El Precio de A.m.a.r.t.e. - Capitulo 1

  • last week
00:00Two brave riders face off against the four-wheelers!
00:04Don't go stealing horses!
00:06And don't go back to fortune!
00:11Next time, we'll climb on my horse.
00:14I don't know how to ride, Diogo.
00:16Don't worry about me. I'll teach you.
00:19I'll teach you how to ride.
00:21I'll teach you how to ride.
00:23I'll teach you how to ride.
00:25I'll teach you how to ride.
00:27I'll teach you how to ride.
00:29I'll teach you how to ride.
00:31And one day, you'll even beat me.
00:33I'm leaving because you're going to school.
00:35I don't want to go.
00:37They're going to make fun of me because I don't have a dad.
00:40Oh, Ami.
00:42Don't be sad.
00:44If anyone bothers you, I'll tell them.
00:50You're my only friend, Diogo.
00:52And I love you very much.
00:56You're cheating!
00:57That's cheating! I wasn't ready!
01:05You make me so happy.
01:09And you, Ami.
01:11No one makes me feel like you.
01:16How long are we going to keep hiding?
01:20That's the way it has to be. There's no other way.
01:22But we're in love.
01:25And this love is giving us a child.
01:30I'm pregnant.
01:32That changes everything.
01:40Not a word of this to anyone.
01:45We'll talk tomorrow.
01:55Don't be afraid. I'll hold you.
02:01That's what friends are for.
02:03To help you always.
02:05You're my only friend, Ami.
02:07And I like being with you the most.
02:09I love you very much, Diogo.
02:13Close your mouth.
02:15Close your eyes.
02:18I love you.
02:19Go play.
02:21Where were you, Eduarda?
02:23I went to get these herbs to make tea for the lady.
02:26It's to get rid of the headache.
02:28Eduarda, thank you very much for worrying about me.
02:31You're always so special with that kind of detail.
02:34Always looking out for me.
02:36See, Arminda?
02:38I can't have a better housekeeper.
02:41Ami, I didn't know those herbs cured headaches.
02:45Hey, Arminda, these leaves aren't going to be enough for tamales, right?
02:51I'll get more.
02:57Did you see my husband at the plantation?
03:00No, no. Not at all.
03:03Did you see him?
03:07I didn't see him.
03:09I didn't see him either.
03:12No, no. Not at all.
03:16He's been so strange.
03:18Ever since Bernardito was born, he hasn't been the same.
03:22Could it be that he has another woman?
03:25Oh, ma'am, when those things happen between husband and wife...
03:30Could it be because he found another love?
03:37Are you done with your homework, son?
03:39Yes, daddy.
03:40Hi, Uncle Clemente.
03:42Hi, Amelia.
03:44Well, it's time to go eat. Let's go, champ.
03:46Bye, Ami.
03:47Bye, Diogo.
03:49Are you mad at me, dad?
03:51No, but it takes your time and distracts you from your obligations.
03:55Don't forget that one day your little brother Bernardo and you will be owners and lords of the fortune.
04:00When I grow up, I'm going to marry her.
04:03That will never happen, son.
04:05Amelia belongs to another world, and you...
04:09You are my greatest treasure.
04:12Come on, let's go.
04:18Inés, where are you?
04:20Mom, we're here.
04:22Hi, honey.
04:25How are you?
04:26I'm fine.
04:27Hi, honey.
04:29I'm glad you're here because dinner is ready.
04:31I'm going to tell Eduardo...
04:32No, no, no. Wait, honey.
04:34I'm going to take a shower first.
04:36Okay. Don't be long.
04:39I'm always going to take care of you.
04:40But grow up so you can play with Ami and me.
04:44And you're going to be a great example for your brother.
04:47Do you know why?
04:48Do you see the sky?
04:50Because your heart is so big.
04:53I always want you to be very proud of me, mom.
04:56Yes, I am, son.
04:58Every day I thank God because you two are my greatest blessing.
05:09I love you.
05:28You hardly slept, honey. What's wrong?
05:31Are you worried about something?
05:33No, no, no. Nothing.
05:35I think I...
05:36I think I have a bad feeling about this.
05:38What's wrong, honey?
05:40I've felt distant from you for a long time.
05:44Don't you care anymore?
05:50Teresa, forgive me.
05:53Forgive me for not being the man you deserve.
05:56There's another woman.
06:00Don't be silly, Teresa.
06:03You are and always will be the love of my life.
06:05I want us to stay the way we were before.
06:08You were for me and I was for you.
06:17I love you too.
06:20You don't know how much.
06:36Did you tell Teresa that we are going to have a child?
06:39She understood that we are in love and that we are going to be together.
06:43Our relationship has to end, Eduarda.
06:46Teresa should never find out that we had an affair.
06:52But we are going to have a child together.
06:54Fulfill me as a man.
06:56Leave your wife and marry me.
06:58I will never leave Teresa.
07:00You should have been clear from the beginning.
07:02She and my children are everything to me.
07:04Well, let's see how you do it.
07:06Because I'm going to have this child.
07:08I'm not going to admit it.
07:10That creature is never going to take my last name.
07:13You are a coward.
07:17I'm going to tell Teresa that we are friends.
07:19Go ahead.
07:21Say it.
07:23But with that you will not be able to destroy our love.
07:25But then what am I going to do with this baby?
07:28You decide what you want to do with him.
07:29But far from the fortune.
07:31Take it.
07:33Here is enough money for you to start a new life,
07:35but elsewhere.
07:37You have two days to go.
07:55Ma'am, I need to talk to you.
07:56What's up, Eduarda?
07:58What do you have?
08:00Well, I'm very sorry to have to tell you this,
08:02but I can't keep quiet anymore.
08:04Eduarda is leaving the fortune.
08:06That's why she's sad.
08:08They offered her a good job in Jalapa.
08:12Oh, I'm so sorry you're leaving.
08:14But hey, if it's the best for you and your daughter,
08:17you have to accept that job.
08:19I'm sorry.
08:21I'm sorry.
08:23I'm sorry.
08:24You have to accept that job.
08:29You will always be able to come here whenever you want.
08:33This will always be your home.
08:35Thank you very much, ma'am.
08:37Tomorrow I will leave the little house where they have allowed me to live.
08:41Good night.
08:43Good night.
08:49I'm going to miss her.
08:50Eduarda has become someone very important to me.
08:53She's my confidante.
08:55She's my friend.
08:59Yes, me too.
09:03Amelia, pick up your rags, we're leaving the fortune.
09:06No, but...
09:08Don't ask me anything and obey me.
09:21I'm coming, I'm coming.
09:25Are you okay, Ami?
09:27Why are you sad?
09:29Because we're leaving the fortune.
09:32No, but why?
09:34I don't know, but my mom said she would keep all my things.
09:38No, I don't want you to leave.
09:41I don't want to leave either.
09:43I don't want to leave either.
09:45I don't want to leave.
09:47I don't want to leave.
09:48I don't want to leave either.
09:50I don't want to be sad anymore.
09:53I want to show you something.
09:55Are you coming?
09:57Yes, it's okay.
10:03The letters are very nice.
10:05Well, give them to me.
10:08We're going to hang it on our tree so we're always together.
10:13Wait, wait, wait.
10:15Let it have something of us.
10:25This bottle will live here forever like us.
10:38I love you very much, bear.
10:40You are the most beautiful thing I have.
10:43There's Chavito, come on.
10:45Come on, come on, come on.
10:47Let me go!
10:49Let me go!
10:51Let me go!
10:53Let's go!
10:57They took Diogo, Mom!
11:03Because it has sugar, right?
11:07It's delicious, Eduarda.
11:09Wake up Diogo, look at the time it is.
11:11The blankets have already been hit.
11:13Of course, ma'am.
11:18What happened, Amelia?
11:20Calm down, Amelia, what happened?
11:22They took Diogo!
11:24Did you see his face?
11:26His face was covered!
11:28And what did they take him in?
11:30In a truck!
11:34How were they?
11:36He was covered, but how was he?
11:38What happened to Diogo?
11:40What happened to Diogo?
11:42Let me out!
11:44Clemente Cobarrubias.
11:46We have your son.
11:48If you talk to the police, you will never see him again.
11:50Is that clear?
11:52No, no, no, don't hurt him, please.
11:54I need to talk to my son.
11:56I need to know he's okay.
11:58Let me go!
12:00Shut up!
12:02Shut up!
12:04Go on, get in!
12:15Enough, bro, calm down.
12:17You're making me nervous.
12:19We still have to wait for orders
12:21to be able to talk to Chavito's father again.
12:25Wait for what?
12:27We have the mucus,
12:29and we decide how and when.
12:31No, bro.
12:33That's not how things are.
12:35So that we all win,
12:37we have to do exactly what we agreed.
12:39So that nothing goes wrong.
12:41Do you understand?
12:45Amelia, try to remember.
12:47Did you see their faces or something?
12:49No, they had their faces covered with a mask.
12:53My child.
12:55My son.
13:02I don't have that much money.
13:05I'm going to try to get it together.
13:07But don't touch a hair on my son.
13:09I'm going to kill you.
13:11You're going to take the money in a cloth bag.
13:12And I'll see you at the intersection between La Palma and La Cañada.
13:15I'll wait for you there at sunset and I'll give you the kid.
13:17Okay, but let me talk to my son.
13:21They're calling you.
13:23Dad! Mom! Help!
13:27My love!
13:29My love!
13:31I love you!
13:33My son, don't be afraid, we're coming for you.
13:35Dad! No!
13:37Don't you dare take the cop to anyone else
13:40because you won't see him alive again.
13:42Is that clear?
13:47It's all we have in the bank.
13:49Even the money I had here to pay the workers.
13:52That doesn't cover what they're asking for.
13:55I don't know what else to do.
14:00Look, take this.
14:02These are the jewels of your family, Teresa.
14:04I don't care, I don't care.
14:06If we end up being penniless,
14:08all I want is for them to bring our child back safe and sound.
14:18Promise me.
14:20Promise me that our child will be okay
14:23and that he'll come back home.
14:25Promise me.
14:43I need Diogo to come back, please.
14:53You know what you have to do.
14:55Yes, boss.
14:56Be careful.
14:58I'll cover you.
15:04How do you think he's going to leave, ma'am?
15:08I want to make sure Diogo doesn't come back.
15:10I need to know he's okay.
15:12He's putting the child's life at risk.
15:14The boss was warned.
15:16No, Norberto went with the boss.
15:18They're going to face these people.
15:20I can't just sit around.
15:22I need to go.
15:24What do we do?
15:26She can't go alone.
15:28I'm going with her.
15:33Oh, my God.
15:35Holy Virgin.
15:36Holy Virgin.
15:41Always walk.
15:43Don't hurt my son, please.
15:45Let him go.
15:46Don't hurt him.
15:47Did you do what I asked?
15:49You have money and jewelry.
15:50That covers everything you asked.
15:52Don't hurt my son.
15:55I hope it's all there.
15:57Hey, over here.
15:59You have what you wanted.
16:00Let him go.
16:01I told you to go alone.
16:03Why did you hurt someone?
16:04Why did you hurt someone?
16:06Don't hurt him.
16:07Let go of me, please.
16:10No, no.
16:12You owed me, Catrin.
16:14You owed me.
16:16And look after your son.
16:17Because it's the last time you'll see him.
16:19Let's go.
16:21Save him, Teresa.
16:23Save him.
16:24Save my son.
16:26No, no, no, honey.
16:27Honey, hold on.
16:28Hold on.
16:29Hold on, please.
16:30Stay still.
16:31Stay still.
16:32Shut up.
16:34I'm going to call an ambulance.
16:35Please, don't move.
16:36Open your eyes.
16:40Shut up.
16:57Hold on, honey.
16:58Please, hold on.
16:59Open your eyes.
17:01Open your eyes, please.
17:02The ambulance is on its way.
17:04My son.
17:05The ambulance is on its way.
17:06My son.
17:09It's here.
17:10Open your eyes, please.
17:15Forgive me.
17:17Forgive me for failing you.
17:19I have nothing to forgive you for.
17:22I love you.
17:24I love you.
17:25I love you.
17:26I love you.
17:28No, no.
17:30No, don't go.
17:31No, no, no.
17:32No, my love.
17:39That's it.
17:40We put the kid to sleep.
17:42And we left your things where we left them.
17:47Don't yell at me.
17:49I know that wasn't the plan.
17:50But Catrin jumped on me.
17:51What do you want me to do?
17:55Well, stop it.
17:56We're going to continue with the second part of the plan.
17:58And then, each one of you take her side.
18:01It's nothing.
18:08Thank you, Eduardo.
18:09I don't know what I would have done without your help.
18:11Oh, Lord.
18:13I couldn't leave after everything that happened.
18:16You are like...
18:18my family.
18:25Go rest and take care of that wound.
18:28Forgive me, boss.
18:30Forgive me because...
18:34I can't forgive myself for being up so early
18:38and for not being able to save the boss.
18:42If only I had been able to save Dioguito.
18:46You risked your life.
18:48And I thank you for that.
18:50I should have died instead of the boss.
18:56The agent from the capital is here.
18:58He was waiting for you.
19:00Let him in.
19:06Take care of Bernie.
19:09I don't know what I'm going to tell him
19:11now that he asks me about his father.
19:13Don't worry, ma'am.
19:14I'll take care of it.
19:17Good afternoon,
19:20Mrs. Covarrubias.
19:22I'm very sorry about what happened.
19:25Good afternoon.
19:26Please sit down.
19:29I'm Agent Hector Zarate.
19:32I'm in charge of investigating
19:35the kidnapping of your son
19:39and the murder of your husband.
19:42I beg you
19:44to help me find my son.
19:47We're doing everything we can.
19:49Believe me.
19:51But I'm going to need your cooperation.
19:53I need you to provide us with all the information
19:56that is possible.
19:58What do you need?
20:00I need the phone call list
20:04that your husband received
20:06and a photo of the jewelry.
20:07They won't take long to put them up for sale.
20:10I don't care about anything.
20:11I just need you to help me
20:14get my son back.
20:18Mrs. Covarrubias,
20:20I swear
20:21that I'll do everything I can
20:24to get your son back.
20:27I swear.
20:32Please come back.
20:34Daddy went to heaven, Diogo,
20:36but please come back.
20:43Calm down, man.
20:45We've crossed the border.
20:46We're already in Guatemala.
20:51we gave the kid so much chloroform
20:53that he won't wake up all day.
20:55Yeah, man, but
20:56we still have a lot of work to do.
20:58Yeah, but we have to, right?
21:00We can't leave him alone,
21:01so don't cry.
21:02No, man.
21:03I can't do it. You do it.
21:05What a jerk, right?
21:07Let's go for a ride.
21:08He got what he got.
21:10We're not going for a ride for the kid.
21:11Come on.
21:12What do you want to do?
21:13Do you want to do it?
21:22Your turn, bro.
21:39Come on, bro.
21:40The faster, the better.
21:42It's not like you, is it?
21:52Come on.
22:15That's the wall.
22:22Come on.
22:27drink this tea.
22:29It'll make you feel better.
22:33I know I need to be okay
22:35because Bernardito needs me.
22:39Don't worry about him.
22:41Arminda and I will take good care of him.
22:43Many days have passed, Eduardo,
22:45and we haven't heard from him.
22:48How is he?
22:49Life goes on
22:51and debts accumulate, ma'am.
22:54I know what to do.
22:57Listen to me.
22:59I already told you
23:00that there's a company
23:01that's interested in buying the fortune.
23:04How do you think, Eduardo?
23:06How are we going to sell something
23:08that my husband had such a hard time having?
23:11Yes, ma'am,
23:12but we almost don't have money
23:14to pay the workers.
23:16You owe a lot of suppliers
23:17and even if I try to give you a lot...
23:20Swear to me
23:22that if I go bankrupt,
23:24you'll keep looking for my son.
23:26Swear to me.
23:30Of course, ma'am.
23:32I swear.
23:35Can you sign these papers, please?
23:37It's to pay the workers.
24:30You're the prettiest thing I have.
24:37Sir, sir,
24:39how do I get to Tierra de Agua?
24:41Where is that?
24:43Well, in Veracruz.
24:44That's where my town is.
24:45No, that's in Mexico.
24:47This is Guatemala.
24:50Yes, Guatemala.
24:51Well, thank you.
25:42only we
25:43can steal.
25:45Let me go!
25:46Throw him out!
25:47Let me go!
25:48Throw him out!
25:49Let me go!
25:50Either you put up with it
25:51and we keep giving you,
25:53or you join our gang.
25:55Yes, I'll join.
25:57Yes, I'll join.
26:08Arminda, Roberto,
26:10I trust you a lot
26:11and I know you value this family a lot.
26:16I've missed you.
26:17Oh, no, don't say that, ma'am.
26:19You have to get well
26:21for when the child returns.
26:23Besides, Bernie is little.
26:25He needs you.
26:27You're very strong, boss.
26:29You're going to get well, you'll see.
26:31I try.
26:33But three months have passed
26:35and I feel weaker and weaker.
26:38Promise me
26:39that you'll take care of Bernardito
26:41as if he were your own son
26:43and of Diogo
26:45because I know he'll come back.
26:47My mother's heart tells me that.
26:49And you're going to be here
26:51for when that happens.
26:53I'm going to talk to Mr. Silverio
26:58to tell him to make a legal document
27:00so he can fulfill my will.
27:03We have to call the doctor.
27:06No, ma'am.
27:08Oh, my God.
27:13Free us from all evil
27:15in the name of the Father,
27:17the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
27:28I couldn't keep my promise.
27:30I couldn't keep my promise.
27:32I couldn't keep my promise.
27:34I couldn't keep my promise.
27:37And that guilt
27:39will haunt me for the rest of my life.
27:42It's not fair
27:44that a mother leaves this world
27:46without seeing her son.
27:48It's the fault of those damn people
27:50who kidnapped him.
27:52I hope my son Diogo
27:54is alive.
27:57Excuse me.
27:59Of course.
28:01Why do good people die?
28:03Oh, my love.
28:05What can I tell you, little girl?
28:07I promise that one day
28:09Diogo will see me again.
28:15The company that bought the fortune
28:17will keep all the staff.
28:20It's not the time to talk about that, Eduardo.
28:23More respect for the boss.
28:25No, ma'am.
28:27No, ma'am.
28:28More respect for the boss.
28:31We are all in mourning
28:33for so much loss.
28:35Precisely to honor them,
28:37we have to continue.
28:39We have to make the fortune
28:41the best farm in the region.
28:59What happened, Güero? Are you going to pass?
29:01Yes, yes, I'm going to pass.
29:03Your passport?
29:05I'm from Mexico, sir.
29:07That's what everyone says.
29:09Take me with my family.
29:11They are waiting for me.
29:13If I already caught you,
29:15you're from Loki's gang.
29:17Get out.
29:28Get out.
29:59What's up, Diogo?
30:01Don't worry.
30:03Here, for your safe.
30:06I know you want to go with your family.
30:09And since I'm tired of seeing
30:11your sad face every day,
30:13I found you a contact.
30:15He's going to help you cross the border.
30:21He's going to help you cross the border.
30:28Open that.
30:30We're going to miss you.
30:32And I miss you, Loki.
30:42Come on, let's go.
30:44Get out, get out.
30:45Get out.
31:13you were right.
31:15We found out there was a kidnapping
31:17in Tierra de Agua, Veracruz five years ago.
31:19And with your fingerprints,
31:21we confirmed your identity.
31:23They're coming for you.
31:25Hello, officer.
31:27Excuse me, is this Diogo?
31:29That's correct.
31:34What's up, Diogo?
31:36I'm Hector Zarate.
31:38I was the agent in charge
31:40of investigating your kidnapping.
31:42Are you taking me with my parents?
31:43They already told you they found me.
31:45Take me with my family,
31:47with my people,
31:49or with my friend Amelia.
31:51Look, Diogo,
31:53I know you're very excited, but...
31:55Enough, please.
31:57Tell me on the way.
31:59I want to go back.
32:01I want to hug them.
32:07Your parents...
32:09Your parents died.
32:14They're hiding you here.
32:16You scared me.
32:18It's a secret.
32:20It's my magical place
32:22because I used to play here with Diogo.
32:24We had a lot of fun.
32:27Until they took him.
32:30Show me that bottle.
32:32Come on, come on.
32:34No, brother, you can't touch it.
32:36It'll be here until my friend comes back
32:38and we take it down together.
32:40Don't be sad, friend.
32:41I love you a lot.
32:43More than Mom.
32:45Don't say that.
32:47I love you too,
32:49but also Mom.
32:51It's just that you love me more than she does.
32:55She's very busy working on the fortune.
32:58But she loves you too.
33:01Come on, let's go home.
33:12Your father died
33:14right there
33:16in that place where they shot him.
33:18And as a result,
33:21your mother got sick and died a few months later.
33:24And my little brother?
33:26Where is Bernardo?
33:29I only know that he was taken to social service
33:34and has never returned to the farm since then.
33:36So you don't know anything about Tierra de Agua
33:39or my friend Amelia?
33:41Diogo, listen to me carefully.
33:44You are a minor.
33:46You need someone.
33:48Someone to take care of you.
33:50And if you allow me,
33:52that person could be me.
33:54And why are you?
33:58Because I promised your mother that I would find you.
34:01And I failed her.
34:03Besides, I have nothing to lose.
34:06I don't have children, I'm not married.
34:08I could take you to the capital,
34:10take care of you
34:12and try to counteract
34:14a little bit of the years of suffering you've been through.
34:18And if I don't want to, what?
34:23the officer
34:25would take care of you
34:27and they would send you to an orphanage.
34:32Okay, I accept.
34:33But only if you help me find my brother.
34:36And when we find him,
34:38promise me that you will adopt him too.
34:44Count on it, Diogo.
34:53Look, the most I could find out
34:55is that apparently your brother
34:57was adopted by a family
35:00that I think left the country.
35:01That's the only information they could give me.
35:05I have an idea. Why...
35:07Why don't we go to the town where you were born?
35:11I don't have a family anymore
35:13and my friend doesn't either.
35:15She probably left.
35:17I don't want to go back.
35:19Hey, and you sure you think
35:21it's a good idea to change your name?
35:26Diogo died the day he was kidnapped.
35:28From now on, I'll be Robert.
35:29Rodrigo Zarate.
35:31And I'm going to find my father's killer.
35:38What's the rush, son?
35:40I found him, Dad.
35:44My father's killer.
35:46And before you say anything, listen to this.
35:48We intercepted an extortion call.
35:50You owed me, Catrín!
35:52You owed me!
35:54It's him, Dad. It's him!
35:56The same voice, the same phrase.
35:57Come on, Rodrigo Zarate.
36:01It's been 30 years.
36:04And yes, that's the phrase,
36:06but I don't think it's the voice.
36:08And I know what you're going to tell me.
36:10That phrase hasn't let you sleep
36:12in the last few years,
36:14but it may just be a coincidence.
36:16I'm just waiting for them to authorize me
36:18the operation to catch him today, Dad.
36:44This Q is going to heal, right?
36:46Yes, my love.
36:48Soon you will be able to gallop with him again
36:50for all the fortune.
36:52You are the best veterinarian.
36:54Oh yeah?
36:56And also the best mom in the world.
36:58And you, Kinaku,
37:00you are the joy of my life,
37:02my reason for being.
37:06this is my wonderful family.
37:11And you, Amelia, are more beautiful than yesterday.
37:14My beloved wife.
37:19Son, caress your horse
37:21and I'm going to give him an injection.
37:23Yes, Mom.
37:25How are you?
37:27And how was your surgery last night?
37:29It was complicated, that's why I arrived so late.
37:32Every day I have more work
37:34and more patients to attend to.
37:36Well, you wanted to have a hospital
37:39and apart from being a surgeon,
37:41I also wanted to be the general director.
37:43What are you waiting for?
37:46Have more time to be with my wife
37:49and with my son.
37:53this Q wants to move.
37:55I'm sorry, I have to prevent him from hurting himself.
37:59Help my son, okay?
38:01Easy, easy.
38:12Hey, Catrin, where did you bring me?
38:14Let's see, let's see, move!
38:16Come on!
38:18It's not what we agreed on.
38:20It's all I have, it's all I got.
38:22You should have gotten more.
38:23Did you know, Catrin?
38:25I'm talking to you.
38:27Did you know?
38:29Police! Drop the gun!
38:35Drop the gun!
38:37Drop the gun!
38:39It's over, it's over.
38:41It's over.
38:48Quiet, quiet.
38:52Let's go.
39:00what do you want to know, Catrin?
39:03Shut up, Lucio.
39:05What am I talking about?
39:08Do you remember the boy you kidnapped
39:1030 years ago
39:12in Tierra de Agua, Veracruz?
39:15I have never been able to forget
39:17your expression, Catrin,
39:19nor your scar.
39:22That day you killed my father.
39:24No, no, no, no, wait, wait, wait.
39:26It wasn't me.
39:28It was you!
39:30No, it was my brother Pedro, hey!
39:32I'm going to prove it.
39:34It was you.
39:36Let's see, Catrin,
39:38do you think you have proof after 30 years against me?
39:41I still don't have proof,
39:43but I'm going to find Pedro
39:45and I'm going to make him talk.
39:46Oh, it's going to be more difficult, Catrin,
39:48because my little brother is with your boss in heaven.
39:50Don't talk to me like that!
39:52Tell me, who was the boss?
39:54Who was the boss?
39:56Okay, okay, calm down, calm down.
39:58Look, let's make a deal.
40:00If you get me out of here,
40:02I'll tell you later who sent me to do the job, okay?
40:08Sing, speak.
40:13the person who sent you to kidnap
40:14and also to kill you
40:16was the key master of your ranch,
40:19Eduarda Saldívar.
40:29And please, little virgin,
40:32protect my family
40:34and everyone in La Fortuna.
40:37And as always,
40:39take good care of Diego.
40:41Let him be well
40:42wherever he is.
40:50Because you keep praying for Diogo.
40:55Most likely he is...
40:57Don't say it.
40:59I want to think that my childhood friend is happy
41:01and that he has a wonderful life somewhere.
41:06It's still a very heavy day, Ivan.
41:08I need a bath to relax.
41:13Come on.
41:40No, it can't be true.
41:41Amelia's mother couldn't have been involved.
41:44It's a lie.
41:46You don't know her, Catrin.
41:48That little woman who now calls herself Eduarda Ferreira
41:51is a spy.
41:53Where is she?
41:56It was precisely she
41:58who sent us to screw your family.
42:00It was only for money.
42:01And if you want to know where she is, I'll tell you.
42:03It's okay.
42:04But we had already agreed, right?
42:05You let me go, I'll take you,
42:07and I'll even help you get revenge.
42:09What do you think?
42:10I'm going to prove that you kidnapped me
42:13and that you killed my father.
42:16You're going to rot in jail, Catrin.
42:29I'm going to be...
42:31Rodrigo, Rodrigo, Rodrigo.
42:32Son, listen to me, listen to me.
42:35I'm going to move all my influences.
42:37I'm going to do everything I can
42:38to get that guy to end up in jail.
42:41Amelia's mother can't be involved in this, Dad.
42:43No, no, no.
42:45She loved my mom and me a lot.
42:49She loved me a lot too.
42:50No, it can't be.
42:53This guy is lying.
42:56That's what we have to find out.
43:28Eduarda Ferreira?
43:30She's the owner of the fortune?
43:34What's up, son?
43:36Eduardo, Dad.
43:37Eduardo is the owner of my parents' estate.
43:40Uh-huh. And what do you have in mind?
43:43To face her.
43:45Son, are you going to Tierra de Agua?
43:50We had already buried her.
43:51I know.
43:54I know.
43:56But burying Tierra de Agua means...
43:59means pain, son.
44:01I know.
44:02It means you remember everything they took from you
44:05and that's not going to solve anything, really.
44:08Yes, I know what all that means.
44:10Because what I loved most was there.
44:12And they took it from me, Dad.
44:15I have to do it.
44:20I have to face my fears.
44:21I have to go there.
44:26It's not a good idea.
44:30You have a full life here.
44:32Leave that behind.
44:35You know what, Dad?
44:38I'm going to quit the corporation.
44:39Son, don't do that.
44:42The DA needs you. You're a good agent.
44:44You have a good career.
44:46You're going to risk it all to listen to a criminal's lies?
44:49Yes, because I have no future if I don't face my past,
44:52if I don't face the truth.
44:54I need to know the truth, Dad.
44:56I need to.
45:01If that means going back to Tierra de Agua,
45:03I'm going to do it.
45:06And if that woman is responsible for my family's misfortune,
45:13it will be justice.
45:17I promise.
45:27Hurry up, honey. You have to brush your teeth.
45:30Rima, I'm going to see if your dad will take you to school.
45:39Come on.
45:41It's so weird, Amanda.
45:42Did they fight again?
45:44It's their problem.
45:45Come on, let's have breakfast.
45:52What are you doing with my phone?
45:54Honey, I got a call and I just wanted to...
45:56You're checking my messages again, right?
45:58No, no, of course not, honey.
46:00Seriously, I got a call and...
46:01What the hell is this?
46:04You're following me.
46:06How dare you spy on me, Ivan?
46:08No, no, honey.
46:10Calm down.
46:11That app must be on your phone.
46:14That's all.
46:15I know my phone, Ivan. You downloaded it.
46:18And I can't stand your stupid need
46:20to keep an eye on me all the time.
46:27You and I need to talk.
46:30Come on.
46:31I'll take you to school.
46:32Yes, Mom.
46:34Hurry up.
46:35Please, Amelia.
46:36No, wait. You can't leave like this.
46:40Let go of me.
47:01Mom, why did you fight with my dad?
47:03What happened now?
47:04I didn't fight, son.
47:05It's an adult thing. You wouldn't understand.
47:07Mom, I'm not a five-year-old kid anymore.
47:09I'm tired of hearing them fight.
47:11Get in the truck now, Martin.
47:13Get in the back.
47:14And you're going to get in the back?
47:16That's it.
47:17I'm not a kid anymore.
47:18How long are you going to treat me like this?
47:21I'm not a kid.
47:22I'm not a kid.
47:23I'm not a kid.
47:24I'm not a kid.
47:25I'm not a kid.
47:26I'm not a kid.
47:27I'm not a kid.
47:34Put the seatbelt on.
48:06I'm not a kid.
48:07I'm not a kid.
48:08I'm not a kid.
48:09I'm not a kid.
48:10I'm not a kid.
48:11I'm not a kid.
48:12I'm not a kid.
48:13I'm not a kid.
48:15I'm not a kid.
48:16I'm not a kid.
48:17I'm not a kid.
48:18I'm not a kid.
48:19I'm not a kid.
48:20I'm not a kid.
48:21I'm not a kid.
48:22I'm not a kid.
48:23I'm not a kid.
48:24I'm not a kid.
48:25I'm not a kid.
48:26I'm not a kid.
48:27I'm not a kid.
48:28I'm not a kid.
48:29I'm not a kid.
48:30I'm not a kid.
48:31I'm not a kid.
48:32I'm not a kid.
48:33I'm not a kid.
48:34I'm not a kid.
48:35I'm not a kid.
48:36I'm not a kid.
48:37I'm not a kid.
48:38I'm not a kid.
48:39I'm not a kid.
48:40I'm not a kid.
48:42I'm not a kid.
48:43I'm not a kid.
48:44I'm not a kid.
48:45I'm not a kid.
48:46I'm not a kid.
48:47I'm not a kid.
48:48I'm not a kid.
48:49I'm not a kid.
48:50I'm not a kid.
48:51I'm not a kid.
48:52I'm not a kid.
48:53I'm not a kid.
48:54I'm not a kid.
48:55I'm not a kid.
48:56I'm not a kid.
48:57I'm not a kid.
48:58I'm not a kid.
48:59I'm not a kid.
49:00I'm not a kid.
49:01I'm not a kid.
49:02I'm not...
49:19Mom! Please answer my dad's calls!
49:22Stop it, Martim!
49:23Don't force me.
49:23So get back to the house so I can make the passes!
49:25No! You'll be late for school!
49:26I told you to stop.
49:28Mom, he loves you a lot, and I want you to be together!
49:31Martim! Now!
49:32If you don't want to, I'm going to walk back.
49:36What are you doing, Martin? Put the belt on!
49:38Put the belt on, Martin! Put it on!
50:14Watch out! The car is on fire!
50:16We're going to get out of here today. Do you hear me?
50:18Yes, yes. Right now.
50:26I'm going to get you out of here. I'm going to get you out of here.
50:28Watch out.
50:30Hold me.
50:32Watch out.
50:34The car is going to explode.
50:36The car is going to explode.
50:42Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine.
50:46Are you okay?
50:58My son!
51:00What are you doing? Don't go!
51:06My son!
51:28I love you.