be honest, but you get like a dip.
05:24And I wanted to open it with you and see what it is.
05:38So take this off.
05:41Refrigerate first.
05:45Do you actually need to refrigerate it?
05:47Because I haven't.
05:48Surely not.
05:52Oh, it's because it's colour changing, I think.
05:56Oh, you guys, I'm just going to have to go for it
05:58because I haven't refrigerated it.
06:07Okay, so we've got two
06:10Shall we see what they are?
06:13So these are snackables.
06:29Number one.
06:32Ooh, oh, I know what's going to happen too.
06:34We're going to get the stick.
06:37And then these are like the...
06:40Like the, almost like marshmallows.
06:44I don't know if they smell of anything or something like that.
06:46Ah, this one's got the stick.
06:49Oh my god, okay.
06:51Let's take them off the stick to look at them.
06:55They weirdly smell like mint.
06:57I don't know if they're mint too.
07:00But we've got this unicorn,
07:02green one, and then this
07:04white one with like pink frosting.
07:08It's like a cat, I think.
07:10And then here's a little stick,
07:12which is like a bear.
07:15So then we can like put these on the stick.
07:19Oh, actually, we'll put them the other way
07:21so we can see them.
07:23Like this way.
07:25Here you go.
07:28I should probably put the unicorn at the top
07:30because the horn's getting squished.
07:36Put one like this.
07:42And then,
07:44this is our mystery tip.
07:48Take a look.
08:02Okay, it's actually like a proper liquid-y slime.
08:06And it smells good.
08:08And it's like glittery.
08:12It looks like honey, actually.
08:15So then you're meant to dip them,
08:17but I don't think it's gonna work.
08:24Like, if they're colour-changing,
08:27I don't think it'll work
08:29because it's not cold enough.
08:33It's still quite satisfying
08:35to look at, though.
08:41I need to kind of try
08:47There's a surprise in it, you guys.
08:50Hang on.
08:52There's a surprise.
08:55Oh my god, this is actually adorable.
08:58This slime's really good
09:00because it's not actually sticky.
09:02It, like, actually comes off.
09:07She says while it sticks to her.
09:09Hang on.
09:11This is actually precious.
09:13It's half of a strawberry.
09:15It's a little strawberry bear,
09:17which is, to be honest, my dream one to get
09:19because I collect, like,
09:21strawberry things.
09:24It smells really good.
09:30That's so cool.
09:32I might pop it
09:34into our little dunking slot here.
09:36There you go.
09:38So you're meant to freeze it,
09:40which is good to know for future ref.
09:42So the sauce we got was actually honey,
09:44I think, because that looks like honey.
09:46I reckon we got the honey one
09:48as the glitter dip.
09:54what did we get?
10:00Oh, there's the strawberry diced Dixie.
10:04Then for the skewers,
10:06like, the actual characters we got,
10:08I'm guessing it was
10:10Francis Fluff.
10:12And what was the other one?
10:14The bear with the icing on him.
10:18Oh, I think it's that one.
10:20Sprinkle Softy.
10:22They're both marshmallows.
10:26Oh, I would love
10:28the cherries one.
10:30So cool.
10:32Well, that was awesome. I actually did enjoy that.
10:34I might need to
10:36freeze them and try it out.
10:40So I've been getting
10:42requests to do something with
10:44Littlest Pet Shop, so I decided
10:46to pick up this Lucky Pet
10:48Fortune Surprise,
10:50which I thought was kind of interesting.
10:52Like, genie lamp.
10:54So, I used to collect
10:56Littlest Pet Shop
10:58when I was little, so it's
11:00going to be interesting.
11:02Let me open it.
11:04Okay, so I just pulled this out.
11:06The lamp is just the cardboard.
11:10So I pulled out the little surprise.
11:14The green.
11:16There's also a leaflet, so
11:18let's see what we get first.
11:26Oh my god, hang on.
11:28I don't know what this is for.
11:30I'll have to have a look.
11:32But, are you
11:36I'm frog-obsessed.
11:38What's going on?
11:40Like, I am a frog.
11:42I have frogs up. Big picture
11:44of frogs up in my living room.
11:46This is precious.
11:48I think I've
11:50really lucked out with this.
11:52It's ironic because it's called Lucky
11:56So we got Jolly Ollie,
12:00which I think is just like
12:02a common. I'm actually so happy to get that one though.
12:04I also do like
12:08but I think
12:10the frog's probably the best that I could have got, really.
12:12So, let's
12:16what the info...
12:18Okay, so we have
12:20a coin with
12:22two leaves on it.
12:26So, simple.
12:28Two leaves.
12:30Where's the English?
12:34Down here.
12:36So, our
12:38charm is happiness.
12:42Well, I am happy
12:44with that.
12:46I would say that it does bring happiness
12:48because I'm happy
12:50with my little frog friend.
12:52That's actually just precious.
12:54I'm really happy with that.
13:06I've been desperate to open this, but I didn't want to go
13:08too crazy on you
13:10at first.
13:12This is from Teemu, and they are
13:14these cat figurines,
13:16and it's a surprise one, I think.
13:18They're like cats that can be
13:20shaped into sharks.
13:22I want to see what we get.
13:24You guys, I think maybe it's just
13:26a set of all five designs.
13:28I'm not sure.
13:30I thought there were surprise ones,
13:32but maybe there's more than five
13:34designs. One, two,
13:36three, four, five.
13:38I don't know. Let's have a look.
13:40Oh my god.
13:42This is just
13:44precious. This is meant to be a whale
13:46shark, maybe.
13:50You guys.
13:54That is just the cutest thing ever.
14:00I have to display
14:02these. These are so cute.
14:10This looks like a great white shark.
14:16I love
14:18these already. Okay.
14:26So this one's actually
14:28a killer whale, I think,
14:30isn't it? An orca.
14:34It's adorable.
14:36Fun fact,
14:38I do actually have a fear
14:40of orcas.
14:42I had like a nightmare once
14:44about them and I just can't move on from it.
14:46I think this might
14:48be one of my favourites. It's a little hammerhead.
14:50I love hammerhead
14:54This thing, me and my partner,
14:56are both cat enthusiasts
14:58and shark enthusiasts.
15:00So which
15:02is the last one? We should get the sword.
15:04Sword shark.
15:08Oh, and here it is.
15:10Little sword
15:12shark. Oh god, this one's adorable
15:14as well.
15:18Oh my god, my partner's gonna love these.
15:20I mean,
15:22the traditional shark's amazing,
15:24but I also like the more obscure,
15:26like the pose of this one.
15:32we want to finish the cats,
15:36you can see that
15:38I'm kind of obsessed with cats right now.
15:40I found these on
15:42Timo. This was all, this
15:44was a surprise toy because I couldn't pick
15:46what one I got.
15:48This is like really strange, but basically
15:50they like,
15:52they wear
15:54the cat, um,
15:58face mask
16:00and that's what the figures are.
16:04I honestly didn't know what I was expecting with these,
16:06but this is actually kind of funny.
16:12Yeah, so you can either have this one
16:14or this one.
16:16I think this one's the best because it just
16:18looks so stupid.
16:22But yeah.
16:24I love
16:26this type of thing.
16:28Next, I think we should do this one.
16:30This one's a little bit messier.
16:32Um, it is
16:34a Magic Mixies
16:40the crystal ones.
16:42Let's open it up.
16:44I love these types of things.
16:46Okay, so I think we add
16:48these two things
16:50and mix them together.
16:52So we start by adding
16:56this little mixing
16:58pouch thing.
17:00This little potion.
17:04So, let's have a look.
17:12We add this
17:22Ooh, okay.
17:24Add all of that.
17:28Then I think we fill this one
17:30with water,
17:32which I do bring
17:34with me.
17:38we just fill this with water
17:42and then
17:44I guess add it
17:46to this, so
17:48see what happens.
18:18And I guess, like magic,
18:28see, I'm guessing
18:30it's going to break
18:32the surface.
18:42Why don't we add a little bit more water.
18:48There you go, look.
18:58Ooh, that's just awesome.
19:00I love that.
19:02Okay, I just took
19:04the figures out of our
19:06potion cauldron.
19:08Let's see.
19:10Oh my god,
19:12it looks absolutely beautiful
19:14and magical.
19:16You guys,
19:18I mean, are you joking, look at this.
19:20This is just
19:22the prettiest, most
19:28And then this is
19:30like a light, I think,
19:34Okay, so, oh, we've got one,
19:36if you hold it, the light, I think it will glow
19:38over time. I'll turn
19:40the lights off in a second.
19:42But we got
19:48Chapeau, chapeau, chapeau, chapeau.
19:50So I'm going to
19:52hold it for ten seconds, I'll hold it up to the
19:54light, and I'll turn the
19:56light off afterwards.
19:58Oh, you guys, look how cool.
20:00That is absolutely
20:04Here's the little figure.
20:06I wouldn't
20:08bother with the lantern thing,
20:10but this on its
20:12own is absolutely precious.
20:16And I love it.
20:20It looks like I bought too many
20:22surprise toys for
20:24this video, so
20:26I will have to do a part two,
20:28or another part to this,
20:30because I don't want
20:32the video to be too long, you know.
20:34I know some of you guys
20:36like long videos, but it's,
20:38I like to try and mix it between long and short videos.
20:40But for next time,
20:42we've got this alien
20:46and loads of other cool stuff.
20:48It's like
20:50mannequin, mini mannequin
20:54and other things, so I'll show you
20:56those in the next surprise
20:58toys video, but
21:00I hope you enjoyed
21:02this video, you guys.
21:04I adore
21:06filming them. This is like
21:08me in a child, pure joy.
21:12So thank you for watching them,
21:14as it means I can make more.
21:22I'll see you in the next
21:24video, guys. Goodbye.