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00:00behind through McIntyre and there you go the damn hypocrite McIntyre again McIntyre's complained
00:07for weeks about CM Punk ambushing him attacking him from behind never giving him a fair shake
00:13and what does McIntyre do tonight he ambushes an attacked punk before the match can begin
00:19well then CM Punk made his bed now he's gonna lie in it and CM CM Punk has blindside attacked
00:25Drew McIntyre time and again all McIntyre has ever said or any of your rules I will play by them
00:33stop complaining about the damn thing then well he won't have to tonight when he wins this and
00:37moves on to CM Punk and now Punk looking to fight back in one of the most personal battles we've
00:43ever seen here in WWE what a start for McIntyre it's all part and here's the problem the match
00:50hasn't even started Wade because these men don't even have the strap on their wrist well once it
00:55starts it's going to be really short after what we just witnessed a complete beat down by McIntyre
01:01and attacking an ambush once again and McIntyre said this is all about a a silly 50 cent bracelet
01:09a bracelet that has Punk's wife's name his dog's name on it now stupid ugly dog and this is the
01:16kind of whipping you get when you step on the toes of a six foot five 270 pound Scottish you
01:23have a three pound dog that sits on your lap it's not my dog I hate the dog stop talking about dogs
01:31and now again you hear Punk writhing in pain and McIntyre going to strap the uh the strap
01:39under the wrist of Punk and our right hand and CM Punk hasn't been able to get out of the box
01:45this is a biblical beat down
01:47CM Punk must rue the day he ever decided to come home to WWE
01:59even more so the days he screwed over McIntyre time and again
02:09and now McIntyre using a strap as a weapon with a Russian leg sweep to Punk
02:17snarling anger and vitriol inside the mind and soul of Drew McIntyre looking for the
02:30ultimate catharsis and now Punk ribs first into the apron I asked McIntyre yesterday as part of
02:39the kickoff show you already beat Punk at SummerSlam oh why did you agree to this strap match
02:45with Punk McIntyre laughed and said I'm gonna beat the hell out of him simple and again right to the
02:50back of Punk let's not forget CM Punk whipped Drew McIntyre on more than one occasion with a belt this
02:59this is payback call Punk has not delivered one offense well he did one punch that was his only
03:08offensive move in this match so far but it's been all McIntyre now does that count as a touch
03:13to the turnbuckle there
03:17the light went on and there you go here's it so now McIntyre's got to touch the next
03:22three consecutively unless Punk can stop his forward momentum
03:30it's an offensive shot from McIntyre certainly not slowing McIntyre's momentum which is why that
03:37red light has stayed on but McIntyre just taking his own sweet time he's earned this enjoy it Drew
03:44McIntyre screwed out of the world championship now right here because this is the move by Punk
03:51he's got McIntyre up he's gotta sleep GTS GTS connects oh my god and that will shut the red
03:57light off in the corner now the official should wave off the light because Punk stopped the
04:02momentum of the physical move so despite the fact that the light side it should be off
04:07and we start from scratch now
04:14the green light will go on if Punk decides to touch the buckle what is Punk doing
04:23Punk Punk to the hill oh four buckles by now he's about to match one well this is the problem that
04:29he ran into at SummerSlam he got let his emotions get the best of him and it cost him the matchup
04:34but I don't think Punk gives a damn about the match I think he wants to beat the hell out of
04:38McIntyre well this is exactly what Punk has done wrong Punk CM Punk is his own worst enemy he can
04:46be home and fly by now and these people cheering for this they are encouraging CM Punk's own worst
04:55demons and now McIntyre driven into the the apron turn about fair play for CM Punk
05:04stomping on the hand and the wrist of McIntyre and now Punk goes into attack mode we told you
05:09it'd be violent we told you'd be brutal we told you that CM Punk was going to take out his anger
05:15and frustration on McIntyre to attack Punk once again from behind or perhaps now CM Punk brewing
05:22not hitting those four buckles when he could have and now McIntyre ever the hypocrite delivering the
05:29the face first into the announce table say it louder say it louder Cole show McIntyre how tough
05:35you are you're a little scared there cringing now that's it keep your mouth shut McIntyre
05:41with Punk on our table McIntyre now and uh I believe Wade McIntyre is going to look for the
05:51future shock DDT that is the move that ripped the triceps of Punk back at the royal level
05:57and McIntyre is looking to do it again but Punk now CM Punk Punk's facing
06:07it was desperation from CM Punk
06:12and now Punk whipping the hell out of McIntyre
06:17and this WWE crowd in Berlin is loving it get him back in the ring ref ref get him back in the ring
06:25there's no rules Wade there's no disqualifications or countouts
06:30these guys gonna beat the hell out of each other no matter where they are they may do it out in the uber plus
06:35supposed to be a contest CM Punk isn't crying away neither is McIntyre listen to yourself
06:42neither is McIntyre listen to yourself and again right across the back of Punk
06:49you got to remember too McIntyre's felt the strap over the past few weeks just the first time
06:55Punk has actually felt the blows from McIntyre with this leather strap that's called getting a
07:00taste of your own medicine much deserved for CM Punk he's had it his own way for far too long
07:07now McIntyre again and Punk has just been defenseless Punk has been defenseless here
07:20and now McIntyre with a steel chair McIntyre with a chair in hand
07:27and right to the ribs of Punk and Punk just crumbles to the floor the referee quite rightly
07:33allowing this to continue there are no rules in this kind of match Cole
07:39thanks no countouts no disqualifications
07:45like I said all along McIntyre just wants to know the rules
07:51Punk fires back now McIntyre though all right to the eyes completely legal in this matchup
07:57and now Punk sent back into the ring by McIntyre both guys bodies tortured they must be in agony
08:10but it's the Scotsman standing tall see the welts already
08:14building on the back of Punk and now a slam right out of the steel chair
08:20there's only been one attempt really at a touching a turnbuckle here
08:24a nice job Wade just pulled the power out of a monitor now we can't see anything I think it was
08:28CM Punk's fault actually now McIntyre unloading with the right hands and now headbutts to Punk
08:36McIntyre pulling out all the stops here tonight I mean I'll say a lot for the toughness of CM Punk
08:43who got battered and bullied for the first five minutes in this matchup and again Punk had his
08:50chance Wade he hit a GTS to go to sleep he could have touched turnbuckles he could have
08:54touched him and won this thing but he decided he wanted to beat up McIntyre more and Punk's again
09:00I'm a losing end of this thing setting up a contraption of doom in that turnbuckle
09:06clearly got some melancholy and Punk now with a running bulldog and I believe Punk is busted up
09:13Punk's head is busted up I believe from the headbutt by McIntyre
09:16nothing makes two fighters come alive more than a spot of blood on the canvas
09:25and now McIntyre and Punk and what does Punk have in store here McIntyre face first off the post
09:33trying to give McIntyre a matching head wound you got to remember too Wade this is this is
09:40yeah here's the fascinating thing though at SummerSlam Punk had only just got medically cleared
09:44that was four weeks ago that's four weeks of more training getting sharper and better
09:50every single week but McIntyre has been wrestling every week but the point is McIntyre is facing a
09:57much better version of CM Punk than the man he just about beat at SummerSlam
10:03this is just this has been one of the most physical encounters it was always going to be
10:09these two going medieval on one another
10:15McIntyre smart move into the ring avoid the tape try to get out of harm's way
10:20but he's not going to be able to get out of harm's way he's not going to be able to get out of harm's way
10:26McIntyre smart move into the ring avoid the tape try to get out of harm's way
10:35a Claymore by McIntyre CM Punk got a little carried away with his own success drop his
10:42goal for a split second of McIntyre pounce and watch this Claymore bang by McIntyre
10:50to the left temple of CM Punk McIntyre moving gingerly of course but McIntyre
10:56touches one turnbuckle red lights on he's going to try to head to try to head for another
11:02and he gets to a second now Punk has got to stop him before he touches all four
11:07or this one's over there's nothing left in the third of CM Punk third turnbuckle by McIntyre
11:13gotta get to the other side of the ring smart move by Punk how smart was that by Punk
11:18drag McIntyre away from the far corner drive him face first into the chair that he set up
11:24McIntyre has just fallen on his own sword and now the momentum completely in the favor of CM Punk
11:32he's got one light on three to go I'm trying to drag himself to the other corner remember
11:40McIntyre's three were waved off second turnbuckle now for CM Punk and now trying to ensure that
11:48now look at he's dragging McIntyre to help him make it to the third buckle and he does
11:51and now he's got to drag McIntyre's carcass over to the fourth buckle McIntyre though with a couple
11:56of right hands drives Punk back that'll stop Punk's momentum and that will reset the lights we're back
12:02to square one CM Punk was just six feet away from victory there and now Punk with a running knee in
12:10the corner and now headlock McIntyre oh look at the power of brew and Punk threw a table Punk went through the table
12:22and this is McIntyre's opportunity way the carcass of CM Punk just got shattered he went
12:40for that bulldog he did not contend with the power of Drew McIntyre who grew CM Punk out of the ring
12:48like a baby and CM Punk is hurting in a big way yeah but now McIntyre with Punk outside the ring
12:54through the table either can he can just walk around the ring and touch every turnbuckle
12:58without an issue CM Punk is like an anchor attached to that leather strap just like he's been an anchor
13:05to the career of Drew McIntyre over the past eight months well this all started with a quote 50 cent
13:14bracelet that CM Punk owned it's now turned into a massive bracelet a bracelet around both wrists
13:21a 13 foot long leather strap McIntyre and Punk beating the hell out of one another here at
13:27Bastion Berlin and now Drew gonna carry Punk's carcass how he oh wait a minute Punk just tagged
13:33the bustle I don't think McIntyre realized you know what Punk tagged it again oh you know you
13:38can't do yes you can you can do it punch it again CM Punk's gonna sneak a victory
13:46blue stop it and now Punk with McIntyre in trouble McIntyre trying to make it in the corner
13:51Punk trying to block either man hits that buckle first it's over
13:58and now Punk's almost there he's about an arm's length away McIntyre an arm's length away too
14:05we're not in three buckles a piece by four through whatever you have to do
14:10and a right hand by McIntyre and that resets everything that that resets
14:13Punk's lights and McIntyre's and again we're back to square one
14:26what a matchup
14:46just battering the hell out of one another it has been as ugly as can be oh no he tried
14:53to Claymore Punk blocked it with a kick of his own and now both men are down
14:58both men rocked this audience