Damascus Time

  • 2 days ago
00:00:41In January 2011
00:00:44Syria plunged into crisis with a civil war
00:00:47Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi the head of the Isis terrorist group sought to establish his rule over Iraq in Syria
00:00:53As the towns and villages fell to Isis control one after the other those who resisted were barbarically besieged
00:01:00The towns on the siege were on the verge of humanitarian crisis with no means of supplying humanitarian aid except aerial delivery
00:01:07Iranian pilots were amongst the first in providing aid
00:03:23It was your coffee captain
00:03:25six of the pallets landed in our Fuka fire
00:03:28How about the other two
00:03:30They landed in Isis territory. What are you saying? What's the problem?
00:03:34You need less altitude if we go any lower they can shoot us down with a shoulder-launched missile. It's a small space
00:03:38The wind blows them away
00:03:42Good morning, Damascus hand two zero one zero
00:04:36Good job. Did it go? Well, thank God. Well Ali your decision still the same as last night
00:04:49Then this is yours, what's this your discharge notice I've done all the paperwork
00:04:58Well Ali, here's a lovely Airbus that's come by to pick you up it smells like a Parisian perfumes
00:05:08Go on good luck
00:05:24This is Palmyra where the defenders are fighting against Isis
00:05:28here's the airport runway and
00:05:30Here's the illusion where the pilot was unfortunately martyred
00:05:35See they've been forced to move the plane to the hangar
00:05:38Now they're waiting for a brave pilot to fight you mean by mirrors fall into Isis so easily
00:05:43The city hasn't fallen yet, but they said it's very likely to the captain. Where are the Syrian pilots?
00:05:50They've said they're already flying it might be too late before they return right now we're prepared why haven't we asked the Russians for help
00:05:58Actually the lot fell on us
00:06:00Hmm yes, how much time do we have the helicopter is waiting as well?
00:06:23Hi Ali, how are you doing? Don't panic. I just felt a bit sick last night. My mom brought me to the hospital
00:06:30I'm fine now
00:06:32I've kept my promise. I
00:06:35Don't surf the net. I don't follow the news. I
00:06:39Try to stay calm
00:06:42But Ali I miss you Ali what is this promise that you give I'm talking
00:07:50What are you doing here, what do you mean? What are you doing here?
00:07:56Wait stop we have to go it'll be dark soon
00:08:00One meet we are late. The Sun is setting one minute. This is a military order
00:08:08Get off captain before your plane leaves
00:08:12You've been discharged from the crew you understand
00:08:16You're disobeying orders tell them to arrest me
00:08:55What this promise that you made you've left my beautiful daughter all alone and gone to another country
00:09:02For God's sake charity begins at home. You can never have your cake. I need it to mom. Please give me the phone
00:09:08Layla quiet. I never get to see my son-in-law. So at least let me tell him how I feel
00:09:14Why did you marry Ali you call this a life?
00:09:17Flying those planes makes Leila nervous and you lost your baby
00:09:22You wanted another baby well, okay
00:09:25Then at least stay with your family. I swear to God
00:09:28We have a lot of problems in our own country if you want to do something do it for your own country
00:09:33I'm warning you Ali
00:09:35if for any reason
00:09:38This baby is lost like the other one
00:09:42You'll have to forget all about Leila and her family. Mom don't send it to him. Don't send it
00:10:15Appreciate you coming
00:11:47You're driving me crazy didn't you want to go back with your wife my mission is not finished yet what mission
00:11:52I've already handed you your discharge notice. I'm here to fly you to an illusion aircraft
00:11:56That's right. It is mine
00:11:58You haven't flown in four years
00:12:01You know better than I do. That is illegal
00:12:05Ali just look around it is chaos here. You know that it makes no difference. I'm sorry dad, but your flying permit had expired
00:12:17You know, you're not allowed to fly anymore
00:12:20I'm expired. I'm not capable of flying
00:12:26You should be ashamed of yourself
00:12:56Captain Russell me
00:13:02Are you captain Ross to me? Yes or no? Yes. Okay. Why you don't talk when I talk to you?
00:13:13101 101 our guest is here with me. Ah, he's right here. I see him. Oh
00:13:22Okay, sure
00:13:26Nice, I'll meet you. I'm Donnie. That's me. I'm captain Ross to me
00:13:31But he's captain Ross to me too. Yes, we're both captains. Where's your vehicle? I
00:13:38Only have this motorbike bullet hit the tire
00:13:43Isis is fighting its siege on the city. They are reaching the ancient city
00:13:49Look at that
00:13:51This means Isis is about to do something dangerous
00:14:24Oh, come on, come on, let's go let's go
00:14:47Going to send him straight to hell you don't even know what kind of hell it would be
00:16:16You're ready to get off
00:16:23Quick get out of here
00:16:36Jump down
00:16:57See snipers all around we have to wait till dark. Okay
00:18:01Awesome you did a great job
00:18:04You brave men are most welcome. Hello
00:18:13Why have you come to Pamira you needed help so we came
00:18:18You're the base commander. You should have sent that illusion instead of coming yourself
00:18:23This is Ali the illusion pilot
00:18:27You're welcome my friend not not nice to see you no one is happier than me to see you come come inside
00:18:46Here's the plane that was waiting for you, come on
00:19:09Captain Ali, are you okay? Hmm? Yes. Okay. Let's move
00:19:33Mr. Malone, mr. Malone, is this the man we've been waiting for?
00:19:39We've been waiting for one person but to come to us folks
00:19:45Welcome the Iranian pilots
00:19:57Jabber you lost the bet these courageous men came
00:20:02You're right fellow
00:20:04You're very welcome
00:20:06Jabber is the copilot
00:20:09God bless you. God bless you
00:20:12Captain Ali
00:20:13You're very welcome. Nice to see you
00:20:17So tell me captain when can we fly
00:20:35Be careful
00:20:37Be careful the mines are old bus. I'm careful
00:21:03My friends
00:21:05Watching our city burn down is tough for all of us
00:21:11Parting the city that holds our past and memories is awful. But this is a reality
00:21:17We have to clear the runway
00:21:21From the pieces of metal and mortar shell to be able to fly
00:21:25With our trust in God, let's move
00:21:49We don't act in time these sounds will reach a land
00:21:54You're better at hitting distant sounds
00:21:58Was that a compliment or were you just being sarcastic I
00:22:02Just said the truth
00:22:04And what am I guilty of?
00:22:06You're guilty of being a father
00:22:11So being a father is a sin
00:22:15What about you? You'll be a father soon, but you've never really been involved in fatherhood
00:22:20Once it was because of the Iraq Iran war
00:22:22Then it was because of Bosnia
00:22:25again, Iraq and then Lebanon
00:22:28And now here
00:22:31Ellie so all this time you really haven't realized why I was gone
00:22:35What about me? What about my share? I spoke to my dad, but he just handed me a discharge notice, which means I'm fired
00:22:50I did all of this to be by your side, but in the end I'm accused of being selfish
00:22:56For me Syria might not be as important as it is for you
00:22:59But don't forget
00:23:02That I'm the child of war I
00:23:05Was raised during the war I have always felt your absence dad I
00:23:12Became a pilot to be like you to be by your side
00:23:15So you'd approve of me, but it's my bad luck that you remain the commander and I the commanders inferior
00:23:24I've been defeated dad
00:23:31Said all you wanted to finished you feel better now. I love you Ali
00:24:02We're supposed to fly with them all they won't take your space on the plane
00:24:06Why have you covered their faces? Let the people see these animals, okay, okay?
00:24:11They bring part of it kill all of them. No one asked for your opinion prisons of war
00:24:16So why should we I won't let these bastards fly with us. It's either me or them. Don't make me ban you for party
00:24:24They've killed our children
00:24:26Who in the right conscious would let them leave
00:24:30Listen folks
00:24:32When it comes to revenge Bala is the one who deserves it the most don't forget that we are humans. We aren't beasts like them
00:24:40We abide by Sharia law not them
00:24:43Stay calm and board the plane
00:24:46Okay, move
00:24:56Be patient god willing she is in heaven now
00:25:06Find yourself a place to sit everyone
00:25:10Stay strong I
00:25:12Know it's hard for you, but what's happened has happened
00:25:30The captain's daughter she's still in shock of her loss
00:25:36Is there any problem if she stays here?
00:25:56Go on up move
00:26:02Do what these men?
00:26:04They're prisoners. I
00:26:06Can see that what did they do? What do you want to know?
00:26:12I'm in charge here understood
00:26:19A Muslim brotherhood rebel a Kurdish rebel a Muslim brotherhood rebel
00:26:29Tell me brother how long have you been in Palmeiras prison for about 24 years
00:26:38Well now you mean if I set you free you'll join Isis and fight against us
00:26:48Perhaps maybe I will never ever forget what this regime did to me
00:26:56Open their handcuffs the plane is a prisoner. I don't have permission and I have no permission to let a healthy soldier board the plane
00:27:03Go fight with Isis. I don't bring them in I will do it
00:27:09What's them take him down?
00:27:12Come on
00:27:20I'll report you for this. He studied archaeology at Palmeira University
00:27:26Woke up to realize she couldn't come to their boat
00:27:29He went to bring her
00:27:33He got shot in front of her eyes
00:27:36We went to rescue them
00:27:38Unfortunately, I was wounded badly
00:28:21Excuse me captain. We're ready to move forward they can start forward
00:29:23Know my darling Leila
00:29:27I was on my way home when I got called in for a mission. I'll call you as soon as I get to a better place
00:29:35God knows that my heart is with you and our baby
00:29:40I'm sure that you'll forgive me if I tell you where I am and what I'm doing
00:29:47I miss you
00:30:01What direction is Mecca we want to pray
00:30:10Shut up the key block is on the right stand up and pray may God forgive you
00:30:18God is greater
00:30:21God is greater
00:30:26What are you doing
00:30:28Within don't you know who they are all of that doesn't matter, okay?
00:30:33Collect the prayer is important get lost
00:30:38We hope you say your death prayer
00:30:50We want to pray
00:30:52Let him do just want to pray
00:30:57Rice for the prayer
00:31:30Guys we'll stop slowly. Okay, but I'll
00:31:45Take care release the trailer
00:32:01Go on cabin ready for AP start
00:32:19Look guys quick. Maybe you start
00:32:30Saw danger number two
00:32:35Engine number two start
00:32:49Start engine number three engine number three start
00:32:57Great release pressure check
00:33:28So attention number one
00:33:36Engine number one start
00:33:49We're ready we better get on board come on get on the plane quick go
00:34:09Man who's saying this is what I was afraid of
00:34:16Can we fly
00:34:19Can be dangerous
00:34:22Abu Bella, unfortunately, they're coming from the other side of the runway understood. Yes, I see them
00:34:42Sir, please take my door
00:34:47Awesome in case that so they don't reach the bank
00:34:5330 guys
00:35:00Abu Bella, you should not have gone brother. Apparently I can't accompany you any longer. Goodbye fire
00:35:17Landing light on
00:36:00I'm coming. I'm coming to you my dear
00:36:48Engine number three fire
00:36:53Move away
00:36:59Pick up some not enough speed not enough speed rotation speed
00:37:08Don't move over now
00:37:41Engine number three shut down
00:37:52Engine number three shut down
00:37:58The ramp doors open
00:38:04Thank God we finished your father's job
00:38:17Thank you
00:38:31Dear passengers
00:38:33We thank God who saved us from danger. I'm glad to inform you that we will land in Damascus Airport in 50 minutes
00:38:44We are all heartbroken from losing our loved ones let us pray for those who are defending our land
00:38:55We all witnessed the courage of Abu Bala and his comrades who protected us by sacrificing their lives
00:39:02Good for Abu Bala and his companions
00:39:09Who fought heroically
00:39:13Syria has many such heroes
00:39:17Let us pray for the recovery of the wounded God bless the martyrs
00:39:25There is no God except for Allah and the martyr is beloved by God
00:39:31Where are you going?
00:39:34You can't go back. I feel sick. I said you can't go back to where you're sitting. I am sitting right here
00:39:40Why are you still sitting there? I feel dizzy you understand
00:40:14It's enough shut it down
00:40:19Good morning Thomas control sham 2701 radio check
00:40:28May be the radio antenna shut I said radio feather frequency
00:40:46All people this is chic mom do study this chic is behind all our troubles
00:40:53Have you gone mad woman?
00:40:59The sheikh has betrayed the people of Palmyra he killed my husband he ruined my life
00:41:14Go down you slaves war
00:41:17You may God put them into your generation their captives be fearful of God
00:41:26Sit down sit down
00:41:49Hey Leila, you'll be happy to hear I'm coming back. My mission is almost over I
00:41:56Promise when I get back home to you. I'll stay with you till the baby is born. I
00:42:02Know I've upset you in the past, but I felt I shouldn't leave my dad alone in this situation
00:42:25Told my dad not to come but he insisted on coming
00:42:29He didn't know the fate that awaited him
00:42:32He didn't know these wild beasts were going to kill him. Calm down Hibbe
00:42:46Am I going to tell my mom
00:44:02Keep your head down keep your head down
00:44:12Don't make a single move
00:44:16I'll be it whoever moves
00:44:20You infertiles you dare to throw shoes at us and you think we are against God's will
00:44:28We shall conquer the earth in God's name you were gravely mistaken
00:44:35You were gravely mistaken
00:44:37God will protect those who
00:44:39Have faith in him. God is greater. God is greater. God is greater
00:44:53Open the door open the door
00:44:59Open the door
00:45:02We need to talk to you
00:45:07Find the nearest airport for emergency landing
00:45:10If we have a little patience we can reach Damascus. I have enough patience. They don't
00:45:17What can they do what would you do if you were them
00:45:25Take us all back to Palmyra Palmyra what will happen to us?
00:45:37It is a bulletproof door
00:45:42It's here there is a small airport near here the runways not long enough
00:45:48And there is only one next is al-nazarene
00:45:53Okay, we will try fashion your seatbelt
00:46:12This is madness
00:46:14Everyone's life will be in danger. Who the hell are you? What's your name? I'm Tom the Belgian teller the Belgian
00:46:22Jihadi not jihadi. I am propagandist
00:46:29Never give me orders. I am jihadi
00:46:47Oh mighty who takes lives
00:46:49Close the door which door I'm not sure thatch to the stairs
00:47:49It's one of you is in charge did you hear who's in charge?
00:48:00That break
00:48:04I'm the captain. What do you want? Lift this thing? It's too late. Lift it. Yes this way
00:48:10If we take off we'll crash. Do you understand?
00:48:18Got it now
00:48:50You're the damn pilot
00:48:52He went to hell because of you
00:48:54You'll either return us to premiere or I send you to hell as well. You understand don't do it. Shut up now
00:49:02They just want to take us back to Palmyra
00:49:04But please they need you. Please do not surrender. What are you telling him?
00:49:09He happens to not know Arabic, but I'm translating for him really good job
00:49:16But my word is clear
00:49:18He'll either return us or he'll go down to hell
00:49:22Please don't be scared of his threats. If we go back, they're going to make us their sheep
00:49:27They're going to sell us. Believe me. It's better to die here. Why are you silent Abu Khaled?
00:49:33Get back down. I
00:49:35Haven't finished my job yet
00:49:37I've told you to go down
00:49:56And you go down too
00:50:01Don't forget you to go down don't forget what I told you
00:50:12Where the hell have we landed
00:50:18Where are we
00:50:22An abandoned runway
00:50:24We return to Pamela Pamela. You've killed the pilot you take his place. I'm not a pilot
00:50:35Give you a minute you either fight or a book a little come up here
00:50:56Didn't give us more than a minute death
00:51:00Ali I'm so proud of you
00:51:40Want to talk with Sheik wait here
00:51:47Sheik captain wants to talk to you
00:51:51What's your decision I didn't
00:51:54Why should I put the life of a hundred people in danger?
00:51:57Remember that
00:51:58Those hundred people are not ninety one and the life of the rest depends on your decision
00:52:05Don't forget that
00:52:07You are only five how many a small party have overcome a larger party by Allah's will and Allah is with the patient
00:52:15We patient Mujahid's not infidels
00:52:19Anyway if we take you to Pamela what will become of us infidels
00:52:27If we have to suffer there, isn't it better to stay here
00:52:31You take us to Palmyra and I'll let you return with what assurance
00:52:38That's me
00:52:41The Sheik's word is their guarantee I'm not from your tribe. Why should I believe you I
00:52:51Swear by the Quran if you do as I say I set you free
00:52:59No one touches it except for the pure ones and I swear by this very Quran
00:53:05That I'll take you to Pamela safe and sound you are wise
00:53:10Then there is no need for the passengers to come with us let them get off the plane here
00:53:16Wait a minute. Wait a minute
00:53:20So you want to take us to Pamela alone
00:53:23You want to go to Pamela and I promise to take you there
00:53:26You think I was born yesterday, huh?
00:53:29You want to take us up there. Is that it and then want us to crash?
00:53:33I happen to respect human life. I only let the dead be taken out. I see Sheikh Mohammed Sadiq
00:53:42So what kind of Sheikh are you?
00:53:45To take these poor people hostage for your own life's protection
00:53:52You know you speak too much infidel
00:53:55God shall judge between us
00:53:57You got is a dead man
00:53:59God shall judge between us. You got is a devil you worship your God and I worship of mine
00:54:12We don't have much time
00:54:14See you at the day right now women and children
00:54:18the wounded and
00:54:20the dead
00:54:21That's it
00:54:55Move move
00:54:59What the hell's happened it's the sheikh's order
00:55:07What the hell are you doing
00:55:09It was difficult decision that I had to make you made a deal with him. You made a deal with this infidel
00:55:15I suggest you don't talk so much and go get the others. This is trust me
00:55:21You kill me you kill me don't forfeit your dignity
00:55:37Leave me alone you scumbag
00:55:39What the hell are you doing?
00:55:41The slave is mine. She's mine. You hear me. We made a deal to let the woman and the children go
00:55:46She's christian her verdict is different than ours. She is a woman. What do you care about her religion?
00:55:53One more word i'll kill you right here
00:55:56So the deal's canceled, all right
00:56:03Son stop it right now. The enemy could attack us at any minute
00:56:13You've humiliated me father you've humiliated me you've humiliated me
00:56:25You leave before I change my mind
00:57:48With your courage and our murdered friend you saved the women and children
00:57:56You finished your job good for you
00:58:01Now it is my turn my men are waiting for us at the airport, how do you know?
00:58:09You've got good spoils
00:58:29The desert's beauty
00:58:36The black pearl
00:58:40wear a white gown
00:58:43A gown of joy and of pride
00:58:46Here is to your faithful and heroic men
00:58:51Those same men will land victoriously
00:58:56To kiss your soil
00:59:00And forever embrace it
00:59:07With god's will the map of the world will change
00:59:10And all will come under the caliphate's flag today iraq and syria and tomorrow iran
00:59:19You laugh
00:59:21I'll come after you one day in tehran
00:59:24Of course that is if you're still alive and the caliphate's army hasn't killed you
00:59:28It's a long way to iran
00:59:31Israel is close by
00:59:33Why don't you conquer israel?
00:59:42A problem is not the jews
00:59:44Our problems are the regimes that claim to be muslim
00:59:48Like the rafida iranians and infidels
00:59:52Or the corrupt saudis who have chosen to seize the kaba
00:59:56And all of the hypocrite ottoman turks
01:00:02You're a worldly man
01:00:05Do you truly believe in these words or is it because of your tribe that you're forced to swear allegiance?
01:00:11Goddamn the devil. Shut up you infidel
01:00:14I've been waiting for the callers. You had my entire life
01:00:17Now that i've been blessed with this honor you tell me that i'm forced i'll sacrifice my life for abu bakr al-baghdadi
01:00:27Stupid old man
01:00:30He pretends to be stupid he knows exactly what i'm talking about
01:00:34This call to jihad
01:00:35You think it's hard for them to kill all the passengers?
01:00:43Yeah, i'll take care of the flight
01:01:01We have uninvited guests
01:01:06Now it's time to film some propaganda
01:01:18In honor of our guests
01:01:21Let's party
01:01:23You will not do a thing without my orders. I say the time is now. I will say when it's time you take orders from me
01:01:47Finally the russians came
01:02:02A gunman is threatening the pilot. What are the orders?
01:02:06Control them from a distance and do not provoke them
01:02:10Tell them to go how do you expect me to do that?
01:02:14Someone said that I will
01:02:26You're crazy if you don't say it I will they transmit us out of order
01:02:53That was your life smile
01:02:56What the hell are you doing boy you yourself i've sworn to set your enemy free i'll do what's in everyone's best interest
01:03:03What about?
01:03:06Your duty you think sheikh abu bakr abagdadi thinks the way you do i'll die for abu bakr abagdadi
01:03:11A pledge of alliance is not my words. It's my action
01:03:21The gunman is using a hostage as a human shield and they are shooting at us we await your order
01:03:30Why are you aggravating them they are russian have you made a deal with them as well
01:03:35When we reach the ground i'll cut your tongue out my tongue
01:03:39Remember, i'm mad and emad's death
01:03:42You sold your own sons to oral rigs
01:03:48Is waiting for you in hell
01:04:05You you damn bastard you killed my son you damn bastard
01:04:36Oh god willing he's in heaven
01:04:40He was my successor
01:04:43There's no one else
01:04:47Didn't fear the joy of freedom
01:04:54Be strong sheikh everyone's staring at you be strong
01:05:33Greetings to the land of caliphate
01:05:39Thank god who set us free from captivity
01:05:44If you support allah he will support you and he will strengthen your strategy
01:06:19Release the petal
01:06:24The more well is returned, you know that release the petal ali
01:06:31Are you sure about that
01:06:33We've already landed the middle of the runway is no better than the end
01:06:40Why have you stopped
01:07:59With your wisdom we have returned to the land of the caliphate
01:08:02Everyone's here to welcome us
01:08:10What's the matter
01:08:23Where is abu khaled
01:08:37God is greater
01:09:06Thought you'd be happy to return to palmyra
01:09:12I left with my son. I come back alone
01:09:18Where is your son that filthy infidel they threw him out of the plane
01:09:26Sheikh an oath to the quran is very important. Shut up
01:09:32Who is responsible for abu khaled step silence, you know, I won't break my oath to the quran don't you
01:10:02These aren't our men
01:10:09They aren't from our tribe i'm worried
01:10:22No stay right here
01:10:30Greetings to the migrant mujahid
01:10:32Abu omar the chechen greetings to you, too
01:10:36I've heard stories sheik
01:10:38Have you made a deal with the enemy?
01:10:41I did it for the sake of the mujahid's life
01:10:43A deal with the enemy is treason. It's shameful. You did it for your wife and son
01:10:51I'm mourning my son's martyrdom
01:10:55He's gone to heaven and then you will go to hell don't cross the line abu omar
01:11:02I'm sheep. I've lost everything in the path of jihad. I've even sacrificed my son for jihad
01:11:44Hold it don't be a fool
01:11:57This is the punishment of those who betrayed us and made alignment with our enemy
01:12:09God is greater
01:12:17God is greater
01:14:49And now
01:15:19Are you ready to kneel infidels?
01:15:22On my count three two one action
01:15:30Cut cut cut
01:15:32Ah save distance all at the same time
01:15:38Again, please again
01:15:41All eyes on me
01:15:56Caliphate come
01:16:09Loud strong
01:16:12Three two one action in the name of god
01:16:21Kill their men
01:16:23And shame their women and slay their children
01:16:29God is with you
01:16:31We are the islamic state of iraq and syria the decisive sword of god
01:16:39We carry out god's commands on earth
01:16:43And this is the end for the infidels
01:16:46And the disbelievers and christians and those who assisted them in opposing the holy book
01:16:52and allah's religion
01:16:54by god
01:16:56The caliphate clubs will make sure if you oppose them
01:17:37Forgive me
01:17:39Forgive me my dear ali
01:17:42Lady zainab. I salute you
01:17:45Lady zainab. I salute you
01:17:47Lady fatima. I salute you
01:17:50Lady fatima. I I salute you
01:17:53Iman hussein. I salute you
01:17:56Iman hussein
01:17:58I salute you
01:18:39What's up alien
01:21:41Where do you go infidel
01:21:46Leave him
01:21:48I'm ready stand up for the last time in your life my father father
01:21:54My partner captain. I only know one alive captain
01:21:58And you decide to live or go to hell right away
01:22:04Where to the plane why you're asking too much alien take him
01:22:20Come on
01:23:06We make you a hero a superstar alien, I can do it you're good
01:23:32Mind tell me what you're doing
01:23:35Nothing important
01:23:39Just chatting don't you have something more important to do brother
01:24:37Greetings to um salma good day brother
01:24:45From this moment
01:24:47You belong to um salma
01:24:49Like a slave the next key has two functions
01:24:53For you directly to hell
01:24:55And to um salma entry to heaven
01:25:01Thank you brother
01:25:05What do you want from me
01:25:07The usual
01:25:10Fly I couldn't do it on my own
01:25:14I will be with you
01:25:26If there is someone who can help me
01:25:30The only one who can help you is lady um salma
01:25:33I envy your position
01:25:37I wish I were you please
01:25:41Pray for me
01:25:43Of course I will
01:26:08Mic check mic check
01:26:11Three two one
01:26:15In the name of god in the name of our god the most compassionate the most merciful
01:26:21They plotted and all are also devised and allah is the best of divisors
01:26:24We are inside the syrian airport right now
01:26:27It has brought some soldiers to fight our muhaddith, but they failed as god willed
01:26:31This is a divine victory that allah gives us if you have allah he will help you
01:26:37With relying on allah we can defeat all our enemies
01:26:42None warrior chariot can resist in front of our muhaddith
01:26:49This plane will fly in a few moments with god's will
01:26:53You are now watching a live video
01:26:57It's 8 a.m. By the time of sean
01:27:00Our first destination is damascus airport after getting some fuel. We will fly to our next destination
01:27:10None of these prisoners are syrian all of them are from afghanistan
01:27:16pakistan iraq
01:27:18Lebanon and iran
01:27:20You should all know that
01:27:23Radio system of this plane is out of order
01:27:27So if saheem's government tells you that
01:27:31They are negotiating with us. They are lying
01:27:36If they cause this plane to crash all the worlds will see their true dirty faces
01:27:42And they don't even care about their loyal friends
01:27:47Shoot this plane and show your true intentions again
01:27:52people of the world
01:27:54Just know
01:27:55We are leaving damascus airport after getting some fuel
01:28:00May allah's peace and mercy be upon you
01:28:40I need to control the waves
01:28:47I have to say it again
01:28:49For flying with this plane
01:28:51I need help. Where is he? They just put him in the cage
01:28:56Forget about him then
01:28:57You only occupy
01:28:59His seat do your job
01:29:01captain infidel
01:30:03What are you doing captain infidel do you want me to fly i'm not
01:30:50Do you want to kill the jechin who
01:30:53Is the jechin, you know very well who he is
01:30:56Abutullah stop it
01:30:58The whole world is watching you
01:31:12Get out of the cockpit, please
01:31:17I stay wherever I want to brother
01:31:20This is the area i'm supposed to take care of
01:31:23We don't have much time and you're disrupting me
01:31:28We don't understand what you're doing other than watching
01:31:33Abu belgian, you know what you're getting on my nerves back off
01:31:58I'm taking control of this plane. Do you know how to fly? I said i'm taking control of this plane
01:32:12This is a super heavy professional aircraft another one-man aircraft
01:32:20Don't you realize captain
01:32:23That you're in a place as delicate as an aquarium
01:32:26Everybody's watching
01:32:28the whole world actually
01:32:31Don't make me push this button
01:32:34I have witnesses
01:32:37You take the control
01:32:44You worried about your son
01:32:47He's worried about you, too
01:32:51The ramp door is open madam upper than 15 000 feet we will be chocking use the oxygen masks then
01:33:13What's your plan ma'am
01:33:21Tell me maybe I can help
01:33:30The chechen said the destination is damascus airport, didn't he?
01:34:17What are you doing
01:34:28What have you done I said in order to make a flight to damascus
01:34:31It's a destination that the chechen wants
01:34:35You also better have some rest
01:34:45Brothers brothers, I need somebody upstairs now
01:34:53Remove the autopilot or i'll kick you out of the cockpit right now
01:35:04Show this man what real flying looks like be careful
01:35:11Come on get up
01:35:16This is not new york and there are no twin towers here have a great flight captain
01:35:34Wait, wait, wait, wait, why are you bringing him down? Um, someone ordered
01:35:41Who's captain now
01:35:44Captain you don't need a captain autopilot knows his duty
01:35:53Why autopilot I don't want to be a part of the suicide mission show
01:35:57suicide mission like september 11 style
01:36:01september 11
01:36:09Don't take him anywhere I need him alive
01:36:26Collapse collapse collapse crumble collapse
01:36:50Lots of hatement remember
01:36:56Now I know
01:37:02That's right enough hate is here
01:37:10Shut your app
01:37:15The woman used to sing for those who faced dead ends that woman died a long time ago brother no
01:37:23She tried suicide a few times but god saved her
01:37:27She should stay alive. Um, salma
01:37:29The ones who have believed immigrated and striven in the cause of allah with their wealth and their lives. Don't you remember that?
01:37:37But if you don't believe in that anymore, that means you're a coward a hypocrite an infidel. What are you doing?
01:37:44It's in some of orders way for abu tallah to come. I didn't receive orders from him
01:37:49She wants a suicide attack
01:38:23Why the chechen didn't tell me about the suicide mission he didn't tell you because he knew you were a coward
01:38:27I'm, not a coward
01:38:29I have the right to choose my death
01:38:31Like I chose my caliphate
01:38:33And i'm sure of it
01:38:42You choose your own death hypocrite
01:38:57Jackie jackie
01:41:20Release the chain
01:41:44I hope this works
01:41:49Auto pilot
01:42:18Oh shit
01:42:36Try to this maybe tie it to the bars
01:43:21Danger danger danger danger
01:43:34Danger danger
01:47:52Dedicated to the commanders of the beheaded martyrs from prophet yaya and hussein ibn ali and the martyrs of syria in this era
01:48:00Who were martyred under oppression?