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Qurani Hidayaat - Episode 29 | Tafseer: Surah Ad-Dhuha | 1 September 2024 | ARY Qtv

Topic: Surah Ad-Dhuha

Speaker: Allama Liaquat Hussain Azhari

#QuraniHidayaat #AllamaLiaquatHussainAzhari #SurahAdDhuha #aryqtv

A program in which Quranic topics will be discussed, such as what the Quran commands regarding trade, what are the Quranic teachings about ethics, what the Quran guides regarding knowledge and the acquisition of knowledge, the greatness of man. And what does the Qur'an guide regarding the purpose of the creation of man, etc. In this program, the interpretation of those verses in which there are special prayers of the Prophets will be presented. As well as the small surahs of the Qur'an which are recited in prayer by worshipers who are usually recited during prayer.

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00:00This Quran is a clear statement for people, and guidance, and advice for those who are
00:25Alhamdulillahi allathee kafa wa salamun ala ibadihi allatheena istafa'a
00:29A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim
00:31Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
00:33Badduhaa wal layli itha saja
00:36Maa badda'aka rabbuka wa maa qala
00:40Wala al-akhiratu khayrun laka minal ula
00:44Wala sawfa yu'tika rabbuka fatardha
00:48Alam yajidika yatiman fa aba
00:51Wa wajadaka daalan fa hada
00:54Wa wajadaka a'ilan fa agna
00:59Fa amma al-yatima fala takhar
01:01Wa amma al-sa'ila fala tanhar
01:05Wa amma bi ni'mati rabbika fa haddith
01:08Sadaqallahu maulana al-azim
01:10Allahumma salli ala sayyidina maulana muhammadin mubarak
01:14Sayyidina maulana muhammadin mubarak
01:17Surah Al-Adduha
01:20Which is also called Surah Al-Wadduha
01:22This is the Surah of Makkah
01:24In the beginning of this Surah
01:26Allah Almighty has mentioned the oath of two things
01:30We have already explained this in Surah Asr and Surah At-Tin
01:36That man makes an oath to make his words firm
01:41To prove himself to the other person
01:45And to prove himself to him
01:48Man makes an oath
01:50But Allah Almighty does not need an oath
01:54All are His creatures
01:56He can say anything
01:58But Allah Almighty makes an oath from among His creatures
02:03For example,
02:04Wa al-Asr, wa al-Tin, wa al-Zaytoon, laa uqsimu bihaadhal balad
02:08Similarly, Allah Almighty has mentioned the oath of two things in Surah Al-Adduha
02:21Al-Adduha and Al-Layl
02:23Allah Almighty has mentioned the oath of Al-Wadduha and Al-Qasmiya
02:27Allah Almighty has mentioned the oath of Al-Waqt-e-Shasht
02:30Because the rays of the sun are at its peak
02:33The sun rises
02:35And the sun shines and rises with its water
02:41It is a blessed time
02:43Similarly, the time of Fajr is also blessed
02:46The Quran says,
02:47Inna khuraana al-fajrikaana mashhooda
02:50The time of Fajr is a blessed time
02:53It is an accepted time
02:54All the times are of Allah Almighty
02:56All the days and nights are of Allah Almighty
02:59But some days, some nights and some times
03:02Some times are of Allah Almighty
03:08For example, it is the time of Sehri,
03:10It is the time of Fajr
03:13Similarly, it is the time of Fajr
03:15Salat-ud-Duha and Salat-e-Fajr are also recited at this time
03:18Allah Almighty has mentioned the oath of Al-Wadduha and Al-Waqt-e-Shasht
03:22Wa-l-layli idha sajaa
03:24And it is the oath of the night
03:26That when its darkness spreads
03:29And the whole night is over
03:32It is the oath of the night
03:34The day is also a blessing of Allah Almighty
03:37And the night is also a blessing of Allah Almighty
03:40Waja'alna al-nahaara ma'asha
03:42Waja'alna al-layla saakina
03:44Waja'alna al-nahaara ma'asha
03:46We made the night to be quiet
03:48We made the night to be calm
03:50We made the day to be peaceful
03:52We made the day to be profitable
03:54And this is the beginning of the day
03:56Glory be to Allah
03:58When the markets open
04:00When the shops open
04:02When a person goes out for his livelihood
04:04When a person goes out for his livelihood
04:06It is a different thing that we Muslims
04:08Now we have turned it upside down
04:10In that blessed time
04:12We have started sleeping
04:14Which Allah has kept for profit
04:16For blessings
04:18We have turned the system of nature upside down
04:21Allah has kept the night to be peaceful
04:24And the day to be profitable
04:26We have kept the night to be awake
04:28And the day to be sleeping
04:30Which is completely against nature
04:32Allah Almighty says that
04:34I have created man
04:36And made this system for man
04:38So the night is also a blessing of Allah
04:40And the day is also a blessing of Allah
04:42If the day was the day
04:44And the night did not come
04:46If the night was dark
04:48And the day did not come
04:50Then how would the system of life run
04:52Allah Almighty said that
04:54He has given us the day
04:56And He has given us the night
04:58And He says that
05:00Keep everything in its place
05:02Which Allah has created by nature
05:04Follow that nature
05:06You will be successful
05:08Allah Almighty says
05:10I swear by the time of lunch
05:12And I swear by the night
05:14And I swear by the night
05:16When it is dark
05:18Now this time of lunch
05:20And night
05:22In this dictionary
05:24You will pick up any dictionary
05:26You will pick up anyone's translation
05:28Everyone has translated this
05:30That it means the time of lunch
05:32Or someone said that the whole day
05:36Night means night
05:38But Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddith
05:40Dilwi Rahmatullah says
05:42Adduha means the time of lunch
05:44Layal means night
05:46But he said
05:48Adduha means
05:52The light of the face of the Prophet
05:54And that shine is meant
05:56And the night means
05:58The hair of the Prophet
06:02The hair of the Prophet
06:04He said that this is a love
06:06This is a demand for love
06:08In the Quran
06:10All these letters
06:22What does it mean
06:24What does it mean
06:26Wherever these letters have come
06:28All our old interpreters
06:30Pick up Jalal-e-Inn
06:32Pick up Tafseer-e-Kabir
06:34Everyone has written a sentence in Arabic
06:36What does it mean
06:38Allah and His Messenger
06:40know best
06:42Who has revealed
06:44And on whom has revealed
06:46The one who has revealed knows
06:48And on whose chest
06:50Allah has revealed
06:52This blessed word
06:54He knows
06:56What is its meaning
06:58When Allah revealed the Quran
07:00The Prophet used to read
07:02In a hurry
07:04Allah said
07:06Do not hasten
07:08By moving your tongue
07:10In a hurry
07:16We have not revealed the Quran
07:18To force you
07:20Do not hasten
07:22By moving your tongue
07:24In a hurry
07:32Allah said
07:34Read it once
07:36Repeat it
07:38Remember it
07:40Its meaning
07:42Its meanings
07:44What is it
07:46The one who revealed
07:48And to whom
07:50This treasure has been given
07:52On the chest of Anwar
07:54Allah is great
07:56In the Quran
07:58Allah said
08:00If this Quran
08:02Had been revealed
08:04On a mountain
08:06It would have been torn
08:08Into pieces
08:10Because of the glory of the Quran
08:12Allah is great
08:14And it is such a glorious thing
08:16But dear brothers and sisters
08:18Go to the chest of the Prophet
08:20On the chest of the Prophet
08:22The heart of the Prophet
08:24Tolerated that burden
08:26That even a mountain
08:28Cannot tolerate
08:30The mountain would have been
08:32Torn into pieces
08:34But on the heart of the Prophet
08:36The word of Allah
08:38Was revealed
08:40What are its meanings
08:42What are its meanings
08:44The one who revealed
08:46And to whom
08:48This treasure has been given
08:50All the commentators
08:52When they wrote it
08:54What is the meaning of Hamim
08:56Allah knows
08:58And the Messenger of Allah
09:04There is a need
09:06For love
09:08As Shah Abdul Aziz
09:12The face of the Prophet
09:14Is the face of the Prophet
09:16And the night
09:18Is the night of the night
09:20Allah asked
09:22The Prophet
09:24What is the meaning
09:26Of the verse
09:28Which the commentators
09:32My heart says
09:34The face of the Prophet
09:36Is the face of the Prophet
09:38And the night
09:40Is the night of the night
09:42And the night
09:44Is the night of the night
09:46And the night
09:48Is the night of the night
09:50And the night
09:52It contains
09:54Each part of the face
09:56Of the Prophet
09:58And the face of the Prophet
10:00This is what is mentioned
10:04It is the face of the Prophet
10:06And the night
10:08Is the night
10:10It is the time of the moon
10:12It is the time of the Prophet
10:14And the night
10:16When it covers
10:18The hair of the Lord
10:20And the night
10:22Your Lord has not forsaken you, and your Lord is not displeased with you.
10:29When the Lord sent down the first revelation,
10:32In the name of the Lord who created, He created man from a separate being.
10:36So for a while, the revelation was interrupted.
10:39This is the commandment of the Lord.
10:41The disbelievers of Mecca, who are already enemies,
10:45You know that the enemy is sitting in the tower,
10:47He is waiting for a chance to fire on him.
10:53So the disbelievers of Mecca made a lot of noise,
10:58I can't express it in my own language.
11:03What happened?
11:04When Muhammad said that a revelation was coming to me,
11:07A woman also made a lot of noise.
11:10It has also been mentioned.
11:13The Prophet became very upset.
11:16And the Prophet,
11:17One is the delight of Allah's words,
11:19It is not a cup, it is a revelation.
11:21So the Prophet was very sad, very upset.
11:25So may Allah bless him.
11:26He gave this verse to Jibreel and sent it.
11:30And first remember the oath.
11:32I swear by the time of the cup,
11:34I swear by the night,
11:35I swear by the time of the cup,
11:38O Beloved, your Lord has neither left you nor has He been upset.
11:43Allahu Akbar.
11:44He said,
11:45All those who make noise,
11:48He said,
11:49How can He leave you?
11:50How can He be upset with you?
11:52You have so many blessings and favors of your Lord,
11:57Which have not happened to anyone until now,
11:59Nor will it be on anyone.
12:01The Qur'an is open to me.
12:03I am not just talking about emotions.
12:05Emotions are absolute.
12:06We have emotions.
12:07Every Muslim should have emotions,
12:10Belief and love.
12:12This is the demand of the Ummati.
12:14To express his love for his master.
12:17But the Qur'an is open to me.
12:20He said,
12:21How can He leave you?
12:22Your Lord has neither left you nor has He been upset.
12:28Your time is better than the previous time.
12:36Your ranks will be elevated.
12:38Your ranks will be elevated.
12:40In every respect,
12:42Allah Almighty,
12:43Today, the people of Mecca,
12:46The people of Mecca are upsetting you.
12:50One day,
12:51All the people of Mecca will bow their heads in front of you.
12:56And you will enter Mecca as a conqueror.
13:00And you will enter Mecca as a conqueror.
13:07He said,
13:08That blessed time is about to come.
13:10That blessed time.
13:12In the valley of Abu Talib,
13:14He is trapped.
13:15His food,
13:16His drink,
13:17His bond,
13:18His family is upset.
13:19He is martyring his companions.
13:21He has heated the market of oppression.
13:23But he said,
13:24And the Hereafter is better for you than the first.
13:26This moment will not always be like this.
13:29As the days and nights keep changing,
13:31We keep changing the days between people.
13:37Sometimes the days are long,
13:38Sometimes the nights are long.
13:40Sometimes the day comes,
13:41Sometimes the night comes.
13:42There is never a night,
13:44There is never a day.
13:46Those who remain in the light of the day,
13:48They should also remember,
13:50That sometimes the night also comes.
13:52So do so much in the day,
13:54That when it is dark at night,
13:56Do not worry.
13:58When the darkness of the grave comes,
14:00Do not worry.
14:01Do so much.
14:03Do not do so much oppression in the world.
14:05Do not do so much injustice in the world.
14:07Do not hurt others so much.
14:09Do not torment.
14:11When the night comes,
14:12It will be difficult,
14:13To spend that dark night.
14:15So he said,
14:16Do you think it will be like this?
14:18No, no.
14:19And the Hereafter is better for you than the first.
14:21This dark night will end oppression.
14:24And for you is a clear victory.
14:26And for you,
14:27Light will be light.
14:29God Almighty,
14:30Every future moment,
14:31Will be better than your previous moment.
14:33And he said,
14:35How can your Lord be angry with you?
14:37Allahu Akbar.
14:39Whenever the disbelievers of Mecca,
14:41Taunted the Prophet,
14:45God Almighty,
14:47More than that,
14:49Mentioned the glory,
14:51Status and rank of His Beloved.
14:53God forbid,
14:54He used a very wrong word for you.
14:58He said,
14:59They are crazy.
15:01God Almighty,
15:03Revealed the verses of Surah Al-Qalam.
15:05He said,
15:06Noon wal qalami wa ma yasturoon.
15:09Ma anta bini'mati rabbika bimajnoon.
15:13Wa inna laka la ajran ghayra mamnoon.
15:16Wa innaka la alaa khuluqin azeem.
15:19He said,
15:20I swear by the pen,
15:21I swear by those inscriptions,
15:23I swear by those lines,
15:25Which are being written on the Divine Throne.
15:27He said,
15:28You are not crazy about the blessings of your Lord.
15:31Crazy people are blessed.
15:33There is no action of a crazy person,
15:35Which is acceptable.
15:36It is not obligatory.
15:38And for you,
15:40There is an unending reward.
15:43And Allah gave you that rank,
15:46He said,
15:47Wa innaka la alaa khuluqin azeem.
15:50Allah the Almighty gave you the rank of Khulq-e-Azeem.
15:55Allahu Akbar.
15:56Allah the Almighty gave you that rank.
15:59So the infidels taunted the Prophet.
16:02Allah the Almighty gave His Beloved,
16:04Other attributes,
16:05Other rank,
16:06Other rank,
16:07Other rank.
16:08Allahu Akbar.
16:10He said,
16:11You have no children.
16:13You are a dead generation.
16:15The generation is over.
16:16Everything is over.
16:17Allah the Almighty said,
16:18Inna a'taynaa qal qawsar.
16:21O Beloved,
16:22Allah the Almighty gave you the rank of Khair-e-Qaseer.
16:25He gave you the rank of Hauz-e-Qawsar.
16:27Inna shaniaka huwa labtar.
16:29Allah the Almighty said,
16:30Your enemy is a dead generation.
16:32Allah the Almighty gave you the rank of Khair-e-Qaseer and Hauz-e-Qawsar.
16:36So you can see any rank,
16:38Wherever the infidels tried to reduce the rank of the Prophet,
16:43Allah the Almighty increased the rank of His Beloved.
16:47Allah the Almighty increased the rank of His Beloved.
16:50Allahu Akbar.
16:51Allah the Almighty said,
16:52Wala al-akhiratu khairullaka bina al-ula.
16:54Every moment of your life,
16:56Your remembrance will increase.
16:58The light of Islam will spread from Arabia to the whole world.
17:12All will be under your control.
17:13Wala al-akhiratu khairullaka bina al-ula.
17:16Allahu Akbar.
17:17Wala sawfa yu'tika rabbuka fatarda.
17:21O Beloved,
17:22Your Lord is not angry with you.
17:26Your Lord will give you so much,
17:30So much,
17:32Glory be to Allah,
17:33That you will be satisfied.
17:35What does the Quran say?
17:37You are listening to the Quranic instructions.
17:39Allah the Almighty says,
17:40The Quran is open in front of me.
17:42Wala sawfa yu'tika rabbuka fatarda.
17:44Allah the Almighty says,
17:45Your Lord will give you so much,
17:48So much,
17:49So much,
17:50That you will be satisfied.
17:52In the Hadith,
17:54Allah the Almighty says,
17:56I will not be satisfied until then.
17:58He asks for my happiness.
17:59He asks for my pleasure.
18:01If we ask worldly people like us,
18:04What is your pleasure?
18:05What is your desire?
18:06What is your desire?
18:07What do you want?
18:08Tell me, what do you want?
18:09Tell me, what do you want?
18:10If a king asks,
18:11What do you want?
18:12Then we will mention a lot of things.
18:14I want this,
18:15I want that,
18:16I want a car,
18:17I want a bungalow,
18:18I want land,
18:19I want everything.
18:20But sacrifice yourself for my Prophet.
18:21When Allah the Almighty said,
18:22Go and tell Jibreel,
18:24Your Lord will give you so much,
18:26So much,
18:27So much,
18:28That you will be satisfied.
18:29Jibreel says,
18:30I will not be satisfied,
18:31Until and unless,
18:32Even one of my people,
18:33Is thrown out of hell,
18:35And is admitted to heaven.
18:37Glory be to Allah,
18:38Glory be to Allah,
18:39He was born saying,
18:40My Lord,
18:41Even today,
18:42He is thinking of the Ummah.
18:44Your Lord will give you so much,
18:45So much,
18:46So much,
18:47Allah the Almighty,
18:48The blessings of the Prophet,
18:49The mercy of Allah,
18:50This is a statement for the people,
18:54And a guidance,
18:56And a warning,
18:58For the righteous.
19:01This Quran,
19:02Is a clear statement for the people,
19:05And a guidance,
19:07And a warning,
19:09For the unrighteous.
