
  • 2 weeks ago
00:00:00Sophia Foster and I are getting married, so I'd really appreciate it if you don't tell
00:00:10anyone that we used to date.
00:00:13You want me to tell your trust fund girl that you're single when you were actually cheating
00:00:16on me with her?
00:00:17That'd probably be best for you, Chloe.
00:00:21You don't want to test me.
00:00:34What are you looking at?
00:00:48You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
00:00:50Oh yeah?
00:00:51Try me.
00:00:52It's a nice girl like you doing it in a place like this.
00:00:56I'm just trying to have a fun night.
00:01:05And are you?
00:01:06I wasn't.
00:01:07Until now.
00:01:09Ms. Crick.
00:01:10How do you know my name?
00:01:16It's a pleasure to meet you, Ethan Foster.
00:01:29I thought my name might ring a bell.
00:01:33No shit.
00:01:34Your ex-boyfriend, Mason, did leave you for my sister.
00:01:38Thank you so much for that reminder.
00:01:40I'd almost forgotten.
00:01:42I feel like I'm going to be sick.
00:01:45Did you try?
00:01:48Come on.
00:01:49I'll give you a ride.
00:01:51Oh, I think I'm all right, Mr. Foster.
00:01:54Are you sure?
00:01:56I know what a ride home with you means.
00:01:59My reputation precedes me.
00:02:02Word travels fast.
00:02:04Suit yourself.
00:02:07Ms. Crick.
00:02:19Chloe, where the hell are you?
00:02:21Get back home now.
00:02:22Something terrible has happened.
00:02:25Your father has been arrested.
00:02:27Charlotte, what the hell is going on?
00:02:29It's all Mason's doing.
00:02:30They were working together on some project.
00:02:32Some finances went wrong, and Mason's put it all on your father.
00:02:35A grateful, miserable asshole.
00:02:38Her family helped build his business up from the ground.
00:02:41He was a nobody when I met him.
00:02:54You evil, disgusting bastard.
00:02:57Chloe, what are you doing here?
00:02:59I don't even care that you cheated on me and immediately proposed to her.
00:03:02None of that matters.
00:03:03What does matter very much to me, Mason, is what you're doing to my father.
00:03:06In every business venture, there's a certain degree of risk involved.
00:03:09Don't be coy with me.
00:03:14You know, someone has to take a blame for the losses.
00:03:18Don't touch me, Mason.
00:03:21You know, Chloe, I still think of you all the time.
00:03:26How about this?
00:03:28You be my mistress, and I'll let your father off the hook.
00:03:33You're sick, Mason.
00:03:40My hands are tied, then.
00:03:42My only suggestion, hire a very good lawyer.
00:03:46Because your father's looking at at least a decade behind bars.
00:03:51Oh, I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh.
00:03:53It's just, who would actually dare to take your case and stand in my way?
00:03:57I'm marrying Sophia Foster, the daughter to only the richest family in town.
00:04:02Maybe her brother, Ethan Foster, is a brilliant attorney.
00:04:07But I don't think he's going to want to go to court against his future brother-in-law.
00:04:12Ethan Foster.
00:04:15The guy I kissed?
00:04:18Is he really the only one who could help me now?
00:04:24Did you hear what I said?
00:04:33My door is always open, Chloe.
00:04:37We are not able to take your father's case. No.
00:04:43I'm sorry, Ms. Gray.
00:04:48Please, Ms. Gray, I don't want anyone to think I have anything to do with this case.
00:04:58Mr. Foster.
00:05:02You're not waiting for me, are you?
00:05:04I am, actually.
00:05:10I just wanted to return your coat.
00:05:21I'm sorry.
00:05:32Is that all?
00:05:36Mr. Foster, I need your help.
00:05:40My father, he was accused of stealing from Mason's clients, but he was framed.
00:05:46Would you be my attorney?
00:05:49I'm sorry to hear about your father's case.
00:05:53But I can't take it.
00:05:55I can pay you.
00:05:56It's not about the money.
00:05:57Did Mason tell you not to take my case?
00:06:00No. I know he's a bastard and a coward.
00:06:05I'm not inclined to do him any favors.
00:06:07So you're not a fan of Mason?
00:06:09I am not, but he is my sister's fiancé.
00:06:13You're asking me to call him a liar in court, which will upset her.
00:06:18My interest in you does not weigh the risk.
00:06:26Enjoy the rest of your night, Ms. Gray.
00:06:28Wait, wait.
00:06:41I'll do anything.
00:06:47Ms. Gray?
00:06:48Call me Chloe.
00:06:54What do you think you have to offer?
00:07:00You can have me, if you want.
00:07:06Are you offering your body in exchange for legal services?
00:07:18Mason, take this to a hotel room.
00:07:28You're just like every other woman I've met.
00:07:31Whiskey, please.
00:08:15You're killing me, Chloe.
00:08:18You like me, don't you?
00:08:24This is no way to seduce a man.
00:08:27You don't even know what you're doing.
00:08:29You can have me, if you take my case.
00:08:39You want me to.
00:08:43Have some self-respect, Chloe.
00:09:18You smell good. So good.
00:09:21Get off me.
00:09:32Mr. Foster.
00:10:07Some thugs broke into our house and took away all the cash and jewelry.
00:10:10They said it's for Mason's clients and if we don't pay them back, they will show up again.
00:10:14Oh my God.
00:10:15I'm so worried.
00:10:16Our bank accounts were frozen.
00:10:18Now this.
00:10:19What are we going to do?
00:10:20I'll make some money.
00:10:24Have you got in touch with that lawyer you mentioned before?
00:10:29Yes, actually, kind of.
00:10:30I have to go.
00:10:31Call me if you need anything.
00:10:44My phone's behind the pillow.
00:10:48Um, Mr. Foster.
00:10:54The room is paid for.
00:10:56Take as much time as you need to get your stuff together.
00:10:59Seems like you got a lot on your plate.
00:11:01Does this mean that you'll take my father's case?
00:11:04What gave you that idea?
00:11:08Well, last night, I...
00:11:11Nothing happened last night.
00:11:21Trust me.
00:11:23If we had done something, you'd still be able to feel it.
00:11:28We're turning you on, Miss Green.
00:11:34I was interested in you.
00:11:38Until you threw yourself so cheaply at me last night.
00:11:43I owe you nothing.
00:11:45Aside from you being drunk and me taking off your dress so that you could sleep better.
00:11:50I didn't touch you last night.
00:11:53You said you wanted to know how determined I was and I just showed you.
00:11:57So you'll just throw yourself at anyone for a favor?
00:12:01What am I doing?
00:12:02I refused Mason, but now I'm begging for Ethan?
00:12:06Mr. Foster, please.
00:12:08You're my only hope.
00:12:10I'm flattered.
00:12:12But I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you, Miss Gray.
00:12:15My sister, Sophia, once tried to run away because my mother tried to break up her and Mason.
00:12:20She loves the son of a bitch.
00:12:23And I care for her deeply.
00:12:26So, I promised myself that I wouldn't intervene in her relationship.
00:12:31And I won't let you do that either.
00:12:33Then why did you make me drink all of that whiskey?
00:12:36Why save me and bring me back here?
00:12:39To reject me? Insult me? Is this some kind of sick game to you?
00:12:43Should I have left you in the street?
00:12:47If not, then you're welcome.
00:12:52Don't forget your coat this time.
00:13:01I wasn't.
00:13:03Don't want to give you any other reason to pester me.
00:13:14Why can't I get you out of my mind?
00:13:16Why can't I get you out of my mind?
00:13:19Chloe, you make me want to play more games with you.
00:13:26Have you heard from Manita recently?
00:13:30Great. Don't answer if she calls you.
00:13:33The way she betrayed you.
00:13:35Enough about me.
00:13:37Tell me about Mr. Mason.
00:13:39Why is he so into you?
00:13:41My good looks.
00:13:43My educational background.
00:13:45And he loves that I am from a decent family.
00:13:49Oh, and of course you.
00:13:51My capable brother.
00:13:53Mason admires you.
00:13:55He talks about you and your firm, like, all the time.
00:13:59Oh, here he is.
00:14:06Ethan, nice to finally meet you in person.
00:14:09Sorry I was late. I had a business meeting.
00:14:13I understand.
00:14:15I heard about your new case.
00:14:17Tricky one to deal with.
00:14:44I love her execution.
00:14:47Mason, we should totally ask her to play at our wedding.
00:14:52Are you okay, babe?
00:14:55I'm fine. I, um...
00:14:57Sophia, don't you think that's a little much for the wedding?
00:15:00I think it's a brilliant idea.
00:15:02You should invite her over to the table.
00:15:04I don't know.
00:15:05I don't know.
00:15:06I don't know.
00:15:07I don't know.
00:15:08I don't know.
00:15:09I don't know.
00:15:10I don't know.
00:15:11Sophia, you should invite her over to the table for dessert.
00:15:14We'll talk about it then.
00:15:16I'm sure the violinists could play something a little more personal and romantic for your wedding.
00:15:22I'm gonna go ask her.
00:15:29You... Do you know her?
00:15:30Save it, Mason.
00:15:33I know you two used to date.
00:15:35If you're keeping my sister in the dark for her happiness, I'll stay quiet, as long as
00:15:42you stay away from Chloe.
00:15:43I mean, we used to date, but did she tell you all this?
00:15:49We met the other night in a pub, had a great time, your name was barely mentioned.
00:15:57Everyone, this is Chloe Gray.
00:16:01Chloe, this is my brother Ethan, and my fiancé, Mason.
00:16:06It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Foster.
00:16:10It's nice to meet you.
00:16:24Thank you, Mr. Foster.
00:16:28Call me Ethan.
00:16:30I think there's something going on with my brother and Chloe.
00:16:35Chloe, please will you come play at our wedding?
00:16:39You're the best violinist I've ever heard.
00:16:42Don't make me beg.
00:16:43Please, please, please, please, please.
00:16:45I appreciate it, but I'm actually already booked that day.
00:16:49Oh, what a shame.
00:16:52Um, thank you so much for dessert, Ms. Foster, but I actually need to be getting going.
00:17:00I'm tutoring a student in downtown.
00:17:02Oh, can I join you?
00:17:04I've always wanted to learn to play violin.
00:17:11You'd be disturbing her lessons, Sophia.
00:17:15At least let me drive you.
00:17:17I'm heading downtown anyway.
00:17:28Who are you looking at, Mason?
00:17:33Or Chloe?
00:17:35Who are you looking at, Mason?
00:17:39Or Chloe?
00:17:49Oh my god, my brother is so into you.
00:17:52You're totally his type.
00:17:55I don't think he's...
00:17:57Can I have a word with Chloe?
00:17:59In private, please.
00:18:01I'll wait for you in the car.
00:18:03By the way, my brother is single.
00:18:09What are you doing here, my rising violin star?
00:18:12I was laid off because of some nasty rumors.
00:18:15Was it Mason?
00:18:18Look, this restaurant is the only one in town that would hire me.
00:18:21I didn't know you'd be here.
00:18:23You say so.
00:18:26You're a smart girl.
00:18:28Don't mention any of your past with Mason to my sister.
00:18:30You'd break her heart.
00:18:32I won't.
00:18:36So, about my case...
00:18:38Not here.
00:18:41Come to my office tonight.
00:18:57What game are you playing now, Chloe?
00:18:59Making me wait.
00:19:02Come in, it's open.
00:19:04Ethan, I, uh...
00:19:06Speak fast.
00:19:07I just wanted to clear the air between us.
00:19:09I didn't cheat on Chloe to be with Sophia.
00:19:11I don't care about your story.
00:19:13Mason, I've met plenty of people just like you.
00:19:17I got your pretty little girlfriend, Mason.
00:19:20Get $20 million and meet me at the address I just texted you,
00:19:23or you'll never see her again.
00:19:24Wait, wait, no, slow down.
00:19:26Ms. Foster's friend is also with us.
00:19:28No, don't, don't touch her.
00:19:30If you want her back too, add another $50,000.
00:19:32I'll get you the money.
00:19:33Come alone, Mason.
00:19:34What's going on?
00:19:40You want $20 million, Ethan?
00:19:42Where are we going to get that kind of money in an hour?
00:19:44Get the money, let's go.
00:19:45No, no, no, you can't go.
00:19:47He said strictly for me to come alone.
00:19:49If you come, it's way too risky.
00:19:50Is there someone else with Sophia?
00:19:52No, they didn't say there was anyone else.
00:19:55Use the money in this account.
00:19:57Bring my sister home.
00:20:12Hey, don't touch her!
00:20:14Don't touch her!
00:20:16You're not going to get any money if she's hurt.
00:20:18Shut up, or I'll cut out your tongue.
00:20:21Well, I guess I could touch you and no one would care.
00:20:33He's right.
00:20:34No one cares about me.
00:20:44It's $20 million.
00:20:45So, you get this one.
00:20:49What about this other one?
00:20:52I don't know.
00:20:54Get the fuck out.
00:21:13Now, don't play too hard with her.
00:21:16We need her to look good for the buyers.
00:21:26Let's have some fun.
00:21:47I'll kill her.
00:21:50Come any closer.
00:21:54Let him go.
00:21:55I'm serious.
00:22:01You're always getting into trouble, Cody.
00:22:03You got some balls coming down to your lung to try to be a hero.
00:22:07Who said I was alone?
00:22:13Let's go.
00:22:22Allow me.
00:22:23Mr. Foster.
00:22:34How are you feeling?
00:22:37My sister said you protected her from the kidnappers.
00:22:40Rather bravely.
00:22:41Is that why you're so attentive now?
00:22:44Because I protected your sister?
00:22:46Maybe so.
00:22:47If you want to express your gratitude, then please.
00:22:52Take my father's case.
00:22:55You really choose the worst moments to make your demands.
00:22:58Suit yourself.
00:23:00I'll tell Sophia everything about Mason.
00:23:03Just when I was starting to like you, Ms. Gray.
00:23:08Good impressions really mean that much to you?
00:23:20Let's talk business.
00:23:22How long were you with Mason?
00:23:24Four years, right?
00:23:27How often did you sleep together?
00:23:35Look, if you take my father's case, I'll leave the country before the wedding.
00:23:40And I'll never come back.
00:23:58Let's meet for the proper time.
00:24:05I'll take your father's case.
00:24:07If we make a contract.
00:24:10Where I own you.
00:24:12Every inch of you.
00:24:14You'll stay away from Mason.
00:24:16And I'll stay away from you.
00:24:18And I'll stay away from you.
00:24:20And I'll stay away from you.
00:24:22And I'll stay away from you.
00:24:25You'll stay away from Mason.
00:24:27And say nothing to Sophia.
00:24:29You'll move in with me so that I can make sure that you keep your promises.
00:24:33In my house, you will be whatever I need you to be.
00:24:36A servant.
00:24:39Or a mistress.
00:24:41Look at me.
00:24:46Do we have a deal?
00:24:49Do we have a deal?
00:24:56See you tonight.
00:24:58You know the address.
00:25:08Hey, Sophia.
00:25:09That's a good gift idea.
00:25:11Oh my god.
00:25:12Please don't tell me that Anita is back.
00:25:15No, it's not for her.
00:25:17Then who are you trying to impress?
00:25:20You know what?
00:25:21Forget I asked.
00:25:48Should I take off my clothes now?
00:25:50That depends.
00:25:52Do you sleep naked?
00:26:01Good night, Chloe.
00:26:05Good night.
00:26:18Do I need to teach you how to tie a tie?
00:26:27You're going to be my plus one tonight at a dinner party.
00:26:30There will be very important people there.
00:26:33So, dress to kill.
00:26:35Sophia and Mason will be there too.
00:26:40Does it bother you to see Mason?
00:26:43Not anymore.
00:26:47How do you plan on introducing me?
00:26:50Do you remember the terms of our deal?
00:26:56Can I go and visit my stepmom?
00:26:59Charlotte's really worried about me.
00:27:01I'll make it back in time for the party.
00:27:04Of course.
00:27:06You're not a prisoner.
00:27:19I did not expect to see you here.
00:27:21I've missed you so much.
00:27:22Where have you been?
00:27:26This is my best friend, Vivian.
00:27:28Vivian, this is...
00:27:29Mr. Foster.
00:27:30I know.
00:27:31Heard a lot about you.
00:27:33Why didn't you tell me you were friends with Mr. Foster?
00:27:36I don't know if Chloe would call us friends.
00:27:45I don't know if Chloe would call us friends.
00:27:48She's my client.
00:27:49And Sophia's violin teacher.
00:27:54I'll catch you later.
00:27:57Thank you for not talking about our arrangement.
00:28:02We were just talking about you, Chloe.
00:28:04Did you know that you and Mason went to the same university?
00:28:07Oh, really?
00:28:09What a coincidence.
00:28:10I'm so glad to know you're doing okay, Miss Gray.
00:28:13I'm sorry about everything that happened during the kidnapping.
00:28:15I just was so, so worried about Sophia, you know?
00:28:18I understand.
00:28:19You know, I was wondering,
00:28:21did you decide in the moment,
00:28:23or did you already know that Chloe had been kidnapped
00:28:26when you decided to abandon her?
00:28:41Excuse me.
00:28:47You haven't answered.
00:28:52I thought it was uncalled for, Ethan.
00:29:03My father got attacked in jail.
00:29:05Where is he?
00:29:06In the hospital.
00:29:08You don't have to come with me. I know your clients are important.
00:29:11You'll need me there as his lawyer.
00:29:13What's going on?
00:29:14You guys are leaving?
00:29:15It's none of your business, Mason.
00:29:17Take care of my sister.
00:29:30Good news.
00:29:32Your father is no longer in danger.
00:29:34He does need to remain hospitalized for a few more days,
00:29:37but he should make a full recovery.
00:29:39Thank you.
00:29:43Thank you.
00:29:51You should go home and rest.
00:29:53Trust me, I'll get your father home from the hospital today,
00:29:55on medical parole.
00:30:01Thank you.
00:30:09Don't wait up for me tonight, okay?
00:30:13I don't know how I can repay you.
00:30:16I think you do.
00:30:28Did you plan this?
00:30:30You put my father in jail,
00:30:32and then tried to have him killed just to cover up your mistake?
00:30:35What? No.
00:30:36I had nothing to do with this, I swear.
00:30:38Chloe, I'm here because I care about you.
00:30:42Why can't...
00:30:44Why can't you see that?
00:30:46Anything happens to my father,
00:30:49I'll make sure you pay.
00:30:54Let me go, or I'll call security.
00:30:57Are you sleeping with Ethan Foster?
00:31:02What are you up to with this Prince Charming act of Sophia Foster, huh?
00:31:07Everything that you've earned, you've prostituted yourself for.
00:31:10Anything I've learned from you.
00:31:21Chloe, you're gonna regret this.
00:31:23Just wait.
00:31:24You're gonna call right back into my arms,
00:31:26because you know you belong to me.
00:31:40When did you get back?
00:31:42Just now.
00:32:08I feel like you're seducing me,
00:32:10instead of it being the other way around.
00:32:12Hmm, you seem like you're not enjoying it.
00:32:17I do enjoy your morning greetings.
00:32:20Makes me want to stay in bed all day.
00:32:23But I have business to attend to.
00:32:28I'm sorry.
00:32:30I'm sorry.
00:32:32I'm sorry.
00:32:34I'm sorry.
00:32:37My father, is he...
00:32:39Everything's fine.
00:32:41Once the paperwork goes through,
00:32:43me and you can go down and visit your stepmother and him together.
00:32:47Why does he want to meet them with me?
00:32:49Won't it be a bit like meeting the in-laws?
00:32:54You don't have to come with me.
00:32:56I don't want to bother you.
00:32:58I'm his lawyer.
00:33:00What are you thinking?
00:33:03I have to go to the bathroom.
00:33:22I've been thinking about you non-stop since we kissed yesterday.
00:33:27Did someone call me?
00:33:32He showed up at the hospital. I didn't want him there.
00:33:35Right. And you guys just had an unforgettable kiss.
00:33:38He forced it on me.
00:33:40Like this?
00:33:45Like this?
00:33:49Ethan, you're hurting me.
00:33:56Do I need to remind you the terms of our deal?
00:33:59I was wrong.
00:34:01He never cared about me.
00:34:03There's nothing more than a business deal between us.
00:34:07I'm sorry, Mr. Foster.
00:34:09It won't happen again.
00:34:15Take off your clothes.
00:34:31I'm sorry.
00:34:44I'll be there.
00:34:46We'll pick this up later.
00:34:48Stay away from Mason.
00:34:51What do you mean by lost?
00:34:53Well, clearly, somebody doesn't want the Peter Gray case to be solved.
00:34:57So they broke in last night and stole the security footage.
00:35:00The security footage is the most important piece of evidence.
00:35:06I'm a shit.
00:35:08I'll look for some backups, but I don't think Mason would be so stupid as to leave any behind.
00:35:12Be quick.
00:35:14We need to find a way out.
00:35:16I don't think Mason would be so stupid as to leave any behind.
00:35:19Be quick. We need it before the trial.
00:35:21This case is very important.
00:35:23Make it a top priority.
00:35:25Aye, aye, Captain.
00:35:37Are you sure you want me to sell all of it?
00:35:40I mean, some of these pieces have some real sentimental value.
00:35:43Especially your mother's necklace.
00:35:45That's a family heirloom.
00:35:47I know.
00:35:49But we need the money to start up our new business.
00:35:53Our own music studio.
00:35:57I could lend you some money.
00:35:59And we could look for an investor.
00:36:01Do you think Ethan Foster would be interested?
00:36:03Vivian, please. I can't take your money.
00:36:05Or his.
00:36:07I've made up my mind.
00:36:12Come to my office. Now.
00:36:18Come in.
00:36:25What are you looking at?
00:36:27Sit down.
00:36:36Sign these.
00:36:42They're for your father's case.
00:36:51Don't be so nervous.
00:36:55I'm not interested in having sex in the office.
00:36:58I wasn't thinking about that.
00:37:05I think you're lying.
00:37:12You're lying.
00:37:26And now I'm intrigued.
00:37:28Maybe we could have a little bit of fun.
00:37:31Mr. Foster?
00:37:33Call me Ethan.
00:37:39It's so fun here.
00:37:41But you have to be quiet.
00:37:43No matter how much pleasure you have.
00:37:56Well, I looked everywhere for that backup footage.
00:38:03What's missing in my father's case?
00:38:06Um, yeah, just the footage that proves his innocence.
00:38:13Does it have to do with Mason's company?
00:38:15Is there something I can do?
00:38:17I'll handle it. Don't contact Mason.
00:38:19You keep your promises and I'll keep mine.
00:38:22Okay. I won't.
00:38:25Don't worry, Miss Gray.
00:38:27Ethan will save the day.
00:38:29Thank you so much for helping with my father's case.
00:38:33Um, I think I'm gonna head home.
00:38:36I don't want to disturb your work.
00:38:40Since your father's case is tomorrow,
00:38:44I expect payment tonight.
00:38:48I expect payment tonight.
00:38:54She's gorgeous.
00:38:56Like a goddess or something.
00:38:58Now I see why you're so set on solving her father's case.
00:39:01You dog.
00:39:06I'll be Ethan's tonight.
00:39:10I've missed you so much.
00:39:12I haven't seen you in a while.
00:39:29It's an honor to finally meet you.
00:39:32I've missed you so much, Chloe.
00:39:39Did you steal that surveillance footage?
00:39:43That footage is property of my own company.
00:39:46It's hardly stealing.
00:39:48I'm sure Ethan would find something.
00:39:51It will be a dead end.
00:39:53I personally made sure there's no backup.
00:39:55Ethan Foster can't help you now, Chloe, but I can.
00:40:00If you want them back, meet me at the hotel.
00:40:02Nine o'clock.
00:40:04It's a date.
00:40:23Come on in.
00:40:26Where's the footage?
00:40:41Let's just have dinner first.
00:40:47Then we can talk about the footage later.
00:40:50No, I don't have time to waste. I have to get home.
00:40:58Ethan's house?
00:41:00Are you stalking me?
00:41:02Maybe I am.
00:41:05Mason, stop it!
00:41:07Chloe, you forced me to do this.
00:41:12You're mine and you know it.
00:41:14Look, I've got a camera over there recording everything.
00:41:18If you don't take me back, I'm going to shoot everyone.
00:41:48Disgusting bastard!
00:42:05You still taste so good.
00:42:08I miss having sex with you and the chickens.
00:42:17I miss you.
00:42:43Where have you been?
00:42:48You out partying all night?
00:42:50Ethan, I'm sorry, but Mason...
00:42:54He said that...
00:42:55What did I tell you about being around Mason?
00:42:57I found it.
00:42:59I will not be at your father's trial tomorrow.
00:43:05I will not be at your father's trial tomorrow.
00:43:08No, he tried to attack.
00:43:10Please, don't drop my father's case. Please.
00:43:13I want you out of my house by tomorrow.
00:43:18Why won't you believe me?
00:43:24So go.
00:43:26Ethan, please. Please come back.
00:43:39Take it easy.
00:43:42Your fever just went down.
00:43:45You've been asleep for three days.
00:43:48Three days? But my father's trial...
00:43:50It's over.
00:43:52He was acquitted.
00:43:57But I thought that you were the only lawyer who could win the case.
00:44:01I handled it myself.
00:44:08Chloe, I owe you an apology.
00:44:12You have no idea how worried I was
00:44:14when the housekeeper called to tell me that you were dying of a fever.
00:44:18I should have noticed.
00:44:22So my father's free.
00:44:25The case is over.
00:44:29And about Mason, I should have believed you.
00:44:33I was blinded by jealousy.
00:44:37How did you know?
00:44:39Sophia found out he was stalking you.
00:44:42He put a camera in the room and recorded everything.
00:44:46Sophia was heartbroken, but...
00:44:49Mason's in custody now.
00:44:51So he can't hurt you anymore.
00:44:59I'm sorry she had to find out like this.
00:45:01I was an idiot.
00:45:03I thought that keeping her in the dark would protect her, but instead...
00:45:07I hurt you both.
00:45:12So the case is over, and...
00:45:16Sophia knows.
00:45:19You don't have to buy my silence anymore.
00:45:22It's all over now.
00:45:30It's all over now.
00:45:39You asked me to move out?
00:45:43Does that mean our deal is done?
00:45:57You should get some rest.
00:46:00I'll come back later.
00:46:07Mr. Foster, what brings you here?
00:46:10Wait, let me guess.
00:46:12You got bored and came to order Chloe around and humiliate her for fun.
00:46:17That was not my intention.
00:46:19I very much feel that it was.
00:46:21So you can forget sneaking into her room and just leave.
00:46:26I'd be grateful if you could help me with that.
00:46:30If you think that the two of us are going to be okay,
00:46:34If you think that buying her a new violin is going to erase everything,
00:46:37I will tell you right now, it won't.
00:46:42Wait a minute.
00:46:44Is this handmade by Giovanni De Luca?
00:46:49There's only like ten of these left in the world.
00:46:52Chloe's always dreamed of having one.
00:46:55It suits her.
00:46:57It'd be a shame if she didn't get to try it before she sends me away.
00:47:00What do you think?
00:47:22Try it.
00:47:25It's a gift for you.
00:47:27It's a gift for you.
00:47:30I can't accept this.
00:47:33It's too valuable.
00:47:36Too precious.
00:47:38Do you like it?
00:47:45Please, Mr. Foster, take it back.
00:47:48I can't even afford to pay for my father's case.
00:47:53Your performance will be payment enough.
00:47:56I can assure you it won't.
00:47:58I'm not a world-class violinist.
00:48:02Trust me.
00:48:04It'll be enough.
00:48:27Go home with me.
00:48:33I shouldn't be bothering you anymore.
00:48:37I don't think you should be by yourself.
00:48:40You were just attacked.
00:48:47I'm sorry.
00:48:49I'm sorry.
00:48:51I'm sorry.
00:48:53I'm sorry.
00:49:08You should get some rest.
00:49:10You just got all over a bad fever.
00:49:13I'm sorry.
00:49:19I still haven't thanked you properly for saving my father.
00:49:26Was that kiss just your way of saying thank you?
00:49:30I don't know.
00:49:33I don't want us to just be a contract.
00:49:37I don't want to be your servant or your mistress.
00:49:42Do you feel anything for me?
00:49:46Of course I do.
00:49:48Every day and every night.
00:49:51I can't sleep without you.
00:49:53I don't think I can either.
00:49:55You've spoiled me.
00:50:03Don't leave me, Chloe.
00:50:12Is Ethan here?
00:50:15Uh, no.
00:50:17He's home with Miss Gray.
00:50:19Who are you?
00:50:21I'm his wife, Anita Foster.
00:50:24Nice to meet you.
00:50:44Sweeter than usual.
00:50:46Oh my god, get a room, you two.
00:50:49Sophia, I'm sorry for not telling you about Mason.
00:50:53Chloe, I know it was my brother just trying to protect me.
00:50:56I am more than happy to get rid of that bastard.
00:50:59And plus I have a new bestie because of it, so it was totally worth it.
00:51:03What brings you here, Sophia?
00:51:05Well, I wanted to check on Chloe.
00:51:08You know what Mason did to you was horrible.
00:51:11Plus Mom is holding a family dinner tonight.
00:51:15I'll be there.
00:51:17And I told her that you're bringing Chloe.
00:51:33Who is this?
00:51:35Mother, this is Chloe.
00:51:40It's been a long time.
00:51:43Have you missed me?
00:51:47Anita, what are you doing here?
00:51:50I thought you were going to spend the rest of your miserable life in France.
00:51:54Oh, silly.
00:51:56I came back for you, my love.
00:52:01But you haven't answered my question.
00:52:04Did you miss me?
00:52:08This is my girlfriend, Chloe.
00:52:13Have you filled her in on the details of our relationship?
00:52:20Ahem, I see.
00:52:22Chloe, nice to meet you.
00:52:24I'm Anita.
00:52:26Anita Foster.
00:52:28Nice to meet you. I'm Anita.
00:52:30Anita Foster.
00:52:32I'm Ethan's wife.
00:52:36You've got some nerve coming in here.
00:52:39You cheated on my brother and then you bolted before the wedding.
00:52:42You are no Foster.
00:52:44Sit down, Sophia. Don't embarrass yourself.
00:52:47I raised Anita like she was my own.
00:52:50My house will always be her home.
00:52:53I don't completely agree.
00:52:55But I guess somehow it is yours.
00:52:58If you'll excuse us.
00:53:12You never told me you were married.
00:53:14Almost married.
00:53:16It was a long time ago.
00:53:18And if you couldn't tell, I'm not interested.
00:53:26Are you jealous?
00:53:28Why did you say I'm your girlfriend?
00:53:31Am I just some excuse you can send her away?
00:53:35I don't need an excuse to avoid Anita.
00:53:39Well, your mother likes her. A lot.
00:53:43Maybe you just don't want to be grouped together again with your ex-wife.
00:53:48The situation with my family and Anita is complicated.
00:54:03Tell me the lore. All of it.
00:54:07I don't know.
00:54:09I don't know.
00:54:11I don't know.
00:54:13I don't know.
00:54:15All of it.
00:54:17I don't think it's my place to tell you.
00:54:29Anita's father died saving Sophia.
00:54:36He also helped my mother with the board when my father passed away.
00:54:41I'm sorry.
00:54:44Anita's father died saving Sophia from drowning.
00:54:49Ever since then, my mother has taken care of her.
00:54:53So, you two were raised together, like family?
00:54:59In a sense.
00:55:01We have the same rare blood type.
00:55:04So, anytime she was ill, I would donate blood.
00:55:08And that's how you two fell in love?
00:55:13You know, some people would say that you two are destined to be together.
00:55:18Sophia used to think the same thing.
00:55:21And we see how that turned out.
00:55:24She abandoned me at the wedding.
00:55:27And I'm just not one of those people that believes in destiny or fate.
00:55:34What do you believe in?
00:55:38I believe in the choices that we make.
00:55:49Like my choice to kiss you right now.
00:56:02Ethan, your phone.
00:56:04I don't know.
00:56:06Nor do I.
00:56:25Yes, Mother.
00:56:26Anita's feeling unwell and won't go to the hospital.
00:56:29You need to come over. You know she listens to you.
00:56:32Is this coming from you or from Anita?
00:56:34I can't tell you what to do, but I really hope to see you here tonight.
00:56:37Please don't let me down.
00:56:41Is something wrong with Anita?
00:56:44I'm sorry, Chloe.
00:56:46I have to go.
00:56:55Here's a thought.
00:56:57You want to go see my mother?
00:57:18What is she doing here?
00:57:20Chloe? She's with me.
00:57:23And if you're sick, you should see a doctor.
00:57:25Stop worrying my mother.
00:57:27What about you?
00:57:29Aren't you worried about me too?
00:57:31Miss Foster, I have to say I'm surprised to see you in my house again, Miss Gray.
00:57:36I suppose we have a lot to talk about.
00:57:38Why don't you stay here with me while Ethan accompanies Anita to the hospital?
00:57:43I don't think that would be appropriate.
00:57:45Or necessary.
00:57:47I've called the doctor. They should be here any minute.
00:57:52Right on time.
00:57:56Well, me and Chloe will be going now.
00:58:00Ethan, wait.
00:58:02You're not seriously in love with her, are you?
00:58:06What if I am?
00:58:10Ethan, I need a word with you.
00:58:19Wait for me here.
00:58:24I am concerned about Anita's mental health.
00:58:27Her doctor says she is not doing well.
00:58:30Why can't you just be nicer to her like you used to be?
00:58:33Her condition aside, we both know Anita's not going to take no for an answer.
00:58:37Whatever she wants, she gets.
00:58:40Maybe you're right.
00:58:42I spoiled her.
00:58:44Please try not to upset her on purpose.
00:58:47She's delicate.
00:58:49I won't. As long as she leaves me and Chloe alone.
00:58:52Why does this Chloe mean so much to you?
00:59:03Should you be drinking wine if you're not feeling well?
00:59:10I know Ethan's been playing around the last few years, but...
00:59:13It's my fault. I broke his heart.
00:59:16So, don't consider yourself too special, Miss Grey.
00:59:21I mean...
00:59:23Look at you.
00:59:25You're just a nobody.
00:59:27From a bankrupt family.
00:59:29A whore he's paid to sleep with.
00:59:34You gonna pour that glass of wine over your own head and say that I did it?
00:59:39Chloe's just...
00:59:43Well, she's from a family that cannot benefit ours financially.
00:59:47Besides, she has a reputation for dating rich men.
00:59:50Who told you that?
00:59:58Ethan, she's tagged me! She poured wine on my head!
01:00:01I'm going to need an explanation, Miss Grey.
01:00:04Would you believe me if I said she did it to herself?
01:00:06Why would Anita...
01:00:08I would. This is definitely a set up.
01:00:10I'm gonna kill you.
01:00:12I think you should leave, Ethan.
01:00:14I'm gonna kill you.
01:00:16I think you should leave, Ethan.
01:00:28You were so quiet on your way home.
01:00:31I was wondering...
01:00:33Why did you pour the wine over Anita's head?
01:00:37How did you know?
01:00:39I'm a lawyer.
01:00:41And you're not that good of an actress.
01:00:43Not compared to some of the criminals I've dealt with.
01:00:46You're just a nobody.
01:00:48From a bankrupt family.
01:00:50A whore he's paid to sleep with.
01:00:55You gonna pour that glass of wine over your own head and say that I did it?
01:01:01I don't know.
01:01:04She threatened me.
01:01:06I did what any sane person would do.
01:01:08Are you mad?
01:01:10For what?
01:01:12You defending yourself?
01:01:34I'm gonna erase myself.
01:01:36We go heavy, honey.
01:01:38We go heavy, honey.
01:01:48You're mine.
01:01:54I'm yours.
01:02:04I'm meeting with Vivian and a potential investor to discuss financing our music studio.
01:02:10How do I look?
01:02:16How much do you need?
01:02:20What are you doing?
01:02:22I'll be your angel investor.
01:02:24And then you don't have to go to the meeting.
01:02:26You just crawl back in the bed and snuggle with me.
01:02:28You're just a nobody.
01:02:30From a bankrupt family.
01:02:32A whore he's paid to sleep with.
01:02:35I don't want your money.
01:02:38Why not?
01:02:41What is this? Is this for last night?
01:02:44Chloe, wait.
01:02:46I have to go. I'm gonna be late.
01:02:53Taylor, I would like you to meet...
01:02:56Miss Gray. I know.
01:02:58We've met.
01:03:00When Vivian told me she got a talented musician on board, I didn't realize she meant you.
01:03:03I thought you were Ethan's business partner.
01:03:06I am.
01:03:08I've got my fingers in a lot of pies.
01:03:10Well, Chloe.
01:03:12Impress me. I'm all ears.
01:03:18I need your help.
01:03:20So, I want to keep all the jewelry that I ordered for the wedding.
01:03:23But I don't want to have to go and pick it up and have to take it back.
01:03:26I don't want to have to go and pick it up and have to deal with all the meaningless congratulations.
01:03:30Now that Mason's in jail for being a slimeball.
01:03:34Will you do it for me?
01:03:38Give me the receipt.
01:03:40You're the best.
01:03:44I have your jewelry.
01:03:46Talk soon.
01:03:51I think Taylor is more interested in you than our business.
01:03:54That's why he asked you to bring a violin next time and give him a private concert.
01:03:58It's just an audition.
01:04:00Anyways, he's pretty cute.
01:04:02And we're so...
01:04:12That's Ethan.
01:04:14Come on, let's follow him.
01:04:16I don't... I don't think we should.
01:04:20I'm not... actually...
01:04:22his... anything.
01:04:24I don't...
01:04:26even really know what we are.
01:04:34Why are you acting so weird?
01:04:36It's me.
01:04:38Your wife?
01:04:40You can't keep acting like this. I need to...
01:04:42Like what?
01:04:58What's wrong?
01:05:02You take me home,
01:05:04introduce me as your girlfriend,
01:05:06and then try and pay me off for sleeping with you.
01:05:08It was for your business.
01:05:10Ethan, I'm confused.
01:05:12What are we?
01:05:17I see.
01:05:20I'll move out.
01:05:22No, you're not.
01:05:24Ethan, I love you.
01:05:27And it's okay if you don't feel the same,
01:05:29but I cannot do this anymore.
01:05:33I'll pay you back.
01:05:35For my father's case.
01:05:37Just let me go.
01:05:39You're not going anywhere.
01:05:49This is all you want from me?
01:05:55I see.
01:05:57I'll leave you the fuck alone
01:05:59if that's what you want then.
01:06:41So, you and Ethan are not a couple?
01:06:47If you only wanted to invest in my music studio
01:06:49because of Mr. Foster,
01:06:51I'm afraid I may let you down.
01:06:53No, Chloe.
01:06:55If anything, I'm even more interested now.
01:06:57I love you.
01:07:19My man!
01:07:21What a coincidence!
01:07:23We need to talk.
01:07:25I don't know if you can tell,
01:07:27we're a little indisposed at the moment.
01:07:29Is that true?
01:07:31So what?
01:07:33It's none of your business.
01:07:35I see you're fundraising.
01:07:39I'll give you double whatever he offers you.
01:07:41No strings attached.
01:07:45I don't want to do business with you, Mr. Foster.
01:07:47You heard what she said.
01:07:49Sometimes it's just not about the money, right?
01:07:51Should we continue, Chloe?
01:07:53I have my answer now, Chloe.
01:07:55I can't keep lying to you or to myself.
01:08:01I'm sorry, Taylor.
01:08:03It's alright. I'll see you at the studio.
01:08:05Knock yourself out, Tiger.
01:08:07So what did you want to tell me?
01:08:09This morning when you left,
01:08:13I was terrified.
01:08:15I can't stand the idea of losing you.
01:08:17I've never met anyone like you.
01:08:19And my feelings towards you are
01:08:21so strange.
01:08:25And I think I didn't know what those feelings were
01:08:27until now.
01:08:29I love you, Chloe.
01:08:43Will you marry me?
01:08:45Ethan, marriage and family
01:08:47are so incredibly important to me.
01:08:51I can't be with someone who doesn't think the same.
01:08:55So take it back
01:08:57if that's not what you're expecting.
01:09:03Will you marry me?
01:09:11Will you marry me?
01:09:23Yes, I'll marry you.
01:09:35I will be the only woman you marry, Ethan.
01:09:39I'm going to make sure there is no other wedding
01:09:41you have no idea what I'm capable of.
01:09:47I love you.
01:10:01Happy Valentine's Day.
01:10:05What's this invitation for?
01:10:07There's no details on it,
01:10:09just an address and a date.
01:10:11And it's for tonight?
01:10:13It's a surprise.
01:10:15Are you trying to maintain some level of mystery here?
01:10:19I also have a surprise for you.
01:10:21What is it?
01:10:23Not until tonight.
01:10:25You know, I can be quite mysterious too.
01:10:35Do you like it?
01:10:39I want to make the same cake for your wedding.
01:10:51Are you okay?
01:10:53Ethan is going to kill me if I got you sick.
01:10:55It's not the cake.
01:10:57Are you sure?
01:10:59Maybe I should call a doctor.
01:11:01I took a test last night.
01:11:03I'm pregnant.
01:11:05Oh my god.
01:11:07Oh my god!
01:11:09I'm going to be an aunt.
01:11:11Can you keep it a secret?
01:11:13I want to wait and tell Ethan tonight
01:11:15during our Valentine's Day date.
01:11:17Then you used to call me a hopeless romantic.
01:11:23Maybe I should just stay with you
01:11:25until Ethan comes back.
01:11:27Don't overreact, Aunt Sophia.
01:11:31Besides, what bad things could happen
01:11:33in just a few hours?
01:11:35How's it going over there?
01:11:37All done.
01:11:39The roses are set in the studio
01:11:41you bought for us
01:11:43and the fireworks are set to go off at midnight.
01:11:45Thank you so much.
01:11:47I hope she likes it.
01:11:49She's going to love it.
01:11:51You should keep doing things like this.
01:12:05I will.
01:12:19Anita's in the hospital.
01:12:21She attempted suicide and has lost a lot of blood.
01:12:23You are her only hope.
01:12:34Where are you, Ethan?
01:12:36We're having a baby.
01:12:38We're going to be parents.
01:12:42I can't wait to tell you.
01:12:45I should have known
01:12:47Anita was up to something.
01:12:49Thank you for doing this for her.
01:12:52It makes me happy
01:12:54seeing how much you care for her.
01:12:56And I'm sure Anita will feel the same way
01:12:58when she wakes up.
01:13:00I can't stay long.
01:13:02I have a date with Chloe.
01:13:08I don't know where Ethan is.
01:13:10But I'm sure he's not in the office.
01:13:12The building's closed.
01:13:14Oh. I see.
01:13:16You okay, Chloe?
01:13:18You sound upset.
01:13:20You want me to come over?
01:13:24But thanks for telling me.
01:13:32I love you.
01:13:53Chloe, your father's at the central hospital.
01:13:55He had a heart attack.
01:14:02I'm sorry.
01:14:04I'm sorry.
01:14:45Are you okay? What happened?
01:14:47My father, he had a heart attack.
01:14:49What are you talking about?
01:14:51Where is Ethan?
01:14:53Please take me to the hospital.
01:15:00That's my car.
01:15:08This is my father, okay?
01:15:10Henry Gray.
01:15:17I'm real sorry, Miss Gray,
01:15:19but your father passed this evening.
01:15:21I'm sorry.
01:15:23Let me give you some space.
01:15:38It's my fault.
01:15:42It's not your fault.
01:15:44I was so stupid.
01:15:49Sweetie, it's okay.
01:15:51Cry it out. Come on.
01:15:53You'll feel better if you do.
01:15:55My father's gone.
01:15:57Gone forever.
01:16:02I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye.
01:16:08Here, I'm gonna get you something hot to drink, okay?
01:16:11You need to warm up.
01:16:16I'll be right back, all right?
01:16:33Hey, baby.
01:16:50I guess you know what Ethan was so busy doing.
01:16:56You can't keep playing this sick game in here.
01:16:59If you hurt yourself again, I will happily watch you die.
01:17:03No, you won't.
01:17:05You still love me.
01:17:07That's why you always come when I call.
01:17:15This is our wedding ring.
01:17:19Remember how you told me you loved me when you gave it to me?
01:17:21You're my husband.
01:17:23Mine, not Henry Gray's.
01:17:25The only reason I asked you to marry me
01:17:27is because it's what you and Mother wanted.
01:17:29You'd be my trophy wife right now
01:17:31if you hadn't left on our wedding day.
01:17:34Let's face it, Anita.
01:17:36We were never a loving couple.
01:17:38I don't believe you.
01:17:40Marriage is nothing more than a pile of signed paper.
01:17:44Marriage can be broken at any time for any number of reasons.
01:17:46You told me you loved me.
01:17:50That was just to fulfill your fantasies.
01:17:53So what does our engagement mean to you, then?
01:17:55Another fantasy?
01:18:01Chloe, what are you doing here?
01:18:05Our engagement.
01:18:07Our marriage.
01:18:09Was what?
01:18:11Some pretty little lie to keep me around?
01:18:13No, of course not.
01:18:15Yes, that's exactly what it was.
01:18:17Bitch, you never loved me.
01:18:19Shut up.
01:18:21You're soaking wet.
01:18:23What happened?
01:18:25What happened?
01:18:27My father died
01:18:29and I couldn't even be there
01:18:31because I was too busy
01:18:33waiting for you.
01:18:35I was such an idiot.
01:18:37I'm sorry.
01:18:39I didn't know.
01:18:41I thought that we had something real,
01:18:43but apparently it was just a big joke to you.
01:18:45My phone died while I was giving blood.
01:18:47To Anita.
01:18:49You chose her tonight.
01:18:51I don't even know.
01:18:53I'm surprised.
01:18:55It was never going to work between us anyway.
01:18:57What are you talking about?
01:19:13I'm not taking that back.
01:19:15I'm not taking that back.
01:19:18Then throw it away.
01:19:22I don't care.
01:19:39Come on, it's my wedding ring!
01:19:41Ethan, no!
01:19:44I can't let you leave like this.
01:19:47After everything we've been through.
01:19:50I don't deserve this.
01:19:52Then let's end it.
01:19:54Once and for all.
01:19:59I only said those things to Anita
01:20:01because I needed her to leave me alone.
01:20:03To stay away from us.
01:20:05Can you look me in the eyes and tell me
01:20:07that you think that marriage is more than just a contract?
01:20:09See, you can't even answer that.
01:20:11How is that any different than our deal before?
01:20:13Look, Ethan, I get it.
01:20:15What I want from marriage is something you can't give me.
01:20:17So it's not going to work.
01:20:19It's different now because now I know how much I care.
01:20:24It's different now because now I know how much I care.
01:20:28Before, I didn't.
01:20:30Then how am I supposed to believe that?
01:20:32That it's not just some fantasy you're trying to sell me?
01:20:38If you don't want me to pack my things,
01:20:40I can just go now.
01:20:42No, just stay.
01:20:52You said you had a gift for me for Valentine's Day.
01:20:54What was it?
01:20:56It's not important.
01:20:58What was it?
01:21:00I said nothing.
01:21:02Please, don't make me beg.
01:21:06Do you hate me now?
01:21:12Just step back, okay?
01:21:14We both need to calm down.
01:21:16Are you okay?
01:21:18Get out of my way.
01:21:26Did you know she was pregnant?
01:21:32Why wouldn't she tell me that earlier?
01:21:34If I'd known, I never would've left her.
01:21:36Because of her pregnancy,
01:21:38I can't give her any drugs.
01:21:40She needs rest and 24-hour care
01:21:42until her fever goes down.
01:21:46I'll stay with her.
01:21:48When do you think she'll wake?
01:21:50It depends.
01:21:52Her mind is struggling
01:21:54and her body needs time to recover.
01:21:56It could take a few days.
01:22:00I'll come back tomorrow.
01:22:18I'm sorry.
01:22:24I'm sorry for what I said.
01:22:26I just came out wrong.
01:22:32I love you.
01:22:34It's raining.
01:22:38Look, I'm here.
01:22:40I'll be here when you wake up.
01:22:44Just please don't leave me.
01:22:50I'm taking Chloe home.
01:22:52Get him out of here.
01:22:56I'm taking Chloe home.
01:22:58Get him out of here.
01:23:04She's my fiancee.
01:23:06I don't see a ring on her finger.
01:23:22Look who's back.
01:23:26How are you feeling?
01:23:30Vivian, where am I?
01:23:32I'm not going to let Ethan hurt you anymore.
01:23:34He's done enough.
01:23:36I remember
01:23:38breaking up with Ethan
01:23:42my baby.
01:23:44She's fine.
01:23:46My daughter
01:23:48with Ethan.
01:23:52Do you want to see him again?
01:23:54I won't stop you if so,
01:23:56but I really don't think
01:23:58it's in your best interest.
01:24:03We'll raise your child
01:24:05together then.
01:24:07She'll have the best life possible.
01:24:09Thank you.
01:24:14Can I ask
01:24:16one more favor?
01:24:18Of course.
01:24:22Can you help me leave the country?
01:24:26I will arrange for something
01:24:28as soon as the doctor allows.
01:24:33What do you mean you can't find Chloe?
01:24:45Anita had a mental breakdown.
01:24:47She had to be sedated
01:24:49and admitted into a psychiatric hospital.
01:24:51You didn't visit her once.
01:24:53Why should I?
01:24:55Her father died saving Sophia's life.
01:24:57We are supposed to be her family.
01:24:59We owe her.
01:25:02Can't you see?
01:25:04Anita has never seen us as family.
01:25:06She just takes advantage of our guilt.
01:25:10No, Anita.
01:25:12She's a good girl.
01:25:14You two loved each other.
01:25:16The only woman I love
01:25:18is Chloe, Mom.
01:25:32What did the doctor say?
01:25:38I'm afraid we'll have to wait
01:25:40until the baby's born.
01:25:42We can leave whenever you want.
01:25:44I have properties in Paris, Berlin,
01:25:48You're the best, Vivian.
01:25:52She's giving you a hard time again?
01:25:58Would you like to stay?
01:26:00Would you like to see Ethan
01:26:02one more time before we go?
01:26:04Would you like to see Ethan
01:26:06one more time before we go?
01:26:08He's been trying very hard
01:26:10to find you these past six months.
01:26:24Where are you?
01:26:28Chloe Gray,
01:26:30do you take this man,
01:26:32Ethan Foster,
01:26:34to be your husband,
01:26:36promising to love him,
01:26:38comfort him,
01:26:40respect him,
01:26:42and care for him
01:26:44for the rest of your life?
01:26:50You left me all alone
01:26:52when I needed you.
01:26:54What kind of husband are you?
01:26:56And since you don't even believe
01:26:58in getting married,
01:27:00why are we getting married?
01:27:02I made a mistake.
01:27:04I'm sorry.
01:27:08It's Vivian.
01:27:10Chloe's having a difficult birth.
01:27:12Please come home.
01:27:14I'm sorry.
01:27:16I'm sorry.
01:27:18I'm sorry.
01:27:20I'm sorry.
01:27:22I'm sorry.
01:27:24I'm sorry.
01:27:26I'm sorry.
01:27:28I'm sorry.
01:27:30I'm sorry.
01:27:32I'm sorry.
01:27:34Vivian, Chloe's having a difficult birth.
01:27:36Please come to the hospital right now.
01:27:38I think she needs you.
01:27:40Where's Chloe?
01:27:42Is she okay?
01:27:44She got really depressed with pregnancy.
01:27:46Her condition is at risk.
01:27:48The doctor had to do an emergency C-section.
01:27:50I don't know. I panicked.
01:27:52You take her away from me, and this is what happens.
01:27:54She insisted on keeping the baby,
01:27:56even though every doctor
01:27:58told her it was risky.
01:28:04Miss Gray is out of danger,
01:28:06but your daughter...
01:28:10My daughter?
01:28:18It's been a tough day for all of us.
01:28:20She gets some rest, Vivian.
01:28:22Call me if she wakes up.
01:28:34I miss you so much, Chloe.
01:28:48Where's my daughter?
01:28:50She's in an incubator,
01:28:52under medical observation.
01:28:58She's so small.
01:29:00So fragile.
01:29:02You need to be prepared.
01:29:06Her condition's not good.
01:29:10The doctor says she could leave us at any moment.
01:29:16I miss you, baby.
01:29:24I don't know how to live without her.
01:29:26I don't want to do it.
01:29:28Nothing else in this world matters.
01:29:46My daughter! She needs me!
01:29:48Chloe, wait! Chloe!
01:29:50No! No!
01:29:52No! No!
01:29:54No! No!
01:29:56No, she's leaving me!
01:29:58I can feel it!
01:30:00She's okay. She's okay.
01:30:02The doctor's gonna take care of her.
01:30:04I'm her father!
01:30:06I take care of her!
01:30:24Miss Gray is experiencing
01:30:28postpartum depression.
01:30:30Your daughter's critical condition
01:30:32has taken a toll on her.
01:30:36And all the suggestions
01:30:38from the tests
01:30:40say that the baby
01:30:42probably will not pull through.
01:30:44She could remain in this
01:30:46condition for a long time.
01:30:48You have to separate
01:30:50Miss Gray from the baby.
01:31:10Where's my daughter?
01:31:12Our daughter died.
01:31:14No, I can't...
01:31:18Is that a joke?
01:31:20She couldn't make it.
01:31:24We did everything we could.
01:31:28You've got to pull yourself together now,
01:31:34She must have known that you never
01:31:36wanted her.
01:31:38I loved her just as much as you did.
01:31:44I don't want to see you.
01:31:46Hey, Ethan.
01:31:48Is she alright?
01:31:52I don't think so.
01:32:02Chloe, what happened?
01:32:06My daughter died.
01:32:08Oh, my God.
01:32:12I'm so sorry.
01:32:14Oh, my God.
01:32:16I'm so sorry, Chloe.
01:32:20I want to leave.
01:32:22Leave town.
01:32:24There's nothing left for me here.
01:32:28I'll arrange a private jet for us.
01:32:32But only if you're sure
01:32:34this is what you truly want.
01:32:38I can't stand staying here.
01:32:46where's the patient?
01:32:48She just checked out and left with her friend.
01:33:00I just don't know if I made the right decision.
01:33:04It's best for Miss Gray
01:33:06to stay away.
01:33:08You know, we should go shopping
01:33:10after this.
01:33:20Paris is such a great place
01:33:22to lift your spirits.
01:33:24You look fantastic now.
01:33:28Ethan's been looking for you all these months.
01:33:30But don't worry.
01:33:32I'm going to make sure he doesn't find you.
01:33:34Thank you.
01:33:36I just want to forget
01:33:38everything that happened.
01:33:43I was looking for you yesterday.
01:33:46Do you want me to buy you something?
01:34:08If I have to turn the world upside down,