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00:00tonight against randy for comfort of the matter's sake
00:11oh it's here that
00:15her comfort in the process but certainly orton is aware there's still a fight in the champ
00:22now patented uppercut and got them in the chop
00:26and run from randy and gutter and randy
00:38every time gutter throws a blow with that right hand he's feeling it right there see he's fighting
00:43through the pain barrier because the gold is on the line a lesser man would have tapped out
00:48if the gold wasn't present now gunther starting to build some momentum and fight back in this
00:59could gunther be the better call randy a referee saw the whole randy i mean arguably a disqualification
01:08right back gold randy went old school there well referee charles robinson letting a lot go in this
01:15matchup we saw that earlier when randy was bouncing gunther off the announce table for a
01:20while this is for the world title charles robinson has refereed many world championship matches in
01:26his career he knows what to let go and now we're on the second rope with gunther and right there now
01:34the drapey ddt to gunther
01:54randy's hearing those voices but it ain't in his head for once this entire audience
02:01thinks they know what is coming next i think randy may be going to that special place
02:16he's staring down the world title waiting for gunther to make it back to his feet
02:23randy orton the viper waiting to strike into position the sound you never want to hear when
02:31you're in a ring with randy orton i don't think gunther knows where he's at and that's the problem
02:42randy orton measuring his opponent look at the rko gunther
02:49and randy landed high on that spine the neck that's given him issues earlier in this match
02:55he'll put the brunt of that landing and you have to believe wade gunther being as smart as he in
03:00is a technician in the ring he well well aware of the the surgically repaired back and neck of
03:05randy orton and you had to wonder when he was going to turn the attack to that part of the body
03:10of course this game is about weak spots and let's not forget randy's a family
03:14man he's got five kids wants to be able to play with him throw a ball with them
03:19gunther knows about that he's now messing with the mind of or two and there it is that
03:24tory graves likes to call it the t-rex drop kick from gunther taking orton down and now
03:30gunther heading up to the top rope
03:34and a big flash to orton
03:38with his good arm and unable to kick out a unique way to hawk a leg thanks to the injury to the
03:44right arm of jumper but once again jumper stringing together high impact moves like
03:51this splash immediately after the drop kick is part of why jumper has seen so much success
03:58in wwe changing the game before our eyes
04:05this is what you do to yourself to battle for a world championship wade you've had that opportunity
04:11in your career you leave everything out there because it may never come to you again that's
04:17it you always think as a competitor there's going to be more sometimes it just ain't the case and
04:22who knows how much longer randy orton's career is going to last if he's going to break any records
04:27we need victory here cannot give up and now jumper feeling the momentum from this capacity crowd
04:35randy orton lifted up by gunther orton able to and again the arm gave out the arm gave out a
04:42gunther was not able to deliver the power bomb it's a signature maneuver from jumper whose mind
04:49is now whirring through what else have i gone now with his uh his good arm the left arm of
04:57gunther that has not been damaged in this matchup a clothesline delivered to orton and gunther's
05:03been great being able to change his offense on the fly and again he's going to try maybe for
05:07a power bomb here wade maybe changing up the technique and again just can't get brandy up
05:14with that bad arm well that's 275 pounds 290 290 my bad of brandy orton that is a heavy body with
05:22two good hands with one ruined arm perhaps no chance hey gunther does he have anything left
05:30can he dig down deep does he have enough adrenaline to get brandy orton up because that power bomb
05:35would be devastating to the back of orton and it's a rare procedural tactical mistake from the ring
05:42general three attempts three failures but don't thought he has to move on he's being sober
05:51now randy orton trying to power his way out of this has gunther up on his shoulders
06:00gunther lands on his feet now the power of god they're getting ready up for the power bomb
06:05got the end of the cover look at the leg out who touched out at two
06:11well i can sit here and right off the ring general don't play you're making mistakes he
06:15made me eat my words my bad gunther knows best this man knows what he's capable of
06:22more than anyone else but was that a last-ditch effort for gunther did he put everything into
06:28that power bomb that orton was able to kick out of it was a kick out from orton but orton has
06:34barely moved since he is right for the pigeons now cold and even if orton does survive in this
06:41match but now for how much longer gunther believes he's closing in on a victory
06:51and it's soul destroying for orton you think you've damaged that arm enough that he cannot
06:54pull off the power bomb he proved you wrong he's not as hurt as you thought he was and gunther
07:00again with orton up just not able to pull it off again radio
07:07out of nowhere cover for the championship
07:14millisecond away from number 15 for orton
07:36brandy orton talking to himself
07:42we can't believe gunther kicked out of the rko
07:46brandy cannot believe it he was able to hit it gunther was able to kick out and now orton's got
07:51to figure out what do i do now this matchup balanced on a knife edge now orton is hurting
07:59in a big way gunther perhaps even more so our german friends better move out of the way because
08:05randy orton gonna do everything he can to win a 15th world championship
08:15oh both men have been physically destroyed devastated
08:27and even without the pain factor which is obvious just the sheer exhaustion
08:33of carrying these massive frames around for the past what 20-25 minutes
08:39you gotta wonder what uh randy has in mind here gunther is really hurt he still hasn't recovered
08:45from the rko randy orton now with steel steps now we know randy can't use them as a weapon because
08:52he'd be disqualified and gunther would keep the title you have to wonder what orton's thinking
08:56about doing here well those are damn heavy steel steps orton expelling a lot of energy just moving
09:03on expelling a lot of energy just moving them around i don't know how much energy
09:07orton has to waste at this point in a matchup we better turn around because
09:11gunther just has fallen out of the ring and is right back at fighting randy orton again
09:17and now gunther bouncing randy orton off our announce table and now gunther trying to take control
09:25and right to the midsection by orton and randy orton again and now randy orton
09:29with gunner up and down out of the steps gunther tried his best to block that pickup from randy
09:37knowing full well the spine of randy is hurt but randy just deadlift muscling him up
09:44no jib whatsoever in steel
10:02randy trying to figure out what do i do now i drop this guy in a step to his spine he's still
10:29savage and if orton has anything to do with it it's going to get a lot lot worse for gunther
10:36i've got there trying to get away from orton rolled under the bottom rope and what that
10:41was forced charles robinson stopped the count wade so gunther inadvertently may have may have
10:48hurt himself there he could have picked up a count out win and kept the title but i think
10:52just to get out of harm's way roll back into the ring and it forced charles to break the count
10:56such as the problem at this point in a matchup you don't have all your mental faculties right
11:01now you're not thinking clearly you've been pushed in the face 300 times by randy orton
11:06he wants that play might be over anyway about 20 percent now
11:15now randy orton dragging gunther outside the ring again
11:18randy orton what is he planning to do kicking out of gunther bounces him right off our announce table
11:25gunther in trouble as randy breaks the count absolutely doesn't want to win this by count
11:30he can't he doesn't win the title he's got to pin or submit gunther and now right back to work
11:36that is not the bad arm now he has the bad arm the right arm bounces gunther off the steps
11:43and again randy orton has taken the fight to gunther here well randy orton has turned barbaric
11:51unsophisticated yes this this is just turned in to an absolute this is all out of sight by randy
12:08and now randy orton using the steps to his advantage lifting gunther up to the top of the
12:29you gotta get him in the ring ready to win the damn title
12:32randy get him in the ring to win the title come on
12:46and randy orton knows it wade randy orton knows he's played the beast here this arena is packed
12:54full of partisan gunther fans but even they are showing respect to the viper randy orton
13:02as gunther's chances of successfully defending the title perhaps slide away and again yeah
13:09i really got to give the official credit in this matchup wade because uh charles robinson
13:15understanding that this crowd is here capacity crowd record crowd he's letting these two fight
13:21letting these two beat the hell out of one another in what has been a great main event
13:24for the world heavyweight championship and now trying to drag gunther back into the ring
13:31the final of the king of the ring tournament was controversial nobody wants that today especially
13:37not randy we want a conclusive victory one way or the other and you're right credit to the referee
13:43on that and now randy back into the ring measuring gunther the world champion
13:54randy taking his time this is old school orton here
14:05randy wanted to psychologically batter his opponent now in position to put the champ away
14:15orton went for the rko shoved away by gunther hard landing on the spine of the viper who perhaps
14:22took a little too long getting the ring general back in there and i've got the sleeper
14:27sleeper locked in sleeper locked into randy randy orton's in trouble center of the ring with the
14:32sleeper in it's panic in the eyes of the viper now how quickly the tables have turned randy
14:40went for the rkl gunther shoved him away saws opening pounced on orton who was uh feeling the
14:46back pain and now the sleeper is in the sleeper is locked in and orton has to hold that right arm
14:53isn't tight enough to lock it in the injury issue on that right arm is it loose enough to get it
14:59orton trying to do what he can to break the sleeper or he's waiting gunther's got it locked in
15:06and now orton swings him away but gunther keeps hanging on well was that the last roll of the
15:11dice for randy orton face is turning a feet red here those eyes are starting to look like
15:19and you notice he slipped the arm even deeper underneath the chin you make a mistake
15:25gone but well capitalized randy back to his feet last gasp effort perhaps for the number one
15:31contender for the world title that right arm of gunther is weak randy's manipulating it
15:36randy trying to force a break here finally gets out of the sleeper