Hi Venus.S01 Ep07

  • 2 days ago
Hi Venus
Season 01 Episode 07 in urdu/hindi dubbed K-drama
4 K-drama Lovers
00:00You are part of my life
00:08You're my shining armor
00:11Now I'm pretty sure
00:14We will come to the end
00:18Trust me
00:20The dream make it come true
00:26So from now I will be
00:29With you
00:32So plant me into your future
00:35Let me love you
00:38So I need you
00:40Holding my heart
00:43With you
00:46Just with you
00:49So from now I will be
00:52With you
00:55So plant me into your future
00:58Let me love you
01:02So I need you
01:04Holding my heart
01:07With you
01:11Just with you
01:28Director Huang, this is a good thing.
01:36But do you want to hear the truth?
01:40Of course.
01:42Someone from Pediatrics told me that you give books to the team to arrange.
01:48Is this true?
01:55But I didn't give it to them.
01:57They asked me. They wanted to help me.
01:59They said they would learn a lot from this.
02:02And I was very happy to hear this.
02:05Because today's doctors are very young and hardworking.
02:10But I have heard something wrong about this.
02:14What? Really?
02:16You have heard wrong.
02:21Your tea.
02:25Doctor Yeh is here.
02:26Doctor Yeh, tell them that you helped to arrange the material.
02:30You volunteered.
02:31You have learned a lot from this.
02:41Director Huang, Doctor Yeh got scared of what you said.
02:48To be honest, Doctor Yeh also told me about this.
02:57Director Huang, employees are not happy with this.
03:00And as the president, I have to take care of this.
03:06If this is the case, then this is only my problem.
03:10But no one talked to me about this.
03:13How would I know?
03:15Don't worry. I will fix everything.
03:19I am sure you will try.
03:22Here, have some tea.
04:04President Lu, I will leave now.
04:16Assistant Yeh.
04:19After cleaning, light a scented candle in my room.
04:27Why are you in a bad mood?
04:32Why did you tell Director Huang that I told you?
04:39Because you told me.
04:41You said that this matter will remain between us.
04:43Didn't you see how Director Huang was denying it?
04:46He took your name on purpose.
04:48What would you have said?
04:49Would you have called him a liar?
04:51Or would you have listened to him?
04:55Yes, that matter was between us.
04:56But I won't ignore it.
04:58You also want such problems to be solved as soon as possible, right?
05:03Yes, you are right. But...
05:05But what?
05:06If someone doesn't admit that he is making a mistake,
05:09then how will such problems be solved?
05:13Yes, you are right.
05:17I will leave now.
05:44I just saw your message.
05:46Lu Zhaoxi has trapped you again.
05:49Director Huang will definitely be angry with me.
05:51Didn't you talk to him about this?
05:53I did.
05:54But Lu Zhaoxi is always right.
05:56It's my fault.
05:58I couldn't say anything in fear at that time.
06:00Now I am angry.
06:01But you started to like him.
06:03He cheated me and fooled me.
06:05If I had known this, I wouldn't have lied to him.
06:08He cheated me and fooled me.
06:10If I had known this, I would have stayed in Taoyuan village.
06:14He is so cunning.
06:16I have to think before saying anything.
06:24Listen, I have some work. I will hang up now.
06:36Hello, I am from cleaning department.
06:38Please open the door.
06:49You are Aunt Peng, right?
06:52I am President Lu's assistant.
06:54My name is Ye Shilan.
06:55President told me that you are his nurse.
06:58And you come to cook food from time to time.
07:03I have come to cook food for Zhaoxi.
07:43Let me help you.
07:44No, you take rest.
07:46It's okay. I am free now.
07:48Okay, cut these green beans.
07:50I am making soup for her.
07:59Don't be afraid.
08:01I won't tell Zhaoxi that you were talking on the phone.
08:07Thank you, Aunty.
08:09You know, I am also very angry with her.
08:12That's why I can understand how you are feeling.
08:16You have been working for this family for many years, right?
08:20For many years.
08:21I have seen her growing up.
08:24I have raised her like my own child.
08:26She was very mischievous since childhood.
08:28She studied abroad for many years.
08:30And then came here and got busy with work.
08:32That's why we can meet less.
08:34Our fights have also reduced.
08:36But I saw that you shouted at her a lot.
08:38That means she hasn't changed.
08:42What do you do when he makes you angry?
08:46Once he made me very angry.
08:48Then I secretly hid his exercise book.
08:51So that he can scold the teacher at school.
08:56But he took it back easily.
08:58Then I hid his exercise book.
09:00So he hid the salt.
09:01That day everyone had to eat without salt.
09:03I thought he must have done something like that.
09:05He is always ready for revenge.
09:07And he remembers everything.
09:10He doesn't hesitate to take revenge.
09:12It's not so easy to be his assistant.
09:18Listen, dear.
09:20What do your parents do?
09:23My dad...
09:25He is no more.
09:27My mom and my stepdad sell vegetables in the market.
09:31I am sorry.
09:32I am sorry.
09:34It's okay.
09:35It's been many years since dad passed away.
09:40Tell me.
09:41Do you know how to cook?
09:44I cook regularly.
09:47You must have learned it from your mother.
09:51I used to live in a hostel in junior high school.
09:54And after completing my graduation, I started living alone.
09:58Then I learned how to cook.
10:01You are very talented.
10:05Open your mouth.
10:07Thank you, aunty.
10:08You are welcome.
10:09Consider this as your own house.
10:15I take care of President Lu's daily life.
10:18I just got transferred.
10:19I don't know him very well.
10:21If I face any problem, will you help me?
10:24Of course, I will.
10:26You are angry with him.
10:27But you are still thinking about work.
10:30That's a different thing.
10:31But work is my responsibility.
10:36I will give you my phone number.
10:38If you need anything, message me.
10:41Thank you, aunty.
10:42You are welcome.
10:45Listen, dear.
10:46Be careful.
10:47The soup will be ready by the time you come.
10:49And I will meet him.
10:51You spent a lot of time talking and helping me.
10:55I am in a good mood after talking to you.
10:59I don't know what happened between you two.
11:02But I know Zaushi.
11:03That's why I can tell you.
11:04He is not a bad person.
11:06I know.
11:08We just had an argument about work.
11:10Nothing else.
11:12That's good.
11:13Whatever happened between us is our secret.
11:17I don't want him to feel that I am badmouthing him.
11:24Aunty, I will leave now.
11:26Okay, go.
11:27Okay, bye.
11:37I have cleaned up.
11:38I am going home now.
11:40I have lit a candle in the living room.
11:42Aunt Ping has made dinner.
11:44She is still at home.
11:45That's why I didn't light the candles.
11:47If there is no one at home, light the candles.
11:49So that there is no accident.
11:53Is there any other work for me?
11:56This is enough.
11:58Okay, next time when you come home, come in a taxi.
12:01Take money from your private account.
12:03No, no.
12:04I will come on my cycle.
12:06If there is no other work, I will hang up.
12:13So from now I will be with you.
12:19So plant me into your future.
12:22Let me love you.
12:25Aunt Ping.
12:27What food have you made?
12:28I am very hungry.
12:31I have made your favorite food.
12:33Mom, how come you are here?
12:39Noodles are ready.
12:42Be careful.
12:43Here it is.
12:46Isn't it good?
12:47This has become such a part of my life
12:49that now when I eat something else, my stomach starts aching.
12:52He gave me a gift and showed me his color.
12:55Loozowshi turned out to be a smart guy.
12:57Top player.
12:58He is not a top player.
13:00He is a very smart fox.
13:03When he and director Huang were talking,
13:05I was suffocating.
13:07I was afraid of the accusation.
13:09And in the end,
13:10the entire blame fell on me.
13:12You jumped into the war without thinking.
13:15Anyway, who goes against the boss?
13:18There is a lot of difference between the two of you.
13:19That's why I made you the target.
13:21Now leave it.
13:22I should have thought about it earlier.
13:25Everything happened so quickly.
13:28This always happens before the war.
13:31In the language of the novel,
13:32it is called criticism after praise.
13:35I gave him all the information of the department.
13:37Now see, he is using me for his problems.
13:40Tell me, will you get angry?
13:42I feel bad when I get cheated.
13:44I still doubt Loozowshi.
13:49By the way, he is not that bad.
13:53But his way of doing anything is very wrong.
13:58Why are you taking his side?
14:00This is the truth.
14:01He has a lot of qualities.
14:03How can we ignore them?
14:07Loo must know that you are a sensitive girl.
14:09He is taking advantage of you.
14:11What to do, I always get stuck.
14:13Whenever I badmouth him, he knows.
14:16But you know, I met his aunt.
14:18Who is very nice.
14:19And she will help me.
14:20See, now he will not be able to harm me.
14:24After today, just think before speaking in front of him.
14:29And yes, don't worry about me.
14:31I don't care at all.
14:34I don't care about you.
14:42Aunt Pang has gone home.
14:43But why did you lie to her?
14:46Yes, take this.
14:47When she came, she was badmouthing you.
14:50If I would have told her that I am your mom,
14:53she would have started crying out of fear.
14:55And she wouldn't have been able to sleep the whole night.
14:57Did you think so much?
15:01I think when she considered you as Aunt Pang,
15:04you thought why not have some fun.
15:07Why are you blaming me?
15:09You lied to her.
15:10I did that for work.
15:13You made her your assistant, just for work?
15:16Yes, of course.
15:17What else would have happened?
15:19When you told her about Tayuan village,
15:22I thought you were completely immersed in her love.
15:26I admire her character.
15:30Love starts slowly like this.
15:39You two are always together.
15:41Think about it.
15:43Have you ever felt a crush on her?
15:51I mean, I am telling the truth.
15:53No, not at all.
15:56When there is a beautiful girl with you,
15:58it is obvious that it is normal to react abnormally in such an environment.
16:03You mean to say that she is beautiful.
16:07Mom, she is not as beautiful as you.
16:11Stop praising me.
16:15You don't have to marry a rich girl.
16:17You can marry the girl of your choice.
16:20Don't you think you are thinking too much?
16:23What are you saying?
16:26From now on, whenever I get a chance,
16:28I will tell her that if there is nothing between you two,
16:32it doesn't matter if she leaves.
16:35What do we have to do with her?
16:38Do whatever you want.
16:39Just leave me alone.
16:41And you do the same.
16:43Don't upset her by troubling her.
16:49So, was she saying bad things about me?
16:51Do you want to know?
16:55Even if you want, I won't tell you.
16:57Because it is a secret between us.
17:00I know you won't tell me.
17:02After all, you are my mom.
17:05I know.
17:16Take this.
17:19Good morning.
17:22Dr. Zeng.
17:23Please give me Mr. Huang's file.
17:25It is not complete.
17:26Did sir ask for it?
17:28He said that he doesn't need our help.
17:30He has asked for all the files.
17:32What happened to him all of a sudden?
17:35All this is possible because of Assistant Lin.
17:38President has praised Mr. Huang.
17:40I think this is the reason.
17:42But we didn't give any feedback.
17:45Yesterday morning, President asked Dr. Yeh for the director's book.
17:49Maybe that's when the conversation started.
17:52Now I understand.
17:53This was bound to happen one day.
17:55Dr. Yeh turned out to be brave.
17:56She has now become President's favorite.
17:59They even drop her home.
18:01Shut up.
18:02I am telling the truth.
18:03Dr. Jiang and I have seen it.
18:06If this is the case, then our department is great.
18:10You are too much.
18:12This is just a matter of a few days.
18:14After that, everything will be normal soon.
18:19But I didn't understand what you said.
18:21You will understand soon.
18:23Whatever it is, I like Dr. Yeh's work.
18:26He did what we could never do.
18:29He has done us a favor.
18:31We should appreciate him.
18:54Yes, hello.
18:55Hello, your parcel has arrived.
18:57Please come down and pick it up.
18:59Okay, I'll come down right now.
19:09Number 101.
19:10Here's your parcel.
19:13A chocolate milkshake for you.
19:15Don't get involved in loose talk.
19:18When did he talk to me like this?
19:20Hi, Ms. Yeh.
19:28Let me see what it is.
19:39Please clean this.
19:40Sorry aunty.
19:41No problem.
19:42I'll clean this.
19:44No problem.
19:58What did you order?
20:00I'll reorder it.
20:03No need.
20:04It was my mistake.
20:07Are you shocked to see me?
20:09Are you still scared of me?
20:12Not at all.
20:15Are you still angry for what happened yesterday?
20:21No, sir.
20:27No, sir.
20:49Assistant, this parcel could have come upstairs.
20:52There are some rules to follow.
20:55Is this rule important?
21:00I don't know.
21:02This rule is made keeping the hospital environment in mind.
21:05It's definitely important.
21:06Didn't you think so?
21:08If you already know, why did you ask me?
21:14I want to drink what you ordered.
21:18Any problem?
21:19No problem.
21:26Our warning worked.
21:28Director Huang took all the material back.
21:31It's a good thing.
21:35Why did you tell him about the rest of the pediatrics?
21:39Wait and watch.
21:41He'll be saved this time.
21:43He's been here for a long time.
21:46And he's a director too.
21:48If we don't have any solid evidence...
21:50...and he talks nonsense in front of other directors and doctors...
21:54...then we'll be in trouble.
22:03Come in.
22:08Sir, here's your drink.
22:11Do you know why I asked for this?
22:13So that I can drink it.
22:15You're absolutely right.
22:17No, sir.
22:18I've ordered for myself too.
22:20I'll leave now.
22:25This girl is too much.
22:31What happened?
22:33Tell me.
22:34I just remembered a meme.
22:37Yes, tell me.
22:40...you're in my heart and mind.
22:47What nonsense!
22:49Why is she distancing herself from you?
22:51Is it because you told her your name?
22:53What else could I have done?
22:57Even if I hadn't told her my name...
22:59...the director would have found out.
23:01Yes, because you made her your assistant.
23:03I'm not doing anything.
23:05I'm just helping.
23:08She'll take care of the rest.
23:10I hope so.
23:12Why did she make Dr. Yeh her assistant?
23:15So that she can trap me.
23:20Hello, sir. Hi, sir.
23:22We all had to go through this.
23:25What's wrong in helping a senior?
23:28Such a small thing...
23:30...and you made it a big deal.
23:32I was the first one.
23:34I'm the second.
23:35I'm the third.
23:36I'm the fourth.
23:37I'm the fifth.
23:38I'm the sixth.
23:39I'm the seventh.
23:41I told you before.
23:43Be careful.
23:47President Shu...
23:48...we have to ignore what Lu said.
23:50She has to prove herself.
23:52And she has to get everyone's attention.
23:54But what will happen in the end?
23:56You have to fix this.
24:00...look at the documentary.
24:02I don't know what she said to Chen...
24:05...that she agreed to the documentary.
24:08Does everyone...
24:09...know anything about this documentary?
24:13I don't think so.
24:15Maybe this is a secret.
24:20So, President Shu...
24:21...do you know our chairman Zhang's daughter-in-law's...
24:24...baby will be born in our hospital?
24:26Yes, I saw her on her way to the hospital.
24:43Excuse me.
25:08Hey, Shilan.
25:09You liked it, didn't you?
25:11You didn't take the drink from the loser.
25:14To be honest, I like it a lot today.
25:31Sir, you...
25:33What happened?
25:34Did you eat anything?
25:36Not yet, sir.
25:37What do you want to eat?
25:38Order it.
25:42Thank you, sir.
25:46Or you can give me a treat.
25:49What happened?
25:50Is there a problem?
25:56What would you like to eat?
26:02Excuse me.
26:03Excuse me.
26:05Enjoy your meal.
26:09This is a good restaurant.
26:11It's near the office.
26:12Did you like it?
26:13Whatever you say.
26:14Everything works.
26:16Lin told me that the director took all the material back.
26:19And you get the credit for it.
26:22I don't want such credit.
26:25But you were supposed to help me.
26:28I made a mistake.
26:30I don't understand.
26:31Why are you so scared of the director?
26:36I know you want to make the hospital better.
26:39And that's a good thing.
26:41But I can't take everyone's responsibility.
26:44When I go back to my department,
26:46I might face problems.
26:54I thought you'd support Sach.
26:57Will I get his salary?
27:00Would you be happy if you were wrong?
27:03Does my happiness matter to you?
27:05Yes, it does.
27:15I know.
27:17You want to be a good president.
27:19Who is respected by everyone.
27:21But please don't trap me in this.
27:23You think I'm trapping you?
27:25Of course.
27:29I thought I could consider you my friend.
27:32Are you serious?
27:35Don't you feel the connection?
27:37You helped me when I was in trouble.
27:39You turned out to be a doctor who wanted to go back.
27:43And I turned out to be the new president.
27:48Maybe you're right.
27:50Do you think of me as a friend?
27:53You're a senior.
27:54Can't a senior be a friend?
27:57That's not true.
27:59Then how am I?
28:03Sir, you're smart.
28:05How can I match you?
28:08What difference does being smart make?
28:10Don't talk like that.
28:11I didn't think of that.
28:13Yes, you did.
28:15Yes, think about it.
28:17Yes, you did.
28:19Yes, think about it.
28:20If you considered me a senior,
28:22would you ever talk to me like that?
28:29You considered me a friend.
28:31That's why you thought I wouldn't mind what you said.
28:35Yes, maybe I wouldn't be afraid of you.
28:39You're only afraid of the director.
28:41Not me.
28:43If you don't consider me a friend,
28:45you must be thinking I'm a useless person.
28:49That's not true.
28:51That's not what I said.
29:02Can I ask you something?
29:06Can I call you by your name?
29:10Yes, but I'll call you President.
29:14Okay, no problem.
29:17You don't look like a president at all.
29:19As far as I've seen, he wears a white coat.
29:24Sir, listen.
29:25Sir, listen.
29:26Your girlfriend is very beautiful.
29:28Take this flower for her.
29:30She's not my girlfriend.
29:31But you look good together.
29:34Maybe I'm not her type.
29:36Forget it.
29:38She's doing her job.
29:42Hello, President.
29:43How are you?
29:44Your girlfriend is very beautiful.
29:46Take this flower for her.
29:47First tell me how much this is.
29:48Only 5 yuan.
29:49Okay, give it to me.
29:51Let's go.
29:55Smell it.
29:57May you two always be together.
30:00Wait a minute.
30:05How many flowers do you have?
30:06Only 15.
30:07Must be around 75 yuan.
30:09Okay, give me all of them.
30:10But why?
30:14This is done.
30:18Take this.
30:19But how can I?
30:20Take it.
30:24That's amazing.
30:33Isn't it cute?
30:34Let's go.
30:38Why did you do that?
30:40Why did you do that?
30:43What's wrong with this?
30:44Don't you like it?
30:46What was the need for this?
30:49I wanted to make you happy.
30:54And I bought all the flowers.
30:56So the girl will go home early.
30:59There were a lot of flowers.
31:00Still, she won't be able to go home early.
31:02How do you know?
31:04When I was in college,
31:05I did the same thing.
31:07For the expenses of your house?
31:10On Valentine's Day and Rose Day.
31:13I could earn two months' expenses in a day.
31:16What are you talking about?
31:18I don't know about your expenses.
31:21I just manage my work with less expenses.
31:28When you used to sell flowers,
31:30did you also talk like that girl?
31:33Yes, of course.
31:35You have to do all this.
31:37If it's a girl,
31:38tell her she's beautiful.
31:39If it's a boy,
31:40tell him he's handsome.
31:42If it's a couple,
31:43you have to wish them well.
31:45Even if they're not a couple,
31:47you have to wish them.
31:49You have to read their mind.
31:51Just a little interest
31:52and my work would be done.
31:54If they didn't have a mind,
31:55I didn't waste time.
31:56But yes,
31:57I always praised them.
31:59This runs the business.
32:00Do you know?
32:03What happened?
32:05Why are you laughing?
32:08It's hard to imagine
32:09that you know how to talk sweetly.
32:13You should know
32:14that to earn money,
32:16you have to learn everything.
32:25What are you doing?
32:27I'm hiding the flowers
32:28in the garden.
32:30Otherwise, people will misunderstand.
32:31You know that, right?
32:32Why didn't you tell them now?
32:35I have to pretend to be a liar
32:36so that the lie seems to be true.
32:39It's not necessary.
32:42Come on.
32:43It's people's job.
32:44Tell them.
33:08did Zaoshi apologize to you or not?
33:12It's not necessary.
33:13He didn't do anything wrong.
33:15It was all my fault.
33:25If he troubles you again,
33:27I'll teach him a lesson.
33:31Thank you, aunty.
33:35Hello, sir.
33:37Help me clean the tea set.
33:47You convinced Dr. A, right?
33:49What are you trying to say?
33:51He was never angry with me.
33:53I saw it.
33:54You were calling him by his name.
33:56We have become friends now.
33:59Did Dr. A agree so soon?
34:01Of course.
34:02She took me out for lunch today.
34:09He's not a bad person.
34:12He knows what's right and what's wrong.
34:15I'm starting to appreciate him.
34:18Don't be so hasty.
34:21What's the point of keeping quiet?
34:23Tell me, what's the matter?
34:27The person we're meeting today is a medical field specialist.
34:30I know him well.
34:32He's my senior as well.
34:36You start the meeting.
35:12Do you have something to say to me?
35:24Is the president bothering you?
35:26No, he's not.
35:28What do you have to do with this?
35:33I just want to tell you.
35:34Don't be weak in front of the president.
35:37People like him can confuse people like us.
35:40He can take advantage of you as well.
35:43Don't listen to him.
35:45Do you know him?
35:48He's a good man.
35:49He won't do anything wrong.
35:51Look, you don't have to defend him.
35:55You're just like him.
35:57The president used you.
35:59And you're the director.
36:01That's why it took so long for you to get transferred.
36:03He doesn't mean anything by this.
36:07You still don't understand.
36:09Yeshwant, I don't want anything bad to happen to you.
36:12Will you listen to me?
36:14Don't listen to everyone.
36:16The president won't support you.
36:18Look at the director.
36:20He has done so much for this hospital.
36:22He's one of the famous pediatricians.
36:24The president made a few mistakes.
36:26Look at what he did to them.
36:28The president can do whatever he wants.
36:30I have nothing to do with this.
36:32I'm just his temporary assistant.
36:39Will you come back to the department?
36:41Don't you have any sense?
36:44The hospital's president is there to prove himself.
36:47He'll leave at the right time.
36:49But you have to stay here.
36:51You won't get anything if you mess with the director.
37:07It's so beautiful.
37:09Why didn't you put it in the hospital?
37:11Why did you bring me here?
37:13A lot of people come and go in the president's office.
37:16Wouldn't it be weird if there were roses on my table?
37:20Did Lu give you flowers for no reason?
37:24Yes, of course.
37:26And you shouldn't think like that for no reason.
37:29My friend is going to have fun now.
37:32We're friends now.
37:34Anyway, sometimes friends are the reason for confusion.
37:39I think the bus suite was being made.
37:43There's nothing else.
37:45I'll change. I'm tired.
37:47Why are you in such a bad mood?
37:50No, I'm just tired.
38:08I'm sorry.
38:39Yes, Shilan. Morning.
38:41Good morning, sir.
38:43Come in.
38:57You didn't change the flowers?
38:59I cut the roots and changed the water.
39:08Yes, but why at the last minute?
39:11I'll change it when I get a bouquet of new flowers.
39:15Which flowers did you get?
39:17This time I...
39:18Wait. Don't tell me now.
39:20I feel good when I get a surprise.
39:23Sir, you're giving me tension.
39:27Then why are you taking so much tension?
39:29Give me some time.
39:30Everything will be fine.
39:33Okay, I'll leave now.
39:58Hello, mom.
40:00Hello, mom.
40:01Son, your uncle Shiya's daughter is admitted in the emergency room of the country hospital.
40:05The doctor says she should be admitted in a big hospital.
40:08I'm going to meet her to take care of her.
40:11Is she coming to our hospital?
40:12No, she's coming to another branch of your hospital.
40:16Do you need any help?
40:17No, no. Don't worry.
40:19I just wanted to tell you that I'll call you when I reach there.
40:23We'll talk later, okay?
40:25Okay. Listen to the doctor.
40:27Let me know if you need anything.
40:28Okay, okay. Bye-bye.
40:38Will you get my parcel from downstairs?
41:27Take the spaceship out of space
41:30Put all the constellations in your backpack
41:36Get ready
41:38Get ready to welcome your early first hug
41:43The air is filled with good music
41:46The excited heartbeat is the sweet antidote
41:52Oh, you're so beautiful
41:55You're so beautiful
41:58There's no place in the world for you to hide
42:03You're so beautiful
42:05My baby
42:06I'm looking forward to the heartbeat that I can't help but feel
42:15I can't help but smile
42:24I can't help but smile
42:26I like the blue sky and the flying bubbles
42:29I also like to watch the rainbow after the rain
42:34Strange hobbies, I don't know
42:37This weekend, the wind and the sun are the only good things
42:44What's the trouble?
42:46Just blink your eyes to release the signal for help
42:51I'm willing to be a little planet
42:54Step by step, sticking to you
43:00Oh, you're so beautiful
43:02You're so beautiful
43:05I'm used to being in your room
43:10You're so beautiful
43:12My baby
43:13I just want to be your one and only
43:23I can't help but smile