• 2 months ago
No Limit
Original title: Sous emprise

Roxana Aubrey decides to drop her studies and escape her life in Paris for a free diving course in the south of France. She is quickly pulled into a life that reaches new depths brought by the weight of an ocean's descent.

David M. Rosenthal
David M. Rosenthal
Camille Rowe, Sofiane Zermani, César Domboy

00:05:01C'est toi, chérie ?
00:05:05C'est pas ta soirée pour manger ?
00:05:11T'as arrêté d'y aller ?
00:05:13T'y vas plus ?
00:05:14Bah, j'ai plus besoin d'elle.
00:05:15D'après qui ?
00:05:17D'après elle ou d'après toi ?
00:05:20J'ai pas envie d'en parler maintenant.
00:05:21T'as jamais envie d'en parler, mais c'est important.
00:05:23Bah, plus tard, j'ai du boulot là, donc...
00:05:25Mais plus tard, c'est toujours plus tard.
00:05:27C'est quand, plus tard ?
00:05:28Moi, il y a pas.
00:06:17Excuse me.
00:06:18Wake up.
00:06:20Debout, là. Allez, c'est parti.
00:06:23Vous pouvez pas dormir ici, hein.
00:06:24C'est pas un hôtel.
00:06:26Y a une auberge de jeunesse un peu plus haut.
00:06:28C'était pas un lit, ça, en fait.
00:06:30You speak French ?
00:06:33I'm here for the diving class with Pascal.
00:06:37Désolé, c'est parce qu'il y a plein de jeunes qui dorment sur la plage,
00:06:39du coup, j'ai cru que...
00:06:41Y avait plus de place à l'auberge de jeunesse ?
00:06:43Je sais pas.
00:06:44J'ai dépensé tous mes sous pour le cours.
00:06:50Enfin, je veux dire, je suis Tom.
00:06:51Je suis un des instructeurs.
00:06:52C'est pas un hôtel.
00:06:53C'est pas un hôtel.
00:06:54C'est pas un hôtel.
00:06:55C'est pas un hôtel.
00:06:56C'est pas un hôtel.
00:06:57C'est pas un hôtel.
00:06:58Je suis Tom.
00:06:59Je suis un des instructeurs du cours.
00:07:00Tu veux un café ?
00:07:02Ouais, je veux bien.
00:07:11La plongée en apnée, c'est pas combien de temps je peux rester sous l'eau sans respirer
00:07:14ou à quelle profondeur je peux descendre en retenant mon souffle.
00:07:17L'important, c'est ce qui se passe quand vous êtes en bas.
00:07:20La paix.
00:07:21La tranquillité.
00:07:23D'ailleurs, la plus grande partie de mon cours sera consacrée à ça.
00:07:25Comment être dans le meilleur état d'esprit avant de plonger.
00:07:27Il faut que vous soyez serein pour connaître les limites de votre corps en apnée.
00:07:30Il y a trois règles d'ordre.
00:07:34La première.
00:07:36Quelqu'un ?
00:07:38Vous ne plongez jamais seul.
00:07:40Toutes les plongées doivent être faites en binôme, avec un plongeur de sécu.
00:07:45Deux. Ne cherchez pas à plonger le plus profond possible.
00:07:48Ça sert à rien.
00:07:49Et c'est dangereux.
00:07:51Troisième règle.
00:07:53Rester calme.
00:08:02Tout le monde va prendre une grande inspiration avec moi.
00:08:07Et on expire lentement.
00:08:11On expulse toutes ces frustrations, toutes ces colères.
00:08:14Toutes ces peurs.
00:08:28Et voilà le maestro en personne.
00:08:32Champion du monde.
00:08:33Détenteur du record du même nom.
00:08:35Il a un peu moins beau gosse que moi.
00:08:37Mesdames et messieurs, Pascal Gauthier.
00:08:42Bonjour à tous.
00:08:44Merci d'être là.
00:08:45La grosse part de ce qui se passe entre vous et le succès, c'est la peur.
00:08:50Et le plus important, ça va être d'apprendre à gérer cette peur.
00:08:53À la contrôler.
00:08:54C'est ça qui va faire en sorte que vous puissiez dépasser vos limites.
00:08:58Et je vous promets, qu'après cette journée,
00:09:01vous allez ressentir un feeling différent.
00:09:03Un rapport différent à la mer.
00:09:05Une sensation nouvelle.
00:09:06Une force nouvelle.
00:09:07Une puissance nouvelle.
00:09:09Et ensuite, vous voudrez signer pour le prochain niveau.
00:09:13Je vous le promets.
00:09:20Allez, c'est parti. On va se mettre à l'eau, tout le monde.
00:09:24C'est parti.
00:09:43C'est top.
00:09:44C'est trop bien.
00:09:45Faut vraiment que tu bloques ton air au niveau de ta glotte ou de ta gorge.
00:09:48Pas tes lèvres. Ok ?
00:09:50Ne laissez pas échapper d'air.
00:09:52Même pas un tout petit peu.
00:09:53Jusqu'à ce que vous pensez que vous allez vraiment respirer de nouveau.
00:09:56Chaque mouvement, c'est une dépense d'énergie.
00:09:58Alors là, ne gaspillez pas.
00:10:14Restez calmes.
00:10:16Faites confiance à vos profs.
00:10:17Faites confiance à votre instinct.
00:10:24Tout le monde, écoutez-moi.
00:10:25Tout le monde, regardez-le plonger.
00:10:26Regardez comment il nage pour descendre.
00:10:54Il descend à combien ?
00:10:56Il est un peu spécial, Pascal.
00:10:57Il peut descendre à 80, 100 mètres sans faire d'effort.
00:10:59Mais qu'est-ce qui le rend aussi bon ?
00:11:01Sa principale qualité, c'est son calme.
00:11:04C'est ce que je vous ai dit tout à l'heure.
00:11:05C'est son sang-froid.
00:11:06D'accord ? Faut rester calme dans l'eau.
00:11:07Et il a aussi une extraordinaire résistance à la douleur.
00:11:12La différence entre des grands athlétes et des autres,
00:11:15c'est cette aptitude à endurer la douleur.
00:11:19Vous savez combien de temps il a descendu ?
00:11:22Environ deux minutes.
00:11:36Merci beaucoup.
00:11:39Ça vous a plu aujourd'hui ?
00:11:41On se revoit demain alors, les athlètes.
00:11:43Au revoir.
00:11:44Au revoir.
00:11:45Au revoir.
00:11:46Ça vous a plu aujourd'hui ?
00:11:47On se revoit demain alors, les athlètes.
00:11:52Tu sais où tu dors ce soir ?
00:11:53Non, pas encore.
00:11:55Tu vas pas dormir sur une chaise longue ?
00:11:57Pourquoi ? C'est joli de dormir à la belle étoile.
00:11:59Merci pour aujourd'hui.
00:12:01J'ai appris plein de trucs.
00:12:04T'as failli m'avoir.
00:12:05De quoi ?
00:12:06T'avais déjà plongé avant, non ?
00:12:08Pas vraiment.
00:12:09J'ai fait de la pêche au harpoon avec mon grand-père,
00:12:10mais c'est différent, non ?
00:12:12Ouais, t'as fait de la plongée sous-marine.
00:12:14Tu devrais continuer.
00:12:15T'es forte.
00:12:18J'aimerais bien,
00:12:19mais c'est pas vraiment dans mon budget étudiant.
00:12:23Je suis là.
00:12:27Rejoins-nous ce soir, il y aura l'équipe.
00:12:29Je vais t'aider à trouver un endroit où dormir.
00:12:30Je connais bien le type de l'auberge de jeunesse.
00:12:34Je t'envoie un message.
00:12:40C'est bon.
00:12:42Les gars arrivent à 6 avec 6 bouteilles de vodka
00:12:44des espèces de gros russes,
00:12:45mais les machins comme ça,
00:12:46les peignons de Bolcheviks,
00:12:47je te raconte même une suite.
00:12:48T'as un petit français avec eux, tu te souviens ?
00:12:50Une tête d'astérix avec une moustache chelou, là.
00:12:52Non ?
00:12:53Bon, bref, passons.
00:12:54Ils arrivent avec une russe, mon pote,
00:12:55mais un truc.
00:12:56Vous voyez ici, vous jouez toute la ligue des champions,
00:12:58mais là, on est en finale de coupe du monde.
00:13:00Je vous adore.
00:13:01Mais bon, on démarre, on commence.
00:13:02Que des shots, que des shots, que des shots.
00:13:04Je m'envoie un, deux, trois,
00:13:05j'envoie le mec, tient en place.
00:13:07Il tient la table, il tient le bar,
00:13:09il tient les murs.
00:13:10Le mec est solide, laisse tomber.
00:13:11Je comprends qu'on va pas s'en sortir.
00:13:12On en a touché, putain.
00:13:13Des Bretons, des Normands, des machins,
00:13:15y en a pas un qui tenait.
00:13:16Mais bon, là...
00:13:20Bon, allez, vas-y, raconte.
00:13:21C'est quoi, la fin de l'histoire, du coup ?
00:13:27Roxana, tout le monde.
00:13:28Tout le monde.
00:13:31Salut, bonsoir.
00:13:33Roxana, du cours d'apnée.
00:13:36Non, non, il sait pas.
00:13:37Il s'en souvient pas.
00:13:39Me fais pas de clin d'oeil.
00:13:40Je m'en souviens vraiment.
00:13:42Je t'emmerde pas, mon salaud.
00:13:45En bref, je te racontais.
00:13:46Les mecs, ils arrivent avec une Russe dans le petit coin
00:13:48qui me regarde depuis le début.
00:13:49Le mec me regarde.
00:13:50On a perdu, concrètement.
00:13:52Je me suis concentré sur la Russe
00:13:53qui était dans le petit coin, là-bas.
00:13:55Donc, t'as gagné ou pas ?
00:13:56Les mecs, ils boivent des biberons de vodka
00:13:57depuis qu'ils sont gamins.
00:13:58Qu'est-ce qu'ils veulent faire ?
00:13:59Tu peux rien faire.
00:14:00Tu peux pas coucher les Russes.
00:14:01On a tous fini en taule à Athènes.
00:14:03C'était un peu...
00:14:04prison grecque.
00:14:06Prison grecque.
00:14:08C'est le moment de la soirée des blagues pourries, les gars.
00:14:10C'est maintenant.
00:14:11Qu'est-ce que je t'aime quand t'es comme ça, toi ?
00:14:12Bon, allez.
00:14:13Nasse, reviens, les Russes.
00:14:14Hé, où, grec ?
00:14:16Nasse, reviens, les Grecs.
00:14:17Nasse, reviens, les Grecs.
00:14:19C'était pas lui, le Russe tatoué, là ?
00:14:33Qu'est-ce que t'as ?
00:15:03Oh, putain.
00:15:58Bien sûr que si elle m'a bugé tant que ça,
00:15:59c'est une putain de série.
00:16:00Je t'ai dit qu'elle voyait des chamans.
00:16:02Si elle m'a bugé, t'as un sort en Russe.
00:16:05Oh là là.
00:16:21Tu fais un amour, ici ?
00:16:29T'as commencé la soirée, toi ?
00:16:31T'en veux ?
00:16:38Anna !
00:16:39Mais reviens !
00:16:47Faut pas t'en empêcher.
00:16:49On disait quoi ?
00:16:52Eh ben...
00:16:54À l'amour.
00:16:56Et au sexe.
00:16:58Tu connais un peu la Russie ?
00:16:59C'est crédible.
00:17:28Dès sa naissance,
00:17:29l'homme porte le poids de la gravité sous ses épaules.
00:17:32Il est boulonnais à la terre.
00:17:34Mais l'homme n'a qu'à sombrer sous la surface,
00:17:37et il est libre.
00:17:40T'aimes Cousteau ?
00:17:42Beaucoup. Il fait partie de mes mentors.
00:17:49C'est parti.
00:17:51C'est parti.
00:17:53C'est parti.
00:17:55C'est parti.
00:17:57Maintenant, montre-moi ce que t'as appris.
00:18:27C'est pas mauvaise.
00:18:30Quoi ? Pour une fille ?
00:18:32Pour une Parisienne.
00:18:57C'est pas mauvaise.
00:18:58C'est pas mauvaise.
00:19:25Je t'occupe de Roxy.
00:19:26Tu lui montres comment on fait ?
00:19:34Je veux pas t'ennuyer.
00:19:35Maintenant que t'es là,
00:19:37j'aurais jamais pris quelqu'un sans expérience intégrée d'équipe.
00:19:40C'est moi qui décide.
00:19:42De toute façon, c'est toujours la même chose avec lui.
00:19:46T'observes et t'apprends.
00:19:54T'as vu ce qu'il allait faire aujourd'hui ?
00:19:57Une plongée d'entraînement ?
00:19:59Quel trou du cul.
00:20:01Un entraînement.
00:20:03Il va descendre à 172 mètres.
00:20:05C'est-à-dire deux mètres de plus que l'actuel record du monde de plongeurs en apnée no-limit.
00:20:11Personne n'est jamais allé aussi profond.
00:20:13Sans assumption marrante, non.
00:20:16Mais c'est dangereux ?
00:20:19Toutes les plongées no-limit sont dangereuses.
00:20:21Surtout pour un nouveau record du monde.
00:20:23Tu sais ce que c'est, no-limit ?
00:20:26C'est une gueuse, on descend dans les profondeurs,
00:20:28et si tu veux remonter, tu ouvres ton parachute, il se remplit d'air,
00:20:31et tu remontes à la surface.
00:20:33T'as plein de catégories.
00:20:35CNF, CWF, static...
00:20:37C'est une quoi ?
00:20:39CNF, constant weight, no fins,
00:20:42WF, with fins.
00:20:44C'est avec des palmes, sans palmes.
00:20:46Et il descend avec ça ?
00:20:48C'est une gueuse.
00:20:50Ça, ça l'amène vers le fond.
00:20:52Et ça, c'est pour remonter.
00:20:54Et on vérifiera tout avant qu'il descende.
00:20:56Le stock, le pony tank,
00:20:58le filet de relevage, le lift bag,
00:21:00le largage rapide,
00:21:02et la pression.
00:21:04On contrôle tout plusieurs fois avant chaque plongée.
00:21:06Et ça, ça,
00:21:08ça garantit le retour à la surface.
00:21:10On n'a pas le droit à l'erreur.
00:21:12À moins qu'il lui pète un peu trop les couilles, alors là...
00:21:14Je déconne.
00:21:19Le joint est bon.
00:21:21Couteau OK. Nickel.
00:21:23OK, donc.
00:21:24Ce truc l'aide à descendre.
00:21:26Et après, vous vous l'attendez en bas
00:21:28au cas où quelque chose se passe mal ?
00:21:30À peu près.
00:21:32Il y a deux plongeurs de sécurité tous les 40 mètres.
00:21:34On est huit sous l'eau.
00:21:36Plus un médecin.
00:21:38Moi, je suis au fond.
00:21:40Et quand il remonte, j'y reste.
00:21:42Je dois décompresser par palier au moins trois heures
00:21:44avant de rejoindre la surface.
00:21:46Bon. Plongée dans 30 minutes.
00:21:48À toute l'équipe, 30 minutes !
00:21:51Mais qu'est-ce qui se passe s'il s'évanouit au fond ?
00:21:52Tous les blackouts arrivent dans les 10-20 derniers mètres de la remontée.
00:21:55Ce qui peut lui arriver, c'est une narcose à l'azote.
00:21:58C'est l'ivresse des profondeurs.
00:22:00Les plongeurs peuvent disjoncter quand ils arrivent au fond.
00:22:02Du coup, Pascal, il doit faire quatre choses pour nous.
00:22:04Premièrement, il nous fait un signe OK.
00:22:06En deux, il met la main sur le ballon.
00:22:08En trois, il ouvre la valve, tire la goupille,
00:22:10et là, il remonte.
00:22:12Il passe par 18 atmosphères de pression. C'est énorme.
00:22:14Ses poumons font la taille d'une orange quand il est en bas.
00:22:16Et s'il a un problème, je peux plus lui donner de l'air, moi.
00:22:18Ses poumons, ils exploseraient.
00:22:19Calez nos sécurités. Amenez-vous tous.
00:22:21Tous les plongeurs, indiquez vos noms et vos profondeurs.
00:22:24Jacques, sécurité surface.
00:22:26Mathieu, apnée de sécurité profonde, 40 m.
00:22:29Alain, calomètre, secouriste, équipe de surface.
00:22:31Loïc, plongeur sécurité trimix, 172 m.
00:22:33Thierry, apnée de sécurité profonde, 40 m.
00:22:50Tom, plongeur sécurité trimix, 172 m.
00:22:53Immersion dans trois minutes.
00:22:55Trois minutes.
00:23:19Trois minutes.
00:23:20Trois minutes.
00:23:47OK, 30 seconds before the dive.
00:23:50OK, 30 seconds before the dive.
00:24:20OK, 30 seconds before the dive.
00:24:50110 m.
00:24:54140 m.
00:24:57172 m.
00:25:07He's coming up.
00:25:21110 m.
00:25:34He's coming up.
00:25:47I'm OK.
00:25:50I'm OK.
00:26:04Where is Mathieu?
00:26:06Go, go, go.
00:26:10Speed up.
00:26:20Speed up.
00:26:31I'm calling the rescue team.
00:26:34Mayday, mayday.
00:26:35This is the rescue team.
00:26:36We need medical assistance.
00:26:37The diver didn't come back up.
00:26:39The dive is 40.002 m.
00:26:42Speed up, speed up, speed up.
00:26:45Go, Mathieu.
00:26:47Speed up.
00:26:48Speed up.
00:26:57Mathieu, hold my hand.
00:26:58Mathieu, can you hear me? Hold my hand.
00:26:59Unconscious diver on board.
00:27:00No response to cardiac massage.
00:27:02Emergency call.
00:27:05Did you do something?
00:27:06Are you an ambulance?
00:27:07What happened?
00:27:10He had a cardiorespiratory shock.
00:27:13He can't breathe.
00:27:14He can't breathe.
00:27:18We need to take him to the hospital.
00:27:20The rescue team, for fuck's sake!
00:27:50All right, guys.
00:27:53We'll land everything and then we'll need to do a medical check up, okay?
00:27:56So, what did they tell you?
00:27:58They didn't want you to do anything at 40 feet because they're not experienced enough.
00:28:01So why'd you let him do it?
00:28:03And him?
00:28:05It was an accident.
00:28:06Exactly. It was an accident.
00:28:08A horrible accident, but an accident.
00:28:10We should have avoided it.
00:28:12Everyone knows there are risks here, Stéphane.
00:28:14It wasn't just your friend, it was my friend too.
00:28:25Listen, I'm sorry.
00:28:27I'm stressed, I'm angry, it affects me too.
00:28:30It was my friend.
00:28:32He was a good diver.
00:28:34Do you hear me?
00:28:36A good diver.
00:28:38Don't worry, I'll be just like you, my friend.
00:28:44I'm sorry.
00:29:15I'm sorry.
00:29:26I'd like to understand for a moment.
00:29:29Because yesterday we lost a friend.
00:29:31A member of our family.
00:29:34Mathieu loved his job.
00:29:36He was conscientious.
00:29:42And he was passionate, like all of us.
00:29:44Despite everything, he knew the risks.
00:29:46And he accepted them.
00:29:49I don't pretend to speak for him.
00:29:51But I think he would have liked us to go all the way.
00:29:54If you agree with me, we're going to get this record.
00:29:58And we're going to do it for him.
00:30:01Only we don't have any more security divers at 40 meters.
00:30:08And I can go.
00:30:10Okay, great.
00:30:12Thank you, Jacques.
00:30:15We need someone on the surface.
00:30:23I can do it.
00:30:28It's not going to work, no.
00:30:30You vaguely assured yesterday,
00:30:31but we don't become security divers in two days.
00:30:36I think Alan is capable.
00:30:39She has talent.
00:30:41And she has a great instinct.
00:30:42And she has a great instinct.
00:30:47She can ask the rest of the team if they think about it.
00:30:50Then we all decide together.
00:30:54I think she can do it too.
00:30:56She's strong.
00:30:58She has already exceeded five minutes, no problem.
00:31:00She has nothing to do in our soup right now, fuck!
00:31:05No, you're wrong, she's talented.
00:31:08She knows the first security gestures,
00:31:09and she won't be alone.
00:31:13No one says anything to you.
00:31:22Go fuck yourselves.
00:31:26Stéphane is right.
00:31:27It's too fast.
00:31:28We need someone, no?
00:31:30Okay, do you think you can learn the procedure so quickly?
00:31:33Yeah, I don't know if you're teaching me.
00:31:36I've been diving since I was ten.
00:31:37I want a lifeguard license.
00:31:42Okay, go.
00:31:55You should go back to school.
00:31:57To your life.
00:32:00I was serious when I said I wanted to be part of the team.
00:32:03I should support your family.
00:32:05Your studies.
00:32:09I'm staying.
00:32:13You should go back to school.
00:32:18Go fuck yourself, I'm staying.
00:32:23You're staying for this competition.
00:32:27And after that?
00:32:32It depends on you.
00:32:43That's it.
00:32:44You lose your nerve.
00:32:45That means syncope.
00:32:48I'll clean you up.
00:32:49One on your neck,
00:32:50the other on your back.
00:32:52We'll take off your mask.
00:32:53I'll try to wake you up.
00:32:54Breathe, breathe.
00:32:55If you can't breathe,
00:32:57put your hand on your mouth,
00:32:58your nose,
00:32:59and blow hard.
00:33:00I'll take your hand off each time.
00:33:02And if it doesn't come back,
00:33:03oxygen boat.
00:33:09Clean your hand, Roxy.
00:33:18Because it stays there.
00:33:19Because it stays there.
00:33:28The project in the future is serious.
00:33:29You know what I mean?
00:33:30That's why we put everything in place,
00:33:31the safety,
00:33:32the gestures,
00:33:34You have to know everything,
00:33:35to have everything under control before the project.
00:33:36Do you understand?
00:33:37If you're cold, you're cold.
00:33:38If you're fed up, you're fed up.
00:33:40It's over.
00:33:41It's over.
00:33:42End of diving.
00:33:43End of exercise.
00:33:52Pascal Gauthier.
00:33:53Low limit world record attempt.
00:33:55172 meters.
00:34:002 minutes to official dock.
00:34:1230 seconds to dive.
00:34:1530 seconds.
00:34:4110 seconds.
00:35:1110 seconds.
00:35:1210 seconds.
00:35:1310 seconds.
00:35:1410 seconds.
00:35:1510 seconds.
00:35:1610 seconds.
00:35:1710 seconds.
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00:38:1410 seconds.
00:38:153, 2, 1...
00:38:16What does that mean?
00:38:17Are you keen to go into an affair?
00:38:21No, I'm not into any affairs.
00:38:29But I'm not going into university.
00:38:35for his competitions, and he wants me to be with him.
00:38:42So you're telling me that you're going to drop out of college,
00:38:44that you're going to give up all your projects
00:38:45for a guy you've known for five minutes?
00:38:48But Mom, I'm sure you're going to react like that.
00:38:50Can't you be happy for me?
00:38:52That's what I want.
00:38:53It's him and my project.
00:38:54Live with him.
00:38:55But I want you to be careful.
00:38:57I want you to take care of yourself.
00:38:59No, but Mom, I have to go now
00:39:00because there are people waiting for me.
00:39:35Tonight there's no debate, fucking shit.
00:39:38Tonight it smells like shit, fucking shit.
00:39:41Ah, fucking shit.
00:39:45No, but I want money.
00:39:48That's why we gave up.
00:39:51No, but I want money.
00:39:55That's why we gave up.
00:39:56Do you know the capital of Australia?
00:40:01I thought you knew the capital.
00:40:02Stéphane, you're playing.
00:40:03Stop being shy over there.
00:40:04Do you know the capital?
00:40:07There's no such thing in Burkina Faso.
00:40:10Driver, if you're a champion,
00:40:12press the mushroom button.
00:40:13Stéphane, Stéphane, if you're a champion,
00:40:15press the mushroom button.
00:40:17Stéphane, Stéphane, if you're a champion,
00:40:18press the mushroom button.
00:40:20Don't let them do it, Tony.
00:40:21Don't listen to them.
00:40:23Ah, shit.
00:40:25With Sobieski, he broke the record.
00:40:26Oh, fuck.
00:40:27No, stop it.
00:40:28Don't say that.
00:40:31Oh, yeah.
00:40:32174 meters.
00:40:40We'll go get them.
00:40:40Don't worry, Pascal.
00:40:41That's what records are for.
00:40:46And if there's money, there's money.
00:40:51I love it.
00:40:53I love it.
00:41:02Show me what you got.
00:41:03Show me what you got.
00:41:04Show me what you got.
00:41:32One minute.
00:41:39Come on, let's go.
00:41:42Camera ready?
00:41:45Ten seconds.
00:42:50Let's go.
00:43:10Pascal, Pascal, breathe.
00:43:14Pascal, breathe.
00:43:18Pascal, breathe.
00:43:21Pascal, breathe.
00:46:26Five, four, three, two, one.
00:46:46Let's go.
00:47:16Three, two, one.
00:47:47Let's go.
00:48:13Let's go.
00:48:15Let's go.
00:48:22You did it.
00:48:27You did it.
00:48:32Congratulations again Roxana for this amazing dive.
00:48:35You are the best French athlete today.
00:48:37What does that mean?
00:48:38Well, it feels good.
00:48:39It feels really good.
00:48:41But I would never have made it without him, Pascal Gautier.
00:48:45Who knows the depths better than Pascal Gautier?
00:48:48You already know that.
00:48:50Have you lost weight?
00:48:51Yeah, a bit.
00:48:52The RMC Sport journalist is a bit heavy, isn't he?
00:48:54Or is it me?
00:48:55He's heavy.
00:48:56Yeah, but he was really nice.
00:49:02What are you doing here?
00:49:05I didn't know it was such an important event.
00:49:09Why did you come?
00:49:10Don't you like the beach?
00:49:12The boat, the sea?
00:49:13I don't get it.
00:49:14Why are you so aggressive?
00:49:16What's going on?
00:49:18It's not fair for her.
00:49:20It's not fair.
00:49:21Because you don't know her.
00:49:24You shouldn't risk your life like this.
00:49:26You don't realize it.
00:49:27Mom, stop!
00:49:29She's fragile.
00:49:31Wait, we need two minutes.
00:49:40I think you need to go home.
00:49:41Please, I know what you're doing.
00:49:43It's not going to work.
00:49:44It's not going to work.
00:49:49It was impressive today.
00:49:51Very impressive.
00:49:55You're strong.
00:49:58I told that to Grandpa.
00:49:59He didn't believe me.
00:50:00He said you were crazy.
00:50:05How is he?
00:50:06He's fine.
00:50:07He still has a fragile heart.
00:50:08It's not going to change.
00:50:09But he's fine.
00:50:12He misses you.
00:50:15He misses you.
00:50:18I'm not going home with you, Mom.
00:50:21I understand.
00:50:30Be careful.
00:50:44Be careful.
00:51:14Be careful.
00:51:44Be careful.
00:51:58Are you okay, honey?
00:52:12Are you okay?
00:52:22What's going on?
00:52:25Don't worry. Go to bed.
00:52:26I'll be there in a minute.
00:52:45Did you find him?
00:52:47He's not on the boat.
00:52:48I don't even know if he's coming.
00:52:50Let's see.
00:52:51It's the only interview we have to do together.
00:52:54How long has he been out of the water?
00:52:56Two and a half years.
00:53:01He's coming.
00:53:17He's okay.
00:53:18At least there won't be a new world record.
00:53:22Is she the American?
00:53:26She wants to go down to 178 meters.
00:53:29She went down to 130 meters in her last competition.
00:53:34You want to try Alexis' record just like that?
00:53:36They'll never do it.
00:53:38She succeeded in training.
00:53:39We're showing the video.
00:53:40She wants to beat the male record.
00:53:43We'll do it.
00:53:47And the other one who doesn't answer.
00:53:50Five, four, three, two, one.
00:53:55Off you shoot down.
00:54:10Thank you.
00:54:11Thank you.
00:54:41Why didn't you dive?
00:54:43Did he break the record?
00:54:45Why do you think we're here?
00:54:46He wants to go down to 180 meters.
00:54:49He's crazy.
00:54:50What if he thinks we're going to watch him drown?
00:54:52I swear I'm not ready.
00:54:53I'm not ready.
00:54:54I know I'm not going to stay like this.
00:54:55I need to do it again.
00:54:56I'm not going to see that.
00:54:57They never dived.
00:54:58There's not enough time to do it again.
00:54:59Come on.
00:55:01It's nonsense.
00:55:03I'm ready.
00:55:04I'll erase him from this list.
00:55:05And you too if you continue.
00:55:07You'll regret it.
00:55:09I'm pissing you off.
00:55:10Don't say what you just said.
00:55:11Calm down, Pascal.
00:55:12Let's go.
00:55:13Come on, let's go.
00:55:14Do you think you're better than me?
00:55:23Thank you.
00:55:24Thank you.
00:55:25Ladies and gentlemen.
00:55:26We have a national record for a new French diver.
00:55:29And that's not necessarily a big deal.
00:55:32But the woman who made this record,
00:55:35this was her very first competitive dive.
00:55:38And that's a big deal.
00:55:43Ladies and gentlemen,
00:55:45a new record for France in the constant weight with fins category,
00:55:4956 meters,
00:55:51allow me to introduce Roxana Aubry.
00:56:05Now, the earth shatters under our feet.
00:56:16For the first time ever in our sport,
00:56:19a woman replaces a man for the world record
00:56:22to the deepest place a human has gone in the sea.
00:56:26Ladies and gentlemen,
00:56:28the champion of the deep,
00:56:30holding a new world record of 178 meters,
00:56:34Naomi Klaas.
00:57:18I'm going to walk a bit, I'll take a taxi.
00:57:21But why?
00:57:23No, but at least you're not going back to God.
00:57:24It doesn't matter.
00:57:26Come on, move.
00:57:27No, no, go ahead.
00:57:28You don't have to talk to us.
00:57:29Go back to Earth!
00:57:35Hey, Roxy!
00:57:37Wait for me!
00:57:41You can't stay here.
00:57:44You could have made an effort.
00:57:49It was an important moment for me.
00:57:52I have nothing to do with the fact that your record has been broken.
00:57:56This dive is shit!
00:57:57Did you see the recording?
00:58:00Well, it's a fraud.
00:58:01And I'm going to take my title back.
00:58:02What are you talking about?
00:58:03I'm not going to stop the competition for two or three unlucky dives, okay?
00:58:06But let your body rest.
00:58:09Why don't you listen to the doctor?
00:58:11Never in my life.
00:58:12Never in my life, okay?
00:58:14I'd rather let anyone break this record.
00:58:16Even you.
00:58:17Because I saw you.
00:58:18With all the attention on you, you looked like you liked it.
00:58:21It's disgusting.
00:58:27I'll tell you what's disgusting.
00:58:29My father left when I was five years old.
00:58:31My father left when I was five years old.
00:58:34He beat my mother every night.
00:58:38She was very happy when he left, that whore.
00:58:41Then my mother left.
00:58:44She couldn't take care of me, the poor thing.
00:58:46She drank so much.
00:58:49And look at me today.
00:58:51I have 25 world records.
00:58:54There are those who tan and those who have a date with the sun, Roxana.
00:58:58I built everything on my own.
00:59:00I took revenge on everything and everyone.
00:59:02I gave everything, all my life.
00:59:04And I'm not tired of fighting.
00:59:06I'm the champion.
00:59:09I guess you think that's disgusting too.
00:59:13I'm sorry, you know that's not what I meant.
00:59:19I need to get some air.
00:59:21You go back to the hotel.
00:59:30I'm sorry.
00:59:41Hello, you are trying to reach Pascal Gauthier.
00:59:44I'm not available at the moment.
00:59:46Leave a message after the beep. Thank you.
00:59:55Hello, you are trying to reach Pascal Gauthier.
00:59:58I'm not available at the moment. Leave a message after the beep.
01:00:10Hello, you are trying to reach Pascal Gauthier.
01:00:13I'm not available...
01:00:16Give me that.
01:00:25Thank you.
01:00:26How do you feel?
01:00:28Did you see Pascal?
01:00:30No, he didn't tell you?
01:00:31No, what did he have to tell me?
01:00:34Wait, what's going on?
01:00:36He needed to be alone, he left with Kalamata.
01:00:39They refused to dive because of his blackout.
01:00:42I'm sorry, I thought he had warned you.
01:00:46No, he warned me, I just didn't know he was leaving so soon.
01:00:49Well, Léa is very sad that you are leaving.
01:00:51How do you know that?
01:00:57What's going on with the blackouts?
01:00:59It's not great.
01:01:01It happens to some divers at this age.
01:01:03The problem is that when it starts, it rarely stops.
01:01:15Do you want me to call Pascal?
01:01:17No, it's okay. If I needed to call him, I would do it myself.
01:01:20Let's go.
01:01:28The Blackout
01:01:39You see, for me, that's what your life is about.
01:01:42No ball, no god.
01:01:44No ball to go up.
01:01:46Just you, your strength and your know-how.
01:01:50You have the technique, you have the muscles, you are gifted.
01:01:54I'm not kidding.
01:01:55There are people who excel immediately in some sports.
01:01:58It's rare, especially in the future, but there are some.
01:02:02You have this natural physiology.
01:02:05And that's a gift.
01:02:08But that's not enough.
01:02:10The most important thing is the mind.
01:02:14Visualize diving as if you were training.
01:02:18Stay focused.
01:02:20Stay calm.
01:02:23A long breath.
01:02:30Where is he?
01:02:33I'm not sure I'm ready.
01:02:35Of course you're not.
01:02:36I wouldn't let you dive if I thought you couldn't do it.
01:02:41It's not the same when he's not there.
01:02:43I think so.
01:02:45You don't need him.
01:02:47You don't need anyone.
01:02:53You don't even need me.
01:02:58Thank you.
01:03:22Thank you.
01:03:53Thank you.
01:04:11It's a beautiful kind of meditation when you're that deep in the water.
01:04:16It's a lonely team sport.
01:04:21A lot of fans have recently commented on the fact that freediving as a sport is being taken over by gorgeous women.
01:04:29Which for me isn't necessarily a problem.
01:04:32But I was wondering if you care to comment on both your newfound role as a star athlete and, let's be honest, a sex symbol.
01:04:44I don't know.
01:04:46It's not very feminist.
01:04:48Thank you for saying that.
01:04:52I'm not a star athlete yet.
01:04:54And I'm definitely not a sex symbol.
01:04:57Yes, you are!
01:05:01I think it's a very interesting moment in the sport.
01:05:05One where the line is blurring between men and women and it's just about who's the best.
01:05:11Maybe that's naive.
01:05:13Not one bit.
01:05:14Congratulations again.
01:05:15Thank you.
01:05:19I think what you're doing is so amazing.
01:05:21Other than being a sex symbol obviously.
01:05:23I know, you're really killing it.
01:05:25And I think we got what we wanted.
01:05:27Thank you, I really appreciate it.
01:05:30It's my pleasure.
01:05:34I think we're all good.
01:05:40Did you come?
01:05:43I think I came at the right time.
01:05:48What are you talking about?
01:05:50Where were you?
01:05:51You disappeared.
01:05:52Your team must have told me you left.
01:05:54I told you I had time to breathe, didn't I?
01:05:56No, you told me you needed to go for a walk.
01:05:59What was that?
01:06:01A bag.
01:06:05It's not a problem that I'm here to cut my hand off.
01:06:09But you're a professional athlete now.
01:06:12You're my partner and you're part of my team.
01:06:14So what?
01:06:15Then act like one.
01:06:18I'm going to excite you as soon as there's a guy looking you in the eye.
01:06:20Remember how you did in the rebellion.
01:06:49Everyone's waiting for you.
01:06:56I've thought about it.
01:06:58I think it's time.
01:07:00We have to get that record.
01:07:02We can't leave it like this.
01:07:03Stop it.
01:07:04Wait, I know what you're going to say.
01:07:06I'm not ready.
01:07:08I'm not trained enough.
01:07:09I'm not in shape enough.
01:07:10I know.
01:07:11You're right.
01:07:13It's true.
01:07:14I'm not ready.
01:07:19But Roxanne, she is.
01:07:22Steve, you know she can do it.
01:07:24Here at WF, it's much more complicated than the No Limit.
01:07:29I really think she's ready for the No Limit.
01:07:36Forget it.
01:07:38I quit.
01:07:40Stop it.
01:07:42We've done crazy things together, Pascal, but this is too much.
01:07:45Guys, this is not the time to give up.
01:07:47You can risk your life for your sport, but you can't impose it on others.
01:07:53You're right.
01:07:54You're kidding.
01:07:56And on that note, it will be on me too.
01:07:58You think I could put the love of my life at risk like that?
01:08:00For free?
01:08:05That's what you think, actually.
01:08:07As you wish.
01:08:09Mr. Tom and Mr. Stéphane are leaving.
01:08:11Do you want to leave too?
01:08:12Do you want to leave too?
01:08:16Seriously, do you want to leave?
01:08:18No kidding, after everything we've been through together.
01:08:20Do you want to go home?
01:08:21Well, go away.
01:08:22You too, get out if you're not happy.
01:08:24All of you, get out.
01:08:25I don't need anyone here.
01:08:26Do you understand?
01:08:27You're not the one who's leaving.
01:08:28I'm the one who's kicking you out.
01:08:29Get out.
01:08:30Stop it.
01:08:31You, sit down.
01:08:32I'm tired of people making decisions for me.
01:08:34I'm tired of people speaking for me.
01:08:37Pascal wouldn't put me in danger.
01:08:42And you're pissing me off, talking about me as if I wasn't here.
01:08:44I'm here, damn it.
01:08:45I'm here.
01:08:49I want to do this dive.
01:08:51And it's not for him that I'm doing it.
01:08:53It's for me, okay?
01:09:05Is it your father?
01:09:09It's my uncle.
01:09:10He's the one who helped me.
01:09:19And he's the one who taught me how to dive.
01:09:22I couldn't even hold the shotgun back then.
01:09:26You're going to make your comeback.
01:09:30I don't know.
01:09:34Maybe you're right, but...
01:09:37I know what it's like to think that everything is over.
01:09:48I was a weird kid.
01:09:52Super mean, grumpy, all that.
01:09:56I mean, I already told you.
01:10:01I wasn't happy.
01:10:07My father committed suicide when I was 12.
01:10:10Depression. He didn't want to be treated.
01:10:14He was so young.
01:10:16My mother was crazy.
01:10:20I don't know.
01:10:23I just had questions.
01:10:26Why did he do that?
01:10:28Why did he want to leave me?
01:10:33Could I have stopped him?
01:10:35Did I do something wrong?
01:10:41I became obsessed with the idea of death.
01:10:45What would it be like to die?
01:10:52And at one point, it was too hard.
01:11:00And one day, I told myself that...
01:11:04It would be the day I would join him.
01:11:09And I filled the bathtub with hot water.
01:11:15And I cut my wrists.
01:11:26My grandfather came and found me.
01:11:29He saved my life.
01:11:35It's not you anymore.
01:11:39You mean more to me than any trophy or record.
01:11:42I don't care anymore.
01:11:48I'd be happy to stop everything.
01:11:52I don't want to go to a deserted island with you and have children.
01:12:12I'm sorry.
01:12:42I'm sorry.
01:13:12I'm sorry.
01:13:19Why don't we put it all aside?
01:13:33Just do what's best for us.
01:13:43Have you ever given up?
01:13:46We don't give up.
01:13:52You're a champion now.
01:13:54Thanks to me.
01:13:57Have you ever gone back to your little town?
01:14:01To the darkness?
01:14:03You're just afraid.
01:14:08We don't give up when we're the best.
01:14:10We don't give up when we're the best.
01:14:12I'm going for a walk.
01:14:14I'm going for a walk.
01:14:38Okay, okay.
01:14:41Good evening.
01:14:45How are you?
01:14:46I'm so happy to see you.
01:14:48I'm happy to see you too.
01:14:51Two shots.
01:14:53Two shots, please.
01:14:55What are you drinking?
01:14:57A red martini.
01:15:01What are we drinking?
01:15:03The record.
01:15:06Let's go.
01:15:10Let's go.
01:15:18Are you nervous?
01:15:22What are you talking about?
01:15:25I'm not too nervous.
01:15:29I wanted to...
01:15:31I wanted to make something clear.
01:15:35What are you talking about?
01:15:40Maybe I made the wrong choice.
01:15:51You're the one I liked first, aren't you?
01:15:59Yes, yes.
01:16:02Yes, you liked me.
01:16:05I thought you liked me at first.
01:16:11I'm sorry.
01:16:15You're mad at Pascal, aren't you?
01:16:21You know he's lying to me.
01:16:25Roxy, it's better if I don't get involved.
01:16:28I don't want to say anything.
01:16:30I already know.
01:16:32Everyone knows.
01:16:35I'm sorry, but...
01:16:37I know.
01:17:00I'm not a good girl.
01:17:02I'm not a good girl?
01:17:04Yes, yes.
01:17:06Yes, you're a good girl.
01:17:08You're a very good girl.
01:17:10You're a very drunk girl.
01:17:14I can't blame you.
01:17:20I don't want you to regret kissing me.
01:17:33I don't want you to regret kissing me.
01:17:39Are you going to ride a bike?
01:18:02Are you going to ride a bike?
01:19:02I'm okay.
01:19:17I told you, guys.
01:19:19I told you he was a champion.
01:19:22I knew you could do it.
01:19:24176 meters.
01:19:33Put the board back at 180.
01:19:36What? For her?
01:19:38Not for her, asshole. For me.
01:19:43180 meters. Now.
01:20:46I'm okay.
01:20:48I know.
01:20:50I know you're okay.
01:20:55Can we talk?
01:21:03Let's take a break.
01:21:05I told you to stop worrying.
01:21:07We can leave all this for a moment.
01:21:09Just you and me.
01:21:11Away from everything.
01:21:13Away from the water.
01:21:15Until she...
01:21:17Stop it!
01:21:19Nobody treats me like a kid, you hear me?
01:21:21We're not going anywhere.
01:21:23When things go wrong, I don't hide.
01:21:26I'm not going to hide.
01:21:31So you're going to keep training.
01:21:33We have a competition in five days and we'll be there.
01:21:37You'll be there.
01:22:13I swear.
01:22:18Okay, it works.
01:22:20Love you.
01:22:26Who was it?
01:22:32It was nothing. A friend.
01:22:34Nothing important.
01:22:36If it's not important, tell me.
01:22:39Do you think I have someone else?
01:22:42Do you think I'd talk to my mistress in front of you?
01:22:49You're an asshole.
01:22:52Don't ask stupid questions and you won't get an answer, asshole.
01:22:56I'm going out for a drink.
01:23:21I'm going out for a drink.
01:24:51I'm sorry.
01:24:57Are you okay?
01:25:21I'm sorry.
01:25:27Yeah, I'm open.
01:25:31Okay, I'm crazy.
01:25:42What's going on?
01:25:51What's going on?
01:25:53I can't take it anymore.
01:25:55I can't take it anymore. I'm leaving him.
01:26:01That's good.
01:26:12I want to do this last dive with you.
01:26:15Then I'll stop.
01:26:59I'm not drunk this time.
01:27:06I made the wrong choice.
01:27:17I made the wrong choice.
01:27:48Where were you?
01:27:51Open up.
01:28:04What are you doing?
01:28:06I don't know. It looks like...
01:28:08Okay, calm down.
01:28:10Don't tell me to calm down.
01:28:17Don't touch me!
01:28:19Okay, I'm not touching you.
01:28:23It's over.
01:28:25Do you understand?
01:28:27I don't want to walk on this anymore.
01:28:29Well, go ahead.
01:28:31But you're the one who's leaving us, not me.
01:28:36I was wrong. You needed it.
01:28:38But it's okay. I did it too.
01:28:40But it wasn't important. It didn't mean anything.
01:28:43But it meant something to me!
01:28:47Everything we went through together meant something to me!
01:28:54I know you're the only woman I've ever loved.
01:28:57I don't believe you.
01:29:01I know it's not easy.
01:29:03And I know I'm not easy.
01:29:05But we're not in a stupid bourgeois life.
01:29:12But what we have together,
01:29:14what we are together,
01:29:16it's emotional, it's great.
01:29:19And that's only once in a lifetime.
01:29:23Roxana, do you hear me?
01:29:46I'm sorry.
01:30:02What have you done?
01:30:10I'm sorry.
01:30:16No, don't.
01:31:16I'm sorry.
01:31:33Okay, that's not bad.
01:31:37Now, give me your time to make the most of it.
01:31:45Okay, I'm going to weld.
01:31:47You're going to hold the bar.
01:31:49Hold this.
01:31:51Hold it!
01:31:53What are you doing?
01:31:55I'm texting.
01:31:57Who are you texting?
01:32:11Thank you all for coming.
01:32:13Pascal Gauthier and Roxana Aubry are here together,
01:32:17this time in the capacity of diver and coach,
01:32:20to take some of your questions about tomorrow's event
01:32:23and her record attempt.
01:32:25Fabrice, what else do you have?
01:32:27When I see you here, I look at the two best French athletes.
01:32:31A living legend with more records than anyone in this sport.
01:32:35And a young woman who came from nowhere
01:32:37who managed to break two records in six months.
01:32:40Not to mention her attempt tomorrow to go down to 180 meters.
01:32:44Otherwise, there's a question.
01:32:46Yes, sorry.
01:32:47My question is in two parts.
01:32:49First, how do you experience being in a relationship
01:32:52where you're constantly surrounded by danger?
01:32:55And then, Roxana, can you tell us
01:32:57what it's like to be coached by your partner?
01:33:00Thank you.
01:33:02Everyone always talks about the dangers of apnea.
01:33:05The truth is, we're not at the top of the list.
01:33:08If you take motor racing, skiing, rugby...
01:33:12Major leagues in the United States.
01:33:14Do you know how many major leagues have died practicing this sport?
01:33:18It's not even a sport, is it?
01:33:20Obviously, there's danger.
01:33:22But we're very careful, you know.
01:33:24And we surround ourselves with the best security teams in the world.
01:33:29And the other question...
01:33:31For me, as long as there's love and trust,
01:33:34it always makes you want to go further.
01:33:37I could never have done what I did without him.
01:33:40Thank you.
01:33:43Another question?
01:33:45Nathalie, TF1?
01:33:52Roxana, people talk about you as a model for feminism.
01:33:56People talk about you as a model for feminism in sport.
01:33:59So I'd like to know, as a journalist,
01:34:02but also as a woman,
01:34:04what you feel about yourself
01:34:06when you're going to try not to...
01:34:14Question from TF1.
01:34:17Sorry, can you repeat the question?
01:34:19I said that people talk about you as a model for feminism in sport.
01:34:23And I wanted to know what you feel
01:34:25when you're going to try not to...
01:34:35Another question?
01:34:55What do you feel when you're going to try not to...
01:35:25What do you feel?
01:36:56Roxy, how are you?
01:36:59I'm fine.
01:37:02Let's go.
01:37:23I didn't see you. How are you?
01:37:29It hasn't been easy lately.
01:37:35I just wanted you to know I'm fine.
01:37:38Thanks, man.
01:37:57Fifteen minutes.
01:38:01Come on.
01:38:19Let's show them.
01:38:26Platform one, next category.
01:38:29No limit, world record attempt.
01:38:32Platform one.
01:39:00Are you OK?
01:39:02Yeah, I'm checking.
01:39:04We just finished the last check.
01:39:08I know.
01:39:10OK, let's go.
01:39:12Come help me, we'll put her in the water.
01:39:16One, two...
01:39:22Thirty seconds to dive.
01:39:24Roxanna Awbrey.
01:39:27180 metres.
01:39:29Come on.
01:39:48Ten seconds.
01:39:50Come on.
01:42:39Three minutes to dive.
01:42:40There's a problem, I can't feel my face.
01:42:43What's going on?
01:44:25Come on, bring her out!
01:44:37Six minutes and 50 seconds.