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00:00Hello, hello, hello. Welcome. What is your name? That's such a wonderful name. I love it. My name is Xenia. It's so nice to meet you.
00:28Are you sleepy? Let's sleep together. Come on. Are you in your bed? Are you comfortable? Great. Today I have so many surprises for you. Are you ready?
00:49We will sleep together. We will read my favorite books and I will show you all of my surprises. You can close your eyes if you want. You can answer to me because I will ask you many things or you can just relax and sleep.
01:11I'm so happy that we can spend some time together. This is your safe place. I will take care of you. Let's sleep together.
01:27Firstly, I will show you my best friend. I want to be your best friend now. This is my little friend. He is a pretty baby sheep. Do you like it? I want you to give it a name.
01:49He is going to be our company for the night. I love this name. You can have him next to you. You can hug him if you want.
02:10Let's start with a book. This is my favorite book. You must never touch a dinosaur. Never touch a dinosaur. Here we have an orange dinosaur with yellow spikes.
02:40Are you ready to read this book? Let's get started.
02:55You must never touch a dinosaur with spines along its back. Just say goodbye and walk on by. It might think you are a snack.
03:10Here we have a blue dinosaur with green spines. He is holding a spoon and a fork. He must be hungry.
03:40You must never touch a dinosaur with horns on its head. It's not a cat, so do not pet. Just look away instead.
03:57I love this dinosaur. It's so pretty with white horns. What is your favorite color? It's my favorite color too. I love this color. I wish I could see a dinosaur with this color.
04:27Let's keep going. You must never touch a dinosaur with sharp and pointy claws. Just go and hide somewhere inside and please lock all the doors.
04:53Here is a purple dinosaur with a nice belly. What color is his belly? Blue.
05:13Here is the beautiful sun. Let's go to the next page.
05:28You must never touch a dinosaur with giant bony plates. A friendly pet is something that this dinosaur really hates.
05:41What is the color of this dinosaur? Green. You are doing amazing. What is the color of this dinosaur? Red.
06:06You are doing amazing. This is our last page. But if you ever touch a dinosaur which really isn't fun, please ask it next. Are you T-Rex? And if it's not, then run.
06:32It's a T-Rex. It's my favorite kind of dinosaur. What is this color? Purple.
06:53So that was my favorite book, Never Touch a Dinosaur. And I have another one for you after I show you some surprises for our sleep.
07:07So firstly I want to show you my amazing unique banana. Here it is. What is the color of the banana? It's yellow.
07:28You can sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep.
07:58And I also have another very favorite friend. This pretty big colorful worm. Do you like it?
08:22You can pet him with your hand. Can you see how many colors? He has a name actually. Jin. His name is Jin.
08:40What is this color? This, this, this, this. Purple. Oh my god. What is this color? Orange. Amazing.
09:10Hello my friend. It's time for you to sleep. I will be your company. We can sleep together.
09:40Relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, relax. Great.
10:00This is my favorite new toy. It looks pretty simple until I just flip it. You can focus, focus, focus here.
10:19There is yellow and pink bubbles, bubbles, bubbles, bubbles. Relax, relax, relax.
10:35Relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, relax.
11:05Relax, relax, relax, relax, relax. Shake, shake, shake. Relax, relax. Relax, relax, relax, relax. Relax, relax.
11:35Amazing. Now I will show you something amazing. Maybe my favorite toy. Do you like green or purple more? Green or purple? Maybe both.
11:52Let's see. Let's start with the green one. I promise you we will play with the purple one too. So I'm taking out my green slime. Here it is.
12:09It's a slime full of small little bubbles. Small little bubbles. Wow. Relax, relax, relax, relax, relax.
12:39Relax, relax, relax.
12:59Relax. And let's take the purple one too, which as you already know is one of my favorite colors. Here we go.
13:29Here, take some. Take some slime. You can play too. Take it, take it, take it.
13:59Amazing. Let me clean my hands a little bit and let's go to our last book for today.
14:19Amazing. Very favorite book of mine. That's not my panda. Its ears are too fluffy. Beautiful panda.
14:41With a little mouse here. What is this animal? Panda. And what is this animal? Good. It's a mouse. You're doing great.
14:57That's not my panda. Its paws are too rough. Its paws are too rough.
15:17Here is our panda. Panda, panda, panda. With a little mouse. That's not my panda. Its back is too fuzzy.
15:47That's not my panda. Its nose is too bumpy. Too bumpy, too bumpy, too bumpy.
16:08Where is the little mouse? Where is the little mouse? Show me, where is the little mouse? Here. Very good.
16:22That's not my panda. Its tongue is too smooth. Too smooth. Where is the little mouse? Show me, where is the little mouse? Here.
16:42Amazing. That's my panda. Its tummy is so soft. So soft, so soft, so soft. Where is the mouse? Show me, where is the little mouse? Here.
17:09Amazing. Have a good night my beautiful friend. I want to thank you. I want to send a huge thank you to your grown up for trusting me and showing this video to you.
17:26Or if you were able to choose the video by yourself. Thank you for being here and supporting me. I hope you like this video and honestly I'm waiting for your feedback in the comments. Good night.