• last year
This video was uploaded from Warner Bros. International.


00:00Tonight on Supernanny, it's Joe versus a three-year-old volcano.
00:12Hi Dylan.
00:13Pleased to meet you too.
00:16Little Dylan controls the house with an iron will.
00:21Go hay.
00:23He flat out refuses to eat.
00:25You need to have a bite.
00:26Let's go try to use the potty.
00:29And potty training is out of the question.
00:31Eat my dinner.
00:32Can you eat the rest of your sandwich?
00:36Mom and dad are desperate.
00:37He realizes that he can control you and you become the pushover.
00:41Dylan's underweight and his diet has led to anemia.
00:43Don't spit it out.
00:45And each day he's getting weaker and weaker.
00:49Only Joe can help.
00:50Mommy told you to sit at the table and eat your dinner.
00:54Because now it's a matter of life and death.
01:13Hi guys.
01:14I'm in Oakview, California this week, ready to help a family.
01:17Why don't you join me?
01:19Hi, we're the Vanackers.
01:21I'm Jessica.
01:22And I'm Kevin.
01:24We have two children.
01:25Emma, who's six.
01:26Mom, I don't want to get rid of it today.
01:29And Dylan, who's three.
01:34Break it.
01:37Emma is a very spirited little girl.
01:38You don't.
01:42Dylan loves to scream.
01:53Let's go, Lizzy.
01:54Let's go try to use the potty.
01:56Potty training doesn't exist for Dylan.
01:58If you try to make him use it, his fit almost gets into convulsions.
02:04He's just terrified of it.
02:06It's OK.
02:07He's starting to run and hide from us when he has to go to the restroom.
02:11Are you going poop?
02:14Well, what are you doing then?
02:15Go away.
02:16He will hold his pee or poop eight hours.
02:19Oh, my leader.
02:21Does it hurt?
02:22He won't put big boy underwear on.
02:25Go deeper.
02:26You don't want to be a big boy?
02:28Why didn't you tell me?
02:29We could have went poo-poo in the potty.
02:30Give me my dinner.
02:31Don't you want to eat some food?
02:33Dylan definitely has control of the house.
02:34I want dinner.
02:35You want dinner now?
02:37He runs the dinner and when to eat, what to eat.
02:38All right.
02:39Let's make some dinosaur chickens.
02:40He doesn't want to eat real food.
02:42It's always going to be something sugary.
02:52It's always going to be something sugary or a snack.
02:53We took him to the doctor and found out that he's anemic due to his diet.
02:58You're not having a fruit roll.
03:01He doesn't eat vegetables.
03:02You don't like it.
03:03You don't like it, huh?
03:04He doesn't eat meat.
03:05Can you eat the rest of your sandwich?
03:08And he's always tired, and he's always grumpy, and he's exhausted.
03:11If he's anemic, we need to be in control of this situation.
03:21We need help, and we need someone to help us.
03:23You need to have a bite.
03:26If it doesn't work, we don't really know where to go next.
03:34Supernanny, please get here as soon as you can.
03:35Well, I know you guys are feeling overwhelmed, but hang on in there, because I am going to
03:38be with you soon.
03:53How are you?
03:55Pleased to meet you.
03:56Nice to meet you.
03:57I'm Jessica.
04:01How are you?
04:02Pleased to meet you.
04:03This is Emma.
04:04It's a pleasure to meet you.
04:05And who's this here?
04:06My brother, Joey.
04:07Hi, Dylan.
04:08Pleased to meet you, too.
04:09Can you say hi?
04:11Moments after I met Dylan, he just sank down into the furniture.
04:18I mean, it was only morning, and the poor boy looked exhausted.
04:22Hi, Kevin.
04:25Pleasure to meet you.
04:26Do you want to say hi, Dylan?
04:30He's going to...
04:34I'm going to put my bag down and be a fly on the wall.
04:38We're going to have lunch.
04:39Go, hey.
04:40Don't kick me.
04:41Go sit at the table.
04:42And right away, Dylan started acting up.
04:46What's wrong?
04:47Can you hold on just a minute?
04:50Do you want chicken?
04:53And then I got to see how big an issue Dylan's mealtime antics really are.
04:59Some water?
05:00You're fine.
05:02Why don't you want to eat?
05:04I got you watermelon.
05:10What's wrong?
05:11Want me to cut it?
05:12I could cut it for you.
05:14You don't want to cut?
05:15I was seeing how much he knows exactly what buttons to push.
05:20When you look at Dylan, you can clearly see that he has control.
05:23Eat it.
05:24You got to bite it.
05:28Finally we got him to eat a carrot.
05:30I'm thinking, oh great, he's going to eat it.
05:32Took a couple chews and decided he didn't like it.
05:34Don't spit it out.
05:36Dylan likes to chew things up and spit them out.
05:39Eat those.
05:40It's frustrating with Dylan because sometimes you feel like you're trying to give him what
05:43he needs, but he just won't take it.
05:46Are you done?
05:49Dylan's got so much control.
05:52Within 10 minutes, he's down from the table and he's in the pantry where he's given treats
05:57and sweetie things to eat.
06:00We actually just found out he's anemic because of his diet, and so he's got an iron deficiency
06:04which could cause him to be tired and gets the dark circles under his eyes.
06:10With mom and dad not on top of Dylan's anemia and not providing him with a well-balanced
06:16meal, you know why he's got no energy.
06:20What do you think?
06:21I'm more of like the old-fashioned dad where it's like, well, if he doesn't eat, he'll
06:25get hungry and he'll come back.
06:27But he doesn't.
06:28It's critical that he start to eat healthy food.
06:31And these parents know that it is important, yet they're not stepping up to do what is
06:43With dad gone off to the grocery store to pick up a few things, and mom sitting down
06:47at the table doing homework with Emma, we saw Dylan kick off again, and mom did nothing
06:52about it.
06:53You don't sharpen that.
06:56I know if Dylan doesn't get his own way when I'm helping Emma with homework, homework doesn't
07:01get done like it should get done.
07:03Everything in the house stops.
07:04Give me the pencil.
07:06Give me the pencil.
07:10No, I can't put it in.
07:13Get down.
07:14No, I can't put it in.
07:19Dylan screams a lot.
07:21It hurts my ears, that's how loud it is.
07:24Stop it!
07:25Stop, D.
07:27Emma's struggling to do her homework while Dylan's screaming at the top of his lungs.
07:35And what's mom doing to change this?
07:41Coming up on Supernanny.
07:44There's no stop to Dylan's relentless demands.
07:50And Jo doesn't mince words with mom and dad.
07:53Stop being pushovers and being lazy.
07:55You guys need to be in business.
07:57When Supernanny returns.
08:07Stop it!
08:08Stop, D.
08:09I was watching Emma try and complete her homework whilst Dylan was kicking off.
08:15And mom did nothing about it.
08:20Do you want me to put you in your room?
08:21What is the room?
08:22Is that your time out?
08:23I don't have a time out for him.
08:39Come here.
08:40I tend to let things go and go and go to the point where I get frustrated.
08:43I just pick them up and put them in their room.
08:45Shut their doors so I don't have to deal with it.
08:47You can sit in here until you can come out and be nice.
08:50If he's naughty, mom places him into his bedroom.
08:53Which is the same place that he plays with his trains.
08:55So it's more a case of getting him out of mom's hair.
08:58Rather than him sitting down and understanding that there's a cause of action
09:02that happens when he misbehaves.
09:11Dylan's well over three years old and he's still not potty trained.
09:16There's certainly an issue here.
09:19He will not use the restroom.
09:21He will hold it.
09:23He'll scream.
09:24I can't hold it anymore.
09:25I need a diaper.
09:35Diaper, mom!
09:37Why don't we try going pee-pee in the bathroom?
09:39No, diaper!
09:40And Dylan was like a broken record.
09:46Come on!
09:47I want my diaper!
09:48Come on!
09:50Let's go!
09:51So what is it you're doing now?
09:52Give him a diaper.
09:54Do you have to go poop or pee-pee?
09:57Do you have to go poop or do you have to go pee?
10:00Dylan, do you have to go poop or pee-pee?
10:03Come on!
10:07So I instantly had given in, put the diaper on him.
10:11He walks out right in front of Joe and he says, I'm peeing now.
10:14I peed in my diaper, mom!
10:17I was pretty embarrassed.
10:19You think you could go pee in the potty now?
10:21Yes, I think so.
10:23Yeah, I bet you do.
10:24And after Dylan peed, he got the potty out.
10:27Well, he's hardly going to use it now, is he?
10:29I can't pee?
10:31You can.
10:32You could try.
10:33I can't.
10:34Why can't you?
10:35Well, I can't.
10:37It's little.
10:38What's little?
10:39Me neither.
10:42It doesn't mean you can't go pee in the potty, buddy.
10:45I went pee-pee in the diaper.
10:47You went pee-pee in this diaper?
10:49It's all yucky.
10:50The parents have become very complacent.
10:51It's convenient for them to place a diaper on Dylan.
10:54And he's become comfortable with that.
10:56And so have they.
10:57You know you could sit down and go pee-pees?
11:00Why not?
11:01I can't.
11:02Does he generally stand up and go for a pee in the grown-up toilet?
11:05Oh, he stands there, but he's never actually done it.
11:08They believe that he's scared of sitting on the potty and the toilet, and I don't.
11:19And then dinner was being served, and I thought,
11:21I might get a chance to see Dylan having a healthy, balanced meal.
11:26But that didn't happen.
11:27It's not a toy.
11:28Eat it.
11:29And just like lunch, Dylan refuses to eat.
11:33It's a power struggle yet again.
11:39I don't like.
11:40If I eat mine, you eat yours.
11:41Ready? Here we go.
11:48You put two and two together, and you work out that
11:51your child can't be eating healthy food.
11:53If they're looking underweight as Dylan's looking,
11:56they're just really not making the effort to be conscious about
11:59the foods that they need to be providing for their children.
12:02And they have to.
12:04Eat it back at the teapot.
12:09There's no potty training, no discipline, no healthy meals.
12:13I knew that I'd seen enough.
12:15Thank you for today.
12:17And I'll be here bright and early tomorrow.
12:18All right.
12:19Thank you very much.
12:20Good night.
12:21Good night.
12:22We need to get back to the house to really talk about those issues
12:24so we can start to work on it and make progress.
12:27Because the stakes are too high when it comes to this boy's health.
12:37I am absolutely a nervous wreck.
12:40I'm afraid she's going to tell me I'm a horrible parent
12:42and everything needs to change.
12:46How are you?
12:47Very well, thank you.
12:51There are several things that we can address here
12:54that I think will just make a huge difference to your family.
12:58And one of those things is Dylan's eating habits,
13:02which leads to his being anemic
13:04and we're addressing that is going to be key
13:06because we know it's part of what's necessary for him to grow and develop.
13:10It's not like you're not aware of the foods that Dylan should be eating,
13:15but it's become a struggle to have him eat that healthy range and variety
13:20because of the snacks.
13:22And right now he's controlling that situation.
13:24Dylan's sitting at the table and saying,
13:26I don't want it, I'm not going to eat it,
13:28means I get down from the table and within ten minutes
13:30we can have all those goodies in that pantry.
13:33Being anemic is one thing,
13:34and now we're talking about Dylan just wanting to control.
13:38And I think you guys do know the difference.
13:41I do.
13:42A little bit.
13:43I mean, yeah, I do.
13:44You do?
13:45I do.
13:46I think if you'd been honest you'd say,
13:47I do, and sometimes I just...
13:50Laziness, definitely.
13:53So we need to be able to address the behavior that's naughty.
13:56And so it's going to be important that we do put a time out in place.
14:01And sending him to his bedroom to do a time out does nothing.
14:06Because he's in there playing.
14:09So what do I do with him?
14:11Because if I'm to set him right next to us in a chair,
14:13he's going to get up and come to me and hang on me.
14:16But he's only going to do that until he realizes
14:18that you're follow through.
14:19The fact is there is no follow through with you.
14:21And so he realizes that he can control you in that way
14:24and you become the pushover.
14:30So talking about control and Dylan wanting his own way
14:34leads me to the potty training.
14:37He stands around and says, no, I'm not going to do it.
14:41But I feel like he's terrified of it.
14:43Of what?
14:44He won't sit on the potty.
14:47The fact is, is that I'm scared, I can't do it.
14:49It's all basically, I don't want to do it.
14:52And when he starts having this big performance about,
14:54I need the diaper.
14:55Well, let's face it, what's the worst that's going to happen?
14:58He's going to poop in his pants.
15:00He's going to poop in his pants or he's going to wee in his pants.
15:02And done.
15:04So Dylan's eating habits, potty training, and the control,
15:09we can put in all of it.
15:12But you guys need to mean business.
15:15And just get on with us and being lazy and just get on and do it.
15:17Sounds good.
15:20Coming up on Supernanny.
15:24Joe lays down the law with Dylan.
15:26Any more of this nonsense at the table and you'll be going
15:28straight into time out.
15:30But Dylan's not having it.
15:35When Supernanny returns.
15:45The first thing I need to tackle with the Van Acker family
15:48are these health issues with Dylan.
15:50He's got anemia because he's not eating very healthy at all.
15:55Can you say hi?
15:57Dylan needs to have a certain amount of milligrams of iron
16:00a day.
16:01And so what I have done is brought in a list for this
16:04family so that they can identify the food groups that are rich
16:08in iron.
16:09Red meat and your leafy veg, dried fruit, beans.
16:13Peas, soybeans.
16:14Sounds good.
16:15It was time to head off to the grocery store so that we could
16:18get some of these goodies that were on that list.
16:20Go this way.
16:21Can I get it?
16:25Having Emma go with her father to pick out those vegetables and
16:28feel like she is letting the family eat the right food and
16:32also serve Dylan with his being anemic is a win-win situation
16:36for this family.
16:37Green beans.
16:39We picked out all the vegetables and it was really fun.
16:43That's our vegetables.
16:44Dad grabbed some food that was on that list.
16:46It's a good reference and definitely a good source of
16:50foods that's going to help with the iron deficiency in Dylan's
16:55Do you guys have flank steak?
16:57Alright, can I get two pounds of that?
16:59Buying the foods is the easy part.
17:02We're going to go to the grocery store.
17:05Two pounds of that.
17:06Buying the foods is the easy part.
17:09The challenging part is getting Dylan to sit down and eat them.
17:13At dinner time, mom and dad served up peas, chicken.
17:18So we'll just cut pieces for him.
17:20And corn for Dylan.
17:22But he was having none of it.
17:29Dylan, don't scream at the table.
17:31We're not going to get up until you're finished eating your
17:37Dylan's behavior was more than just playing up because he
17:40didn't want to eat.
17:41And because nobody was doing anything,
17:43I stepped in to give Dylan a warning.
17:45Dylan, stop that.
17:47Turn around, please.
17:48Turn around.
17:49Stop that screaming right now.
17:51Any more of this nonsense at the table and you'll be going
17:54straight into time out.
17:55Do you understand?
17:57Right, stop it.
17:58Get on with your dinner, please.
18:00But he didn't listen to the warning.
18:02He carried on screaming.
18:03You're going to finish your dinner.
18:08Dylan started to cry.
18:09He started to whine.
18:10Dylan, you're not finished.
18:12Mom wasn't stepping up, so I decided to lead by example
18:15and put Dylan into time out myself.
18:17Mommy told you to sit at the table and eat your dinner.
18:21And you are screaming.
18:23And you are not behaving yourself and listening to mommy.
18:27Now you will stay here.
18:29Joe stepped in and said, you know,
18:31this is how we're going to do it.
18:33And it was complete meltdown.
18:39Initially, Dylan's temper tantrum had escalated.
18:42But then he calmed down.
18:44And I was able to finish the time out.
18:46You were put here because you were misbehaving.
18:50You were being naughty.
18:52And mommy said to you, eat your dinner.
18:55I'm talking.
18:57You are taking one.
18:59For me to be able to watch her in action,
19:01I hopefully can repeat that and do that myself.
19:04You need to turn around and eat.
19:11That is unacceptable.
19:13You do not dump your food out.
19:15When Dylan dumped his plate, I thought, gosh,
19:18you know, he's gotten really bad at this point.
19:21You're getting a time out.
19:22You do not.
19:26Settle down.
19:27You're sitting here because you dumped your plate.
19:31I just started to feel really bad for him.
19:34So I really fought with myself with, OK,
19:38I just got to let it go.
19:39Because I know it's going to be OK in the end.
19:42I would like you to tell mommy that you're sorry.
19:46Now can I have a hug?
19:48Having Joe there to watch everything was a good thing.
19:51When I was doubting myself, I had somebody
19:54there to teach me exactly how to do it correctly.
19:57I will get you a napkin.
19:58But you need to sit at the table.
20:00Dylan had learned that it's not OK to dump his plate.
20:04But we still got to get him to eat.
20:06As soon as you finish eating, you can get down.
20:08But you need to eat what I asked you to eat.
20:12What I want you to do is tell him
20:14that he needs to have four pieces of chicken
20:18and two peas.
20:20When your child's a reluctant eater,
20:22it's so important as parents that you give
20:25clear, realistic expectations.
20:28Listen to me.
20:30You need to eat four pieces of your chicken.
20:32And you need to have two peas.
20:34And then you're finished.
20:35Put it in your mouth.
20:37He just refused to taste the chicken.
20:41You need to finish eating.
20:43It seemed like he had every excuse in the book.
20:46I want to go to middle school.
20:48Mommy, I want to go potty.
20:52I am sick.
20:54And then Dylan made a run for it.
20:56And he gave mom and dad quite the scare.
20:58What happened?
21:00What just happened?
21:01Are you OK?
21:02See your frozen veg in your fridge.
21:05Put it out the freezer.
21:06And wrap it in a tea cloth.
21:09And then put it on his head.
21:11Ultimately, everything was all right.
21:13And then mom took Dylan back to the dining table.
21:16And he realized she wasn't giving in.
21:19Sit down and eat your chicken.
21:20And you need to sit down and eat your chicken.
21:23I think it kicked in for Dylan where he's learning
21:26that the rule's changing.
21:27I'm not going to be the boss.
21:28I guess something's going to have to break here.
21:30I want to take a shower.
21:32You can take a shower.
21:33Eat that.
21:36Good job.
21:37Good boy.
21:38Dylan finally ate some of his food.
21:41Dad, walk away.
21:43Admittedly, it was only two mouthfuls.
21:45But it's better than nothing.
21:47And I know I'm going to still have
21:48to work with this family on getting Dylan to eat more.
21:52But it was a real battle.
21:54But it was a real big breakthrough.
21:58Coming up on Supernanny.
22:01When Joe takes away Dylan's diapers.
22:03We're all done with the diaper.
22:04He puts up the fight of his life.
22:08Then when Joe starts potty training, it's all out war.
22:13When Supernanny returns.
22:24Where one child is using up all of their parents' energy,
22:28it sometimes means that the second child,
22:30who's well-behaved, gets left out.
22:32And sometimes the parents' frustrations
22:34can be very much projected on that child.
22:37This would be a good thing to grasp with the kids.
22:40It would allow you.
22:41Hold on a moment, darling.
22:42Remember the excuse me, this conversation
22:44we had last night?
22:45When everyone left, we had the conversation
22:47that you interrupt.
22:48You need to stop.
22:49And if you have something to say, you ask excuse me.
22:52Emma wants to be the priority all the time.
22:54And she wants to be the center of attention.
22:56But sometimes we have to deal with Dylan.
22:58So she wants to push buttons.
23:00So don't interrupt.
23:01Nothing's that important unless the house is on fire.
23:04I've started to notice that Kevin
23:07gets very agitated by Emma.
23:10So I took him outside into the backyard
23:12to have that adult conversation with him.
23:15What is the biggest thing, the biggest thing
23:19that agitates you the most about Emma
23:23that you need patience with?
23:26Lately, it's been like what just happened
23:28with her interrupting, the bossiness.
23:31It's basically just her little, it's a little attitude.
23:35It's easier said than done.
23:36But recognize that through you nipping the behavior
23:39in the bud straight away in a very calm and composed way
23:43is going to allow her to recognize
23:45the seriousness of it.
23:46If you come home and then all you are doing
23:48is correcting her about things, it leaves her going like this.
23:55The forehead sweat.
23:56What am I doing wrong?
23:57And I'm going to be in trouble every time I talk to him.
24:00Yeah, I don't want to have the whole wait
24:02till your father gets home.
24:03It's going to be really important
24:05that dad remain patient when dealing with Emma's behavior
24:09so they both get the results without straining
24:11their relationship.
24:14We'd certainly made progress with Dylan's diet.
24:18But I knew we had something far more challenging ahead.
24:21And that was potty training.
24:23You're going to collect all the diapers.
24:25And you are now going to get all of his underpants out.
24:29It's going to be very important for Dylan
24:31during the day that we get rid of the diapers.
24:34Because it's been confusing for him in the past.
24:37He's going to make a choice to go to the toilet
24:40or to end up peeing in his pants.
24:43And when he does, it's not about scolding him.
24:45It's about looking at him and saying,
24:47that was really silly, wasn't it?
24:49You know where you go.
24:50You don't get your diaper until the evening.
24:53I'm a little worried to go all in.
24:55And that's it for potty training.
24:57Because I know Dylan's going to be dragging on my leg.
25:00And please give me a diaper.
25:02Gnocchi, gnocchi, gnocchi.
25:04Listen, it's just some underwear.
25:08He won't ever let me put them on.
25:11Take the diaper away.
25:14Diaper, mom.
25:16We're not doing diapers, Dylan.
25:17We're done with the diapers.
25:18We're all done with the diapers.
25:20No, I want a diaper.
25:24If you want to choose some underpants, they're right here.
25:27You can put them on.
25:29Do you want to go sit on the toilet?
25:31No, do you want to?
25:32These are the choices.
25:33Let's go try it.
25:34No try either.
25:35If you want to go for a poo, you can sit on the potty, Dylan.
25:38Or you can sit on the toilet.
25:39We're not trying to do it.
25:41This is what we do.
25:42Would you like to go poo in the potty or the toilet?
25:46Let's go.
25:47All right, mommy, take it then.
25:48Mommy, take it.
25:49Put it in the bathroom.
26:00Do I just let him go or?
26:03This is just all attention.
26:11I will put your pants on.
26:13If you, but we need to put your underwear on.
26:33This is what winds you up when he's in your face.
26:35Oh, absolutely.
26:36So just tell him, look, I've already told you.
26:39If you want your pants, you go bring some underwear
26:41and I will put them on you.
26:43I'm not going to do this right now.
26:46Stand up for a minute.
26:47I was going to show you.
26:50We've already spoke about this.
26:51If you want to go outside, go get some underwear.
26:54You can put your pants on, and then we can go out to play.
26:57Stop this faffing around.
26:59Go and play somewhere else.
27:01Go away, please.
27:02No play.
27:03Go away, please.
27:04No shouting.
27:05If you want to talk to mommy, no shouting.
27:08He's worthy, isn't he, this little one?
27:15Would you like to get your underwear and your pants on?
27:18Good boy.
27:21Did you pick out a pair of underwear?
27:24OK, well, then we're not putting the pants on.
27:27OK, which ones do you like?
27:29Dylan realized that we were saying the same thing over
27:32and over again, and no one was budging.
27:34Would you like to put them on now?
27:35I'm going to go eat dinner.
27:38Look at that.
27:40These are fabulous underwear.
27:44Now let's go get your pants.
27:46When Dylan finally put underwear on,
27:48I wanted to, like, hooray, out the window.
27:51It's a major accomplishment.
27:53So I was completely shocked.
27:55I really honestly did not think he would put underwear on.
27:58Let's go sit down as a family at the table.
28:00So far, we've got him in underwear.
28:02I believe that if we can literally get him from underwear
28:05to sitting on the toilet, actually taking a pee,
28:08then we are really making progress.
28:15Dylan, come here for a minute.
28:17I'm not going to make you sit on the toilet.
28:20I'm not going to make you sit on it.
28:21To get Dylan another step closer to using the toilet,
28:23I took him into the bathroom to explain this is where we go.
28:27Mommy and Daddy sit on this potty,
28:29and their bottoms go here.
28:31But if Daddy tried to sit on this one,
28:33it's too small.
28:34But it will fit your bottom.
28:36If you want to, you can go on this one,
28:38or you can go on this one.
28:39But you must go on the potty, not in your pants,
28:42because you're a big boy now.
28:44And big boys go in the potty.
28:48Now that we've established where you go for a pee,
28:51we just had to hang out and wait until Dylan needed to go,
28:54so that Dad would have a chance to perform that step.
28:58Dylan started to grab it himself.
29:00So I took Dylan to the potty and put him in there.
29:03So I took Dylan to the potty and put him down,
29:05and he started having a little bit of a fit.
29:11Let it go.
29:13Let it go.
29:15Dylan was fighting it too for now.
29:17He didn't just want to let go and go for a pee.
29:20And so I had Dad refocus him so that he could relax.
29:25Why don't you just go?
29:27What I think I'd like you to do as well
29:29is just sit him on that big potty like that,
29:31and then talk to him about something else.
29:33If he starts to scream, just very casually say,
29:35no screaming, listen to Daddy,
29:37because Daddy wants to tell you a story.
29:39It's really about being low-key.
29:41We shouldn't be making a big fuss about this.
29:43It's about him just being in a place
29:45where he feels comfortable enough to sit on the toilet
29:48and do what every other one of his family members does.
29:51You want to hear my story?
29:53So the big boat had a big elephant in it,
29:56and they sailed all the way across the ocean.
29:59And then they came into port,
30:01and there was all the little houses on the hills,
30:04and you could see people running and playing.
30:06And a little boy just like you,
30:08and a little girl like your sister,
30:10came up to the dock because their daddy
30:12bought them a big elephant.
30:14I could see that that was actually
30:16having a really good response with Dylan.
30:18He started to quieten down.
30:20And they walked it up the hill,
30:22and every time the elephant stepped like this,
30:24the bell went boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
30:28And it looked with its happy face and was like...
30:30Within a few seconds, he was totally distracted
30:33from holding back, and the next thing we know,
30:36he's peeing in the potty.
30:38Did you pee? Let's check it out.
30:40Actually, you did pee.
30:43To see it work, it felt really good, I think, for both of us.
30:46Do you feel a little better?
30:48Does your tummy feel better?
30:50Kevin did an absolutely excellent job.
30:53It was a real big breakthrough.
30:58I'm leaving you for several days
31:00to continue with what we've started.
31:03The dinner thing, it's gonna be a little hard.
31:06To not be able to say, you know what,
31:08just make some nuggets for them and let them eat them,
31:10because no one's here to say no.
31:12Continue with the potty, sitting down.
31:14I'm afraid that I'm gonna slip on something.
31:17I think the potty training's gonna be really tough.
31:20Aw, lots of love for JoJo, lots of love for you.
31:23We're the ones doing it now.
31:25Emma, can I give you a kiss? Because I'm going now.
31:27Okay, good night, darling.
31:29This is our chance to show we're serious.
31:31I don't think we need to fail.
31:33I really hope that Mom and Dad step up with this program,
31:36because if they don't, they've got real trouble on their hands.
31:43Coming up on Supernanny...
31:45If you kick me again, you get a time-out.
31:48With Jo gone, Dylan takes a turn for the worse.
31:51And later, Dylan freaks out at potty time.
31:55Let's go potty first, and then we'll come back and do Legos.
31:57Come on.
31:59When Supernanny returns.
32:03And now, Ask Supernanny.
32:06What's one good way to get your child eating vegetables?
32:09A, hide them in other food.
32:11B, make them eat all of their vegetables on their plate,
32:14or else no dessert.
32:16C, be mindful as a parent that trying and eating new veggies
32:19in front of them sets a really good example.
32:22The answer is C.
32:24Even if they only try a few bites the first time,
32:27children learn by example.
32:29Monkey C, what's one good way to get your child eating vegetables?
32:32A, hide them in other food.
32:34B, make them eat all of their vegetables on their plate,
32:37or else no dessert.
32:39C, be mindful as a parent that trying and eating new veggies
32:42in front of them sets a really good example.
32:45The answer is C.
32:47Even if they only try a few bites the first time,
32:51monkey C, monkey do.
32:53So remember, everyone needs their fruits and veg.
32:56Why don't you try a new one today?
33:05No, not really.
33:07I'm really worried about when Jo sees the DVD.
33:10There's always things she sees
33:12that we don't always notice ourselves.
33:14Are we ready to take a look?
33:18Let's take a look at your time-out, Jessica,
33:21so we can pick up any pointers here.
33:26Look at me.
33:28If you kick me again, you get a time-out.
33:30Look at me, okay?
33:34You need to go sit in a time-out.
33:36Let's go.
33:38You touch me with that, you're in a time-out too.
33:41Okay, well, I don't think that was funny,
33:44so we got two time-outs.
33:46You look at each other for six minutes.
33:48You're taking too long with me.
33:50Hey, you look at each other,
33:52you get three and six more minutes.
33:54How could they not look at each other?
33:56How could they not look at each other?
33:58It's like telling me not to look at you both now,
34:01you're right there, how can I not look at you?
34:04It was one of those needs-to-see something,
34:06cos I was frustrated.
34:08It's not about using your authority
34:10to control the child, you know?
34:12It's not to get them to do everything
34:17Your time-out is over.
34:19Do you know why you were in a time-out?
34:21Because you kicked me.
34:23And I told you not to kick me.
34:25Okay, well, that wasn't nice,
34:27so what do you say?
34:31Do you know why you were in your time-out?
34:37And what do you say?
34:41Love you.
34:43Both the kids knew, I mean, you followed it through,
34:45but time-outs are for serious things.
34:49So that these kids realise that there's a boundary in place
34:51and we're teaching them right and wrong.
34:53So if now he's doing things that are just
34:55what every other kid would do,
34:57and he's getting a time-out for it,
34:59how does it make the things that he's really doing wrong
35:01that are of value significant?
35:05So let's take a look at dinner.
35:07I'm gonna stick a tomato on there.
35:09Okay, see how pretty those are?
35:11I want a corn cob!
35:13Let's eat our kebabs first, okay?
35:15You have a bite of this,
35:17and then you will get your corn.
35:19Is that good?
35:21Mmm, that's really good.
35:23Pineapple, zucchini,
35:29You did really good.
35:31You made it fun.
35:33He's eating foods that contain iron.
35:35He's eating more variety of foods.
35:37The correct proportion when he is eating
35:39He's not nibbling, he's actually eating.
35:41But I need to see more praise
35:43that's detailed.
35:45I am really pleased with the fact that
35:47you ate some chicken, you ate some spare ribs,
35:49you ate some corn.
35:51So be more detailed in your praise.
35:53So let's take a look at Dylan's pee,
35:55as such.
35:57Don't put your hands on your wiener.
35:59Just let it go.
36:03There you go.
36:05Your pee's coming.
36:09Okay, doesn't that feel good?
36:11Doesn't that feel good?
36:13That's a lot of pee.
36:15Do you feel better?
36:17Well, I bet you feel better.
36:19Good. Are you done?
36:21Look at it.
36:23It's fabulous.
36:25It's just pee coming out of your wiener.
36:27That's four times today.
36:29You're a big boy now.
36:31Love it. Love it.
36:33What was lovely to see here was your whole attitude.
36:35You know, you weren't getting angry.
36:38Now that he has successfully gone,
36:40we need to start shortening now
36:42the steps of how he goes.
36:44Because otherwise we're going to start
36:46to be sitting in that bathroom for ten minutes
36:48giving him a whole showdown of a big story.
36:52We're going to have to start putting a plan in place
36:54that allows us just to take us to the next level
36:56when it comes to the pee in the potty.
36:58So there's more stuff for us to do
37:00in a very positive way in just being able to build
37:02and move on with the praise and certainly
37:04planning a little bit more now on the potty.
37:06With that, I'm going to say let's get cracking on
37:08and do some more.
37:10Alright. Thank you.
37:12Coming up on Supernanny.
37:14Dylan has a panic attack on the potty.
37:16Here we go.
37:18Will he ever go again?
37:20Let's go potty first and then we'll come back and do Legos.
37:24When Supernanny returns.
37:36Before I leave,
37:38I want to teach Mum and Dad
37:40how to get Dylan to go to the bathroom
37:42but minimise the amount of time
37:44that they actually spend with him
37:46when he's going.
37:48Kevin, move it on from that
37:50let's tell a whole big story
37:52whilst you're sitting on the toilet.
37:54Sure, we're at fun time almost.
37:58But you see how it was an important shift
38:00for you to do when he was crying in the beginning
38:02and now we can just move on from that.
38:04Let's go potty first
38:06and then we'll come back and do Legos.
38:10Come on.
38:12And settle down
38:14because we do this all the time now.
38:16Come on.
38:18I sat Dylan down
38:20and to be completely honest
38:22I was a little worried about it.
38:24Not a big deal.
38:26Let's just hang out and go potty, OK?
38:28For a minute we get him off the subject of potty.
38:30What's your favourite truck?
38:34And while I was going off the subject he peed.
38:38Pee bubbles.
38:40Are you all done? You want to wipe?
38:42It's amazing to think a week ago
38:44Dylan wouldn't come out of the diaper
38:46without throwing a huge fit
38:48and now he's sitting on the potty and he's going pee.
38:50Right on.
38:52Let's go play Legos.
38:54Dylan needed less attention from Dad this time around
38:56and it just goes to show you
38:58that he's getting used to going into the bathroom
39:01and just releasing
39:03and taking a good old pee.
39:08I noticed on the DVD
39:10that Mum and Dad don't really give the kids
39:12a lot of praise for things that they do
39:14and so I wanted to give this family
39:16a little something special
39:18that would initiate this process.
39:20That's the magic phoenix.
39:22It does nothing but deliver praise.
39:24This phoenix has feathers
39:26and some of these feathers
39:28you can pull and actually write on.
39:31So I asked Mum and Dad to write something
39:33that would praise each child on the feather
39:35and then tell a magical story
39:37about how Mr. Phoenix
39:39came to their home.
39:43There is a bird called a phoenix
39:45and it comes to children
39:47who have done good deeds.
39:49There's feathers and you can take the feather
39:51and it has something written on the feather
39:53that's going to be very special.
39:55Dylan, do you think there's a bird in the backyard?
39:57Should we go look?
39:59See if there's a big, bright, colorful bird.
40:01Do you think he'll be here?
40:03Look everywhere, all around.
40:05You've got to look everywhere.
40:07Hey, what's that?
40:09What's that?
40:11Is that the bird?
40:15Emma absolutely loved it.
40:17She was so thrilled to see it.
40:19Does it have any special feathers?
40:21What's it say?
40:23Very good job
40:25on remembering
40:34Have you been using your manners?
40:38Well, that must be for you.
40:40It was magical to watch my daughter's face
40:42and to feel the emotion
40:44she had over this thing.
40:46There's a feather for you, I think, Dylan.
40:48I think maybe it's for Dylan.
40:50Great job on going potty!
40:54Good job!
40:57Now that the kids have been acknowledged
40:59for potty training and for using their manners,
41:01it's just going to give them good incentive
41:03to carry on doing so.
41:05To watch their eyes light up, it's amazing
41:07because they're like, wow, what did I do right?
41:09And then they want to keep doing that
41:11because this is fun.
41:13I'm getting not only encouragement from my parents
41:15but I'm having these special things
41:17and it's wonderful for them.
41:19Tomorrow, after school, I'm going to come out
41:21and get my feather and read it.
41:23Sounds like a plan to me.
41:26I really love it.
41:28My work's done.
41:30It's time for me to leave now.
41:32I really hope that this family
41:34have taken everything that I've been able to give them
41:36so they can become more confident parents.
41:38Look out for the phoenix, okay?
41:40Bye-bye, Dodo.
41:42Dylan, give me a high-five.
41:44Okay, bye-bye, Dylan.
41:46The future is looking pretty good
41:48for the Van Ackers.
41:50Keep in touch, okay?
41:52I feel confident and comfortable
41:54with the tools she's given me
41:56so I'm ready to start our family over
41:58in a positive way.
42:00Hey, good work, yeah?
42:04I really feel confident in myself and my wife
42:06to be good parents and lead our kids
42:08in the right direction
42:10because this is what having a family's about.
42:12Bye-bye, Jill.
42:14If you can work with a family
42:16that feel that there's no hope
42:18and at the end of it realize
42:20that actually there's every hope
42:23they're going to be a lot more content
42:25and actually tomorrow's going to be a better day for them.
