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00:00he's thinking about the long seven years it has taken for him to hold singles gold in this company
00:11that sounds like a made-up statistic i had to check it three times if you'd have asked me
00:16how many championships has kevin owens won in the past seven years i'd have guessed four or five
00:22it is electric oh my god and crowd chanting moments ago welcome to
00:27berlin this place is rippling
00:58in your face in german is the champ as kevin owens and cody rhodes shake hands and here we go
01:07collar and elbow tie up to start things off and rhodes goes right to work on the left arm
01:11of kevin owens remember solo sakoa in his ominous words last night on friday night
01:17smackdown that he is going to be waiting for the winner
01:40germany has waited forever for this
01:43it is the first time a wwe premium live event has been held in this country many many live
01:50events over the years but the first time a televised massive promotion like this
01:56and we kicked things off with a wwe championship match
02:00what an atmosphere right off the bat this crowd split down the middle
02:06if you're kevin owens wade what does he need to do to take the championship from cody tonight
02:11you need to remember who kevin owens is bring back kevin owens of old not the seven years
02:18of complete dearth of championships bring back the guy who became the prize fighter
02:27do what you need to do to win championship opportunities do not grow on trees i don't
02:33care if it's friend or foe in there punish your opponent you think cody made a mistake
02:38wade by offering this matchup to kevin owens biggest mistake cody rhodes has made in years
02:44kevin owens is the kind of competitor you avoid at all costs
02:50tackled by owens up over the top now cody rhodes leapfrog owens second rope by cody caught by
02:57kevin and what was interesting about that sequence there wade is it didn't look like
03:02cody's leg bothered him at all he says he's a hundred percent perhaps it's ko just trying
03:10to sow seeds of doubt in the champion's mind
03:31standing waist lock and i was standing quick by ko
03:52the pace has suddenly changed and perhaps the penny has dropped in the mind
03:56of cody rhodes that i have made a huge faux pas in challenging kevin owens
04:21understanding this is an opportunity he may never get again
04:27oh look at the crossroads and snap there by ko kicking the insects he went for a stutter
04:32cody able to counter
04:37and i was getting a bit heated between the long-time allies
04:48for my money the more heated this matchup gets the more frayed this friendship gets the more
04:54it benefits kevin owens one of the most cutthroat guys in the industry now cody
05:00rhodes though has showed his mettle over the last few months of defending the championship he can go
05:05toe-to-toe with the worst of them get a waist lock by kody catches an elbow in the nose and
05:11kevin owens now set through the second rope to the floor and cody rhodes suicide dive
05:17drive kevin owens caught him and drove him flutes first into the apron and now the cannonball by
05:24owens what a complete game-changing sequence for kevin owens the power
05:30of the prize fighter coming to the floor early on here
05:36and again champ means advantage kevin owens must pin or submit cody tonight cody off the second
05:43changed things up a little bit it paid off kevin back to the floor kind of durability
05:48exactly why that man is the wwe champion again this time
05:55the barricade and cody connects that time and now roads celebrating what the folks here in berlin
06:07another look at this as a wide array of maneuvers cody rhodes is capable of
06:13from any angle cody rhodes uh first time he's held the wwe title two-time rumble winner into
06:22the cover now on owens and a kickout at one two-time intercontinental champion multiple time tag champ
06:30oh nice takedown by roads and working on the arm now and unique hold here submission perhaps
06:44you hold for cody rhodes being deep in the playbook your arm scissors or to our friends
06:50in ufc an arm slicer trying to get owens to tap out here this is exactly what you expect
06:58for someone the caliber of cody rhodes keep kevin owens guessing and you know what's interesting
07:03is that naked to the ropes to force the break we've talked about seven years in between titles
07:07for owens right this is what he accomplished before that he was a universal champion an nxt
07:13champion two-time intercontinental champion three-time united states champion none of that
07:18happened in the last seven years a remarkable career for kevin owens let's not forget in this
07:24this dearth of championship by rose off the knee to the midsection and owens kicks it too
07:29god he has done a hell of a lot his main event in wrestlemania as he's won tag gold
07:34he's been a perennial part of the main event scene in wwe yes thwarted by the bloodline for many years
07:42as he battled with roman reigns i mentioned the last time he had a world title opportunity to
07:47rumble back in 23 when he took on roman reigns
07:52kevin's fighting back again
07:56not a drop kick by cody cody drags him toward the center of the ring and
08:00road now cody looking for figure four locked in on kevin middle of the ring
08:08kevin owens is in trouble with nowhere to go submission move by cody now perhaps it's a knee
08:14of kevin owens in this move that you would start the call into question cody roads putting the
08:20pressure on owens owens just trying to hang in there with the wwe championship up for grabs
08:27kevin trying to create separation here
08:32he should try to roll cody onto his belly to reverse the pressure or make it to the ropes
08:36for a break cody's gone is in complete control i don't think we're going to see a reversal here
08:42it's interesting and he makes it to the ropes to force the break what's interesting wait is cody
08:46has started this match off with two different types of submission holds against kevin owens
08:51keep kevin owens guessing keep him locked down you don't want to get into a slugfest
08:57with kevin owens yeah agree with you there kevin owens just keeps fighting as he launches
09:02roads out to the apron cody now delivers a shoulder to the midsection and now kevin owens
09:08into the barricade and the champs down ribs first that was an ugly landing for the champion ko
09:21now it is time to turn up the dial and punish the champion you've got him where you want it ko
09:28yeah kevin owens and you said you told us what he whispered to cody roads last night during smackdown
09:33don't forget cover you asked for this cody and he's bringing the fight to roads now
09:48once again watch the impact of this splash by kevin owens
09:54devastating move on ko we've seen him win countless matches with that move alone i'd
09:59expect more against someone like a cody roads with the championship
10:03on the line but cody is hurting in a big way
10:09it has been a very aggressive kevin owens in the early going
10:15the fans here in berlin loving it thus far and this is just the first match of the night
10:22roads across the ring kevin owens again goes to the ribs the midsection of roads
10:27and a side russian leg sweep to cody into the cover for the championship kick it to well here's
10:33the fascinating thing we heard ko yesterday talk about the apparently injured knee of cody which
10:38apparently it's nothing of the sort that may well have got cody to drop his guard thinking every
10:44attack was going to be on the knee it's not clearly the target is the midsection of the
10:48ribs of the champion yeah kevin owens noticed when he shoved uh roads off the ring and into
10:53the barricade that cody clutched his midsection cody has had rib issues during this championship
10:59reign and kevin owens now focusing on that waistlock cody trying to box the ears of owens
11:07and does to create separation side headlocked by ko ducked down by roads and kevin with a shoulder
11:14tackle cody stays on his feet tip up and down middle of the ring critical moment now in this match
11:20the gloves really seem like they're going off now and ko's the kind of fighter the more he gets beat
11:29up the better he tends to perform in there even more so when he's in there with a best friend
11:35like cody roads it has been an incredible few days in berlin been a great week across europe for wwe
11:43record-setting european tour over 13 000 here tonight
11:55kevin owens inverted atomic drop to cody cody quickly off the ropes knocks owens down
12:04and cody oh and a scoop slam to ko now did you notice something cody land a little awkwardly
12:12when he came off the rope yeah i'm not sure if that's the ribs or what i wouldn't read too much
12:16into it cody has taken a hell of a beating so far he is moving gingerly though you're right
12:22cody off the second row disaster kick knocks ko down quickly to the cover by roads but coming away
12:29he kicks out at two cody's having breathing problems here and again and you know better
12:35than me uh you attack the ribs you can't breathe right well don't put yourself down you have got a
12:40unbeaten record at wrestlemania cole but you're right that's one of the worst injuries you can
12:46sustain it affects movement and most importantly breathing just exhausts you very quickly and it's
12:51very warm in this arena tonight you know what europe's like they don't do air conditioning
12:58off the second rope again cody locked by kevin owens into a german suplex release
13:04that's that durability of ko coming to the fall now a superkick caught him on the chin
13:10cody looked a bit out of sorts here off the second rope again cody cutter here it is cover
13:17for the wind ko at two and a half late late kick out right there and just as you were saying cody
13:24looks out of sorts cody looks like he's beaten then he bounces back even catching ko by surprise
13:33i mean you called it two and a half that was 2.9
13:42been quite the matchup so far for the undisputed wwe championship
13:47we're only the fighting champions defending the gold all over the world
14:02kevin with a chop
14:16cody fighting back kick to the midsection
14:30major major error from cody roads getting in a slugfest with kevin owens that's cody just
14:38fighting instinctively all strategy out of the window and it was a massive error
14:44and again right back to the midsection
14:58what can you do yeah roads back to his feet not allowing kevin owens to come off the top rope
15:08cody now kevin owens right back to the ribs weight
15:15high above the ring is cody
15:20uh-oh ko ko's got cody on his shoulders bad news for the champions
15:24rolling by owens cover for the championship two and a half almost had him all of that impact
15:33bang on the midsection and the reps take another look at this precision movement from ko a man who
15:42is about as well versed in every form of attack possible inside that ring nails it once again on
15:50and again it went right to the injured ribs of cody roads barely moved since
16:01and ko shaking his head wondering what it needs he needs to do to keep roads down
16:07little frustration coming to play for kevin owens tonight cody hangs on kick to the face
16:13cody now again launches himself off the second rope got caught by ko
16:16went for the stutter rose took it in the crossroads
16:19from out of nowhere cover by cody
16:33who is now surely regretting giving kevin owens this opportunity take a look at this
16:41back and forth disaster gig attempt stutter attempt no no crossroads
16:47but somehow the prizefighter kept on ticking this place is insane
16:55it is thunderous in here
17:00again kevin owens placed on the top turnbuckle what is roads looking to do here
17:14these men have thrown everything they have at him on another evenly matched kevin owens
17:20oh my goodness
17:29he tries to drag himself to the cover now for the championship