Trey Knowles- No Weapon

  • 2 days ago
No Weapon
by Trey Knowles
Truth & Knowledge

No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord. Isaiah 54:17
00:00No weapon, no weapon, no weapon form against me.
00:05No weapon, no weapon, no weapon form against me.
00:11Shall prosper, shall prosper, no weapon form against me.
00:17No weapon, no weapon.
00:20This is the knowledge, tell it like it is.
00:23Praise God, what was meant for evil, God turned around for my good.
00:27That's real fatherhood, righteousness like a bulletproof vest.
00:30No temptation here, that's the test.
00:33I'm not a gangster, I'm just from out west.
00:35I'll tell you the rest, once I get this off my chest.
00:38I say no to the flesh, yes to the spirit.
00:40I live in my own will, but God's will.
00:42Who's that devil trying to steal?
00:44Who's that devil trying to kill?
00:46The system of the world's my enemy.
00:48They're friends to the principalities.
00:50They sold out to get me.
00:51They're trying to take my life.
00:53Nothing can separate me from the love of Christ.
00:55The victory is mine, Jesus Christ is the thing that you want to cross.
00:59We say no to sin, so devil you just lost.
01:02No weapon form against me, shall prosper.
01:07No weapon, no weapon, no weapon form against me.
01:13No weapon, no weapon, no weapon form against me.
01:18Shall prosper, shall prosper, no weapon form against me.
01:24No weapon, no weapon, no weapon form against me.
01:30La la la, that's your wild cry.
01:32I love my enemies, I don't want to see you die.
01:34I want to see a changed life, that happens on your knees.
01:38Now please, stop that sinning, and freeze.
01:41Be born again, it's the only thing that's going to get you at ease.
01:45Let's make some noise, share the gospel until you feel the burns.
01:48If not, the enemy comes and steals, kills, and destroys.
01:52Here they come, it's another one.
01:55Pharisees, Sadducees, whatever you want to call them.
01:58Judging me for my rap outcome.
02:01They on another level, they just like the devil.
02:04They compromise with their pockets, pretending to care about you.
02:07Stop, she only had a penny and she gave more.
02:10You didn't realize that you're the one that's poor.
02:15No weapon, no weapon, no weapon form against me.
02:20No weapon, no weapon, no weapon form against me.
02:26Shall prosper, shall prosper, no weapon form against me.
02:32No weapon, no weapon.
